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How to eat Lantern Festival healthily? Listen to what the experts say … …

Sichuan online reporter Shi Xiaohong

This year’s Lantern Festival is coming soon. On this day, every family will eat Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, which means "reunion and beauty". But what problems should we pay attention to when eating Yuanxiao or Tangyuan? How to eat it correctly? In this regard, we asked Liang Qingyue, a nutritionist from the Seventh People’s Hospital of Chengdu, to answer the questions.


When getting up early, the gastrointestinal function is weak, and eating Yuanxiao for breakfast is prone to indigestion, acid reflux and heartburn. Eating Yuanxiao before meals will stimulate insulin secretion, causing blood sugar instability in the body. Eating after meals will lead to excessive total calories. Eating Yuanxiao in the meal can avoid these two situations.

Appropriate amount:

Tangyuan is a high-sugar and high-fat food, and its skin is mostly sticky glutinous rice flour, which is not easy to digest and will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, which may cause indigestion such as abdominal distension and abdominal pain, and it is easy to form gastroliths and fecal stones, which may lead to intestinal obstruction. There are many kinds of fillings, such as sesame, peanut, jam, chocolate, etc., but in order to pursue better taste and more delicious, they often contain more sugar and fat. Therefore, children and the elderly with weak gastrointestinal function should pay attention when eating and eat as little as possible. It should be based on moderate consumption. While eating Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, it is not recommended to eat other foods with high sugar content, and at the same time, the intake of other staple foods should be reduced accordingly. Generally speaking, if you eat three, you will have to subtract one or two staple foods (half a bowl of rice) of the day.

Beware of the word "sugar-free" for diabetics;

In recent years, sugar-free food has become popular, and sugar-free dumplings have emerged. Although there is no sucrose, in fact, sugar-free dumplings do not mean low calories, and sugar-free dumplings also contain starch and oil. Sweeteners used to improve the taste, such as saccharin, xylitol, aspartame, etc., are also easy to give people the illusion, which will make people think that although the taste is sweet, it is not sugar, so they can take off their guard and eat with confidence. Although these "sugar-free" Yuanxiao and Tangyuan do not contain sucrose, the starch substances they contain will still be converted into glucose in the human body. At this time, the purpose of controlling blood sugar can not be achieved, and at the same time, the risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease may be increased by affecting the imbalance of intestinal flora and the dysfunction of brain feeding center.

Comparison of calories of several kinds of glutinous rice balls. Photo courtesy of Chengdu No.7 Hospital

People with hyperlipidemia eat less:

In order to make the taste of Yuanxiao and Tangyuan more delicate, in addition to the skin, the producer will also add a lot of oil to the stuffing for modulation, so under normal circumstances, the fat content of Yuanxiao stuffing will be higher. If you suddenly eat a lot, it will easily lead to an increase in blood lipids, which will lead to pancreatitis. Therefore, people with high blood lipids should pay more attention when eating Yuanxiao.

How to buy Lantern Festival?

First of all, look at the label information on the packaging bag. Pay attention to carefully check the food label information on the packaging bag when buying Yuanxiao in the supermarket. Including: food name, ingredient list, net content and specifications, name, address and contact information of producers and/or distributors, production date and shelf life, storage conditions, food production license number, product standard code and other items that need to be marked. If the food label on the packaging bag is incomplete, you should buy it carefully.

Secondly, it depends on the order of ingredients in the ingredient list. National food safety standards require that any substance used in food processing should be marked, and if there are ingredients with an addition of more than 2%, they should be arranged from high to low when making or processing food. Therefore, when we buy Yuanxiao, we should remember to understand the ingredients list first, and know what ingredients are used in the production process of Yuanxiao, especially for people with allergies, to see if there are any ingredients that cause allergies, and to find out the usage of the ingredients of the products before deciding which products to buy.

The third depends on the storage conditions. At present, most of the products sold in supermarkets are quick-frozen dumplings. Frozen food should be sold under frozen conditions, but don’t buy products with frost or ice ballast. Frost or ice ballast indicates that the storage temperature of the products is unstable, and the products are prone to rancidity and deterioration, which has a great impact on product quality. In addition, good Yuanxiao and Tangyuan are uniform in color, basically round in shape, basically the same in size, with uniform thickness of cortex, no stuffing, no cracks, no visible impurities and no mildew spots.

Homework can’t be solved by search software? This phenomenon should be managed.

  With the search software, my mother no longer has to worry about my study?

  But in reality, there is such a problem. Students who make perfect exercise papers don’t score high in the exam. Usually, when you encounter homework problems, open the network search software to check, and the direct answer will come out, and the exercise paper will be completed well and quickly; But in the examination room, there is no "blessing" of the search software, and the same problem-solving ideas are full of mistakes.

  On the eve of the Eighth Young Pioneers Congress in Shanghai, many young pioneers, including Maree Lau from Shanghai No.54 Middle School and Tang Ying from Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, paid attention to this phenomenon and made investigations. At the same time, they submitted relevant proposals, suggesting that the number of times of searching questions by using search software should be limited, and the software should provide ideas for solving problems instead of giving answers.

  The exercise paper is perfect, but I guess it even in the exam.

  Maree Lau, a student from Shanghai No.54 Middle School, was very impressed by an exercise paper on the calculation of mathematical real numbers, and the steps of each calculation problem were impeccable. But in the math exam, the student who made the perfect exercise paper didn’t score high.

  Exploring the reasons behind it, Maree Lau found that many students around him did not think about how to solve the problem by themselves first, but habitually turned on the network search software to check the answer, and easily made a perfect score assignment through the function of tapping the question in seconds by some software. "Solving problems without thinking is useless for learning. They often expose many problems in exams." Maree Lau said.

  Tang Ying, a student from Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, also found that some students around her used the online search App and conducted "autonomous learning". The completion of homework achieved acceleration, but the learning attitude and independent thinking ability were greatly affected. I could only guess in the exam, and the error rate soared.

  How many students have tried to solve problems with search software? Maree Lau and Tang Ying conducted research in their schools respectively.

  The former found that the survey showed that 85% of the students would use the search software when they encountered problems, and more than 70% of the students chose "Yes" when answering "Do you have any excellent homework by software around you?".

  The latter found that more than 90% of the team members are familiar with homework search software or channels such as homework help and Little Ape Search, among which more than 50% of the team members have used this method for "autonomous learning" or homework completion, including those with excellent academic performance.

  Tang Ying said frankly: "Some of these players use the software to find ideas for solving problems and read excellent articles, while others copy the answers directly and just want to finish their homework as soon as possible."

  Maree Lau also noticed the feedback that "the software sometimes gives wrong answers". To this end, she used the software to carry out experiments and found that some questions will have correct answers and two or three wrong answers at the same time. "It is a difficult problem that can’t be solved, and then giving the wrong answer will not only solve the problem, but also mislead the questioner."

  Limit the number of times of use and only give ideas for solving problems.

  At Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, Gu Bei, a team counselor, also organized an in-depth discussion. As a result, I heard the voices from the players.

  "They said that they sometimes want to ask their parents about the questions they can’t do, but the other party is always busy looking at the mobile phone and letting the children go online to check the answers. Sometimes the other party will also look at the problems encountered by the children, but it turns out that they won’t do it either, and finally they will check it online." Gu Wei said.

  As a teacher, Gu Bei does not advocate the use of online search software, but she also noticed that "there is a demand behind this problem". The key is to let students understand what the "initial intention" of using software is, "is it to help them learn the problem-solving ideas or just to be lazy and have fun?"

  Maree Lau also said that when the search software becomes a "helper" to complete homework, students will be overly dependent and lose their independent thinking ability.

  Maree Lau suggested that the search software can be used as a platform to assist students in learning, but it is necessary to "limit" the number of questions per day. "I think it is better to limit the number of questions per day to less than 10 times, and then refer to it if it is not."

  In addition, she thinks it’s best to use the software in real-name registration system. A student can only apply for one number, and the software should also check the correctness of the answers to the questions regularly.

  Jiang Chenyue, a small representative from Shangmei Middle School in Qingpu District, Shanghai, suggested that the right to use the software can be "restricted". "For example, we don’t give the answers directly to the questions we check, but give the ideas for solving the problems, so that we can use our brains to solve them ourselves."

  Tang Ying suggested that if the team members want to reduce the use of search software, the subject teachers in the school can analyze and record the problems and upload them to the campus APP, so as to provide problem-solving ideas for the team members’ learning. By learning videos and punching in points, the team members can be encouraged to see more, think more and compare more.

  Tang Ying also suggested that a "study group" can be set up in the squadron, and a study group system can be set up to study together during recess and after school. "Parents should never save trouble, just throw us to mobile phones and computers, and you can watch online problem-solving ideas with us and solve problems together."

The results of the objective test of the 2021 judicial examination will be announced on October 25th.

According to the Ministry of Justice’s WeChat WeChat official account news, it is reported that the objective test results of the 2021 national unified legal professional qualification examination will be announced on October 25th, with a national qualified score of 180.

According to the spirit of the policy of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting with rural revitalization, the relaxation policy will continue to be implemented in the legal professional qualification examination in 2021, and the key counties for national rural revitalization will be included in the relaxation scope and given key support. The objective test scores are divided into three grades, and Xizang Autonomous Region scores 140 points. Tibet-related counties in Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan and Gansu provinces, four prefectures in southern Xinjiang, Liangshan Prefecture in Sichuan, Nujiang Prefecture in Yunnan and Linxia Prefecture in Gansu, as well as the national rural revitalization key help counties, relaxed the qualified score line to 150 points; Other relaxed local qualified scores are 160 points.

Candidates can check their scores from 0: 00 on October 25th through the website of the Ministry of Justice, WeChat WeChat official account of the Ministry of Justice, China PUFA Network and China PUFA WeChat WeChat official account, and log on to the website of the Ministry of Justice to download and print the notice of scores themselves.

Candidates who have passed the objective test in 2021 and those who have retained effective results in the objective test in 2020 should log on to the website of the Ministry of Justice from 0: 00 on October 25 to 24: 00 on October 29 to confirm their participation in the subjective test.

Those who confirm to take the subjective test can download and print the admission ticket on the website of the Ministry of Justice from November 16th to November 20th.

In 2021, the subjective examination of the national unified legal professional qualification examination will be computerized. If it is really difficult for the examinee to use the computer exam because of his body, age and other reasons, he can apply for using paper and pencil to answer the questions when confirming his registration for the subjective exam. If you choose to use the test paper in minority languages, the paper-and-pencil answering method will be implemented.

Due to the epidemic situation of COVID-19, the legal professional qualification examination in 2021 was postponed in Heilongjiang Province, Fujian Province and Yili Prefecture of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Matters related to candidates’ participation in the 2021 legal professional qualification examination in Heilongjiang Province, Fujian Province and Yili Prefecture of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region shall be announced separately by the judicial administrative organs of the provinces and autonomous regions where the examination area is located.

Candidates should abide by the provisions of the state and the location of the test area on the prevention and control of epidemic situation in COVID-19, and consciously cooperate with the prevention and control of epidemic situation such as self-health monitoring and providing relevant reports.

It is reported that in 2021, the subjective examination time of the national unified legal professional qualification examination is November 21, and the examination time is 240 minutes.

Trapped in the hotel elevator for 40 minutes, six college entrance examination students missed the English exam.

On June 12th, the only elevator in the City 118 Hotel in Liangshan County was posted with the notice "Please take the escalator for elevator maintenance".

  An application submitted by Xiao Zhang, a candidate who stayed in the hotel, for "no longer arranging accommodation with the school". Qilu Evening News Qilu point reporter Sun Fenghui photo 

  Seeing that the college entrance examination time is coming, the candidates are trapped in the hotel elevator. This worrying scene happened in a hotel in Liangshan County, Jining City. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon of June 8, six college entrance examination candidates in Liangshan County were trapped for more than 40 minutes while taking the elevator in the City 118 Hotel, so they missed the English exam. How did it happen? How did the incident affect the candidates? What did the education department say? How did the hotel negotiate with the parents of the candidates? How did the hotel respond? Qilu Evening News A reporter from Qilu started an interview.

  Qilu Evening News Qilu Yidian reporter Chu Siyu

  11 minutes beyond the entry time.

  6. Candidates are rejected.

  Candidates told reporters that because their families live far away, on June 6, they checked in at the City 118 Hotel (Phoenix City Store in Liangshan County), which is about 800 meters away from the test center. Unexpectedly, before the last English test, they encountered an elevator failure. "On the afternoon of the 8th, due to the need to enter the venue 15 minutes in advance for the English exam, we took the hotel elevator downstairs at 14: 15, but we didn’t get out of the elevator until 14: 55. Because during this period, the elevator did not open after arriving at the first floor. " Less than that, at that time, in addition to their six candidates, there was also a takeaway from the US Mission.

  Suddenly, the takeaway immediately pressed the emergency call button in the elevator, and the administrator in charge of hotel engineering maintenance still failed to open the elevator door within 10 minutes. Candidate Xiao Zhang said: "We also applied to the staff to dial 119, but the staff said it could be opened within 10 minutes, but it didn’t open within 10 minutes. Later, it was delayed until the exam began, and the elevator door was still not opened. When I got out of the elevator, the college entrance examination time was delayed. "

  "At about 14: 20, Fang Tangping, the class teacher of Class 6, Grade 3, Liangshan Modern High School, saw the video uploaded by the candidate Xiao Zhang in the class QQ group, saying that six candidates were trapped in the elevator. The situation was urgent, so I asked Fang Tangping and two policemen to rush to the hotel involved." Huang Xiangyu, vice president of Liangshan Modern High School, said that there were four candidates staying in the hotel, and the remaining two candidates set out from home to take the English test together at the hotel.

  After waiting anxiously for a long time, at 14: 27, the candidate Xiao Zhang called 110, hoping to open a green channel and escort the candidate to the test center in time.

  At 14: 34, two policemen on duty and Fang Tangping from Liangshan County Public Security Bureau arrived at the hotel. At 14: 37, Huang Xiangyu, who was in the test center of Liangshan No.1 Middle School, called 119 for help. Thirteen minutes later, rescuers from Liangshan County Fire Brigade arrived at the hotel. At 14: 55, six trapped students were rescued from the elevator. One minute later, the examinee arrived at the test center by police car.

  While the candidates were rescued, the staff of Liangshan County Recruitment Committee Office reported to the Municipal Recruitment Committee for the first time. Reply from the Municipal Recruitment Committee: Strictly implement the provisions of the college entrance examination, and six candidates are not allowed to enter the examination room after the prescribed entry time of 14: 45.

  Six candidates were turned away because they exceeded the entrance time of the exam by 11 minutes, and accompanied by the team leader, they returned to the hotel to wait for the results.

  If the candidate agrees to repeat the exam

  The school will reduce some fees.

  The reporter learned that among the six candidates who were trapped in the elevator, five were art candidates who studied broadcasting hosting or choreography, and one was a general culture candidate. Four of the art candidates have passed the professional course exam.

  On June 9, accompanied by parents and teachers, six candidates went to Liangshan County Education and Sports Bureau and were told that they could not make up the exam. Candidates are less than saying, "professional courses have passed the score line, and you can go to the undergraduate course after taking an English test. You have worked hard for so long, so you missed it. What worries us more is whether the college entrance examination reform next year can be admitted to the university or not. " "At that time, my mood was very collapsed. Some students were crying at the entrance of the test center, and my heart was very uncomfortable." Candidate Xiao Zhang said.

  Candidate Xiao Li said: "I feel that this may be a turning point that changes our lives. It turned out to be an upward turning point, and now it feels like being destroyed."

  "My children have been studying for more than ten years, just for this exam. Because of the elevator failure, my child’s life has been delayed, and the hotel must give us an explanation. " Mr. Zhang, the parent of the candidate, said.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, as early as May 29th, four candidates who stayed in the City 118 Hotel submitted an application to Liangshan Modern Senior High School that they would no longer arrange accommodation with the school. With the consent of the class teacher and the school, they stayed in the City 118 Hotel on their own under the arrangement of their parents. Regarding the experience of six candidates, Huang Xiangyu said that if the candidates agree to repeat one year, the school will reduce some fees according to the results of the college entrance examination. If you choose to continue to apply for the exam, the school can arrange experienced teachers to give one-on-one application guidance, and strive to let the children be admitted to the corresponding schools.

  The hotel offered to pay 20 thousand each.

  The two sides failed to reach an agreement.

  On the afternoon of the 12th, the reporter rushed to the hotel and found that the only elevator had been posted with the notice of "Please take the escalator for elevator maintenance".

  "On the afternoon of the 8th, we shut down the elevator and cut off the power supply. At present, the hotel has also stayed in many candidates, and the elevator will not run until the cause of the failure is determined. " Fang Yameng, the legal representative of City 118 Hotel (Phoenix City Store in Liangshan County), said that six candidates had an accident at the hotel, and they will definitely not escape the responsibility. They are currently mediating with the parents of six candidates.

  "According to the cost of the candidates’ re-reading in school and the art test, we proposed a compensation of 20,000 yuan per person, but it was rejected. The appeal made by parents is 200,000 compensation per person, which is really unreasonable for us. " Fang Yameng said that the hotel will do its best to meet the financial compensation reasonably demanded by parents. If the two sides can’t reach a settlement, he prefers to solve the problem through judicial channels.

  Regarding the problem that the elevator broke down and the car door could not be opened, the county market supervision bureau immediately ordered the hotel elevator to stop using, and investigated and collected evidence from the manufacturer, installation unit and maintenance. "After investigation, the elevator manufacturer is Lida Boshi (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., and the elevator installation company is Heze Bojie Elevator Co., Ltd. The elevator installation date is September 12, 2018, and it has passed the inspection of Jining Branch of the Provincial Special Inspection Institute." Sun Yinliang, deputy director of Liangshan County Market Supervision Administration, told the reporter that during the normal maintenance period, the latest maintenance of the elevator was June 1, 2019. In order to find out the cause of elevator failure, elevator manufacturers and professional testing institutions have been coordinated to come to the hotel for testing.

  "This elevator failure was accidental. After the incident, we ran the test again and found no problems. Due to the narrow elevator space, it was initially suspected that the passenger accidentally touched the elevator door lock sensor. After the door lock was disconnected, the elevator brake guarantee started and the elevator stopped. " Jin Feng, manager of Shandong Heze Bojie Elevator Co., Ltd. said that the specific cause of the elevator failure needs further testing by the factory staff. The reporter learned that on the morning of the 13th, elevator manufacturers and professional elevator inspection agencies will arrive at the hotel involved.

Attention! It’s about fireworks, and many people are detained!

The full text is 723 words in total | It takes about 3.5 minutes to finish reading.




Spring Festival approaching


The flavor of the year is getting stronger and stronger.


Is everyone busy preparing for the new year’s goods?


While preparing


There is one thing to pay special attention to.


That’s fireworks.


Since January 1, 2022,


Beijing will no longer set up fireworks retail outlets.


The city has implemented a global ban on fireworks and firecrackers.


But recently


There’s still someone else


Be stupid for "listening"


Take risks and buy fireworks and firecrackers from other places to Beijing




Receiving orders to transport fireworks and firecrackers






Xiaoxingxing will take you.


Look at these cases.




"Fireworks purchased outside Beijing


Can it be shipped back to Beijing for discharge? "



Not long ago, when the police inspected the vehicle at Fengheying checkpoint, they found five boxes of fireworks and firecrackers in Gao’s car, claiming that they were bought from outside Beijing and had to be brought back to Beijing to set them off … Illegal transportation of fireworks and firecrackers has violated the relevant provisions of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law. At present, Daxing police have imposed administrative detention on Gao for five days according to law.


Attention, attention, attention!


Don’t transport without a license!


No discharge in the forbidden area!



Recently, when the police patrolled the area, they found six boxes of fireworks and firecrackers in the trunk of a vehicle. Upon inquiry, it was learned that after the car owner Zhang attended a friend’s wedding outside Beijing, the other party gave him the remaining fireworks and firecrackers. Zhang intended to bring it back to his hometown in Shanxi before the Spring Festival, but he was seized by the police before he left. At present, Daxing police have imposed administrative detention on Zhang for 5 days for illegally transporting dangerous substances.


I was lucky enough to receive a "big order"


And got arrested …



Recently, the police found 26 boxes of fireworks and firecrackers in a car during their duty. Upon inquiry, they learned that the driver Su Mou took an order from a stranger and asked him to transport fireworks and firecrackers from other places to Beijing. Knowing the relevant laws and regulations, Su was still lucky enough to take orders for transportation, but he did not expect to be seized by the police just after entering Daxing District. At present, the driver Su Mou has been administratively detained by Daxing police for illegally transporting dangerous substances.


Police tips


Although the beauty of fireworks is romantic, it is illegal to produce, store, manage and transport fireworks and firecrackers without permission, and there are great security risks. At the same time, the general public and friends are reminded that from January 1, 2022, the city has implemented a global ban on fireworks and firecrackers, and no retail outlets for fireworks and firecrackers are set up. Please actively support the safety management of fireworks and firecrackers in Beijing, abide by the ban regulations, and do not set off fireworks and firecrackers (including cold fireworks and children’s toy fireworks) illegally, and consciously resist illegal fireworks and firecrackers.




Source: Daxing Public Security


Editor: Wang Jingsi


Audit: Zhao Liang Tu Ling.


Issued by: Wang Jiao


The real estate broker war is just around the corner, and the C position of the shell is in danger? | Depth

Source: Wumian Finance
Author: Chen Xinmiao
Editor: Lei Zhizhi
Design: Budong
Editor’s Assistant: Zhu Zhiqi
The real estate brokerage market is surging.
Who would have expected that Ke Holdings Inc. (NYSE:BEKE, hereinafter referred to as "Shell"), which has been controversial all the way, could become the darling of capital. Since its listing in August 2020, its share price has been rising all the way, and its market value once reached 600 billion yuan. Today, its market value is still as high as 560.674 billion yuan (US$ 86.522 billion), killing a number of leading real estate enterprises such as "Bi Rong Wan Heng" and firmly taking the first place in the industry.
▲ Ke Holdings Inc. rings the bell, and the market performance is unexpectedly good. The picture comes from the internet.
At the beginning of the shell’s birth, it was impossible to sit still in the same city, but it seemed like another scene. In 2019, 21st Century Real Estate and Zhonghuan Internet have turned their backs on each other. By the end of 2020, World Bank announced in a paper that it had withdrawn from the new house joint sales platform 58 Aifang together with the same policy consultation. In the past, the "anti-shell alliance" was a mess.
58 series has fallen into the wind, but in the face of the fierce growth of shells, the Internet, developers and other capitals rushed into the "blue ocean" of the real estate trading market. Much attention has been paid to the online real estate trading platform "Tmall Good Room" launched by Yiju and Ali, with the intention of providing the industry with another choice besides shells; Evergrande acquired companies and stores on a large scale, and set up RV Bao Group to benchmark shells. The future journey is trillions of valuation, packaging and listing.
In the face of crisis and temptation, the forces of all parties are changing, and the smoke of war has already filled the air.
Shell alone according to c position"We are making a stadium, and more and more people want to play football here, and the rules are getting better and better." Zuo Hui once described shells with football. In his view, the nature of the industry is changing, and what shells do is to rebuild the ecology of the whole industry centered on store managers and brokers.
To a large extent, the shell’s confidence comes from the real estate dictionary and ACN (broker cooperation network) two methodologies. These are the two moats that the chain used to be, and now they have become the bottom rules for real estate brokerage brands to settle in shells.
Under the platform rules, the real estate transaction process is divided into multiple links, and brokers are encouraged to cooperate with each other, participate in different links and share the benefits; Brokerage brands on the platform can share all real listing information indiscriminately.
▲ Shell’s ACN network splits the real estate transaction process into multiple links, in which various roles play different roles. Image from late LatePost.
You know, before the shell, there were no rules in the extensive development of the real estate brokerage industry, and the shell was undoubtedly the one who ate crabs. Different from the ordinary internet platform, Shell tries to define the basic measures of house transaction in a closed-loop intercommunication mode, which strongly controls the rules of the platform, and intends to strengthen the information interaction of brokers and improve the transaction efficiency.
But the controversy of "being both an athlete and a referee" also comes from here, and shells need to prove themselves urgently. However, at present, the shell model has worked.
Switching from direct operation and franchise mode to platform mode, in just over two years, Shell has been attacking the city, and entered the capital market in August 2020, becoming the largest real estate transaction and service platform in China, with a GTV of 2.13 trillion yuan (the total transaction volume of the platform) second only to Alibaba in China.
After listing, the shell scale effect is still expanding. In the third quarter of 2020, the GTV (total trading volume of platforms) reached 1.05 trillion yuan, an increase of 87.2% year-on-year; The operating income was 20.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 70.9%. In the first three quarters, the accumulated GTV and revenue of the shell platform have exceeded 2.13 trillion yuan and 46 billion yuan in 2019.
Looking at the industry, shells are also far ahead. Based on the national housing transaction volume, the market share of shells in 2019 was 9.5%, while the market share of mainstream brokerage companies represented by Zhongyuan Real Estate, I Love My Family and Leyoujia was only 4.3%, 1.9% and 1.3% respectively.
In addition to scale, cross-store brand cooperation and store efficiency are also data that Shell is willing to share with the outside world, which proves that its rules are effective.
From 2018 to the first half of 2020, the number of non-chain stores increased from 8,136 to 34,547, and the number of brokers increased from 60,900 to 321,800, which has achieved significant growth since the birth of the shell (April 2018). According to CIC report, in 2019, the single-store transaction volume of shell platform was 1.6 times that of the industry, and 70% of the stock house transactions came from cross-store transactions.
During this period, real estate brokerage brands such as 21st Century Real Estate, Central Real Estate and Dwelling House settled in Shell. In addition, after the restart of the franchise brand Deyou, it is also attracting small and medium-sized intermediary brands from all over the world.
Taking the Wuhan market as an example, according to the "Prism" news, Xie Juan, the chairman of Wuhan Fangrong Company, said that in early 2019, the company’s three major brands had more than 600 stores, and under the strong attack of Shell, nearly 200 stores were lost in September.
However, the shell that occupies the super C position in the industry is facing the torture of whether it will become an industry monopolist.
For example, in September 2019, representatives of 100 real estate agencies in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province jointly signed the Anti-Shell Alliance Treaty, and 530 stores in the alliance shouted "Oppose monopoly and resist unhealthy competition"; In April 2020, 100 intermediary companies in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province also rebelled against the shellfish system on the grounds of "resisting bad competition".
58 alliance collapseCompared with the highlights of shells, the "anti-shell alliance" initiated by 58 cities in the past is now an exit, and the momentum of defection is not as good as before.
The real estate information platform under the same city is an important source of revenue. But the shell moving from offline to online undoubtedly moved its cheese.
To this end, in June 2018, 58 cities launched a real estate alliance, wooing brokerage brands such as I love my family, Zhongyuan Real Estate, 21st Century Real Estate China, and Zhonghuan Internet, shouting "58 will never be self-employed" and pointing to shells; Ten days later, 58 City became a strategic shareholder, I love my family, and the curve cut into the real estate agency industry.
▲ The swearing-in meeting on the platform of Yao Jinbo Zhang Luo and Zhongzhong Brokerage Company pointed out that the opponent was naturally the shell that was not present. The picture comes from the internet.
However, the "anti-shell alliance" is not solid, but more like a rush to hold a group when facing the unknown new thing of shells. Less than a year after the alliance, the real estate in the 21 ST century will "surrender" to the shell; In the same year, Central Internet and I love my family, but they failed to reorganize, and turned to cooperate with Shell.
Nearly 9,000 stores under the two brand brokerage companies have entered the shell, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to 58 cities. According to media reports, since 2019, in order to prevent more intermediary companies from accessing the shell system, 58 cities have spared no effort to ban "shell takers", and the "two-choice-one" dispute has intensified in the intermediary industry.
In 2020, the number of allies in 58 cities will continue to decrease. Prior to this, in 2019, 58 cities, World Bank and Tongce Consulting jointly established the new house joint selling platform 58 Aifang, with the intention of grabbing the new house distribution market with platforms such as Shell and Yiju. However, by the end of the year, World Bank and Tongce Consulting both withdrew and transferred 55% of their shares in 58 Aifang to 58 cities.
Behind the "breakup" is the continuous loss of 58 love houses. According to the announcement of World Bank, the competition in the field of new house joint selling platform is fierce, and it is still in the early stage of investment and loss. In 2019, Shanghai Geng Ying Net (the operating entity of 58 Aifang) lost 95.74 million yuan; From January to September 2020, the net loss further expanded to 172 million yuan.
Jiang Han, a senior researcher at Pangu think tank, believes that there is no way to evacuate Tongce and World Bank. For the whole market, 58 Aifang has not formed its own hematopoietic mechanism and relatively strong market competitiveness. The final result is that the participants have not gained their sense of belonging and hope for market development.
Not only that, I was particularly active in the process of shelling shells. I publicly stated that "the platform that is both online and offline is not acceptable to us in business ethics and operational logic". I love my family and was reduced by 58 cities in August last year. After the reduction, the shareholding ratio of 58 cities will be reduced to 4.99%.
Although the gambling was successfully completed, I love my family’s scale expansion in recent years, and the scale of channels and houses is far less than that of shells. There are tens of thousands of stores and trillions of transactions with Shell, and I love my family. These two indicators are still in the stage of hundreds of billions.
Teammates defected, the alliance split, and allies didn’t give strength. So it seems that 58 cities have already fallen behind in this platform dispute provoked by themselves.
However, 58 cities are still sticking to their teeth. Its CEO Yao Jinbo once publicly compared Apple and Android phones to Shell and 58. "It is hard to say that Apple phones are open platforms, but Android phones are open platforms and can be produced by many people."
On the occasion of the listing of shells last year, Yao Jinbo, CEO of 58 City, wrote in a circle of friends: "Today, shells are listed, and congratulations are extended to General Manager Zuo Hui. But responsibly speaking, we believe that the open platform Android will be greater than closed, and 58 Anjuke will enter/empower the industry in all directions after delisting! "
In addition, 58 love houses has become a channel for 58 cities to compete for intermediary resources. According to Tianyancha data, 58 Aifang actually controls 193 companies, most of which are local intermediary brands, including Chongqing Home, Guangxi Youju, Changsha Seagull, Wuhan Nuojia and Anhui Zhongshu Real Estate.
The giant is a powerful spoiler.In the face of crisis and temptation, housing enterprises and Internet tycoons can’t sit still.
It is hard to imagine that the shell from the hard work of the intermediary can create a market value of over 500 billion yuan, which is undoubtedly a huge impact on the high-ranking housing enterprises in the past. When most housing enterprises are facing channelization, shell’s right to speak is also increasing. According to the third quarterly report of 2020, the transaction volume of shell new houses increased by 105% year-on-year to 420.7 billion yuan, and the revenue of new houses has surpassed that of second-hand houses.
Evergrande took the lead in rushing out of a group of real estate enterprises, launched RV treasures and benchmarked shells, with the ultimate goal of listing.
At the end of December last year, Xu Jiayin officially unveiled RV Bao Group, and announced its three major departments: RV Bao National Brokerage Platform, RV Bao Platform and RV Bao SaaS Management Platform, covering transactions of new houses, second-hand houses, new cars and used cars, as well as home improvement and car user services.
The growth of RV Bao began with a large-scale collection of intermediaries, and the path was huge subsidies. "I give you money and you give me traffic resources; I don’t want your money, but you have to obey the management and we will go public together, "RV Bao wrote in the cooperation mechanism.
The speed soon appeared. According to the data of Evergrande, RV Bao Group was reorganized and established by Evergrande and 152 intermediaries in the second half of 2020. At present, there are 30,635 offline stores with an annual transaction scale of 1.2 trillion yuan. In contrast, the corresponding data of shells are 42,000 and 2.1 trillion.
According to the blueprint drawn by Evergrande, the valuation of RV Bao will reach 6 trillion yuan in 2023 and it will be listed in 2024. And RV Bao now values itself at 67.7 billion yuan.
At present, most of the RV treasures are Evergrande’s houses, and it is not known whether it can become an open platform in the future. However, the market space left for RV Bao is still very large.
According to CIC report, the total amount of real estate transactions in China will reach 30.7 trillion yuan in 2024, and the compound growth rate from 2019 to 2024 will reach 6.6%. Although shells are strong, their market share is less than a quarter at present.
This point has also been taken seriously by Internet giants such as Alibaba, JD.COM and ByteDance.
Shortly after the shell went on the market, Ali joined hands with E-House to launch "Tmall Good House" and launched the real estate transaction cooperation mechanism (ETC), providing four trading scenarios: new house, second-hand house, special room and auction room, with more than 60 real estate enterprises such as Vanke, Country Garden and Evergrande as their platforms.
According to the plan, Tmall Haofang will not make money for at least the next three years, and all income will be 100% subsidized by buyers.
Zhou Xin, chairman of Yiju, believes that the traditional brokerage industry is fragmented, and the appearance of shells provides the first choice for the industry, while Tmall Haofang provides another choice for institutions and brokers who are unwilling to be bound by too many rules. "I don’t think there is right or wrong, it’s just a matter of choice."
But then the war started. Last year’s Double Eleven, Tmall Good Rooms and Shells concentrated on the promotion of new houses. From the open battle report, Tmall Haofang entered 236 cities through cooperation with 302 developers, with a GTV of over 93.1 billion yuan. In contrast, Ke Holdings Inc. only claims to cooperate with 90% of the top 100 housing enterprises, with a GTV of less than 36.8 billion yuan.
In addition to Ali, JD.COM is also making efforts. During the Double Eleven last year, it opened more than 800 "Haofang Jingxuan" stores in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Huizhou and Tianjin.
Hu Jinghui, chief economist of Jinghui think tank, believes that compared with the loose defensive alliance form before, all the new entrants have the support of big capital, and with the influx of various forces, one or two forces that can really fight against shells may be formed in the future.
In the process of competition among all parties, scattered small and medium-sized brokerage companies are more likely to become the target of poaching. According to the data of Qianwei.com, 70% of small and micro intermediaries have completed more than 50% of the transaction volume in the second-hand housing market.
Ping An Securities pointed out in its research report that under the demands of the head office to scale up and expand channels, the expansion speed of the heavy asset direct sales model is limited, and the light asset platform joining model has become an important means of scale growth, and the competition for resources of small and medium-sized stores in the region is becoming increasingly fierce, driving the industry concentration to accelerate, showing a situation of strong and strong.

In winter, let’s gradually mature.

Original title: Winter, let us slowly mature.

In winter, let’s gradually mature.

Author: Qingxi

When I said goodbye to autumn, I held a cup of warm tea in my hand, counting the little rays of sunlight leaking from the leaves … When I was leaving in winter, I gave my thoughts to the snow, hoping that the swirling snowflakes would cover the whole autumn world … In this way, autumn became a story and winter became a landscape.

"Cold" is a key word that cannot be avoided in winter. Perhaps, the meaning of cold is to remind us of some warm things! ——

When I was a child, in winter, I could see roasted sweet potatoes everywhere in the streets. An iron barrel with charcoal burning inside, and hot sweet potatoes roasting on the top of the iron barrel, the street is full of sweet smell … At that time, I always liked to buy a sweet potato that was neither too big nor too small to hold in my hand. Hands, warm; When eaten in the mouth, it is fragrant and sweet; Heart, warm …

When I was a child, popcorn was not like popping a bunch of popcorn at once in front of kindergartens and cinemas. Instead, I needed to find the popcorn with corn kernels and saccharin myself-put the corn and saccharin in a magical container, and then turn around and turn around. When the pressure arrives, the popcorn man will shout, "Open the pot!" " Then, boom, a big pot of popcorn comes out. Although I get a fright every time, I also enjoy it …

Ice window grilles have carried my childhood longings and dreams-there is enlightenment, which often inspires the truth of life and the light of loving nature; There is inspiration, short-lived dreamlike reverie and short-lived dream realization, which edifies my sentiment of fearing nature; ….. The life of ice window grilles is only so short from dawn to sunrise, but it leaves a beautiful picture on earth. It dedicates a colorful and perfect painting world with monotonous colors; It’s a world painted with a crystal thin posture, which is worth my time-consuming standing stupidly …

Although there will be cold wind, freezing rain and snow in winter, as long as there is love in my heart, my heart will not be cold. Life is not easy, you should know how to please yourself and look for some fun with your heart; Heaven and earth are dead, as long as you calm down, there are many touches in ordinary winter-

Look at the tassels of reeds. The white catkins are glittering and translucent by the sunshine of one meter, and they are lingering. The heads of the reeds that have been completely yellow are covered with clusters of silver-gray reeds. Time has brought the life of every reed to the final limit, showing a soft shape ―― fluffy, fluffy, as light as cicada’s wings, fluttering with the wind … After this winter, the reed will be reborn! The recurring laws of nature make us feel the time and life in loneliness and bleakness.

In the bleak, clusters of honeysuckle fruits hanging on the branches are very eye-catching. Honeysuckle, what a strong and poetic name. In winter, it has lost its pink and tender flowers and changed into a more red and colder posture, telling the beauty of life. Winter is irresistible, but if you can "endure", you will have glory and hope.

The sky is quiet and distant, the ground is cold and empty, and there will be pieces of residual leaves falling with the wind on the bare trees. Among the branches of the tree, there are bird’s nests quietly facing the wind. They are held high by the tree, just like a overlooking eye. Their eyes are full of loneliness and coldness, as well as the hope for spring …

Winter is a black-and-white sketch. The lines are simple, but they contain profound meaning of life. Winter is like an elegant classical music, quietly telling; Winter is like a little sunshine on the lake, and it is like a note hanging on the branches. In the quiet flow, the silence and purity of the bottom of my heart are precipitated …

Yes, the feeling that winter gives people always has different connotations because of different moods and different things. When the cold and bleak winter is always beautiful, and our soft hearts are finely covered with warm colors, we will also open all our moods outside our dreams …

The power of winter is everywhere, especially winter, which fills the shortcomings of the three seasons of life and keeps the four seasons charming forever! Silent in winter, like a philosopher. In winter, let’s gradually mature.

Brief introduction of the author

Tian Xiangru, pen name,clear stream, member of Tianjin Writers Association.

In my spare time, I write some words and leave every bit of my daily life in the memory space. I don’t want to ask for anything, I just want to fly my mood in the free sky … I like dancing with my fingertips, recording the joys and sorrows in my life, feeling my life with my heart, talking with my soul, and letting the space convey my true feelings and thoughts …

primary work

Editor in charge:

Song Zude said that she was cheated by a sauna woman and woke up naked.

Song Zude blog

MISS ZHOU lived with Song Zude for five years and had a son.

Song Zude’s "father and son" photo provided by Zhou.

A photo of Song Zude and MISS ZHOU.

    On September 8th, New Express reported that it was accused of "abandoning his wife and children" to set up a scam to get back a property worth one million yuan. Yesterday, Song Zude published the article "I was cheated of a house worth 2.5 million yuan by a sauna girl" on his blog, as a response to the newspaper’s report on "Song Zude sued his cohabiting girlfriend for real estate" the day before yesterday. Song Zude insisted in his blog that the house was sold to MISS ZHOU at a low price, but MISS ZHOU kept on not paying back the money, and the children were MISS ZHOU’s chips to gain his sympathy.

    I was cheated out of a house worth 2.5 million by a sauna girl.

    Sauna room two people naked.

    One day at the end of 2002, Zude was tired for a day, and went to a sauna to relax in the evening. The woman surnamed Zhou gave me a massage in Guanjia Village, Wangcheng County, Hunan Province. As soon as she met me, she sweetly called my boss and asked me what service I needed. I said that a regular acupoint massage would do. ….. Zude was tired for a day, so he was too lazy to answer her and closed his eyes. He fell asleep after pressing it for about ten minutes. When Zude woke up, she was naked, and she was naked. I asked her what was going on, but she didn’t answer my question. She sat beside me and cried silently, wiping her tears with a paper towel and said to Zude, "Boss, I know you look down on our sauna woman.

    Zude, after all, is a poet. How can he bear to make a woman cry in front of Zude? Zude is also a poor child from the countryside. Although he is now a small boss, his grassroots feelings have never changed. Zude didn’t know how to comfort her, so he asked her to write me a mobile phone number. Unexpectedly, she cried again: "Boss, how can I afford a mobile phone? I will send all the money I earned home, or you can buy one for me. You can call me next time."

    Make excuses to borrow money from him many times

    About three months later, she called me and told me that she had changed to another sauna, asking me to clock her clock once anyway. Zude came back from a business trip in other provinces one day. She was so tired that she couldn’t stand Zhou’s constant pestering. Zude went there once. Unexpectedly, this time she cried even harder and her eyes were swollen. This time, she actually told Zude that she was pregnant and insisted that she was pregnant with Zude’s child.

    "I don’t want to do it here. You can lend me some money to open a beauty salon. I have your children, so help me!" MISS ZHOU said to the ground without looking up, Zude felt that she was lying, and she didn’t dare to look me in the eye. Considering that her sister-in-law needed money to study, Zude lent her hundreds of dollars and told her to turn over a new leaf and open a beauty salon. In March 2003, she called Zude again to make an appointment and said that the beauty salon had closed down. After that, she said that her father was seriously ill and urgently needed a sum of money for surgery, and asked me to lend her 200,000 yuan. Zude knew that she was lying, but she remitted 200,000 yuan to MISS ZHOU on March 17, 2003.

    Zhou cheated the property and didn’t give money.

    Half a year passed quickly, and on September 10, 2003, she called me again and said that she was in the hospital. Unexpectedly, this time she actually gave birth to a child, saying that I was the father of the child. On September 26, 2003, she called me again and said that she and her children had no place to live and asked me to sell her a house. I didn’t expect her to cheat me again. On the same day, I signed a sales contract with her in the real estate trading center, stipulating that she must give me the house payment after the household registration. For several years, I have been chasing after her, but she has been cheating.

    -Excerpt from blog (abridged)

    Ask the reporter to investigate the identity of MISS ZHOU

    The reporter interviewed Song Zude by telephone about the article on Song Zude’s blog. He said firmly on the phone: "The content on my blog is completely true!" According to him, MISS ZHOU’s first job was as a massage girl in the sauna of a hotel in Tianhe, not as the head of the foot massage department of Sanyu Hotel. Song Zude also carefully recalled the process of being cheated: at the end of 2002, he did a massage in the hotel sauna to relax and asked for regular acupoint massage. Later, I fell asleep because I was too tired. When I woke up, I found myself and MISS ZHOU both naked. A few months later, Zhou came to see him and said that he was pregnant with his child. Since then, MISS ZHOU often asked him for money on the grounds that his family was seriously ill and his family had an accident. Once she said that her father was seriously ill, she borrowed 200 thousand yuan from him as soon as she opened her mouth. In September 2003, after the baby was born, MISS ZHOU said that she had no place to live, and asked Song Zude to sell a house. She also said that she took a fancy to his house in Zhujiang New Town, saying that as long as Song transferred the house to her, she could buy it with 650,000 yuan. Unexpectedly, the house has been transferred, but the money has been kept.

    Song Zude explained in his blog why he kept in touch with MISS ZHOU. "After all, Zude is a poet, how can he bear to make a woman cry in front of Zude? Zude is also a poor child from the countryside. Although he is now a small boss, his grassroots feelings have never changed. Zude doesn’t know how to comfort her, so he asked her to write me a mobile phone number."

    Song Zude asked reporters to investigate Zhou’s true identity. However, when the reporter asked him to provide clues, Song Zude said that he did not want the media to intervene now, and "let the court judge who is right and wrong". Song Zude also claimed that the name of the hotel where MISS ZHOU used to work had been changed, and the owner of the sauna center might have changed. It is estimated that no one knows Zhou. "But I said in good conscience that she was a massage girl in a sauna, that is, she was engaged in pornography."

    Call Zhou Wei a malicious hype in the entertainment circle

    During the interview, Song Zude always stressed to reporters that MISS ZHOU took the opportunity to speculate, and said that Zhou "has never given up the idea of wanting to enter the entertainment circle in recent years". Song Zude also said that every time he made a movie, MISS ZHOU would call and ask for a role, but he refused. "Her image temperament is so poor, she has never studied acting, and her culture is low. How can she act in a movie?"

    As for the intimate photo of the two people traveling in Lijiang River, Song Zude explained that it was MISS ZHOU throwing herself at him. "You look carefully, she put her hand on my shoulder, I have a ride with her? This is her initiative to cater to me. According to the truth, if what she said is’ first love’, it should be a man who puts his hand on a woman. "

    It’s kind to give alimony every month?

    For the children born in MISS ZHOU, Song Zude firmly denied that they were his own flesh and blood. Regarding MISS ZHOU’s previous statement that paternity testing can be done, Song Zude responded that he didn’t want to be hyped all week, but also said that he would do it when necessary. When asked by a reporter, "Since it’s not your child, why do you pay back 3,000 yuan in alimony every month?" Song Zude indicated that it was his "kindness" because he saw that Zhou had no normal and stable income.

    In Song Zude’s eyes, MISS ZHOU is "a man who is crazy for money". According to Song Zude, Zhou once called one of his girlfriends and said that he wanted to sell the child to her for 800,000 yuan. Song Zude said that the house in Zhujiang New Town has now risen to 22,000 yuan per square meter, and the market price of the house is about 2.8 million yuan. "She tried to sell the house several times and leave, but fortunately the nearby intermediary tipped me off."

    According to Song Zude, what made him most angry was not MISS ZHOU’s behavior, but Zhou Jing often left a message on his Tencent blog, calling it his girlfriend, and asked "German fans" to look at photos on her blog.

    Woman’s response

    "Song Zude’s statement is false."

    The reporter interviewed the party MISS ZHOU about Song Zude’s response. After learning what Song Zude said, she was so angry that she couldn’t speak for a long time. After calming down, MISS ZHOU said that Song Zude’s statement was totally false. She firmly denied that she had ever worked in a hotel as Song Zude said, "My first job in Guangzhou was in Sanyu Hotel". Regarding Song Zude’s statement that the foot massage department only existed in Sanyu Hotel last year, MISS ZHOU also denied it, saying that the foot massage department already existed when she worked in 2002.

    The reporter interviewed the foot massage department of Sanyu Hotel. The front desk staff said that they were not sure when the foot massage department was established, but revealed that the work of the foot massage department had existed since 2004.

    According to MISS ZHOU, she recently applied for legal aid from Tianhe District Bureau of Justice.

    (This article Source: Golden Sheep Network-New Express Author: Gao Li)

Editor: Li Erqing

After studying more than 10 thousand data, we found these secrets of Beijing nightlife

In summer, there is no shortage of excitement, and there are endless business opportunities behind the excitement. Crayfish, barbecue, drinking beer … There is no shortage of sports events in this midsummer. Before the European Cup, the Olympic Games are in full swing. Sports fans all over the world have ushered in a summer carnival, and watching the games at night has further stimulated the night consumption of the city.
According to the data of a head take-out platform, since the beginning of the European Cup, the national night take-out orders have soared. Taking Beijing as an example, from June 12 to June 30, the order volume of supper increased by nearly 10% compared with the same period in May. Moreover, more than 5,000 businesses have extended their business hours for fans.
From June 12 to 30, barbecue, fried chicken and crayfish became the top three take-away categories in Beijing. Among them, the sales of crayfish increased by nearly 70% compared with the same period in May. At the same time, during the game, the sales of cold beer at night increased sharply, selling about 500 thousand bottles every day.
In addition to take-away consumption, many music restaurants and bars have also made great efforts to launch different types of special drinks for the European Cup and Olympic packages for fans and friends. While eating delicious food, watching the game, brothers drinking together and chatting about the ball game have become the standard posture for many fans to watch the ball.
Japanese steak, beer barbecue, Midnight Food Store … How to eat, how to see is the most interesting? What kind of midnight snack is the most popular in Beijing? Where are the snack bars most distributed? Where are the restaurants and bars with the strongest atmosphere and the highest cost performance?
Today, we will follow the data to explore.
Chaoyang bar number NO ·1
Haidian has the most snacks in the city.
During the European Cup, it is estimated that the owners of all kinds of midnight snacks and bars are more concerned about the events than the fans and friends. After all, a game is a business, the players play well, the fans are in a good mood and their appetite is wide open, and the sales of barbecue beer may be even more popular.
Midnight snack is a product derived from the continuous development of urban population. Nowadays, more and more people follow the "will" of their stomachs in the process of "brushing the night", looking for midnight snack, supplementing energy and relaxing during eating.
Although the data can’t cover all the number of midnight snacks and bars in Beijing, it can still reflect the general trend.
On the whole, both midnight snack and bar are characterized by dense in the east and sparse in the west. There are many business districts in Chaoyang and Dongcheng, and the density of snack and bars is high. However, from the distribution of shops, Haidian has a large number of midnight snack shops, mainly concentrated near Wudaokou.
(▲ Figure/Wudaokou subway station intersection. Intern Qi Jiyuan for the picture)
Haidian, with a large number of colleges and universities and many internet enterprises, has a unique cultural atmosphere and a large and diverse consumer group. Wudaokou is one of the most representative business districts in Haidian. The midnight snack here satisfies the stomachs of countless college students and late-night farmers.
Guijie in Dongcheng, Sanlitun in Chaoyang, and Wudaokou in Haidian are all business districts where midnight snack is concentrated, but when it comes to the specific number of shops, the midnight snack shops near Huilongguan really rank first.
Huilongguan not only has Tiantongyuan, which is known as the largest community in Asia, but also is a gathering place for employees of numerous large factories. In countless nights, a midnight snack may be the greatest comfort for thousands of young North drifters who pursue their dreams when they work overtime late at night.
Speaking of bars, Dongcheng, which owns Houhai Street, can only admit defeat in front of Chaoyang. Sanlitun, Gongti, Wangjing, and the number of bars in any business circle are very good.
A city is like a machine that works day and night. It is busy and prosperous during the day, and it will become full of vitality when night falls. Sanlitun and Gongti are the most vital representatives.
Judging from the number of bars, there are 113 bars near Sanlitun, which can be described as unique. There are many embassies from all over the world. On the one hand, there are large-scale businesses, on the other hand, there are exotic shops, and different types of bars attract countless young men and women to gather here. Whether watching football matches or drinking and chatting, you can always find the one that suits you, such as Qing Bar, livehouse and izakaya.
chafing dish
The largest number of snack types
The consumption environment is also quite different with different consumption prices. Whether it is a snack or a bar, the per capita consumption in Chaoyang is high.
It can be seen that the median per capita consumption of snack bars and bars in Chaoyang District is higher than that in other districts, and the density of scattered spots near 300 yuan is higher than that in other districts, which fully shows that there are many types of snack bars and bars in Chaoyang District, and the overall consumption price is relatively high. The span of consumption interval is high, which means more selectivity and high bar consumption elasticity.
In order to maintain the observability of the data map, we only keep the sample points with per capita consumption within 0-300 yuan. In fact, the per capita prices of bars and snack bars are far more than this range.
Taking midnight snack as an example, Haidian has the largest number, but Chaoyang has the highest average price, especially the midnight snack near Liangmaqiao, where the per capita consumption exceeds that of 300 yuan, making it the highest in the region. In this area, large business companies are dense, financial companies are developed, per capita consumption level is high, and high-income consumers pay more attention to the dining environment, so the per capita snack cost in this area will be high.
Why are there so many differences in the average midnight snack prices in different regions? It depends on what all regions like to eat at night.
Hot pot is really YYDS! Whether it is Chaoyang, Haidian, Fengtai, Changping and Dongxicheng, or Fangshan, Huairou, Pinggu and other distant areas, the number of hot pot shops is the largest. Compared with exquisite western food and elegant Japanese food, hot pot can be said to be an approachable catalyst in social interaction, which is extremely inclusive. In the snack shops in Haidian District, 99 hot pots have become the most in all districts.
Eat hot pot every festive season, if it cools down, friends will want to eat hot pot, if they are lovelorn, they will want to eat hot pot, and if they are in love, they will also want to eat hot pot … Just as the netizen quipped: Nothing can’t be solved by one hot pot meal, if there is, then two meals.
According to the Insight Report on Hot Pot Consumption Behavior of College Students in the North, Guangzhou and Shenzhen released by a consulting organization, 71.4% of college students eat hot pot at least once a week, which is highly loyal to the hot pot category. They love the delicacy of hot pot, and they also think that eating hot pot is an important way to pursue leisure and relax and cultivate the feelings of their peers, which can easily break the cognitive barriers caused by time and region.
(▲ source IC photo)
Although the number of hot pots is the largest in all regions, it is slightly different in detail. In Chaoyang, besides hot pot, the most popular thing is probably barbecue. In Dongcheng, where many old Beijingers gather, people prefer to rinse meat. In Shunyi and Pinggu, which are far away from the main city, besides hot pot, there are more likely to be midnight snacks with local characteristics such as farmer’s pot-stewed and reservoir fish.
According to the data of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics, in 2019, the income from the above-designated accommodation and catering industry in Chaoyang District was 25.1 billion yuan, the highest among all districts. According to the snack grabbed and the per capita consumption distribution of bars, among the TOP50 stores, 23 snack bars in Chaoyang District and 38 bars were shortlisted.
From the perspective of Beijing’s urban planning, business districts are scattered, with Zhongguancun and Wudaokou in Haidian, Huilongguan in the north and Nanluoguxiang and Shichahai in the middle … But as far as bars and midnight snacks are concerned, the per capita consumption of Wangjing, International Trade CBD, Sanlitun and Gongti is higher than that of other places.
By the way, friends in Haidian are really low-key. A cup of mojito may need 100 yuan in Sanlitun, but it may only need 35 yuan to win it in Wudaokou.
The consumption evaluation of workers’ sports bars is the most.
Whether you like it or not, a large number of bars and various types of work sports will be a must on the wish list of young people.
For Beijing, a city with its own literary flavor, Nanluoguxiang and Qianmen Dashilan are naturally the best windows to show its style. The bars in Nanluoguxiang/Gulou East Street are not dominant in number, but there are still many young artists who are willing to sit here and feel the Beijing culture, and feel the fireworks atmosphere of petty bourgeoisie and temperament with their friends.
After the renovation, Qianmen Dashilan, Guijie and Sanlitun together form a night economic gathering circle with Beijing characteristics, and the distinctive Hutong Bar has gradually become the punching place of online celebrity on many social platforms.
At present, urban development emphasizes night economy, whether it is a bar or a midnight snack, it is an important indicator to measure the level of urban nightlife. Behind food, lights, alcohol and music, there is a pile of vitality at night and the release of urban personality.
In summer nights, a group of people put down their fatigue after changing their suits and ties, or gathered in hot pot restaurants and barbecue stalls full of Jianghu atmosphere to berate Fang Qiu for chatting, or gathered in bars with strong atmosphere to pour out their hearts and drink heartily, which reflected the character of the city and made it more youthful.
Data capture intern Zhang Ziheng
Data analysis Chen Hualuo, intern Qi Jiyuan
New Media Design Xu Xiao
Dynamic effect design Li Yazhen
Proofread Zhai Yongjun

More than 15 classic movies reminisce about the golden songs of the year from 7.25 on the movie channel.

Special feature of 1905 film network The voice of the classics will remain forever!Starting from July 25th, the movie channel’s midsummer nostalgia series "The Golden Songs of the Years in the Movie".We have carefully prepared more than 15 classic films for you, including the voice of the times from the 1950s to the present, and each song is a classic among the classics.What kind of memories will you recall when you hum these melodies again?

The pride of defending the country in the 1950 s

Diary of a nurse

"Little Swallow"

"The little swallow wears flowered clothes and comes here every spring. I asked the swallow why he came, and the swallow said that the spring here is really beautiful."

This well-known old song "Little Swallow" is the theme song sung by actor Wang Danfeng in the first nurse-themed film in New China.

At that time, this song was as well known as the movie. Once the film was released, it was deeply loved by the masses, and almost everyone could sing the interlude in the film.

Nowadays, the song "Little Swallow" has already become a classic children’s song widely sung, accompanying generation after generation to grow up.


"My Motherland"

"A big river has wide waves, and the wind blows rice and flowers on both sides."In 1956, the song "My Motherland" led by the heroine Wang Lan (ornaments) became a movie-watching memory of a generation.

Liu Chi, the composer who wrote My Motherland, said: "I hope this song will spread all over the country with the performance of the film, and it will be well-known to all women and children and will last forever. After several years, this film is no longer performed. As long as you sing this song, you will think of the moving scenes in the film and miss those heroic volunteers! "

Qiao Yu’s lyrics, with the most unpretentious language and sincere and deep feelings, let us remember the infinite love and heroism of volunteer soldiers for their motherland and hometown. 

Five golden flowers

"butterfly spring side"

"Flowers wait for butterflies to collect honey, and A-mei waits for lovers."As the pioneering work of the new China musical, it was sold out for several months after its release, and was shown in more than 40 countries, which was very popular.

At that time, he was only 17 years old. With the corner of the golden flower in the movie Five Golden Flowers, he became the idol of countless fans.

Among them, the song "The Edge of butterfly spring" written by Jinhua and A Peng as love songs spread all over the streets in that year, and still reverberates in the hearts of the older generation.

Flying tigers.

"Play my beloved pipa."

"Play my beloved pipa and sing that touching song."Using the typical tones of Shandong folk songs, this song "Play My Beloved Pipa" has made many people deeply empathize with the feelings and revolutionary enthusiasm of Chinese sons and daughters.

A song "Play My Beloved Pipa" made flying tigers’s heroic deeds of anti-Japanese war famous all over the world, which has been passed down to this day. Even in the movie, he was re-interpreted by the starring role.

The Story of Liubao

"sunny day in 1999"

Movies depicting love stories of active servicemen were rare at that time.

The film does not focus on describing large-scale battles, but focuses on the personal emotional life of soldiers, showing the romance and warmth that are rare in the war.

The beautiful pictures of windmills, willows, Banqiao and canoes in the water town of northern Jiangsu, coupled with the theme song "Sunny Days in 1999", let us remember the lofty and beautiful love of revolutionary soldiers and the beautiful scenery of the water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

The sound of burning passion in the 1960 s

Heroes and children

"ode to the hero"

"Why is the battle flag picturesque, and the hero’s blood dyed it red? Why is the spring always there, and the hero’s life blooms?"

The theme song "Ode to a Hero" is stirring, very sonorous.Whenever "Ode to Heroes" is sung, we can see the glorious images of Wang Cheng clutching the explosive barrel and Wang Fang singing in the war, reminding us not to forget history and heroes. 

Red women soldiers

"women soldiers Liange"

"Forward, forward, soldiers have heavy responsibilities and women have deep grievances."

In order to compose the music in Red women soldiers, the composer Huang Zhun spent three or four months before and after, went to Hainan three times, went deep into the alpine jungle, visited the surviving "women soldiers" soldiers and the places where they fought and lived in the past, and collected a large number of Hainan local music, including Hainan operas and folk songs, from which he gained inspiration of musical style.The spirit of Red women soldiers is the banner of women’s liberation movement.

The crisp, majestic and powerful theme song "women soldiers Liege" has been selected as one of the 100 golden songs in China movies for more than half a century, and it is still popular today.

Eternal life in fire

"Embroidering Red Flag"

"Thousands of feelings, great love, turned into a Venus embroidered red flag."

Jiang Jie, as the representative of the female group, sang songs of integrity, which left a deep imprint on the hearts of audiences and readers from generation to generation.According to classic legend, the heroic spirit lasts for a long time; Light and shadow flow, and the red gene is passed down from generation to generation.

The "Red Rock Spirit" lives forever in the fire with the sound of classics.

Third Sister Liu

"Folk songs are like spring water."

The film that combines music and scenery is the first music and scenery film in China.

The film "Sanjie Liu" is based on the story of a generation of song fairy Sanjie Liu.Qiao Yu, who is known as a master of ci, and Lei Zhenbang, a famous composer in New China, wrote more than 30 songs for the film and won the Best Music Award in the 2nd Hundred Flowers Award.

The first song is like a spring water that sings the wishes and ideals of the working people and moistens people’s hearts.

Honghu Red Guard

"Hong Hushui waves"

If the songs in the movie "Sister Liu" represent Guangxi ethnic customs, the songs in the movie are symbols of Hubei folk songs.

Honghu Lake is also a hot spot for revolution. This was once one of the centers of the national agrarian revolution.A song of Hong Hushui, which has lasted for generations.

Classic aria in films such as Hong Hushui, Beating Waves, What a Beautiful Battle, Seeing that all the toiling people in the world are liberated, No Tears, No Sadness, Song of the Red Guards, etc., have been well-known so far and evoked many revolutionary feelings and memories.

The visitor on the iceberg

"Why are flowers so red?"

At that time, an old movie evoked many people’s yearning for the Pamirs.

A song "Why Flowers Are So Red" tells the story of the hardships and hardships experienced by border guards, and how many people yearn for a better life and sincere love.

This song "Why Flowers Are So Red", which is played by Dutar and other musical instruments, is original and rough, melodious and simple in tone, which appropriately creates a sad and romantic atmosphere for the film and makes the film more legendary because of the music.

This song is the password for the older generation to transmit love when they are in love, which shows its rich charm and unique charm.

Melody of praising the motherland in the 1970s.

Sparkling red star

"Red Star Song"

"The red star shines brightly, the red star is bright and warm-hearted, the red star is the heart of the workers and peasants, and the glory of the party shines for generations."

In that era when model operas were popular, The Sparkling Red Star brought people a brand-new experience and quickly became popular all over China.

The song called "three reds" in the film — — Red Star Song, Red Star Follow Me to Fight, and Yingshanhong are all widely sung.After years of repeated elutriation, it still lasts forever and becomes one of the symbols for people to recall the past.

Little flower

"velvet flower"

"There is a beautiful flower in the world, and that is youth spitting youth. Clashing hard bones and blooming flowers, blood from Li Li dyed it red … …”

Two songs in the film that won the 3rd Hundred Flowers Award Best Music Award added a lot of color to the film.A "Sister Looking for Brother’s Tears" and a "Eddy Flowers" made many audiences cry.

Xiaohua turned grief into a revolutionary force, unswervingly embarked on the spirit of the revolutionary road, exuded the dazzling light of lofty ideals and firm beliefs, and gave people strength. 

The expression of trivial matters in life after the 1980s.

"It’s a long way to go, and it’s difficult and dangerous to sprinkle camel bells all the way."

When he directed and starred in the film in the 1980s, he was determined to pour out his war friendship with a moving song from the beginning. Camel Bell came into being.

"The lover will never come again after parting, sitting alone and looking out of the world."

The song "The Love of My Life" in the movie that came out in 1995 is the love of my life.

"Love is just a word. I will only say it once. You know I will only express it with actions."

On July 30, 1999, the song "Love is One Word" in the movie is the deep affection between mother and son of Aquilaria sinensis.

"When a ship sinks to the bottom of the sea, when a person becomes a mystery. You don’t know why they left, but that goodbye was his last sentence. "

The debut film, which was released on July 24th, 2014 for eight years, seems to be more famous than the film in its episode of the same name, which describes the mood of contemporary young people wandering around the world very appropriately.

An era, with the brand of an era, condenses into eternal memory.These classic songs of different ages represent our youth and blood in different ages.

Let’s turn over the chapter of memory, review the classic songs of the times, and recall those once moved.In August, "The Golden Melody of the Year in the Movie" will also welcome the classic translation unit, so stay tuned!

a program parade

July 25-29 at 10:15.

On July 25th, Sparkling Red Star

On July 26th, Diary of a Nurse

On July 27th, "Heroes and Children"

On July 28th, Shangganling

On July 29, "See you later"

August 1-5 at 10:10.

August 1 "Lotus Lantern"

On August 2nd, The Great Sage of a Chinese Odyssey Marries.

On August 3rd, Red women soldiers

On August 4th, Third Sister Liu

August 5 "Five Golden Flowers"

8:00 on August 8-12.

August 8 th

On August 9th, Little Flower

On August 10th, The Visitor on the Iceberg

On August 11th, Honghu Red Guard

On August 12, The Story of Liubao

* Please pay attention to the daily program preview for the specific broadcast time.