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Investigation on MOMO Death Game: Beware of excessive entertainment and prevent being used.

   Legal Daily News (Reporter Zhao Li Intern Lin Jingyu Ma Jia) Following the horrible "Blue Whale Game", another game aimed at guiding suicide has entered people’s field of vision — — MOMO challenge(MOMO challenge)

  It is reported that overseas MOMO games led to the suicide of a 12-year-old Argentine girl, but MOMO in China was "played badly" by netizens. Open Weibo and enter "MOMO Death Game", and QQ chat records between netizens and MOMO are overwhelming. It is understood that MOMO games will find the target audience online, and then release the death task. If the target fails to complete the task, it will use hacking technology to find out the private phone number and home address of the target and harass it. In order to find out, the reporter launched an investigation on this game called MOMO.

  The spoofed "death game"

  According to the description of the network police article, MOMO is a suicide game similar to the "blue whale" that once caused a great sensation. It will suddenly jump out of the screen and provoke you to take part in a challenge. At present, a 12-year-old girl in Argentina has died, which the police believe is related to this game.

  It sounds very scary.

  And everyone did say that they would not participate, because their first reaction to this game called MOMO was nothing but that the horrible image in MOMO’s game looked so scary that they had no courage to participate after reading it.

  According to the existing statement, this kind of game is to let others actively add it through the number on WhatsApp, and then it will send back some violent threats, instigate players to do some terrible challenges, and even disclose personal information.

  Now on the video website, you can see a lot of videos made by video bloggers to contact MOMO. Some people say that MOMO is just a spoof urban legend, while others say that MOMO is a way for dark hackers to retaliate against society. But at present, in the eyes of more and more netizens and even minors, MOMO has become a spoof game or a joke.

  It’s not hard to find that the chat records thrown out on the Internet are almost teasing and mocking MOMO, and teasing information like "I’ll wait for you at three in the morning" is exposed to the Internet.

  The reporter privately wrote a few "flirting" netizens about MOMO through Weibo and some Q&A platforms. A netizen said that the chat was a fake MOMO, and the screenshot was stolen from a friend, just for fun. A netizen showed that many MOMO in QQ are now pretended by netizens. MOMO games have been interpreted by many netizens for entertainment, and even made into expression packs to spread.

  However, in the interview, some netizens reported that they were really targeted by MOMO, saying that they received an application from a QQ friend in the middle of the night. "There are not many words from the other party, and they keep asking me if I accept the death challenge. I just asked the other person what MOMO was, and talked about it, and finally the other person blacked me out. I am an optimistic person in my life, and I have never made suicidal remarks on social media. " According to the contact information of MOMO provided by this netizen, the reporter contacted the person with MOMO as the avatar on QQ, but the other party just sent a "suicide" expression pack, and then asked any information without getting a reply.

  When looking at related topics, the reporter found that netizens did not take it seriously, nor did they show too much concern about the game. Instead, they spoofed MOMO in various ways.

  One of the most striking features of MOMO is that it misappropriates a Japanese bird named Link Factory as its avatar on social networks. Its prominent eyeballs and strange expressions make people feel very strange at first glance. However, the reporter noticed that the unrestrained netizens did not seem to be scared by this image, and they used their creativity to beautify the bird with Cosmetic Contact Lenses, lipstick, bow and cat ears, saying that "in fact, she dressed up well, not bad". These netizens joked, "In foreign countries, MOMO forces you to commit suicide. In China, netizens forced MOMO to commit suicide. In foreign countries, someone has called the police to arrest MOMO. In China, MOMO called the police to catch sand sculpture netizens who cheated money.

  But there are still people who are worried about MOMO.

  "Minors are immature, MOMO is just a sculpture, and there is no curse. I hope that the majority of teenagers will not try to prevent being fooled." A netizen said in Weibo. The netizen told reporters, "You can pay more attention to your child’s psychological status, whether there are behaviors that hurt yourself, such as self-harm, and whether the mobile phone address book frequently communicates with a strange number, but most of the MOMO that appears on the Internet now is pretended by netizens."

  Another netizen said that his younger brother had communicated with MOMO in a game group, but because his younger brother’s English was very poor and he couldn’t understand it, he replied while translating, and the other party deleted him because he was too slow. After discovering it, he also asked his younger brother to quit from the group. There are also some netizens who say to people who pretend to be MOMO and flirt with MOMO by being smart, "If you don’t die, you won’t die."

  Or used by people with ulterior motives.

  So, is MOMO really scary?

  The reporter contacted Zhang Kai (a pseudonym) who works in a game media, and he described the ins and outs of MOMO games in detail.

  "To tell you the truth, I feel very surprised that MOMO can have such a big movement. Previous ‘ Blue whale incident ’ It is a real bad game that really happened, but MOMO is different. " Zhang Kai said that he noticed that MOMO was played on August 2nd this year. At that time, he saw many domestic media and news from the media, but the basic content was the same. He characterized MOMO as a death challenge game similar to "Blue Whale". My intuition made me feel strange, and then we started an analysis.

  The prototype of MOMO is the "catching bird" in China and Japanese ancient legends. This kind of ghost is the incarnation of a dead pregnant woman, who takes off her feathers to become an adult and puts on her feathers to become a bird, especially to harm children. This is really commensurate with the background of instigating children to commit suicide.

  Zhang Kai and others compared the game forms of Blue Whale and MOMO, and found that Blue Whale played 50 things in 50 days, while MOMO only called MOMO at 3: 00 in the morning. "Then what? The scariest thing that will happen next is whether the phone bill will be spent. Obviously, this lacks a lot of things. We think it is very strange and we will continue to push forward step by step. " Zhang Kai and others called MOMO at three o’clock in the morning and found that "nothing happened, basically it was not connected". The whole incident was in distress, probably because there was some information gap between China and foreign countries. "According to our investigation, MOMO games got angry on YouTube on July 11th, but we got really angry here without warning until August 15th. The information gap mainly comes from the content on the external network and the self-media in China, and there is some gap, or lag. In fact, MOMO is not terrible at all, because it is just a statue. If it is to be said that it is terrible, it must be that netizens have terrible ability to spread rumors, and it is very bad to listen to the wind and rain. "

  "Later, a few bloggers on YouTube used special effects to make some scary videos, which were misrepresented and turned into horror games." Zhang Kai gave an example to the reporter, "The video that is widely circulated on the Internet, the content producer made the virtual image of MOMO by using special effects, so he could get through the phone, MOMO would even chat with him, and even instigate him to commit suicide, but it was a prank he directed and acted, because it was the video column ‘ Call at three in the morning ’ A video of the series, he himself also commented under the video that ‘ How many people think this is true, wake up ’ " .

  Regarding the fact that some netizens said that MOMO on QQ can get the real information of the other party, Zhang Kai sent a screenshot of QQ chat records with similar situation to the reporter, and said to the reporter: "Except for some hackers, it is not excluded that some people in China are bored to pretend to be MOMO, directing and playing pranks for everyone to have fun."

  "I can only say that MOMO itself does not exist. If, I mean, if, under the guise of MOMO, criminals try to trick children into doing dangerous things, it has nothing to do with MOMO. In fact, MOMO has been completely entertained in China now, and everyone has not taken it seriously. Perhaps after experiencing the blue whale game, everyone really became rational, but they should also be rational, not too entertaining, so that some lawless elements can take advantage of it. " Zhang Kai said.

  For MOMO games, Liu Min, who is engaged in psychological counseling and rehabilitation in Beijing, told reporters that she also noticed the spoof about related games on the Internet. "MOMO is deified to some extent. We should care more about those who play this game with the idea of killing themselves. However, it is not difficult to imagine that those who have been found out a lot of personal information and committed suicide by self-mutilation may be people who can only live in the internet but are not gregarious in reality. They may have lost hope for life and may have poor mental health. They will kill themselves, just looking for a reason. This is what needs to be vigilant. "

  In Liu Min’s view, MOMO game and Blue Whale game are not far apart in essence. In fact, the objects of these games are those who have lost hope in life, give them a dose of catalyst, and at the same time threaten their privacy and the safety of their loved ones, pushing them to death. "A person who really doesn’t want to die will call the police immediately when he hears someone say that he wants to hurt himself and his loved ones. There are also some fancy pictures insulting MOMO on the Internet, which is the simplest example, but those negative thoughts are still worthy of vigilance and should not be over-entertained. In particular, it is necessary to determine whether the game is very popular among minors, because the minds of minors are still immature and fragile. "

  Finally, Liu Min gave four words of advice: Don’t spread it.

FIFA: Saudi Arabia is the only bid for the 2034 Football World Cup.

Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, October 31 (Reporter Shan Lei) On October 31, FIFA announced that Saudi Arabian Football Association was the only football association to submit an application for hosting the 2034 Football World Cup before the deadline.

FIFA confirmed that it has received an application from Saudi Arabia to host the 2034 World Cup, and Saudi Arabia is the only country that has expressed its interest in hosting the 2034 World Cup.

Previously, FIFA had announced that the only application for hosting the 2030 World Cup was jointly submitted by the Football Associations of Morocco, Portugal and Spain. At present, these three countries have confirmed their willingness to bid. As the centenary celebration of the World Cup will be held in 2030, FIFA plans to hold a World Cup in Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay, and these three countries have also confirmed their willingness to host the World Cup.

Like Morocco, Portugal and Spain, Saudi Arabia still needs to pass the FIFA audit. If these bidding countries can meet the requirements of FIFA and go through the whole bidding process, then FIFA will determine its right to host at the FIFA General Assembly at the end of 2024.

Photo: Li Ming

The domestic large aircraft C919 made its first flight today, and the overall localization rate reached over 50%.

  Guangming. com May 5 th (Reporter Zhan Wei)This afternoon, the domestic large passenger plane C919 will make its first flight at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. From 1970, when the project was initiated to develop "Yun 10", to 2007, it was decided to carry out the reform of aviation industry system, and the project was initiated to develop C919. The civil aviation industry in China experienced a difficult and bumpy development course. The moment of the first flight of C919 bears the struggles and dreams of several generations of China civil aircraft people. Let us have a more comprehensive understanding of C919.

The domestic large aircraft C919 made its first flight today, and the overall localization rate reached over 50%.

  On May 4th, in the hangar of Zhuqiao Base of China Commercial Aircraft Corporation Flight Test Center, the staff inspected and maintained the domestic large passenger plane C919. Xinhua news agency  

  Why is it named C919?

  According to Comac China, the full name of "C919" is "COMAC919".

  Among them, "COMAC" is the abbreviation of the English name of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of CHINA Ltd, which developed C919. The "C" in the abbreviation is the first letter of "COMAC" and the first letter of China’s English name "China".

  The first 9 means "everlasting", and the last two 19 means that the maximum capacity of C919 passenger plane is 190 passengers.

  Previously, the internationally renowned aircraft manufacturers were Air Bus and Boeing, and from A to B to C, they just lined up.

  What kind of research and development process has C919 experienced?

  According to official website of China Commercial Aircraft Corporation, C919 is a large jet civil aircraft developed by China in accordance with international civil aviation regulations and with independent intellectual property rights, with 158-174 seats and a range of 4,075-5,555 kilometers.

  It took 10 years from 2007, when the major scientific and technological special project of large aircraft development was formally approved, to 2015, when the first aircraft of C919 was assembled and rolled off the assembly line in China Commercial Aircraft Assembly and Manufacturing Center, and today, the domestic large aircraft will soon fly from blueprint to flying in the blue sky for the first time.

  During this period, researchers have planned 102 key technical problems for advanced pneumatic layout, structural materials and airborne systems. In preparation for the first flight, the C919 has completed 118 test projects and experienced 21 taxiing tests including low, medium and high taxiing, and passed the expert technical review in March 2017 and the release review in April.

  Why is the first flight important?

  The first flight of an airplane refers to the first flight of a newly manufactured airplane from the ground. Every plane has its first flight, but the first flight of a new model has its special significance. It is not only an important link in a series of work chains, such as changing ideas into drawings, drawings into objects, and objects can fly, but also an important milestone in the turning point of new models from static to moving and the birth of new models.

  According to the relevant person in charge of Comac, as long as the plane begins to taxi and leave the ground during the first flight, the most basic system functions will be preliminarily assessed. The test pilot will comment on the aircraft’s handling stability, take-off and landing performance, power plant and driving equipment for the first time. Generally, the first flight time of light aircraft does not exceed 30 to 40 minutes, and that of large aircraft is 1 to 2 hours. Generally, the first flight chooses a good weather, with visibility not less than 5 to 7km, and no low clouds and crosswinds. The flight weight of the first flight plane should be reduced as much as possible, so as to minimize the take-off speed from the ground and shorten the take-off taxi distance, thus improving driving conditions.

  How to fly on the first flight?

  The maximum altitude of the first flight of C919 is 10,000 feet, the maximum speed is 170 knots, and there are 15 test points. The whole process is divided into five stages, namely, ground inspection stage, climbing stage, level flight stage, simulated approach, landing and go-around stage and landing stage. Traditionally, the C919 did not retract the landing gear during the first flight, and kept the flaps down.

  In addition, when the C919 makes its first flight, a second plane will accompany it. The task of companion flight is to observe the first flight plane in real time in the air, record flight data, take photos and videos, and make every effort to ensure the safety of the plane during its first flight. In case of any problems, the crew of the accompanying plane will immediately warn the crew of the first flight, report to the ground control personnel and guide the first flight to land safely. In addition, the accompanying aircraft will also monitor the air environment of the first flight to ensure that no other aircraft will break into the flight route of the first flight and put an end to any hidden dangers of stealing secrets.

  How about the localization of C919?

  Zhou Guirong, deputy chief designer of C919 large passenger aircraft, said that at present, the overall localization rate of C919 aircraft can reach more than 50%, including domestic enterprises and joint ventures at home and abroad. The safety requirements of aviation products are very high. The development of the whole localization, whether at home or abroad, is in accordance with the same set of international standards and methods, and the trial is also in strict accordance with international standards and norms.

  China Commercial Aircraft Corporation insists on "main manufacturer — Supplier "development mode, maximize the gathering and utilization of domestic and foreign resources, and build a" life community "of the civil aircraft industry. There are 22 provinces and cities, more than 200 enterprises and 36 colleges and universities involved in the development of C919 large passenger aircraft. Sixteen material manufacturers and 54 standard parts manufacturers including Baosteel have become suppliers or potential suppliers of large passenger aircraft projects. China Comac also signed strategic cooperation agreements with six central enterprises, including aviation industry corporation of china, and established strategic cooperation relations with seven major domestic banks.

  In the development of C919 large passenger plane, researchers have planned 102 key technical problems, including integrated design of aircraft engine, control law design of fly-by-wire flight control system, active control technology, etc., aiming at advanced aerodynamic layout, structural materials and airborne system.

  Take most of the front fuselage of C919 as an example, which includes the front passenger cabin, the front cargo cabin and the recirculation fan cabin, and contains more than 1,600 parts, involving nearly 2,000 tooling. This section adopts the third generation aluminum alloy — — Al-Li alloy material, which is the first time in domestic civil aircraft application. Al-Li alloy material is considered as the most ideal material for aerospace at present. China Commercial Aircraft Corporation and AVIC Hongdu Aviation, a joint supplier, have completed 20 batches of material performance data tests under stable process conditions through the tests of 2,500 test pieces in recent three years. Around the establishment of material fatigue rating (DFR) data system, DFR fatigue tests of typical structural details in different processing and manufacturing States were carried out, with more than 3,000 test pieces. The processing technology of Al-Li alloy structure, such as chemical milling, machining, hole-making, hot-pressing subsidence, mirror milling and heat table treatment, has been fully verified. Through tackling key problems, the model material specification system and performance data system for design are gradually established.

  How did the C919 market react?

  Focusing on the most mainstream air transport market, C919 is a trunk aircraft developed in full compliance with international mainstream airworthiness standards and international mainstream market operation standards. At present, C919 large passenger aircraft has 23 domestic and foreign customers, including China International Airlines, with a total order of 570 aircraft, including international customers such as GECAS.

  What is the significance of C919 to China?

  Large aircraft is a high integration of modern high technology and is called "the jewel in the industrial crown". C919 means that China’s civil aviation will no longer rely on foreign imports, and China’s aircraft manufacturing has truly embarked on a road of independent development.

  Driven by the C919 large passenger aircraft project, a technological innovation system of civil aircraft has been formed, which is based on China Commercial Aircraft Corporation, market-oriented and combined with Industry-University-Research. China Commercial Aircraft Corporation (Comac) has built a technical responsibility system around the realization process of civil aircraft products and the technical requirements of full-life cycle service, and planned to promote the technical system construction with standards and specifications as the main carrier. Through scientific research and innovation research, model technology research and other ways, it has continuously formed new civil aircraft technical achievements and supplemented and improved the civil aircraft technical system.

  Millions of fine parts, covering high-end manufacturing of almost all industrial categories — — Domestic large aircraft soaring in the blue sky will undoubtedly drive China’s manufacturing industry to the "smile curve".

  From the upstream, the development of large passenger aircraft can drive the group breakthrough of key technologies in new materials, modern manufacturing, advanced power, electronic information, automatic control, computers and other fields, and can promote the development of many high-tech industries, with a technology diffusion rate as high as 60%. The technological upgrading of its industry will inevitably require great progress in many basic disciplines, including fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, computational mathematics, thermophysics, chemistry, information science, environmental science and so on. From the downstream, the commercial operation of large civil aircraft has a great impact on civil aviation transportation, aviation maintenance, aviation finance, tourism, logistics and other industries.

  For China, the breakthrough of large-scale aircraft technology will not only promote the development of a number of new industries, but also force the upgrading of China’s industrial standards by continuously expanding the industrial chain and introducing airworthiness certification in China, thus promoting the overall improvement of China’s industrial manufacturing capacity and level. Some experts said that in the 21st century, only a breakthrough in high-end large-scale equipment manufacturing such as large aircraft can support the foundation of China as an industrial power. At the same time, it also contributes to the transformation of China from a "manufacturing power" to a "manufacturing power".

  C919 memorabilia:

  In 2007

  On February 26th, the 170th executive meeting was held in the State Council, and the Report on Demonstration of Large Aircraft Scheme was adopted in principle, and the major scientific and technological projects for large aircraft development were formally approved in principle.

  On August 30th, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee held the 192nd Standing Committee, listened to and agreed to the Report of the Leading Group for Major Special Projects of Large Aircraft in the State Council, and decided to set up a preparatory group for large passenger aircraft projects.

  the year of 2008

  On May 11th, China Commercial Aircraft Corporation was established on the Huangpu River.

  On July 3rd, China Commercial Aircraft Corporation held a demonstration mobilization meeting for large passenger aircraft project in Shanghai.

  In 2009

  On January 6th, China Commercial Aircraft Corporation released the first single-channel conventional layout 150-seat large passenger aircraft model code "COMAC919", referred to as "C919".

  On September 8th, the Asia International Aviation Exhibition and Forum opened in Hong Kong, and the C919 large passenger aircraft model was exhibited for the first time.

  On December 16th, the basic overall technical scheme of C919 large passenger plane passed the expert review organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

  On December 21st, China Commercial Aircraft Corporation and CFM Company formally signed a letter of intent for strategic cooperation on the power plant of C919 large passenger aircraft, and selected the LEAP-1C engine developed by CFM Company as the only foreign startup power plant for C919 large passenger aircraft.

  On December 25th, the main structure of C919 large passenger aircraft nose engineering prototype was officially delivered in Shanghai.

  2010 years

  On November 15th, a 1:1 demonstration prototype of C919 large passenger plane was exhibited for the first time at Zhuhai Air Show, and 100 start-up orders were obtained.

  On December 24th, the Civil Aviation Administration of China officially accepted the application of C919 large passenger plane in type certificate.

  In 2011

  On April 18th, the first meeting of the Model Qualification Approval Committee of C919 large passenger aircraft was held in Shanghai, and the development of C919 aircraft entered the formal airworthiness review stage.

  On December 9th, the C919 large passenger aircraft project passed the national preliminary design review and moved to the detailed design stage.

  On December 19th, the first part of the C919 large passenger aircraft project — — The beam of the front boarding gate was started in Chengdu, and the manufacturing of the fuselage was fully rolled out.

  In 2012

  On July 31st, the Special Certification Plan for C919 Aircraft (PSCP) was signed in Shanghai.

  On December 4th, the static fatigue test project of strength research of composite rear fuselage section, one of the seven components of C919 aircraft, was completed.

  On December 13th, the Design & Research Department of Sexuality and Product Support of China COMAC received the model data review form fed back by the reviewer, and the reviewer officially approved the CP status of the C919 Aircraft System Safety Review Plan in the first stage.

  On December 29th, China Commercial Aircraft Flight Test Center organized a review meeting on the test modification scheme of 101 aircraft riveting area of C919 aircraft and a seminar on the construction scheme of C919 aircraft test system.

  In 2013

  From January 17th to 18th, the composite structural design evaluation meeting of C919 large passenger plane and the key design evaluation meeting of central wing structure were held in Shanghai. At the meeting, it was finally evaluated that the composite structural design of C919 large passenger aircraft can continue the next stage of work, and the key design of the central wing structure of C919 large passenger aircraft passed the review.

  On January 19th, the static test of the IPS suspension section of C919 aircraft was successfully completed 4.2g

  On November 28th, the FTB (Flight Test Platform) hanging test piece of C919 aircraft rolled off the assembly line in Shen Fei.

  On December 30th, the C919 aircraft iron bird test-bed was officially put into use in China Commercial Aircraft Shangfei Hospital, and the system verification of the C919 project was officially started.

  On December 31st, the first aircraft nose of C919 large passenger aircraft project was rolled off the assembly line of AVIC Chengfei civil aircraft.

  In 2014

  On May 15th, the front fuselage section of the first aircraft of C919 rolled off the assembly line in Hongdu, AVIC.

  In July, the central wing of the first aircraft of C919 completed the final assembly in AVIC Xifei.

  On July 23rd, the assembly of the flat tail parts of the first aircraft of C919 was officially started in Pudong base of the final assembly manufacturing center of China Commercial Aircraft Corporation.

  On August 21st, the middle and rear fuselage section of the first aircraft of C919 rolled off the assembly line in Hongdu large parts factory of AVIC.

  On August 29th, the mid-fuselage/center wing and aileron section of C919 aircraft passed the airworthiness inspection in AVIC Xifei and reached the delivery status.

  In September, C919 aircraft tire explosion hazard test was successfully completed.

  At 9: 19 on September 19th, the first aircraft of C919 began to dock at the newly-built assembly manufacturing center of Comac in China. This marks an important milestone in the development of the C919 large passenger aircraft project.

  On September 23rd, the prototype and test platform of C919 aircraft communication navigation monitoring system (CNS system) were delivered in Shanghai.

  On November 24th, the first wing of C919 aircraft arrived at Pudong base of China Commercial Aircraft Assembly Manufacturing Center.

  On October 30th, the front section of the rear fuselage of the first aircraft of C919 was delivered at AVIC Shenfei Civil Aircraft.

  In 2015

  On February 6 -8, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized a detailed design review meeting of the C919 large passenger aircraft project in Shanghai, and the expert review committee unanimously agreed that the C919 project passed the national detailed design review.

  On February 11th, the rear fuselage of the first aircraft of C919 was manufactured by China Aerospace Science and Technology Third Academy Aerospace Haiying (Zhenjiang) Special Materials Co., Ltd., passed the airworthiness review and was officially delivered to China Commercial Aircraft Corporation.

  In February, the C919 aircraft avionics comprehensive test-bed was delivered to China Commercial Aircraft by Ang Avionics and officially put into trial.

  On March 6th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held a review meeting on the transition of the C919 aircraft to the full-scale trial production stage in Beijing, and the C919 large passenger aircraft project was transferred from the detailed design stage to the full-scale trial production stage.

  On April 18th, the first cabin door of C919 aircraft arrived at Pudong base of China Commercial Aircraft Assembly Manufacturing Center.

  On July 22nd, Comac China and CFM International held a ceremony to celebrate the delivery of the first CFM LEAP-1C engine.

  On September 4th, 102 front fuselage and mid-rear fuselage of C919 project manufactured by AVIC Hongdu successfully passed the airworthiness manufacturing compliance inspection of China Civil Aviation Jiangxi Supervision Bureau, and successfully completed the signing.

  On November 2nd, the first aircraft of C919 rolled off the assembly line in China Commercial Aircraft Assembly and Manufacturing Center.

  the year of 2016

  On April 11th, the static test of C919 large passenger plane was officially launched.

  In June, the construction of C919 intelligent assembly line with horizontal tail was listed in the smart manufacturing project to be selected by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

  In November, China Eastern Airlines became the first user of C919 aircraft in the world.

  On December 25th, the first aircraft of C919 was delivered to the flight test center.

  the year 2017

  On April 18th, C919 large passenger plane passed the first flight release evaluation.

  On April 23rd, C919 large passenger plane completed the high-speed taxiing and front wheel lifting test.

  Plan, May 5, the first flight.

  (Comprehensive Guangming Daily, Xinhua News Agency, China News Service, Beijing Youth Daily)

Night reading: autumn flavor

  In autumn, count the sunlight that leaks between the leaves of Sophora japonica.

  Autumn, close to an ancient city with a little osmanthus fragrance.

  Autumn comforts the lost geese and flowers covered with frost.

  In autumn, enjoy the leaves on the moon, eat crabs around the stove, read books and write letters.

  Autumn, thinning day, missing heart, live well.

  The autumnal equinox has arrived, and the National Day holiday is just around the corner. Follow famous artists and taste autumn all over again.

  ▽ Drink tea and count the sunlight leaking between autumn leaves.

  Even if you don’t go out in Beiping, you can rent a dilapidated house to live in the sea of people in the imperial city. When you get up in the morning, make a bowl of strong tea and sit in the yard, you can see the high green sky and hear the flying of pigeons in the blue sky. From the bottom of Sophora japonica leaves, counting a trace of leaked sunlight to the east, or in the broken waist, facing the blue flower of morning glory like a trumpet, you can naturally feel very autumn. — — Yu Dafu’s Autumn in the Old Capital

  ▽ Look at the mountains all over the place, and the layers of forest are all dyed.

   When the leaves are gradually sparse, Lin Qiu shows their elegance, which is free and easy without any embellishment and aloof from worldly prosperity. 

  The most touching thing is that the setting sun is reflected in Lin Qiu. It was so drunk that it set off the deepening dusk in the sky. The evening breeze is clear and cool, and it is a very beautiful and sad beauty with the twilight. It makes you want to shed a few lines of tears of life experience, but you are intimidated by the fading drunken red, and you are willing to condense your unrestrained emotions. — — Roland’s Ode to Autumn

  ▽ Close to a poetic ancient city.

  In autumn, water is as cool as the blue sky. There are some white clouds in the sky and some waves on the water. Between Tianshui and Tianshui, it is all clear and warm air, with a little sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance. The mountain shadow is also more real. Autumn mountains and autumn waters kissed vainly. When the mountain is still, the water is quiet. The medieval old city, with autumn colors and autumn sounds, is Jinan and a poem. — — Lao She’s Autumn in Jinan 

  Leaning under the ginkgo tree in front of the door, listening to the late cicada.

   Looking at the sky by the door, the sky is pale purple and dark yellow. Looking around, the straw piles in villages everywhere were plated with gold in the dusk setting sun. After the smoke rises, it falls again, dragging it into a white curtain to the slope. In the distance, in the empty field where the grain has been cut, the roots of the grain are white, such as drawing countless dots on a piece of paper. All the scenes are like poems, unspeakable harmony and untold beauty. 

  In this situation, Wuming and Ahei are leaning under the ginkgo tree in front of the door to listen to the cicada in the evening. I wonder if there are tears and other things in the world. — — Shen Congwen’s Autumn 

  ▽ Comfort the little flowers covered with frost:

   Autumn and winter are followed by spring. 

  In my backyard, you can see two trees outside the wall, one is jujube, and the other is jujube. The night sky above is strange and high. I have never seen such a strange and high sky in my life. He seems to be leaving the world, so that people will no longer see him on their backs. However, now it is very blue, blinking with dozens of stars, coldly. He smiled at his quarrel, as if he thought he had great meaning, and sprinkled numerous frost on the wild flowers and plants in my garden.

  I don’t know what the real names of those flowers and plants are and what people call them. I remember a tiny pink flower, which is still blooming, but it is even smaller. In the cold night air, she timidly dreamed of the arrival of spring and autumn. She dreamed that the thin poet wiped tears on her last petal and told her that although autumn came, winter came, and then it was spring, butterflies flew around and bees sang spring words. She then smiled, although the color was red with cold, she still cringed. — — Lu Xun’s Autumn Night

  ▽ Ride the rain and net the whole autumn world.

  Rain, like silver-gray sticky spider silk, weaves into a soft net and nets the whole autumn world. The sky is dark, too, like the roof of an old house covered with spider webs. That pile of gray clouds in the sky is like white powder peeling off the roof. Under the cover of this old roof, everything is extremely dull.

  The green mulberry trees and vines in the garden only represent the prosperity of the past summer, but now they have become the remains of ancient Roman architecture, shivering in the rustling rain and recalling the glorious past. The grass color has turned into a melancholy yellow, and no fresh flowers can be found underground; The delicate daffodils planted outside the dormitory wall hung their heads with tears in their eyes, sighing their poor luck there, only after two days of beautiful days and such a musty rainy day.

  Only the sweet-scented osmanthus in the corner, the branches have been decorated with several tender buds as precious as gold, carefully hidden under the green oval leaves, revealing a little hope of new life germination. — — Zhang Ailing’s Autumn Rain

  ▽ Enjoy osmanthus and eat crabs.

  The day before yesterday, my aunt also said that she would invite the old lady to enjoy osmanthus flowers and eat crabs in the garden, because something has not been invited yet. Don’t mention the poetry club now, just ask for it. When they are separated, how many poems will we have to write? My brother and I told him to bring a few baskets of extremely fat crabs, take a few jars of good wine from the shop, and prepare four or five tables of fruit plates, which would not save trouble and make everyone lively. — — Cao Xueqin’s Dream of Red Mansions


  I only feel that my mood is very harmonious in autumn. Instead of that kind of ecstasy and anxiety, I was often attracted by autumn wind, autumn rain, autumn scenery and Qiu Guang and melted in the autumn, temporarily losing my place.

  It is necessary to enter autumn, when the sun shows all its might and gradually retreats, the skin soaked with sweat gradually shrinks, and it seems that you are going to have a cold shiver when you wear a light coat, but when you feel comfortable when you touch the flannel with your hands, then knowledge such as cooking, hugging and bathing days can be gradually integrated into the experience world and turned into a sense of body. — — Feng Zikai’s Autumn

  ▽ Dusk, sitting alone, empty.

  At dusk in autumn, sitting alone on the sofa, smoking, watching the red light under the white ash of cigarette butts, slightly revealing the heating, my heart’s mood will follow the blue smoke, just as relaxed and free. In an instant, the smoke turns into wisps and slowly disappears, but at that moment, the mood in my heart is also depressed in the world … … — — Lin Yutang’s "The Taste of Autumn"

  ▽ Savor autumn in the trivial.

  Autumn also comes from the color of the soles of feet and the luster of nails. Let me go barefoot before summer. Hide your bare feet before autumn comes. Trim your nails in summer. Is it warmer to leave some dirty nails in early autumn? In autumn, the elbow is tanned because the elbow is bent as a pillow. If you don’t have a strong appetite in autumn, you will be a little empty. People with too thick earwax don’t know autumn. — — Kawabata Yasunari’s Four Scenes in Early Autumn

  ▽ Reading, writing long letters, wandering … …

   Whoever doesn’t have a house at this time doesn’t have to build it.

   Whoever is lonely at this time will always be lonely,

   Just wake up, read, write long letters,

   Keep wandering and falling leaves on the tree-lined road. — — Rilke’s Autumn Day

  ▽ Purify body and mind with autumn music.

  I put my cheek on the window glass, which was quite cold. I looked out of the window with the desire to enjoy, and the nature in autumn unfolded a brilliant scene.

  The sun shines like the bright timbre of the piano on this harvested field, and the whole earth is like a mother who has given birth to a baby, happily stretching under the open clear sky, lying down with a plump and flexible body! The thick reddish brown exposed from the stubble is the strong skin color of Mother Earth. All the Woods have inflated their energy to the end in the hot summer competition, and now they are freely stretching their beautiful branches; All the golden leaves are its fruits, and the autumn wind turns, boasting brilliantly the richness of autumn … … — — Feng Jicai’s Music in Autumn

  ▽ Memory.

   I remember what you looked like last autumn, with a gray beret and a calm heart. The flames of the sunset glow fight in your eyes. Leaves are falling on the surface of your soul. You are like a vine wrapped around my arms, and the leaves collect your slow and calm voice. A bonfire of amazement burning with my longing. … … The sky of the ship, the buildings of the mountains: your memory is composed of light, smoke and calm ponds! There are thousands of sunsets burning in the depths of your eyes. The dead leaves of autumn revolve around your soul. — — Nie Luda’s I Remember You Last Autumn.


  It was autumn again, and my sister pushed me to Beihai to see chrysanthemums. The yellow flowers are elegant, the white flowers are noble, and the purple flowers are warm and deep, splashing, and the autumn wind is blooming brilliantly. I know what my mother left unfinished. So does my sister. We are together, so we should live well … … — — Shi Tiesheng’s Missing in Autumn

  Put it down.

  Autumn has rubbed off the old leaves. Do you want to hear a new story? The quiet river opened its eyes and said with a smile: there are always people who go home and there are always offshore boats. — — Jian Zheng’s Upright 

[Traveling in Xinjiang] Protecting the "Kidney of Nature" Xinjiang wetland is full of vitality and picturesque scenery.

  Speaking of Sailimu Lake National Wetland Park, the tourists who have been here just past the "Eleventh" holiday are still unforgettable. The wetland park covers a total area of more than 1,000 square kilometers. There is the alpine cold water lake with the highest altitude and the largest area in Xinjiang. Wild foxes occasionally appear in the grass covered with wild flowers. There are groups of white swans flying over the lake with water and sky. There are 639 species of wild plants and 143 species of wild animals in various landscapes such as lakes, rivers, meadows and swamps.

  During the "Eleventh" holiday, Mr. Zhang, a tourist from Shenzhen, stayed here for three days and still felt that he didn’t stay enough. Although he didn’t catch up with the famous Nadam convention, he lived in the Mongolian yurt inn next to the scenic spot, watched folk culture performances and took a walk by the lake, which made him deeply immersed in the harmony and tranquility of integrating into nature.

  When it comes to Xinjiang, everyone will think of the boundless desert Gobi. In fact, there are all kinds of wetlands with a total area exceeding the land area of Hainan Province. Today, 11 of the 54 wetland parks in Xinjiang have been officially listed as national wetland parks. These wetlands have attracted tourists from all over the country for their unique charm.

  Bird-watching and Landscape-watching Wetlands Drive Green Country Tour

  A favorite place for new people in Xinjiang is the romantic Fuyun Cocotohai National Wetland Park. Located in the Altai Mountains, 48 kilometers northeast of Fuyun County, it is different from other wetlands in Xinjiang, where there are deep canyons, clear rivers, steep peaks, waterfalls, hot springs and wetlands. "In the Cocoto Sea Scenic Area with strong autumn colors, the mountains and rivers set each other off, forming a colorful natural background, and taking wedding photos is simply a stroke of genius." Recently, Ms. Chen from Shandong and her husband participated in the live broadcast of "Traveling in a Wedding Dress", leaving sweet memories in Cocoto Sea.

  The lake is misty, the water plants sway with the wind, the fish and shrimp swim freely, and tens of thousands of waterfowl spread their wings … … During the "Eleventh" period, Mr. Wu, a tourist from Shandong Province, felt that he had come to the water town in the south of the Yangtze River, climbed the 18-meter-high Shuiyue observation deck near Hongfeng Lake, and got a panoramic view of the wetland park, which made him feel extremely comfortable.

  Aksu National Wetland Park was officially opened this year, and 23 lakes and 5 observation platforms were built on the basis of maintaining the basic features of the original wetland. By the end of September, it had received more than 10,000 tourists during peak hours, with a cumulative passenger flow of over one million.

  "At this time, Manas National Wetland Park, one of the important habitats of the third migratory line of the world’s migratory birds, gathers birdwatchers from all over the country every spring and autumn migration season. You can see more than 40 kinds of rare birds above the second level in the country here, which is a paradise for bird lovers. " Mr. Dong, a bird friend, said that there are 9 wetland observation platforms and 4 bird-watching towers in the wetland park, and green eco-rural tours focusing on eco-picking, sightseeing and leisure vacation are quietly emerging. Many villagers use the farmhouses operated by their own courtyards to attract tourists who come here to relax and experience rural life during the long vacation.

  Rich in resources, many wetlands are spread all over the north and south of Tianshan Mountain.

  Also known as the "Holy Land of Natural Photographic Materials" is Shawan Qianquan Lake National Wetland Park. There are more than 3,000 spring eyes dotted here, and the four-season overflow of spring water breeds tens of thousands of mu of reeds. The waterways are lush and green, and black-necked cranes, egrets, white cranes and geese are flying around.

  On the basis of planting fruits and vegetables and aquaculture, farmers in the surrounding areas have set up many farmhouses, where tourists can fish, watch birds and take photos, and have a rich and colorful holiday experience.

  If Kanas Lake is a daughter lake, it shows agility and liveliness. Sailimu Lake is a lover’s lake, showing charm and demure; Then Bosten Lake is Mother Lake, showing the mother’s mind and peace. This lake view, known as "Hawaii in the West", attracts tourists from all over the world.

  Bosten Lake National Wetland Park officially passed the acceptance and listing at the end of 2017. In October, the temperature in southern Xinjiang was still high. Tourists from all over the world gathered under the continuous umbrellas on the golden beach to watch the spectacular migration of birds, sigh the magic of the wetland connected with the desert, ride freely on the lake by speedboat, and enjoy sunbathing in the golden beach sand treatment … …

  There are many wetland parks all over the north and south, such as pearls scattered all over the ground: Wuqilike National Wetland Park in Altay City, which is located in the golden latitude of skiing in the world for more than 180 days, and the first helicopter skiing base in China is located here; It is positioned as a natural river wetland park with regional characteristics in the northwest plateau of China, and Buxair National Wetland Park inherits local culture in addition to the natural landscape; The largest permanent freshwater lake in northern Xinjiang, Wulungu Lake National Wetland Park is rich in unique and rich fish … … Turpan Aiding Lake Wetland Park and Nalati Marsh Wetland Park have their own characteristics and are too numerous to mention.

  Green mountains and green waters have contributed greatly to the practice of ecological protection.

  Not only is it beautiful and rich, but the ecological function of the wetland "the kidney of nature" is even more irreplaceable.

  Minfeng County is located in the Niya River National Wetland Park on the southern edge of Taklimakan Desert. The fragile ecosystem was once short of water due to wetlands, resulting in reduced vegetation coverage and dusty scenes. After the approval of the National Wetland Park, the local government actively took effective measures such as water saving and water conservation, and restored the function of the wetland green ecological barrier. Now, the rivers and lakes here are the same color, and the Niya River, as a "moat", has blocked the advancement of the desert, and the sky is blue and clear, giving birth to vitality.

  In the Chaiwobao Lake National Wetland Park at the foot of Bogda Peak in the southeast of Urumqi, the lake was almost dry in 2014. With the implementation of various environmental improvement work in recent years, the water surface area has recovered from 0.24 square kilometers to nearly 15 square kilometers today. Walking on the wooden plank road to the bird-watching platform, visitors can see rare and endangered bird species including black stork, jade belt sea eagle and white-tailed sea eagle through high-powered telescope. Wild animals under national second-class protection, such as swan, crane, red deer, argali and goose throat antelope, are also frequent visitors here … …

  All kinds of changes and the gradual restoration of the ecological environment are inseparable from people who silently pay for the protection of the ecology. In order to prevent the tears of Lake Chaiwobao from becoming the last drop of water, an ecological change that lasted for four years began. Restricting the exploitation of groundwater, returning farmland to 20726 mu, and shutting down 24 agricultural irrigation wells … … The old horse, a villager who lives not far from Chaiwobao Lake, is also the one who put it into action. "Four years ago, the staff of Chaiwobao Management Committee went door to door to promote ecological protection to us." In order to prevent livestock from destroying the wetland, the old horse sold more than 100 sheep that were kept by himself. "I have been living here. If I can make Chaiwobao Lake as beautiful as before, it will be worth it!"

  Four years later, with the improvement of the ecological environment here, the cultivated land that has been fallow for many years has gradually resumed farming. In order to prevent the desertification of cultivated land, under the guidance of the local government, Lao Ma planted 2,000 apricot trees in his cultivated land this spring. He expects to be able to grow trees and increase his family’s income in a few years.

  The regional tourism development conference held on August 25 this year pointed out that Xinjiang has a water area of 5,500 square kilometers, more than 3,400 rivers and more than 100 lakes, many of which have unique advantages in creating wetland landscapes. Among them, 11 wetland parks have officially become "national brands", integrating wetland protection and utilization, popular science education, wetland research, eco-tourism and other functions, each of which has its own unique ecological and cultural heritage. Nowadays, under the principle of "comprehensive protection, scientific restoration, rational utilization and sustainable development", all prefectures in Xinjiang are actively developing new growth poles of ecotourism, developing wetland ecotourism under the requirement of practicing green development mode, welcoming visitors from all directions in the best way of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and tasting the unique customs of Xinjiang.

  Text | Xinjiang Economic News New Media Center reporter Kang Yanyan

Innovating the recruitment mechanism of civil servants’ examination

  In recent years, open recruitment examination has become the most important channel for state organs at all levels to select and employ public servants. However, practice also shows that there are still some defects in the civil service examination and employment system, which directly affects the fairness of examination and employment. In this year’s government work report, Premier Wen Jiabao clearly stated that it is necessary to further improve the National Civil Service Law and accelerate the establishment of a scientific, fair and just civil service examination and employment system. To this end, reform and innovate the civil service examination.

  The employment system has become an important task at present.

  Fairness is an important prerequisite for the civil service examination and employment system to gain wide social recognition and social credibility, but some problems existing in the system design and specific operation of civil service examination and employment have weakened this fairness to some extent. This is mainly manifested in: first, the rule defects, and second, the operation defects. The former mainly refers to the unreasonable conditions set by the management department in the qualification of social members to apply for the exam, which restricts and prevents some social members from joining the ranks of civil servants, thus causing unfairness in the entrance examination threshold. For example, Article 16 of the Regulations on the Employment of Civil Servants stipulates that with the approval of the competent department of civil servants at or above the provincial level, the age and academic qualifications of applicants may be appropriately adjusted; However, at the same time, it is stipulated that the competent department of civil servants and the recruitment agency shall not set qualifications unrelated to job requirements. As a matter of fact, in the examination of civil servants at all levels, civil servant management departments and recruitment agencies at or above the provincial level often use the power of "appropriate adjustment" to set many unreasonable conditions on qualifications such as academic qualifications, age and household registration. The latter mainly refers to the fact that some specific circumstances that the management department should consider when formulating the civil service examination and employment system have not been fully considered, which leads to the deviation of the examination and admission work from the expected goal and the unfairness of the results. For example, in the interview stage of the civil service examination, most of the examiners who participate in the interview evaluation (that is, examiners composed of organizations and personnel departments) are still from the local area. As the traditional society in China is an "acquaintance society" and the narrowness of the region provides low cost for the humanization of the relationship,It enables candidates to get to know, woo and even bribe examiners through various channels, so as to achieve the purpose of obtaining high interview scores. In the investigation stage, because the family, neighbors or colleagues of the object of investigation are unlikely to talk about the "acquaintances" who are about to leave themselves for human reasons, this often makes the investigation a mere formality.

  In view of some disadvantages in the current employment mechanism, we believe that it is imperative to innovate the mechanism. When innovating the mechanism of civil servant examination, we should truly follow the principles of fairness, procedure, transparency and economy.

  The first is the principle of fairness. The civil service examination should put fairness in the first place. Everyone who enters the exam must take the exam, and everyone who takes the exam must achieve equal opportunities and equal rules. In terms of equality of opportunity, it is mainly reflected that all People’s Republic of China (PRC) citizens, regardless of gender, nationality and occupation, have the equal right to register for the examination as long as they meet the requirements of the post’s ability to perform their duties. In terms of equality of rules, it is mainly reflected in determining the recruitment conditions, examination types and examination contents according to unified standards and procedures, and conducting qualification examination, physical examination and merit-based recruitment according to procedures.

  Secondly, the procedural principle. It is not only the need to simplify the operation, but also an effective means to prevent human operation to carry out the examination and recruitment of civil servants in a programmed way. The proceduralization of the examination work should be reflected in three aspects: First, the procedure is legal. That is, the steps that need to be taken in the examination and admission work: publishing the recruitment announcement, qualification examination, written examination, interview, investigation, drafting personnel, publicity, employment, etc. must be determined through legal channels. Second, the program is rigid. The legislature should conduct in-depth research and analysis in combination with the actual situation, formulate practical and rigid operating procedures, prevent artificial manipulation of examination results, and ensure that the candidates are determined in the order of high and low comprehensive scores to the greatest extent.

  Thirdly, the principle of transparency. Recruitment of civil servants should be announced to the public as soon as possible, so that every citizen who meets the conditions and has the intention to apply for the examination can take the public examination; Announce the number of candidates for each position in time when applying for the exam, and rationally allocate and optimize the resources for the exam; Written test results, interview results, inspection results, ranking and employment status are published in a timely manner; The reasons for changing the ranking of civil servants must be announced.

  On the basis of the above principles, it is necessary to innovate the operating procedures of examination recruitment and refine the operating procedures to ensure the fairness of the examination system. At present, the main process of civil servant recruitment by examination in China is: publishing recruitment announcement-registration and qualification examination-examination (including written examination and interview)-inspection and physical examination-public approval or filing. Among them, after the written test, they will enter the interview according to a certain proportion, and after the interview, they will enter the inspection and physical examination according to a certain proportion. After the inspection and physical examination, the personnel department and the employer will determine the candidates to be hired from the top candidates. There are two links in this process that are flexible: one is interview, and the other is inspection. Due to excessive flexibility, the fairness of the exam may be reduced. Therefore, we should improve these two links in detail, and we can put the physical examination before the inspection. After the written test, you can enter the interview according to a certain proportion, enter the physical examination according to a certain proportion after the interview, and conduct an inspection according to a certain proportion after the physical examination. In this way, it is easy to model operation, reduce the cost, and more importantly, it embodies the principle of fairness and puts an end to the disadvantages of human relations to the maximum extent.

  It is necessary to improve the management mechanism of interviewers, organize exchanges in different places, and ensure the fairness of interview results. Interview is an important link in the examination and registration of civil servants. It is beyond doubt to strengthen the management of interview and establish a scientific interview mechanism. To improve the interview management mechanism, we can mainly start from the following aspects: First, implement the information base management of interview examiners. A certain number of professionals are transferred from relevant fields and departments and entered into the examiner information database according to a certain structure. When there is a recruitment task, they are randomly selected, and the drawn examiners are managed in a centralized and closed way until the end of the examination. The second is to establish an examiner’s exchange system in different places. The third is to establish a double lottery system for pre-test interviews: the examiner draws lots to determine the positions to participate in the evaluation, and the candidates draw lots to determine the interview team to be evaluated. The fourth is to establish a rotation training system for examiners.

  It is necessary to strengthen the supervision and restriction mechanism to ensure the fairness of examination and employment. A good supervision and restriction mechanism should have a perfect internal supervision and external supervision system. Internal supervision is mainly a way for the management department to supervise the whole process of civil servant examination and registration through its own deployment of certain material resources and manpower. It is mainly realized in two ways: first, a supervision working group composed of cadres from the organization, discipline inspection and personnel departments at the same level supervises the whole process of examination. Second, representatives from people’s congresses or CPPCC members at the same level sent representatives to supervise. In addition, it is more important to strengthen external supervision, establish an effective external supervision system, and standardize the examination process through the system. For example, you can let the news media follow the whole process, including entering the interview examination room; Establish a monitoring system for the whole process of the interview site, and the examiner at the interview site will show the points on the spot and elect representatives of the masses to supervise in the monitoring room; Establish a complaint system for candidates. Students think that the examination process is unfair and have the right to make a complaint within a certain period of time or ask the discipline inspection department to intervene. (Ai Lisheng/Party School of Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China)

Editor: Liu Li

Used cars usher in a big market (new economic orientation)

  Not long ago, Mr. Jin, who works in a chemical company in Yangzhou, successfully completed the registration procedures for the transfer of used cars. "I found a joint venture brand car with Qingdao license in 2015 on the second-hand car trading platform, and the hand price was 33,500 yuan." Mr. Jin said that in Jiangsu, from June 17, foreign used cars that meet the national five emission standards can move in normally.

  Mr. Jin is just one of the many beneficiaries of the favorable policy for used cars. On June 22, the executive meeting of the State Council decided that the restrictions on the moving-in of small non-operating used cars will be completely lifted from August 1, and the automobile sales enterprises will implement separate endorsement management and issue temporary license plates when applying for transfer registration from October 1. Luo Lei, Deputy Secretary-General of china automobile dealers association, said that favorable policies will further enliven the used car market, promote the renewal of automobile consumption and release the consumption potential.

  Favorable policies help the market to accelerate development.

  "The circulation of used cars is actually convenient and smooth." Chen Ji, general manager of Suzhou Lexuan UCAR, told the reporter that the company has collected more than 10 used cars with foreign licenses after Jiangsu province lifted the relocation restriction in mid-June. "The cancellation of the relocation restriction not only allows more foreign car sources to enter Suzhou, but also the second-hand cars with the national five emission standards that cannot be digested locally can be sold to various places more conveniently." Chen Ji said.

  Wang Xiaoyu, co-founder of Guazi used car, believes that the cancellation of the relocation restriction policy has opened up the blocking points and card points in the circulation of used cars, which will activate the trading of used cars in different places and drive the continuous growth of the trade scale. "Since June 1, Hebei, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places have successively implemented the policy of canceling the national five emission standards for second-hand cars. The range of optional car sources for users in these places has expanded by about 6 times, and the proportion of off-site car sources on the platform has also increased from the previous 35% to 80%, which has driven the growth of platform car dealers’ sales." Wang Xiaoyu said.

  "The policy of separate endorsement management and issuance of temporary number plates for second-hand car transfer registration implemented nationwide since October 1 is a big plus for second-hand car circulation enterprises in cities with limited purchases." Guo Jian, general manager of the famous car in Beijing No.1 Station, said, "In the past, in order to transfer and register used cars in Beijing, it was necessary to occupy the index of car purchase, and circulation enterprises could only rent number plates. After Beijing promoted the temporary license plate policy in advance, it reduced the company’s operating expenses, and the acquired used cars entered the company’s name, which can be treated as ‘ Inventory goods ’ Accounting has also opened the door to social financing. "

  Feeling the huge development potential of the used car market, SAIC-GM launched a brand-new "Buick officially certified used car" brand last year. "Since 2020, especially since the first half of this year, a series of policies and measures to encourage the development of the used car market have been intensively introduced." Yao Fu, head of the marketing department of SAIC-GM Buick, said that the favorable policies cover all aspects such as encouraging to speed up the elimination and renewal of old vehicles, completely canceling the relocation restriction policy, and lowering the value-added tax rate of used cars. Combined with the implementation of the new policy, the company will open up the new and used car business chain through active car source repurchase, realize the three-dimensional sales model of national circulation, and gradually plan a standardized service system equivalent to the new car type to enhance the service experience of used car owners.

  Branding and digitalization to enhance the transparency of transaction information

  At the beginning of July, Mr. Ju, the owner of a restaurant in Shanghai, bought a Buick Angkewei in 2019 through the "Buick Official Certified Used Car". "I bought a new car with a car age of 3 years in the early 100,000 yuan, and I have been driving for more than 20 days. It feels really good." Mr. Ju said that he considered a new car, ran through the used car market, brokerage companies, and saw the online platform, and finally chose an officially certified used car.

  "Quality and service are the two core competitiveness of used car distribution enterprises, and they are also an important way to build consumer trust and enhance consumer experience." Luo Lei believes that the official certification of used cars by car companies is guaranteed by high-quality first-hand car sources, standardized testing and evaluation processes, original factory warranty, after-sales service, etc., plus the endorsement of car brands, which solves the pain point of information asymmetry of consumers buying used cars.

  In recent years, the booming second-hand car e-commerce platform has also contributed new solutions to improve the transparency of second-hand car trading information.

  "Entering the platform and empowering the platform digitally is an effective way for traditional used car circulation enterprises to enhance their competitiveness." Chen Ji said that platform enterprises can carry out digital and standardized management of used cars in different ways. Consumers can see at a glance whether the vehicles have collided, to what extent, and which side has been painted, which is what most used car circulation enterprises cannot do. In addition, remote delivery, door-to-door delivery, seven-day unreasonable return, etc. are inseparable from the platform enterprises’ strong logistics system, financial support and remote after-sales maintenance.

  "Digital means allow enterprises to reach potential customers nationwide." Wang Yong, general manager of Nanjing Qihang Famous Car, said that today, they have sold local car sources to more than 20 cities outside Nanjing, and the turnover efficiency of car sales has increased by three times.

  Take precautions and standardize the development of new energy used car market

  "In Shanghai, buying new energy used cars is not restricted by licenses, but I gave up after thinking about it again and again." Mr. Ju said that consumers have no way to verify the data related to safety and directly affecting the charging and driving performance of vehicles, such as the number of times of vehicle charging and discharging, the degree of battery attenuation, and whether the batteries are overheated and out of control.

  "Since last year, China’s new energy vehicles have continued to double, and the annual sales volume this year is expected to exceed 5.5 million. How to standardize the development of the new energy used car market has become a problem that the industry must seriously face. " Luo Lei said that last year, the Technical Specification for Appraisal and Evaluation of Second-hand Pure Electric Passenger Cars, which was researched and compiled by china automobile dealers association for three years, was released, providing a set of scientific and practical appraisal and evaluation standards for second-hand cars suitable for new energy vehicles for the domestic market.

  "Since the second half of last year, the market price of pure electric used cars factory in 2017 has almost doubled. This not only shows that the market’s recognition of new energy used cars has greatly increased, but also means that the previously underestimated hedge ratio is returning rationally. " For example, Shen Wenjun, the founder of Beijing Che Yi De New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., said that the EV150 of Beiqi New Energy, which has a driving range of about 100 kilometers and is six years old, sold for about 10,000 yuan last year, and now it is close to 20,000 yuan.

  The second-hand car industry of new energy not only undertakes the replacement of new cars in the upstream, promotes the sustainable development of the new energy vehicle market, but also connects the cascade utilization and recycling of waste power batteries in the downstream, which is an important link in the whole life cycle management of new energy vehicles. Although the current appraisal and evaluation standards, new testing equipment, etc. have made quality identification no longer a problem, in Shen Wenjun’s view, the sustainable development of the industry is still facing challenges without a breakthrough in traceability management of power batteries.

  All new energy vehicles are equipped with power battery monitoring system, which can monitor and upload key data in use, and even notify the owner in advance before the battery thermal runaway occurs, but this information cannot be shared. "We have been discussing whether to install a set of similar equipment on the used car for sale and record the operation data of the vehicle’s three electric systems." Shen Wenjun said that this move not only improves the safety of vehicles and user stickiness, but also contributes to the later cascade utilization and recycling.

  "The standardized start of the new energy used car market is conducive to the healthy development of the entire used car market." Luo Lei introduced that in 2019, China’s used car trading volume exceeded half of new car sales, and in 2021 it reached 2/3 of new car sales. "With the obvious effect of the policy, in 2025, the transaction volume of used cars will be expected to be the same as that of new cars." Luo Lei said.

"Go skiing to the west and welcome the New Year in Youlong" Inner Mongolia ushered in a wave of parent-child groups

On January 20th, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region opened the theme activity of "Going West to Ski and Welcome the New Year in Youlong". With the smooth arrival of 26 passengers from Guangzhou parent-child tour group at Hohhot Baita International Airport, a cheerful and dripping ice and snow experience tour began.

Punch in the old street

Taste "boiled sheep in ice"

According to reports, the parent-child group is organized by Guangzhou Guangzhi Travel Agency, and visitors will have a winter trip to Inner Mongolia in Hohhot, Baotou and Erdos. It is planned to visit Taiwei Ski Resort in Hohhot, Saishang Old Street, Inner Mongolia Museum, Xiangshawan Scenic Area in Erdos and other places, to see historical and cultural cities, taste special food, play winter ice and snow, and enjoy the wonders of desert ice and snow.

Li Li, head of Kaiser International Travel Service in Inner Mongolia, said that ice and snow are very attractive to southerners. The fun of ice and snow outlined by Inner Mongolia prairie, big desert, big ice and snow and unique culture is exactly what they want to let tourists experience during the 4-day and 3-night parent-child tour, so that more tourists can enter Inner Mongolia, fall in love with Inner Mongolia and feel the diversity of Inner Mongolia.

In order to make high-quality tourism in winter get together, get hot and live, this year, Inner Mongolia has given full play to the advantages of ice and snow tourism with the characteristics of "Northern Xinjiang Culture" and launched such formats as "ice and snow+annual customs", "ice and snow+intangible heritage", "ice and snow+health care" and "ice and snow+holiday" to promote the consumption upgrade of winter tourism industry. Inner Mongolia will take the "Fourteen Winter" as the starting point, create more ice and snow tourism products, release the charm of ice and snow, and attract more tourists to experience while creating an orderly market environment and providing quality services.(Prairie All Media Zhengbei Net reporter Ma Lixia)

Doing "Five Great Articles" of Finance Well and Serving the Overall Situation of Chinese Modernization

CCTV News:The annual meeting of 2023 Financial Street Forum was held in Beijing today (November 8). At the annual meeting, China Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission said that risk prevention is the main goal of strengthening supervision, and strengthening supervision is an effective way to prevent risks, both of which are important guarantees for achieving high-quality development.

According to the development law of capital market and the supervision practice in recent years, China and Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission summarized the causes of capital market risks into five aspects: excessive leverage or even out of control, imbalance between innovation and supervision, fraud, breach of trust and absence of main responsibility. He pointed out that it is the first duty and statutory duty of the CSRC to strengthen the supervision of the capital market, safeguard the "three public" order of the market and the legitimate rights and interests of investors, and prevent and resolve financial risks.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission:We adhere to the regulatory philosophy of "respecting the market, respecting the rule of law, respecting the profession, respecting risks, and giving full play to the joint efforts of all parties", adhere to the main responsibility of supervision, and pay attention to the following principles: First, adhere to the principle of "managing only when you can see clearly" to promote innovation under the premise of prudent supervision. The second is to guard against excessive leverage and gradually reduce the scale and level of leveraged funds to a reasonable range. Third, "zero tolerance" has cracked down on all kinds of chaos and reversed the long-standing situation that the illegal cost of securities is too low. The fourth is to adhere to the blade inward and self-revolution.

The reform of the registration system is by no means deregulation.

Regarding the reform of the registration system, China Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission said that the reform of the registration system is by no means a relaxation of supervision, but a better combination of an effective market and a promising government.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission:After the implementation of the (registration system) reform, supervision has become stricter, and the most prominent performance is the improvement of transparency. This promotion comes from the openness of the whole process of audit and registration, accepting the supervision of the whole society, and from the supervision covering the whole chain before and after the event, which urges enterprises to fully disclose information and compact the responsibility of intermediary agencies as "gatekeepers". Through reform, the basic system of capital market is comprehensively strengthened, especially the level of rule of law is further improved.

Yi Huiman said that in the next step, we will continue to promote the stock issuance registration system.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission:Dynamically evaluate and optimize institutional arrangements such as pricing, reduction and refinancing. At the same time, we will vigorously promote the reform of the investment side, promote the implementation of various supporting policies for medium and long-term capital entering the market, accelerate the cultivation of "smart funds" in China, promote the strengthening of industry institutions, effectively enhance professional investment capabilities and market leadership, and take our own path.

Yi Huiman said that the healthy development of the real economy is the foundation for the smooth operation of the capital market. The CSRC will adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the real economy, and focus on doing the "five major articles" on technology and finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance, so as to give full play to the hub function of the capital market and serve the overall situation of Chinese modernization more effectively.

South China and other places still need to be alert to strong convective weather. On Sunday, the northern part of the country started warming up.

  Cctv newsAccording to the news of China Weather Network, today (March 25th), the heavy rainfall areas in the south of the Yangtze River and South China will be pressed to the south, and the heavy rain will be mainly concentrated in Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian, and the local area will still be accompanied by strong convective weather. In terms of temperature, this Sunday, the north will gradually enter the warming mode; However, due to the continuous rainy weather in South China, the temperature will be suppressed until the end of March.

  Heavy rainfall in South China continues to exert its strength. Guangdong, Fujian and other places need to be alert to secondary disasters.

  Yesterday, heavy rainfall continued in Jiangnan and South China, and the local area was still accompanied by strong convective weather. Monitoring shows that from 08: 00 on the 24th to 06: 00 on the 25th, heavy rains fell in parts of southeastern Hunan, southwestern Jiangxi, southern Fujian, north-central Guangdong and northeastern Guangxi, and heavy rains occurred in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, Longyan, Fujian and Shaoguan, Guangdong.

  Today, the heavy rainfall area will be pressed to the south, and the heavy rain will be mainly concentrated in Guangdong, southern Fujian and eastern Guangxi. From tomorrow, the precipitation in the south will be weakened, especially in the south of the Yangtze River and east of South China.

  The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of southern Xinjiang basin, northern and eastern Tibet, eastern Qinghai and central Gansu, and there will be medium snow in the local area. There are moderate to heavy rains in parts of southern Jiangnan and central and eastern South China, among which there are heavy rains or heavy rains in parts of southeastern Fujian and northern Guangdong.


  Tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of southern Xinjiang basin, northern and eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, southern Gansu and northern Sichuan Plateau, and there will be medium snow in the local area. Some areas in southeastern Tibet, eastern Northwest China, southwestern Shanxi, eastern Southwest China, south-central Jiangnan, southern China, Taiwan Province Island and Hainan Island have moderate to moderate rain and local heavy rain.


  Generally speaking, some areas in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian and other places will be hit by continuous heavy rainfall, and the accumulated rainfall is large, and the rain is urgent. Attention should be paid to preventing secondary disasters such as geology and mountain torrents that may be induced by rainfall. However, the recent rainfall is beneficial to alleviate the meteorological drought in South China. After this round of heavy rainfall, Guangdong may meet the flood season standards and start the first flood season in South China.

  The rainy weather in the south is frequently suppressed and warmed up, and the north is gradually warming up.

  Under the combined influence of cold air and rainy weather, the temperature in South China will continue to drop today. The cumulative cooling in Guangxi and Guangdong will exceed 10℃, and the highest temperature today will mostly drop to around 20℃. Moreover, due to the frequent subsequent rainfall, the temperature in South China will not improve much until the end of March.

  This Sunday, the temperature in most parts of the north will rise one after another, and the highest temperature on Sunday will generally return to a higher level than normal, and the warmer range will continue to increase at the beginning of next week. From the 27th, the highest temperature in most parts of Northeast China will return to above 15℃, and the cumulative temperature rise will generally exceed 10℃. The highest temperatures in North China and Huanghuai will gradually rise above 20℃, and the warmth will return.

  In big cities, the highest temperature in Shenyang was only about 9℃ yesterday, and then the temperature will rise all the way, reaching 18℃ on the 28th and 20℃ on the 30th, or it will set a new high this year.

  However, it should be noted that most of the north is still in the alternating period of winter and spring, and the temperature rises rapidly during the day, and it is still cold in the morning and evening, and the temperature difference will also widen. Around the 27th, the temperature difference between day and night in many places in the north will exceed 15℃, and even reach above 20℃ locally, reminding the public to pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm and avoid catching a cold.