年度归档 2024年4月15日

Xiaomi clarified that the automobile business of Zhimi founder Su Jun and Chery has nothing to do with Xiaomi.

IT House reported on April 7 that Xiaomi Company issued a statement today that Su Jun, the founder of Zhimi Technology, personally cooperated with Chery in the automobile business, which has nothing to do with Xiaomi Group and Xiaomi Ecological Chain. According to Zhimi Technology’s previous statement, it has nothing to do with Zhimi Technology.

IT House noticed that in mid-March, there were media reports that Zhimi Technology, a subsidiary of Xiaomi Ecology, was about to cooperate with Chery New Energy iCAR to develop a new pure electric hard-core SUV, which is expected to be priced at around 100,000 yuan and will be officially unveiled at the 2024 Beijing Auto Show.

Subsequently, Zhimi responded that Zhimi Technology is a Xiaomi ecological chain enterprise. Since 2021, Dr. Su Jun, CEO of Zhimi, has personally set up an entrepreneurial team to start a car-making project. In 2023, the entrepreneurial team of the car-making project established a cooperative relationship with Chery. At present, the team members have been integrated into Chery Automobile and cooperated to build a new energy brand iCAR. Zhimi also said that Zhimi Technology has no equity and operational connection with the car-making project.

It is worth mentioning that Su Jun, the founder and CEO of Zhimi Technology and the chief product officer of iCAR Automobile, once shouted Xiaomi’s classic slogan-"Always believe that good things are about to happen" when preheating the new car. At the same time, Su Jun even called iCAR V23 "the most anticipated new car in 2024".

The latest news shows that the iCAR V23 model is expected to be officially unveiled on April 12th, and will be launched in the second half of 2024.

The epidemic situation awakens the public’s awareness of fitness, and cloud fitness opens up more sports scenes.

  In Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, the fitness instructor led the cloud marathon contestants to warm up before the game through live broadcast equipment. Photo by Zhang Xiaofeng (Xinhua News Agency)

  In the waters of Shandong Rongcheng Binhai Park, children are practicing sailing and windsurfing. Photo by Li Xinjun (People’s Vision)

  92-year-old Li Chunfu plays basketball in the open-air basketball court at the foot of Jinan Hero Mountain. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Kaishe

  At Borui Boxing Club in Guiyang, Guizhou, 6-year-old Liu Quanzhou is doing warm-up training. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ou Dongyu photo

  Marathon events are closed, gyms and stadiums are closed … … Since the beginning of this year, affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the sports industry in China has suffered from the cold winter, and the vigorous national fitness enthusiasm is facing unprecedented challenges. In the face of the crisis, from the government to enterprises, all parties in the national fitness work together to overcome difficulties, relieve the demand for fitness with innovative models, and open up new markets with transformation and upgrading.

  Nowadays, with the situation of epidemic prevention and control improving, the hard ice of industrial development has gradually melted. After the exploration during the epidemic period, the enthusiasm of national fitness is in generate.

  The epidemic awakens the public’s awareness of fitness

  Since it reopened in April, the gymnasium in Li Yang has resumed its former liveliness. "Most of the former members came back to exercise, and there were many new customers who came to consult and experience. After this epidemic, everyone generally pays more attention to sports and health. "

  Affected by the epidemic, at the beginning of this year, sports consumer enterprises in various places, including gymnasiums and offline sports training, stopped working, and Li Yang’s gym in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province was no exception. After being closed for many months, the operation of the gym once faced difficulties, and Li Yang once had the idea of shutting it down. "But many members called and asked about the time to resume business. So I want to bite my teeth and stick to it. I can’t live up to everyone’s enthusiasm. "

  It is because of persistence that Li Yang saw the dawn. With the relief of the epidemic, the long-lost fitness industry has gradually recovered. The epidemic situation has further awakened the public’s awareness of fitness and reshaped their lifestyles, and people’s consumer demand for physical fitness has brought new kinetic energy to the industry.

  Many people in the fitness industry believe that although they are experiencing the stage of recovery from pain, they believe that after the epidemic, with the upsurge of people’s fitness enthusiasm, the fitness industry will usher in a new period of rapid development.

  An epidemic has made more people deeply understand the significance of sports to life. Xiao Luo, who works in Beijing, recently returned to the gym in the community. During the epidemic, she insisted on exercising at home, and now she has returned to the fitness "base camp". She has set herself the goal of exercising four times a week. "This epidemic really made me feel ‘ Health is the capital of revolution ’ The truth is, it is only when you practice your body well that you can ‘ Working for the health of the motherland for 50 years ’ 。”

  It’s the summer vacation, and the youth fitness training is also quite hot. You Wu, a parent of the post-80s generation, said that during the summer vacation, he gave his son a physical education class in fencing and basketball, hoping that he would have a healthy body since he was a child.

  "During the epidemic, children didn’t get enough physical exercise, and many parents took advantage of the summer vacation to give it to their children ‘ Make up physical education class ’ 。” You Wu said that in addition to football, basketball, physical fitness and other courses, sailing, equestrian and other "high-end" projects are also favored by parents.

  In fact, this epidemic has prompted many parents to change their living habits and educational concepts, and pay more attention to their children’s physical education. Some experts pointed out that the epidemic will eventually pass, but parents’ investment in children’s physical education will be more scientific and rational.

  Nationwide, regional mass sports activities have also become active recently.

  In Wuhan, where the epidemic was the worst, the joy of sports has returned to people’s lives. At present, the opening rate of outdoor sports and fitness venues such as basketball, football, tennis and racing in Wuhan has reached 70%, and the fitness participation rate of open outdoor venues can basically reach 80% in the same period last year; The opening rate of indoor fitness venues reached 40%, and the fitness participation rate was about 10% to 20% compared with the same period last year.

  According to the person in charge of the sports department in Wuhan, as the epidemic prevention and control situation continues to improve, Wuhan Stadium will continue to expand its opening to the outside world. In the second half of the year, Wuhan is expected to organize sports events such as National Fitness Games, Crossing the River Festival and Wuhan Marathon to further enhance the participation rate of citizens in sports events.

  Experts believe that the impact of the epidemic on national fitness is temporary, and the sports industry in China still has a good development prospect.

  Wang Yuxiong, director of the Sports Economic Research Center of the Central University of Finance and Economics, believes that the rapid growth of the sports industry in recent years is based on a solid foundation for economic and social development, which will not be reversed by the impact of the epidemic. "In the long run, after the epidemic, people’s sports consumption concept will be enhanced, and our public management system will be more perfect, so there will be no problems in the industry prospects, and the momentum of rapid development in recent years will not be reversed."

  Cloud fitness opens up more scenes

  During the epidemic, home-based fitness and home-based sports became the new fashion. With the off-line fitness venues closed, more and more sports enthusiasts have moved to the online, and the "cloud" fitness method has been popular and ushered in a wave of outbreaks.

  After the Spring Festival this year, Chen Long, a citizen of Jinan, Shandong Province who works from home, became a "heavy user" of fitness software. "I used to play football with my friends. After the outbreak, I didn’t exercise for a long time and felt uncomfortable. Later, influenced by my friends, I downloaded some fitness courses on the mobile APP." Chen Long said that she thought online fitness was "boring" before, but after practicing it several times, she found that the courses on her mobile phone were very rich and professional. Now, after returning to work, in addition to resuming the offline appointment, I will "punch in" in the fitness software every week.

  The emergence of the epidemic has made "Cloud Fitness" a compulsory physical education course for many people in China. It is the choice of many fitness enterprises and sports practitioners to let the national fitness link the cloud and embrace the cloud. During the epidemic, users of fitness software skyrocketed; Many fitness institutions have launched online services; The fitness instructor became a "online celebrity" on the live broadcast platform; Many retired and active sports stars also boarded the "cloud" and recorded videos to guide mass fitness.

  According to the data of fitness software Keep, during the epidemic, users’ exercise duration averaged 36.2 minutes each time, nearly doubling compared with 2019. The cumulative coverage of sports live broadcasts launched by Keep in conjunction with many institutions and fitness experts exceeded 56.5 million. In addition, Internet companies such as Ali Sports and PP Sports have also launched a variety of home fitness courses, attracting a large number of users to watch.

  At the same time, all localities are actively exploring new fitness models that integrate online and offline. In Xiamen, Fujian, the local home fitness online sports meeting attracted many citizens to participate; In Qinghai, local online home fitness activities have been launched, and a number of "promotion leaders" and "fitness experts" have emerged to actively lead the fitness fashion; In Chengyang District, Qingdao, Shandong Province, the first "Balcony Marathon" and "Family Fun Games" were popular among residents … …

  A few days ago, a survey on home fitness of urban and rural residents in Zhejiang Province showed that during the epidemic period, 81.54% of the residents in the province carried out fitness activities, and 82.5% of them recognized the necessity of home fitness.

  The insiders believe that the "cloud fitness" during the epidemic has brought multiple benefits to the national fitness. With the development of exercise habits, the sports population will definitely increase after the epidemic. The fiery online sports will also drive the growth of sports consumption and drive the development of sports industry.

  During the "618" shopping festival this year, sports consumption achieved outstanding results, among which fitness equipment categories ushered in a full-scale outbreak. According to the data of JD.COM, from June 1 to 14, the turnover of barbells and kettlebells increased by 64% and 109% respectively. The turnover of skipping rope and yoga circle increased by more than 240% year-on-year, and the turnover of rowing machine and elliptical machine increased by more than 50% year-on-year.

  "After this epidemic, many people realized that health is the best investment." Some fitness enthusiasts say this.

  Many people in the industry said that after the epidemic, mass fitness will tend to be normalized, and outdoor and venue fitness will still become the mainstream, but this does not mean that "cloud fitness" will disappear. The epidemic situation can accelerate the Internet gene implantation of sports fitness and leisure industry, and the fitness and leisure industry based on offline scenes will strengthen online education and training and realize diversified business models.

  Li Xinyan, general manager of Keep, said: "In the long run, the exercise habits developed online during this period will still be reserved, and it will become a normal state to go to sports meetings regularly. There are many new forms and opportunities in generate, which may be a new tipping point for the future sports industry. "

  Do everything possible to boost fitness enthusiasm

  With the situation of epidemic prevention and control improving, national fitness activities have been resumed in various parts of China. In order to encourage the development of the fitness market and promote related enterprises to return to work and achieve production, various localities have built platforms and boosted confidence for fitness enthusiasts and sports enterprises in various ways.

  In March of this year, Jiangsu introduced the "15 sports industries" policy to help enterprises out. At present, the provincial sports industry development special fund with a total project amount of 185 million yuan, the central and provincial public stadiums and gymnasiums open to the public free of charge or at low fees, and the provincial fitness club special support fund have been allocated.

  Tianjin recently launched the "You Fitness, I Subsidy" Huimin Fitness Consumption Subsidy Activity, with the first payment amount of 1 million yuan. Local citizens only need to use Alipay client to spend money at contracted merchants, and they can enjoy full subsidy reduction.

  Sports tourism, which is seriously affected by the epidemic, has also become a good starting point for all localities to stimulate consumption and tap new economic growth points. In order to restore the development of sports tourism as soon as possible, various localities have introduced corresponding measures.

  Recently, the 2020 Hainan hydrophilic sports season kicked off in Boao. During the six-month activity, Hainan will organize six major theme month activities, and hold a series of events, trainings and experience activities to attract all kinds of people to participate in sports tourism activities, so as to create new hotspots and new formats for national fitness and tourism consumption.

  The National Fitness Day is coming, and all localities are gearing up to "add a fire" to the enthusiasm of national fitness.

  Recently, the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau announced that it will jointly hold the first "8 8 Beijing Sports Consumption Festival" with JD.COM Group. The activities are divided into three sections: online shopping, online booking and online competition. Among them, the "online buying" section will carry out sports goods exhibition, which will benefit sports consumers to the greatest extent and stimulate sports consumption. The "Online Booking" section will invite the public to make an appointment to participate in fitness activities. On August 8, public stadiums and gymnasiums with open conditions in Beijing will be open to the public free of charge. At the same time, all kinds of operating sports and fitness venues in the city will be openly solicited, and eligible venues will also launch free fitness services and experience products on August 8.

  In addition, Beijing will also invite the public to participate in online events in the "Online Competition" section, including "August 8 Beijing Sports Consumption Festival Beijing International Long-distance Running Festival", "Brave Forward, Fitness Beijing", "Running to 2022" Park Half Marathon Online Series, "Nanchang — Beijing "city online public welfare relay race, etc.

  As the venue of the 2021 National Games, Shaanxi Province launched the "I want to participate in the National Games" sports skill exhibition on the occasion of the National Fitness Day. During the activity, Shaanxi will carry out a series of events or activities, such as the national physical training standard test, the "five-in" activity of sports health, the three-on-three basketball game, the five-a-side football game, the rope skipping game and the sports night market.

Chinese scientific research team found a new way to improve the performance of all-perovskite laminated solar cells

  Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, November 12 (Reporter Hou Wenkun) After long-term research, Professor Ke Weijun and Professor Fang Guo from the School of Physical Science and Technology of Wuhan University have made new progress in exploring the performance improvement of all-perovskite laminated solar cells, and creatively put forward the integrated doping strategy of aspartic acid hydrochloride, which effectively improved the efficiency and stability of narrow-band gap perovskite subcells and found new ways to further improve the battery performance. Related research results were recently published in the journal Nature.

  According to reports, the new metal halide perovskite has the advantages of simple preparation process, high defect tolerance, high absorption coefficient and long carrier diffusion length, which has attracted much attention in the field of optoelectronic devices and is considered as one of the next generation photovoltaic materials with great prospects in the industry.

  Ke Weijun, one of the authors of the paper and a professor at the School of Physical Science and Technology of Wuhan University, said that in practical application, the all-perovskite laminated solar cell is composed of a broad-band gap perovskite subcell at the top and a narrow-band gap perovskite subcell at the bottom, and the narrow-band gap perovskite subcell that is not excellent enough is one of the stumbling blocks for its commercial application in the future.

  To this end, the research team introduced aspartic acid hydrochloride into the hole transport layer, perovskite light absorption layer and upper interface layer at the bottom of all perovskite laminated solar cells, and developed an integrated doping strategy with the same molecular treatment, which greatly improved the quality of perovskite thin films. In addition to coordinating with perovskite precursors, aspartic acid hydrochloride molecules also have strong intermolecular hydrogen bonds, so aspartic acid hydrochloride enriched at the upper and lower interfaces of perovskite acts as a molecular lock between the interface of perovskite layer and transport layer, further improving the performance and stability of perovskite materials.

  In addition, how to inhibit the spontaneous oxidation of unstable divalent tin metal ions in narrow-gap perovskite subcells is also one of the pain points in the industry. The results show that aspartic acid hydrochloride can effectively inhibit the oxidation of divalent tin ions and reduce harmful tetravalent tin impurities. Moreover, the introduction of aspartic acid hydrochloride can also passivate the defects of perovskite materials, adjust Fermi level and inhibit harmful ion migration, thus enhancing the performance and stability of devices.

  Ke Weijun said that the research shows that this simple integrated doping strategy can achieve multiple functions at one stroke and improve the steady-state efficiency of narrow-band perovskite subcells to 27.62%, which provides a new way to improve the performance of all-perovskite stacked solar cells.

Shangxin is in Xiaohongshu | Fashion Clothing, Sports and Outdoor Industry, 5 categories, and the new battle report is released in the spring.

[MOMENT node marketing column] focuses on three major marketing nodes, namely, new, courtesy and promotion, in luxury goods and fashion apparel industry. With four sections, namely, [Everything grows], [Courtesy highlights], [Gathering everything] and [Promoting breakthrough], it brings dry goods in the little red book industry, such as industry opportunity foresight, courtesy marketing strategy, search and delivery guide, and promotion of practical play, so as to light up the flash moment of nodes and decode the most in-depth play of node marketing.

Spring is infinite, and everywhere is beautiful. The first quarter of 2024 has come to an end, and countless spring hot spots have emerged in Xiaohong’s book, bringing new business opportunities to the trend clothing and sports outdoor industry. Major brands have launched new products one after another, and joined hands with Xiaohongshu to make joint efforts in this spring season to promote the rapid outbreak of new products and achieve double sales in the spring of 2024.

As a bridge connecting users and brands, Xiaohongshu looks forward to the trend of the industry, bringing comprehensive new ideas to solve problems for major fashion and sports outdoor brands in terms of trend interpretation, style update and inspiration innovation. At the same time, Xiaohongshu has been actively building a commercial model for a long time, opening up the global links in the station and bringing more potential business opportunities to the brand. With the help of Xiaohongshu’s unique grass planting attribute, the brand can deeply integrate new product marketing with trend content according to its new emphasis, realize the integrated business channel of "marketing+marketing", and promote business transformation and efficiency improvement. Nowadays, Xiaohongshu has become the new preferred position in the trend clothing and sports outdoor brand.

In this issue of "Everything grows", the commercialization team of Xiaohongshu brought outstanding achievements of 12 selected brands in five categories: "Fashion Clothing-Women’s Wear, Men’s Wear, Underwear, Accessories" and "Sports Outdoor". Through in-depth analysis of the brand’s efficient marketing style in the new period of spring, the brand highlights will be lit up, which will bring inspiration to more trendy clothing and sports outdoor brands in the next marketing layout and seek new business development.

Slide down to see this issue of "Everything grows"

Looking at Xiaohongshu Fashion Clothing & Five Categories of Outdoor Sports

Excellent achievements made in New China in spring.

Ending early spring and rejuvenating, and then starting a new season.

Chaoliu clothing

01 women’s dress

Simple pieces| | Little White Pants Series

Simple pieces delves into the real needs of girls’ trousers, grasps the hot spots of wearing in spring, and launches a series of small white trousers that are "impervious and not easy to wrinkle"; Through the combination of hot scenes in spring from multiple angles and the popularity of fashion bloggers, we will create a new product to launch a big K into the store to broadcast big events. In the end, the total GMV of Xiaohongshu station in the past three months exceeded 1000w, and the highest GMV in a single day exceeded 100 W.

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W.Amber| | New Chinese Cheongsam

W.Amber focuses on the popular new Chinese trend, launches the cheongsam series, and takes advantage of multiple scenes to seize the style and mind; Accurately target potential people to make appointments before the live broadcast, and get through the whole link to help the business break out. In the end, the total GMV in Xiaohong Bookstore exceeded 310w, the highest GMV in a single day exceeded 27w, and the brand popularity increased by 70% from the previous month.

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02 | Men’s Wear

HetingHome| | Men’s Spring Series

HetingHome captures the needs of men for changing seasons in spring, taking advantage of the new situation, and creating a one-stop guide for trendy men from dating to traveling; Through browsing and searching, the product notes can be reached at a touch, and the transformation of people wearing clothes in spring and changing seasons can be accelerated. During the new period in spring and summer, brand stores achieved a 34% increase in GMV and a 5+ increase in product ROI.


Lee| | Beauty Jeans

Lee accurately captures the pain points of women’s jeans in spring, steps on the trend of traveling in mid-spring, focuses on subdividing the figure, and deduces the cowboy’s one-button [beauty]; Adopt double-field fine operation, take advantage of the new season in Xiaohongshu, and help the single product to be new in spring. In the end, "Beauty Cowboy" jumped to the TOP list of brand cowboy series, and the search volume of "Beauty Cowboy" by Lee increased by 71% from the previous month.


03 underwear

Inside and outside | Swan Cup Bra

Grasp the demand points in the spring scene inside and outside, and design with a V-shaped curve, so that consumers can gracefully expose the swan neck and create a light Look; in spring; KOL is preferred to plant grass in advance, adopting F information flow +S search refined operation, accelerating consumption decision-making through commercial note components, and directly guiding commodity purchase. In the end, the "Swan Cup" single product was put into the self-closed-loop ROI of 2, and the sales volume of Xiaohongshu store increased by 777% year-on-year.

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04 | Accessories

Ooak| | flowing gold series

Ooak captures the popular wearing scenes in spring and combines multiple topics to plant grass; Create a matrix buyer’s live broadcast, presenting a variety of spring and winter collocations; We will continue to expand our influence by creating a mode of high-point live broadcast by the manager and long-term daily store broadcast. In the end, the new GMV of new products increased by 1304% month-on-month, the reading volume of related notes of [ooak Golden Series] increased by +182%, and the popularity of brand search increased by 55% during the new period in spring.


Tender society|Rosalie Series &Tensi Series

Tender society combines the hot trends in spring to anchor new boosters in spring; Through the cooperation of star live broadcast, interpret the sense of spring atmosphere; Multi-dimensional expansion of high-profile style crowd, accurate operation, to achieve a strong bond between new products and spring high-grade sense. In the end, GMV broke 60W in the last 10 days, "Rosalie series powder Fritillaria" was out of stock when it went on the market, and the reading volume of related notes of "Tensi series" increased by 246%.

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Fakeme|Bijou retro series

Fakeme has planted grass in a matrix through a variety of new products, which has wiped out the popular styles in spring; Linking everyone’s fashion week, leveraging the offline platform of Daren to achieve strong preheating of new products; Taking advantage of the new season of Xiaohongshu, the multi-touch explosion was realized with the cooperation of live broadcast of talents and live broadcast of shops. During the new harvest period in spring, the DGMV of the store broke 740w in March, and the search popularity of "Fakeme" soared by over 290% and that of "Fakeme bijou" soared by 1000%.


Bai Lan | Natural Morning Dew Necklace & Dawn Pearl Earline

Bai Lan strongly grasped the sense of spring atmosphere and launched a new series for pre-planting grass; Before the live broadcast, accurately target the potential crowd to make an appointment, and create a fashion blogger to enter the store to broadcast the big event for strong exposure. In the end, the DGMV of shops in the new season in spring broke 350w in March, the search popularity of "Bailan" soared by over 50%, and the reading volume of the new "Dawn & Morning Dew" series increased by 7400 times.


Sports outdoor

Nike|Zenvy series

Nike teamed up with IP to show the soft beauty of women in multiple scenes and release the soft features of Zenvy series. Through "online matrix search layout+offline immersive appearance", the brand successfully seized the high-heat demand of 38 knots, showing the multiple softness of the product. In the end, the search volume of "Nike Zenvy" little red book increased by 9100% month-on-month, and the new product "Zenvy" topped the Nike brand search for the downstream word TOP1.


Li Ning | Rijin Doujin Series

Li Ning takes advantage of the New Year’s good fortune, permeates the life scene of the Spring Festival, creates big events and builds brand goodwill; At the same time, we adopt the strategy of crowd-intensive operation, and take advantage of the new year scene to grow a series of minds of "daily progress". In the end, the series was successfully pushed from the regular product line to the hot sale in the Spring Festival, achieving a 422% year-on-year increase in the popularity of Tmall’s "daily gold" search and a 36% increase in the penetration of brand new year interest groups.

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Weflower | 2024 new flower shoes

WE FLOWER’s new products exclusively launch Little Red Books, which are fermented for a long time through private domain groups and promote sales point to point; Multi-quadrant matrix development, strengthening brand mind; Adopt the trilogy of scientific grass planting, reach the crowd continuously and accurately at multiple points, and realize the whole link opening. In the end, the small flower shoes were successfully harvested. In January, Xiaohongshu exclusively launched the whole store GMV100w, the brand number rose by nearly 5K, and the brand search increased by 65 times.

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Wechat Search @ Little Red Book Business Dynamics Unlocks more [MOMENT Node Marketing Column] content to help more good products and brands grow in Little Red Book!

Mermaid sadism! What’s the story of Stephen Chow’s The Mermaid?

    Special feature of 1905 film network On January 31st, The Mermaid, which will be released on the first day of the New Year’s Day, held a conference of "Fish, Water and Acacia" in Beijing. Director Stephen Chow made a collective appearance with the mighty "Mermaid Family" and released a trailer of the final version for 1 minute and 40 seconds.

    This highly anticipated film has maintained a mystery so far, and has always adopted the hunger marketing route, without any screening and media watching activities in advance. It is really hard to say whether Master Xing is too confident or too unsure about the quality of this film.

    We can only get a glimpse of several groups of film materials exposed at present.

1. This movie is very Stephen Chow.

Stephen Chow is not only the king of comedy of the performing world, but also the film he directed is unique. Starting from "Demon Journey to the West", he no longer arranged a place for himself in the film, but hid behind the monitor as a director.

Inner OS: What the hell is it? …

    The first time we heard that there was no Stephen Chow in a Stephen Chow movie, we felt a little sorry in our hearts. However, when we saw The Demon on a Journey to the West, we were surprised to see the familiar shadow of cynicism in the article, Bo Huang, Show Lo and even Shu Qi’s role.

    After a lapse of three years, there will be no guest appearance of Master Xing in The Mermaid, but through the director’s special feature exposed by the film, it can be found that his director’s way is to completely instill his performance into the actors, even at the expense of repeatedly demonstrating in person, in order to accurately meet his requirements.

Demonstrate and guide the actors to perform in person.

    So, even if Master Xing doesn’t appear in the movie, we don’t have to worry. "Mermaid" is definitely a film that inherits Stephen Chow’s strong personal style. There are all kinds of nonsense, cold humor, man show and madness in it, and every one is guaranteed.

2, the character has a big bottom and an N angle, which is related to mermaid sadism

    There are quite a few familiar faces in this movie. From the trailer currently exposed, we see Deng Chao, Show Lo, Yuqi Zhang, Jelly Lin, Li Shangzheng, Lu Zhengyu, Yang Neng, Ke Bai, Kong Lianshun, Wu Yifan, Wen Jian, Zhang Mei ‘e, etc., and all the immortals show their magical powers — — Of course, most of them are "dead walk-on".

For example, this:

Yang Neng, the "Pork Guy" in shaolin soccer, turned into the curator of the World Museum of Rare Animals in The Mermaid, and personally performed it for a group of tourists — — "Our ancestors were all fish."

There are also two police comrades who were exposed in the first preview, whose painting is "super good" and their understanding ability is "first-class", which were played by Tang Priest’s article and Friar Sand Li Shangzheng in "Demon Journey to the West" respectively.

Even Wu Yifan, a guest star, got a glimpse in the final trailer — — Look at the dress, you should be a rich second generation.

However, there is a role that has not been revealed so far, and that is "Master" Tsui Hark! At the press conference held yesterday, not only the "Mermaid Family" was all out, but also an old friend of Xingye, Tsui Hark, was invited, and he was revealed to have a guest performance in The Mermaid. "There are more than one line."

Master Xing also said with a smile: "Tsui Hark’s acting skills are very good. In fact, the director who can act best, I think one is Director Xu and the other is me. There is nothing to say about acting skills."

Two "old urchins" were funny at the press conference.

Of course, the most important roles in the film are the four donkey kong — — Octopus, mermaid, sea urchin and … … Lettuce?

Deng Chao: The hero of the film is a wealthy real estate developer and local tyrant. In Stephen Chow’s words, this character is a baby at heart, and his beard is his disguise. He wants to pretend to be a mercenary adult. Deng Chao himself explained it in Deng Shiying at the press conference as — — The beard is a ghost, and the beard is an angel.

Angel’s affection

Ghost’s evil (it should be evil … Xueba’s English is not flattering.

Jelly Lin: The mermaid, the heroine of the film, was forced to live in a wrecked ship because of the destruction of the sea and ecology by human beings. Deng Chao, who entered human society in disguise and used love to influence the development of marine resources, didn’t expect that he actually fell in love with him.

A tearful French kiss

Show Lo: Playing octopus is also a marine creature (nonsense). He has always loved the mermaid. When he found that "the person I love has a lover", he was very sad and tried to kill his rival with his tentacles. With eight giant tentacles, he can be regarded as the main fighting force of the mermaid gang.

Yuqi Zhang: Playing Deng Chao’s ex-girlfriend. Not only does she look like an overbearing female silver, but she is also the villain in the film — — The kind that is completely bad. She herself summed up this role as a "synthesis of violence and aesthetics" — — I am beautiful, but I am not gentle.

Mysterious mermaid: In the last fierce battle of the final preview, the amazing mermaid tail on the trailer and poster appeared again. Compared with Lin Yun’s small tail, this fishtail with colorful light has a powerful ability. When flapping the sea, it is "the four seas churn and the five continents shake and thunder". Judging from the expressions of fear on the faces of mermaid and octopus, adult fish should be the villain in the film. Yuqi Zhang, Lenovo’s villain, had a strange look at the little mermaid in the preview … … Murphy, Deng Chao breath even made two mermaid girlfriend? (This doesn’t seem to be the point … …

But if you zoom in carefully, the mermaid’s upper body seems to be a long-haired man in a white shirt, which is a bit similar to Yang Neng’s image.

How big is Master Xing’s brain hole? The answer can only be revealed after the film is released.

3. The main line of the story is positive energy

If you think this is a story that he loves her, she loves him, he loves her and doesn’t love her, and she loves him and doesn’t love him, then you are too young (fu) and childish (qian). You told us at the very beginning of the trailer that this is a tall environmental propaganda film!

Mermaids and humans should have lived in peace. Who knows, the more they progress, the more violent they become … …

Xuan Shao, played by Deng Chao, was originally a mercenary businessman. The development of real estate involved reclamation projects, which threatened the ethnic groups living in the sea. Jelly Lin’s mermaid Sam was sent to stop her. She turned into a human being, and fell in love with Xuan Shao in the process of fighting, and finally succeeded in stopping the whole project and protecting her home.

From this stills, we can also see that mermaids are covered with all kinds of rubbish and waste in the sea.

At the end of the trailer, it also echoed the theme:

If your life is only the last minute, if there is not even a drop of clean water and a breath of clean air on the earth, what do you want to do most?

In addition, we also saw a very familiar line in the previous trailer:

Isn’t this just a salted fish?

If you don’t have a dream, what’s the difference between being a man and salted fish?

It’s a tribute to the previous work.

Full record: 30 "small" things of automatic driving in October | Intelligent driving hot search

Full record: 30 "small" things of automatic driving in October | Intelligent driving hot searchFull record: 30 "small" things of automatic driving in October | Intelligent driving hot search

1 macro information at a glance

#China’s first international standard for autonomous driving test scenarios was officially released.

On October 14th, ISO 34501, the first international standard in the field of automatic driving test scenarios, led by China, was officially released. As an important basic standard of automatic driving system test scenario, this standard meets the needs of the industry to describe the test scenario in standardized language when carrying out the related work of automatic driving test and evaluation, and will be widely used in the research, development, testing and management of global intelligent networked automobile automatic driving technology and products.

Comments:The release of the standard not only provides important basic support for all kinds of autonomous driving applications, but more importantly shows that China’s autonomous driving technology level has ranked among the top in the world.

# Guangzhou and Shenzhen issued the first batch of urban advanced assisted driving map licenses in China.

On October 17th, Guangzhou and Shenzhen issued the city advanced assisted driving map license for the first time. This means that the map software will support car companies to mass-produce smart cars equipped with urban pilot-assisted driving functions, meet the application scenarios of bicycle intelligent assisted driving on urban roads, and realize the integration of parking, high-speed and urban areas.

Comments:The pilot project of wide application of high-precision maps in cities has been started.

# Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Intelligent networked automobile manufacturers should establish systems such as vehicle product network security.

On October 28th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued "Regulations on the Administration of Road Motor Vehicle Production Access Permit (Draft for Comment)", which mentioned that intelligent networked automobile production enterprises should establish vehicle product network security, data security, personal information protection, car networking card security management, software upgrade management system, improve safety guarantee mechanism, implement safety guarantee measures, clarify responsible departments and persons, and implement safety protection responsibilities. The software and hardware used in intelligent networked automobile products should meet the requirements of national mandatory standards related to network security, and so on.

Comments:Advanced automotive data security.

# The national standards for intelligent networked vehicles such as Performance Requirements and Test Methods for Lane Keeping Auxiliary System of Commercial Vehicles were released.

Recently, the General Administration of Market Supervision (Standards Committee) issued the national standards for intelligent networked vehicles, such as the performance requirements and test methods of lane keeping auxiliary system for commercial vehicles, and the performance requirements and test methods of driver’s attention monitoring system. The performance requirements and test methods of lane keeping auxiliary system for commercial vehicles put forward the performance requirements and test methods of straight lane keeping, curve lane keeping, driver intervention and curve deviation warning.

Comments:It will guide the production enterprises to produce lane keeping systems that meet the needs of the industry, promote the large-scale application of lane keeping systems on vehicles, and reduce traffic accidents caused by vehicles deviating from lanes.

# Chongqing: By 2025, an intelligent networked technology system meeting the requirements of highly automatic driving will be formed.

On October 8, the General Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government issued the Action Plan for Innovative Application of Automatic Driving and Internet of Vehicles in Chongqing (2022-2025). It is proposed that by 2025, the city’s autonomous driving and car networking innovation capabilities will be further improved, and the country’s leading intelligent network ecosystem will be built to create a high-quality model that supports industrial development with basic platforms. Conditional self-driving cars achieve mass production and large-scale application, forming an intelligent networked technology system that meets the requirements of highly automatic driving, and the local support capacity of key technical fields exceeds 80%.

Comments:Chongqing’s precise efforts have made the automobile industry run on the smart road.

# Chongqing issued an action plan to build an intelligent networked new energy auto parts industry.

On October 26th, "Chongqing Action Plan for Building Intelligent Networked New Energy Auto Parts Supply Chain System (2022-2025)" was issued. According to the Plan, by 2025, the city will strive to introduce 300 intelligent networked new energy auto parts enterprises, promote the transformation and upgrading of 500 traditional auto parts enterprises, and reach 100 "little giant" enterprises specializing in the field of auto parts. The scale of the city’s intelligent networked new energy auto parts industry will reach 250 billion yuan.

Comments:Insufficient self-sufficiency rate of core parts, slow transformation of traditional parts enterprises, and the need to improve product competitiveness are still "shortcomings". It is imperative to accelerate the construction of intelligent networked new energy automobile parts supply chain system.

Take a look at business applications.

# Polar Fox Auto Delivers 200 Shared Unmanned Vehicles Apollo Moon

On October 9, Extreme Fox delivered another 200 fifth-generation shared unmanned vehicles Apollo Moon to Baidu Apollo, becoming the first car company to realize the batch delivery and commercial application of Baidu’s fifth-generation shared unmanned vehicles. Apollo Moon relies on Baidu’s Apollo autopilot technology, which is completely unmanned, and has achieved a number of functional innovations in "unmanned" services. It has been approved to carry out fully unmanned commercial operations in Chongqing and Wuhan.

Comments:Car companies are deeply involved in the in-depth exploration of the commercialization of autonomous driving in China to the ultimate format.

# Manche Technology Intelligent Heavy Truck has exceeded 10 million kilometers in commercial operation mileage.

On October 10th, Won Che Technology announced that the commercial operation mileage of smart heavy trucks equipped with Won Che Xuanyuan system has exceeded 10 million kilometers. According to its introduction, at present, the smart heavy truck equipped with the Won Xuanyuan system has entered the normal commercial operation on a large scale, covering the four economic and industrial circles of Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Central China, and the main channels of Shanghai-Kunming, Beijing-Shanghai, Shanghai-Chongqing, Beijing-Guangzhou-Macao and Shenhai, serving nearly 20 logistics head users in the fields of express delivery, express delivery and LTL.

Comments:In the field of global self-driving trucks, it has taken the lead in passing a new milestone in commercial operations.

# Millimeter Zhixing user-assisted driving mileage has exceeded 20 million kilometers.

On October 14th, Millie Zhixing released the data report on smart driving during the National Day. In terms of passenger car assisted driving, its passenger car assisted driving system, HPilot, has a total mileage of 9,169,300 kilometers and a total time of 278,913 hours during the National Day. The driving mileage of users with assisted driving was as high as 1,134,770 kilometers, and the total duration was as high as 12,340 hours. The total mileage increased by 44.7% from the previous month, and the utilization rate increased by 32.35% from the previous month. Up to now, the driving mileage of the assisted driving users of Millie Zhixing has exceeded 20 million kilometers.

Comments:It means that the application of intelligent driving is sinking and deepening further.

# Xiaoma Zhixing Autopilot Travel Service Access Ruqi Travel Platform

On October 27th, Xiaoma Zhixing’s self-driving travel service was officially connected to Ruqi travel platform. Xiaoma Zhixing will cooperate with Ruqi travel platform to start Robotaxi mixed operation, that is, the capacity of manned vehicles and autonomous vehicles will be integrated. Users in Nansha District of Guangzhou will have the opportunity to hit a self-driving vehicle of Xiaoma Zhixing through Ruqi Travel App, which means that the penetration rate of Robotaxi in the core cities of Greater Bay Area will be greatly improved.

Comments:The large-scale landing of autonomous driving technology in urban scenes has further accelerated.

3 Take a look at the enterprise dynamics

# Xiaoma Zhixing announced a comprehensive strategic cooperation with Sagitar Juchuang.

On October 12, Xiaoma Zhixing announced a comprehensive strategic cooperation with Sagitar Juchuang. The large-scale landing and mass production of autonomous driving technology are the focus of in-depth cooperation between the two parties. The two sides will carry out in-depth cooperation in the whole business chain in the fields of autonomous driving and smart transportation, and promote the landing and large-scale application of autonomous driving technical solutions.

Comments:Join forces to create automatic driving system solutions and urban smart transportation products.

# jidu ROBO-01′ s first verification prototype is off the assembly line, and the high-order intelligent driving has started the road test.

On October 24th, Jidu announced that the first prototype car of ROBO-01, an automobile robot, had been trial-produced recently, and it was officially off the assembly line in the trial-production center of Geely Automobile Research Institute. At the same time, the research and development of centralized advanced intelligent driving has started the urban and high-speed domain tests in Shanghai in early October, and entered the stage of multi-city scene generalization.

Comments:High-order intelligent driving can minimize the accident rate and make automobile robots safer and more reliable.

# Xpeng Motors: It is planned to move towards full automatic driving from 2025.

On October 24, Wu Xinzhou, vice president of automatic driving in Xpeng Motors, said that Tucki’s intelligent assisted driving route plan is that in 2022, it will mainly focus on single-scene assisted driving; From 2023 to 2025, the main layout will be full-scene assisted driving. After 2025, Tucki will "March towards full-scale automatic driving and unmanned driving".

Comments:Tucki plans to start the Robotaxi test operation, expecting that the development of Robotaxi and hardware capabilities in Tucki can realize "joining forces" and enter the high-level autonomous driving stage.

# Europa (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. announced technical cooperation with Baidu.

On October 26th, Callisto (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., a smart car safety enterprise, carried out technical cooperation with Baidu. The core product of Callisto, VSOC Automotive Information Security Operation Center, will complement Baidu’s IDPS intrusion detection and defense service, and is committed to protecting the security of vehicle core data, assets and intelligent scenes, and protecting vehicle core data and assets from network intrusion.

Comments:Vehicle data security not only needs the contribution of car companies, but also needs to be guarded by many parties.

4 capital trends a stroke

# An Zhijie completed the C round of financing of over RMB 100 million.

On October 10th, An Zhijie completed the C-round financing of RMB 100 million. This round of investment was jointly invested by Shanghai International Venture Capital and the fulcrum scientific and technological achievements transformation fund of the Ministry of Science and Technology. At present, An Zhijie’s investors have gathered Tongchuang Weiye, Dachen Venture Capital, Hongtai Fund, Guanda Holdings, Shengyi Technology, Guohong Investment and other well-known industries and financial investment institutions.

Comments:This round of financing will accelerate Anzhijie’s closer cooperation with OEMs in the field of ADAS system and realize large-scale matching, and enter a new stage of development.

# Xingyun Internet announced that it has won over 100 million B+ rounds of strategic financing.

On October 13th, Beijing Xingyun Internet Technology Co., Ltd. announced that it had won a B+ round of strategic financing of over 100 million yuan. This round of financing was jointly invested by Qualcomm Venture Capital, Zhongguancun Science City Science and Technology Growth Fund and Changjiang Capital. Xingyun Internet is an innovative high-tech enterprise which aims at intelligent networking and vehicle-road collaborative application services, and integrates V2X product research and development, production and sales, new generation intelligent transportation system application and key technologies and services of intelligent networking vehicles.

Comments:After half a year, it once again won the favor of the capital market, and the new financing will help Xingyun Internet to run out of the "acceleration" on the intelligent networked track.

#MCU company Siche Technology received nearly 100 million yuan in financing.

On October 24th, Siche Technology, a domestic MCU chip company, has completed a new round of A+ financing with a financing amount of nearly 100 million yuan. This round of financing was led by Lanpu Capital, with the joint investment of Tongbai Capital, Weiran Capital and the old shareholder Junlian Capital. This round of financing is mainly used to increase the marketing of existing ultra-low-power Bluetooth MCU products, and at the same time, it will promote the research and development of new products of the company, cover the product series in all directions on the market side, further expand the team size, and constantly plan new technical reserves.

Comments:The era of homogenization and low-price competition has passed, and domestic enterprises with innovation in the technical field are worth looking forward to.

# Autopilot Chip Company Yixing Intelligent completed financing of over 300 million yuan.

On October 24, the self-driving chip company Yixing Intelligent Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. announced that it had completed more than 300 million yuan of Pre-A financing. This round of financing is led by Guangzhou Automobile Capital, jointly led by Oriental Fuhai, and jointly invested by Yuexiu Industrial Fund, Guochuang Zhongding and other industries and institutions. So far, the company has completed more than 500 million yuan of financing.

Comments:Accelerate the localization process of autonomous driving chips from the source of application.

5 personnel changes are awkward.

# Volkswagen and Horizon joint venture company introduced strong support, and Su Qing, former head of Huawei’s intelligent driving, joined.

On October 13th, CARIAD, a software company owned by Volkswagen, established a joint venture with Horizon. In terms of candidates, Volkswagen CARIAD will appoint CEO, former Huawei executive, and Su Qing, a man of the autonomous driving industry, or join them as a technical leader. Su Qing left Huawei in December last year and then joined CARIAD.

Comments:Volkswagen’s largest single investment in China in 40 years, this investment in the future is bound to be very attractive to talents.

# LI personnel are in turmoil again, and Wang Yilun, the head of AI algorithm, will leave.

On October 25th, it was reported that Wang Yilun, the head of AI algorithm for intelligent driving in LI and the chief scientist of AI, will leave his post in the near future. In the ideal period, Wang Yilun was mainly responsible for the research and development of AI algorithms such as intelligent driving perception and maps, and reported to Lang Xianpeng, vice president of ideal intelligent driving. After leaving the company, Wang Yilun may be involved in starting a business, but he is still in a handover state and is expected to leave at the end of the month.

Comments:After the product system and organizational structure of new car manufacturers are gradually mature, how to continuously attract and retain talents is a problem that entrepreneurs should think about for a long time.

Listen to the international news

#Uber signed a ten-year cooperation agreement with Motional

On October 8, Uber and Motional reached a 10-year agreement, which is an autonomous joint venture established by Hyundai Motor and Anbofu. The two parties will provide autonomous vehicle services based on Uber platform. In May of this year, Motional’s self-driving vehicles based on modern Ioniq 5 have been delivered through Uber Eats. The new agreement will allow the two companies to extend Uber Eats’ automatic delivery service to other cities.

Comments:The first cooperation in the industry that includes both unmanned taxi service and delivery service is of symbolic significance.

# Intel Mobileye goes public

On October 26th, local time, Mobileye Global, Intel’s autopilot division, officially went public in the United States, and sold 41 million shares at a price of $21 per share, with a market value as high as $21.8 billion, while the previous valuation only reached one-third of the early target of $50 billion.

Comments:With the increase of rivals, it is time for Mobileye to come out of the closed black box scheme.

# Volkswagen Ford divests, and the autopilot company Argo AI is about to shut down.

On October 26th, it was reported that Argo AI, a self-driving car technology company supported by Ford Motor Company and audi ag, was about to close because the two auto giants were changing their self-driving car strategies. Ford said in a statement that the company needs to invest in driver assistance technology that is easier to achieve in the short term, rather than Argo’s fully autonomous driving goal. According to informed sources, Ford’s decision also led to Volkswagen’s withdrawal. In the future, Ford and Volkswagen will continue to cooperate in the field of electric vehicles and commercial vehicles in the United States and Europe.

Comments:The market is cruel, and the emergence of industry integration is healthy.

# Tesla faces US criminal investigation for autonomous driving.

On October 27th, three people familiar with the matter revealed that Tesla was under criminal investigation by the US Department of Justice because the company claimed that its electric cars could drive automatically. After more than a dozen car accidents involving Tesla’s driver assistance system Autopilot, the US Department of Justice launched this previously undisclosed investigation last year. People familiar with the investigation said that the investigation by the Ministry of Justice may mean stricter scrutiny, because Tesla or individual executives may face criminal charges.

Comments: The establishment of laws and regulations is not only a game of interests of several parties, but more importantly, it can clearly identify who is responsible, which is the most important issue in the legislation of autonomous driving.

#Cruise wants to promote Robotaxi business in the United States to Austin and Phoenix.

On October 28th, Cruise, a subsidiary of GM’s self-driving car, is inviting potential passengers from Phoenix and Austin to join the waiting list and become the first batch of Cruise robot taxi passengers. Since June, the company has been operating a completely unmanned commercial robot taxi service in San Francisco. Previously, the company had said that the first rides in Austin and Phoenix might be free, and it planned to start charging service soon.

Comments:We seem to be getting closer and closer to the real driverless era.

# ChuanVolkswagen Group will cooperate with Mobileye to drive automatically.

On October 28th, it was reported in Reuters that two sources revealed that after Volkswagen Group decided to stop investing in Argo AI, an autonomous driving startup, the group planned to expand its cooperation with Intel’s Mobileye to the field of autonomous driving. According to the report, the Volkswagen Group plans to launch a self-driving taxi service in 2025, and Mobileye is likely to become a partner of the Volkswagen Group’s self-driving taxi service. Previously, Mobileye has reached a cooperation with Cariad, a software business of Volkswagen Group, in the field of autonomous driving technology.

Comments:Automobile manufacturers cooperate with technology companies to gain the first opportunity in the field of autonomous driving technology, which is expected to completely subvert the transportation industry.

# Japan plans to allow L4 self-driving cars to go on the road next year.

On October 28th, the Japanese National Police Agency said that the new amendment to the Road Traffic Law was scheduled to be implemented on April 1st, 2023, and the bill included the "Level 4" operating permit system for fully automated driving under certain conditions. However, the new bill will be consulted by the public before the end of November, and then the content and implementation time will be formally determined.

Comments:Countries are also stepping up efforts to promote the landing of L4-class autonomous driving technology.

7 Explore the cutting-edge technology

# Subaru will launch a new technology that can still drive automatically when the network is disconnected.

On October 24 th, Subaru will develop the technology of self-driving cars to continue driving when communication is interrupted in 2025. Through the system of predicting the forward position of vehicles, the speed and direction can also be controlled when communication is interrupted. If this technology can collect the position information of many vehicles, including other car companies, it can further improve the accuracy.

Comments:The continuous optimization of details makes autonomous driving safer.

# Xiaomi Auto Patent can intelligently change lanes to prevent rear-end collision.

On October 25th, Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. announced the patent of "vehicle control method, device, vehicle and readable storage medium". The disclose method comprises that follow steps: detecting that the preceding vehicle is stationary, determine whether the preceding vehicle is a stop-following target, if so, the following vehicle needs to stop with it, if not, determining whether the own vehicle meets the lane change condition, and controlling to execute lane change operation when the condition is met; It can intelligently identify the temporarily parked vehicles in front and realize intelligent avoidance.

Comments:The problem of collision with the vehicle in front caused by the driver’s untimely response is avoided, the safety of the vehicle and the driver is improved, and the road traffic efficiency is also improved.

# Huawei patent can control driving state according to brainwaves.

On October 28th, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. applied for the patent of "Man-vehicle interaction method and automatic driving system for self-driving vehicles". The method comprises the following steps: acquiring brain wave signals of drivers; According to the driver’s brain wave signal, determine the driver’s brain wave activity state; According to the brain wave activity state of the driver, the driving state of the self-driving vehicle is controlled, and the driving state includes at least one of a manual driving state and an auxiliary automatic driving state.

Comments:A new method of human-vehicle interaction for autonomous vehicles improves the user experience of autonomous driving system.

Deng Xiaoping’s football feelings: I have a soft spot and have asked China football many times.

Data Map: Deng Xiaoping at the age of 84. China News Agency issued Zheng Ruide photo

  Deng Xiaoping has a special liking for football all his life. As early as his teenage years in France, he would rather be hungry than save money to watch football matches. In 1924, the 8th Olympic Games was held in Paris. In order to watch the football match, Deng Xiaoping spared no expense to buy tickets. He later recalled: "Five francs is a day’s meal, and when you watch the ball, you sit in the highest position, so you can’t even see the ball clearly." Until his later years, he clearly remembered that the winner of that competition was Uruguay.

  In the summer of 1974, shortly after Deng Xiaoping’s second comeback, he watched the documentary "The World is at Your Feet" reflecting the 10th World Cup. Chen Jialiang, who was in charge of football in the former State Sports Commission, recalled the situation at that time and said, "He never had a rest during the three-hour screening! He rarely asks me questions, and he doesn’t talk much. Sometimes he makes a brief comment when he sees the fun. " "The world at your feet" seems to be finished in 70 or 80 minutes! However, Xiaoping was obviously not satisfied, and immediately asked:’ What else? Play it again! Play it again!’ So we didn’t rest at all, and immediately showed him the documentaries such as the World Cup Final. "

  Deng Xiaoping retired at home in his later years, so he had more leisure to watch football matches. Zhang Baozhong, his guard, recalled: "He is famous for his love of football, and he has always loved it. He likes football and other sports. In the 13th World Cup, I can’t remember whether there were 52 or 53 games. He lost every game and watched them all. He watches the games he can watch during the day, and he asks me to record the games he can’t watch at night. And after recording it, he still won’t let me tell him the result. " Deng Xiaoping has always maintained a detached and calm attitude towards the result of the football match. He said: "Look at the ball, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a good level if you score more goals, and it looks good if you don’t score goals." Although we lost, our players worked hard and played well, but the level was not on the same ladder as others, and they played well! "

  Deng Xiaoping is very concerned about the development of football in China. In 1952, he said, "I hope the national football team will train strictly, lay a good foundation and train a group of excellent coaches and players as soon as possible." On the evening of July 30, 1977, while watching the match between Hongkong Football Team and China Youth Football Team, Deng Xiaoping pointed out to the head of the State Sports Commission at half time: "You can send several referees to study in Germany, and you should train international referees and improve their level." When meeting the athletes after the game, he said: In the future, we should go abroad, learn advanced skills and accumulate experience by playing games, so as to improve the football level in China as soon as possible. In August 1985, he pointed out: "I watched several live broadcasts of the FIFA Koda Cup World Championships under the age of 16, and saw that each team performed very well in terms of technology and sports ethics. They play with great vigor and are the hope of the world football. China also played well. If we want to develop Chinese football, we must start from dolls and teenagers. " After the reform and opening-up, China’s sports went all-round to the world with brilliant achievements, but the development of Chinese football was very slow, and it was too late to rush out of Asia. Faced with this situation, Deng Xiaoping once instructed the central responsible comrades in charge of sports: "We should establish a football special zone." Soon, China’s first "Football Special Zone" was listed in Dalian. Under his impetus, China Football Association sent China Youth Team, "Jianlibao" Youth Team and China Youth Team to study in Brazil to learn the advanced football consciousness and football skills and tactics of Brazil and Germany, the world football powers.This has also objectively promoted the development of Chinese football.

Editor: Liu Haifeng

The Birth of the Song "I Dedicate Oil to the Motherland"

Qin Yongcheng’s "First Oil Well" in Daqing Oilfield. Pictures are data pictures.

Qin Yongcheng (right) is with oil workers in Panjin Oilfield. Pictures are data pictures.

  [Great motherland, unforgettable songs].

  "Splendid rivers and mountains are picturesque, and the motherland is building a cross-horse. It’s a great honor for me to be an oil worker and travel around the world wearing an aluminum helmet … …” This heroic ode to oil workers is not only a clarion call to encourage oil workers from generation to generation to join in the construction of the motherland, but also an overall portrayal of the outstanding heroes of the working class in China. Although it was written more than half a century ago, it is still so exciting and exciting to sing today.

  The composer Qin Yongcheng (1933— 2015) is the first generation composer trained in New China. During more than half a century’s creative career, he has created a large number of musical works with high artistic achievements and wide social influence, such as the song "I offer oil for the motherland", "Chairman Mao travels all over the motherland", My People,My Country, vocal concerto "Haiyan", symphonic poem "Two Little Cowboys" and movie music "Entrepreneurship" and "Marshal and Soldiers". He made great contributions to the music, art and education in our country all his life.

  Three days with the "Iron Man"

  In 1964, a notice brought Qin Yongcheng into close contact with Li Jiefu, a famous composer and president of Shenyang Conservatory of Music. It was this notice that made him have an indissoluble bond with oil workers all his life. In March this year, China Musicians Association organized some composers to experience life in Daqing Oilfield and created a batch of works reflecting oil workers. Dean Hijacking also received a notice, asking him to report to Sarthou, Heilongjiang Province on March 20th. After receiving the notice, the dean of the robbery immediately made preparations for leaving. Due to physical reasons, the college is going to find a young man to accompany the dean of the robbery to "go north". At the suggestion of the dean of the robbery, Qin Yongcheng will accompany him. Unfortunately, Qin Yongcheng was suffering from a high fever and had been in bed for three days. Upon hearing this, Dean Hijacking personally visited Qin Yongcheng’s home and told him to rest at ease for illness. In the face of this rare opportunity, Qin Yongcheng looked forward to his early recovery. Although his fever had gone down the next day, he was still very weak, and insisted on accompanying Dean Jiefu.

  On the evening of 19th, Qin Yongcheng got his wish and boarded the train to the north. In the car, Qin Yongcheng finally put forward the question that was hidden in his heart: "Where are we going to Sarthou?" Dean Hijacking told him quietly: "Sarthou is a big oil field, called Daqing Oilfield, and it is still confidential." After moving to Daqing, Qin Yongcheng lived with many famous musicians such as Lv Ji, Qu Wei, Wang Xin, Zhang Lu and Jiefu in the guest house of Daqing Petroleum Command.

  Since the next day, the oil field has arranged courses for musicians to introduce oil-related knowledge, from exploration and drilling to oil production and refining for ten days, with one content per day. Ten days later, the oilfield arranged for them to experience life in the first line. Qin Yongcheng, Jiefu and Wang Xin (songwriters of "Singing the Motherland") were assigned to the "1205 Hero Drilling Team" with Wang Jinxi, the "Iron Man", and lived together with the "Iron Man" for three days. During this period, Wang Jinxi told Qin Yongcheng that when he held a People’s Congress in Beijing in 1959, he saw that the buses in Beijing were in a heavy mood because of lack of oil and carrying gas bags. He also listened to him tell the story of the Daqing Petroleum Congress. In the spring of 1960, Wang Jinxi’s drilling team was in Yumen Oilfield. When it was heard that a large oil field had been discovered in the north, the whole country was going to hold a general meeting there, and immediately asked the superior to fight. They said goodbye to their relatives and boarded the train going north in their light clothes. Faced with the harsh climate, hard living and working environment, and poor equipment, oil workers shouted the loud slogan of "if you have the conditions, you should go if you don’t have the conditions" in order to get rid of the label of "poor oil" as soon as possible and break the economic blockade of western hostile forces. "When the oil workers roar, the earth will shake three times."Qin Yongcheng’s soul was strongly shocked and greatly impacted by his earth-shattering fearless revolutionary heroism. Especially in the days spent with Wang Jinxi and his heroic drilling crew, Qin Yongcheng’s understanding of oil workers has been greatly sublimated, and he has a strong emotional resonance. He is determined to create works that can reflect the spirit of oil workers to express his high respect for them.

  A masterpiece completed in the canteen of the hostel.

  After three days of experience, Qin Yongcheng returned to the guest house, and the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the Oilfield prepared a batch of lyrics reflecting the work and life of Daqing Oilfield and oil workers for them, hoping that composers would compose music for them. After the old composers had chosen the lyrics, Qin Yongcheng also chose them. At this time, a lyric jumped into his eyes, which was written by oil worker Xue Zhuguo, "I offer oil for my motherland." This first-person lyric is vivid and vivid, which vividly depicts the heroic and optimistic mood of oil workers and the fearless revolutionary spirit of fighting against the world. The more Qin Yongcheng watched it, the more he liked it. The more he watched it, the more excited he became. At this moment, he was inspired and full of thoughts. In the canteen of the hostel, he finished writing this work in just 20 minutes.

  Inspired by the artistic conception of the lyrics, the prelude of the song adopts a fast speed, a lively and elastic rhythm, and a fluctuating melody line, like a train full of oil workers galloping in the splendid rivers and mountains of the motherland, from the northwest of the motherland to the northeast thousands of miles away. Then, the heroic song of the oil workers was introduced: "The beautiful rivers and mountains are picturesque, and the motherland is building a beautiful horse. I am honored to be an oil worker and wear an aluminum helmet to travel all over the world." The melody of the song is broad, fresh and smooth, which vividly depicts the bold spirit of oil workers and the revolutionary optimism full of pride and self-confidence. On the word "kua" of "kua steed", the melody absorbs the elements of rap music and adopts a sliding tone, which is not only in line with the rhyme of Chinese four tones but also forceful, and can better highlight the bold and hearty character of oil workers. These four sentences are lyrical paragraphs, which vividly depict the heroic fighting spirit and optimistic spirit of oil workers moving to the north and south and being at home all over the world.

  In order to show the dauntless heroism spirit and heroic spirit of oil workers, who are "fearless of heaven, fearless of earth, and fearless of storm, thunder and lightning", Qin Yongcheng treated these two lyrics into short and powerful eight-point dotted notes and syncopated rhythm, which made the music more powerful and dynamic. At the same time, it not only forms a sharp contrast with the previous lyric paragraphs, but also lays a good foundation for the climax of the whole song that appears later.

  The climax of the song is in the last two phrases, "I contribute oil to my motherland, where there is oil, my home is there". In order to make the climax of the song more prominent and infectious, Qin Yongcheng ingeniously treated the first beat at the beginning of this sentence as a rest, and started the word "I am" from the weak beat to highlight the word "ancestor" in the next section. Then, on the word "oil" for "offering oil", the melody adopts a circuitous upward movement, forming a large-span 10-degree interval in the range. In the last four bars of the song, Qin Yongcheng skillfully used the drawl of China’s traditional opera music for reference. It is worth mentioning that in the first draft of the work, the last four sections are not like this, but after Qin Yongcheng returned to school, he sang the work to friends and students, listened to and adopted everyone’s suggestions, and changed the original last simple melody into the current one-stop drawl. In this way, the music is more infectious and dynamic, which not only depicts the free and easy character of oil workers, but also makes the whole song end in an atmosphere full of optimism and pride. The revised work was published in the journal "Music Life" of Liaoning Branch of China Music Association, which soon became a hero’s ode to oil workers in the north and south of the motherland and inside and outside the Great Wall.

  The only "composer of oil workers"

  The first singer of this song, Liu Bingyi, a famous baritone singer of the former Central Orchestra, also played an important role in the promotion of this song. He and Qin Yongcheng also became attached to this song, and it was sung for 50 years. And Qin Yongcheng also started from this song, and successively created a number of excellent works reflecting oil workers. In 1973, as a key project of the Ministry of Culture, Changying filmed a feature film "Entrepreneurship" reflecting the Daqing Petroleum Congress, and specially invited Qin Yongcheng to create music for this film. Qin Yongcheng lived up to expectations, and created a number of well-known songs in his film music, such as Looking at Beijing with deep feelings, Entrepreneurial songs, and The Fragrance of Oil in Tianya Wan Li. Because of Qin Yongcheng’s outstanding contribution to the creation of oil-related music, the vast number of oil workers are familiar with the name Qin Yongcheng and affectionately call him "the composer of oil workers". In 1994, China Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation (formerly the Ministry of Petroleum Industry) awarded Qin Yongcheng the honorary title of "composer of oil workers", and he was the only composer in China to win this honor. In 1996, China Records Corporation awarded Qin Yongcheng the "Golden Record Award" for this work, which was later included in the 20th century Chinese classics.

  Praising the motherland and people and eulogizing the times and life are the themes of Qin Yongcheng’s life creation. It is precisely because of Qin Yongcheng’s deep patriotism, deep thoughts and feelings for the broad masses of the people, including oil workers, rich musical language based on Chinese excellent musical culture, and continuous absorption of rich nutrition and creative sources in the long-term in-depth social life that he created such immortal masterpieces represented by "I Contribute Oil to the Motherland", which are full of positive energy and the main theme of the times, and have high artistic value and appeal to both refined and popular tastes. (Author: Wei Huang, former vice president and second-level professor of Shenyang Conservatory of Music)

Script killing: Top stream content creators earn tens of thousands of dollars a month, which will become normal entertainment in the future.

  According to the interviewee, the "4D" screen script against the horizon kills the picture.

  The "script killing" that arose in China at the end of 2016 has gone through three or four years. This emerging thing, which is called by the industry as "containing tens of billions of market scale and nearly 10 million consumers", has also attracted wide attention.

  At the 3rd Chengdu (International) Digital Entertainment Expo (IGS Expo), which opened in Chengdu on October 1st, a number of domestic script-killing related practitioners gathered. Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star journalists talked with many people in the industry on the spot to get a glimpse of the new trends in the industry.

  Some people say that script killing has ushered in the "3.0" era, and the content has not only been iteratively updated, but also the gameplay and scenes are more diverse.

  Another phenomenon is that more and more C-end players have penetrated into the middle and upper reaches of the industry, and some players have become content creators. Someone revealed: "It is normal for top-stream content creators to earn tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands a month." There are also players who team up to change careers collectively, starting from the middle reaches of the industry and testing new ways of playing and new scenes.

  Script killing entered the "3.0" era.

  Content, gameplay, and scenes have been iterated.

  "Script killing has entered the 3.0 era, and there have been iterations in the fields of script content and gameplay." At the event site, Lin Bo, the public relations director of the headquarters of Sanqian World Culture Media Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sanqian World") told reporters. Sanqian World is a local enterprise in Chengdu, which was established in 2017. Its business system covers the entire industrial chain of offline story interactive games, involving content creation, script distribution, store management and other businesses.

  Taking the 1.0 era three years ago as an example, Forestry Bo said that in terms of scripts, the basic conditions for composing a high-quality script in the 1.0 era are: a complete story composed of a reasonable case combined with complex character relationships. However, with more and more audiences and more mature markets, players are not simply satisfied with the needs of the script game form (that is, a pure reasoning game), and have higher requirements for the story content.

  Diversification, upgrading and iteration are also the views of Liu Cong, co-founder of Inverse Vision. Inverse Vision is an industry service provider with independent research and development of the curtain system, mainly focusing on high-quality script content, upgrading the immersive space entertainment experience driven by technology, and serving the script killer.

  The reporter experienced the "4D" curtain script killing against the horizon at the scene. It’s a closed space, with four walls forming a ring curtain. In the center of the space, there is an interactive desktop screen. When playing games, players sit around the table. As the story progresses, the table will show a functional picture to promote the story, and players can interact with it. The sound and LED light at the top will also change with the needs of the story link, reflecting the synchronization effect of sound, light and electricity.

  "The player experience affects the direction of the industry, and upgrading the player’s game experience is our original intention to build this project." Liu Cong said that Inverse Vision is a new branch of the industry, which mainly cooperates with the content exporters in the script killing industry. Through the secondary curtain content creation of the high-quality script promoted by the issuer, it will be promoted to offline stores.

  "The script has both content and form. It can combine all walks of life, such as cultural tourism, to revitalize young people’s cognition of traditional industries. It can also be combined with education and other industries to entertain and educate. " Forestry Bo believes that script killing is the starting point of offline immersive entertainment, and it can carry more scenes and play more functions in the future.

  Immersive entertainment is also the starting point of the three thousand worlds. Three Thousand Worlds had previously cooperated with the relevant departments of Luodai ancient town, and created a 100-person-scale script killing project "The World in the Late Han Dynasty" in Luodai ancient town. Indoor, they also created a super immersive theater "Qing Ming", which is an experience mode that combines the form of desktop script killing with the characteristics of secret room games.

  "This game can have multiple endings, and the player’s decision may affect the plot direction and even the ending. This model has also made ‘ Have a fever ’ Player ‘ Brush more ’ The possibility is more commercial than the traditional script. "

  It is normal for top stream content creators to earn tens of thousands of dollars a month.

  But excellent authors are hard to copy.

  Forestry Bo believes that at present, script killing has formed a relatively perfect ecological system, that is, script creators, script publishers and offline stores have built up the upper, middle and lower reaches respectively. Script creators create scripts, script publishers distribute and promote scripts and sell them to offline stores, which then push scripts to players.

  From the perspective of industrial chain, content creators are the bottom of the supply chain. At present, there are two business models of creators: one is "buyout", that is, paying the creators a fixed price; The other is "sharing", which gives the creator a certain proportion of the sales according to the transaction.

  According to the average level in the industry, the current buyout purchase price is generally concentrated in the range of 0.7-15 thousand yuan, while the sharing ratio between the sharing method and the creator is 3: 7 to 5: 5. At present, the price of boxed scripts is in the range of 300-700 yuan, while the city-limited and exclusive price will reach 2,000-5,000 yuan.

  Then, does the "script killing content creators with a monthly income of 100,000" circulating in the industry really exist?

  "For the top flow, it is normal to enter tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands a month." Another industry insider, who did not want to be named, said that most top authors are the signboards of the corresponding issuers. "They may be able to produce a work that can make a profit of one or two million in a month." And some content creators who are good at business may also integrate creation and distribution, which is likely to develop into an industry leader.

  On the other hand, from the perspective of cooperation mode, there are three ways of cooperation between 3000 World and content creators: collecting manuscripts from the society, signing up teams and cultivating fixed teams by themselves. As far as forestry blog is concerned, because of the low industry threshold, content creators are also emerging in large numbers.

  So, will there be a surplus of scripts?

  He denied the reporter’s statement. "At present, the market consumes scripts much faster than the output of scripts, and the market is still in short supply." The reason is that for the store, the script killing is basically a "one-time consumable", and the store needs to constantly "update". And this new speed in the world is basically 5-7 new scripts a month.

  "But a top-stream content creator is hard to copy." He said that a good script must be both story-telling and game-playing, and a script should be popular, and the comprehensive factors are complex, and it cannot be discussed only by the content quality. Some people in the industry are trying to sort out the literacy and writing skills of a good script, and they are also considering whether they can form a template for mass production. But at present, these attempts have not been effective, because "no matter the quality or speed of creation, the creators are unstable." We all know that even if it is hot now ‘ Popular fried chicken ’ The next work may not guarantee the quality of this output. "

  Players are infiltrating the middle and upper reaches of the industry.

  In the future, script killing will become normal entertainment.

  Another phenomenon observed by the reporter is that more and more C-end players and outsiders have also made their debut in groups and even penetrated into the middle and upper reaches of the industry.

  In forestry blog’s view, players are the most important link in the whole industrial ecological chain and an "energy reserve pool". "A player may become an author, or a publisher may work closely with the author, or he may become a shopkeeper." Some of the content creators who cooperate with them are such players.

  This phenomenon has also been confirmed in the team of Inverse Vision. Liu Cong’s team comes from all walks of life, such as directing, film and television, software and hardware technology development and so on. The founding team got to know each other because they loved to play scripts, and finally formed a group to "debut".

  Regarding the future of the industry, both of them expressed optimism: "Relevant reports show that script killing is an offline consumption scene second only to sports and fitness and movies. It is foreseeable that script killing will become a standardized and normalized entertainment in the future." (Reporter Peng Xiangping)

The rapid development of artificial intelligence opens up new employment space

CCTV News:At the Nishan Dialogue Conference on Digital Civilization, the participating experts also discussed the new employment space brought by the development of artificial intelligence. Experts said that with the growing industrial ecology with artificial intelligence as the core, it has injected new impetus into China’s economic development, and at the same time, a large number of new career needs have emerged, opening up new employment space for more young people.

AI pinch face algorithm engineer Wu Jiayang:This is our intelligent face kneading interface, and we can support face kneading through image input and text input.

His name is Wu Jiayang, and his occupation is AI face-kneading algorithm engineer. With the rise of new formats such as Metauniverse and online games in recent years, a professional "face-kneading teacher" has been born, which is to help users create online virtual images with personal characteristics.

AI pinch face algorithm engineer Wu Jiayang:Many players actually want to have a virtual image that is highly similar to themselves in the game or meta-universe, so we can generate a character that is very similar to ourselves by uploading our own photos here. It can make every user feel very immersed in the game, as if he is also there.

In the latest list of new occupations published by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, virtual architects are also impressively listed. At present, this latest occupation is no longer limited to the field of meta-universe and online games, and its service field has been expanded and extended.

Virtual Architect Zou Yi:Virtual space is still widely used now.ofFor example, enterprises, they will need to build their own 3D enterprise space, and then there will be some exhibition conferences. In the case of cultural tourism, such as museums, these scenic spots offline will also have a virtual space online, so the scope of application is very wide.

It is understood that with the development of artificial intelligence technology, some new occupations with relatively low professional threshold are constantly being born, such as data annotators and artificial intelligence trainers, which have now become popular occupations.