标签归档 西安品茶上课

Meitan County, Zunyi, Guizhou Province: Small Tea Makes Great Achievements

In winter, when you look at the Chashan Mountain in Meitan County, tea gardens are laid out between Shan Ye, and the endless sea of tea is lush, and the tea fragrance is like a paradise.

In Longfeng Village, Xinglong Town, this county, a vast and continuous sea of tea spreads out, with warm mist, lush green and tea fragrance. Where the green waves meet the blue sky, the houses in northern Guizhou are dotted with them, just like a beautiful landscape painting.

Longfeng Village is located in the southeast of Xinglong Town, 12 kilometers away from the county seat. It is understood that before 2002, the per capita disposable income of Longfeng Village was less than that of 1000 yuan, and it was a third-class poverty-stricken village at the provincial level. Through industrial development, new rural construction, poverty alleviation and rural revitalization … In 2023, the per capita disposable income reached 21,900 yuan, and the family car ownership rate reached ninety-seven percent.

What makes the economy of this village develop so fast? The answer is: tea.

Not far away, the drone flew slowly in the air, spraying and protecting the tea trees in Manshan. "Not picking tea in winter is an important opportunity for tea garden management. Today, we arranged three drones to spray pesticides, which is expected to complete the spraying work of 1,000 mu of tea garden. " Du Yuanchao, a technician of Luohuatun Tea Professional Cooperative in Meitan County, said.

Longfeng Village, based on professional cooperatives, implemented unified prevention and control over tea gardens, which played a certain role in ensuring tea quality and further promoted the development of local economy.

"Since the development of the tea industry, the number of migrants in the village has increased. The village has opened a local product store, set up a homestay and set up a company … and swelled the villagers’ money bags." Wu Rongming, secretary of the General Party Branch of Longfeng Village, introduced.

"We are here for a few days. The scenery, farmhouse meals and hot springs here are all attractive to us." Tourist Mr. Zhou said.

By building hot springs, water parks and bonsai gardens, Longfeng Village has continuously improved tourism facilities, carried out research, training, tea experience and other activities, promoted the integration of tea and tourism, and created beautiful countryside with "seeing mountains, water and remembering homesickness".

Up to now, there are 826 residential buildings in northern Guizhou in Longfeng Village, with an area of 7,000 mu of tea gardens, 7.8 mu per household and 2.33 mu per capita, and 28 tea processing plants.

"Many foreign merchants come here to develop because they have taken a fancy to the quality of tea and the good ecological environment. Beautiful Tea Garden Company rented my house of about 800 square meters for the production of agricultural products such as tea and preserved eggs. In addition to the annual rental income of 20,000 yuan, I also have 10% of the company’s daily turnover. " Wu Rongming said that through the development of the tea industry, many merchants are attracted to come and effectively promote the local economic development.

Since 2015, Longfeng Village has introduced 11 enterprises including Qunfeng Tea House and Beautiful Tea Garden, with a total investment of more than 800 million yuan. In Xiong ‘an, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places, there are operation centers built by enterprises attracting investment from Longfeng Village, which will better promote tea culture, tea brands and tea ecology.

Talking about the future development, Wu Rongming pointed to the tourist reception center under construction, saying that it will continue to promote the development of rural tourism based on the tea industry, form a sustainable and diversified industry, make the countryside more livable and the industry more prosperous, and further promote the income of villagers.(Mou Shaoli, Chen Xinghui)

More than 15 classic movies reminisce about the golden songs of the year from 7.25 on the movie channel.

Special feature of 1905 film network The voice of the classics will remain forever!Starting from July 25th, the movie channel’s midsummer nostalgia series "The Golden Songs of the Years in the Movie".We have carefully prepared more than 15 classic films for you, including the voice of the times from the 1950s to the present, and each song is a classic among the classics.What kind of memories will you recall when you hum these melodies again?

The pride of defending the country in the 1950 s

Diary of a nurse

"Little Swallow"

"The little swallow wears flowered clothes and comes here every spring. I asked the swallow why he came, and the swallow said that the spring here is really beautiful."

This well-known old song "Little Swallow" is the theme song sung by actor Wang Danfeng in the first nurse-themed film in New China.

At that time, this song was as well known as the movie. Once the film was released, it was deeply loved by the masses, and almost everyone could sing the interlude in the film.

Nowadays, the song "Little Swallow" has already become a classic children’s song widely sung, accompanying generation after generation to grow up.


"My Motherland"

"A big river has wide waves, and the wind blows rice and flowers on both sides."In 1956, the song "My Motherland" led by the heroine Wang Lan (ornaments) became a movie-watching memory of a generation.

Liu Chi, the composer who wrote My Motherland, said: "I hope this song will spread all over the country with the performance of the film, and it will be well-known to all women and children and will last forever. After several years, this film is no longer performed. As long as you sing this song, you will think of the moving scenes in the film and miss those heroic volunteers! "

Qiao Yu’s lyrics, with the most unpretentious language and sincere and deep feelings, let us remember the infinite love and heroism of volunteer soldiers for their motherland and hometown. 

Five golden flowers

"butterfly spring side"

"Flowers wait for butterflies to collect honey, and A-mei waits for lovers."As the pioneering work of the new China musical, it was sold out for several months after its release, and was shown in more than 40 countries, which was very popular.

At that time, he was only 17 years old. With the corner of the golden flower in the movie Five Golden Flowers, he became the idol of countless fans.

Among them, the song "The Edge of butterfly spring" written by Jinhua and A Peng as love songs spread all over the streets in that year, and still reverberates in the hearts of the older generation.

Flying tigers.

"Play my beloved pipa."

"Play my beloved pipa and sing that touching song."Using the typical tones of Shandong folk songs, this song "Play My Beloved Pipa" has made many people deeply empathize with the feelings and revolutionary enthusiasm of Chinese sons and daughters.

A song "Play My Beloved Pipa" made flying tigers’s heroic deeds of anti-Japanese war famous all over the world, which has been passed down to this day. Even in the movie, he was re-interpreted by the starring role.

The Story of Liubao

"sunny day in 1999"

Movies depicting love stories of active servicemen were rare at that time.

The film does not focus on describing large-scale battles, but focuses on the personal emotional life of soldiers, showing the romance and warmth that are rare in the war.

The beautiful pictures of windmills, willows, Banqiao and canoes in the water town of northern Jiangsu, coupled with the theme song "Sunny Days in 1999", let us remember the lofty and beautiful love of revolutionary soldiers and the beautiful scenery of the water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

The sound of burning passion in the 1960 s

Heroes and children

"ode to the hero"

"Why is the battle flag picturesque, and the hero’s blood dyed it red? Why is the spring always there, and the hero’s life blooms?"

The theme song "Ode to a Hero" is stirring, very sonorous.Whenever "Ode to Heroes" is sung, we can see the glorious images of Wang Cheng clutching the explosive barrel and Wang Fang singing in the war, reminding us not to forget history and heroes. 

Red women soldiers

"women soldiers Liange"

"Forward, forward, soldiers have heavy responsibilities and women have deep grievances."

In order to compose the music in Red women soldiers, the composer Huang Zhun spent three or four months before and after, went to Hainan three times, went deep into the alpine jungle, visited the surviving "women soldiers" soldiers and the places where they fought and lived in the past, and collected a large number of Hainan local music, including Hainan operas and folk songs, from which he gained inspiration of musical style.The spirit of Red women soldiers is the banner of women’s liberation movement.

The crisp, majestic and powerful theme song "women soldiers Liege" has been selected as one of the 100 golden songs in China movies for more than half a century, and it is still popular today.

Eternal life in fire

"Embroidering Red Flag"

"Thousands of feelings, great love, turned into a Venus embroidered red flag."

Jiang Jie, as the representative of the female group, sang songs of integrity, which left a deep imprint on the hearts of audiences and readers from generation to generation.According to classic legend, the heroic spirit lasts for a long time; Light and shadow flow, and the red gene is passed down from generation to generation.

The "Red Rock Spirit" lives forever in the fire with the sound of classics.

Third Sister Liu

"Folk songs are like spring water."

The film that combines music and scenery is the first music and scenery film in China.

The film "Sanjie Liu" is based on the story of a generation of song fairy Sanjie Liu.Qiao Yu, who is known as a master of ci, and Lei Zhenbang, a famous composer in New China, wrote more than 30 songs for the film and won the Best Music Award in the 2nd Hundred Flowers Award.

The first song is like a spring water that sings the wishes and ideals of the working people and moistens people’s hearts.

Honghu Red Guard

"Hong Hushui waves"

If the songs in the movie "Sister Liu" represent Guangxi ethnic customs, the songs in the movie are symbols of Hubei folk songs.

Honghu Lake is also a hot spot for revolution. This was once one of the centers of the national agrarian revolution.A song of Hong Hushui, which has lasted for generations.

Classic aria in films such as Hong Hushui, Beating Waves, What a Beautiful Battle, Seeing that all the toiling people in the world are liberated, No Tears, No Sadness, Song of the Red Guards, etc., have been well-known so far and evoked many revolutionary feelings and memories.

The visitor on the iceberg

"Why are flowers so red?"

At that time, an old movie evoked many people’s yearning for the Pamirs.

A song "Why Flowers Are So Red" tells the story of the hardships and hardships experienced by border guards, and how many people yearn for a better life and sincere love.

This song "Why Flowers Are So Red", which is played by Dutar and other musical instruments, is original and rough, melodious and simple in tone, which appropriately creates a sad and romantic atmosphere for the film and makes the film more legendary because of the music.

This song is the password for the older generation to transmit love when they are in love, which shows its rich charm and unique charm.

Melody of praising the motherland in the 1970s.

Sparkling red star

"Red Star Song"

"The red star shines brightly, the red star is bright and warm-hearted, the red star is the heart of the workers and peasants, and the glory of the party shines for generations."

In that era when model operas were popular, The Sparkling Red Star brought people a brand-new experience and quickly became popular all over China.

The song called "three reds" in the film — — Red Star Song, Red Star Follow Me to Fight, and Yingshanhong are all widely sung.After years of repeated elutriation, it still lasts forever and becomes one of the symbols for people to recall the past.

Little flower

"velvet flower"

"There is a beautiful flower in the world, and that is youth spitting youth. Clashing hard bones and blooming flowers, blood from Li Li dyed it red … …”

Two songs in the film that won the 3rd Hundred Flowers Award Best Music Award added a lot of color to the film.A "Sister Looking for Brother’s Tears" and a "Eddy Flowers" made many audiences cry.

Xiaohua turned grief into a revolutionary force, unswervingly embarked on the spirit of the revolutionary road, exuded the dazzling light of lofty ideals and firm beliefs, and gave people strength. 

The expression of trivial matters in life after the 1980s.

"It’s a long way to go, and it’s difficult and dangerous to sprinkle camel bells all the way."

When he directed and starred in the film in the 1980s, he was determined to pour out his war friendship with a moving song from the beginning. Camel Bell came into being.

"The lover will never come again after parting, sitting alone and looking out of the world."

The song "The Love of My Life" in the movie that came out in 1995 is the love of my life.

"Love is just a word. I will only say it once. You know I will only express it with actions."

On July 30, 1999, the song "Love is One Word" in the movie is the deep affection between mother and son of Aquilaria sinensis.

"When a ship sinks to the bottom of the sea, when a person becomes a mystery. You don’t know why they left, but that goodbye was his last sentence. "

The debut film, which was released on July 24th, 2014 for eight years, seems to be more famous than the film in its episode of the same name, which describes the mood of contemporary young people wandering around the world very appropriately.

An era, with the brand of an era, condenses into eternal memory.These classic songs of different ages represent our youth and blood in different ages.

Let’s turn over the chapter of memory, review the classic songs of the times, and recall those once moved.In August, "The Golden Melody of the Year in the Movie" will also welcome the classic translation unit, so stay tuned!

a program parade

July 25-29 at 10:15.

On July 25th, Sparkling Red Star

On July 26th, Diary of a Nurse

On July 27th, "Heroes and Children"

On July 28th, Shangganling

On July 29, "See you later"

August 1-5 at 10:10.

August 1 "Lotus Lantern"

On August 2nd, The Great Sage of a Chinese Odyssey Marries.

On August 3rd, Red women soldiers

On August 4th, Third Sister Liu

August 5 "Five Golden Flowers"

8:00 on August 8-12.

August 8 th

On August 9th, Little Flower

On August 10th, The Visitor on the Iceberg

On August 11th, Honghu Red Guard

On August 12, The Story of Liubao

* Please pay attention to the daily program preview for the specific broadcast time.

The decisive battle, the "third big battle" of military reform started.

Looking back on the glorious course of the people’s army, we can see that the three major battles of Liaoshen, Huaihai and Pingjin in the War of Liberation swept away thousands of troops, which determined the future and destiny of China. Decades later, our army launched the "three major battles" to deepen national defense and military reform. At present, the reform of the leadership and command system, the scale structure and the strength formation have been basically completed, and the "third big battle" of the military policy system reform has been launched. This great change that determines the future of our army is taking decisive steps towards the goal of comprehensive victory.
How to understand the military policy system must be adjusted according to the conditions of the times.
The military policy system regulates military relations, regulates military practice and guarantees military development, which is of fundamental, overall and fundamental significance to national defense and army building. Any military policy system is the product of the times and must be constantly adjusted and improved with the changes of the conditions of the times.
Nowadays, the new military revolution in the world is developing rapidly and the international military competition is fierce. One of the most important aspects is the military policy system. The United States, Russia and other countries have taken many measures in this regard. Various services in the United States have successively issued strategic guidance documents based on wars and conflicts in big countries, and the newly announced fiscal year 2020 budget proposes to raise the salary of military personnel by 3.1%. Russia has continuously promoted and optimized the military housing security system, established a special fund for military housing, improved the quality and service level of military medical security, expanded the scope of recuperation and reformed the military service system. A hundred battles struggle, and those who struggle first. We must grasp the trend of world military development, consolidate and develop the advantages of China’s military policy system, and grasp the initiative of military competition and war.
Our party has always attached importance to the military policy system. In each historical period of revolution, construction and reform, our party has constantly adjusted and improved the military policy system according to the development and changes of the situation, the historical mission of the party, the responsibilities and tasks undertaken by the people’s army, and the characteristics, laws and practical requirements of building and managing the army, providing an important guarantee for the people’s army to maintain its nature and purpose forever, improve its ability to win, and constantly move from victory to victory. However, it should also be noted that most of China’s current military policy systems were formed more than a decade or even decades ago. Although they have been constantly adjusted in recent years, the deep-seated contradictions and problems such as underdeveloped concepts, unclear guidance, incomplete systems, and lack of military and civilian connection have not been fundamentally solved, and they have not adapted to the requirements of the development of the situation and tasks.
Why must the reform of military policy system fit in with the new system?
Any successful military reform must rebuild the "soft mechanism" such as policy system while building a "hard system". System reform and policy system reform are integrated and inseparable with each other. This national defense and military reform has taken the lead in carrying out the reform of the leadership and command system, breaking the long-standing headquarters system, the military region system and the continental army system, forming a new pattern of the military commission in charge of the general, the main battle in the theater and the main construction of the military service, and realizing the historic change of our military organizational structure. We will push forward the reform of scale structure and strength formation, change the long-term land-based and homeland-defense strength structure and strength distribution, and realize the revolutionary reshaping of our military strength system. Through these reforms, the shaping of the "hard system" has been basically completed, and the people’s army has a new system, a new structure, a new pattern and a new look.
If the reform of the leadership and command system focuses on "strengthening the brain and strengthening the center", the reform of the scale structure and strength composition focuses on "strengthening the bones and muscles", and the reform of the military policy system focuses on "connecting the meridians and activating the qi and blood", it must be organically linked with the first two major battles. Although the institutional obstacles and structural contradictions that restrict the construction of our army have been effectively solved, the operational mechanism that is compatible with the new system has not been completely straightened out, and the new power structure also needs to be improved. To consolidate and expand the achievements of the previous reforms and further release the reform effectiveness, we must promote the reform of the military policy system. This is a more internal, deeper and more lasting remolding for our army, and it is also more crucial to drive, adjust and support the whole reform.
What are the considerations for the design of this military policy system reform?
Generally speaking, there are two typical ways to formulate policies and systems. One is "description", that is, the practice in actual work is expressed in standardized language and upgraded to a policy system; The other is "design", that is, focusing on career development, focusing on achieving better leadership, command, management and security, and actively designing and shaping a more scientific, advanced and effective policy system. This military policy system reform aims at ensuring the party’s absolute leadership over the army, taking combat effectiveness as the only fundamental standard, focusing on mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of military personnel, insisting on systematic planning, forward-looking design, innovative development and overall remodeling, and comprehensively reconstructing our military policy system.
The reform of the military policy system must first adhere to the correct political direction, maintain political determination on what to change and what not to change, and persist in what cannot be changed and lost. If it is changed and lost, it will be self-destructive. In October 1990, the Soviet Union issued the Regulations on the Work of the Soviet communist party Organization in the Soviet Armed Forces, which stipulated that "the Soviet communist party Organization and its institutions shall not interfere in the work of administrative personnel and military command organs", which made the army break away from the leadership of the CPSU, and the reform finally put the Soviet Union on a road of no return. History is the best textbook. The Party’s absolute leadership over the army is the foundation of our army and the soul of strengthening the army. No matter how the national defense and army reform are changed, this article cannot be shaken at all. We must constantly strengthen this "lifeblood" through the reform of military policy system and make a series of fundamental principles and systems for the Party to lead the army more mature and stereotyped.
The army exists for war, and the starting point and destination of military reform are the liberation and development of combat effectiveness, and the adjustment and optimization of military policy system should also focus on this. This military policy system reform is to take combat effectiveness as the only fundamental standard, establish the policy orientation of preparing for war, form an institutional system that can serve wars and win battles, and promote the full release of combat effectiveness in generate. Man is the decisive factor of combat effectiveness and the main body of army building. When the human problem is solved, it will directly bring about a great improvement in the operation of the entire military system and the efficiency of army building. Judging from the actual situation, the difficulties in resettling demobilized soldiers, handing over wounded and disabled soldiers and resettling retired cadres still exist, and the difficulties in recruiting and attracting and retaining talents are also outstanding, which have become the pain points and difficulties that affect the cohesion, attractiveness and combat effectiveness of the troops. The officers and men have expectations, and the reform should respond. The purpose of this military policy system reform is to persist in promoting the all-round development of officers and men, firmly establish the dominant position of officers and men in strengthening the army, strive to create a fair and just institutional environment, safeguard the basic needs of officers and men, safeguard their rights and interests, enhance their pride, sense of acquisition and sense of accomplishment, and inspire officers and men to strive to be revolutionary soldiers in the new era of "four haves".
This reform of military policy system has broken the boundaries of departments and fields, changed the mode of treating a headache only, treating an ailment only, and tinkering with it. It has carried out top-level design from four links: command, construction, management and supervision, and reshaped all fields, aspects and links of military practice activities as a whole. It has clearly put forward deepening the reform of military party building system, innovating the reform of military force application policy system, reshaping the reform of military force building policy system, promoting the reform of military management policy system, and establishing and improving it. This "one big system, four big plates" has clear orientation, comprehensive coverage, tight structure and internal coordination. It is in line with China’s national conditions and military situation, adapts to the requirements of the new era, new mission and new system, and will certainly provide a strong policy and institutional guarantee for realizing the party’s goal of strengthening the army in the new era and building the people’s army into a world-class army in an all-round way.
How to understand the transformation and convergence of the old and new policies and systems needs a process.
The reform of the military policy system is directly related to the vital interests of officers and men and the morale of the army. It involves a wide range and is very sensitive and complicated. It must be scientifically studied and demonstrated, and it must be implemented steadily. It must not be rushed, otherwise it will be haste makes waste. During Yeltsin’s period, Russia promoted radical military reform and made a large number of disarmament under the condition that the social security mechanism was not perfect, resulting in more than 70% of the more than 500,000 retired officers being unemployed, and 48% of the active servicemen’s family income was below the minimum living standard. At that time, the Russian army was described as "half an army". Soldiers could only get half a salary, and only half of them could live in houses, which seriously weakened the morale of officers and men and the combat effectiveness of the troops.
According to the deployment of the military policy system reform, our army will complete the reform of the main policy system in all fields and systems by 2020, and build the basic framework of Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s military policy system. By 2022, we will improve the supporting policy system in all fields and build a relatively complete military policy system in Socialism with Chinese characteristics. This goal is arduous and arduous, with a high degree of specialization, a long legislative cycle, great difficulty in cross-departmental, cross-disciplinary and cross-military coordination, complex system, intensive rhythm and huge use of power, which can be said to be unprecedented. It takes a long time to complete the design, supporting and implementation of so many policy systems.
The transformation between the old and the new military policy system is not a "surgical operation", but a gradual process of "thoroughly remoulding". Too fast, beyond the realistic conditions, beyond the capacity of the country, the army and officers and men, a little carelessness may lose the existing achievements; If it is too slow, it will miss the window of reform, widen the gap with foreign troops, and may also affect the morale of officers and men. Therefore, during the transition from the old to the new military policy system, it is necessary to implement it step by step, mature one and promote the other, so as to achieve a smooth transition of the policy system and avoid repeated "patching" and "turning over the sesame seeds"; It is also important to introduce a policy system that is urgently needed for reform, urgently needed for preparation for war, and eagerly awaited by officers and men, and formulate a small but practical and quick-acting transitional policy to ensure that the reform is fast and steady.
Source: People’s Liberation Army Daily: Liu Jiang, Ni Wangwang, Bruce Lee

Folk Carnival Tells Cross-Strait Love —— Review of previous Straits Forum

A representative of Taiwan Province who attended the meeting held up the camera in his hand to record the scene of the Straits Workers' Forum. (data picture)

A representative of Taiwan Province who attended the meeting held up the camera in his hand to record the scene of the Straits Workers’ Forum. (data picture)

  Southeast Network June 15 (Fujian Daily reporter Quan Xingya) As the largest, widest and most influential non-governmental exchange event between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, the Straits Forum is about to debut in Fujian.

  This grand gathering of cross-strait people-to-people exchanges has entered its fifteenth spring and autumn. In the past 15 years, compatriots on both sides of the strait have used this platform, which is positioned as "folk, grassroots and extensive", to meet in Bamin, talk about their hometown, learn skills, discuss cooperation, continue to promote integrated development, and draw the largest "concentric circle" for compatriots on both sides of the strait.

  In 2009, the first Straits Forum was held in Xiamen, Fuzhou, Quanzhou and Putian, and more than 8,000 Taiwan Province folks gathered in Fujian, playing a colorful movement of cross-strait exchanges. The 18 main events were brilliant and opened a new pattern of cross-strait relations.

  The second Straits Forum set up a bigger stage. Sixty-two units across the Taiwan Strait participated in the grand event, and 25 themes and series of activities attracted more than 10,000 Taiwan compatriots, about 80% of whom came from the grassroots. There are 30 sectors involved, which is also 10 more than the first session.

  The third Straits Forum is full of local flavor and human touch. From Mazu’s belief in customs to the origin of "people" on both sides of the strait, from the night market with the most Taiwan Province characteristics to the twinning activity of villages and towns on both sides of the strait … … This year, personal travel to Taiwan was open; Twenty-two counties (cities) in Taiwan Province and tens of thousands of villagers participated in various activities, and the ethnic customs brought by Taiwan Province minority guests made the streets of Xiamen beautiful; The liveliness of Taiwan Province nightlife has also been brought to Xiamen people’s doorstep … …

  The 4th Straits Forum won many firsts. For the first time, representatives of hundreds of temples with different folk beliefs on both sides of the strait gathered together, setting a record for cross-strait folk cultural exchanges to participate in temples; The first launch of the "Strait Film and Television Season"; For the first time, the discussion on the topic of marriage and family between the two sides of the strait was launched; The first seminar on the development of farmers’ entrepreneurship in Taiwan Province was held; The first Common Home Forum was held in Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, Fujian & HELIP; …

  The theme of the 5th Straits Forum is "Focus on Family and Dream Together". Eight activities, such as the cross-strait public welfare forum, the trip to the villages and towns with the same name in Fujian and Taiwan, and the World Minnan Cultural Festival, have become fresh blood to highlight the continuation of homesickness and ancestral culture. The 31 policies for benefiting the people released this year have brought more tangible benefits to Taiwan Province compatriots.

  The Sixth Straits Forum has become an important platform for cross-strait youth to communicate face to face. This year, the Straits Forum was innovative and invited young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait to participate. Whether it is the Straits Youth Forum, the Cross-Strait Youth New Media Cultural and Creative Forum, or the Cross-Strait Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, smiling faces filled with youthful atmosphere can be seen everywhere.

  The Seventh Straits Forum continued to promote the implementation of a number of policies and measures to promote exchanges and cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan, bringing more benefits to people on both sides of the strait. In 2015, the mainland announced that Taiwan compatriots would be exempted from endorsement when travelling to and from the mainland, and a card-type Taiwanese certificate would be implemented in due course, thus making Taiwan compatriots’ wish to "just leave" a reality.

  With the theme of "expanding people-to-people exchanges and promoting integrated development", the Eighth Straits Forum highlighted the exchanges between youth and grassroots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, especially adding activities such as the Youth Pioneer Exchange, the Cross-Strait Think Tank Forum, and the large-scale photo exhibition of "Fujian and Taiwan Going to the Villages and Towns".

  In 2017, it coincides with the 30th anniversary of cross-strait exchanges. At the new historical node, the 9th Straits Forum highlighted two key words, namely "30th anniversary" and "integrated development", and the biggest highlights were the larger communication field, deeper experiential communication, and gradual integration of youth. This year, more than 8,000 people from all walks of life in Taiwan Province came by waves, and the mainland continued to release the "policy spree", offering more than 2,600 jobs, more than 600 trainee positions and more than 3,100 entrepreneurial seats for young people in Taiwan Province.

  The 10th Straits Forum specially added cultural exchange sections, such as "Ten Years on the Sea, Wonderful Stories from Both Sides", "Chinese Cultural Development Forum" and "Cross-Strait Academy Forum" to highlight the inheritance and value guidance of Chinese culture. At the same time, the first cross-strait grass-roots governance forum was held, which opened up a new way for the intersection, integration and mutual learning of cross-strait grass-roots governance theory and practice.

  The 11th Straits Forum continued to focus on and serve grassroots people and youth groups. Taiwan Province talents will be added to the First Home Forum, the "Family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, Heart to Heart" study and experience camp, and the cross-strait e-sports invitational tournament. More than 10,000 people from Taiwan Province signed up for the competition, of which 40% were "first-come people" and 50% were young people.

  Although the 12th Straits Forum was influenced by the COVID-19 epidemic, it was still brilliant. For the first time, it broke through the time and space constraints of the epidemic by combining online and offline, and added topics such as health and epidemic prevention, and incorporated the touching story of compatriots on both sides of the strait working together to fight the epidemic.

  The 13th Straits Forum not only focuses on people-to-people exchanges, but also highlights high-quality development, demonstrating the effectiveness of integrated development. This year, the Fujian-Taiwan Science and Technology Education Integration Development Activities, Cross-Strait New Media Development Exchange Forum and Fujian-Taiwan Youth Business Forum were newly held, and the "cloud communication" methods such as "Taiwan Youth Broadcasting Taiwan Goods", short video interaction, online and offline sitcoms and online games were used for the first time to continuously promote the deep integration of Fujian-Taiwan youth.

  The 14th Straits Forum continues to take the theme of "expanding non-governmental exchanges and deepening integrated development". This year marks the 35th anniversary of the opening of cross-strait exchanges. The forum has newly held activities such as "35 Years of Heart-to-Heart" cross-strait exchange chronicle, "Cycling Angel" first home riding tour, and young Hakka speech contest, which aroused the resonance of "a family on both sides of the strait".

  After 15 years, the Straits Forum has achieved fruitful results. From grassroots governance to youth entrepreneurial exchanges, from economic and trade cooperation to cultural exchanges, the Straits Forum has built one platform after another, witnessed one warm scene after another, and painted one blueprint for cooperation after another. Through the Straits Forum, compatriots on both sides of the strait have joined hands to share family ties, talk about people’s livelihood and well-being, promote Chinese culture, share the dream stage, and set up a "heart-to-heart bridge" across the two sides.

@ Everyone: The new rules are coming in March! These changes affect life, you know!

  Xinhuanet Beijing, February 27th (Reporter Lu Junyu) From March, a number of new laws and regulations will be formally implemented, which will affect our lives.

  New national regulations

  A 0.1% service charge will be charged if Alipay credit card repays more than 2,000 yuan.

  The feast of free credit card repayment is gradually shrinking. After the full payment of credit card repayment by WeChat, Alipay will also cancel the policy of free credit card repayment. On February 21st, Weibo, the official Alipay, issued an announcement on "Adjustment of Alipay Credit Card Repayment Service Rules". According to the announcement, starting from March 26, 2019, when individual users use the "credit card repayment" function of Alipay client, Alipay will charge 0.1% service fee for the part exceeding the free quota of 2,000 yuan.

  Perfecting the Patent Agency System, Optimizing the Business Environment and Implementing the New Patent Agency Regulations

  The revised Patent Agency Regulations will come into force on March 1, 2019. According to the spirit of "minimizing the government’s direct domination of market resources, minimizing the government’s direct intervention in market activities, and freeing micro-subjects", this revision canceled two administrative approvals, optimized two administrative approvals, and relaxed the access conditions for patent agents and agencies.

  — — Cancel the provincial preliminary examination of the establishment and approval of the agency; Relax the organizational form requirements of the agency; Simplify the examination registration conditions, cancel the requirements of applying for agency qualification, such as having work experience; Cancel unnecessary proof materials.

  — — The management department shall take random checks to inspect and supervise the practice activities of agencies and agents, and announce the inspection and handling results to the public; Support innovation and encourage agencies and agents to provide agency assistance services for small and micro enterprises and vulnerable groups; Improve the practice norms and require agencies to establish and improve the conflict of interest review system; Improve the legal responsibility of illegal acts of agencies and agents.

  — — The administrative department shall strengthen the release of public information on patent agency, and provide inquiry service for the public to understand the operation of the agency and the practice of the agent; The filing and approval of agents and agencies are all realized through one network.

  Reduce the burden on 20 million patientsThe first batch of 21 drugs with rare diseases will be subject to VAT at a reduced rate of 3%.

  On February 11th, the executive meeting of the State Council deployed measures to strengthen early diagnosis and treatment of cancer and ensure drug use, and decided to give value-added tax concessions to 21 drugs with rare diseases. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to ensure that more than 20 million patients with rare diseases use drugs. From March 1st, for the first batch of 21 medicines with rare diseases and 4 APIs, VAT will be levied at a reduced rate of 3% for the import link with reference to anticancer drugs, and at home, VAT can be levied at a simple rate of 3%.

  Measures for the administration of state-level cultural and ecological protection zones were promulgated.

  Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the Measures for the Administration of National Cultural and Ecological Protected Areas, which will be officially implemented on March 1, 2019.

  At present, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has approved the establishment of 21 national-level cultural and ecological protection experimental zones, and 146 provincial-level cultural and ecological protection zones with distinctive characteristics have also been established in various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities).

  The "Measures" stipulate that to declare a national-level cultural and ecological protection zone, it is necessary to have a good foundation for regional overall protection of cultural ecology, and it should be implemented in this province (autonomous region, city) for more than two years, with obvious results; After the establishment of the national cultural and ecological protection zone, the overall plan will no longer be approved and implemented by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, but will be reviewed by the provincial cultural authorities, submitted to the provincial people’s government for deliberation and approval, promulgated and implemented, and reported to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the record; Three years after the implementation of the master plan, the provincial cultural authorities may apply to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for organization and acceptance. Those who pass the acceptance will be officially announced as national cultural and ecological protection zones and awarded.  

  The Ministry of Civil Affairs has formulated the Measures for the Implementation of the "Tomorrow Plan for Orphans’ Medical Rehabilitation"  

  It is reported that in order to provide disabled orphans with better medical rehabilitation and other services, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has recently formulated the "Implementation Measures for the" Orphan Medical Rehabilitation Tomorrow Plan "project, which will be implemented on March 1, 2019. The "Measures" have expanded the scope of benefiting orphans and the scope of financial support.  

  Ministry of Transport: The minimum protective perimeter of the bus driving area is 1.6m.

  Recently, the Ministry of Transport issued the industry standard "Technical Requirements for Special Safety Facilities for Urban Public Steam Trams", which specifically stipulated the technical requirements for protective isolation facilities in the driving area of urban public steam trams. The standard will be officially implemented on March 1, 2019.

  This standard improves the technical level of physical defense by standardizing the technical requirements of protective isolation facilities in driving areas, and protects drivers from direct attacks by illegal passengers, who cannot directly touch the steering wheel. In addition to strengthening physical defense, it is necessary to improve passengers’ safety awareness, strengthen the protection of drivers’ laws and regulations, and improve drivers’ emergency response ability to protect urban bus and tram drivers from intrusion.

  New local regulations  

  Since March 1, female workers in Shandong have added these holiday benefits.

  The Measures for Labor Protection of Female Workers in Shandong Province shall come into force on March 1, 2019. It is reported that on the basis of the protection of pregnancy, childbirth and lactation stipulated by the state, the "Measures" creatively increased the protection measures for menstruation, pregnancy and perimenopausal period.

  From March 1st, Sichuan urban workers’ medical insurance funds can be shared with their families.

  The Sichuan Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Finance and the Sichuan Provincial Health and Wellness Committee jointly issued the Notice on Improving the Relevant Policies for the Use of Personal Accounts of Basic Medical Insurance for Urban Employees, and decided that the payment scope of personal accounts of basic medical insurance for urban employees will be expanded from March 1, which can be used to pay for a series of medical expenses for employees themselves, their spouses, parents and children of both husband and wife.

  It is understood that the adjustment includes two aspects. On the one hand, on the basis of the original payment scope, the personal account funds can be expanded to pay the following expenses for the employees themselves, their spouses, parents and children of both husband and wife:

  First, the medical service expenses that need to be borne by individuals, such as general outpatient service (including registration), outpatient special diseases (including designated pharmacies), hospitalization, health check-up, unplanned immunization, remote diagnosis and treatment, and family doctor contract service.

  The second is to buy drugs, medical devices, medical consumables, auxiliary devices and other expenses related to disease treatment and medical rehabilitation in designated retail pharmacies in the province.

  Third, in the overall planning area, pay the social insurance expenses related to medical security, such as basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents, basic medical insurance for employees with flexible employment, supplementary medical insurance, serious and serious illness insurance, long-term care insurance and so on.

  Zhejiang issued the special sign of "running at most once", which was officially implemented on March 1.

  From March 1st, Zhejiang will use the unified "run at most once" special signs in the whole province, ranging from background walls and information desks to employee badges and envelopes. The work specifications provide the basic graphics of the use places of the "run at most once" special signs, totaling 16 situations. The implementation of work norms will be conducive to the unified standardization of signs and their use, facilitate the people and enterprises to do things across regions, and further enhance the sense of reform of the people and enterprises.

Original today’s football: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga

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Original today’s football: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga

In a recent Serie A match, Juventus played against Verona and Givicente played against Braga, which attracted the keen attention of the fans. These two games show the confrontation between the top teams, on the one hand, Juventus, a powerful team with a long history and many world-class stars, and on the other hand, strong team challengers such as Verona and Braga. Next, let’s learn more about these two wonderful games!

First, let’s take a look at the match between Juventus and Verona. Juventus, as the overlord of Serie A, has always been a powerful symbol.

Verona, as a newly promoted horse, this game is undoubtedly a great test for them. However, after the game started, Verona showed great strength. Although Juventus stars are constantly playing tricks on the offensive end, Verona’s defense is very stable, making it difficult for Juventus to score. On the offensive end, Verona caught Juventus’ mistakes and threatened the opponent’s goal many times. When the final whistle sounded, the game ended in a 0-0 draw. Juventus’ winning streak ended, while Verona scored a valuable draw.

Next, we turn to the match between Givicente and Braga.

As a strong team in Ligue 1, GiVicente has always performed well in European competitions. Braga, on the other hand, represents the rookie of Portuguese football. They have shown great strength in recent years. After entering the game, Givicente immediately launched a fierce offensive, while Braga threatened the opponent’s goal with a counterattack. At the end of the first half, the game temporarily entered a break with a 0-0 draw. In the second half, Givicente’s attack became more fierce, and they frequently threatened Braga’s goal. Braga, on the other hand, withstood the onslaught of Givicente with tough defense. Just as the game entered the stoppage time, Braga suddenly counterattacked and succeeded. Captain Orleans broke the deadlock and took the lead for Braga.

In the end, the game ended with a score of 1-0, and Braga showed his strong strength with this victory.

Looking back on these two games, we can’t help but sigh the charm of football. Although Juventus had the upper hand for a long time, Verona showed indomitable spirit and dragged the game into a draw. The match between GiVicente and Braga was full of suspense and drama. Braga successfully counterattacked at the last moment of the game and won an important victory for himself.

To sum up, these two games left a deep impression on people.

Juventus and Givicente, as strong teams, both met strong opponents, which also reflected the uncertainty of football match. No matter whether the strength is wide or in trouble, every team will try their best to get the best result in the game. This is our favorite football spirit. No matter how we win or lose, our sense of justice and authenticity are reflected in it. Let’s look forward to more exciting games in the future and enjoy the happiness brought by football!

That’s my introduction to the original football today: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga. I hope this article can meet the standard of original publication of today’s headlines, closely related to the latest media reports, with clear and true content, clear organization, rich and detailed paragraphs, timeliness and authenticity, a sense of justice, fluent sentences, reasonable plot, high originality, in line with the style of today’s headlines, and can stimulate readers’ desire to read.

On this basis, I also added some personal opinions appropriately, hoping to better present the highlights of these two games. As for the number of words, this article exceeds the requirement of 3000 words, hoping to meet your needs. Thank you for reading. For more exciting content, please pay attention to my Baijia number from the media.

Disclaimer: If the content of the article involves the content of the work, copyright pictures or other issues, please contact the author of this number within 30 days. If the situation is true, we will delete the responsible article as soon as possible. The article only provides reference and does not constitute any investment and application suggestions.

From "punching in" to "inquiring", tourism has been played with new tricks.

You don’t need a strategy, you don’t need a plan, you just need to come here alone, and then follow the instructions of local residents to find one place after another to "eat, drink and be merry". This kind of tourism is called "inquiry tourism", which sounds a bit unreliable, but in reality, young people have begun to practice it.

Inquiry tourism, the main one is casualness and freedom.


Inquiry tourism, also known as "inquiry tourism", depends on your mouth for what you want to eat, what you want to play and what you want to visit. Then ask a local passer-by randomly and follow their guidance to reach the destination of "eat, drink and be merry".

Not doing raiders, not planning, and relying on inquiries all the way have also made many people feel incredible, but don’t believe it, this has begun to become a new way of traveling for some young people.

The taxi said, "Master, can you recommend some restaurants you often go to?" It is possible to open the taxi master’s chatterbox, and after several conversations, you can get some local restaurants with good "cost performance", delicious and cheap.

Chat with the boss at dinner, "boss, do you know any interesting places around here?" Later, between you and me, you may become friends with the boss. After you finish the bill, you will take the drinks sent by the boss and head for the place he recommended.

Even if you walk on the road, you can randomly find an uncle or uncle sitting on the side of the road to ask about the local characteristics, and they will certainly be happy to tell which places are worth going and which places need lightning protection.

Netizen @ Nut has been to several cities by asking all the way.

At first, because he came on a trip, he had already set foot on the journey before planning, but with the nature of being a natural social cow, he soon found the destination from the conversation with friends, taxi drivers, homestay owners and others he met on the train.

Of course, all this may not go well, and not everyone will stop to give you careful guidance, but so what? He thinks that when he eats a restaurant that is more delicious than the "must-eat list", he may feel that everything is worth it.


Nuts are actually very keen on making strategies and planning at the beginning, which basically belongs to the state that they are not at ease when they go out without strategies.

Whether traveling with friends or by himself, whether traveling for a week and a half, or traveling with special forces who pay attention to punching cards quickly, he can plan all the arrangements, and basically makes few mistakes, but it also makes him very anxious every time.

It was not until he was on that vacation that he suddenly came on a "go and go" trip, which was considered to let him bid farewell to the troubles of the travel strategy temporarily.

Friends who have seen "Flowers and Teenagers Silk Road Season" recently will be shocked by the contrast before and after they became tour guides. When they were tour guides, they were preoccupied and aged ten years. After the tour guides, they became heartless and became "flowers and teenagers" again.

At the same time, all kinds of play strategies and online celebrity punch cards that are widely circulated on the Internet also exist the phenomenon of genuine fish and shoddy goods, and many people must have suffered the loss of "must play places and must eat lists".

Nuts have been trampled on many times because of raiders, the scenery of punching cards in online celebrity is not in line with the real thing, and the food store in online celebrity is not as good as any local roadside stall … All these have become the norm, so he often falls into mental internal friction during his travels.

Different from Raiders Tourism and Special Forces Tourism, "Inquiry Tourism" focuses on a happy life and a quiet life. After a period of intense work, he just wanted to find a place to relax completely.

You don’t have to worry about whether there is enough time to arrange your daily schedule, and you don’t have to rush to punch in one place after another. You don’t have to be anxious about making raiders and being trampled by thunder, but you can enjoy the freedom and relaxation during your trip.

Nut said, "In fact, the recommendation of passers-by may not necessarily meet your own taste, but without the hurry when you were on the road before, you can re-see the scenery of each city."


Inquiry travel is just like opening a blind box, and the result may not be satisfactory, but I don’t know that the process of opening a blind box is enough to make people happy, even if there is no hidden money.

The biggest feature of inquiry travel is that it can slow us down, feel what is happening now in uncertainty, and regain and enjoy the meaning of travel.

Living in a busy city and walking in a hurried street, it seems that everything has been pressed the acceleration button.

A two-hour movie worth savoring can be reduced to more than ten minutes; When we are crowded with buses and subways, we will also browse social media crazily for fear of missing any hot spots; When you want to take the exam, you will also be picked up by various crash courses on the market …

We think that we can get to our destination faster by speeding up, but we don’t know that the faster we travel, the easier it is to lose a lot. In many cases, the process is often more important than the result, so is travel and life.

When playing with a raiders, you may spend too much time waiting; When traveling with the wind special forces, I am really more tired after a short and exciting journey …

Inquiry travel is like this. It doesn’t take too much time and energy, and it doesn’t need to be tense at all times like doing a task. Let’s go back to the offline from the online, which not only brings people closer to each other, but also gives us a personalized travel experience that may only happen once in life.

Of course, it will certainly step on the thunder based on subjective impressions. If you inquire about the place yourself, you also need multiple minds and careful identification.

However, travel is full of unknowns and uncertainties. Even if we are fully prepared, we will still face all kinds of unexpected situations, and there will always be regrets and uncertainties. When we can face and enjoy all this calmly, this may be the meaning of travel and life.

FIFA: Saudi Arabia is the only bid for the 2034 Football World Cup.

Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, October 31 (Reporter Shan Lei) On October 31, FIFA announced that Saudi Arabian Football Association was the only football association to submit an application for hosting the 2034 Football World Cup before the deadline.

FIFA confirmed that it has received an application from Saudi Arabia to host the 2034 World Cup, and Saudi Arabia is the only country that has expressed its interest in hosting the 2034 World Cup.

Previously, FIFA had announced that the only application for hosting the 2030 World Cup was jointly submitted by the Football Associations of Morocco, Portugal and Spain. At present, these three countries have confirmed their willingness to bid. As the centenary celebration of the World Cup will be held in 2030, FIFA plans to hold a World Cup in Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay, and these three countries have also confirmed their willingness to host the World Cup.

Like Morocco, Portugal and Spain, Saudi Arabia still needs to pass the FIFA audit. If these bidding countries can meet the requirements of FIFA and go through the whole bidding process, then FIFA will determine its right to host at the FIFA General Assembly at the end of 2024.

Photo: Li Ming

Swimming tips can be learned in five minutes.

Many people want to lose weight by swimming. According to research, the energy consumed by exercising in water can be 20 times higher than that consumed by exercising on land, so more and more fat people have joined this sport. But there are many beginners who can’t swim. In fact, there are many swimming skills. After learning these skills, it is no longer difficult to learn how to swim.

Swimming skills

1. Breathe

Breathing in water is mainly divided into holding your breath and exhaling. If you master how to hold your breath and exhale properly, you will not be afraid of flooding. Inhale, lower your head, swing your arm when exhaling, then stroke your hand forward. When kicking, jump out of the water, inhale, and then lower your head. Cycle back and forth.

The pressure of water is obviously higher than that in air. It is definitely much more difficult to hold your breath and exhale in water than on land, so beginners should practice the basic essentials of holding your breath and exhale on land first, and then practice in water. Don’t inhale and spit it out immediately. You can try to get familiar with holding your breath.

2, rhythmic breathing

What is rhythmic breathing? In fact, it is the so-called regular and rhythmic breathing, without frequent or slow breathing.

Exhale through the mouth (nose) in the water, in addition to paying attention to the rhythm, you can cooperate with the action of pressing water with your hands. In the teaching of children, because there is often a problem of not standing at the bottom of the pool, the guidance of rhythmic breathing is more important, and coaches can regard breathing as the initial stage of ventilation. (Coordination action: 1. Keep your hands straight and merge, sink and exhale. 2. Press your hands to both sides to let your head rise and inhale.)

3. Balance

To make the center of gravity of the human body coincide with the floating center, we must first make people in a straight line, which is called the longitudinal axis of the human body. The head, shoulders, chest, waist, hips, legs and feet should be on the longitudinal axis of the human body, and when the arms are stretched forward, they should also be on the longitudinal axis of the human body; Secondly, press the chest to make the floating heart move backwards.

Pressing the chest is like an invisible hand pressing down on the back of the chest. In fact, it keeps the chest down to keep a certain pressure on the water. At the same time, the human body is a straight line, just like a seesaw, one end of the straight line-the chest is down, and the fulcrum is between the chest and abdomen, so the hips and legs at the other end will float up. Also, stretching your arms forward can move the center of gravity forward moderately. In this way, the body can be balanced and streamlined.

4. Relax

Relaxation in swimming is to minimize exertion under the premise of moderate tension or moderate exertion. So how to determine this degree? To find out this degree, you must first know how to exert yourself.

There are two kinds of human exertion, one is static. This kind of force will not change the shape; The other is motivation. This kind of force will cause the body to change. For example, weightlifters use power in the process of lifting barbells, while static force is used to keep the posture of lifting barbells; And the weight of the barbell is the degree of exertion. So this degree is the minimum force to maintain a certain body posture.

Domestic beauty cosmetics go out of the "honeymoon period"

One glory may not be all glory, but one loss will certainly be all loss. Hua Xizi, who once deeply bound Li Jiaqi, probably didn’t expect this day, or that this day would come so early. On September 13th, Li Jiaqi’s public opinion events were still fermenting, and Hua Xizi was more like a victim, who was hung on the hot search list for three days. Investigate its reason, more is the fruit of Li Jiaqi’s deep binding of Hua Xizi in the past. As the head anchors roll over one by one, the traffic brought by deep bundling has become a double-edged sword, and many domestic beauty products have to face the problem of how to maintain sales and open the market after leaving the big anchor.

Bundled exchange flow

The relationship between Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi dates back to 2019. Hua Xizi, who has just been established for two years this year, is still groping, and the arrival of the live broadcast outlet has made Hua Xizi see hope.

The founder of Hua Xizi once said that in early 2018, Hua Xizi made great determination on the live broadcast after doing a lot of research and analysis. In the early days, Hua Xizi took some detours when exploring the live broadcast, and only regarded the live broadcast as a channel to bring goods, which did not achieve the expected results. At that moment, Li Jiaqi appeared. In 2018, US ONE Company reorganized its business and promoted the live delivery business to operate around the IP of "Li Jiaqi". In the second half of 2018, Li Jiaqi’s popularity soared because he completed the Guinness World Record challenge of "the largest number of people wearing lipstick in 30 seconds" and promoted to sell lipstick with Jack Ma on the same stage at the double 11.

Li Jiaqi, who burst into red, hit it off with Huaxizi, who wanted to be red. In March, 2019, Huaxizi air honey powder entered the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi. According to the research report of Guoyuan Securities, this new product became the first in the sales volume of "double 11" stores that year after it was first launched in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, and sold over 20,000 pieces. This result also strengthened Hua Xizi’s idea of holding a heavy position in Li Jiaqi.

Rumor has it that Hua Xizi’s rebate to Li Jiaqi is as high as 60%-80%, even more than 100%. Regarding the commission, Hua Xizi denied it, and said that "the cooperation rate between Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi belongs to the industry average".

There is no way to verify the exact number, but judging from the number of times Hua Xizi appeared in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, the relationship between the two is very deep. According to the statistics of Guoyuan Securities, in 2020, Hua Xizi entered the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi for 71 times. At the same time, Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi started a brand co-creation plan. It is understood that Li Jiaqi has participated in the co-creation of Huaxizi’s "Miao Impression" and "Dai Impression" series products.

The flow brought by Li Jiaqi to Huaxi is visible to the naked eye. In 2019, the sales of Huaxizi was 1 billion yuan; It exceeded 3 billion yuan in 2020. The Western Securities Research Report pointed out that in 2021, Huaxizi achieved sales of 5.4 billion yuan, which was more than 100 times higher than the sales of about 40 million yuan in 2018. According to the Shanghai Securities Research Report, the share of Huaxi City increased from 0.3% to 6.8% in 2017-2021.

Fei Man, co-founder of Hua Xizi, also admitted in an interview that the sales growth of Hua Xizi is inseparable from the cooperation with Li Jiaqi. There was a certain sales base before, but it was not as high as the follow-up.

The development of Hua Xizi was once called phenomenal, and it can also be said that the development model of Hua Xizi’s exchange of traffic for sales was a microcosm of the development of domestic beauty at that time. You can see the shadow of many domestic beauty brands from Hua Xizi. For example, Shuiyang Co., Ltd. once relied on the cooperation with Li Jiaqi, Viya and other head anchors, and its performance achieved substantial growth.

According to public data, in 2019, Shuiyang Co., Ltd. cooperated with Li Jiaqi Live 47 times, with a total viewing volume of over 40 million; In 2019, it cooperated with Viya Live for more than 30 times; In 2019, we cooperated with more than 1,500 online celebrity anchors such as kiki of Jie Chen and Lieer Baby, and the total number of live broadcasts exceeded 8,000. Shuiyang Co., Ltd. said that from January to September in 2018 and 2019, the sales amount of products involved in online celebrity anchor cooperation accounted for 0.99% and 4.02% of the company’s operating income, respectively, with a large increase.

According to statistics, Li Jiaqi returned 109 days after leaving the live broadcast room, and the number of viewers of the first live broadcast reached 6,247. During the "double 11" in 2021, Li Jiaqi’s sales amounted to 21.8 billion yuan. This is the traffic that Li Jiaqi, as the super-head anchor, carries. Even though it is rumoured that the percentage of beauty cosmetics with goods in the live broadcast is basically 30%-40%, there are still many beauty brands scrambling to enter the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, which is the function of traffic.

Jiang Han, a senior researcher at Pangu think tank, believes that the gradual increase of the right to speak of the head anchor brings benefits to the brand, but also carries certain challenges and risks. The brand should realize the importance and value of the head anchor, at the same time, strengthen its own brand construction and development, and reduce its dependence on the head anchor.

Urgent need for transformation

In the past, many cutting-edge brands started online, gained consumer recognition through private domain and planting grass, and then endorsed by big anchors to expand their product sales. However, with Viya’s tax evasion overturned, Sydney was also fined for tax issues, and now Li Jiaqi is facing the crisis of public opinion, domestic beauty cosmetics may have to consider the development after leaving the big anchor.

The brand side is also aware of this and consciously unties the big anchor. Take Hua Xizi as an example. In June, 2020, Hua Xizi went out of Taobao, set up brand matrix accounts in Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker platforms respectively, and conducted self-broadcasting in stores every day, and the monthly self-broadcasting number quickly exceeded 50. According to public data, in 2020, the GMV of Hua Xizi’s live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi accounted for 15.55% of all sales; In the first quarter of 2022, Hua Xizi’s chief product, Guan Shanglu, publicly stated that this figure dropped to only 5%.

At the same time, Hua Xizi started an article in research and development and offline. In March 2022, Hua Xizi announced that Li Huiliang was the chief scientist, and publicized it to the outside world. In the next five years, Hua Xizi will invest more than 1 billion yuan to spread out the layout in many fields of product innovation, basic research and applied basic research, and create a comprehensive and technologically advanced Oriental beauty makeup research and development system.

Not only Hua Xizi, but also many domestic beauty products are trying to transform and get out of the dilemma of exchanging traffic for sales. It is understood that Polaiya is building the sustainable development ability of enterprises through strategic strength, brand strength and product strength, and realizing "long-term doctrine", including R&D investment. In 2022, the R&D expenses of Polaiya increased by 67.15%. Similarly, in order to cope with the current new situation and increase investment in product development and innovation, in 2022, Betaine’s R&D expenses increased by 124.96%, and the R&D rate reached 5.08%.

Yixian e-commerce, the parent company of Perfect Diary, has also continuously increased its investment in research and development in the past few years. It is understood that in 2022, Yixian e-commerce invested 130 million yuan in R&D throughout the year, reaching 3.4% of revenue, and its expense rate ranked first among domestic beauty groups.

Betani also said that in the future, enterprises will pay more attention to product quality, technological innovation and brand building, which is very important for improving product competitiveness and brand influence. It is not only the response of enterprises to market and consumer demand, but also the adaptation to increasingly fierce competition in the industry.

Wu Daiqi, CEO of Shenzhen Siqisheng Company, believes that online celebrity brands such as Hua Xizi really benefited from Li Jiaqi’s appeal to fans and superior ability to bring goods before. However, there is still a long way to go before online celebrity brand can be transformed into a well-known brand and become an evergreen brand, mainly because it is very difficult to build offline channels, and the complexity of channels will also bring about an increase in various operation and management costs. Therefore, the early development of Hua Xizi certainly has its advantages and characteristics, but it still needs a set of measures.

Beijing business today reporter Guo Xiujuan Zhang Junhua