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Doing "Five Great Articles" of Finance Well and Serving the Overall Situation of Chinese Modernization

CCTV News:The annual meeting of 2023 Financial Street Forum was held in Beijing today (November 8). At the annual meeting, China Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission said that risk prevention is the main goal of strengthening supervision, and strengthening supervision is an effective way to prevent risks, both of which are important guarantees for achieving high-quality development.

According to the development law of capital market and the supervision practice in recent years, China and Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission summarized the causes of capital market risks into five aspects: excessive leverage or even out of control, imbalance between innovation and supervision, fraud, breach of trust and absence of main responsibility. He pointed out that it is the first duty and statutory duty of the CSRC to strengthen the supervision of the capital market, safeguard the "three public" order of the market and the legitimate rights and interests of investors, and prevent and resolve financial risks.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission:We adhere to the regulatory philosophy of "respecting the market, respecting the rule of law, respecting the profession, respecting risks, and giving full play to the joint efforts of all parties", adhere to the main responsibility of supervision, and pay attention to the following principles: First, adhere to the principle of "managing only when you can see clearly" to promote innovation under the premise of prudent supervision. The second is to guard against excessive leverage and gradually reduce the scale and level of leveraged funds to a reasonable range. Third, "zero tolerance" has cracked down on all kinds of chaos and reversed the long-standing situation that the illegal cost of securities is too low. The fourth is to adhere to the blade inward and self-revolution.

The reform of the registration system is by no means deregulation.

Regarding the reform of the registration system, China Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission said that the reform of the registration system is by no means a relaxation of supervision, but a better combination of an effective market and a promising government.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission:After the implementation of the (registration system) reform, supervision has become stricter, and the most prominent performance is the improvement of transparency. This promotion comes from the openness of the whole process of audit and registration, accepting the supervision of the whole society, and from the supervision covering the whole chain before and after the event, which urges enterprises to fully disclose information and compact the responsibility of intermediary agencies as "gatekeepers". Through reform, the basic system of capital market is comprehensively strengthened, especially the level of rule of law is further improved.

Yi Huiman said that in the next step, we will continue to promote the stock issuance registration system.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission:Dynamically evaluate and optimize institutional arrangements such as pricing, reduction and refinancing. At the same time, we will vigorously promote the reform of the investment side, promote the implementation of various supporting policies for medium and long-term capital entering the market, accelerate the cultivation of "smart funds" in China, promote the strengthening of industry institutions, effectively enhance professional investment capabilities and market leadership, and take our own path.

Yi Huiman said that the healthy development of the real economy is the foundation for the smooth operation of the capital market. The CSRC will adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the real economy, and focus on doing the "five major articles" on technology and finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance, so as to give full play to the hub function of the capital market and serve the overall situation of Chinese modernization more effectively.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony’s "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

Fast Technology reported on January 10th that Sony Pictures’ Marvel Comics new film "Mrs Spider: Super Awakening" released a brand-new Taiwanese poster, and all the leading members appeared.

Mrs Spider, played by Dakota Johnson, joined hands with three spider women to unveil the dressing style.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

The movie "Mrs Spider: Super Awakening" will be released in North America, China and Hongkong on February 14th, 2024, but the mainland has not yet set a file.

This is Sony’s first super-English film featuring women in Marvel Comics’s character universe, directed by S·J· Clarkson and written by Matt Sazama & Burk Sharpless.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

Dakota Johnson (fifty shades of grey), Sydney sweeney (Excitement), Isabella Merced (Transformers 5), celeste O ‘Connor (The Expendables), tahar rahim, Emma Roberts, adam scott, Zosia Mamet, etc.

The movie "Mrs Spider: Super Sensual Awakening" focuses on Dakota Johnson. Originally, she was a medical worker, and she unexpectedly awakened her super powers in a rescue operation, so she could predict the future.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

Later, I met three women in one crisis after another, and their fates were inextricably linked like cobwebs.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

New progress in financial opening-up: the second overseas bank card clearing institution was approved for opening.

  The financial industry has made progress in opening up to the outside world, and the second overseas bank card clearing institution has entered the domestic market.

  On November 19th, official website, the central bank, reported that the People’s Bank of China, together with the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, examined and approved the application for opening a bank card clearing institution submitted by "Everything Network Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd." (hereinafter referred to as "Everything Network Company") in accordance with the the State Council Decision on Implementing Access Management of Bank Card Clearing Institutions and the Measures for the Administration of Bank Card Clearing Institutions. On November 17th, 2023, the People’s Bank of China issued a bank card clearing business license to Wanshiwanglian Company.

  Wanshi Netlink Company is a joint venture established by MasterCard and Netlink Clearing Co., Ltd. in China. After obtaining the administrative license, Wanshiwanglian Company can authorize its member institutions to issue and accept RMB bank cards of MasterCard brand in China.

  It is worth noting that this is the third bank card clearing institution in China after China UnionPay and China Unicom, and it is also the second Sino-foreign joint venture bank card clearing institution (China Unicom is a joint venture between American Express and China).

  All things network obtained administrative permission.

  According to public information, as the main body of MasterCard and Netlink Technology Co., Ltd.’ s bank card clearing institution preparation application, Wanshi Netlink Company is a joint venture company initiated by MasterCard Company in China, and as the market main body, it applies for preparing bank card clearing institution and operating MasterCard brand.

  According to Tianyancha, Wanshiwanglian Company was incorporated on March 6, 2019 with a registered capital of 1 billion yuan. MasterCard Asia/Pacific PTE. Ltd. (MasterCard Asia Pacific), Netlink Technology Co., Ltd. and MasterCard International Incorporated jointly contributed 500 million yuan, 490 million yuan and 100 million yuan respectively, accounting for 50%, 49% and 1% of the registered capital respectively.

  The legal representative and chairman of Everything Network Company are Ling Hai, who is the co-president of MasterCard Asia Pacific; Dong Junfeng, the director and vice chairman of Everything Network, is currently the president of Network Clearing Co., Ltd.

  Industry experts told reporters that MasterCard is the second largest bank card clearing institution in the United States, and approving its entry into China’s market is a concrete measure to implement the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting high-level opening up, which fully demonstrates China’s determination to expand opening up. So far, China has approved American Express and MasterCard, two overseas bank card clearing institutions, to enter the domestic market, which is conducive to building an effective competitive, reasonable and stable bank card clearing market structure, deepening the supply-side structural reform of the payment industry, and better serving the real economy and people’s livelihood.

  The bank card clearing business involves the calculation of creditor’s rights and debts and the arrangement of fund settlement among the subjects of the bank card business, which is related to the rights and interests of the public, enterprises and institutions.

  The reporter learned that the People’s Bank of China is further improving the relevant management system of bank card clearing institutions, strengthening the whole process supervision and penetrating supervision, and maintaining the safe and stable operation of China’s payment system.

  The central bank said that in the next step, the People’s Bank of China will continue to follow the principles of openness, fairness and justice, promote the market access of bank card clearing in an orderly manner according to law, make overall plans for development and safety, continuously improve the supervision mechanism of bank card clearing institutions, and promote the high-quality development of the payment industry.

  Steadily promote the access of foreign bank card clearing institutions

  In 1980s, foreign bank card clearing institutions began to provide foreign currency bank card related services to domestic entities, such as authorizing domestic commercial banks to issue foreign currency bank cards.

  In 2015, the State Council issued the Decision on Implementing Access Management of Bank Card Clearing Institutions (Guo Fa [2015] No.22), which clearly stated that China’s bank card clearing market should be opened, and foreign bank card clearing institutions can provide RMB bank card related services by setting up commercial entities in China with the approval of the People’s Bank of China and the former CBRC.

  In 2016, the People’s Bank of China, together with the former China Banking Regulatory Commission, issued the Measures for the Administration of Bank Card Clearing Institutions (Order No.2 of the China Banking Regulatory Commission of the People’s Bank of China [2016]), which set the same standards for foreign and domestic bank card clearing institutions in terms of establishment conditions, procedures and business management, fully embodying the principles of opening wider to the outside world and maintaining fair competition in the market.

  Subsequently, in order to promote the standardization, standardization and convenience of administrative licensing of bank card clearing institutions and improve the transparency of administrative licensing, in 2017, the People’s Bank of China studied, formulated and publicly released the Service Guide for the Approval of Bank Card Clearing Institutions, which detailed the application materials requirements for administrative licensing matters such as the preparation, opening and major changes of bank card clearing institutions, and clarified the specific procedures for bank card clearing institutions to apply for licenses.

  After that, the People’s Bank of China closely followed the new situation and situation of the opening of the bank card clearing market, and based on the regulatory practice and market demand, revised and updated the Service Guide for the Entry and Approval of Bank Card Clearing Institutions in 2020, streamlined the requirements of application materials, optimized the entry and approval process, and better facilitated the bank card clearing institutions to handle administrative licensing matters.

  In recent years, the People’s Bank of China has resolutely implemented the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and steadily promoted the access of foreign bank card clearing institutions.

  In June 2020, the People’s Bank of China and the former China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission approved the application for opening a bank card clearing institution submitted by Unicom (Hangzhou) Technical Service Co., Ltd. (a joint venture company established by American Express in China), and issued a bank card clearing business license to it. In August 2020, Connectivity Company officially opened.

  According to the central bank, China is committed to high-level opening-up, and MasterCard’s exhibition in China market is a new progress in China’s financial opening-up. China will continue to optimize the business environment and provide greater convenience for foreign financial institutions to develop their businesses in China. American-funded financial institutions are welcome to expand their business presence in China, share the fruits of China’s economic development and make contributions to deepening Sino-US financial cooperation.

Shandong Experimental Kindergarten: Celebrating New Year’s Day and Visiting the Garden.

On the occasion of New Year’s Day, Shandong Experimental Kindergarten held a garden activity in 2024, "Longteng brings forth new ideas, and’ Temple’ is unspeakable".
Amid the children’s laughter and songs, the lively and prosperous garden activities are on fire. Turn to "dumplings" to meet love, fish jump in the dragon gate, sprout dragons and break through the customs, as well as fantasy magic show, scented tea DIY… delicious and fun.
With expectation and joy, the children happily visited temple fairs and celebrated the New Year together, feeling the charm of traditional culture and the happiness of growing up in a warm festive atmosphere.
Public news client Zhao Guolu correspondent Sun Yu

After studying more than 10 thousand data, we found these secrets of Beijing nightlife

In summer, there is no shortage of excitement, and there are endless business opportunities behind the excitement. Crayfish, barbecue, drinking beer … There is no shortage of sports events in this midsummer. Before the European Cup, the Olympic Games are in full swing. Sports fans all over the world have ushered in a summer carnival, and watching the games at night has further stimulated the night consumption of the city.
According to the data of a head take-out platform, since the beginning of the European Cup, the national night take-out orders have soared. Taking Beijing as an example, from June 12 to June 30, the order volume of supper increased by nearly 10% compared with the same period in May. Moreover, more than 5,000 businesses have extended their business hours for fans.
From June 12 to 30, barbecue, fried chicken and crayfish became the top three take-away categories in Beijing. Among them, the sales of crayfish increased by nearly 70% compared with the same period in May. At the same time, during the game, the sales of cold beer at night increased sharply, selling about 500 thousand bottles every day.
In addition to take-away consumption, many music restaurants and bars have also made great efforts to launch different types of special drinks for the European Cup and Olympic packages for fans and friends. While eating delicious food, watching the game, brothers drinking together and chatting about the ball game have become the standard posture for many fans to watch the ball.
Japanese steak, beer barbecue, Midnight Food Store … How to eat, how to see is the most interesting? What kind of midnight snack is the most popular in Beijing? Where are the snack bars most distributed? Where are the restaurants and bars with the strongest atmosphere and the highest cost performance?
Today, we will follow the data to explore.
Chaoyang bar number NO ·1
Haidian has the most snacks in the city.
During the European Cup, it is estimated that the owners of all kinds of midnight snacks and bars are more concerned about the events than the fans and friends. After all, a game is a business, the players play well, the fans are in a good mood and their appetite is wide open, and the sales of barbecue beer may be even more popular.
Midnight snack is a product derived from the continuous development of urban population. Nowadays, more and more people follow the "will" of their stomachs in the process of "brushing the night", looking for midnight snack, supplementing energy and relaxing during eating.
Although the data can’t cover all the number of midnight snacks and bars in Beijing, it can still reflect the general trend.
On the whole, both midnight snack and bar are characterized by dense in the east and sparse in the west. There are many business districts in Chaoyang and Dongcheng, and the density of snack and bars is high. However, from the distribution of shops, Haidian has a large number of midnight snack shops, mainly concentrated near Wudaokou.
(▲ Figure/Wudaokou subway station intersection. Intern Qi Jiyuan for the picture)
Haidian, with a large number of colleges and universities and many internet enterprises, has a unique cultural atmosphere and a large and diverse consumer group. Wudaokou is one of the most representative business districts in Haidian. The midnight snack here satisfies the stomachs of countless college students and late-night farmers.
Guijie in Dongcheng, Sanlitun in Chaoyang, and Wudaokou in Haidian are all business districts where midnight snack is concentrated, but when it comes to the specific number of shops, the midnight snack shops near Huilongguan really rank first.
Huilongguan not only has Tiantongyuan, which is known as the largest community in Asia, but also is a gathering place for employees of numerous large factories. In countless nights, a midnight snack may be the greatest comfort for thousands of young North drifters who pursue their dreams when they work overtime late at night.
Speaking of bars, Dongcheng, which owns Houhai Street, can only admit defeat in front of Chaoyang. Sanlitun, Gongti, Wangjing, and the number of bars in any business circle are very good.
A city is like a machine that works day and night. It is busy and prosperous during the day, and it will become full of vitality when night falls. Sanlitun and Gongti are the most vital representatives.
Judging from the number of bars, there are 113 bars near Sanlitun, which can be described as unique. There are many embassies from all over the world. On the one hand, there are large-scale businesses, on the other hand, there are exotic shops, and different types of bars attract countless young men and women to gather here. Whether watching football matches or drinking and chatting, you can always find the one that suits you, such as Qing Bar, livehouse and izakaya.
chafing dish
The largest number of snack types
The consumption environment is also quite different with different consumption prices. Whether it is a snack or a bar, the per capita consumption in Chaoyang is high.
It can be seen that the median per capita consumption of snack bars and bars in Chaoyang District is higher than that in other districts, and the density of scattered spots near 300 yuan is higher than that in other districts, which fully shows that there are many types of snack bars and bars in Chaoyang District, and the overall consumption price is relatively high. The span of consumption interval is high, which means more selectivity and high bar consumption elasticity.
In order to maintain the observability of the data map, we only keep the sample points with per capita consumption within 0-300 yuan. In fact, the per capita prices of bars and snack bars are far more than this range.
Taking midnight snack as an example, Haidian has the largest number, but Chaoyang has the highest average price, especially the midnight snack near Liangmaqiao, where the per capita consumption exceeds that of 300 yuan, making it the highest in the region. In this area, large business companies are dense, financial companies are developed, per capita consumption level is high, and high-income consumers pay more attention to the dining environment, so the per capita snack cost in this area will be high.
Why are there so many differences in the average midnight snack prices in different regions? It depends on what all regions like to eat at night.
Hot pot is really YYDS! Whether it is Chaoyang, Haidian, Fengtai, Changping and Dongxicheng, or Fangshan, Huairou, Pinggu and other distant areas, the number of hot pot shops is the largest. Compared with exquisite western food and elegant Japanese food, hot pot can be said to be an approachable catalyst in social interaction, which is extremely inclusive. In the snack shops in Haidian District, 99 hot pots have become the most in all districts.
Eat hot pot every festive season, if it cools down, friends will want to eat hot pot, if they are lovelorn, they will want to eat hot pot, and if they are in love, they will also want to eat hot pot … Just as the netizen quipped: Nothing can’t be solved by one hot pot meal, if there is, then two meals.
According to the Insight Report on Hot Pot Consumption Behavior of College Students in the North, Guangzhou and Shenzhen released by a consulting organization, 71.4% of college students eat hot pot at least once a week, which is highly loyal to the hot pot category. They love the delicacy of hot pot, and they also think that eating hot pot is an important way to pursue leisure and relax and cultivate the feelings of their peers, which can easily break the cognitive barriers caused by time and region.
(▲ source IC photo)
Although the number of hot pots is the largest in all regions, it is slightly different in detail. In Chaoyang, besides hot pot, the most popular thing is probably barbecue. In Dongcheng, where many old Beijingers gather, people prefer to rinse meat. In Shunyi and Pinggu, which are far away from the main city, besides hot pot, there are more likely to be midnight snacks with local characteristics such as farmer’s pot-stewed and reservoir fish.
According to the data of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics, in 2019, the income from the above-designated accommodation and catering industry in Chaoyang District was 25.1 billion yuan, the highest among all districts. According to the snack grabbed and the per capita consumption distribution of bars, among the TOP50 stores, 23 snack bars in Chaoyang District and 38 bars were shortlisted.
From the perspective of Beijing’s urban planning, business districts are scattered, with Zhongguancun and Wudaokou in Haidian, Huilongguan in the north and Nanluoguxiang and Shichahai in the middle … But as far as bars and midnight snacks are concerned, the per capita consumption of Wangjing, International Trade CBD, Sanlitun and Gongti is higher than that of other places.
By the way, friends in Haidian are really low-key. A cup of mojito may need 100 yuan in Sanlitun, but it may only need 35 yuan to win it in Wudaokou.
The consumption evaluation of workers’ sports bars is the most.
Whether you like it or not, a large number of bars and various types of work sports will be a must on the wish list of young people.
For Beijing, a city with its own literary flavor, Nanluoguxiang and Qianmen Dashilan are naturally the best windows to show its style. The bars in Nanluoguxiang/Gulou East Street are not dominant in number, but there are still many young artists who are willing to sit here and feel the Beijing culture, and feel the fireworks atmosphere of petty bourgeoisie and temperament with their friends.
After the renovation, Qianmen Dashilan, Guijie and Sanlitun together form a night economic gathering circle with Beijing characteristics, and the distinctive Hutong Bar has gradually become the punching place of online celebrity on many social platforms.
At present, urban development emphasizes night economy, whether it is a bar or a midnight snack, it is an important indicator to measure the level of urban nightlife. Behind food, lights, alcohol and music, there is a pile of vitality at night and the release of urban personality.
In summer nights, a group of people put down their fatigue after changing their suits and ties, or gathered in hot pot restaurants and barbecue stalls full of Jianghu atmosphere to berate Fang Qiu for chatting, or gathered in bars with strong atmosphere to pour out their hearts and drink heartily, which reflected the character of the city and made it more youthful.
Data capture intern Zhang Ziheng
Data analysis Chen Hualuo, intern Qi Jiyuan
New Media Design Xu Xiao
Dynamic effect design Li Yazhen
Proofread Zhai Yongjun

The decisive battle, the "third big battle" of military reform started.

Looking back on the glorious course of the people’s army, we can see that the three major battles of Liaoshen, Huaihai and Pingjin in the War of Liberation swept away thousands of troops, which determined the future and destiny of China. Decades later, our army launched the "three major battles" to deepen national defense and military reform. At present, the reform of the leadership and command system, the scale structure and the strength formation have been basically completed, and the "third big battle" of the military policy system reform has been launched. This great change that determines the future of our army is taking decisive steps towards the goal of comprehensive victory.
How to understand the military policy system must be adjusted according to the conditions of the times.
The military policy system regulates military relations, regulates military practice and guarantees military development, which is of fundamental, overall and fundamental significance to national defense and army building. Any military policy system is the product of the times and must be constantly adjusted and improved with the changes of the conditions of the times.
Nowadays, the new military revolution in the world is developing rapidly and the international military competition is fierce. One of the most important aspects is the military policy system. The United States, Russia and other countries have taken many measures in this regard. Various services in the United States have successively issued strategic guidance documents based on wars and conflicts in big countries, and the newly announced fiscal year 2020 budget proposes to raise the salary of military personnel by 3.1%. Russia has continuously promoted and optimized the military housing security system, established a special fund for military housing, improved the quality and service level of military medical security, expanded the scope of recuperation and reformed the military service system. A hundred battles struggle, and those who struggle first. We must grasp the trend of world military development, consolidate and develop the advantages of China’s military policy system, and grasp the initiative of military competition and war.
Our party has always attached importance to the military policy system. In each historical period of revolution, construction and reform, our party has constantly adjusted and improved the military policy system according to the development and changes of the situation, the historical mission of the party, the responsibilities and tasks undertaken by the people’s army, and the characteristics, laws and practical requirements of building and managing the army, providing an important guarantee for the people’s army to maintain its nature and purpose forever, improve its ability to win, and constantly move from victory to victory. However, it should also be noted that most of China’s current military policy systems were formed more than a decade or even decades ago. Although they have been constantly adjusted in recent years, the deep-seated contradictions and problems such as underdeveloped concepts, unclear guidance, incomplete systems, and lack of military and civilian connection have not been fundamentally solved, and they have not adapted to the requirements of the development of the situation and tasks.
Why must the reform of military policy system fit in with the new system?
Any successful military reform must rebuild the "soft mechanism" such as policy system while building a "hard system". System reform and policy system reform are integrated and inseparable with each other. This national defense and military reform has taken the lead in carrying out the reform of the leadership and command system, breaking the long-standing headquarters system, the military region system and the continental army system, forming a new pattern of the military commission in charge of the general, the main battle in the theater and the main construction of the military service, and realizing the historic change of our military organizational structure. We will push forward the reform of scale structure and strength formation, change the long-term land-based and homeland-defense strength structure and strength distribution, and realize the revolutionary reshaping of our military strength system. Through these reforms, the shaping of the "hard system" has been basically completed, and the people’s army has a new system, a new structure, a new pattern and a new look.
If the reform of the leadership and command system focuses on "strengthening the brain and strengthening the center", the reform of the scale structure and strength composition focuses on "strengthening the bones and muscles", and the reform of the military policy system focuses on "connecting the meridians and activating the qi and blood", it must be organically linked with the first two major battles. Although the institutional obstacles and structural contradictions that restrict the construction of our army have been effectively solved, the operational mechanism that is compatible with the new system has not been completely straightened out, and the new power structure also needs to be improved. To consolidate and expand the achievements of the previous reforms and further release the reform effectiveness, we must promote the reform of the military policy system. This is a more internal, deeper and more lasting remolding for our army, and it is also more crucial to drive, adjust and support the whole reform.
What are the considerations for the design of this military policy system reform?
Generally speaking, there are two typical ways to formulate policies and systems. One is "description", that is, the practice in actual work is expressed in standardized language and upgraded to a policy system; The other is "design", that is, focusing on career development, focusing on achieving better leadership, command, management and security, and actively designing and shaping a more scientific, advanced and effective policy system. This military policy system reform aims at ensuring the party’s absolute leadership over the army, taking combat effectiveness as the only fundamental standard, focusing on mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of military personnel, insisting on systematic planning, forward-looking design, innovative development and overall remodeling, and comprehensively reconstructing our military policy system.
The reform of the military policy system must first adhere to the correct political direction, maintain political determination on what to change and what not to change, and persist in what cannot be changed and lost. If it is changed and lost, it will be self-destructive. In October 1990, the Soviet Union issued the Regulations on the Work of the Soviet communist party Organization in the Soviet Armed Forces, which stipulated that "the Soviet communist party Organization and its institutions shall not interfere in the work of administrative personnel and military command organs", which made the army break away from the leadership of the CPSU, and the reform finally put the Soviet Union on a road of no return. History is the best textbook. The Party’s absolute leadership over the army is the foundation of our army and the soul of strengthening the army. No matter how the national defense and army reform are changed, this article cannot be shaken at all. We must constantly strengthen this "lifeblood" through the reform of military policy system and make a series of fundamental principles and systems for the Party to lead the army more mature and stereotyped.
The army exists for war, and the starting point and destination of military reform are the liberation and development of combat effectiveness, and the adjustment and optimization of military policy system should also focus on this. This military policy system reform is to take combat effectiveness as the only fundamental standard, establish the policy orientation of preparing for war, form an institutional system that can serve wars and win battles, and promote the full release of combat effectiveness in generate. Man is the decisive factor of combat effectiveness and the main body of army building. When the human problem is solved, it will directly bring about a great improvement in the operation of the entire military system and the efficiency of army building. Judging from the actual situation, the difficulties in resettling demobilized soldiers, handing over wounded and disabled soldiers and resettling retired cadres still exist, and the difficulties in recruiting and attracting and retaining talents are also outstanding, which have become the pain points and difficulties that affect the cohesion, attractiveness and combat effectiveness of the troops. The officers and men have expectations, and the reform should respond. The purpose of this military policy system reform is to persist in promoting the all-round development of officers and men, firmly establish the dominant position of officers and men in strengthening the army, strive to create a fair and just institutional environment, safeguard the basic needs of officers and men, safeguard their rights and interests, enhance their pride, sense of acquisition and sense of accomplishment, and inspire officers and men to strive to be revolutionary soldiers in the new era of "four haves".
This reform of military policy system has broken the boundaries of departments and fields, changed the mode of treating a headache only, treating an ailment only, and tinkering with it. It has carried out top-level design from four links: command, construction, management and supervision, and reshaped all fields, aspects and links of military practice activities as a whole. It has clearly put forward deepening the reform of military party building system, innovating the reform of military force application policy system, reshaping the reform of military force building policy system, promoting the reform of military management policy system, and establishing and improving it. This "one big system, four big plates" has clear orientation, comprehensive coverage, tight structure and internal coordination. It is in line with China’s national conditions and military situation, adapts to the requirements of the new era, new mission and new system, and will certainly provide a strong policy and institutional guarantee for realizing the party’s goal of strengthening the army in the new era and building the people’s army into a world-class army in an all-round way.
How to understand the transformation and convergence of the old and new policies and systems needs a process.
The reform of the military policy system is directly related to the vital interests of officers and men and the morale of the army. It involves a wide range and is very sensitive and complicated. It must be scientifically studied and demonstrated, and it must be implemented steadily. It must not be rushed, otherwise it will be haste makes waste. During Yeltsin’s period, Russia promoted radical military reform and made a large number of disarmament under the condition that the social security mechanism was not perfect, resulting in more than 70% of the more than 500,000 retired officers being unemployed, and 48% of the active servicemen’s family income was below the minimum living standard. At that time, the Russian army was described as "half an army". Soldiers could only get half a salary, and only half of them could live in houses, which seriously weakened the morale of officers and men and the combat effectiveness of the troops.
According to the deployment of the military policy system reform, our army will complete the reform of the main policy system in all fields and systems by 2020, and build the basic framework of Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s military policy system. By 2022, we will improve the supporting policy system in all fields and build a relatively complete military policy system in Socialism with Chinese characteristics. This goal is arduous and arduous, with a high degree of specialization, a long legislative cycle, great difficulty in cross-departmental, cross-disciplinary and cross-military coordination, complex system, intensive rhythm and huge use of power, which can be said to be unprecedented. It takes a long time to complete the design, supporting and implementation of so many policy systems.
The transformation between the old and the new military policy system is not a "surgical operation", but a gradual process of "thoroughly remoulding". Too fast, beyond the realistic conditions, beyond the capacity of the country, the army and officers and men, a little carelessness may lose the existing achievements; If it is too slow, it will miss the window of reform, widen the gap with foreign troops, and may also affect the morale of officers and men. Therefore, during the transition from the old to the new military policy system, it is necessary to implement it step by step, mature one and promote the other, so as to achieve a smooth transition of the policy system and avoid repeated "patching" and "turning over the sesame seeds"; It is also important to introduce a policy system that is urgently needed for reform, urgently needed for preparation for war, and eagerly awaited by officers and men, and formulate a small but practical and quick-acting transitional policy to ensure that the reform is fast and steady.
Source: People’s Liberation Army Daily: Liu Jiang, Ni Wangwang, Bruce Lee

Foreign experts: China promotes development through innovation and improves people’s living standards.

  In recent years, China has vigorously promoted scientific and technological innovation, which has attracted great attention from the international community. Recently, foreign experts wrote in The China Journal that China promotes development through innovation and improves people’s living standards.

  Promoting development through innovation

  Otto Solis Fallas, a professor at IE Business School in Spain and a former special adviser to the Costa Rican President, wrote in The China Journal that unlike other developing economies, China’s economic structure is not dominated by agriculture and extractive industries. In 2022, the added value of China’s manufacturing industry accounted for 27.7% of GDP, which was even higher than that of the United States. In fact, China also has great advantages in the field of high-tech industries. For example, the export of high-tech products in China accounts for about 30% of the national foreign trade export, which is higher than that in the United States.

  The article further analyzes that the development of science and technology in China is not only reflected in the trade data and structure, but also in the widespread use of high-tech products in daily life. Nowadays, online shopping occupies a dominant position in the retail and wholesale markets in China. Like western developed economies, China consumers rarely use cash in shopping, and most transactions are completed through mobile applications such as Alipay and WeChat.

  Compared with its main economic competitors, China has a broader scientific and technological prospect. In 2022, China surpassed the United States in the number of patent applications, trademark applications and industrial design applications.

  In the final analysis, China’s becoming a big trading country is based on its high-standard education system, its emphasis on R&D and high-tech industries, and the strategic and pragmatic role played by the government in economic development.

  Improving people’s living standards through innovation

  Christine Buel, editor-in-chief of the French newspaper New Reunion, visited China for the first time in 1994. She recently wrote in the China Journal that in the next 30 years, China has made many scientific and technological breakthroughs in space exploration, and its economic development has advanced by leaps and bounds, which has amazed the world.

  In the social and economic field, the average life expectancy in China has increased from 35 years before the founding of New China to 78.2 years in 2022, and people’s living standards have been continuously improved. In addition, China’s per capita GDP has increased from $195 in 1980 to $12,720 in 2022.

  These data are enough to show that there is a direct link between innovation-driven high-quality development and the improvement of people’s living standards. Introducing high technology into production, allowing machines to complete some work, can reduce costs.

  Taking Xinjiang as an example, the article points out that the strategy of developing the western region since 2000 and the "the belt and road initiative" initiative in recent years have promoted the development of Xinjiang. Buel went to Jiashi County, Xinjiang.

  Thanks to drip irrigation technology, the fruit yield in Jiashi County has been greatly improved. The newly introduced fresh-keeping technology has improved the fruit preservation rate and the living standard of fruit farmers. With the newly introduced refrigeration system and technology, the sales time of plums has been extended, and the unsold part can be made into dried fruits and sold at a good price.

From "punching in" to "inquiring", tourism has been played with new tricks.

You don’t need a strategy, you don’t need a plan, you just need to come here alone, and then follow the instructions of local residents to find one place after another to "eat, drink and be merry". This kind of tourism is called "inquiry tourism", which sounds a bit unreliable, but in reality, young people have begun to practice it.

Inquiry tourism, the main one is casualness and freedom.


Inquiry tourism, also known as "inquiry tourism", depends on your mouth for what you want to eat, what you want to play and what you want to visit. Then ask a local passer-by randomly and follow their guidance to reach the destination of "eat, drink and be merry".

Not doing raiders, not planning, and relying on inquiries all the way have also made many people feel incredible, but don’t believe it, this has begun to become a new way of traveling for some young people.

The taxi said, "Master, can you recommend some restaurants you often go to?" It is possible to open the taxi master’s chatterbox, and after several conversations, you can get some local restaurants with good "cost performance", delicious and cheap.

Chat with the boss at dinner, "boss, do you know any interesting places around here?" Later, between you and me, you may become friends with the boss. After you finish the bill, you will take the drinks sent by the boss and head for the place he recommended.

Even if you walk on the road, you can randomly find an uncle or uncle sitting on the side of the road to ask about the local characteristics, and they will certainly be happy to tell which places are worth going and which places need lightning protection.

Netizen @ Nut has been to several cities by asking all the way.

At first, because he came on a trip, he had already set foot on the journey before planning, but with the nature of being a natural social cow, he soon found the destination from the conversation with friends, taxi drivers, homestay owners and others he met on the train.

Of course, all this may not go well, and not everyone will stop to give you careful guidance, but so what? He thinks that when he eats a restaurant that is more delicious than the "must-eat list", he may feel that everything is worth it.


Nuts are actually very keen on making strategies and planning at the beginning, which basically belongs to the state that they are not at ease when they go out without strategies.

Whether traveling with friends or by himself, whether traveling for a week and a half, or traveling with special forces who pay attention to punching cards quickly, he can plan all the arrangements, and basically makes few mistakes, but it also makes him very anxious every time.

It was not until he was on that vacation that he suddenly came on a "go and go" trip, which was considered to let him bid farewell to the troubles of the travel strategy temporarily.

Friends who have seen "Flowers and Teenagers Silk Road Season" recently will be shocked by the contrast before and after they became tour guides. When they were tour guides, they were preoccupied and aged ten years. After the tour guides, they became heartless and became "flowers and teenagers" again.

At the same time, all kinds of play strategies and online celebrity punch cards that are widely circulated on the Internet also exist the phenomenon of genuine fish and shoddy goods, and many people must have suffered the loss of "must play places and must eat lists".

Nuts have been trampled on many times because of raiders, the scenery of punching cards in online celebrity is not in line with the real thing, and the food store in online celebrity is not as good as any local roadside stall … All these have become the norm, so he often falls into mental internal friction during his travels.

Different from Raiders Tourism and Special Forces Tourism, "Inquiry Tourism" focuses on a happy life and a quiet life. After a period of intense work, he just wanted to find a place to relax completely.

You don’t have to worry about whether there is enough time to arrange your daily schedule, and you don’t have to rush to punch in one place after another. You don’t have to be anxious about making raiders and being trampled by thunder, but you can enjoy the freedom and relaxation during your trip.

Nut said, "In fact, the recommendation of passers-by may not necessarily meet your own taste, but without the hurry when you were on the road before, you can re-see the scenery of each city."


Inquiry travel is just like opening a blind box, and the result may not be satisfactory, but I don’t know that the process of opening a blind box is enough to make people happy, even if there is no hidden money.

The biggest feature of inquiry travel is that it can slow us down, feel what is happening now in uncertainty, and regain and enjoy the meaning of travel.

Living in a busy city and walking in a hurried street, it seems that everything has been pressed the acceleration button.

A two-hour movie worth savoring can be reduced to more than ten minutes; When we are crowded with buses and subways, we will also browse social media crazily for fear of missing any hot spots; When you want to take the exam, you will also be picked up by various crash courses on the market …

We think that we can get to our destination faster by speeding up, but we don’t know that the faster we travel, the easier it is to lose a lot. In many cases, the process is often more important than the result, so is travel and life.

When playing with a raiders, you may spend too much time waiting; When traveling with the wind special forces, I am really more tired after a short and exciting journey …

Inquiry travel is like this. It doesn’t take too much time and energy, and it doesn’t need to be tense at all times like doing a task. Let’s go back to the offline from the online, which not only brings people closer to each other, but also gives us a personalized travel experience that may only happen once in life.

Of course, it will certainly step on the thunder based on subjective impressions. If you inquire about the place yourself, you also need multiple minds and careful identification.

However, travel is full of unknowns and uncertainties. Even if we are fully prepared, we will still face all kinds of unexpected situations, and there will always be regrets and uncertainties. When we can face and enjoy all this calmly, this may be the meaning of travel and life.

Car complaints in November: Toyota accounted for more than half, BYD is still an old problem.

In November, the car complaint list was released, and several brands showed some "outstanding" performances. Toyota has six models on the list, including Camry, Lei Ling, Corolla, Reiz, Crown and RAV4 Rongfang; BYD Song PLUS New Energy was once again complained about the old problem of forced start of the engine in pure electric mode; In addition, Tucki P7 suffered a large-scale complaint because its assisted driving function was inconsistent with the manufacturer’s propaganda, and it also became the first new power vehicle in the top ten complaints list.

Toyota is also a frequent visitor on the complaint list in recent months. In November, there were still six Toyota models on the list, and the main problems reflected were similar to those before. It seems that the manufacturers have not properly solved them. The main problems include the aging and cracking of the instrument panels of Reiz and Crown, and the lack of spare parts. The complaints of other cars mainly focus on the stuck, closed and unusable Carplay.

In addition, GAC Toyota Lei Ling encountered a large-scale complaint in November, and the problem was that the engine particulate trap was blocked. According to the feedback from the owner of the complaint, the fuel consumption of the vehicle increased sharply after the particulate trap of Toyota Leiling twin-engine was blocked, even more than that of ordinary fuel vehicles, but the manufacturer has not provided a solution so far.

BYD Song PLUS new energy is still an old problem of "stealing oil", and the engine starts itself in EV mode. This makes the owner feel hurt. A car owner’s complaint is very representative: 1. Engine maintenance mileage will increase uncontrollably! Oil consumption and maintenance costs have also increased. 2. BYD’s fuel tank exhaust is not environmentally friendly, but the equipment defects make consumers pay for burning gasoline. Whose cost is it? 3. In pure electric mode, starting the engine without the owner’s consent is likely to cause engine failure in complex situations, such as wading in the pure electric state, which will increase the risk of water ingress. 4. Seriously deceive consumers. Before buying a car, its propaganda can be driven by pure electricity, and it does not depend on the engine at all, which is inconsistent with reality. 5. Serious infringement, not telling the owner, secretly OTA, secretly starting the engine, ignoring the regulations. 6. If the consumer sleeps in the car in the pure electric (EV) mode, the engine automatically starts to produce carbon monoxide, causing casualties, which has great safety hazards.

Tucki P7 caused the owner’s complaint because the official publicized that Tucki P7E version model XPILOT3.0 supported upgrading to XPILOT4.0 service. However, later, all Tucki models G6, G9, P7i and other basic PRO models included related software services, and their functions were better than the old P7 models. Car owners believe that Xpeng Motors is suspected of false propaganda and should compensate the old users for their losses.

Messi’s eight golden balls will be dominated by enjoying football. Who will open a new chapter in world football in the future?

In the early morning of October 31, 36-year-old Messi won the Golden Globe Award in 2023, which was the eighth time in his career, setting a new record for the number of awards held by himself.

Messi’s 8-seat golden ball plus body according to IC photo

There is no doubt that Messi won this year’s Golden Globe Award. After all, the performance reference time of this Golden Globe Award is from August 2022 to July 2023, and FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is in the selection range. After leading Argentina to win the World Cup at the end of last year, Messi, who won the Golden Globe Award in the World Cup, was considered as the only winner of this year’s Golden Globe Award, not to mention that he also won the Ligue 1 and French Super Cup titles last season, and the Golden Globe Award was well deserved.

After Messi set a record of eight Golden Globe Awards, which is unprecedented and highly probable, there are two topics that the outside world is more concerned about-is this Messi’s last Golden Globe Award? Who is the next person to win the Golden Globe Award?

For the first question, Messi’s close friend Dosetti gave a positive answer on social media, saying:"The eighth and last one."Messi also said in an interview after winning the prize: "It’s incredible to win eight Golden Globes, and the rest of the time will enjoy the happiness brought by football with peace of mind." Indeed, for Messi, awards, honors and goals are no longer the goals pursued by the 36-year-old himself. He has written a legend in the history of football, and the name "Messi" has even become synonymous with football, inspiring countless young people to follow his example and bravely pursue their dreams.

For Messi, who entered the end of his career, the last player time should be to fully enjoy the game. It is for this reason that he chose to play in Miami International of the American Professional League, instead of going to Saudi Arabia for gold like Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar. It is precisely because he is far away from the international mainstream football field of vision that it is extremely difficult for Messi to win the Golden Globe Award again in the future, unless he can lead the Argentine team to successfully defend the title in the 2026 World Cup at the age of 39. It is extremely unlikely that Messi will win the Golden Globe Award again with the performance of the AFL-he is the first Mr. Golden Globe in the 27-year history of the AFL, but he won the Golden Globe Award this year but it has nothing to do with the AFL.

Beckham presented Messi with the 8 th Golden Globe Award according to IC photo.

There are many speculations about the next Golden Globe winner. In the top three of the Golden Globe Awards, Harland and Mbappé ranked behind Messi. In his acceptance speech, Messi also mentioned two competitors, saying, "Harland and Mbappé will win the Golden Globe in the future. As I said, Harland also deserves this prize. He won the Premier League and the Champions League, and he is also the top scorer. Today, this award may be yours in the future, and I believe you will win it in the next few years! "

Of course, we can’t forget the hot Real Madrid midfielder Bellingham recently. His superb performance in Real Madrid this season has made many people regard the 20-year-old English midfielder as the next Golden Globe winner. But on the whole, Mbappé should be the biggest candidate for the "new king" of football after Messi, and besides its own strength, there is also the bonus of the French team. Now, Mbappé’s biggest shortcoming is that Paris Saint-Germain has dragged down his club data. If Mbappé can join Real Madrid in the future, it should not be surprising that he will win the Golden Globe Award in the future with the help of Real Madrid and French teams and his personal ability.

2024 is the European Cup year, and next year’s Golden Globe Awards will definitely refer more to the players’ performance in the European Cup and the Champions League. From this point of view, both Bellingham and Mbappé have great opportunities. Harland’s biggest disadvantage is that the Norwegian team has already decided to miss the European Cup in 2024. Even if it kills all sides in the club competition, it can’t appear in the European Cup, which will make Harland lose a lot of points. In the past 2022/2023 season, Harland’s performance was outstanding. He won the Champions League, the Premier League and the FA Cup with Manchester City, personally won the European Golden Boot, the Champions League Golden Boot and the Premier League Golden Boot, and was elected as the best player and the best young player in the Premier League. However, due to Messi’s performance in the World Cup, he still beat Harland.

The national team is undoubtedly the biggest shortcoming of Harland’s future "king-sealing". The overall strength of the Norwegian team is limited, and it is difficult to achieve a historic breakthrough by relying on a few world-class players such as Harland and Ed. Therefore, the biggest possibility for Harland in the future is to hit the Golden Globe Award by virtue of its performance in the League and the Champions League in the "small football year" where there is neither the World Cup nor the European Cup.

With Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo away from the mainstream league, the "Mero era" has come to an end. Even after Messi won the World Cup and eight Golden Globes, even Cristiano Ronaldo is hard to stand side by side with him in historical positioning. Next, someone is bound to open a new chapter in world football. At that time, whether it is "brilliant" or "outstanding", it is worthy of fans’ expectation.

Red Star journalist Jison

Editor Ou Peng

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