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Long live happiness no matter how old you are! These wonderful childhood games are worth cherishing.

Mom and dad talk about childhood: childhood with games is simple and full of fun.

DIY games, memorable games, collected games …

With the arrival of Children’s Day on June 1st, let’s recall those wonderful childhood games. At that time, we didn’t have dazzling video games, but we created our own happy world. From cartoons to playing football, from hide-and-seek to counting stars, these simple and fun games accompany us to grow up. Perhaps, the way of playing games will always change, but no matter in which era, childhood is the happiest time of our life.

"The game is not a scourge, and children who play well in the game are also very smart."

● Xiaoqi

40 years old

Coordinates: Beijing

Brand public relations planning

Xiaoqi takes the children to play bumper cars.

For the generation of boys born in 1980s in China, they have completely witnessed video games from scratch, from rough to fine. In Xiaoqi’s words: "The charm of the virtual world is unparalleled, and every boy’s love for video games is innate."

"Playing video games as a plaything is a very stereotyped impression."

From FC red and white machine to Saturn, from PC to PS, Xiaoqi has experienced various generations of games and consoles. "In the 1990s, my parents basically regarded video games as a’ scourge’, but my parents were fine. After understanding the historical background of games and game consoles, they thought they could give it a try." Xiaoqi said.

Of course, Xiao Qi does not deny that one of the important reasons why his parents allow him to contact video games is that his homework has been very good. Xiao Qi said: "Basically, I can go to play for a while every weekend, and my parents have never specifically forbidden me to play this." Almost all of Xiaoqi’s pocket money is spent on this. In Xiaoqi’s view, it’s really a stereotype that playing video games is a plaything, because it is also a very exhausting thing to understand the game. He said, "To some extent, it can be said that children who play well in the game are also very smart."

Later, Xiao Qi came into contact with CS (Counter-Terrorism Elite), a competitive gunfight game. Xiaoqi devoted great enthusiasm to CS, and even joined a professional team in college, so she could take part in provincial competitions. Xiaoqi said: "When we were in college, we had a very rigorous and intensive training cycle, and the time and energy we spent far exceeded the imagination of normal people."

"Mom accepts me playing video games because I’m concentrating on one thing."

Xiaoqi revealed that when he was a sophomore, he took a fancy to a game equipment-a four-piece set of mouse, keyboard, mouse pad and earphone. "At that time, the market price was more than 1,300 yuan, which was equivalent to my living expenses for nearly three months," Xiao Qi said. He wanted this very much at that time, so he got up the courage to speak to his mother. "I told my mother,’ Can you take this as an investment and I will pay you back when I win the bonus?’ My mother gave me the money without saying anything."

In professional teams, participating in competitions can really win bonuses. Small competitions earn one or two hundred, medium-sized competitions earn one thousand eight hundred, and large competitions earn two or three thousand. Later, Xiaoqi really won the competition prize with this equipment, but when she went to ask her mother to pay back the money, her mother refused and said, "Just pay for your hobby."

Why mom can accept playing video games. Xiaoqi said: "When she really found out that I was concentrating on one thing, she could understand and let go."

Set goals in the game, and don’t give up when you encounter difficulties.

Today, Xiaoqi is also the father of two children, and his son Kyubi no Youko is 8 years old. Xiaoqi will take her children to play games, such as My World and Two in a Row. Although playing games, Xiaoqi will warn children that games are not used to escape from reality, but to set goals in the game and not to give up when encountering difficulties.

Xiaoqi takes the children through the game.

Because we can only play for one or two hours a week, it took Xiaoqi and her son half a year to get through the "Double Walk". "When we first went through customs clearance, Kyubi no Youko almost cried, both moved by herself and infected by the family atmosphere expressed by the game."

Last year, Kyubi no Youko hoped to get a PlayStation 5 game machine. He took out all his pocket money and begged his parents to help him. "I bought him a PS5, but I want to take him to play games at home when he is a little older and can realize how to play at home." Xiaoqi said.

Although the pressure of study is constantly squeezing the children’s entertainment space, Xiaoqi still hopes that the children can really find a hobby that he will accompany for life. "Games or skateboarding are fine," Xiaoqi said. "When he grows up and encounters setbacks, he can have a way to relieve the pressure, and we are more at ease."

On June 1st, Xiaoqi’s idea is to make children’s Children’s Day happy. He said, "It’s ok to climb mountains, go to a stage play or visit a laboratory. The essence of Children’s Day should be happy, and my idea is to make Children’s Day more ceremonial."

★ The child said

"Dad’s game is too powerful and cool, and I want to have such a childhood!" -Son Kyubi no Youko

"In the past, games were DIY, but now you can buy all kinds of toys online."

● Brother Xin

46 years old

Coordinates: Guangzhou

Game research and development

Brother Xin lived on the hill in the countryside of Foshan in his childhood. He said, "The hill is big enough to run around, and that is my childhood playground."

There are not many toys, and most of them are "developed" by themselves.

Brother Xin has been playing on this hill for as long as I can remember. However, due to family conditions, Brother Xin doesn’t have many toys, and most of them are "developed" by himself. "We will play with a hoop-find an elder to weld a hoop, and then a group of children will chase the hoop all over the mountain; Or take a wooden cart, with wheels on the bottom and a handle on it, and hold the’ steering wheel’ to drive down from the mountain. Now think about it, this is probably a relatively primitive scooter. " Brother Xin said.

When I was a child, Brother Xin would also make "bamboo barrel guns" with his brothers and sisters. "Find a bamboo as thick as a finger, then roll it into balls with soaked paper towels to block both ends, then make the plant fruit into a bullet and put it on one end, and poke it with a stick at the other end, and the bullet flies out." Brother Xin said that in fact, the "bamboo barrel gun" uses the principle of air pressure, which is very meaningful for physical experiments. It is just that when I was a child, I only knew how to play, but I didn’t think so much.

Bamboo barrel gun

Because there are relatives in the family who make ceramics, Brother Xin was also exposed to clay when he was a child. "When I was a child, I also used clay to pinch all kinds of little people, animals and things." By playing with clay, Brother Xin learned to use all kinds of simple tools, and this skill still comes in handy today. "My daughter has a class called’ Creative Art’, which is also about kneading various shapes, but now she doesn’t need such primitive things as clay. Now they all use colored clay, but I can still take her to play with my experience in kneading clay." Brother Xin said.

Nowadays, children rely too much on props to play games, so it is better to use their own hands and brains.

Regarding the difference in childhood between the two generations, Brother Xin’s biggest feeling is that the living resources are getting richer and richer, which leads to the children’s dependence on props for playing games. "When I was a child, I used to play DIY games, such as paper crowns, paper weapons and paper airplanes. When I played games, I used my hands and brains to stimulate my creativity," said Brother Xin. "Now, they can buy all kinds of toys online, such as playing a fairy, and they can first’ Taobao’ fairy wand and fairy clothes."

Brother Xin’s childhood was not without toys, but it was really not much. Brother Xin revealed that he had a "table basketball machine" when he was a child. He and his brother could play against each other through buttons and shoot the ball into the opposite hoop. Brother Xin said, "I played with this toy for a long time, and then I gave it to my mother’s friend’s child, but I regretted it after sending it out …" In order to make up for the regret of sending out the "table basketball machine", Brother Xin found a genuine "table basketball machine" through a friend who made a "medieval toy" many years later, which probably cost 800 yuan. "This table basketball machine is a collection, and I am not willing to take it out to play." Brother Xin said.

Teach your daughter what you have played, what you can play and what you are good at.

Brother Xin often buys toys for children, but refuses to buy toys of "sound and light" type. "Let children play with toys, or play with those that need more hands and brains, so as to stimulate their creativity."

Brother Xin took his daughter to play "table basketball machine".

Brother Xin always thinks that he is a big child and likes playing very much, so communication with his daughter has always been good. "When I was a child, I celebrated Children’s Day, and the school gave each student a popsicle. We can eat popsicles and go home from school, so my memory of Children’s Day stays on popsicles. Now, I spend Children’s Day with my children. My idea is to accompany her to have all kinds of crazy fun and teach her what I have played, what I can play and what I am good at. I don’t think about anything this day." Brother Xin said.

★ The child said

"Many students know my father. It turns out that my father has always been a big child. I am so proud to have such a father." -the daughter knows.

"Cartoon is a kind of art that is entertaining and entertaining, and I still remember every cartoon I watched as a child."

● Dengke

39 years old

Coordinates: Guangzhou

Cadres of state-owned enterprises

Although he is nearly old, when it comes to childhood, Denko always says that he has not fully grown up. Even though he is almost 40 years old, he still remembers every cartoon he watched as a child. Speaking of the characters, plots and soundtracks in cartoons, Denko is very happy: "When I drive now, I will also broadcast the theme songs of my favorite cartoons. Every time I listen, it seems that I have turned into an animated hero, and then I feel handsome! "

The favorite animation type is "computer warfare class"

Denko thinks he is a "mech-control", so his favorite animation type is "computer warfare". Denko told the New Express reporter, "I was only six or seven years old when I watched the cartoon robotech, but I was really shocked by the grand world outlook described in this cartoon. I will never forget it by telling the conflict between alien civilization and earth civilization, showing affection, friendship, love and the spirit of self-sacrifice."

Denko said that he was talking about cartoons with his classmates at school. "There is a three-stage deformation fighter in the cartoon. After the deformation, the state is simply cool."

At the age of seven, Denko got a toy of a three-stage deformation fighter. Because there were few toys in childhood, Denko said that this "three-stage deformation fighter" greatly enriched his childhood. He said: "I remember this toy 14 yuan Qian. Although it is a high imitation, I really regarded it as a treasure and played it for many years." Until now, this toy is still in the old home in western Guangdong, Dengke.

Besides robotech, Denko also likes Transformers, which is the same type of mecha. "I am easily attracted by the role of’ prodigal son turning back and turning over a new leaf’, and I am very moved whenever I see a villain turning his back on the dark!" Denko said.

Cartoons are works of art that entertain and educate.

Denko believes that for children, animation is actually a kind of artistic work that is entertaining and entertaining. "The educational significance conveyed by cartoons to children is not necessarily thinner than that of books. The direct preaching in schools may not have the profound touch brought by cartoons." Denko said.

On Children’s Day when I was 8 years old, when my mother took me to the shopping mall to pick out toys, I chose Sixshot. In the early 1990s, Sixshot could be sold to 40 yuan. Denko said: "I know that it is a knockoff, and my hometown is a small city and I can’t buy the original copy, but I am already very satisfied."

"When I was a child, many cartoons were watched in the Hong Kong version, that is, Cantonese dialogue, and the translated names were somewhat different from Mandarin, but this is not the point. The point is that I think those cartoons have deeply influenced my life." Denko said. To this day, Denko still thinks that the cartoons he watched as a child are classics, which are much better than those his son watches now. Denko searched for resources everywhere on the Internet, downloaded all these childhood cartoons to the hard disk, and occasionally looked through the classic plots.

"My child just went to school last year. I thought I would try to show these cartoons to him when he was older." However, Deng Ke also has doubts. For one thing, he is worried that his wife won’t agree, and for another, he is afraid that his children won’t like it. "The tastes of children are changing in different times, and if only he has seen these old cartoons, he may lose the topic with his classmates at school."

The preference for the mecha was "inherited" to the son.

Perhaps the hobby of mecha is engraved in the gene, and Xiaoyu, the son of Deng Ke, also likes these and loves them more truly. Denko revealed that Xiaoyu liked tanks since he was a child. At home, he "studied" what tanks were like in World War I, what tanks were like in World War II, and how tanks are now. Denko said that Xiaoyu’s painting at home on weekdays is also a "design" of various tanks, but the painting style is more abstract. He said: "On Children’s Day this year, my wife bought a tank painting book and a picture book for her children. Give him a real case as a reference. His painting style can be realistic."

Dengke takes children to play with toys.

"Children often ask me if I can be a tank soldier in a military school in the future, and I will tell him that it is very good, but before that, you must lay a good foundation, learn the culture well, and practice your body well before you can defend your country and protect peace." Denko believes that when children show some interests, they should take advantage of the situation. As long as they have a clear goal direction, the children themselves will work hard in this direction.

★ The child said

"Dad had so many cartoons to watch when he was a child, so happy!" -Son Xiaoyu

"Children like Altman, and the classic thing is not afraid of years."

● Yujie

30 years old

Coordinates: Guangzhou

media worker

Yu Jie has lived in Guangzhou for more than 10 years since she went to college. Now, my son, Broad Bean, is approaching school age.

Yujie takes the children to play outdoors.

Yu Jie’s hobby is the same as that of most children in that era. On the occasion of generate in the video game industry, Yu Jie completed the game enlightenment through a CD sent by her grandfather. "I have continued this hobby until now." Yu Jie said.

Yu Jie told the reporter of the New Express that most of the CDs were pirated at that time, so when she made money later, she bought the original ones of the game CDs she played as a child for collection. Yu Jie said: "I have economic conditions, so I just want to make up all the missed tickets. I am a principled gamer."

"The Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man" by Daewoo Information is a representative of local RPG in 1990s, and Yu Jie is an iron fan of this work, which is also watched in games and adapted TV series. After becoming a mother, Yu Jie also introduced the Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man to the children. Yu Jie said: "Looking at" Fairy Sword I "from the present perspective, I really feel that the picture quality is rough, but this does not hinder the child’s liking. His love for" Fairy Sword I "now is no less than that of me."

"Seeing that we all like Fairy Sword I so much, my husband bought us a set of building blocks of Fairy Sword I, and then my mother and I had a good time at home," Yu Jie said. "At that moment, I really felt the happiness of mother and son sharing the same frequency, and two generations could really enjoy one thing."

"What children like best is Altman." Yu Jie said that broad bean is a boy after all, and a classic image like Altman has no fear of time. It is hard for every generation of boys not to like Altman. Yu Jie said: "I will buy some genuine ones for him and take him to see the Altman stage play. Generally speaking, my husband and I are the kind of parents who are more supportive and respect their children’s hobbies."

The ultraman family.

Will you envy your child’s life now? Yu Jie said that there will still be a little bit, but each era has different chic and romance. "Maybe he envied me for visiting all day and running around when I was a child."

Yu Jie celebrates her birthday with her son.

How will children’s day be spent this year? Yu Jie said, I am ashamed that I have to work hard every Children’s Day and can’t stay with my children all the time. After all, Children’s Day should be a happy day, and children should grow up happily every day. Yu Jie said: "Parents should teach their children the skills of relaxation, so that they can balance the time of study and entertainment."

★ The child said

"I like Fairy Sword and Altman, but who is better, Li Xiaoyao or Dijia?" -Son Sensen

Written by: New Express reporter Wang Di

Photo: Provided by the interviewee

Domestic beauty cosmetics go out of the "honeymoon period"

One glory may not be all glory, but one loss will certainly be all loss. Hua Xizi, who once deeply bound Li Jiaqi, probably didn’t expect this day, or that this day would come so early. On September 13th, Li Jiaqi’s public opinion events were still fermenting, and Hua Xizi was more like a victim, who was hung on the hot search list for three days. Investigate its reason, more is the fruit of Li Jiaqi’s deep binding of Hua Xizi in the past. As the head anchors roll over one by one, the traffic brought by deep bundling has become a double-edged sword, and many domestic beauty products have to face the problem of how to maintain sales and open the market after leaving the big anchor.

Bundled exchange flow

The relationship between Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi dates back to 2019. Hua Xizi, who has just been established for two years this year, is still groping, and the arrival of the live broadcast outlet has made Hua Xizi see hope.

The founder of Hua Xizi once said that in early 2018, Hua Xizi made great determination on the live broadcast after doing a lot of research and analysis. In the early days, Hua Xizi took some detours when exploring the live broadcast, and only regarded the live broadcast as a channel to bring goods, which did not achieve the expected results. At that moment, Li Jiaqi appeared. In 2018, US ONE Company reorganized its business and promoted the live delivery business to operate around the IP of "Li Jiaqi". In the second half of 2018, Li Jiaqi’s popularity soared because he completed the Guinness World Record challenge of "the largest number of people wearing lipstick in 30 seconds" and promoted to sell lipstick with Jack Ma on the same stage at the double 11.

Li Jiaqi, who burst into red, hit it off with Huaxizi, who wanted to be red. In March, 2019, Huaxizi air honey powder entered the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi. According to the research report of Guoyuan Securities, this new product became the first in the sales volume of "double 11" stores that year after it was first launched in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, and sold over 20,000 pieces. This result also strengthened Hua Xizi’s idea of holding a heavy position in Li Jiaqi.

Rumor has it that Hua Xizi’s rebate to Li Jiaqi is as high as 60%-80%, even more than 100%. Regarding the commission, Hua Xizi denied it, and said that "the cooperation rate between Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi belongs to the industry average".

There is no way to verify the exact number, but judging from the number of times Hua Xizi appeared in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, the relationship between the two is very deep. According to the statistics of Guoyuan Securities, in 2020, Hua Xizi entered the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi for 71 times. At the same time, Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi started a brand co-creation plan. It is understood that Li Jiaqi has participated in the co-creation of Huaxizi’s "Miao Impression" and "Dai Impression" series products.

The flow brought by Li Jiaqi to Huaxi is visible to the naked eye. In 2019, the sales of Huaxizi was 1 billion yuan; It exceeded 3 billion yuan in 2020. The Western Securities Research Report pointed out that in 2021, Huaxizi achieved sales of 5.4 billion yuan, which was more than 100 times higher than the sales of about 40 million yuan in 2018. According to the Shanghai Securities Research Report, the share of Huaxi City increased from 0.3% to 6.8% in 2017-2021.

Fei Man, co-founder of Hua Xizi, also admitted in an interview that the sales growth of Hua Xizi is inseparable from the cooperation with Li Jiaqi. There was a certain sales base before, but it was not as high as the follow-up.

The development of Hua Xizi was once called phenomenal, and it can also be said that the development model of Hua Xizi’s exchange of traffic for sales was a microcosm of the development of domestic beauty at that time. You can see the shadow of many domestic beauty brands from Hua Xizi. For example, Shuiyang Co., Ltd. once relied on the cooperation with Li Jiaqi, Viya and other head anchors, and its performance achieved substantial growth.

According to public data, in 2019, Shuiyang Co., Ltd. cooperated with Li Jiaqi Live 47 times, with a total viewing volume of over 40 million; In 2019, it cooperated with Viya Live for more than 30 times; In 2019, we cooperated with more than 1,500 online celebrity anchors such as kiki of Jie Chen and Lieer Baby, and the total number of live broadcasts exceeded 8,000. Shuiyang Co., Ltd. said that from January to September in 2018 and 2019, the sales amount of products involved in online celebrity anchor cooperation accounted for 0.99% and 4.02% of the company’s operating income, respectively, with a large increase.

According to statistics, Li Jiaqi returned 109 days after leaving the live broadcast room, and the number of viewers of the first live broadcast reached 6,247. During the "double 11" in 2021, Li Jiaqi’s sales amounted to 21.8 billion yuan. This is the traffic that Li Jiaqi, as the super-head anchor, carries. Even though it is rumoured that the percentage of beauty cosmetics with goods in the live broadcast is basically 30%-40%, there are still many beauty brands scrambling to enter the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, which is the function of traffic.

Jiang Han, a senior researcher at Pangu think tank, believes that the gradual increase of the right to speak of the head anchor brings benefits to the brand, but also carries certain challenges and risks. The brand should realize the importance and value of the head anchor, at the same time, strengthen its own brand construction and development, and reduce its dependence on the head anchor.

Urgent need for transformation

In the past, many cutting-edge brands started online, gained consumer recognition through private domain and planting grass, and then endorsed by big anchors to expand their product sales. However, with Viya’s tax evasion overturned, Sydney was also fined for tax issues, and now Li Jiaqi is facing the crisis of public opinion, domestic beauty cosmetics may have to consider the development after leaving the big anchor.

The brand side is also aware of this and consciously unties the big anchor. Take Hua Xizi as an example. In June, 2020, Hua Xizi went out of Taobao, set up brand matrix accounts in Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker platforms respectively, and conducted self-broadcasting in stores every day, and the monthly self-broadcasting number quickly exceeded 50. According to public data, in 2020, the GMV of Hua Xizi’s live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi accounted for 15.55% of all sales; In the first quarter of 2022, Hua Xizi’s chief product, Guan Shanglu, publicly stated that this figure dropped to only 5%.

At the same time, Hua Xizi started an article in research and development and offline. In March 2022, Hua Xizi announced that Li Huiliang was the chief scientist, and publicized it to the outside world. In the next five years, Hua Xizi will invest more than 1 billion yuan to spread out the layout in many fields of product innovation, basic research and applied basic research, and create a comprehensive and technologically advanced Oriental beauty makeup research and development system.

Not only Hua Xizi, but also many domestic beauty products are trying to transform and get out of the dilemma of exchanging traffic for sales. It is understood that Polaiya is building the sustainable development ability of enterprises through strategic strength, brand strength and product strength, and realizing "long-term doctrine", including R&D investment. In 2022, the R&D expenses of Polaiya increased by 67.15%. Similarly, in order to cope with the current new situation and increase investment in product development and innovation, in 2022, Betaine’s R&D expenses increased by 124.96%, and the R&D rate reached 5.08%.

Yixian e-commerce, the parent company of Perfect Diary, has also continuously increased its investment in research and development in the past few years. It is understood that in 2022, Yixian e-commerce invested 130 million yuan in R&D throughout the year, reaching 3.4% of revenue, and its expense rate ranked first among domestic beauty groups.

Betani also said that in the future, enterprises will pay more attention to product quality, technological innovation and brand building, which is very important for improving product competitiveness and brand influence. It is not only the response of enterprises to market and consumer demand, but also the adaptation to increasingly fierce competition in the industry.

Wu Daiqi, CEO of Shenzhen Siqisheng Company, believes that online celebrity brands such as Hua Xizi really benefited from Li Jiaqi’s appeal to fans and superior ability to bring goods before. However, there is still a long way to go before online celebrity brand can be transformed into a well-known brand and become an evergreen brand, mainly because it is very difficult to build offline channels, and the complexity of channels will also bring about an increase in various operation and management costs. Therefore, the early development of Hua Xizi certainly has its advantages and characteristics, but it still needs a set of measures.

Beijing business today reporter Guo Xiujuan Zhang Junhua

What does steam promote during the summer vacation? These five time killer games are cost-effective.

This content comes from @ What is worth buying APP, and the opinions only represent the author himself | Author: Lone Star Tears

Steam’s summer promotion is coming to an end soon, so I quickly wrote an issue. The games selected in this issue are well-received games that can easily break through 2000 hours casually. The time killer is merciless and can’t stop playing. See if there are any of them in your game library?

"This game is likely to be the best hunting game ever."

The immersive hunting experience, the wonderful re-enactment of the vast world, the hunting scenes from snow-capped mountains to plains to savannahs to virgin forests, the locations from Rocky Mountains to African savannahs to national parks all over the world, the birds and animals all over the mountains, the lions and buffaloes, the antelopes and bears, the pheasants and birds, and the call of the wilderness have really re-enacted the world into the game. These beautiful scenery alone are enough for players to linger. What if I give you another gun?

Yes, this is a hunting game. There are a large number of rifles, pistols and shotguns for you to choose from. The bullets are also divided into many categories, such as real shooting experience, smoke from the muzzle after shooting, the click of bullets and the excitement of perfect hunting. These things together constitute this wonderful hunting game experience.

Ontology is enough for you to experience all the game content. A long list of DLC is nothing more than unlocking more maps and equipment. It is also a pain point for beginners to get started. It takes at least 2-3 hours to get started in the early stage. Once you get started, you can’t stop. Finally, quote a player’s comment to end, "A pack of cigarettes and a glass of wine make a moose chase for a day."

"The most fun ranch leisure game ever"

No one, shine on you is better than Blue. The Tale of Star Dew Valley originally started from imitating the Tale of Ranch, but after years of unremitting updating, it has far surpassed its predecessors and become the real god of Ranch leisure games. Now, no such games can surpass it, and it is also one of the masterpieces of time killers.

Farming and fishing, raising animals, getting rid of strange equipment, taking care of farms and decorating houses, and building good relations with villagers, in this small town, you have temporarily put aside all your troubles and lived a leisurely life of planting melons and fruits. If you are not in a hurry to promote the game, you can get up and water the farmland slowly, feed animals and go out to catch a fish, and be an unrestrained lazy person in the melodious and cheerful pasture music.

No matter when you come to the last file, you can play for a long time. The pixel painting style makes this game stand the test of time. It is right to take advantage of the discount to come to the last one.

"Meat pigeon card game deserves the first place"

A well-known game blogger once listed the ranking of meat pigeon card games. There are a lot of candidates at each level from D to A, but there is only one S-level, that is, the killing steeple. "All meat pigeon cards are poor imitations of it." So far, no card game has the potential to surpass it.

At the starting point of the tower, players choose one of the four occupations to break into the tower, pick up cards to form a deck, and find powerful relics for players to use. The whole game has more than 350 available cards, more than 200 items and props that can be found, and more than 50 mysterious events. Every time you break through the barrier, your choice is completely different, not to mention that the deck has a lot of highly playable combinations, which makes you at any time.

"There are many pigeon adventure games, but Hades is far ahead of his competitors."

High-degree-of-freedom dungeon game, which combines the Greek myths and stories to hide the wonderful and rich plots, not to mention the cool figures drawn by the major Olympians, a wide variety of evolvable weapon systems, refreshing combat experience and colorful environmental depiction. All these elements are combined to make Hades a "time killer" name!

No matter when you come to the last game, there is no burden. It will take you ten minutes to experience a refreshing game, and the new system and new story will be unlocked repeatedly through customs clearance. The latest news sequel is also under intense production, but believe me, you will never regret adding this one to the game library!

"A masterpiece of indie games in 2023 may have been born."

After 25,688 players’ evaluation, players who surpassed ninety-seven percent gave favorable comments, and the online peak value approached 100,000, ranking among the hottest games played by Steam, surpassing popular games such as Never Robbed, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, and so on. This is diver Dave, who has won the favor of players with his hardcore game quality, and the favorable rate has been rising. What kind of game is this?

Fishing in the beautiful sea during the day, making money by running a sushi restaurant at night, the official version has also opened up the game of fish farming, and many small games can be played in the game. Excellent task design is combined with excellent art, and the game play closely linked with each other firmly grasps the players’ hearts. There are not many independent games that are well done and have excellent reputation these years, so join the game library quickly!

The author declares that there is no interest in this article, and welcomes rational exchange and harmonious discussion among value friends ~

0-1, the Premier League is very cold! Liverpool lost to the bottom team, and Salah missed the penalty, which was tragic.

On the evening of March 11th, Beijing time, in the 27th round of Premier League, Liverpool challenged Bournemouth away. In the end, Liverpool lost 1-0 to the bottom team, resulting in a big upset. Salah also missed a penalty, which was tragic.

A month ago, the Liverpool team was in a relatively low state, ranking only 10th in the standings, behind brentford, Fulham and other teams, but now they have caught up! If you can beat Bournemouth in this campaign, you can enter the top four in the standings; Bournemouth is at the bottom of the standings, and Liverpool have no reason not to score 3 points.

In the 5th minute, Arnold kicked off the corner and Fan Dike headed the ball. In the 7th minute, Ouattara pushed the middle net with a single knife and a small angle. In the 12th minute, Fan Dike made a long pass, Robertson’s low shot was resolved, and then Gakpo hit the net, but the goal was invalid. In the 23rd minute, Bournemouth took the lead. After Ouattara succeeded in offside, he made a cross. Billing followed up and pushed the goal, leading 1-0. In the 41st minute, Fan Dike almost scored a goal with a header. A minute later, Solanke’s blast shot was over the beam. In the first half, Liverpool was temporarily behind 0-1.

In the second half, in the 46th minute, Fabinho kept up with the blast. In the 48th minute, jota’s angry shot was tackled. In the 64th minute, Billing’s volley was empty. In the 66th minute, Liverpool got a penalty, and Salah missed the penalty. Salah, who missed the penalty, also looked very depressed. In the 77th minute, Salah’s pass was cleared, and then his pick was confiscated by the goalkeeper.

In the 82nd minute, Cook’s shot flew away. After that, the score did not change, and Liverpool lost.

Pig: Degea once asked me if he was better than Neuer, and my answer made him sad.

According to the Daily Mirror, former Manchester United midfielder Schweinsteiger said in an interview: "When I first arrived at Manchester United, Degea asked me,’ Am I better than Neuer?’ I replied,’ No, you didn’t’. Degea was very sad at that time. "

"So every time I play a good game, he will ask me again, and I will still say that he has not reached that level."

China version of chatGPT is coming, what surprises will Baidu bring us?

ChatGPT-like chat intelligence AI launched by Baidu has better performance and applicability in Chinese context, and may gain more users and application opportunities in China market. This also reflects China’s continuous efforts and innovations in the fields of natural language processing and AI.

increase efficiency

Baidu version of ChatGPT can handle conversations faster and more accurately than before. This improvement in speed and accuracy can lead to more effective interaction between human and artificial intelligence.

The improvement of the efficiency of Baidu chatGPT can also bring more cost-effective solutions to enterprises that need to use chat bots for customer service or other tasks.

More natural interaction

Baidu version of ChatGPT can better understand the context of the conversation, which can lead to a more natural interaction between people and AI. This can make the interaction more pleasant and efficient.

The higher accuracy of Baidu version of chatGPT also means that it can better answer a wider range of questions, thus obtaining more accurate answers and better user experience.

Baidu version of ChatGPT can produce more human-like reactions to dialogue, which leads to a more natural interaction between human beings and artificial intelligence. This can make the conversation more fascinating and enjoyable.

The improvement of the accuracy of Baidu chatGPT also means that it can better understand the context of the conversation, thus bringing more accurate response and better user experience.

Smarter solutions

Baidu version of ChatGPT can generate smarter dialogue solutions, thus making the interaction between people and artificial intelligence more effective. This can make the dialogue more effective and efficient.

The improvement of the accuracy of Baidu chatGPT also means that it can better understand the context of the conversation, thus bringing more accurate solutions and better user experience.

Shanghai International Tourism Resort has also added new projects! Ji Le Tang Million Shudu Street opened

"The former family came to the resort and lived in the Disney Hotel. This time, I found a new spa street, and I tried this. Multi -sclerosis. Tang, who comes from Xishuangbanna, said" All Japanese style, very good Essence ""

On July 23, it was officially opened on the blooming soup million Qifeng Street, and Shanghai International Tourism Resort. As the country’s first "hot spring resort town", it is very suitable for resort to be a unique Japanese style and add unique Japanese style. This also means that most citizen tourists have leisure choices in resort.

Jiletang Million Shudu Street is located in a bookstore shopping village near 99 Shendi East Road. It is located in Shanghai Lavender Park with a total floor of about 18,000 square meters. This is a multi -functional complex integrated leisure, entertainment, catering, shopping.

It is reported that Jile Million Wo Wo Hot Spring Street is a 10-storey-floors. The Japanese hot spring brand "Company Nam Co., Ltd." 10th store in China, it is also its first store "Million Stone" Essence

Unlike the "Urban Hot Spring" models of other BLISS Tangmen stores, Extreme Le Tang Million Peak Street includes Japanese hot spring venues, Japanese cuisine, pure Japanese collapsed rice rooms, Japanese garden landscapes and courtyards, and so on. Bring new foam and holiday experience to consumers.

According to reports, Tang’s water in each soup hall in the temple Tang million SHUM Hot Spring Street is from the "Silver Decoction" natural hot spring water, in Shaxi, Taicang. "Fluoro" hot springs are rich in "iron acid". Happy soup will also be based on different seasons. Give public tourists more experience in bubble soup. Also, 4 private soup rooms were designed. Each decoration style is different. Outdoor scenery, suitable for family, friends gathering.

The person in charge of the headquarters street engineering operation, "One Tie 20" is a holiday method for traditional Japanese hot spring tourism. Refers to one night, enjoy two meals. Therefore, unlike other happy soup projects, this is a "hot spring resort town", which is a "hot spring holiday town". There are a variety of rooms, more than 20 rooms, for tourists to stay here and enjoy the Japanese SPA resort.

Also, "Three Tea Butterfly House" in Kim Experience Store, "Hyja Island" in Japanese restaurants, Japanese brand pharmaceutical cosmetics shop "Loyal Qiliac Tang" and other companies have opened the door. Three tea butterfly huts, tourists can experience various clothes and experience Japanese traditional culture.

Beijing tourist Zhang Yang took away the happy soup million Shi Hot Spring Street. In the first time, my name was "Three Tea Butterfly House". "I wore Disney Paradise to watch the fireworks last night. It was very interesting. I haven’t experienced clothes before going to Japan. This time, I also gave my regret at that time." The leaders of the three tea butterflies told reporters that the Japanese tea ceremony will be launched next year, one Fragrant experience, and so on. Continuous consumer experience.

Fortunately, in Unicolands, they gathered in many cosmetics, special foods, and so on. Bring a one -stop shopping experience to consumers; all -day restaurant administrative kitchen, full Japanese restaurant. Visitors can enjoy pure Japan and concessions.

It is reported that the temple Tang million SHINK Spring Street began on July 15th. However, the hot spring street soup is only open to the accommodation guests. The private soup house is not open.

Hong Wei introduced that during the trial operation, the room was almost every day in the hot spring street. The concept of peace, "sincerity, no stain" standards of "we will use the safety, remember" standards, and various services have been continuously improved, bringing consumers to consumers A better experience. "

The relevant person in charge, Shendi Group, said that the THATEXTREMELY on the street, allowing the Shanghai International Tourism Resort to have a unique Japanese style. "I hope that citizens of the garden, hot spring holidays, such as home Express Hotel, have gained a new leisure and entertainment experience here. Subsequently, we will continue to launch more high -quality projects.

Editor Zhang Qi

Responsible editor Liu Xinwei

Picture source Xinyiqi

View Author: Pudong Observation

Mi Chunlei: 25 -year -old becoming a billionaire.

When it comes to the name of Mi Chunlei, many friends may not be familiar with, but in the real estate circle and financial circle in Shanghai, Mi Chunlei is definitely a "big guy". In addition, Mi Chunlei also married CCTV’s "Huadan" Dong Qing, who has become a hot topic for a period of time.

An announcement of the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s "Prosecution Notice" was announced again, and Michuna pushed Michun to the forefront. According to the company’s board of directors, Michun Lei has been lost for a long time. The 25 -year -old became a "successful person" of billionaires. The road seemed to have reached the end. What about it?

1. Mysterious Midchun Lei

Lanhai Medical was exploded by the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s "Prior Notice of Termination of the Company’s Stock Listing", and*ST Haizheng is about to face the delisting treatment. From the perspective of operating performance, Lanhai Medical has suffered major losses for three consecutive years. At the end of 2019, the net profit after deduction of unless recurring profit or loss was -191 million, and by 2021, the scale of this loss had expanded to -319 million.

It can be said that the delisting of Lanhai Medical is expected, but this incident has led to the "dense spring thunder loss" incident that the public is more concerned about. The chairman of Lanhai Medical Michelon is absent from the company’s annual report meeting. In fact, since the beginning of this year, Mi Chunlei has been mysteriously lost, and the whereabouts are unknown.

It is rumored that Michimi has been taken by the Economic Investigation Department as early as the end of December 2021, so Mi Chunlei could not show up in public. As for why I take control of Miyanglei, it is likely to be related to Shanghai Life, which was established in 2015.

According to data from the "Hurun Rich List" in 2020, Michri’s personal value reached 10.3 billion. In fact, as early as 25 years old, when Mi Chunlei established Shanghai Zhongying Enterprise Development Co., Ltd., his net worth has exceeded 100 million! However, the experience of the billionaire is very mysterious, and I am also relatively low -key. The reason why it can achieve such achievements is generally believed to be inseparable from the support of "noble people". What is the family of Michuna’s birth?

Second, genius entrepreneurs

According to public information, Michuna, born in 1978, is from Shanghai. The family is average. There is no particularly strong background. After graduating from Tongji University’s civil engineering major, the first bucket of gold was accumulated through transportation. And his father invested 50 million in 2003 to establish Shanghai Zhongying, the main business was real estate development.

In Shanghai, which was gold, Michuna quickly accumulated a huge amount of capital through the real estate business, and began to fully expand the company’s business. The business territory of the blue ocean is mainly divided into 3: real estate, medical care and finance.

In 2015, Mi Chunlei established Shanghai Life with Shanghai Electric, Shanghai Urban Investment, and Zhonghai Group. Michimi accounts for 20%of the shares, and continues to open its own investment expansion through huge amounts of funds absorbed by insurance companies. However, due to the phenomenon of unclear equity and business losses at the beginning of Shanghai Life, Shanghai Life has attracted the attention of the Insurance Regulatory Commission in 2015.

Later, the company under Michuna suffered a crisis of funds, and in 2020, it showed a comprehensive expansion. In addition, the news that Dong Qing was listed on the sale of US luxury homes to repay the debt.

So, how does Mi Chunlei and Dong Qing fall in love?

Third, the controversial sister and brother love

Dong Qing was 5 years older than Michun Lei. The first meeting of the two was during the Spring Festival of 2009. At the Shanghai Entrepreneur Association, Dong Qing attracted the eyes of Mi Chunlei as the host. Her pursuit of fiery.

Soon, Mi Chunlei captured the beauty of the beauty, but this relationship was unacceptable. During the pursuit of Dong Qing, Mi Chunlei was married, and his wife Jin Jing was a primary school teacher in Shanghai. In 2013, Mi Chunlei officially divorced Jin Jing and married Dong Qing the following year. On the Internet, he also reported that Dong Qing went to study in the United States in 2014, which was actually a child.

This marriage between the two seemed to be more like a equal transaction from two people of the same status to the outside world. Mi Chunlei fancy Dong Qing’s beauty and fame, and Dong Qing fell in the wealth of Mi Chunlei. Some people think that the two really love each other. There are divergent opinions, but there is no doubt that Dong Qing’s giants and the road may have to draw a sentence.


As a mysterious and low -key entrepreneur, the loss of Michun Lei left a lot of room for guessing the outside world. But it is certain that it must not be a good thing for him. For Dong Qing, if he really fits the wealth of Mi Chunlei with him, her wealth dream may really break.

What do you think about this?