年度归档 2024年2月19日

Self-enrollment allows key middle schools to be busy with the college entrance examination in advance. Teacher: Don’t report blindly.

  Independent enrollment makes key middle schools busy with the college entrance examination in advance

  The temptation of grabbing students in colleges and universities is more opportunities and less opportunities. The teacher suggested not to report blindly.

  Self-enrollment stirs up the middle school campus

  "I have sent the materials to Peking University." At present, Xiao Fan (pseudonym) of the middle school affiliated to Fudan University is preparing for the written test of Peking University’s independent selection exam.

  There are still more than half a year before the national college entrance examination in 2008, but the independent enrollment work of major universities has started in full swing. In November, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University, China People’s University and other online enrollment networks, online registration channels have been opened. This year, the number of self-selected colleges and universities has also increased from 22 in 2003 to 59.

  Bao Fanchen, a senior three student in weiyu high school, told reporters that the students around him are actively preparing for the proficiency test of Fudan University and the winter camp plan of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Every Tuesday at 6 pm and Friday at 3 pm, the school will arrange teachers to give counseling lectures to students who are going to take the independent selection exams of Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. "There are more than 500 students in the whole grade, and nearly 300 students are present at each time, accounting for more than half."

  Considering that students who choose physics may forget chemistry, and those who choose chemistry may forget history and geography, Bao Fanchen’s school has specially held a counseling lecture for students who need to take the independent selection examination.

  It is reported that in 2008, the specific programs of Fudan University’s independent selection and admission work include: the selection and testing program for students who walk (including non-foreign languages, English, and non-common languages), the selection and testing program for art and sports specialty students, the Boya Cup Humanities Knowledge Grand Prix, and the "Fudan Level Test". Among them, "Fudan Proficiency Test" is open to all high school graduates. The test content includes 10 subjects, including Chinese, mathematics, English, politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology and computer. The test forms are all multiple-choice questions. The test time is 3 hours and the total score is 1000 points.

  Squeeze into the winter camp and gain one more chance.

  "Students taking the self-selection exam can reduce the pressure of the college entrance examination. For example, if you apply for the independent selection of Fudan University, if you have passed the written test and the interview, the college entrance examination will be enough. " Bao Fanchen also mentioned the winter camp plan of Shanghai Jiaotong University. After entering the winter camp, students are divided into four grades according to their grades, such as A, B, C and D. When enrolling in the college entrance examination, the A grade can be reduced by 20 points, the B grade by 15 points, the C grade by 10 points and the D grade by 5 points. For this plan, "the students are very enthusiastic."

  "Although the exam is busy, the senior three environment is like this." Bao Fanchen mentioned that for independent enrollment, the teachers of the school are based on the principle of students’ voluntariness, but because the independent selection examination can give students a chance, the teachers are also more supportive.

  "Half of the students in our class are preparing for the independent selection examination in colleges and universities." Chen Wenrui of Suzhou Experimental Middle School said that in addition to online registration, there will be an interview inside the school to select better students to recommend. "After all, this is also an opportunity, and the teachers are more encouraging. The students who participated are doing their best to prepare."

  Xiaofeng (pseudonym) from Shanghai Gezhi Middle School is waiting for the recommendation form of Tongji University to arrive at the school these two days. "All the watches are collected by the class teacher. In principle, everyone can only choose one school, so you must prepare for the exam carefully when you get the table. If you are not admitted, there will be no chance. "

  There are more than 500 senior three students in Xiaofeng’s school, and about 70 students got the winter camp form from Shanghai Jiaotong University. "Five students in our class took the form, and now they are all preparing." The application steps of Xiaofeng’s school are as follows: students who want to participate in the independent selection of colleges and universities can first register with the class teacher, then summarize them to the class teacher, and then the class teacher will send them to the academic affairs office of the school. Next, according to the proportion of arts and sciences and the ranking of exams, the specific list will be finally determined.

  Xiaofeng told reporters that last year, there were more than 100 students in Gezhi Middle School who took the "Thousand-Score Examination" of Fudan University, and 50 students passed, but only 9 students finally got the admission notice of Fudan University. "Fudan University’s 1000-point exam is a sea election, which is a good opportunity for students from all schools." However, considering that the exam involves all subjects in high school and examines students’ comprehensive strength, Xiaofeng feels that it takes a lot of time to prepare for the exam, and it may not be successful, so it is better to settle down and take the exam in a school that she wants to take.

  "The bonus test is only to add a score to the score line of the college entrance examination. If the score line is not enough, the previous test will be useless." Xiaofeng said that his parents are very supportive of his idea. As long as it does not affect the normal review, "you can fill in the form you want to apply for."

  Li Yun of Shanghai No.3 Middle School told the reporter that there was no rush of students around to register for independent enrollment in colleges and universities. "But some students take action. I just finished the online composition of Fudan University’s My College Dream a few days ago. " Li Yun mentioned that several students around him have applied for the independent entrance examination of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and are actively reviewing English and mathematics. "Everyone has a different orientation."

  Teacher’s attitude: no recommendation and no objection.

  Since the end of November, Xiao Wei (a pseudonym), a senior three student in Shanghai Yucai Middle School, has been studying more intensely. "This year, it seems that the independent selection examinations of major universities have been advanced, and I am not ready for it."

  Xiaowei’s grades are at the lower level in his class. As the college entrance examination approaches, he feels more and more pressure and motivation. After all, there are still more than half a year, and I may be able to rush up again.

  At first, Xiaowei’s mood was somewhat ambivalent. Signing up for the self-selected examination in colleges and universities meant spending more time on the subjects for preparing for the exam. Failure to sign up was tantamount to wasting time. If you don’t sign up, the students around you will ask questions again. "Which one did you apply for?" Students will communicate this problem with each other. Many students are actively preparing for the exam. " Xiaowei said this.

  After learning that the registration of East China University of Science and Technology and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics started, Xiaowei submitted the registration form online. "He also wants to try his luck and prepare for the exam first." Xiaowei’s mother said that now the children don’t go to bed until after 12 o’clock every night, and the review is also very serious. They have entered the state of examination in advance and have great psychological pressure. "If he wants to take the exam, let him warm up in advance, but I reminded him not to take this too seriously."

  "The focus of the school is still the college entrance examination, and the focus of students is also the college entrance examination. Finally, look at the college entrance examination score line." Li Jianguo, a teacher from Anhui Lu ‘an No.1 Middle School, said.

  Li Jianguo advocates "no recommendation, no objection" for students to take the self-selected examination. If students voluntarily sign up and feel that their ability is better, they can take an examination of a better school than this one, and they can make further efforts in the rest of the time. If students with lower and middle grades also want to sign up for the independent examination, the teacher will never hurt the students’ self-confidence. "You can let him go to the school he can reach."

  Li Jianguo pointed out that the present self-selection examination is not particularly standardized. "Each school has not yet taken the exam outline, and there is no directionality, which is bound to bring certain negative effects. If students actively prepare for the exam and fail to reach the independent enrollment line, first, time is wasted, and second, students’ emotions are affected to some extent. " Teacher Li stressed that "in the final stage before the college entrance examination, students’ emotions are very important, and good self-confidence is also helpful for learning."

  Middle and lower school students are most affected.

  Li Jing, a senior three teacher in Zhengzhou Foreign Languages School, said that preferential policies are generally given only after the college entrance examination reaches a certain score, and there are different requirements for independent selection examinations in different schools, so students should choose good schools and majors. "The subjects of the school’s independent entrance examination may be different from those of the college entrance examination, which also requires students to review differently."

  Li Jing gave an example. For example, Tsinghua University’s score in Henan is 680 points, and it is enough for candidates who have passed independent enrollment to get 660 points. This is a drop-off admission; Another kind, candidates can be admitted as long as they pass a local score line; There are also extra points for admission. When choosing a school that enrolls students independently, students must see clearly what the requirements of the school are.

  Li Jing believes that the students who are in the top grades now sign up for the self-selected examination, and the students with lower grades are most affected, because the self-selected colleges and universities are generally more than one university, mainly for students with upper-middle grades. "Students should find out what grade and position they belong to and judge whether they belong to this category. If they don’t belong to this category, they should fully participate in the college entrance examination. If students feel that they can achieve it with their own efforts, they can take the independent entrance examination, which is also an opportunity after all. "

  "Students and parents should not blindly choose schools. Students must determine what kind of school they want to go to. If you pass the independent exam, but the college entrance examination can’t even reach a line, the independent enrollment exam is a waste. "

  Li Jing further suggested that the class teacher should know the students better and give them some advice based on their learning situation, development potential and hobbies. And students should not choose too many schools that choose their own exams, and spend too much time and energy on it. If students apply to a particularly large number of schools, such as going to Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan to take exams, "it will affect the normal review of the college entrance examination." (Intern Zhang Qi, reporter Zhou Kai)


  Not many students actually benefit from independent enrollment.

  During this period, colleges and universities have issued their own enrollment plans in 2008, and several key middle schools in Nanchang have received letters from some colleges and universities about their own enrollment policies in 2008. However, Director Huang of the Political and Educational Affairs Office of Yuzhang Middle School in Nanchang revealed that Yuzhang Middle School has not received any official letters from colleges and universities about their own enrollment policies in 2008. Director Huang said that colleges and universities generally send letters to key middle schools in various provinces and cities, because there are more students in key middle schools who meet the requirements of independent enrollment in colleges and universities, and fewer students in ordinary middle schools who meet the application conditions. According to Director Huang, no student in Yuzhang Middle School enjoyed the policy of independent enrollment in 2007.

  It is understood that there are actually very few students who can really enjoy the preferential policies brought by independent enrollment in colleges and universities. There are two channels for candidates to apply for the independent entrance examination: school recommendation and self-application. First of all, the general requirements for independent enrollment are fresh high school graduates with extraordinary innovation and practical ability, or special talents in literature, art and sports, or among the best in comprehensive quality.

  Principal Bao of Nanchang No.1 Middle School said that according to this condition, only about a dozen or twenty students in Nanchang No.1 Middle School are eligible to enter the exam every year.

  President Bao also said that the preferential policies for independent enrollment in colleges and universities only take effect under certain conditions. Some students scored very well in the college entrance examination, disdained the schools that took the self-enrollment examination at the beginning, did not take the self-enrollment colleges as their first choice, and filled in other schools after the examination, so this policy was wasted. Some candidates will also fail to reach the admission line because of their abnormal performance, which is useless.

  Director Chen of the Academic Affairs Office of Nanchang No.10 Middle School said that students who apply for key universities are relatively strong. A considerable number of outstanding candidates can easily enter key universities by passing their college entrance examination results, and there is no need for preferential policies in the independent entrance examination.

  Director Chen finally said that independent enrollment still depends on the results of the college entrance examination in June next year, and the level of the college entrance examination results determines whether candidates can finally be admitted. (According to "Urban Consumer News")

Editor: Zhu Zhen

The time for the professional qualification examination for professional and technical personnel in 2024 has been set!

Vocational qualification examination is related to the professional development of every professional and technical personnel. On February 1st, the reporter learned from the people’s social department of our city that in order to assist the majority of candidates to successfully apply for the professional and technical qualification examination and provide better examination services, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security recently issued a notice to make arrangements for the registration time, professional and technical qualification examination process and related information inquiry methods of some professional and technical personnel in 2024 for the reference of testers.

The results of the objective test of the 2021 judicial examination will be announced on October 25th.

According to the Ministry of Justice’s WeChat WeChat official account news, it is reported that the objective test results of the 2021 national unified legal professional qualification examination will be announced on October 25th, with a national qualified score of 180.

According to the spirit of the policy of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting with rural revitalization, the relaxation policy will continue to be implemented in the legal professional qualification examination in 2021, and the key counties for national rural revitalization will be included in the relaxation scope and given key support. The objective test scores are divided into three grades, and Xizang Autonomous Region scores 140 points. Tibet-related counties in Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan and Gansu provinces, four prefectures in southern Xinjiang, Liangshan Prefecture in Sichuan, Nujiang Prefecture in Yunnan and Linxia Prefecture in Gansu, as well as the national rural revitalization key help counties, relaxed the qualified score line to 150 points; Other relaxed local qualified scores are 160 points.

Candidates can check their scores from 0: 00 on October 25th through the website of the Ministry of Justice, WeChat WeChat official account of the Ministry of Justice, China PUFA Network and China PUFA WeChat WeChat official account, and log on to the website of the Ministry of Justice to download and print the notice of scores themselves.

Candidates who have passed the objective test in 2021 and those who have retained effective results in the objective test in 2020 should log on to the website of the Ministry of Justice from 0: 00 on October 25 to 24: 00 on October 29 to confirm their participation in the subjective test.

Those who confirm to take the subjective test can download and print the admission ticket on the website of the Ministry of Justice from November 16th to November 20th.

In 2021, the subjective examination of the national unified legal professional qualification examination will be computerized. If it is really difficult for the examinee to use the computer exam because of his body, age and other reasons, he can apply for using paper and pencil to answer the questions when confirming his registration for the subjective exam. If you choose to use the test paper in minority languages, the paper-and-pencil answering method will be implemented.

Due to the epidemic situation of COVID-19, the legal professional qualification examination in 2021 was postponed in Heilongjiang Province, Fujian Province and Yili Prefecture of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Matters related to candidates’ participation in the 2021 legal professional qualification examination in Heilongjiang Province, Fujian Province and Yili Prefecture of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region shall be announced separately by the judicial administrative organs of the provinces and autonomous regions where the examination area is located.

Candidates should abide by the provisions of the state and the location of the test area on the prevention and control of epidemic situation in COVID-19, and consciously cooperate with the prevention and control of epidemic situation such as self-health monitoring and providing relevant reports.

It is reported that in 2021, the subjective examination time of the national unified legal professional qualification examination is November 21, and the examination time is 240 minutes.

Xi ‘an, Shaanxi: New Year’s Eve fireworks show welcomes the ancient city of New Year Yao.

Jin Hu retired from the old year and Yutu welcomed the new year. On New Year’s Eve, in order to let citizens and tourists spend a festive and lively Spring Festival, Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province has carefully prepared grand theme fireworks display activities in six areas of the city to celebrate the Happy Year of China.

On January 21st, New Year’s Eve, in Xixian New Area, Xi ‘an, Kunming and Chi Pan, a grand fireworks show attracted many people. Fireworks ignite the city fireworks, conveying the joy and happiness of the Year of the Rabbit and the New Year. At 8 o’clock that night, fireworks of various shapes were like blooming flowers, blooming in the night sky. Under the fireworks, smiling faces were full of happiness and joy. Everyone raised their mobile phones and cameras to record beautiful moments and looked forward to the arrival of the New Year in the colorful fireworks.

Colorful and colorful fireworks not only presented a wonderful visual feast for citizens and tourists, but also showed the prosperity of the rapid recovery of tourism in the ancient city of Xi’ an. Appreciate the splendor of thousands of trees blooming in the east wind at night, and the flowers of fire trees and silver flowers blooming all night. In the dazzling fireworks show, everyone wishes the great motherland prosperity and the people a happy and healthy life.

Gorgeous fireworks carry people’s good wishes for the new year. During the Spring Festival this year, Xi ‘an will also hold a number of colorful Spring Festival cultural tours.

(Reporter Yan Xingguang, Yan Xiaobin, Zhao Zhenkai)

Panda Flower Flower has a "holiday" on New Year’s Eve. Visitors can book tickets for nearly 7 days while stocks last.

On February 2nd, chengdu research base of giant panda released the Spring Festival holiday tourism announcement, introducing the opening and closing time of the park and other related information.

First, the opening and closing time of the park

Morning ticket admission time: 8: 00-12: 00; Admission time for afternoon tickets: 12:00-16:30. Closing time: 17:30

(panda valley clearing time: 18:00).

Second, the ticket purchase instructions

All tourists must make an online real-name reservation and bring the original valid ID card filled in at the time of reservation. Older people aged 60 and above can avoid making an appointment and brush their original ID card to enter the park. Real-name registration system (one person, one ticket and one certificate) is adopted for ticket purchase, and one ticket is limited for each ID number. (On New Year’s Eve, that is, February 9, 2024, the park will be closed for one day)

Third, current limiting measures

Tickets can be reserved for nearly 7 days, and the number is limited. Please book in advance while stocks last.

Panda base: the daily limit is 60,000 (including free visitors), 30,000 in the morning and 30,000 in the afternoon. When the instantaneous carrying capacity of the park is 30,000 people, the ticket checking will be suspended, and the ticket checking will be restarted after the number of tourists drops.

Panda Valley: The daily limit is 16,000 (including free visitors), with 8,000 in the morning and 8,000 in the afternoon. When the instantaneous carrying capacity of the park is 0.5 million people, the ticket checking will be suspended and restarted after the number of tourists drops; The instantaneous maximum carrying capacity of the red panda ecological stocking area is 450 people. When the instantaneous number of tourists reaches this limit, visitors will be suspended from entering the area, and they need to wait in line before entering the area.

Fourth, the ticket purchase channel

Panda Base and Panda Valley have not authorized any third party to act as ticket agents. In order to ensure your smooth visit to the park and avoid economic losses, please book tickets for Panda Base through official WeChat WeChat official account or WeChat applet "chengdu research base of giant panda" and Panda Valley through official WeChat WeChat official account. The scenic spot is not responsible for the problems of tickets purchased through unofficial channels, such as being unable to enter the park and being unable to refund tickets.

V. Admission requirements

(1) All tourists who have successfully booked must bring their original ID cards to the park; Those who carry household registration books, passports, Taiwan compatriots’ certificates and relevant certificates for Hong Kong and Macao to and from the Mainland must show their relevant certificates for verification before entering the park; Those who forget or lose the above documents must show their other identification materials or photo evidence, and can enter the park only after verification. The witness card does not match and you can’t enter the park.

(2) In order to avoid waiting for a long time, please arrange your itinerary reasonably and enter the venue on time according to the time period specified in the morning and afternoon tickets.

Sixth, the traffic route

Panda base (address: No.1375, Panda Avenue, chenghua district, Chengdu): During the Spring Festival, motor vehicles are scheduled to pass around the south gate of the Panda base. Vehicles without successful reservation are prohibited from entering the restricted section of the scenic spot. Please pay attention to "Rong E" WeChat official account through WeChat in advance, or click "Visit and Buy Tickets"-"Panda Base Purchase Tickets"-"My"-"Advance Pass" on the official WeChat public of the Panda base to complete the pass reservation according to the system prompts. Please pay attention to Weibo, WeChat and WeChat official account of Chengdu traffic police official, or call the 962122 traffic control service hotline to know the road traffic management measures of Panda Base scenic spot in time. In addition, there are a large number of tourists at the south gate, so it is suggested that tourists who travel by public transport go to the west gate of the panda base to enter the park, which can shorten the queuing time.

Panda Valley (Address: No.408, Huanshan Tourist Road, Yutang Town, Dujiangyan City, Chengdu): self-driving search navigation destination "Panda Valley".

Official website of the scenic spot: http://www.panda.org.cn/.

Tourist consultation telephone number of Panda Base: 028-83510033

Panda Valley tourist consultation telephone: 028-87296600

MTR: Local trains will operate all night on New Year’s Eve.

  The Hong Kong SAR Government has previously announced that the Shenzhen Bay Port will operate 24 hours a day from New Year’s Eve to the fourth day (February 9-13); The opening of Luohu Port was extended to 2 am on New Year’s Eve and the second day of the second day (February 9 and 11). The MTR Corporation announced that on New Year’s Eve, all seven MTR local railway lines (except Airport Express and Disney Line) and light rail lines will run overnight, while three MTR bus routes will extend their service hours. In addition, the cross-boundary train service between east rail line and lo wu station will be extended on New Year’s Eve (9th) and the second day of junior high school (11th) to tie in with the customs clearance time at Luohu Port, but there is no extended service at Lok Ma Chau Station. During the Spring Festival, the MTR is expected to add about 1,850 buses to serve passengers.

  According to the MTR, the last train from east rail line to Lo Wu will leave admiralty station at 12: 56 midnight and arrive in lo wu station at about 1: 46 am, about 14 minutes before the port is closed. Passengers should pay attention to the closing time of the port and seize the time to pass the customs. The last east rail line-Admiralty train from lo wu station will depart at 2: 30am (about half an hour after the port is closed) and arrive in admiralty station at about 3: 20am.

  MTR reminded that other local railway lines did not extend their services on the evening of the second day (11th), and the normal last bus time will be maintained. The Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point will be closed at 10: 30 pm as usual, and there will be no extended service at Lok Ma Chau Station in east rail line. Train service to and from Lok Ma Chau Station will be maintained, and the last train to Lok Ma Chau Station will leave from admiralty station at 9: 29 pm.

  According to the MTR, after discussion with the mainland railway authorities, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed rail service will increase 11 pairs (22 shifts) of high-speed trains between Hong Kong West Kowloon Station and Futian Station every day from the second day to the fourth day (11th-13th), and the daily train frequency will increase to 105 pairs. Tickets for new train shifts will be put on sale from now on (3rd). The relevant tickets can be changed on the same day by using Fukuda "Flexible Travel", making it more convenient and flexible for passengers to travel on holidays.

  MTR appeals to passengers to use their mobile phones to use MTR Mobile or MTR website to check the last bus information of each railway line, plan their trips in advance and reserve sufficient time for their trips. During the Spring Festival, the MTR will strengthen information dissemination, station instructions and broadcasting to help passengers understand the relevant arrangements.

  GDToday reporter chenchen is from Hongkong.

Fengchuan, Tonglu: Fireworks and firecrackers are sold and burned according to regulations, and the year-end security is strictly observed.

As the Spring Festival approaches, the sales and discharge of fireworks and firecrackers gradually enter the peak period. Recently, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement team of Fengchuan Street in Tonglu County organized personnel to issue proposals to shops along the street within its jurisdiction, and popularized the relevant laws and regulations such as the Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers, the Implementation Measures for the Business License of Fireworks and Firecrackers, and the Safety Technical Specification for Fireworks and Firecrackers Retail Stores (Points), and publicized and explained the forbidden areas, requiring shops to consciously abide by the regulations on the prohibition of fireworks and firecrackers and not to illegally sell fireworks and firecrackers.
In addition, the law enforcement officers also inspected the fireworks manufacturers. By watching whether the random inspection in the factory area is standardized, the hidden dangers are investigated in strict accordance with industry standards, and manufacturers are required to conduct self-inspection and self-inspection on a regular basis, and store them in an orderly manner in strict accordance with relevant standards, so as to prevent accidents and ensure that the masses celebrate the Spring Festival and create a good, safe and stable environment.

Put away this swimming guide while it is hot.

In hot summer, swimming is one of the favorite recreational ways for parents and children. The week of July 16th every year is "July 16th National Swimming Fitness Week", and all kinds of swimming activities will be carried out all over the country. So, how to choose a healthy swimming pool? How to protect yourself from swimming in summer? Please keep this guide.
How to find a clean and safe swimming pool?
As a public place,
Consumers will inevitably worry,
Is the water clean or not?
Whether the bacterial content exceeds the standard,
Is the disinfectant put in enough?
How to find a clean and safe swimming pool?
Both summer heat and health?
Keep these details in mind.
01 see documents
According to "Regulations on Hygiene Management in Public Places", "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Regulations on Hygiene Management in Public Places" and other laws and regulations, the operators of swimming pools need to publicize the hygiene license, annual inspection report and hygiene reputation grade mark in the eye-catching position of swimming pools.
Operators of swimming places must obtain the hygiene license of public places before they can open their business to the outside world, and should show their business license and accept social supervision.
Before entering a public swimming pool, consumers should pay attention to whether the public health permit and the health certificate of employees are publicized in a conspicuous place in the swimming place.
02 Look at the water quality
Before entering the swimming pool, you should observe whether the water quality is good. There are two tips,
Splash the water slightly in the swimming pool. If the foam dissipates by itself within 10 ~ 15 seconds, the water quality is better. If the foam continues to float on the water for a minute or even a few minutes, it proves that the water quality is relatively poor.
Look at the situation that the bottom of the water leans down through the water to see the underwater swimming lane. The farther you look, the clearer the pool is. If the water quality is poor, you can’t see so many lanes clearly
03 Look at the sanitary facilities
See if the swimming place is equipped with dressing rooms, shower rooms, toilets, closed garbage bins and mechanical ventilation facilities that meet the hygiene requirements.
Check whether the water temperature, residual chlorine concentration, pH value and other indicators of the swimming pool on that day are qualified through the electronic bulletin board or text bulletin board of the swimming venue.
Be careful of "swimming sickness" when you have fun.
First, cramps
The supercooled water temperature will stimulate the contraction of blood vessels, so the blood flow will decrease and slow down, which can not meet the muscle activity, thus causing cramps. Lactic acid accumulates in a large amount in muscles, which leads to muscle fatigue and cramps.
Prevention tips:
If you have leg cramps underwater, don’t panic, you should call for help immediately. Straighten the cramped foot after landing and repeatedly pull the sole of the foot to recover as soon as possible.
Second, otitis media
Choking occurs when swimming, and the bacteria in the water will spread to the mucosa of the middle ear cavity along the eustachian tube, causing effusion and obstruction in the middle ear, and then causing inflammation.
Prevention tips:
Protective measures such as swimming cap, goggles and earplugs should be worn as much as possible during swimming to reduce the erosion of hair, eyes and ear canal by pool water.
Third, pinkeye
If the swimming pool is not disinfected properly, a patient with pink eye can easily cause pollution, and everyone in the swimming pool may suffer from epidemic conjunctivitis.
Prevention tips:
After swimming, you should bathe and wash your body in time, and use artificial tears or antibiotics to drop your eyes. Avoid rubbing eyes to prevent damage to conjunctiva and cornea.
Four, diving injury
If you are not careful when diving, it is easy to hit the edge of the pool and cause injuries. The collision between the body and the water surface may also lead to visceral injury in children during development.
Prevention tips:
Keep the correct posture of entering the water, prevent the soles from slipping, and avoid unnecessary injuries caused by excessive strenuous exercise.
Remember the safety knowledge
1 Warm up fully before swimming
It is best to experience the water temperature before entering the water. If the water temperature is too cold or too hot, try not to rush into the water. Before you go into the water, you should do warm-up activities on the shore, warm up for 10 to 15 minutes, and exercise your joints and muscles in all parts. Otherwise, it is easy to cause muscle injury or other accidents if you suddenly engage in more intense activities. Leg-lifting, squatting and standing up can be used.
Pay attention to safety and stay away from wild swimming.
Do not swim without permission, do not swim in waters without safety measures and ambulance personnel, and do not swim in unfamiliar waters. It is necessary to have a physical examination to make sure that you are in good health. Grasp the swimming time, generally no more than 1 hour.
3 Don’t leave the "comfort zone"
Polluted rivers, reservoirs and places with rapids may all lead to drowning accidents. If you encounter bad weather, such as thunderstorms, strong winds or sudden changes in weather, it is not suitable to swim. It is recommended to choose an indoor swimming pool as much as possible every day.
4 replenish water in time after swimming
You will sweat when swimming, but because your body is wet, you often can’t feel the loss of water in your body, resulting in dehydration. Nutritionists suggest drinking 600 ~ 800 ml of water before swimming, and replenishing water in time after swimming.
Swimming has many benefits for the body.
Adhere to exercise and protect health.
There must be unexpected surprises.
Source: CCTV News

Where can I buy textbooks for self-study exams?

The regulations of self-taught provinces are different, and the provincial policies shall prevail. Including the time, process, policy and entrance of registration are different, but the examination is unified throughout the country, and the academic qualifications are also available on the Internet. Where can I buy textbooks for self-study exams?On this issue, Xiaobian, the online self-study platform of China Education, will simply tell you about it.

Click to enter:If you have questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the examiner’s college and major, and don’t know the local policy of the self-study exam, click to learn now.

Candidates first go to the website of the examiner’s school to find out what course materials are needed. Then, according to the catalogue, candidates can buy textbooks and real questions from the local large bookstores or book cities. Candidates can also choose to buy them online. Online shopping is more convenient.

First of all, it is the most common and convenient way to buy self-taught textbooks online.

Through the Internet, students can easily search and purchase undergraduate teaching materials for self-taught examinations on major e-commerce platforms. Those well-known e-commerce platforms have sales channels for self-taught undergraduate teaching materials, and students can search for the corresponding teaching materials on the platform according to their own needs and place an order for purchase. Online shopping is not only convenient and fast, but also can enjoy some promotional discounts and preferential activities, saving the purchase cost.

Secondly, students can choose to go to the library to buy self-taught undergraduate textbooks or borrow related textbooks.

Many universities and public libraries have small-scale sales areas for students to buy self-taught textbooks. These textbooks are often screened and recommended, and the quality is guaranteed. In addition, students can choose to borrow textbooks for self-taught undergraduate courses in the library, which can effectively reduce the learning cost and improve the efficiency of self-study by using the learning environment of the library.

In addition, students can also choose to buy self-taught undergraduate textbooks from some large bookstores.

Large bookstores often have a relatively complete range of teaching materials and inventories, which can meet the needs of students with different professional contents. In addition, you can consult professional salespeople to get more study suggestions and recommended books when buying textbooks in bookstores, which is a good learning resource for self-taught students.

The above is related to the adult self-study exam, and candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates want to get more information about the self-taught examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge, related news, etc. Please pay attention to the online self-taught examination channel of China Education.

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Recommended reading:

In April, 2024, all provinces registered for self-study exams in official website.

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of Self-taught Exams in April 2024 by Provinces

Reform of professional title system Foreign language examination is no longer a hard requirement for assessment.

  Core reading

  In January this year, the Central Office and the State Council issued the Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Professional Title System, which continued to promote the reform of the professional title system and proposed that there should be no unified requirements for the professional title foreign language examination, which attracted widespread attention. Professional title evaluation needs to pass the professional title foreign language examination, which has been implemented for many years. Why not make a unified requirement? How is the progress of all localities in canceling this rigid requirement? Does it mean that foreign languages are not important to evaluate professional titles?

  It is out of date to optimize the structure and level of the talent team, and "one size fits all"

  At the end of last year, Li Hua (a pseudonym), an old teacher in a research institute in Shandong, was finally awarded a senior title.

  "Don’t begin to understand" is Li Hua’s evaluation of personal foreign language learning. As a professional backbone of studying the history of China, he has a good knowledge of ancient Chinese characters, but he is not so "smart" in learning English. Every year, he buys the latest reference books, spends a lot of time learning English and even takes part in training. But after more than ten years of examination, I just failed to pass the foreign language title. In July 2016, the Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security issued a notice, which no longer made uniform and rigid requirements for the foreign language test for professional titles. "This has finally passed!" Li Hua said.

  The history of professional titles in foreign languages can be traced back to 1991. The Notice on Strictly Mastering Foreign Language Conditions in the Evaluation and Employment of Professional and Technical Positions issued by the former Ministry of Personnel made it clear that the evaluation and employment of professional and technical positions must strictly master foreign language conditions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trial Regulations on Professional and Technical Positions. In 1998, the Notice on the Unified Examination of Foreign Language Grades for Professional and Technical Personnel issued by the former Ministry of Personnel made it clear that professional and technical personnel who hold or promote the corresponding professional and technical titles must obtain a certificate of conformity in the unified examination of foreign languages for corresponding titles, and implement the unified examination of foreign language grades for professional and technical personnel nationwide.

  "It should be said that the professional title foreign language examination system played a historical role at that time. The foreign language examination for professional titles has played an important role in promoting Chinese professional and technical personnel to learn advanced international experience, and promoting Chinese talents to strengthen international exchanges. Therefore, we cannot hold a completely negative attitude towards the foreign language of professional titles. " Yu Jiadong, director of the Technical Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said.

  However, since the reform and opening up more than 30 years ago, English education in schools has been greatly developed, and the structure of talent teams has been more and more optimized. It is out of date for professional title evaluation to make unified requirements for professional title foreign languages. In the interview, the reporter found that some industries have little to do with foreign languages in actual work, but some staff members have spent a lot of energy learning foreign languages in order to evaluate their professional titles; There are also some professional and technical personnel who have obtained other foreign language level certificates before joining the job, and the foreign language examination for professional titles belongs to repeated identification and waste of resources for them; In addition, some industries need certain professional foreign language ability, and the professional title foreign language examination is only an entry level, which can not meet the professional requirements of these positions.

  Zhuan Zhan is engaged in accounting work in a real estate company in Zhengzhou. "Usually, English is used less. Even for H-share listed companies, Hong Kong’s financial statements are bilingual. " In his view, if you want to further integrate with international accounting, the current level of foreign language examination for professional titles is far from enough.

  As early as 2007, the former Ministry of Personnel issued the Notice on Improving the Foreign Language Test for Professional Titles. In order to prevent the foreign language test for professional titles from being "one size fits all", it made specific provisions on certain situations in which it was confirmed that the requirements for foreign language scores could be relaxed or the foreign language test for professional titles could not be taken. In November 2015, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Health and Family Planning Commission jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Reforming and Improving the Evaluation of Professional Titles of Primary Health Professionals", stipulating that foreign language scores of professional titles of primary health professionals can not be used as reporting conditions.

  At the same time, many places have already had corresponding practices. For example, the "Measures for the Identification of Senior Professional and Technical Qualifications of Special Talents (Trial)" issued by Chongqing proposes that those who meet the requirements, have genuine talents and outstanding abilities and achievements can be evaluated without being restricted by foreign languages and other conditions; In 2007, according to national requirements, Henan Province exempted 13 categories of people who have proved to have high foreign language ability, worked in grass-roots units or engaged in agriculture, forestry and water for a long time, engaged in clinical Chinese medicine with China characteristics and national traditions, and arranged ancient books, and simplified the examination and approval procedures for exemption.

  The abolition of foreign language hard requirements for professional titles has made different progress in various places.

  The Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Professional Title System issued in January this year clearly stipulates that if there is no uniform requirement for the professional title foreign language examination and it is really necessary to evaluate foreign languages, the employer or the evaluation institution shall independently determine the evaluation conditions; Professional and technical personnel working in hard and remote areas and at the grassroots level, as well as professional title series and posts with low requirements for foreign language level, are not required to have professional titles in foreign languages.

  At present, Guangdong, Shandong, Shaanxi, Guangxi, Anhui, Henan, Shanghai, Fujian, Beijing, Jiangsu, Yunnan and other provinces have made it clear that foreign languages for professional titles are not required uniformly or are not necessary for professional title evaluation.

  In July 2016, Shandong Province no longer made uniform and rigid requirements for the foreign language test for professional titles. When applying for intermediate or below titles, there is no requirement for foreign languages. When applying for senior professional titles, there is no uniform requirement for foreign languages; Need to evaluate the level of foreign language, professional title foreign language test and other government organizations or social recognition of various certificates can be used as a basis, the specific requirements are determined by the senior review committee. According to reports, the scores of CET-4 and CET-6 and TOEFL IELTS can prove their foreign language proficiency. In 2016, the number of people who participated in the evaluation of professional title declaration tripled compared with previous years.

  According to Zhang Shaohong, director of the Personnel Department of Shandong Academy of Social Sciences, foreign languages are no longer a necessary condition for the evaluation of professional titles in 2016. "This is to loosen the talent." Wang Yiping, a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of Shandong Academy of Social Sciences, said that in the social science field, those who are sent abroad and need to know the latest foreign trends, as a researcher, will definitely take the initiative to learn and master foreign languages, and need not be used as a hard lever to evaluate their professional titles.

  In August 2016, the Office of the Leading Group for Professional Title Reform of Henan Province issued the Notice on Adjusting the Foreign Language Policy for Professional and Technical Personnel in our province, stipulating that foreign language for professional titles is no longer a necessary condition for the evaluation of professional and technical positions. According to the characteristics of series, specialty and post, the employer can independently determine whether the foreign language with professional title is a condition for the appointment of professional and technical posts.

  The relevant person in charge of the Henan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security said that the Notice further highlighted the leading role of employers in talent evaluation and talent use, emphasized the talent evaluation orientation of having both ability and political integrity, and paid attention to evaluating talents based on ability, performance and contribution, stripped off the factors that are not closely related to the evaluation of professional titles, and "loosened" professional and technical personnel, so that professional titles returned to the talent evaluation standard recognized by the society in terms of professional and technical level, ability and performance.

  "Not only" does not mean "don’t", but also encourages learning foreign languages.

  The evaluation of professional titles no longer needs to go through the hard lever of foreign language examination. Does it mean that foreign languages are not important?

  "At present, we still have language shortcomings in international communication. The lack of uniform requirements for professional titles in foreign languages does not mean that everyone does not have to learn foreign languages. ‘ Not only ’ Not equal to ‘ Don’t ’ 。” Yu Jiadong said, "At the same time, as China plays an increasingly important role on the world stage, international exchanges are also increasing, whether it is ‘ Belt and Road ’ The implementation of national strategy, the internationalization of talents and the going abroad of China enterprises all require talents’ foreign language level. In addition, the proportion of our employees in international organizations is still relatively low, which also puts forward requirements for learning foreign languages. Therefore, in terms of orientation, we still encourage everyone to study foreign languages hard. "

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Professional and Technical Personnel Management Office of Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, foreign languages are an important tool for professional and technical personnel to learn and master advanced knowledge and technology and carry out academic and technical exchanges with foreign countries. With the rapid development of science and technology, economic globalization and the accelerating pace of China’s opening to the outside world, it is still a long-term task to improve the foreign language level of professional and technical personnel. According to the needs of professional technology, we should actively encourage and guide the vast number of professional and technical personnel to strengthen their study through various ways and means such as self-study, counseling and examination, highlight their advanced nature, practicality and effectiveness, and constantly improve their foreign language level to better meet the needs of scientific, technological, economic and social development.

  In addition, in order to further implement the requirements of the National Regulations on Continuing Education for Professional and Technical Personnel and promote the continuous improvement of professional and technical personnel’s ability and quality, Shandong encourages and guides foreign languages with professional titles as one of the contents of continuing education, and professional and technical personnel voluntarily choose to take the examination. Those who pass the examination can be converted into corresponding continuing education hours and registered with continuing education certificates.

  Our reporter Zhao Bing Pan Junqiang Ma Yuefeng