A comprehensive interpretation of Amazon Cloud Technology: How to make students contact AI education with low threshold

A comprehensive interpretation of Amazon Cloud Technology: How to make students contact AI education with low threshold

"Provide relevant training for 100,000 China teenagers in the next three years to promote the development of artificial intelligence education for teenagers".

This is the core goal of Amazon Cloud Technology 2023 Amazon DeepRacer China series activities. To this end, Amazon Cloud Technology announced that it has reached a strategic cooperation with the Science and Technology Education Collaboration of China Education Association and the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Association. We will focus on Amazon DeepRacer artificial intelligence learning tools and invest resources in four aspects: curriculum development, teacher training, platform support and competition to promote learning.

It is understood that Amazon DeepRacer is a 1/18-scale fully-automatic racing car driven by reinforcement learning and 3D racing simulator launched by Amazon Cloud Technology in 2018.

Gu Fan, general manager of strategic business development department of Amazon Cloud Technology Greater China, said: "Although Amazon DeepRacer looks like a toy car, it is actually an effective artificial intelligence teaching tool. Teenagers who can’t program or mathematical modeling can easily get started, and the learning threshold is very low. The operator only needs to configure certain parameters to train the model, and then deploy it to the Amazon DeepRacer car. The camera on the car will judge the actual situation of the track and use the trained method to judge the driving direction and speed. "

We can reach 100,000 teenagers in three years.

It is reported that in 2023, Amazon Cloud Technology plans to hold the Amazon DeepRacer China League for developers and machine learning enthusiasts, various deep racer industry leagues, enterprise competitions and trainings for different industries and enterprises, and a series of activities for teenagers jointly organized with partners.

Gu Fan, general manager of the strategic business development department of Amazon Cloud Technology Greater China, said: "The core of our strategic cooperation with the Science and Technology Education Cooperative of China Education Association and the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Association is to reach 100,000 teenagers within three years and let them get in touch with artificial intelligence and machine learning. We hope that the three parties will cooperate with each other in four aspects: curriculum design, teacher training, digital education platform of Amazon DeepRacer, promoting learning through competition and organizing more activities for everyone to really participate in, so as to make the scale bigger and reach more students, so that everyone can get in touch with artificial intelligence at a lower threshold. "

Only with AI literacy can we adapt to the intelligent society.

Zhong Junhao, secretary-general of Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Association, said: "At present, the iteration speed of teaching materials and the updating speed of teachers’ skills are not enough to meet the needs of cultivating high-tech children facing the future. Nowadays, artificial intelligence empowers all industries. It changes the social order, working methods and the paradigm of scientific research. It is the future general education, not professional education. If a teenager is strong, China will be strong. We should start from the adolescent stage, cultivate their artificial intelligence literacy, look at the future development of the whole society with artificial intelligence thinking, and help them adapt to the future intelligent society. "

"Amazon DeepRacer has provided me with motivation to continue to study artificial intelligence related knowledge and related majors in depth." Zheng Haoyue, a student from Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Experimental School, said this. (Yuan Ning)


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