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Beijing will accelerate a number of landmark projects such as integrated circuits, new energy vehicles and bio-manufacturing.

CCTV News:On March 19th, the State Council Office held a press conference on "Strive to create a new situation of high-quality development based on the strategic positioning of the capital city". At the meeting, Yin Yong, deputy secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and mayor, said that efforts would be made to strengthen the construction of an international science and technology innovation center and give full play to Beijing’s advantages in developing new quality productivity. We will co-ordinate the resources of educational science and technology talents, cultivate and strengthen all kinds of scientific and technological forces, continue to implement the leading action of basic research and the plan of tackling key core technologies in depth, and lay out the new track of the future industry in a forward-looking way; Leading the construction of a modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation, accelerating a number of landmark projects such as integrated circuits, new energy vehicles and bio-manufacturing, consolidating and expanding the leading edge of industries such as artificial intelligence and high-level autonomous driving, and striving to build a benchmark city for the global digital economy; Accelerate the improvement of the innovation ecosystem, launch a new Zhongguancun pilot reform policy, solidly promote the construction of the world’s leading science and technology parks, and gather momentum for Beijing’s high-quality development.

Run, China! National fitness is on the road

  Create a "15-minute fitness circle" around the people and promote the free or low-cost opening of public sports facilities … … Not long ago, the Healthy China Action (2019— "2030)" has put forward a series of bright and hard indicators for the national fitness action, and has become a "construction drawing" for promoting the construction of a healthy China.

  On the occasion of "National Fitness Day" on August 8, this heavy action plan provides guidance and suggestions for people’s scientific fitness. From the guidance of government planning to the extensive participation of the whole people, the diversified fitness craze has risen everywhere, and the enthusiasm and creativity of hundreds of millions of people are pushing the health concept from "treating diseases as the center" to "people’s health as the center".

  Let "where to keep fit" become "keep fit around"

  "Where is the fitness going?" It used to be a problem for many people.

  Ma Mingyu, a citizen of Changchun, Jilin Province, is an aerobics enthusiast. However, the Yitong River, which is covered with black water and overgrown with weeds, has kept him away from the gym for a long time.

  In recent years, after water treatment and the construction of leisure fitness venues, riverside parks have sprung up and fitness trails along the river have gradually spread. Every evening, many citizens walk briskly along the Yitong River trail. The river is cool, the breeze is blowing gently, and the willow branches are swaying, which makes people feel carefree.

  "Thanks to the government for creating ‘ 15-minute fitness circle ’ We can exercise in the scenery now when we leave home. " Ma Mingyu said.

  The rise of national fitness is inseparable from the popularity of the "15-minute fitness circle".

  In the Healthy China Action Document, a set of data clearly describes the goal of a healthy China — — By 2022 and 2030, the opening rate of school sports venues and facilities will exceed 70% and 90%; The per capita sports ground area is 1.9 square meters and above and 2.3 square meters and above respectively.

  Nowadays, "fitness is around" has become a hot word in the circle of friends. "People’s awareness of fitness has increased, from the past ‘ Want me to practice ’ Up to now ‘ I want to practice ’ People’s physical health has generally improved, and the national fitness facilities and morning and evening training sites all over urban and rural areas, as well as the surging fitness boom everywhere, have become a beautiful landscape. " Zhang Ruilin, director of Jilin Provincial Sports Bureau, said.

  Exercise prescription makes health data "beautiful"

  Knocking on the keyboard with your shoulders, crossing your legs to see the materials, hunching over and eating takeout, unconsciously changed the cubicle office workers; Brush Tik Tok, play "mobile games" and see friends circle. Electronic products have made many people "low-headed".

  The data of the survey results of national fitness activities are not very good-looking: the proportion of urban and rural residents who regularly participate in physical exercise in China is 33.9%, of which the regular exercise rate of residents aged 20 to 69 is only 14.7%, and the regular exercise rate of adults is at a low level. Lack of physical activity has become an important reason for the occurrence of various chronic diseases.

  At present, although there are more and more "fitness coffee" dressed in short clothes, the damage caused by improper exercise is quietly eroding people’s fitness enthusiasm.

  Health China Action Document points out that individuals should master sports skills and exercise scientifically to avoid sports risks.

  Zheng Jiang, director of the Sports Medicine Clinic of the Red Cross Hospital in Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province, said that the key to upgrading the concept of "to exercise" is to improve the public’s scientific exercise literacy, establish the concept of "exercise is a good doctor", and formulate individualized exercise prescriptions according to different ages, lifestyles and exercise abilities. By guiding people to exercise scientifically and reasonably and appropriately, we can bridge the key bridge between fitness and health.

  How to make people’s health data "beautiful"? Zheng Jiang suggested that in order to promote the formation of a "combination of sports and medicine" disease management and health service model, we should first strengthen the establishment of sports medical professional institutions and establish a number of sports prescription clinics through existing medical resources. Train sports medical professionals, improve their ability to evaluate sports risk and sports ability, and formulate individualized sports prescriptions.

  It is understood that the State Sports General Administration, the Chinese Sports Science Society and Beijing Sport University have done a lot of work in the construction and promotion of sports prescriptions. According to Wang Zhengzhen, a professor at Beijing Sport University, there have been 12 sessions of training for sports prescribers, and good results have been achieved.

  Billions of new fitness kinetic energy release more health dividends.

  Yoga, dance, boxing, barbell … … With the change of health concept and the upgrading of fitness consumption, the fitness market is developing rapidly, and "internet plus Fitness" is becoming more and more popular. What are the new "ways to play" and what shortcomings need to be made up for the national fitness that runs towards a better life?

  Focusing on the goals to be achieved by 2022 and 2030 proposed by the Healthy China Action, Wang Zhengzhen pointed out that the Healthy China Action defined the roles and main targets to be achieved by the government, society, families and individuals respectively, which not only clarified the responsibilities and division of labor, but also helped to form a "combination boxing".

  — — Personally, the Healthy China Initiative proposes to encourage moderate-intensity exercise for more than 30 minutes three times a week, or to accumulate 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity physical activity. Try to move as much as possible in your daily life, and achieve 6000 to 10000 steps of physical activity every day.

  — — Socially, the Healthy China Action proposes that fitness organizations around the masses should be established and improved, sports associations should achieve full coverage in cities, counties and townships, and individual sports associations should be extended to the masses, so that people who want to exercise can join the sports organizations.

  — — At the government level, the Healthy China Action proposes to promote the construction of basic public sports service system, coordinate the construction of national fitness venues and facilities, and build a number of national fitness venues and facilities such as sports parks and community fitness centers.

  Promote national fitness into families and encourage the development of national fitness volunteer service … … Lang Wei, director of the Group Department of the State Sports General Administration, said that the Healthy China Action hopes to make the people "move" towards health and exercise, so that hundreds of millions of people can work and live better and in the sunshine, and constantly release the new kinetic energy of healthy China. According to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 7 th

On the national feelings in Jin Yong’s novels

> >
13:13 on August 29th.

Editor: Quge Source:China Journal website
The mainland version of "Eight Dragons" started shooting yesterday. Jin Yong fans are controversial about the actors. (13:00 on August 28th) Jin Yong, the "Hero", returned to the Jianghu to revise 15 martial arts novels. (10:54 on July 21)

Jingtian Baisui Mountain ranks among the top three mineral water industries in China.

    The reporter learned from China Beverage Industry Association that Jingtian Baisui Mountain has ranked among the top three mineral water industries in China and entered the first camp of the national mineral water industry in terms of production and sales.

    In addition, Danone Yili, which has been in the top spot for more than 10 years since the mid-1990s, is the "three kings of mineral water" in China, with Shenzhen taking the second place.

    Jingtian Baisui Mountain has won another national title for Shenzhen’s drinking water industry, which undoubtedly injected a stimulant into the same industry in Shenzhen.
    Since 2003, Jingtian has changed its past focus on producing pure water and intervened in the field of mineral water. In just six years, Jingtian Baisui Mountain has sprung up as an unstoppable force, ranking among the top three in the national mineral water industry and becoming the new "king of mineral water" in China.

    In addition, Jingtian Baisui Mountain ranks among the best in the same industry in China in terms of water source, production capacity, sales volume, innovation, market competitiveness and share, export volume and popularity.

    Jingtian has become famous in recent years, mainly due to its efforts to build the largest mineral water production base in Asia and its outstanding natural mineral water in Jingtian Baisui Mountain.

    With the popularity of Jingtian Baisui Mountain mineral water production base, its attention has been repeatedly reflected in authoritative rankings. Top 20 national beverage industries; Top 10 drinking water in China; Known as the "No.1 Brand Selection in 2008", Jingtian ranks among the "No.1 Brand Rankings" with a brand value of 1.16 billion yuan. In the 2007 Baidu Billboard Beverage Industry Report, the brands most concerned by netizens are Nongfu Spring, Master Kong, Nestle, Wahaha and Jingtian. Jingtian’s attention exceeds Robust’s, which is almost equal to Wahaha; In the "Top Ten Drinking Water Brands in China", Jingtian is among the best; In addition, Jingtian became the only designated drinking water in the State Council press conference.

    Correctly distinguish water species and guide healthy drinking water

    The person in charge of the Natural Mineral Water Professional Committee of China Mining Association said that although natural mineral water is the mainstream in developed countries, the road of mineral water in China has not been easy for many years. Faced with mineral water, mineral water, natural drinking water, pure water and distilled water, how many consumers are aware of their differences? In real life, almost everyone knows that mineral water is good, but nearly 80% people think that all bottled water is mineral water.

    The main reason for this situation is that consumers misunderstand mineral water and think that bottled water is all mineral water. This misunderstanding of consumers has become a huge obstacle to the development of mineral water. However, with the promotion of the concept and knowledge of healthy drinking water, more and more consumers began to correctly distinguish various kinds of water.

    According to the person in charge, according to the definition in the national standard (GB 8537-1995), "mineral water" refers to "unpolluted underground mineral water that naturally gushes from the depths of the ground or is exposed artificially; Contains a certain amount of mineral salts, trace elements or carbon dioxide gas.

    Mineral water belongs to mineral resources, and enterprises that produce mineral water need to apply for and identify it at the Ministry of Land and Resources, and obtain relevant mining licenses. In addition to the conventional production license number and label license number, the real mineral water packaging also has the number of "mining license".

    A nobleman in the water-Jingtian Baisui Mountain

    Jingtian Baisui Mountain, an aristocrat in the water, is being familiar and accepted by more and more consumers.

    "No, I am not drinking mineral water, I am drinking Evian." The brand positioning of "luxury goods" in mineral water is "Evian, she is not just a bottle of mineral water, she is a concept and a way of life."

    From the beginning of building Jingtian Baisui Mountain mineral water, Jingtian positioned the brand connotation as "aristocrat in water", "Drinking Jingtian Baisui Mountain is no longer just to quench thirst, but a kind of enjoyment of life attitude", and positioned the product as a high-end consumer group with personality, taste and love for life, and injected "aristocratic lineage" into the brand from the beginning.

    Mineral water should have "aristocratic blood" and become a "nobleman in water". First of all, in the water source, the world-famous mineral water is famous all over the world, relying on the water source of Alsbee Snow Mountain. The importance of water source to mineral water is self-evident.

    Good ecology can breed high-quality water sources and first-class natural ecological environment, which endows Baisui Mountain with high-quality mineral spring resources. Known as one of the most beautiful mineral water producing areas in the world, Jingtian Baisui Mountain Base is located in Baisui Mountain, the hinterland of Luofushan Nature Reserve, a famous national key scenic spot and Taoist holy place.

    The water source of Baisui Mountain in Jingtian is collected from granite cracks below 160 meters. After hundreds of years of flowing and surging, it is rich in many mineral elements beneficial to human health. It is known as mineral water with very high metasilicate content of gold element, and it is a rare high-quality mineral water source. Appraised by experts as a rare high-quality natural mineral water, it is known as "the aristocrat in the water".

    Jingtian invested heavily to build the largest mineral water production base in Asia in Baisui Mountain, and was the first water enterprise in Guangdong to use German Crance equipment (the largest, most advanced and best quality food and beverage equipment manufacturer in the world). Our products not only sell well in Guangdong, Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Henan, Hunan, Shanxi, Fujian and other national markets, but also are exported to the United States, Canada, Singapore and other countries and China and Hong Kong, competing with Evian on the same stage, becoming the brand and enterprise with the largest export volume in China. Not only is it popular in the domestic market, but it is also famous overseas.

    Choose mineral water and look for three characteristics.

    Because mineral water and other water are similar in name, color and packaging, many consumers are easily confused when buying mineral water. Professor Du Zhong, a famous mineral water expert in China, reminds consumers that when buying mineral water, we must carefully look at the bottle label.

    According to him, compared with other bottled water, mineral water bottles have three characteristics:

    1. The words "natural mineral water" are marked, but other water bottles are not allowed to appear;

    2 marked with clear water source and geological structure of water source; Other water only has the manufacturer’s address;

    3. As many as 10 kinds of minerals and trace elements are marked, while other water types are only marked with two or three kinds or none.

Editor: Yan Bin

FIFA: Saudi Arabia is the only bid for the 2034 Football World Cup.

Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, October 31 (Reporter Shan Lei) On October 31, FIFA announced that Saudi Arabian Football Association was the only football association to submit an application for hosting the 2034 Football World Cup before the deadline.

FIFA confirmed that it has received an application from Saudi Arabia to host the 2034 World Cup, and Saudi Arabia is the only country that has expressed its interest in hosting the 2034 World Cup.

Previously, FIFA had announced that the only application for hosting the 2030 World Cup was jointly submitted by the Football Associations of Morocco, Portugal and Spain. At present, these three countries have confirmed their willingness to bid. As the centenary celebration of the World Cup will be held in 2030, FIFA plans to hold a World Cup in Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay, and these three countries have also confirmed their willingness to host the World Cup.

Like Morocco, Portugal and Spain, Saudi Arabia still needs to pass the FIFA audit. If these bidding countries can meet the requirements of FIFA and go through the whole bidding process, then FIFA will determine its right to host at the FIFA General Assembly at the end of 2024.

Photo: Li Ming

6 days, 500 million, is Jason Wu’s monster blockbuster hard enough?

Special feature of 1905 film network What kind of sparks will collide when they meet? The answer lies in the new film.

It has been five years since the first film was released, and the upgrade is coming, trying to bring a brand-new experience to the audience from many angles. In the words of the director, there are new roles, new creatures, new equipment and new tasks.

What remains unchanged is that Jonas Taylor, the leading actor played by Jason Statham, still shows great force and can do anything. Jason Wu, the "new partner", plays a scientist, Zhang Jiuyue, who can engage in scientific research, but can hack planes with his bare hands.

In an exclusive interview with 1905 Film Network, director Ben Wheatley also praised two Chinese and foreign actors: they are very professional and dedicated, and they have a harmonious cooperation.

At present, it has been shown in Meg 2 for six days, and the box office is close to 500 million. The 1905 film network also interviewed director Ben Wheatley before the release, revealing the behind-the-scenes creation of the transnational linkage of the crew and "going to heaven and going to sea".

PART 1"Jason Wu always does it himself."

"I have seen Jason Wu, and I am very excited to work with him." Before the formal cooperation, director Ben Wheatley was already a "fan" of Jason Wu.

He bluntly said that Jason Wu’s role this time is different from his previous tough guy. "Zhang Jiuying is a scientist, and he uses his brain more than his fist to solve problems."

Jason Wu has always maintained a high mental state at the scene, and his full creative enthusiasm left a deep impression on Ben Wheatley. "His working style is first to devote himself wholeheartedly, and secondly, he will bring a lot of ideas, thinking about how to make the role better all the time, and constantly adding some different role details, jokes or action designs."

For example, the character’s name, Zhang Jiuyao, was taken from Song Lian, a scholar of the Ming Dynasty, who wrote "Up to the Lonely Man, Down to the Candle for Nine Seasons", and there were many Chinese lines that were skillfully integrated, all of which came from improvisation in Jason Wu.

Ben Wheatley also recognized the effect of these Chinese lines. "Because the Ocean Research Center where they are located is originally a very international organization, these lines are very natural and will not be inconsistent, which is also very helpful for shaping characters."

In the film, the breathtaking scene of Jason Wu hanging from the helicopter with one hand left a deep impression on many viewers. He leaned out of the hovering helicopter and climbed neatly to the landing gear. When the helicopter was flying, he squatted on the hatch with only one hand, and his face was deformed by the strong wind. All this was done by Jason Wu at high altitude.

In the behind-the-scenes tidbits, overseas teams suggested that Jason Wu use stuntmen to complete this action, but Jason Wu replied with a smile: "Sir, making money can’t be that easy", so he went into battle without saying anything. This process is still fresh in the memory of director Ben Wheatley.

"Jason Wu is very willing to do it himself for action drama. I was actually scared when I saw him doing those actions, but when I saw the shooting results on the monitor, everything was worth it. "

PART 2 The combination of "Xijiejing" is a strong alliance.

"Jason’s position in western action movies is similar to that of Jason Wu, and they are a powerful alliance." Director Ben Wheatley made no secret of his excitement to cooperate with two Chinese and foreign actors at the same time.

He revealed that although the language between them is not completely the same, they have a tacit understanding in action design, and many bridges are the result of communication and collision between them. The two roles are also full of skills and complementary. "They are very professional and experienced, and they have a deep understanding of action movies."

If Jason Wu’s highlight is "flying to the sky", then Statham’s highlight is "making waves" by driving a motorboat.

Ben Wheatley recalled that Statham also chose to play in person, not only soaring to 135-145 kilometers per hour, but also completing a 360-degree rotation at the same time. After a lap, the audience applauded and cheered.

Perhaps the biggest challenge for the strongest combination of "heaven and sea" is diving. In order to pursue the real texture, many scenes choose underwater shooting, which is extremely difficult.

"Because the actors can’t communicate with the staff immediately, there is a certain risk, and many security personnel are needed, and the actors should be willing to do it. Both Jason Wu and Jason held their breath under 6 meters of water and completed many performances, taking oxygen every 3 or 4 minutes. As a director, I admire them very much. "

Especially in an underwater fighting scene, while Jason Wu held her breath for a long time, she was dragged back and forth by Weiya around her waist, keeping her eyes open all the time. The continuous shooting for 10 hours also made his eyes bloodshot, but he still insisted on finishing the shooting, which made the crew sit up and take notice. Jason Wu simply responded: "All actors in China do this."

Ben Wheatley was deeply impressed by this dedication: "Jason Wu can always cheer up the whole crew. He seems to be the kind of person who will say that I am fine when my leg is broken."

PART 3 "I am very excited to talk to the audience in China."

"Megalodon 2: Abyss, as a co-production, is not only about telling an international story, but also about cultural exchange."

Looking back on the creative process, what impressed Ben Wheatley most was the process of repeated communication between Chinese and foreign producers. The Chinese team would make suggestions from the perspective of China audience and China culture, while the foreign side would provide feedback from the perspective of international audience. Finally, the creative team found a balance among them. "The voice of a Chinese-foreign co-produced film should be international, not limited to a certain market."

In Ben Wheatley’s view, Meg 2 is not a superhero, but a story about how ordinary people take responsibility in times of crisis and tide over difficulties. This sense of reality is what attracts him most, and it is also the universality of this story.

Like many action movie lovers, Ben Wheatley is also a big fan of movies. This cooperation with Jason Wu and the Chinese team has made him feel the working attitude of China filmmakers more deeply.

Ben Wheatley said frankly that he had no idea about Chinese scenes at first, and he was worried that knowing nothing about Chinese would affect his judgment on the performance. However, in the actual shooting process, Jason Wu’s investment in performing with Chinese lines made director Ben Wheatley feel that even though the language was different, "when he saw Jason Wu’s expression and movements, he could feel the emotions revealed in him".

Not to mention, Jason Wu turned into the "China Cultural Promotion Ambassador" from the first day of joining the group, and jiaozi, roast duck, hot pot, milk tea and Zibo barbecue were all arranged, which made the director feast his eyes and at the same time, he also had the desire to make a film in China.

"China is so big that it is impossible to experience it all in a few days, but I want to know more. Maybe I will challenge to come here and make a movie in all Chinese! "

Homework can’t be solved by search software? This phenomenon should be managed.

  With the search software, my mother no longer has to worry about my study?

  But in reality, there is such a problem. Students who make perfect exercise papers don’t score high in the exam. Usually, when you encounter homework problems, open the network search software to check, and the direct answer will come out, and the exercise paper will be completed well and quickly; But in the examination room, there is no "blessing" of the search software, and the same problem-solving ideas are full of mistakes.

  On the eve of the Eighth Young Pioneers Congress in Shanghai, many young pioneers, including Maree Lau from Shanghai No.54 Middle School and Tang Ying from Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, paid attention to this phenomenon and made investigations. At the same time, they submitted relevant proposals, suggesting that the number of times of searching questions by using search software should be limited, and the software should provide ideas for solving problems instead of giving answers.

  The exercise paper is perfect, but I guess it even in the exam.

  Maree Lau, a student from Shanghai No.54 Middle School, was very impressed by an exercise paper on the calculation of mathematical real numbers, and the steps of each calculation problem were impeccable. But in the math exam, the student who made the perfect exercise paper didn’t score high.

  Exploring the reasons behind it, Maree Lau found that many students around him did not think about how to solve the problem by themselves first, but habitually turned on the network search software to check the answer, and easily made a perfect score assignment through the function of tapping the question in seconds by some software. "Solving problems without thinking is useless for learning. They often expose many problems in exams." Maree Lau said.

  Tang Ying, a student from Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, also found that some students around her used the online search App and conducted "autonomous learning". The completion of homework achieved acceleration, but the learning attitude and independent thinking ability were greatly affected. I could only guess in the exam, and the error rate soared.

  How many students have tried to solve problems with search software? Maree Lau and Tang Ying conducted research in their schools respectively.

  The former found that the survey showed that 85% of the students would use the search software when they encountered problems, and more than 70% of the students chose "Yes" when answering "Do you have any excellent homework by software around you?".

  The latter found that more than 90% of the team members are familiar with homework search software or channels such as homework help and Little Ape Search, among which more than 50% of the team members have used this method for "autonomous learning" or homework completion, including those with excellent academic performance.

  Tang Ying said frankly: "Some of these players use the software to find ideas for solving problems and read excellent articles, while others copy the answers directly and just want to finish their homework as soon as possible."

  Maree Lau also noticed the feedback that "the software sometimes gives wrong answers". To this end, she used the software to carry out experiments and found that some questions will have correct answers and two or three wrong answers at the same time. "It is a difficult problem that can’t be solved, and then giving the wrong answer will not only solve the problem, but also mislead the questioner."

  Limit the number of times of use and only give ideas for solving problems.

  At Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, Gu Bei, a team counselor, also organized an in-depth discussion. As a result, I heard the voices from the players.

  "They said that they sometimes want to ask their parents about the questions they can’t do, but the other party is always busy looking at the mobile phone and letting the children go online to check the answers. Sometimes the other party will also look at the problems encountered by the children, but it turns out that they won’t do it either, and finally they will check it online." Gu Wei said.

  As a teacher, Gu Bei does not advocate the use of online search software, but she also noticed that "there is a demand behind this problem". The key is to let students understand what the "initial intention" of using software is, "is it to help them learn the problem-solving ideas or just to be lazy and have fun?"

  Maree Lau also said that when the search software becomes a "helper" to complete homework, students will be overly dependent and lose their independent thinking ability.

  Maree Lau suggested that the search software can be used as a platform to assist students in learning, but it is necessary to "limit" the number of questions per day. "I think it is better to limit the number of questions per day to less than 10 times, and then refer to it if it is not."

  In addition, she thinks it’s best to use the software in real-name registration system. A student can only apply for one number, and the software should also check the correctness of the answers to the questions regularly.

  Jiang Chenyue, a small representative from Shangmei Middle School in Qingpu District, Shanghai, suggested that the right to use the software can be "restricted". "For example, we don’t give the answers directly to the questions we check, but give the ideas for solving the problems, so that we can use our brains to solve them ourselves."

  Tang Ying suggested that if the team members want to reduce the use of search software, the subject teachers in the school can analyze and record the problems and upload them to the campus APP, so as to provide problem-solving ideas for the team members’ learning. By learning videos and punching in points, the team members can be encouraged to see more, think more and compare more.

  Tang Ying also suggested that a "study group" can be set up in the squadron, and a study group system can be set up to study together during recess and after school. "Parents should never save trouble, just throw us to mobile phones and computers, and you can watch online problem-solving ideas with us and solve problems together."

"You are my spring" exposed the theme song Bo Huang Zhou Dongyu Huang Xiaoming sang.

1905 movie network news A few days ago, the film released the theme song "I want to see you smile" MV. The theme song was composed and produced by famous musicians. The film producer joined hands to lead the starring,,,, and the incarnation of the "Spring Day Limited Mission" for a while. Bo Huang, special vocalist MV Nianbai, leading starring, Chao Huang, yangsi, and starring,, Fu Yushu also showed spring in the MV.

The film’s main creative relay relay conveys a smile, cheering for people who are in a "chilly spring" at the moment. The sound of warmth and healing and the lyrics full of hope are intertwined with the sincere and moving movie pictures in the MV and the real and warm smiles of ordinary people, which explains the "you" and "I" who are still smiling and sticking to the predicament.


The stars join hands to sing a smile and relay to arouse "laughter’s optimistic belief in life"

The theme song MV is accompanied by Angel’s beautiful monologue "I heard that this spring,’ I want to see the way you laugh’ is the most beautiful confession". The characters in the film appear in the MV one by one: "Shang Xiaoyu" played by Zhou Dongyu takes good care of the spring flowers, and the romance overflows the screen, showing the beautiful moments that people want to guard in life; YIN FANG’s "Li Nanfeng" lights the light for the light rain in the dark, and takes off his mask to smile, just like the lyrics "Maybe I only have the light of fireflies, so let you know there will be light". He tells his lover by lighting the light: "I hope my company can bring you hope and smile".

On the way to Wuhan, the "migrant workers’ brother" played by Pan Binlong was driving a truck. Even if it was almost a picnic, the optimistic two people laughed at each other.Lao Wang (Wang Jingchun), the secretary of the community, hangs a string of star lights for Wheat (Angel)’ s room, so that the isolated Wheat can feel the temperature at home. Looking at the starlight in the darkness, a smile hung on the corner of wheat’s eye.

And as the song affectionately sings, "I will accompany you in the coldest winter" — — The medical couple "Gong Chen" (Chao Huang) and "Yang Shan" (yangsi) fought hard in the anti-epidemic front line during the day and snuggled up in the car at night to share each other’s pressure; Huang Xiaoming’s father "Li Jing" takes care of his son alone at home, and he and "Lele" (played by Zhang Hangcheng) play games and ride bicycles together. Both father and son feel their love for each other and grow up during the running-in. Wang Yaer (played by Song Jia), a nurse assisting Hubei, looks at her husband and son in the video and smiles on her face.

It is worth mentioning that the climax and ending of the MV "Want to See You Laugh" incorporate many optimistic and positive scenes of ordinary people in difficulties: the medical staff in protective clothing and the recovered patients dance hand in hand, the children are laughing and running in the park with kites, under the blooming cherry trees, an endless stream of tourists take photos, and the father who comes home from the front line picks up the children who are greeted with flowers & HELIP; … Every real picture shows the warmth of spring. The film’s main creation is relay forwarding, which encourages everyone. This spring, "I want to see the way you laugh" has become a common language to convey optimism and belief in "Cold Spring".


Looking forward to meeting in "spring" and looking forward to every smiling face in the spring breeze.

At the same time, the film released a set of latest stills — — Shang Xiaoyu wore a floral suit and turned on her mobile phone and smiled at the camera. Li Nanfeng held fireworks, illuminating Na Pianhai, which witnessed the romantic love between Nanfeng and Xiaoyu; Wang Dapeng and Liu Erhong laughed at the camera, and the ordinary migrant workers they played released a little goodwill all the way in a truck; Wheat bowed his head and stood by the window staring, and cured the residents of the whole community with warm music.

Lao Wang, the secretary, sat in the office and grinned, which was a satisfied smile of serving the residents wholeheartedly; Gong Chen and Yang Shan are still snuggling in the car, spending the dark night when they don’t know when it will pass; Li Jing and Lele, the "happy father and son", are playing painting games, and their faces reveal the most common smile and love between father and son; Wang Ya ‘er returned safely from aiding Hubei, and sat by his son’s bed with a loving face … … Under the rendering of the background of special times, ordinary people’s most ordinary emotions can also become sparkling, and every smile together is enough to support a whole vibrant spring!


The film You Are My Spring was directed by the China Film Association, with Huang Bo as the producer, Zhang Hong as the producer, directed by Zhou Nan, Zhang Chi, Dong Yue, and starring Zhou Dongyu, YIN FANG, Song Xiaobao, Pan Binlong, Wang Jingchun, Angel, Chao Huang, Yang Si, Huang Xiaoming, Song Jia and Zhang Hangcheng (in order of appearance), Zheng Luoqian.

It can not only improve the running level, but also speed up the weight loss effect. Learn about the training plan of 4 runs a week.

For running, most people only pay attention to running posture, but lack the overall weekly running plan.

As some people say:

"Just put on your running shoes and run directly on the road. What’s the plan? It is better to bury your head in a plan! "

But one thing to know here is that it is "hard work" to stick to it, and the running plan I am going to talk about next is "clever work".

Running without a purpose is enough for you to work hard, and if you want to improve your running speed, running endurance and weight loss, you need a certain skill, that is, a training plan.

The running training plan I’m going to talk about today is a 4-run plan for most people.

Although on Monday, everyone’s energy was relatively concentrated, and the interest in running was also very high.

But high interest does not mean good ability. After rest, our sports adaptability will drop a little, so we need to control our enthusiasm and avoid sports injuries at this time.

So on Monday, it is suitable for slow endurance running.

Endurance running is our usual way of running. We adopt the way of running at a constant speed, and then the more time and mileage we insist on, the better.

The purpose of endurance running is to wake up our heart and lungs and improve the tolerance of heart, lungs and muscles.

Therefore, endurance running on Monday pursues a longer distance and a longer time.

On Tuesday, we were not only in high spirits, but also had a wake-up call, so we might as well try sprinting on Tuesday.

There are many names for sprint running, sometimes called hiit running, and some called variable speed running.

Either way, the purpose is to improve our running speed and improve the fat burning effect with the maximum heart rate.

Then sprint running is to combine the three running forms of fast walking, jogging and sprint, and then cross each other.

You can do it with running software, or you can do it in the way I provide. My way is more suitable for improving the speed.

Walking for 1 minute, jogging for 3 minutes, sprinting for 20 seconds and jogging for 1 minute are enough.

Sprint running does not pursue distance and time. Generally, it lasts about 30 minutes, and the distance is about 3-5 kilometers, which has already had a good training effect.

The purpose of cross-country running is to improve the adaptability of running, and then improve the coordination of the body for running.

The better your coordination ability, the stronger your running speed, endurance and cardiopulmonary adaptability, and it will also improve your running posture.

At the same time, the cross-country running process is also an unfamiliar and uncomfortable process, so this process will significantly increase your heart rate and thus improve the fat burning effect.

Cross-country running where to run?

Some people will want to run in the mountains and potholes. You can try it if you have the conditions.

But most people may not have such good conditions, so you just need to run in unfamiliar places.

For example, in the park, you choose that kind of path to run, which is actually a good off-road condition.

If the running level is very high, in fact, you can add some difficulties in the running process, such as crossing steps and chairs.

On Friday, I still use the posture of endurance running. Relatively speaking, endurance running is safer and less oppressive to myself.

So in the back, your running difficulty should be reduced accordingly.

Carrying out the running plan, endurance running is the basic project, if you feel very tired even the most basic three kilometers.

That shows that your running foundation is not strong enough. At this time, you should do more endurance running events.

There are many benefits of this plan, such as a combination of work and rest, even if there is a little mistake, it will not cause knee and ankle injuries.

Another example is the change of environment and running speed, which will increase the heart rate and thus improve the fat burning effect.

At the same time, because of coordination and sprint practice, your running speed and level will also be significantly improved, which is the benefit of running in a planned way.

Flexible fusion of "electricity" and "gas"

Peng chaocaiI highly agree with the management concept of Fo-burning technology and attach importance to product quality. I am highly consistent with Sunshine Hydrogen Energy in terms of professionalism and enthusiasm for hydrogen energy. I am very pleased to grow with Fo-burning in the future development. There are two difficulties in the development of new energy. One is that it is not easy for everyone to start a business, and the other is that the cooperation between the two sides is not easy. Looking around the world, most enterprises engaged in hydrogen energy are fuel-related enterprises, which not only have high professional matching, but also are easier to achieve development. In the future, Sunshine Hydrogen Energy will join hands with Fo-burning Technology to jointly develop products in many fields and go overseas together, pushing everyone’s hydrogen energy cause to a new height and exploring more."flexibility"Maybe.

Sunshine Power Supply Company LimitedFounded in 1997, it is a national key high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development, production, sales and service of new energy power supply equipment such as solar energy, wind energy, energy storage, hydrogen energy and electric vehicles. The main products are photovoltaic inverter, wind power converter, energy storage system, surface photovoltaic system, new energy vehicle drive system, charging equipment, renewable energy hydrogen production system, smart energy operation and maintenance services, etc., and are committed to providing world-class clean energy life cycle solutions. Since its establishment, it has always focused on the field of new energy power generation, adhered to market demand-oriented and technological innovation as the power source of enterprise development, and cultivated a professional R&D team with rich R&D experience and strong independent innovation ability; It has undertaken more than 20 major national science and technology projects, presided over the drafting of a number of national standards, and is one of the few enterprises in the industry to master a number of independent core technologies.

As of June 2023,Sunshine Power Supply Co., Ltd.The installed capacity of inverter equipment in the global market has exceeded 405GW, covering 170 countries and regions.Sunshine Power Supply Company LimitedcompanyThe core product photovoltaic inverter has passed the certification and testing of many international authoritative certification bodies such as TV, CSA and SGS, and has been sold in batches to 170 countries and regions around the world. As of June 2023, the installed capacity of inverter equipment has exceeded 405GW in the global market.

Sunshine Power Supply Company LimitedcompanyIt has successively won the honors of China Industry Award, National Single Champion Demonstration Enterprise of Manufacturing Industry, Top 50 Innovative Enterprises of Forbes China, National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise, Top 500 Global New Energy Enterprises and Best Enterprise Employer in Asia. It has a national Post-Doctoral Research Center, a national high-tech industrialization demonstration base, a national enterprise technology center, a national industrial design center and a national green factory, and its comprehensive strength ranks first in the global new energy power generation industry. In the future, Sunshine Power will adhere to the mission of "making everyone enjoy clean power", based on the new energy equipment business, accelerate the development of clean energy system integration and investment and construction business, innovate and expand new business in the field of clean power conversion technology, keep close to customer needs, actively participate in global competition, and strive toSunshine Power Supply Company LimitedcompanyBuild a world-class enterprise that can be trusted.

Sunshine Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary company of Sunshine Power Supply, focusing on the research of renewable energy flexible hydrogen production technology. Its main products include alkaline water electrolyzer, PEM electrolyzer, PWM hydrogen production power supply, gas-liquid separation and purification equipment and intelligent hydrogen energy management system, and it is committed to providing "efficient, intelligent and safe" renewable energy flexible hydrogen production system solutions.

Sunlight Hydrogen adheres to the market demand orientation and technological innovation as the power source of enterprise development, and has cultivated a professional R&D team with rich R&D experience and strong independent innovation ability, applied for more than 350 patents and copyright certificates, presided over and participated in drafting a number of standards, and mastered core technologies such as flexible hydrogen production system and offshore wind power hydrogen production.Sunshine hydrogen energy technology co., ltdThe company has built a leading domestic demonstration base of 20MW electrolyzed water for hydrogen production, a product research center, a research center for key materials, a German hydrogen energy research institute, and a world-leading hydrogen production equipment manufacturing factory, with an annual production capacity of 3GW in 2024.

The core products of sunshine hydrogen energy have passed the tests and certifications of international authoritative certification bodies such as Bureau Veritas and TV, and have been widely used in many large-scale hydrogen production projects at home and abroad, helping to accelerate the decarbonization process in many fields such as power, industry and transportation.

Sunshine hydrogen energy will adhere to the mission of "making the conversion of electric hydrogen more efficient", lead the flexible hydrogen production and electric hydrogen coupling technology, promote the high-quality development of hydrogen energy industry, and help achieve the goal of "carbon neutrality".

Foran Energy Group Co., Ltd.Founded in 1993, it is a powerful city gas enterprise in Guangdong Province and even South China, and was listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on November 22, 2017. Fo-burning Energy won the 2017 Guangdong Provincial Government Quality Award, the 2020 Guangdong Provincial Advanced Collective Award, the 18th China Civil Engineering Zhan Tianyou Award, and the top 500 service enterprises in China. It is the executive director unit of China City Gas Association, the member of British Gas Professional Society, the executive vice president unit of Guangdong Gas Association and the chairman unit of China City Gas Hydrogen Energy Development and Innovation Alliance.

Foran Energy Group Co., Ltd.Committed to becoming an excellent energy service provider in China, with the development direction of "energy+technology+supply chain", under the background that the current national energy structure is changing to diversification, we will actively promote the development of energy business, technological innovation and other extended businesses, and provide diversified energy use options for our users. While deepening the natural gas supply business, we will actively expand energy services such as petrochemical products, hydrogen energy, heat energy, photovoltaic and energy storage, and continue to carry out scientific and technological research on SOFC solid oxide fuel cells, hydrogen energy equipment manufacturing research and development, pipeline inspection, kiln thermal equipment manufacturing and energy conservation and emission reduction. At the same time, we also explore other business layouts, actively explore gas services, gas storage and peak regulation projects, extension projects and other businesses, and strive to promote the high-quality development of green and low-carbon energy.

Foran Energy Group Co., Ltd.Attach great importance to scientific and technological research and development, constantly optimize scientific and technological innovation and service system, enrich and improve the scientific research talent team, and continuously increase investment in science and technology and R&D; By the first half of 2023, 424 authorized intellectual property rights had been obtained, including 37 invention patents and 70 software copyrights. Participated in the compilation of 19 standards, including 3 national standards. At the same time,Foran Energy Group Co., Ltd.It owns 11 high-tech enterprises and has been awarded 47 honorary qualifications such as Guangdong Engineering Technology Research Center, Guangdong Doctor Workstation and Guangdong Science and Technology Expert Workstation.

Guangdong Fo-burning Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in August 2020 with a registered capital of 300 million yuan. It is a technology industrial company dedicated to Fo-burning Energy and a wholly-owned enterprise of Fo-burning Energy.Guangdong foran technology co., ltdGuided by "science and technology, energy conservation and environmental protection", the company focuses on developing green new energy and promoting energy conservation and emission reduction to carry out cutting-edge technology research and promote the transformation of research results. Mainly engaged in the following businesses: SOFC (solid oxide fuel cell power generation system development), equipment manufacturing (technical research and development and manufacturing of diaphragm compressors and liquid-driven compressors), hydrogen energy industry (hydrogen production, hydrogen transportation and hydrogenation), industrial combustion and energy conservation and emission reduction (research and development and manufacturing of intelligent energy-saving equipment in industrial field, research on efficient combustion technology), inspection and storage and transportation services (inspection, evaluation and treatment of inside and outside pipelines, research and manufacturing of related equipment and pipeline integrity) It has successfully applied for and passed one key core technology research project of the National Development and Reform Commission on energy green and low-carbon transformation and development, and one National Energy High-temperature Fuel Cell R&D Center (listed in the shortlist of the first batch of "horse racing first" innovative platform fuel cell track of the National Energy Administration in the 14th Five-Year Plan), won one first prize and one second prize of Foshan High-tech Progress in 2023, and won the honor of being one of the top 100 strategic emerging industrial clusters in Greater Bay Area High-value Patent Cultivation and Layout Competition in Guangdong Harbour.

Guangdong foran technology co., ltdGuided by the concept of "scientific and technological innovation and green empowerment", we will deeply serve the national "double carbon" strategy, actively carry out research and development of hydrogen energy technology, strengthen technological innovation of energy conservation and emission reduction, and strive to become a leading energy science and technology enterprise in China.