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Self-enrollment allows key middle schools to be busy with the college entrance examination in advance. Teacher: Don’t report blindly.

  Independent enrollment makes key middle schools busy with the college entrance examination in advance

  The temptation of grabbing students in colleges and universities is more opportunities and less opportunities. The teacher suggested not to report blindly.

  Self-enrollment stirs up the middle school campus

  "I have sent the materials to Peking University." At present, Xiao Fan (pseudonym) of the middle school affiliated to Fudan University is preparing for the written test of Peking University’s independent selection exam.

  There are still more than half a year before the national college entrance examination in 2008, but the independent enrollment work of major universities has started in full swing. In November, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University, China People’s University and other online enrollment networks, online registration channels have been opened. This year, the number of self-selected colleges and universities has also increased from 22 in 2003 to 59.

  Bao Fanchen, a senior three student in weiyu high school, told reporters that the students around him are actively preparing for the proficiency test of Fudan University and the winter camp plan of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Every Tuesday at 6 pm and Friday at 3 pm, the school will arrange teachers to give counseling lectures to students who are going to take the independent selection exams of Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. "There are more than 500 students in the whole grade, and nearly 300 students are present at each time, accounting for more than half."

  Considering that students who choose physics may forget chemistry, and those who choose chemistry may forget history and geography, Bao Fanchen’s school has specially held a counseling lecture for students who need to take the independent selection examination.

  It is reported that in 2008, the specific programs of Fudan University’s independent selection and admission work include: the selection and testing program for students who walk (including non-foreign languages, English, and non-common languages), the selection and testing program for art and sports specialty students, the Boya Cup Humanities Knowledge Grand Prix, and the "Fudan Level Test". Among them, "Fudan Proficiency Test" is open to all high school graduates. The test content includes 10 subjects, including Chinese, mathematics, English, politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology and computer. The test forms are all multiple-choice questions. The test time is 3 hours and the total score is 1000 points.

  Squeeze into the winter camp and gain one more chance.

  "Students taking the self-selection exam can reduce the pressure of the college entrance examination. For example, if you apply for the independent selection of Fudan University, if you have passed the written test and the interview, the college entrance examination will be enough. " Bao Fanchen also mentioned the winter camp plan of Shanghai Jiaotong University. After entering the winter camp, students are divided into four grades according to their grades, such as A, B, C and D. When enrolling in the college entrance examination, the A grade can be reduced by 20 points, the B grade by 15 points, the C grade by 10 points and the D grade by 5 points. For this plan, "the students are very enthusiastic."

  "Although the exam is busy, the senior three environment is like this." Bao Fanchen mentioned that for independent enrollment, the teachers of the school are based on the principle of students’ voluntariness, but because the independent selection examination can give students a chance, the teachers are also more supportive.

  "Half of the students in our class are preparing for the independent selection examination in colleges and universities." Chen Wenrui of Suzhou Experimental Middle School said that in addition to online registration, there will be an interview inside the school to select better students to recommend. "After all, this is also an opportunity, and the teachers are more encouraging. The students who participated are doing their best to prepare."

  Xiaofeng (pseudonym) from Shanghai Gezhi Middle School is waiting for the recommendation form of Tongji University to arrive at the school these two days. "All the watches are collected by the class teacher. In principle, everyone can only choose one school, so you must prepare for the exam carefully when you get the table. If you are not admitted, there will be no chance. "

  There are more than 500 senior three students in Xiaofeng’s school, and about 70 students got the winter camp form from Shanghai Jiaotong University. "Five students in our class took the form, and now they are all preparing." The application steps of Xiaofeng’s school are as follows: students who want to participate in the independent selection of colleges and universities can first register with the class teacher, then summarize them to the class teacher, and then the class teacher will send them to the academic affairs office of the school. Next, according to the proportion of arts and sciences and the ranking of exams, the specific list will be finally determined.

  Xiaofeng told reporters that last year, there were more than 100 students in Gezhi Middle School who took the "Thousand-Score Examination" of Fudan University, and 50 students passed, but only 9 students finally got the admission notice of Fudan University. "Fudan University’s 1000-point exam is a sea election, which is a good opportunity for students from all schools." However, considering that the exam involves all subjects in high school and examines students’ comprehensive strength, Xiaofeng feels that it takes a lot of time to prepare for the exam, and it may not be successful, so it is better to settle down and take the exam in a school that she wants to take.

  "The bonus test is only to add a score to the score line of the college entrance examination. If the score line is not enough, the previous test will be useless." Xiaofeng said that his parents are very supportive of his idea. As long as it does not affect the normal review, "you can fill in the form you want to apply for."

  Li Yun of Shanghai No.3 Middle School told the reporter that there was no rush of students around to register for independent enrollment in colleges and universities. "But some students take action. I just finished the online composition of Fudan University’s My College Dream a few days ago. " Li Yun mentioned that several students around him have applied for the independent entrance examination of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and are actively reviewing English and mathematics. "Everyone has a different orientation."

  Teacher’s attitude: no recommendation and no objection.

  Since the end of November, Xiao Wei (a pseudonym), a senior three student in Shanghai Yucai Middle School, has been studying more intensely. "This year, it seems that the independent selection examinations of major universities have been advanced, and I am not ready for it."

  Xiaowei’s grades are at the lower level in his class. As the college entrance examination approaches, he feels more and more pressure and motivation. After all, there are still more than half a year, and I may be able to rush up again.

  At first, Xiaowei’s mood was somewhat ambivalent. Signing up for the self-selected examination in colleges and universities meant spending more time on the subjects for preparing for the exam. Failure to sign up was tantamount to wasting time. If you don’t sign up, the students around you will ask questions again. "Which one did you apply for?" Students will communicate this problem with each other. Many students are actively preparing for the exam. " Xiaowei said this.

  After learning that the registration of East China University of Science and Technology and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics started, Xiaowei submitted the registration form online. "He also wants to try his luck and prepare for the exam first." Xiaowei’s mother said that now the children don’t go to bed until after 12 o’clock every night, and the review is also very serious. They have entered the state of examination in advance and have great psychological pressure. "If he wants to take the exam, let him warm up in advance, but I reminded him not to take this too seriously."

  "The focus of the school is still the college entrance examination, and the focus of students is also the college entrance examination. Finally, look at the college entrance examination score line." Li Jianguo, a teacher from Anhui Lu ‘an No.1 Middle School, said.

  Li Jianguo advocates "no recommendation, no objection" for students to take the self-selected examination. If students voluntarily sign up and feel that their ability is better, they can take an examination of a better school than this one, and they can make further efforts in the rest of the time. If students with lower and middle grades also want to sign up for the independent examination, the teacher will never hurt the students’ self-confidence. "You can let him go to the school he can reach."

  Li Jianguo pointed out that the present self-selection examination is not particularly standardized. "Each school has not yet taken the exam outline, and there is no directionality, which is bound to bring certain negative effects. If students actively prepare for the exam and fail to reach the independent enrollment line, first, time is wasted, and second, students’ emotions are affected to some extent. " Teacher Li stressed that "in the final stage before the college entrance examination, students’ emotions are very important, and good self-confidence is also helpful for learning."

  Middle and lower school students are most affected.

  Li Jing, a senior three teacher in Zhengzhou Foreign Languages School, said that preferential policies are generally given only after the college entrance examination reaches a certain score, and there are different requirements for independent selection examinations in different schools, so students should choose good schools and majors. "The subjects of the school’s independent entrance examination may be different from those of the college entrance examination, which also requires students to review differently."

  Li Jing gave an example. For example, Tsinghua University’s score in Henan is 680 points, and it is enough for candidates who have passed independent enrollment to get 660 points. This is a drop-off admission; Another kind, candidates can be admitted as long as they pass a local score line; There are also extra points for admission. When choosing a school that enrolls students independently, students must see clearly what the requirements of the school are.

  Li Jing believes that the students who are in the top grades now sign up for the self-selected examination, and the students with lower grades are most affected, because the self-selected colleges and universities are generally more than one university, mainly for students with upper-middle grades. "Students should find out what grade and position they belong to and judge whether they belong to this category. If they don’t belong to this category, they should fully participate in the college entrance examination. If students feel that they can achieve it with their own efforts, they can take the independent entrance examination, which is also an opportunity after all. "

  "Students and parents should not blindly choose schools. Students must determine what kind of school they want to go to. If you pass the independent exam, but the college entrance examination can’t even reach a line, the independent enrollment exam is a waste. "

  Li Jing further suggested that the class teacher should know the students better and give them some advice based on their learning situation, development potential and hobbies. And students should not choose too many schools that choose their own exams, and spend too much time and energy on it. If students apply to a particularly large number of schools, such as going to Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan to take exams, "it will affect the normal review of the college entrance examination." (Intern Zhang Qi, reporter Zhou Kai)


  Not many students actually benefit from independent enrollment.

  During this period, colleges and universities have issued their own enrollment plans in 2008, and several key middle schools in Nanchang have received letters from some colleges and universities about their own enrollment policies in 2008. However, Director Huang of the Political and Educational Affairs Office of Yuzhang Middle School in Nanchang revealed that Yuzhang Middle School has not received any official letters from colleges and universities about their own enrollment policies in 2008. Director Huang said that colleges and universities generally send letters to key middle schools in various provinces and cities, because there are more students in key middle schools who meet the requirements of independent enrollment in colleges and universities, and fewer students in ordinary middle schools who meet the application conditions. According to Director Huang, no student in Yuzhang Middle School enjoyed the policy of independent enrollment in 2007.

  It is understood that there are actually very few students who can really enjoy the preferential policies brought by independent enrollment in colleges and universities. There are two channels for candidates to apply for the independent entrance examination: school recommendation and self-application. First of all, the general requirements for independent enrollment are fresh high school graduates with extraordinary innovation and practical ability, or special talents in literature, art and sports, or among the best in comprehensive quality.

  Principal Bao of Nanchang No.1 Middle School said that according to this condition, only about a dozen or twenty students in Nanchang No.1 Middle School are eligible to enter the exam every year.

  President Bao also said that the preferential policies for independent enrollment in colleges and universities only take effect under certain conditions. Some students scored very well in the college entrance examination, disdained the schools that took the self-enrollment examination at the beginning, did not take the self-enrollment colleges as their first choice, and filled in other schools after the examination, so this policy was wasted. Some candidates will also fail to reach the admission line because of their abnormal performance, which is useless.

  Director Chen of the Academic Affairs Office of Nanchang No.10 Middle School said that students who apply for key universities are relatively strong. A considerable number of outstanding candidates can easily enter key universities by passing their college entrance examination results, and there is no need for preferential policies in the independent entrance examination.

  Director Chen finally said that independent enrollment still depends on the results of the college entrance examination in June next year, and the level of the college entrance examination results determines whether candidates can finally be admitted. (According to "Urban Consumer News")

Editor: Zhu Zhen

Panda Flower Flower has a "holiday" on New Year’s Eve. Visitors can book tickets for nearly 7 days while stocks last.

On February 2nd, chengdu research base of giant panda released the Spring Festival holiday tourism announcement, introducing the opening and closing time of the park and other related information.

First, the opening and closing time of the park

Morning ticket admission time: 8: 00-12: 00; Admission time for afternoon tickets: 12:00-16:30. Closing time: 17:30

(panda valley clearing time: 18:00).

Second, the ticket purchase instructions

All tourists must make an online real-name reservation and bring the original valid ID card filled in at the time of reservation. Older people aged 60 and above can avoid making an appointment and brush their original ID card to enter the park. Real-name registration system (one person, one ticket and one certificate) is adopted for ticket purchase, and one ticket is limited for each ID number. (On New Year’s Eve, that is, February 9, 2024, the park will be closed for one day)

Third, current limiting measures

Tickets can be reserved for nearly 7 days, and the number is limited. Please book in advance while stocks last.

Panda base: the daily limit is 60,000 (including free visitors), 30,000 in the morning and 30,000 in the afternoon. When the instantaneous carrying capacity of the park is 30,000 people, the ticket checking will be suspended, and the ticket checking will be restarted after the number of tourists drops.

Panda Valley: The daily limit is 16,000 (including free visitors), with 8,000 in the morning and 8,000 in the afternoon. When the instantaneous carrying capacity of the park is 0.5 million people, the ticket checking will be suspended and restarted after the number of tourists drops; The instantaneous maximum carrying capacity of the red panda ecological stocking area is 450 people. When the instantaneous number of tourists reaches this limit, visitors will be suspended from entering the area, and they need to wait in line before entering the area.

Fourth, the ticket purchase channel

Panda Base and Panda Valley have not authorized any third party to act as ticket agents. In order to ensure your smooth visit to the park and avoid economic losses, please book tickets for Panda Base through official WeChat WeChat official account or WeChat applet "chengdu research base of giant panda" and Panda Valley through official WeChat WeChat official account. The scenic spot is not responsible for the problems of tickets purchased through unofficial channels, such as being unable to enter the park and being unable to refund tickets.

V. Admission requirements

(1) All tourists who have successfully booked must bring their original ID cards to the park; Those who carry household registration books, passports, Taiwan compatriots’ certificates and relevant certificates for Hong Kong and Macao to and from the Mainland must show their relevant certificates for verification before entering the park; Those who forget or lose the above documents must show their other identification materials or photo evidence, and can enter the park only after verification. The witness card does not match and you can’t enter the park.

(2) In order to avoid waiting for a long time, please arrange your itinerary reasonably and enter the venue on time according to the time period specified in the morning and afternoon tickets.

Sixth, the traffic route

Panda base (address: No.1375, Panda Avenue, chenghua district, Chengdu): During the Spring Festival, motor vehicles are scheduled to pass around the south gate of the Panda base. Vehicles without successful reservation are prohibited from entering the restricted section of the scenic spot. Please pay attention to "Rong E" WeChat official account through WeChat in advance, or click "Visit and Buy Tickets"-"Panda Base Purchase Tickets"-"My"-"Advance Pass" on the official WeChat public of the Panda base to complete the pass reservation according to the system prompts. Please pay attention to Weibo, WeChat and WeChat official account of Chengdu traffic police official, or call the 962122 traffic control service hotline to know the road traffic management measures of Panda Base scenic spot in time. In addition, there are a large number of tourists at the south gate, so it is suggested that tourists who travel by public transport go to the west gate of the panda base to enter the park, which can shorten the queuing time.

Panda Valley (Address: No.408, Huanshan Tourist Road, Yutang Town, Dujiangyan City, Chengdu): self-driving search navigation destination "Panda Valley".

Official website of the scenic spot: http://www.panda.org.cn/.

Tourist consultation telephone number of Panda Base: 028-83510033

Panda Valley tourist consultation telephone: 028-87296600

Fengchuan, Tonglu: Fireworks and firecrackers are sold and burned according to regulations, and the year-end security is strictly observed.

As the Spring Festival approaches, the sales and discharge of fireworks and firecrackers gradually enter the peak period. Recently, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement team of Fengchuan Street in Tonglu County organized personnel to issue proposals to shops along the street within its jurisdiction, and popularized the relevant laws and regulations such as the Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers, the Implementation Measures for the Business License of Fireworks and Firecrackers, and the Safety Technical Specification for Fireworks and Firecrackers Retail Stores (Points), and publicized and explained the forbidden areas, requiring shops to consciously abide by the regulations on the prohibition of fireworks and firecrackers and not to illegally sell fireworks and firecrackers.
In addition, the law enforcement officers also inspected the fireworks manufacturers. By watching whether the random inspection in the factory area is standardized, the hidden dangers are investigated in strict accordance with industry standards, and manufacturers are required to conduct self-inspection and self-inspection on a regular basis, and store them in an orderly manner in strict accordance with relevant standards, so as to prevent accidents and ensure that the masses celebrate the Spring Festival and create a good, safe and stable environment.

Put away this swimming guide while it is hot.

In hot summer, swimming is one of the favorite recreational ways for parents and children. The week of July 16th every year is "July 16th National Swimming Fitness Week", and all kinds of swimming activities will be carried out all over the country. So, how to choose a healthy swimming pool? How to protect yourself from swimming in summer? Please keep this guide.
How to find a clean and safe swimming pool?
As a public place,
Consumers will inevitably worry,
Is the water clean or not?
Whether the bacterial content exceeds the standard,
Is the disinfectant put in enough?
How to find a clean and safe swimming pool?
Both summer heat and health?
Keep these details in mind.
01 see documents
According to "Regulations on Hygiene Management in Public Places", "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Regulations on Hygiene Management in Public Places" and other laws and regulations, the operators of swimming pools need to publicize the hygiene license, annual inspection report and hygiene reputation grade mark in the eye-catching position of swimming pools.
Operators of swimming places must obtain the hygiene license of public places before they can open their business to the outside world, and should show their business license and accept social supervision.
Before entering a public swimming pool, consumers should pay attention to whether the public health permit and the health certificate of employees are publicized in a conspicuous place in the swimming place.
02 Look at the water quality
Before entering the swimming pool, you should observe whether the water quality is good. There are two tips,
Splash the water slightly in the swimming pool. If the foam dissipates by itself within 10 ~ 15 seconds, the water quality is better. If the foam continues to float on the water for a minute or even a few minutes, it proves that the water quality is relatively poor.
Look at the situation that the bottom of the water leans down through the water to see the underwater swimming lane. The farther you look, the clearer the pool is. If the water quality is poor, you can’t see so many lanes clearly
03 Look at the sanitary facilities
See if the swimming place is equipped with dressing rooms, shower rooms, toilets, closed garbage bins and mechanical ventilation facilities that meet the hygiene requirements.
Check whether the water temperature, residual chlorine concentration, pH value and other indicators of the swimming pool on that day are qualified through the electronic bulletin board or text bulletin board of the swimming venue.
Be careful of "swimming sickness" when you have fun.
First, cramps
The supercooled water temperature will stimulate the contraction of blood vessels, so the blood flow will decrease and slow down, which can not meet the muscle activity, thus causing cramps. Lactic acid accumulates in a large amount in muscles, which leads to muscle fatigue and cramps.
Prevention tips:
If you have leg cramps underwater, don’t panic, you should call for help immediately. Straighten the cramped foot after landing and repeatedly pull the sole of the foot to recover as soon as possible.
Second, otitis media
Choking occurs when swimming, and the bacteria in the water will spread to the mucosa of the middle ear cavity along the eustachian tube, causing effusion and obstruction in the middle ear, and then causing inflammation.
Prevention tips:
Protective measures such as swimming cap, goggles and earplugs should be worn as much as possible during swimming to reduce the erosion of hair, eyes and ear canal by pool water.
Third, pinkeye
If the swimming pool is not disinfected properly, a patient with pink eye can easily cause pollution, and everyone in the swimming pool may suffer from epidemic conjunctivitis.
Prevention tips:
After swimming, you should bathe and wash your body in time, and use artificial tears or antibiotics to drop your eyes. Avoid rubbing eyes to prevent damage to conjunctiva and cornea.
Four, diving injury
If you are not careful when diving, it is easy to hit the edge of the pool and cause injuries. The collision between the body and the water surface may also lead to visceral injury in children during development.
Prevention tips:
Keep the correct posture of entering the water, prevent the soles from slipping, and avoid unnecessary injuries caused by excessive strenuous exercise.
Remember the safety knowledge
1 Warm up fully before swimming
It is best to experience the water temperature before entering the water. If the water temperature is too cold or too hot, try not to rush into the water. Before you go into the water, you should do warm-up activities on the shore, warm up for 10 to 15 minutes, and exercise your joints and muscles in all parts. Otherwise, it is easy to cause muscle injury or other accidents if you suddenly engage in more intense activities. Leg-lifting, squatting and standing up can be used.
Pay attention to safety and stay away from wild swimming.
Do not swim without permission, do not swim in waters without safety measures and ambulance personnel, and do not swim in unfamiliar waters. It is necessary to have a physical examination to make sure that you are in good health. Grasp the swimming time, generally no more than 1 hour.
3 Don’t leave the "comfort zone"
Polluted rivers, reservoirs and places with rapids may all lead to drowning accidents. If you encounter bad weather, such as thunderstorms, strong winds or sudden changes in weather, it is not suitable to swim. It is recommended to choose an indoor swimming pool as much as possible every day.
4 replenish water in time after swimming
You will sweat when swimming, but because your body is wet, you often can’t feel the loss of water in your body, resulting in dehydration. Nutritionists suggest drinking 600 ~ 800 ml of water before swimming, and replenishing water in time after swimming.
Swimming has many benefits for the body.
Adhere to exercise and protect health.
There must be unexpected surprises.
Source: CCTV News

Innovating the recruitment mechanism of civil servants’ examination

  In recent years, open recruitment examination has become the most important channel for state organs at all levels to select and employ public servants. However, practice also shows that there are still some defects in the civil service examination and employment system, which directly affects the fairness of examination and employment. In this year’s government work report, Premier Wen Jiabao clearly stated that it is necessary to further improve the National Civil Service Law and accelerate the establishment of a scientific, fair and just civil service examination and employment system. To this end, reform and innovate the civil service examination.

  The employment system has become an important task at present.

  Fairness is an important prerequisite for the civil service examination and employment system to gain wide social recognition and social credibility, but some problems existing in the system design and specific operation of civil service examination and employment have weakened this fairness to some extent. This is mainly manifested in: first, the rule defects, and second, the operation defects. The former mainly refers to the unreasonable conditions set by the management department in the qualification of social members to apply for the exam, which restricts and prevents some social members from joining the ranks of civil servants, thus causing unfairness in the entrance examination threshold. For example, Article 16 of the Regulations on the Employment of Civil Servants stipulates that with the approval of the competent department of civil servants at or above the provincial level, the age and academic qualifications of applicants may be appropriately adjusted; However, at the same time, it is stipulated that the competent department of civil servants and the recruitment agency shall not set qualifications unrelated to job requirements. As a matter of fact, in the examination of civil servants at all levels, civil servant management departments and recruitment agencies at or above the provincial level often use the power of "appropriate adjustment" to set many unreasonable conditions on qualifications such as academic qualifications, age and household registration. The latter mainly refers to the fact that some specific circumstances that the management department should consider when formulating the civil service examination and employment system have not been fully considered, which leads to the deviation of the examination and admission work from the expected goal and the unfairness of the results. For example, in the interview stage of the civil service examination, most of the examiners who participate in the interview evaluation (that is, examiners composed of organizations and personnel departments) are still from the local area. As the traditional society in China is an "acquaintance society" and the narrowness of the region provides low cost for the humanization of the relationship,It enables candidates to get to know, woo and even bribe examiners through various channels, so as to achieve the purpose of obtaining high interview scores. In the investigation stage, because the family, neighbors or colleagues of the object of investigation are unlikely to talk about the "acquaintances" who are about to leave themselves for human reasons, this often makes the investigation a mere formality.

  In view of some disadvantages in the current employment mechanism, we believe that it is imperative to innovate the mechanism. When innovating the mechanism of civil servant examination, we should truly follow the principles of fairness, procedure, transparency and economy.

  The first is the principle of fairness. The civil service examination should put fairness in the first place. Everyone who enters the exam must take the exam, and everyone who takes the exam must achieve equal opportunities and equal rules. In terms of equality of opportunity, it is mainly reflected that all People’s Republic of China (PRC) citizens, regardless of gender, nationality and occupation, have the equal right to register for the examination as long as they meet the requirements of the post’s ability to perform their duties. In terms of equality of rules, it is mainly reflected in determining the recruitment conditions, examination types and examination contents according to unified standards and procedures, and conducting qualification examination, physical examination and merit-based recruitment according to procedures.

  Secondly, the procedural principle. It is not only the need to simplify the operation, but also an effective means to prevent human operation to carry out the examination and recruitment of civil servants in a programmed way. The proceduralization of the examination work should be reflected in three aspects: First, the procedure is legal. That is, the steps that need to be taken in the examination and admission work: publishing the recruitment announcement, qualification examination, written examination, interview, investigation, drafting personnel, publicity, employment, etc. must be determined through legal channels. Second, the program is rigid. The legislature should conduct in-depth research and analysis in combination with the actual situation, formulate practical and rigid operating procedures, prevent artificial manipulation of examination results, and ensure that the candidates are determined in the order of high and low comprehensive scores to the greatest extent.

  Thirdly, the principle of transparency. Recruitment of civil servants should be announced to the public as soon as possible, so that every citizen who meets the conditions and has the intention to apply for the examination can take the public examination; Announce the number of candidates for each position in time when applying for the exam, and rationally allocate and optimize the resources for the exam; Written test results, interview results, inspection results, ranking and employment status are published in a timely manner; The reasons for changing the ranking of civil servants must be announced.

  On the basis of the above principles, it is necessary to innovate the operating procedures of examination recruitment and refine the operating procedures to ensure the fairness of the examination system. At present, the main process of civil servant recruitment by examination in China is: publishing recruitment announcement-registration and qualification examination-examination (including written examination and interview)-inspection and physical examination-public approval or filing. Among them, after the written test, they will enter the interview according to a certain proportion, and after the interview, they will enter the inspection and physical examination according to a certain proportion. After the inspection and physical examination, the personnel department and the employer will determine the candidates to be hired from the top candidates. There are two links in this process that are flexible: one is interview, and the other is inspection. Due to excessive flexibility, the fairness of the exam may be reduced. Therefore, we should improve these two links in detail, and we can put the physical examination before the inspection. After the written test, you can enter the interview according to a certain proportion, enter the physical examination according to a certain proportion after the interview, and conduct an inspection according to a certain proportion after the physical examination. In this way, it is easy to model operation, reduce the cost, and more importantly, it embodies the principle of fairness and puts an end to the disadvantages of human relations to the maximum extent.

  It is necessary to improve the management mechanism of interviewers, organize exchanges in different places, and ensure the fairness of interview results. Interview is an important link in the examination and registration of civil servants. It is beyond doubt to strengthen the management of interview and establish a scientific interview mechanism. To improve the interview management mechanism, we can mainly start from the following aspects: First, implement the information base management of interview examiners. A certain number of professionals are transferred from relevant fields and departments and entered into the examiner information database according to a certain structure. When there is a recruitment task, they are randomly selected, and the drawn examiners are managed in a centralized and closed way until the end of the examination. The second is to establish an examiner’s exchange system in different places. The third is to establish a double lottery system for pre-test interviews: the examiner draws lots to determine the positions to participate in the evaluation, and the candidates draw lots to determine the interview team to be evaluated. The fourth is to establish a rotation training system for examiners.

  It is necessary to strengthen the supervision and restriction mechanism to ensure the fairness of examination and employment. A good supervision and restriction mechanism should have a perfect internal supervision and external supervision system. Internal supervision is mainly a way for the management department to supervise the whole process of civil servant examination and registration through its own deployment of certain material resources and manpower. It is mainly realized in two ways: first, a supervision working group composed of cadres from the organization, discipline inspection and personnel departments at the same level supervises the whole process of examination. Second, representatives from people’s congresses or CPPCC members at the same level sent representatives to supervise. In addition, it is more important to strengthen external supervision, establish an effective external supervision system, and standardize the examination process through the system. For example, you can let the news media follow the whole process, including entering the interview examination room; Establish a monitoring system for the whole process of the interview site, and the examiner at the interview site will show the points on the spot and elect representatives of the masses to supervise in the monitoring room; Establish a complaint system for candidates. Students think that the examination process is unfair and have the right to make a complaint within a certain period of time or ask the discipline inspection department to intervene. (Ai Lisheng/Party School of Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China)

Editor: Liu Li

Zhejiang Sports Lottery held 2024 Spring Festival travel rush Public Welfare Activities.

    On January 30th, 2024 Zhejiang Sports Lottery launched the charity activity of "Love Small Bench Warm Home Road", which added warmth to the homecoming people’s way home.

    The theme of this activity is "Love Small Bench Warms the Way Home", and 20,000 Zhang Aixin small benches are distributed free of charge in 13 key transportation hubs in Zhejiang Province, such as hangzhou east railway station, Hangzhou West Railway Station, Ningbo Railway Station and Wenzhou South Railway Station, for passengers with standing tickets and children when traveling.

    This is the seventh year of the charity event of "Love Little Bench" in Zhejiang Sports Lottery. This year, the activity of free family photo shooting has been added: in the designated area of the above delivery point, passengers can participate in the family photo shooting with the theme of the Spring Festival and get a beautifully customized photo frame.

    "This small bench was delivered very timely and thoughtful, and we also took a family photo. I think it is very memorable. Go back and cherish this photo. Hangzhou is really a warm city." Ms. Wang, who is waiting for the bus, gave a thumbs-up to this charity event.

    "This small bench is very practical. It can be used when waiting for the bus. It can also be used on the high-speed rail later. It can also be taken when taking children out to play. It is quite light." Passenger Li said.

    It is understood that in 2023, Zhejiang Sports Lottery launched a variety of public welfare activities in various parts of Zhejiang Province, covering sports, education, health and other fields, adhering to the concept of "public welfare sports lottery is good for life", practicing the responsibility and mission of Chinese sports lottery, and sending care and warmth to the needy groups. (Zhang Lu/Wen Zhejiang Sports Lottery Management Center/Photo courtesy)

The real estate broker war is just around the corner, and the C position of the shell is in danger? | Depth

Source: Wumian Finance
Author: Chen Xinmiao
Editor: Lei Zhizhi
Design: Budong
Editor’s Assistant: Zhu Zhiqi
The real estate brokerage market is surging.
Who would have expected that Ke Holdings Inc. (NYSE:BEKE, hereinafter referred to as "Shell"), which has been controversial all the way, could become the darling of capital. Since its listing in August 2020, its share price has been rising all the way, and its market value once reached 600 billion yuan. Today, its market value is still as high as 560.674 billion yuan (US$ 86.522 billion), killing a number of leading real estate enterprises such as "Bi Rong Wan Heng" and firmly taking the first place in the industry.
▲ Ke Holdings Inc. rings the bell, and the market performance is unexpectedly good. The picture comes from the internet.
At the beginning of the shell’s birth, it was impossible to sit still in the same city, but it seemed like another scene. In 2019, 21st Century Real Estate and Zhonghuan Internet have turned their backs on each other. By the end of 2020, World Bank announced in a paper that it had withdrawn from the new house joint sales platform 58 Aifang together with the same policy consultation. In the past, the "anti-shell alliance" was a mess.
58 series has fallen into the wind, but in the face of the fierce growth of shells, the Internet, developers and other capitals rushed into the "blue ocean" of the real estate trading market. Much attention has been paid to the online real estate trading platform "Tmall Good Room" launched by Yiju and Ali, with the intention of providing the industry with another choice besides shells; Evergrande acquired companies and stores on a large scale, and set up RV Bao Group to benchmark shells. The future journey is trillions of valuation, packaging and listing.
In the face of crisis and temptation, the forces of all parties are changing, and the smoke of war has already filled the air.
Shell alone according to c position"We are making a stadium, and more and more people want to play football here, and the rules are getting better and better." Zuo Hui once described shells with football. In his view, the nature of the industry is changing, and what shells do is to rebuild the ecology of the whole industry centered on store managers and brokers.
To a large extent, the shell’s confidence comes from the real estate dictionary and ACN (broker cooperation network) two methodologies. These are the two moats that the chain used to be, and now they have become the bottom rules for real estate brokerage brands to settle in shells.
Under the platform rules, the real estate transaction process is divided into multiple links, and brokers are encouraged to cooperate with each other, participate in different links and share the benefits; Brokerage brands on the platform can share all real listing information indiscriminately.
▲ Shell’s ACN network splits the real estate transaction process into multiple links, in which various roles play different roles. Image from late LatePost.
You know, before the shell, there were no rules in the extensive development of the real estate brokerage industry, and the shell was undoubtedly the one who ate crabs. Different from the ordinary internet platform, Shell tries to define the basic measures of house transaction in a closed-loop intercommunication mode, which strongly controls the rules of the platform, and intends to strengthen the information interaction of brokers and improve the transaction efficiency.
But the controversy of "being both an athlete and a referee" also comes from here, and shells need to prove themselves urgently. However, at present, the shell model has worked.
Switching from direct operation and franchise mode to platform mode, in just over two years, Shell has been attacking the city, and entered the capital market in August 2020, becoming the largest real estate transaction and service platform in China, with a GTV of 2.13 trillion yuan (the total transaction volume of the platform) second only to Alibaba in China.
After listing, the shell scale effect is still expanding. In the third quarter of 2020, the GTV (total trading volume of platforms) reached 1.05 trillion yuan, an increase of 87.2% year-on-year; The operating income was 20.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 70.9%. In the first three quarters, the accumulated GTV and revenue of the shell platform have exceeded 2.13 trillion yuan and 46 billion yuan in 2019.
Looking at the industry, shells are also far ahead. Based on the national housing transaction volume, the market share of shells in 2019 was 9.5%, while the market share of mainstream brokerage companies represented by Zhongyuan Real Estate, I Love My Family and Leyoujia was only 4.3%, 1.9% and 1.3% respectively.
In addition to scale, cross-store brand cooperation and store efficiency are also data that Shell is willing to share with the outside world, which proves that its rules are effective.
From 2018 to the first half of 2020, the number of non-chain stores increased from 8,136 to 34,547, and the number of brokers increased from 60,900 to 321,800, which has achieved significant growth since the birth of the shell (April 2018). According to CIC report, in 2019, the single-store transaction volume of shell platform was 1.6 times that of the industry, and 70% of the stock house transactions came from cross-store transactions.
During this period, real estate brokerage brands such as 21st Century Real Estate, Central Real Estate and Dwelling House settled in Shell. In addition, after the restart of the franchise brand Deyou, it is also attracting small and medium-sized intermediary brands from all over the world.
Taking the Wuhan market as an example, according to the "Prism" news, Xie Juan, the chairman of Wuhan Fangrong Company, said that in early 2019, the company’s three major brands had more than 600 stores, and under the strong attack of Shell, nearly 200 stores were lost in September.
However, the shell that occupies the super C position in the industry is facing the torture of whether it will become an industry monopolist.
For example, in September 2019, representatives of 100 real estate agencies in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province jointly signed the Anti-Shell Alliance Treaty, and 530 stores in the alliance shouted "Oppose monopoly and resist unhealthy competition"; In April 2020, 100 intermediary companies in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province also rebelled against the shellfish system on the grounds of "resisting bad competition".
58 alliance collapseCompared with the highlights of shells, the "anti-shell alliance" initiated by 58 cities in the past is now an exit, and the momentum of defection is not as good as before.
The real estate information platform under the same city is an important source of revenue. But the shell moving from offline to online undoubtedly moved its cheese.
To this end, in June 2018, 58 cities launched a real estate alliance, wooing brokerage brands such as I love my family, Zhongyuan Real Estate, 21st Century Real Estate China, and Zhonghuan Internet, shouting "58 will never be self-employed" and pointing to shells; Ten days later, 58 City became a strategic shareholder, I love my family, and the curve cut into the real estate agency industry.
▲ The swearing-in meeting on the platform of Yao Jinbo Zhang Luo and Zhongzhong Brokerage Company pointed out that the opponent was naturally the shell that was not present. The picture comes from the internet.
However, the "anti-shell alliance" is not solid, but more like a rush to hold a group when facing the unknown new thing of shells. Less than a year after the alliance, the real estate in the 21 ST century will "surrender" to the shell; In the same year, Central Internet and I love my family, but they failed to reorganize, and turned to cooperate with Shell.
Nearly 9,000 stores under the two brand brokerage companies have entered the shell, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to 58 cities. According to media reports, since 2019, in order to prevent more intermediary companies from accessing the shell system, 58 cities have spared no effort to ban "shell takers", and the "two-choice-one" dispute has intensified in the intermediary industry.
In 2020, the number of allies in 58 cities will continue to decrease. Prior to this, in 2019, 58 cities, World Bank and Tongce Consulting jointly established the new house joint selling platform 58 Aifang, with the intention of grabbing the new house distribution market with platforms such as Shell and Yiju. However, by the end of the year, World Bank and Tongce Consulting both withdrew and transferred 55% of their shares in 58 Aifang to 58 cities.
Behind the "breakup" is the continuous loss of 58 love houses. According to the announcement of World Bank, the competition in the field of new house joint selling platform is fierce, and it is still in the early stage of investment and loss. In 2019, Shanghai Geng Ying Net (the operating entity of 58 Aifang) lost 95.74 million yuan; From January to September 2020, the net loss further expanded to 172 million yuan.
Jiang Han, a senior researcher at Pangu think tank, believes that there is no way to evacuate Tongce and World Bank. For the whole market, 58 Aifang has not formed its own hematopoietic mechanism and relatively strong market competitiveness. The final result is that the participants have not gained their sense of belonging and hope for market development.
Not only that, I was particularly active in the process of shelling shells. I publicly stated that "the platform that is both online and offline is not acceptable to us in business ethics and operational logic". I love my family and was reduced by 58 cities in August last year. After the reduction, the shareholding ratio of 58 cities will be reduced to 4.99%.
Although the gambling was successfully completed, I love my family’s scale expansion in recent years, and the scale of channels and houses is far less than that of shells. There are tens of thousands of stores and trillions of transactions with Shell, and I love my family. These two indicators are still in the stage of hundreds of billions.
Teammates defected, the alliance split, and allies didn’t give strength. So it seems that 58 cities have already fallen behind in this platform dispute provoked by themselves.
However, 58 cities are still sticking to their teeth. Its CEO Yao Jinbo once publicly compared Apple and Android phones to Shell and 58. "It is hard to say that Apple phones are open platforms, but Android phones are open platforms and can be produced by many people."
On the occasion of the listing of shells last year, Yao Jinbo, CEO of 58 City, wrote in a circle of friends: "Today, shells are listed, and congratulations are extended to General Manager Zuo Hui. But responsibly speaking, we believe that the open platform Android will be greater than closed, and 58 Anjuke will enter/empower the industry in all directions after delisting! "
In addition, 58 love houses has become a channel for 58 cities to compete for intermediary resources. According to Tianyancha data, 58 Aifang actually controls 193 companies, most of which are local intermediary brands, including Chongqing Home, Guangxi Youju, Changsha Seagull, Wuhan Nuojia and Anhui Zhongshu Real Estate.
The giant is a powerful spoiler.In the face of crisis and temptation, housing enterprises and Internet tycoons can’t sit still.
It is hard to imagine that the shell from the hard work of the intermediary can create a market value of over 500 billion yuan, which is undoubtedly a huge impact on the high-ranking housing enterprises in the past. When most housing enterprises are facing channelization, shell’s right to speak is also increasing. According to the third quarterly report of 2020, the transaction volume of shell new houses increased by 105% year-on-year to 420.7 billion yuan, and the revenue of new houses has surpassed that of second-hand houses.
Evergrande took the lead in rushing out of a group of real estate enterprises, launched RV treasures and benchmarked shells, with the ultimate goal of listing.
At the end of December last year, Xu Jiayin officially unveiled RV Bao Group, and announced its three major departments: RV Bao National Brokerage Platform, RV Bao Platform and RV Bao SaaS Management Platform, covering transactions of new houses, second-hand houses, new cars and used cars, as well as home improvement and car user services.
The growth of RV Bao began with a large-scale collection of intermediaries, and the path was huge subsidies. "I give you money and you give me traffic resources; I don’t want your money, but you have to obey the management and we will go public together, "RV Bao wrote in the cooperation mechanism.
The speed soon appeared. According to the data of Evergrande, RV Bao Group was reorganized and established by Evergrande and 152 intermediaries in the second half of 2020. At present, there are 30,635 offline stores with an annual transaction scale of 1.2 trillion yuan. In contrast, the corresponding data of shells are 42,000 and 2.1 trillion.
According to the blueprint drawn by Evergrande, the valuation of RV Bao will reach 6 trillion yuan in 2023 and it will be listed in 2024. And RV Bao now values itself at 67.7 billion yuan.
At present, most of the RV treasures are Evergrande’s houses, and it is not known whether it can become an open platform in the future. However, the market space left for RV Bao is still very large.
According to CIC report, the total amount of real estate transactions in China will reach 30.7 trillion yuan in 2024, and the compound growth rate from 2019 to 2024 will reach 6.6%. Although shells are strong, their market share is less than a quarter at present.
This point has also been taken seriously by Internet giants such as Alibaba, JD.COM and ByteDance.
Shortly after the shell went on the market, Ali joined hands with E-House to launch "Tmall Good House" and launched the real estate transaction cooperation mechanism (ETC), providing four trading scenarios: new house, second-hand house, special room and auction room, with more than 60 real estate enterprises such as Vanke, Country Garden and Evergrande as their platforms.
According to the plan, Tmall Haofang will not make money for at least the next three years, and all income will be 100% subsidized by buyers.
Zhou Xin, chairman of Yiju, believes that the traditional brokerage industry is fragmented, and the appearance of shells provides the first choice for the industry, while Tmall Haofang provides another choice for institutions and brokers who are unwilling to be bound by too many rules. "I don’t think there is right or wrong, it’s just a matter of choice."
But then the war started. Last year’s Double Eleven, Tmall Good Rooms and Shells concentrated on the promotion of new houses. From the open battle report, Tmall Haofang entered 236 cities through cooperation with 302 developers, with a GTV of over 93.1 billion yuan. In contrast, Ke Holdings Inc. only claims to cooperate with 90% of the top 100 housing enterprises, with a GTV of less than 36.8 billion yuan.
In addition to Ali, JD.COM is also making efforts. During the Double Eleven last year, it opened more than 800 "Haofang Jingxuan" stores in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Huizhou and Tianjin.
Hu Jinghui, chief economist of Jinghui think tank, believes that compared with the loose defensive alliance form before, all the new entrants have the support of big capital, and with the influx of various forces, one or two forces that can really fight against shells may be formed in the future.
In the process of competition among all parties, scattered small and medium-sized brokerage companies are more likely to become the target of poaching. According to the data of Qianwei.com, 70% of small and micro intermediaries have completed more than 50% of the transaction volume in the second-hand housing market.
Ping An Securities pointed out in its research report that under the demands of the head office to scale up and expand channels, the expansion speed of the heavy asset direct sales model is limited, and the light asset platform joining model has become an important means of scale growth, and the competition for resources of small and medium-sized stores in the region is becoming increasingly fierce, driving the industry concentration to accelerate, showing a situation of strong and strong.

Employment, house purchase, stock trading … Ten predictions for the second half of this year’s economy are closely related to you.

  Editor of Economic Daily-China Economic Net: In 2020, the second half of China’s economy has begun, and the next performance has attracted much attention. Can the employment target be achieved in the second half of this year? What will be the trend of the property market? Will retaliatory consumption appear? … … For these economic hot issues that the society cares about, the Financial Research Center of Bank of Communications released "Born Inward — — Macroeconomic and financial outlook for the second half of 2020 was analyzed and predicted.

  Employment: The annual target of 9 million yuan can be achieved.

  According to the report, with the obvious acceleration of the resumption of work and production and the targeted support of policies, it is still relatively certain to achieve the goal of 9 million new jobs set by the government throughout the year. First, focus on supporting the employment of key groups and ensuring new jobs. The second is to focus on supporting small and micro enterprises to reduce unemployment. The third is to develop emerging industries and promote flexible employment. Fourth, strengthen training, expand the number of recruits, ease employment pressure and improve the quality of the labor force.

  GDP: The economy can achieve positive growth throughout the year.

  As for the GDP growth rate, the report predicts that the economic growth rate in the second half of the year will be significantly faster than that in the first half of the year. The development of the global epidemic and the recovery of external demand will have an impact on China’s economic operation. Under the benchmark scenario, the economic growth in the third quarter recovered to about 6%, and the annual economic growth rate was about 2.5%. Under the pessimistic scenario, the global demand has been significantly weakened by the repeated epidemic, and the economic growth rate in the third and fourth quarters is still low, with the annual economic growth of about 1%; Under the optimistic scenario, the global epidemic quickly disappeared, the external demand resumed and the domestic active policies were effective, and the economic growth rate rebounded significantly in the third and fourth quarters, with an annual economic growth of about 3.5%.

  Consumption: there will be no retaliatory consumption, and a moderate recovery can be expected.

  Will retaliatory consumption appear in the second half of the year? The report doesn’t think it will appear. First, the epidemic has brought a serious impact on outdoor consumption, second, the epidemic has brought an impact on employment, and third, China’s rescue policy has little support for families and individual residents. As the epidemic subsides and production and life return to normal, the recovery of consumption in the second half of the year can be expected, and the consumption varieties may be divided: the consumption of anti-virus products such as medicine, disinfectant and toiletries increases rapidly; Necessary consumer goods, such as daily necessities and electronic products, which are less affected by the epidemic have recovered quickly; Consumption related to real estate and automobile industry chain has gradually improved; The recovery of service consumption may be slow.

  Investment: Focus on "New Infrastructure"

  The report predicts that the annual infrastructure investment will increase by 8%. Fiscal and monetary policies focus on targeted support, and infrastructure investment focuses on "new infrastructure". Traditional infrastructure investment will also accelerate, but the intensity may be limited. The downward trend of market interest rate and the decline of financing cost of housing enterprises may support the gradual acceleration of real estate development investment. As the lack of speculation in housing indicates that the real estate control policy will not be relaxed, it will restrict the growth rate of real estate development investment, which is expected to increase by 5% throughout the year. The investment in high-tech manufacturing and equipment manufacturing has a good growth momentum, but the weakening of external demand has a great impact on export-oriented manufacturing. The investment prospects of traditional manufacturing industries are not good, and the operating pressure of enterprises is increasing and profits are narrowing, which will seriously affect the investment expectations of manufacturing industries. The negative growth trend of manufacturing investment may remain for some time, and it is expected to increase by -4% for the whole year. It is estimated that the annual investment will increase by about 3.1%.

  Bond market: short-term fluctuations do not affect the medium-term trend.

  The report pointed out that the fluctuation of short-term bond market is mainly disturbed by factors such as the marginal slowdown of monetary policy easing. From the medium-term logic point of view: the current marginal slowdown of monetary policy operation is not a monetary policy shift, and the recovery of the real economy has just begun and the long-term growth pressure is still great. The withdrawal of policy strength from the emergency mode during the anti-epidemic period is a short-term disturbance. In the second half of the year, under the control of the central bank’s "moderate money+wide credit", the money market interest rate SHIBOR and other probabilities are still "fluctuating" at the bottom. Although the bond market yield is difficult to show a sharp trend, the overall sharp rebound in the second half of the year does not have the driving foundation of liquidity fundamentals.

  Stock market: maintaining range volatility and grasping structural opportunities

  The report believes that fundamental recovery, low valuation, sustained net inflow of foreign capital, possible acceleration of credit cycle expansion and a series of reform measures in the equity market are all positive factors in the current domestic equity market. However, considering more uncertainties overseas, the stock market will still maintain a range fluctuation pattern during the year, and the bottom point should not fall below again during the year. However, considering the adaptation to the basic situation, there are some difficulties in continuing to attack, and we should remain cautiously optimistic. From the perspective of investment opportunities, we can still focus on new infrastructure areas such as science and technology supported by policies, and leading enterprises in industries such as essential consumer goods related to domestic demand and medicines related to making up shortcomings. The registration system continues to advance, and it is expected that the market profit will be concentrated in the head enterprises in the future, and the trend of "the strong will be strong" will continue.

  Exchange rate: Sino-US relations dominate the exchange rate trend, and two-way fluctuations may become the norm.

  Since 2018, due to political factors such as trade friction, the RMB exchange rate has deviated from fundamental factors. The report predicts that the US dollar may weaken slightly in the second half of the year, while the spread between China and the United States will remain high. Under the background of loose global liquidity and ultra-low interest rates, RMB assets are expected to continue to attract foreign capital inflows, and the RMB exchange rate may rebound slightly to around 7. However, in the second half of the year, the global epidemic situation is still uncertain, the market sentiment is still fragile, and American politicians may still make an issue of China during the election, so the RMB exchange rate fluctuates greatly. It is expected that the RMB exchange rate may fluctuate in the range of [6.9,7.2].

  Property market: There is great pressure on housing prices in these places.

  For the property market in the second half of the year, the report predicts that the transaction trend may change in two stages: the first stage is the short-term repair and replenishment of sales volume, and the regulation policy of tightening outside and loosening inside and the liquidity dividend of rising water are two catalysts to promote the release of demand; The second stage is to return to the original downward cycle. If the policy orientation does not change, short-term gap repair will not be enough to constitute a cyclical upswing. The regional performance is even more different: the "resident demand" in first-and second-tier cities is easy to release, and the pressure of rising house prices in low-inventory areas such as Shenzhen and Hangzhou is high; It is difficult to maintain the "demand for migratory birds" in third-and fourth-tier cities, and the old reform effect cannot completely replace the shed reform. Thanks to the friendly monetary environment, the pressure on the capital cost of housing enterprises has obviously eased.

  Crude oil: oversupply eased, and oil prices may fluctuate upward.

  In terms of crude oil, the report believes that China leads the recovery of global crude oil demand, and the "OPEC+"production reduction agreement has begun to take effect, which has jointly eased the pressure of oversupply in the market. However, the upward pace of oil prices will slow down after experiencing a significant rebound. First, although the demand for crude oil is improving, it still faces uncertainty. Second, the production reduction action started at the end of 2016 also proves that under the background of the rising of non-OPEC+oil producers such as the United States, multi-party games run through the production reduction agreement, and the "OPEC+"production reduction action alone is not enough to fundamentally change the situation of oversupply. Third, the high inventory of crude oil still needs to be digested. In the second half of the year, the oil price will fluctuate upwards, and the Brent oil price center may be 40-55 USD/barrel.

  Gold: the allocation value is prominent, and the upward momentum of gold price is sufficient.

  Affected by the epidemic, the financial market has been in great turmoil this year, while the gold market has a unique scenery. Looking forward to the market outlook, based on the safe-haven function and value-preserving function of gold, the report predicts that the price of gold still has sufficient upward momentum, or mainly fluctuates higher. First of all, the fear of a new round of pneumonia has stimulated investors’ safe-haven demand for gold assets. Secondly, in the global monetary easing policy and low interest rate environment, the expectation of inflation and currency depreciation has increased, triggering the demand for gold preservation. Finally, in the coming period, uncertainties from the United States and the dollar will also support the rise of gold prices.

  The report was completed by Cai Puhua, Zhou Kunping, Tang Jianwei, Liu Jian, Chen Ji, Liu Xuezhi, Hu Yanan, Xia Dan and Jian Wu from the Financial Research Center of Bank of Communications. (Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Ma Changyan)

"Go skiing to the west and welcome the New Year in Youlong" Inner Mongolia ushered in a wave of parent-child groups

On January 20th, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region opened the theme activity of "Going West to Ski and Welcome the New Year in Youlong". With the smooth arrival of 26 passengers from Guangzhou parent-child tour group at Hohhot Baita International Airport, a cheerful and dripping ice and snow experience tour began.

Punch in the old street

Taste "boiled sheep in ice"

According to reports, the parent-child group is organized by Guangzhou Guangzhi Travel Agency, and visitors will have a winter trip to Inner Mongolia in Hohhot, Baotou and Erdos. It is planned to visit Taiwei Ski Resort in Hohhot, Saishang Old Street, Inner Mongolia Museum, Xiangshawan Scenic Area in Erdos and other places, to see historical and cultural cities, taste special food, play winter ice and snow, and enjoy the wonders of desert ice and snow.

Li Li, head of Kaiser International Travel Service in Inner Mongolia, said that ice and snow are very attractive to southerners. The fun of ice and snow outlined by Inner Mongolia prairie, big desert, big ice and snow and unique culture is exactly what they want to let tourists experience during the 4-day and 3-night parent-child tour, so that more tourists can enter Inner Mongolia, fall in love with Inner Mongolia and feel the diversity of Inner Mongolia.

In order to make high-quality tourism in winter get together, get hot and live, this year, Inner Mongolia has given full play to the advantages of ice and snow tourism with the characteristics of "Northern Xinjiang Culture" and launched such formats as "ice and snow+annual customs", "ice and snow+intangible heritage", "ice and snow+health care" and "ice and snow+holiday" to promote the consumption upgrade of winter tourism industry. Inner Mongolia will take the "Fourteen Winter" as the starting point, create more ice and snow tourism products, release the charm of ice and snow, and attract more tourists to experience while creating an orderly market environment and providing quality services.(Prairie All Media Zhengbei Net reporter Ma Lixia)

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony’s "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

Fast Technology reported on January 10th that Sony Pictures’ Marvel Comics new film "Mrs Spider: Super Awakening" released a brand-new Taiwanese poster, and all the leading members appeared.

Mrs Spider, played by Dakota Johnson, joined hands with three spider women to unveil the dressing style.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

The movie "Mrs Spider: Super Awakening" will be released in North America, China and Hongkong on February 14th, 2024, but the mainland has not yet set a file.

This is Sony’s first super-English film featuring women in Marvel Comics’s character universe, directed by S·J· Clarkson and written by Matt Sazama & Burk Sharpless.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

Dakota Johnson (fifty shades of grey), Sydney sweeney (Excitement), Isabella Merced (Transformers 5), celeste O ‘Connor (The Expendables), tahar rahim, Emma Roberts, adam scott, Zosia Mamet, etc.

The movie "Mrs Spider: Super Sensual Awakening" focuses on Dakota Johnson. Originally, she was a medical worker, and she unexpectedly awakened her super powers in a rescue operation, so she could predict the future.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

Later, I met three women in one crisis after another, and their fates were inextricably linked like cobwebs.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.