The glory of the champion family! Lynk & Co 03 + sales officially exceeded 10,000

The glory of the champion family! Lynk & Co 03 + sales officially exceeded 10,000

At the beginning of the new year, the 10,000th high-performance sports sedan of the global new high-end brand 03 + officially rolled off the production line at the Zhangjiakou factory, which not only marked a milestone breakthrough in sales of the 03 + model, but also proved the success of the brand in the field of performance vehicles in China with strength and data.

As the first performance car of a Chinese automobile brand, 03 + represents the brand spirit of automobile breakthrough and upward with a higher-level attitude, and also represents the new trend of double-line upgrade of Chinese automobile culture and automobile consumption, thus opening a new era of performance in China’s automobile industry.

Since its inception, 03 + has brought the strongest product strength of the same level to the majority of automobile consumers with its extraordinary sports characteristics, excellent driving control strength, and ultimate performance, and has comprehensively established a high-value benchmark for Chinese performance vehicles. That night, 03 + also launched the first batch of public sales in the new year, with a total of 100 units (dazzling burning gold), of which the first 99 units were 49 units of the 03 + wind version (driving control kit), 50 units of the 03 + wind version, and the 100th unit (that is, the 10,000th vehicle) was a performance package version.

(1) Performance is a symbol 03 + leads the trend of market development

In today’s automotive industry era, performance cars are one of the few blue oceans in the market segment, and they have naturally become a must-win place for major automakers. With the younger consumer market, in addition to the essential intelligent experience of vehicles, the return of sportiness will become a more concerned factor for consumers. A performance car is not just a cold machine, but a carrier for releasing passion and showing individuality. All the attributes of 03 + can fully interpret performance. At the same time, 03 + not only announces the arrival of the era of Chinese performance cars, but also marks a product that bears the soul of the brand.

At present, the overall development of performance cars in China is still in its infancy, and there is a certain gap compared with the developed countries of performance cars. The appearance of 03 + is a scarce resource in terms of the value of the product to the brand, but at the same time it is a symbol. The purpose is not to focus on sales data, but to maintain the good development of the product series and matrix, and to break consumers’ traditional understanding of Chinese performance cars with 03 + product strength. This value and significance are far more important than price and sales.

As far as the product itself is concerned, 03 + fully fits the current young consumers’ passionate pursuit of power and speed driving, and is supported by the top technical teams from Chinese and foreign competitions. The proud 100-kilometer acceleration of 5.9 seconds is enough to rival the world’s top performance cars. As a Chinese brand performance car, 03 + elevates the 03 family products to a new height. While helping consumers realize their performance dreams, it will also greatly meet users’ demand for speed control preferences with exceptional product strength, allowing more users to have a new understanding of Chinese brand performance cars, and comprehensively lead the development trend of China’s performance car market.

(2) Adhere to the value benchmark and create a unique imprint of performance vehicles

Behind the sales of 03 + this time, it is the unique imprint of the car brand to continue to build performance cars. As a user brand, since its inception, the car has been adhering to the inherent boundaries of traditional car-making to continuously break through the inherent boundaries of traditional car-making, and to continuously meet user requests to build a product concept of "more than cars". At this time, 03 + has been recognized by 10,000 car owners, and a young performance car user circle has been formed. Taking this as an opportunity to focus on the needs of performance car users, not only to create exclusive products for performance car consumers, but also to continue to build an exclusive user ecosystem and interact closely with users to achieve co-creation and sharing between consumers and manufacturers.

User recognition is an intangible manifestation of value. 03 + has crossed multiple obstacles as China’s first performance car, breaking the flat situation of China’s performance car market with its leading product strength, and comprehensively driving the demand and development of the performance car market. In a short period of time, 03 + broke through the 10,000-unit mark. Such a milestone moment is not only a high display of its own product strength, but also a perfect interpretation of its brand spirit.


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