标签归档 西安夜生活论坛

Drivers don’t make money, Didi cries huge losses, and Didi, who is not short of money, burns the money?

  Didi, who was used to changing tires while driving, took the initiative to press the brakes this time.

  At the beginning of 2019, Didi Chuxing suddenly turned the wind. First, it was exposed that the company’s annual loss in 2018 was as high as 10.90 billion yuan, and a total of 11.30 billion yuan was subsidized to drivers in 2018. Then, Didi announced the news of layoffs semi-actively.

  At Didi’s monthly staff meeting on February 15, Didi CEO Cheng Wei announced that he would "shut down and transfer" the non-main business, and would lay off 15% of the overall workforce, involving about 2,000 people.

  In the turbulent Internet market of the past two years, there are many founders who have called out to be ready for the winter like Cheng Wei, but most bosses prefer to use "optimization" instead of "layoffs". In this comparison, Cheng Wei, who took the initiative to call for a 15% layoff, has now become a complete exception.

  As a start-up company that has emerged from the shadow of Internet Tech Giants, Didi, which is led by Cheng Wei, is now a "shadow" that many entrepreneurs in the mobile transportation field cannot escape.

  However, the current Didi itself also has an indescribable "shadow".

  Subsidized Rashomon

  This widely circulated internal financial data of Didi Chuxing is a bit interesting.

  In fact, only two figures were announced, one is that Didi continued to lose money in 2018, and it was a huge loss of 10.90 billion yuan. In addition, Didi invested 11.30 billion yuan to subsidize drivers throughout 2018.

  It should be added that Didi had previously released unofficial data saying that Didi’s annual loss in 2017 was only 2.50 billion yuan. At that time, the market also believed that Didi was expected to turn losses into profits in 2018.

  For this reason, the simplest and most crude conclusion that some people have drawn is that a large number of subsidies to drivers caused Didi to lose a lot last year. If it weren’t for the more than 10 billion yuan in driver subsidies, how could Didi have lost so much in 2018?

  But this conclusion Didi drivers have expressed their dissatisfaction.

  Many special car drivers still remember the good days from the end of 2014 to the Spring Festival in 2015: a smart phone, a driver’s license with a driving age of more than 3 years, and a local license plate car with a price of more than 100,000 RMB and a service life of less than 5 years. As long as you have these three basic "equipment", no matter which special car platform you connect to, many special car drivers can easily earn more than 10,000 yuan per month and envy others.

  At that time, all the special car companies could easily pick out the special car drivers with a monthly income of 20,000 to 30,000. And subsidies are the direct driving force that makes many special car drivers full of motivation.

  But such good times only stayed in 2016, before the merger of Didi and Uber China.

  You know, back then, Uber China’s subsidies for private car drivers used to have an enviable "reward of 8,000 yuan for 80 orders a week". At that time, Uber drivers could earn 20,000 yuan a month only with rewards.

  When Didi and Uber were at their worst in China, Cheng Wei said that Didi spent $4 billion a year on "market cultivation." Uber founder Travis Kalanick previously revealed that Uber lost more than $1 billion in the Chinese market in 2015, and also subsidized the profits in other global markets to the Chinese market.

  But all these subsidies for drivers came to an abrupt end after Didi’s dominance. With the return of market competition to rationality, Didi’s subsidy policy for drivers has also shrunk more and more. As a last resort, some special car drivers have to calculate the water in the car carefully, and sometimes secretly replace Kunlun Mountain with Master Kang, or if passengers don’t want it, they won’t let it go.

  And the current net about car compliance under the ebb and flow is to make a lot of net about car drivers unsustainable, because of insufficient qualifications or less money, many net about car drivers have changed careers.

  Looking at it this way, it should be that the online car-hailing drivers are wronged. They obviously didn’t see much of the subsidies they received, and they were unwilling to bear the blame for Didi’s huge loss.

  But if you add the cost of ride-hailing compliance to driver subsidies, the bill seems to make sense again.

  The recent December 31, 2018, was once regarded as an important node in the online car-hailing market. In the 2018 online car-hailing rectification, relevant departments required all online car-hailing platforms to clear all unlicensed vehicles before December 31.

  But this "one size fits all" rule may take some time to implement.

  At present, most online car-hailing platforms have not completely stopped sending orders to unlicensed vehicles to respond positively.

  Didi has publicly stated on December 18, 2018 that it will continue and speed up the removal of drivers and vehicles on the platform that do not meet the requirements of the Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services, strengthen the guidance of dispatching orders for compliance, and gradually reduce the dispatch of non-compliant personnel and vehicles until it stops.

  But Mr. Cheng also stressed that it would take time and that Didi would "develop phased city-by-city compliance targets", as required by the new policy.

  The first financial reporter learned that Didi has indeed increased its investment in compliance, set up documents to promote special project funds, organized full-time personnel to speed up the application of documents, actively organized driver training, and partners to encourage and guide drivers to handle people’s car permits.

  In order to guide the active compliance of online car-hailing drivers, Didi has increased the subsidy for compliance drivers to a certain extent.

  As of now, online car-hailing drivers with three or more licenses can still take orders on the Didi platform. However, drivers generally report that the platform’s orders will be given priority to online car-hailing cars with three licenses, and the rewards received by different drivers will also vary.

  This is also one of the important reasons why Didi’s losses intensified in the second half of 2018.

  After the murder of the hitchhiker, in September 2018, Cheng Wei rarely announced Didi’s profits in an internal open letter, saying that the company’s overall net loss in the first half of 2018 exceeded 4 billion yuan.

  This 4 billion yuan loss, because Meituan has to increase the cost of subsidies in the corresponding cities because Meituan has stepped into the taxi, and in order to face Meituan takeaway, Didi has invested in the takeaway business.

  But if combined with the data of 2018 full-year loss 10.90 billion, in the second half of 2018 after Meituan stopped taxi investment and Didi takeaway stopped crazy subsidies, Didi’s loss exceeded 6 billion, significantly higher than the first half of the year.

  On the other hand, Didi is also doing something more asset-heavy.

  The reporter learned from people close to Didi that in order to ensure sufficient compliance capacity, Didi has increased its investment in self-operated vehicles in the past two years, in addition to purchasing cars, but also recruiting full-time drivers to operate.

  Investing a large amount of money in self-operated vehicles is actually contrary to Didi’s previous asset-light model of integrating idle capacity.

  "Shut down and transfer" non-main business

  In addition to layoffs, Cheng Wei also emphasized at the above-mentioned monthly meeting that Didi will focus on the most important travel business in 2019, continue to increase safety and compliance investment, and improve efficiency. Therefore, it will "shut down and transfer" non-main businesses.

  It has to be said that Didi’s business expansion speed in recent years has been too fast.

  In mid-February 2015, when Didi announced its merger with Kuaidi, the two companies were only involved in taxis and special cars, but by September 2015, Didi had already owned taxis, special cars, express cars, hitchhiking, and driving on behalf of five mature product lines.

  "Since this year [2015], we have launched a business every two months, and within a month of each business launch, we have become the absolute leading brand and the number one in the industry," Cheng Wei explained in an interview with China Business News.

  Before the killing of Hitch, Didi maintained a record of six years of business valuation of 80 billion dollars. Throughout the development of China’s Internet, it seems that few Internet companies have such an amazing growth history as Didi.

  In 2014, the sharing economy blew the wind and waves penetrated all walks of life, but the sharing industry needs to burn money and throw money. In this industry where the profit model is not yet clear, hundreds of companies become members of the death list every year. So much so that sometimes, Cheng Wei himself can’t help but sigh to Liu Qing, president of Didi Chuxing, "We are a company in a sea of swords and fire".

  In the past six years, there have been 20 to 30 business units operating within Didi, with many successful experiences and many lessons learned from failures.

  Half a month before the murder of a hitchhiker in Yueqing, Cheng Wei said at the Lenovo Star 10th Anniversary Conference about starting a business that entrepreneurs are the most difficult group of people, like pushing open a door, it is dark outside, and the road is not clear. It is necessary to constantly explore, understand, and correct.

  Only this time, what Didi needs is a major correction.

  On December 5, 2018, Didi announced an important corporate organizational restructuring.

  In the above organizational restructuring, Didi’s core business and multiple departments will be merged and adjusted, including the merger of the express business group, the establishment of the online car platform company, the merger of the original Xiaoju car service and the automotive asset management center (AMC), the upgrade to new car service, and the establishment of a car owner service company.

  "This structural adjustment is mainly for the safety of online car-hailing, to facilitate compliance management." A Didi insider told the First Financial Reporter that Cheng Wei has set a high profit target for the newly established online car-hailing platform company in 2019.

  It is worth mentioning that while "shutdown and transfer" and layoffs, internationalization is still a key area of Didi. In key areas such as safety technology, products and offline driver management and internationalization, Didi will continue to recruit 2,500 people in 2019. The goal is that the total number of employees by the end of 2019 will be the same as 13,000 at the end of last year.

  In 2017, Uber, which had been making great strides in globalization, had to reluctantly cut the meat. First, it decided to merge its mobility business with its Russian rival Yandex NV, ceding the ride-hailing business in six countries: Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, and Kazakhstan. Then it announced that it would suspend its ride-sharing business in Macau.

  Compared with Uber, whose overseas territory has been shrinking, Didi has blossomed in overseas investment business one after another. A few days after announcing its pursuit of Grab, which is known as Didi in South East Asia, Didi has successfully extended its hands to Eastern Europe and Africa, investing in Taxify, a mobile transportation company focusing on Europe and Africa.

  In 2018, Didi’s globalization began to grow more and more intense.

  On February 9, 2018, Didi and SoftBank announced plans to form a joint venture to enter the Japanese taxi market. A month earlier, Didi also acquired Brazilian ride-hailing service 99, which had previously invested $100 million.

  In fact, before 2018, Didi preferred to enter other overseas markets through equity investment, rather than directly expanding into the local market like Uber.

  In response, Didi’s president, Jean Liu, has publicly said that the company will evaluate which new markets it should enter, possibly partnering with or competing with existing local ride-hailing companies. If Didi believes that local companies are not strong enough, it may compete with them. That is to say, Didi may not only enter overseas markets through various forms of grafting, but will also take a similar approach to Uber, directly entering the local market to provide taxi services.

  But once you go overseas to open up territory, how to adapt to local policies and face competition with local competitors, these problems that have tested Uber need to be confronted by Didi one by one.

  And the expansion of these international territories requires Didi to spend real money to open up the market.

  Capital "change face"

  The First Financial Reporter learned from Didi insiders that Cheng Wei emphasized at the conference that there will be long-term uncertainties in the future of capital, and that Didi will operate more finely in the future.

  Didi, which merged quickly and acquired Uber’s China business, is the luckiest of the wave of mobile Internet travel startups.

  And in this series of challenges, Didi’s ultimate move is to defeat its opponents many times through financing.

  In terms of capital markets, Liu Qing was definitely a hero of Didi.

  In 2002, Liu Qing joined the investment banking department of Goldman Sachs (Asia) Group in charge of "analyst work". In 2004, she moved to the direct investment department. In 2008, she was promoted to executive director. In 2012, after being promoted to managing director of Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC Asia Pacific, Liu Qing became one of the youngest managing directors in the history of Goldman Sachs.

  In September 2013 and June 2014, Liu Qing approached Didi Dache twice as an investor. The final result was that on July 28, 2014, Liu Qing was confirmed to join Didi Dache as the chief operating officer (COO). In February 2015, Liu Qing was promoted to the president of Didi.

  With Liu Qing joining, news of Didi’s financing continues to spread.

  In 2016, Didi Chuxing raised $7 billion in a funding round, gaining a number of powerful allies, including Apple, to fend off Uber’s competition in China at the time.

  "Peace is made, not negotiated!" Zhu Xiaohu, an early investor in Didi, said that the chips for negotiating peace are getting higher and higher, and without these chips, there is no qualification to negotiate peace, so the team’s financing ability is extremely important.

  In Cheng Wei’s opinion, Didi is building a mobile transportation ecosystem, which is something that no one has ever done before. It requires a large amount of capital to support the development of technology and various business lines.

  "There will always be competition in various segments of personal mobility, but in the one-stop present on all major platforms, no one can do this except Didi. Not everyone has the confidence to shout’I want to do one-stop present on all major platforms’, and one of the confidence is capital. Without capital, it is difficult to shout out to be the world’s largest one-stop platform." Liu Qing explained in an interview with China Business News.

  "Whether we will continue to raise money is still a question mark," Ms. Liu said during a critical period of competition with Uber. "We need to see if we can spend it or not, and the money is not bad. But we will recruit some investors, not for financing, but for strategic cooperation."

  It is impressive that whether it is a special car, an express car, a hitchhiker or a bus, Didi is actually a latecomer to these markets. With the blessing of capital, Didi is more accustomed to opening the road with massive subsidies, squeezing out competitors, and then starting to work intensively.

  The business behind this cannot escape the requirements of capital. The capital that keeps betting needs to tell one story after another in order to support the increasingly high valuation plate.

  Now, the problem left to Cheng Wei and Liu Qing is that there will be long-term uncertainties in the future of capital, and Didi, which relies on capital to run wild, must now tighten its purse strings.

  Didi’s old rivals Uber and Lyft are both actively planning to go public in the first quarter of this year, and Didi’s listing demand has become urgent.

  But the current embarrassment is that due to the series of rectification storms triggered by the hitch safety incident, Didi has missed the listing boom of Xiaomi and Meituan last year.

  Although Didi is currently actively planning to re-launch its ride-hailing business, the market is not optimistic about the future of Didi’s listing, which has lost its lead, despite the loss of two lives due to the loss of ride-hailing.

The price reduction of Krypton 001 in Danzhou area is coming, with a reserve price of 269,000! limited in number

[car home Danzhou Preferential Promotion Channel] Good news! A special promotion is being carried out in Danzhou area, with a maximum discount of 37,000! Now the minimum starting price for purchasing Krypton 001 is only 269,000. If you want to know more about the discount, please click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount. Extreme Krypton 001 is a luxury electric car with technology, performance and comfort. With excellent endurance and intelligent driving assistance system, it is the best choice for you to travel. Come and seize this preferential opportunity and start your journey to Krypton 001!


The design of Krypton 001 is futuristic, with streamlined body lines and unique front face design. The air intake grille adopts a closed design, which shows the identity of its electric vehicle. The overall style is fashionable and dynamic, but also has a sense of science and technology. The front face of Krypton 001 adopts LED headlights and unique light group design to create sharp eyes and three-dimensional sense. The side lines of the car body are smooth, and the roof lines are tilted backwards, creating a dynamic atmosphere. The design of the rear of the car is also unique, with a penetrating LED taillight and a streamlined rear design, which is fashionable and exquisite. In a word, the design of Krypton 001 is full of sense of science and technology and futurity, which makes people unforgettable.


Krypton 001 is a model with excellent design, with a body length of 4977mm, a width of 1999mm, a height of 1533mm, a wheelbase of 3005mm, a front tread of 1703mm and a rear tread of 1716 mm. The body lines are smooth and the roof lines are inclined downward, showing a dynamic and elegant appearance. The side lines of the car are smooth, and the lines of the door are straight, which echoes the lines of the car body to form a harmonious whole. Tyre size is 255/55 R19, and the rim style is fashionable and atmospheric, which adds a sense of movement to the vehicle. Generally speaking, the design of Krypton 001 is impressive, and it is both sporty and elegant.


The interior design of Krypton 001 is exquisite, creating a high-end comfortable driving experience. The 15.05-inch central control screen is located in the central console, with voice recognition control system, which is convenient for drivers to control multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning functions. The leather steering wheel feels comfortable, and the design of electric up and down+front and rear adjustment makes it easy for drivers to find the driving posture that suits them best. The front and rear rows are equipped with Type-C interface and USB interface, which is convenient for drivers to charge and connect devices. The front row is also equipped with a mobile phone wireless charging function. The seat is made of leather, and the main driver and co-pilot are equipped with electric seat memory function. At the same time, the main driver seat also has heating, ventilation and massage functions to provide a more comfortable driving experience. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats can also be tilted in proportion, which increases the practicability of the vehicle.


The Krypton 001 is equipped with a powerful engine with a maximum power of 580 kW and a maximum torque of 810 N m. This enables it to provide excellent power performance during acceleration and driving, so that drivers can enjoy an exciting driving experience. Whether on urban roads or highways, Krypton 001 can easily cope with all kinds of driving situations, bringing excellent performance and handling feeling.

In the evaluation of the owner of car home, we can see that he spoke highly of the design of Krypton 001. He mentioned that the design of 001 made him feel like an advanced version of the Lexus, especially the two-story design of the front and the through taillights all showed its sporty temperament. In addition, he also likes the front face design of 001. Although some people say it looks like a toad, the LED running lights add another feeling to it, which makes people feel that it is full of claws.

For a car owner who has never driven a tram, he chose Krypton 001, which also gave him a deeper understanding of the tram. He said that in addition to the appearance, he was also very satisfied with the acceleration performance and noise control of 001, which surprised him very much. He even thought that 001′ s acceleration ability shocked him, which completely changed his impression of trams.

In short, it can be seen from the owner’s evaluation that he was deeply impressed by the design and performance of Krypton 001, which made him happy to mention the first dream hunting car on the special day of Children’s Day. We can also see that the performance of Krypton 001 in appearance and performance has been highly recognized by the owners, which is undoubtedly a very good choice for consumers.

BYD Han EV new model official map released new color matching for shape/interior.

On September 27th, BYD officially released the official map of the new model of Han EV (parameter picture). The exterior interior of the new car has not been adjusted, but the aurora blue paint and the golden scale orange/condensed purple carbon fiber contrast interior have been added.

After the release of the new color scheme, the paint colors of BYD Han EV will be increased to five optional colors, namely Chi Di Red, Xuan Kong Black, Time Grey, Snow White and Aurora Blue.

In the interior, four color schemes have been added, namely, Sky Grey, Kirin Zongzi, Suzaku Red and the newly added Golden Scale Orange/Nightmare Purple Carbon Fiber.

Judging from the official map, the new aurora blue color matching belongs to two-color car paint, and the silver chrome-plated strip highlights the texture, which gives people a fashionable overall feeling.

In terms of interior decoration, the overall color tone is mainly golden scale orange, which is a little biased towards brown. The center console, gear handle and other areas are decorated with purple decorative strips, which gives people a more fashionable and profound feeling. Moreover, some areas are decorated with carbon fiber-style plaques, which effectively increases the sporty atmosphere.

In addition, the new car also supports the optional 5G Dana music cockpit upgrade package, with a price of 8000 yuan, including the newly upgraded DiLink4.0 car system and Dana audio system.

The previously launched Zhixiang upgrade package can also be installed at the time of ordering. The price of the upgrade package is 4,999 yuan. After the upgrade of the central control screen, a brand-new CPU will be adopted, and the performance will be improved by 103%, and it will be upgraded to 8GB of memory and 128GB of storage space, and the storage performance will be improved by 300%. The electric tailgate is designed with lock and electric suction, which supports intelligent anti-pinch function.

There is no adjustment in terms of price, and the whole system is still available in four configurations. The official guide price is 209,800-279,500 yuan.

In terms of power, the new car offers single-motor and dual-motor versions. The single-motor version has a maximum power of 222 HP, a peak torque of 330N·m, and an acceleration score of 7.9 seconds per 100 kilometers. The combined maximum power of the dual-motor version is 494 horsepower, the peak torque is 680N·m, and the acceleration score of 100 kilometers is 3.9 seconds.

In terms of battery life, the standard battery life version is equipped with a blade battery pack with a capacity of 64.8kWh, and the NEDC cruising range is 506km;; The rest of the models are equipped with 76.9kWh blade batteries, with a cruising range of 605km for the long battery life version and 550km for the high-performance version.

Shanghai tiggo 8 big price cuts! The reserve price is 89,900 yuan, this time only.

On the car home-Shanghai Preferential Promotion Channel, we are pleased to announce that the most concerned models are undergoing preferential activities! As a popular SUV model, Tiggo 8 has brought unprecedented preferential margin to consumers in Shanghai in this promotion. The lowest starting price is only 89,900 yuan, and the highest discount can reach 20,000 yuan, so that you can enjoy more benefits when buying a car. If you want to know more about the discount details of Tiggo 8, click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form and strive for a higher discount!


Tiggo 8 is a medium-sized SUV with fashionable and dynamic appearance, and its front face design adopts the latest family-style design language, showing the unique design style of Tiggo brand. The air intake grille is designed in large size and decorated with chrome trim, which is very delicate. The body lines are smooth, and the overall style is tough and full of tension, showing the sporty atmosphere of Tiggo 8. In addition, the Tiggo 8 also uses LED headlights and fog lights to make the visual effect of the whole vehicle even better. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the Tiggo 8 are 4656mm*1840mm*1706mm, and the wheelbase is 2710 mm. The interior space is spacious and comfortable, which is very suitable for home use. In a word, the design of Tiggo 8 is fashionable and impressive.


Tiggo 8 is a medium-sized SUV with a body length, width and height of 4700*1860*1746mm and a wheelbase of 2710 mm. It has spacious interior space and excellent handling performance. The car’s side lines are smooth, simple and powerful, showing a stable and atmospheric style. The front tread is 1582mm, the rear tread is 1604mm, and the front and rear tyre size are both 235/55 R18. The tire width is moderate, which can provide stable driving performance and good handling feeling. The design of the side of the car body adopts a streamlined style, which makes the whole car look more dynamic and fashionable. In addition, the car is equipped with 18-inch rims, which are both beautiful and practical, adding a bright spot to the appearance of the vehicle. Overall, the Tiggo 8 is a medium-sized SUV with both comfort and handling, suitable for family travel and long-distance travel.


The interior design of Tiggo 8 is fashionable and atmospheric, with a leather steering wheel, which makes it feel comfortable. The central control screen has a size of 10.25 inches and supports USB/Type-C interface, which is convenient for users to charge and connect multimedia devices. The front seats are made of imitation leather. The front and rear seats can be adjusted, the backrest can be adjusted and the height can be adjusted (2-way). The front seats also support heating function. The backrest of the rear seat can be adjusted, and the seat is laid down in proportion, which is convenient for loading large items. Generally speaking, the interior design and configuration of Tiggo 8 are very practical and can meet the needs of users.


The Tiggo 8 is powered by a 1.5T 156 horsepower L4 engine, with a maximum power of 115 kW and a maximum torque of 230 N m.. This engine is matched with the 6-speed manual transmission, which can provide the driver with flexible control experience. In addition, this engine has high combustion efficiency and low fuel consumption, which brings better driving experience and economy to users. At the same time, it also has excellent dynamic response and acceleration performance, allowing users to feel strong power output and stable performance during driving.

In terms of design, the waistline of the Tiggo 8 is smooth and there are no redundant lines. From the side, the lines of the whole car are round and full, and the through taillights and high-position brake lights are highly recognizable, which makes it cool to drive at night. Car home car owners said that the overall feeling is not bad, and the design is beautiful. It is foreseeable that such a design will attract the attention of many consumers.

Who is tomoji? Where did you come from and where did you go?

After attending the Zhiji auto conference, I posted some pictures of new cars on social media and immediately received a user comment: "Buying a car these days is the same as buying a mobile phone." What this user actually means is that the current car is updated quickly and dazzled.



Through this topic, we go deep into the perspective of industry. What is happening in the automobile industry is also very similar to the development path of smart phones. In addition to the historic event that Apple defeated Europeans, China’s mobile phone industry has also become the most important pole in the world, and its brand image and core technology have made rapid progress. Huawei even made its own various core chips. Today, it used to be considered as an insurmountable operating system, and Huawei also used the HarmonyOS operating system to announce that we had turned over this mountain.


Under the background that cars are becoming smarter and more electrified, the whole industry is similar to the smart phone industry in the past, but the wheelbase of time is not long enough. Maybe looking back 10 years later, this feeling will be more profound.

Let’s focus on the present. The number of new automobile brands in China is unique in the world, and those traditional automobile manufacturers are also trying to build higher-end new brands, polish more eye-catching new products and start the horn of having more core technologies through this historic opportunity of change. Last month’s case was Dongfeng Motor, which launched Lantu, and this month’s case was SAIC, which pushed Zhiji to the stage.


Who is tomoji?



Strictly speaking, Zhiji is not unique to SAIC, but a new brand jointly created by SAIC, Alibaba and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech. As a newly established brand, you may still be unfamiliar with it.


Zhiji, which reads "self". Why take such a name? According to the official, Zhiji is taken from The Book of Changes, "Knowing everything is around, but Dao Ji is under the world", aiming at understanding everything with wisdom, diligently exploring, defining, creating and realizing the smart travel driven by the times and needed by users.


We can simply understand that intelligence represents intelligence; Represent oneself, alsonamelyUsers.If you read their introductions in the official media of Zhiji, you will definitely see what cars should look like in the intelligent age."This sentence.In addition to the three major shareholders, 4.9% of Zhiji’s shares will be built into a user rights platform.Therefore, Zhiji is a condensation of the two visions expressed by this brand.



Zhiji’s English brand name is "IM", which is the same as the Chinese name. Besides, purely for fun, the name IM is attractive, at least it will make people think of the iPhone.


The user rights platform is heavy enough, so it goes without saying what users participate in product design.


Where is the intelligence?


Is Zhiji really smart? Zhiji’s speed is fast enough. On the 13th, Zhiji has released two new cars, a car and an SUV, all of which have not been officially named, and they have no names when they are unveiled. Presumably, the naming of new cars that are still brewing inside must also have strong characteristics. Cars will be accepted during the Shanghai Auto Show in April, listed at the end of the year, and delivered to users in 2022. The progress of SUV is a little late, but it will also be listed in 2022.


Through specific models, let’s look at the intelligence of Zhiji.



Zhiji’s car is equipped with intelligent lighting system, which is composed of 2.6 million pixels DLP and 5,000 LED ISC, and can realize V2X driving fusion interaction and intelligent lighting expression. Specific functions, first, smart lighting navigation; Combined with high-precision map and navigation road planning, the next route can be guided by changing lights.


The second is Spot light pedestrian reminder; The infrared and visual fusion perception system of the whole vehicle is integrated to help pedestrians predict traffic risks in advance, for example, the number of seconds of traffic lights can be displayed on the lights. Third, the width-indicating optical blanket guidance; It means that the new car can recognize the road narrowing condition, automatically trigger the width-indicating light carpet in advance, and can automatically adapt to the lane line to draw the light carpet.

Fourth, the wisdom light moves with the eyes; Tracking the eyeball orientation through the camera in the car, and controlling the direction in which the headlights illuminate the driver. In addition, the smart lighting system supports flexible and personalized OTA, allowing users to design freely and enhance interest.



Zhiji’s car is equipped with an image sensor with 150 million pixels as a whole, which supports 180 distortion-free ultra-wide-angle, 4K high-definition video shooting, super night scene, high dynamic range, time-lapse photography, slow-motion photography and other modes. Videos can be edited and shared to social media with one click, and can be connected to major live broadcast platforms to broadcast live from the first perspective, and professional photography templates are provided.

This system is called Carlog, and it is extremely fresh. In the future, Kaizhiji’s car can easily record the picturesque scenery and cultural stories passing by and share them conveniently.



The eye-catching 39-inch huge display screen in the car can be intelligently lifted and lowered according to the usage scene, and there is also a 12.8-inch 2K AMOLED curved central screen on the lower side; Inside the screen is Zhiji’s IMOS system.


With the screen group full of science and technology, IMOS system has three characteristics, which are flowing, moist and pure. These three elegant words refer to multi-screen display respectively; Based on the weather, time, road conditions, and even based on the user’s mood, users are recommended in different scenarios; Only some necessary intuitive information is presented when driving. Sounds good? At least it aroused our strong curiosity and looked forward to the real experience.


From now on, charging will be intelligent. Zhiji’s car will be equipped with 11 kW high-power wireless charging for the first time in the world. It is said that the charging efficiency is almost the same as that of traditional charging, and it can charge 10.5 kWh in one hour, which is equivalent to 70-80 kilometers of battery life according to NEDC working conditions.



These intelligent abilities are relatively innovative. Then, to what extent has Zhizhi achieved the intelligence in the automatic driving ability that the industry is competing for at present?


The first model, namely the car, will be equipped with the NVIDIA Xavier computing platform with a computing power of 30-60TOPS, and the integrated sensing solution of 15 high-definition visual cameras, 5 millimeter-wave radars and 12 ultrasonic radars, as well as the algorithm developed based on the characteristic road conditions and driving habits in China, will form the whole system of automatic driving.

From the hardware point of view, the ability of this system is in the first-class level at present. However, the new car will be delivered in 2022, when Weilai ET7 with stronger book strength will also be delivered.



Zhiji has also considered a more radical scheme to provide new cars with upgrade redundancy in a compatible way. At present, it is not clear whether the redundant system can be installed after installation or introduced in the form of a modified model.


The key upgrades of this redundant system are lidar and NVIDIA Orin X chip. It is exaggerated that the number of lidar will reach three; NVIDIA Orin X chip and weilai ET7 use the same model, and the computing power will soar to 500-1000+TOPS.

As for the time point, the official said that the lidar will enter the mature stage of commercial mass production, and Zhiji Automobile will be upgraded immediately. Considering that Weilai plans to deliver ET7 equipped with lidar to users in 2022, Zhiji’s speed should not be too late.



As for the specific actual experience, the news given by Zhiji be The functions of the automatic driving system include memorizing parking and calling cars, automatically parking service and calling cars, traffic light recognition, automatic crossing, traffic jam prevention, automatic obstacle avoidance, automatic lane change, overtaking, getting on and off ramps according to the navigation path, and rear-end collision alarm.With the permission of national laws and regulations and the opening of high-precision maps, by the end of 2021, wisdomone’s ownThe car will have the ability to take over the automatic driving from point to point.


Zhiji focuses on automatic parking service and wake-up car. This function allows users to get off the bus and let the vehicle automatically parking service through the mobile APP; When picking up the car, the car will automatically park out of the parking space and drive to the designated location to facilitate the user to get on the bus. By the end of 2021, the functions of automatic parking service and calling cars will be applied in certain commercial centers in first-tier cities.



In 2022, it will gradually expand to specific supermarkets in first-tier and new first-tier cities. This function is quite beautiful when you think about it. After a year, the new car is delivered and you can drive Zhiji’s car to a specific shopping mall, so you can save the trouble of finding a parking space. I have to say, the development of technology is really fast. Of course, the premise is that Zhizhi can accomplish his goal on time.


In addition, the actual experience of the autopilot system, we have to wait until 2022 to get the answer, that is, it is not really that smart.


How is the performance?


Intelligence must be the most important ability of future cars, not power and endurance. Power and endurance in the future, everyone should do the same. Therefore, it is rational for Zhiji to focus on intelligence. Having said that, the new car released by Zhiji is also excellent in terms of power and endurance.



The new car is equipped with front and rear dual motors, and the rear axle motor is the main driving source. The total maximum power is 400 kW, and the torque is 700 Nm, which is slightly less than that of Weilai ET7, but the acceleration time of 100 kilometers is consistent with it, only 3.9 seconds.


Standard 93 kWh battery pack, with 115 kWh battery pack; Although the semi-solid battery technology adopted by Weilai ET7 battery pack is not adopted, it is also the first in the world to use silicon-doped lithium-supplementing technology, which realizes the ultra-high energy density of 300 watt-hours/kg, and can support Zhiji’s car to reach the battery life of nearly 1000 kilometers.


You don’t have to worry about the ability of the chassis. The new car is equipped with an all-aluminum chassis with a front double wishbone and a rear five-bar suspension, a brake-by-wire system, an AKC rear wheel steering system by wire, and a CDC intelligent electronic control suspension system, and the key adjustment is the responsibility of Williams professional chassis adjustment team from one of the three F1 teams.



It can be said that Zhiji represents the peak of SAIC’s strength.


Can the future be expected?


The emergence of intellectual self is aptly described by being in the right place at the right time. Tianshi refers to the intelligent and electrified industrial transformation, which represents the opportunity to change lanes and overtake into the high-end market; In addition, after years of development, the industry has reached a critical point of technological leap, and the infrastructure construction is also improving day by day. It seems that Zhiji’s admission is late, but it just happened to catch up with the good opportunity.


SAIC’s own brand has gained sufficient technical foundation and experience in various aspects through its development in the low-end market in the past, and SAIC itself is also quite rich, which is the geographical advantage of Zhizhi itself. People and better understanding, the background and resources that Alibaba and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech can bring need not be said.



When I came out of Zhiji’s release venue, Shanghai Tower, the tallest building in China, and looked up at this 632-meter symbol of China’s economic take-off, I couldn’t help feeling again that, like the smart phone industry, China will surely make breakthrough progress in the future of the automobile industry and become the most important pole in the world.

And the new intellectual will witness this process; And what is its own fate? After reading our introduction, what do you think of it?


New car | High-energy attack, four brands of Chery engine Chengdu Auto Show.

On August 25th, at Chengdu International Auto Show, four brands under Chery Group, Chery, Xingtu, Jietu and iCAR, participated in the exhibition with the theme of "Technical Chery, Global Love", bringing more than 30 heavy-duty models to the stage.

Zhang Guozhong, executive deputy general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. said that as of August 20th, Chery’s annual cumulative sales had exceeded 1 million vehicles, and it took only eight months to run out of the "acceleration".

Tiggo 7 champion family double car listed

This auto show launched a new generation of Tiggo 7 PLUS Champion Edition and Tiggo 7 New Energy Champion Edition. The fuel+hybrid two-line force has become the focus of attention at this year’s Chengdu Auto Show.

Tiggo 7 New Energy Champion Edition is a unique 120,000-class electric hybrid SUV at the same level. The official guide price is 129,900 yuan to 149,900 yuan, and three models are promoted.

The new generation of Tiggo 7 PLUS Champion Edition, the official guide price is 99,900 yuan ~ 119,900 yuan. It is equipped with Chery’s fourth-generation Kunpeng Power 1.5TGDI engine for the first time, and the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is only 6.58L L.

Xingtu brand opens a journey of "super comfort and new experience"

At the same time, six popular models of Star Era ET and Star Era ES, Eta Ursae Majoris Flying Fish Edition and a new generation of moon-catching, a new generation of Lingyun and a new generation of wind-chasing PHEV, as well as E0X global ultra-comfortable high-performance electric platform, shined in Rongcheng. Eta Ursae Majoris Feiyu Edition has launched four configuration versions, and the official guide price is 167,800 yuan ~ 206,800 yuan. This time, the Eta Ursae Majoris Feiyu version was upgraded comfortably-the two-wheel drive was equipped with Feiyu Super Chassis, and the four-wheel drive was newly equipped with Aisin 8AT gearbox. The product was advanced and sincere.

Jetway travelers officially open pre-sale

Jetway Voyager Fuel Edition officially opened for pre-sale at Chengdu Auto Show, with a pre-sale price of 140,900 yuan to 180,900 yuan. Jietu Traveler adopts a hard-core body, equipped with ceiling-level Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip and L2.5 intelligent assisted driving system, equipped with the world’s first XWD fully automatic intelligent four-wheel drive, and adopts Borgwarner’s sixth-generation intelligent torque manager+intelligent limited slip differential lock, which can intelligently switch multiple driving modes under the special X mode.

ICAR 03 interior real car first exposure

As the bright sword of Chery’s exploration of new energy vehicles in the second half, iCAR has always adhered to the initial intention of taking users as the center and playing with young people since its birth. ICAR 03′ s hard-core and cool face value is "Ba Shi De Ban", and the exquisite and simple technology interior is ushered in the first exposure. iCAR 03′ s modified car has set off a new trend of tide reform culture with a creative style with a sense of technology and futurity.

At this Chengdu Auto Show, in order to fully respond to the eager demand of users for pre-emptive ordering of new cars, iCAR, together with car home, Chery Racing Team, Fashion Group and Chief Experience Officer of iCAR 03, officially announced that iCAR 03 was the first car crowdfunding in China!

In addition, eQ7, as the first home pure electric SUV built by China’s first aluminum-based lightweight platform, attracted many spectators. The new car is the first choice for home pure electric SUV with its ultra-simple face shape, ultra-safe safety protection, ultra-comfortable driving experience and ultra-intelligent technology configuration. It has been popular before it is listed.

At this year’s Chengdu Auto Show, the four brands of Chery Group joined forces to refresh the new driving experience with the ultimate quality, and create a new ecology for future travel with intelligent technology, fully demonstrating the determination of "technical Chery", the ambition of "international Chery" and the initial intention of "user Chery". Chery will also unswervingly adhere to the technical route, continue to explore and innovate, give back to consumers with the best quality and sincere products and services, and make its own brand cars bigger and stronger, and contribute a strong force to Chery.

What about upstream news?

Editor: Kevin·Z

Editor: Wu Jian

Audit: Wang Guangjiang

Why is Extreme Yue 01 more sincere than Zhiji LS6?

  Extreme Yue 01 was officially listed, with an official price of 249,900. After seeing this price, many people will think that Yuejie 01 is more expensive than Zhiji LS6 and Tucki G6. Especially after Extreme Vietnam officially announced that it would buy out 19,900 high-end smart drivers, it undoubtedly aggravated the wait-and-see mood of users, because the smart driver LS6 next door has come standard, and the smart driver of Tucki G6 does not need to spend money. Suddenly, Extreme Yue 01 was labeled as "low intelligence-price ratio".

  This "strategic flicker" algorithm not only ignores the software and hardware advantages of the ultra-Yue 01 in intelligent driving and intelligent driving, but also ignores the small order rights of the ultra-Yue 01 and the car purchase rights of 70,000 yuan.

You can enjoy 10,000+high configuration for more than 1,000 yuan. Why is Extreme Yue 01 more sincere than Zhiji LS6 _fororder_image001

  One question: What are the comprehensive rights and interests provided by Extreme Yue 01? Compared with Zhiji LS6 and Tucki G6, where are the "intelligent price ratio" and "intelligent driving ratio" of Extreme Yue 01?

  In fact, if all kinds of rights and interests are added up, Extreme Yue 01 is only more expensive than Zhiji LS6 in 1000 yuan, and it can also enjoy the buyout high-level intelligent driving service. Coupled with Qualcomm’s new generation 8295 chip+dual NVIDIA Orin chip and 35.6-inch 6K integrated screen, isn’t this configuration and price fragrant?

More than 1000 yuan, enjoy 10,000 yuan+high configuration. Why is Extreme Yue 01 more sincere than Zhiji LS6 _fororder_image003

You can enjoy 10,000+high configuration for more than 1,000 yuan. Why is Extreme Yue 01 more sincere than Zhiji LS6 _fororder_image005

  In terms of basic space, there is little difference between Ji Yue 01 and Zhi Ji LS6. Objectively speaking, Zhiji LS6 is a little taller and has the typical height of a traditional SUV. The extreme crossing 01 is a little lower and wider, belonging to the sports SUV figure. The biggest difference is that the wheelbase of Extreme Yue 01 reaches 3000mm, which is 50mm larger than that of Zhiji LS6 2950mm, which means that the space of Extreme Yue is a little bigger. The trunk volume of Zhiji LS6 is 596L, which can be expanded to 1571L after the rear seat is put down, while the data of Extreme Yue 01 are 710L and 2161L respectively.

  On the other hand, in terms of basic three electrical properties, the total power of the front and rear motors of Extreme Yue 01 is 400kW, while that of Zhiji LS6 is 396kW, and the power is smaller. In the zero-hundred-kilometer acceleration, the polar crossing was accelerated for 3.8 seconds, while Zhiji LS6 was accelerated for 3.48 seconds. The two models have won and lost each other, but the bigger gap is also reflected in the CDC shock absorber.

  The technical characteristics of CDC shock absorber are that it can realize millisecond monitoring and response ability, and can automatically adjust the suspension damping according to the road conditions. When the road conditions are good at high speed, the suspension will automatically harden and improve handling. In poor road conditions such as suburbs, the suspension automatically softens, improving comfort. The value of this configuration is far more direct and tangible than accelerating by a few tenths of a second.

  The first question: directly buy the lowest-equipped model, not choose smart driving, lose money?

  The starting price of Extreme Yue 01 is 249,900 yuan, and you can enjoy a deposit of 5,000 yuan to get a discount of 10,000 yuan, as well as a reward of 5,000 yuan for the recommended car purchase. The total discount is 10,000 yuan. That’s not counting. If the user participates in the pre-sale (small reservation) before October 27th, he/she will also enjoy an additional 10 times expansion bonus of 1,000 yuan, which can reach 10,000 yuan. In other words, it is equivalent to a discount of 19,000 yuan, and only 230,900 yuan can win the ultra-01 low-profile version. If the user happens to be a Tesla owner, then on the basis of 230,900 yuan, 20,000 yuan can be reduced, which is 228,900 yuan.

More than 1,000 yuan is more than 10,000 yuan+high configuration. Why is Extreme Yue 01 more sincere than Zhiji LS6 _fororder_image007

  Extreme Yue 01 also provides an optional fund of 15,000 yuan, which can be used to deduct any optional configuration. You can choose a comfortable suit with interior (including Nappa leather seat, massage and ventilation of main and auxiliary seats, suede roof, audio system of unit 18, and car fragrance system), or you can choose an endurance upgrade package or a smart driving package of 19,000 yuan, which will be discussed later.

  In addition, Extreme Yue 01 provides lifelong vehicle/three-electricity warranty, lifelong road rescue, free home charging or a certain amount of free charging for 2 years, and a 6-month free subscription to the advanced intelligent assisted driving function.

More than 1,000 yuan is more than 10,000 yuan+high configuration. Why is Extreme Yue 01 more sincere than Zhiji LS6 _fororder_image009

  Frankly speaking, the configuration of the entry-level model of Extreme Yue 01 has reached the configuration of the flagship model. Compared with Zhiji LS6, the Extreme Yue 01 is only 1000 yuan more expensive, but it has more drivers’ and drivers’ seat massage, suede roof, headrest audio, fragrance system, four electric doors, three-zone independent air conditioning, fatigue detection, free home charging or two-year free charging, lifetime warranty of the whole vehicle, three batteries and electricity, brand-new 8295 chips from Qualcomm+two Orin X chips from NVIDIA, and 35.6 inches without splicing.

More than 1,000 yuan is more than 10,000 yuan+high configuration. Why is Extreme Yue 01 more sincere than Zhiji LS6 _fororder_image011

  The comfortable package of the Extreme Yue 01 (equipped with Nappa leather/ventilation of two seats of the main driver and the auxiliary driver+electric massage/equipped with 18 speakers/car fragrance including the whole car’s suede roof/aluminum door trim/headrest sound of the main driver) is worth about 15,000 yuan.

  Life-long vehicle, three-power warranty and life-long road rescue are worth about 8,000 yuan. Free home filling pile or 2 years free charging, worth 7500 yuan. These are sent directly to the user when placing an order. The extra configuration of the ultra-01 has been very affordable.

More than 1,000 yuan is more than 10,000 yuan+high configuration. Why is Extreme Yue 01 more sincere than Zhiji LS6 _fororder_image013

  As for Zhiji LS6, intelligent driving comes standard. There are two sides to this matter. Zhiji LS6 intelligent driving belongs to castrated version, and it is equipped with a single Orin chip. Compared with the two Orin chips of Extreme Yue 01, the computing power of Zhiji LS6 is only 254TOPS, which is equivalent to half.

  The high-level intelligent driving of Extreme Yue 01 has rich functions, and ROBO Drive Max can be used when picking up the car, and there is no need to wait for the subsequent OTA. At present, ROBO Drive Max includes: point-to-point navigation assistance PPA+ parking service AVP+ROBO Drive full function.

  Even if you don’t buy ROBO Drive Max, you will get a free 6-month experience. In addition, ROBO Drive is equivalent to a rich ADSD assisted driving function, which is standard and free of charge.

  Point-to-point pilot-assisted PPA, with high-order intelligent driving assistance capability covering high-speed and urban scenes. When PPA is started, it can complete a series of functional scenes such as autonomous lane change overtaking, getting on and off ramps, obstacle avoidance in and between lanes at high speed and overhead. In urban roads, zebra crossings and traffic lights can be accurately identified, and driving tasks such as courtesy to pedestrians, unprotected left turn and avoiding non-motor vehicles can be completed.

  Extreme Yue 01 has achieved the world’s first voice control/parking support outside the vehicle. Parking service AVP can not only identify various types and complex parking spaces, but also support the distance of up to 2 kilometers. It can be used in both indoor and outdoor parking lots, and supports the parking of any parking space on the same floor to the entrance and exit of the parking lot.

More than 1,000 yuan is more than 10,000 yuan+high configuration. Why is Extreme Yue 01 more sincere than Zhiji LS6 _fororder_image015

  ROBO Drive includes many intelligent driving functions, such as lane keeping, automatic parking assistance, collision warning, lane departure warning, etc., which realizes the complete opening of cabin driving and supports voice-controlled intelligent driving, such as adjusting cruising speed, changing lanes and choosing parking spaces. At present, ROBO Drive functions are all standard, and now it covers the whole country, the whole city and the whole road, and it is free.

  The second question: it costs 19,900 yuan to buy out the smart car. If you choose smart car, will you lose money?

  Then, discuss whether it is worthwhile to drive intelligently. Many people see that it costs 19,900 yuan to buy out the smart car. Isn’t the car price calculated to be 249,900 yuan+19,900 yuan = 269,800 yuan? This algorithm does not take into account the car purchase rights provided by Extreme Yue 01, and belongs to a typical "strategic flicker" algorithm.

  First of all, it’s true that the buyout of smart driving costs 19,900 yuan. Deduction with the optional fund of 15,000 yuan, only 4,900 yuan is needed to buy out the high-level intelligent driving. That is to say, the price of Extreme Yue 01 after buyout is 230,900 yuan+4,900 yuan = 235,800 yuan.

  In this way, the price of Extreme Yue 01 after buying out Zhijia is less than 5,000 yuan more expensive than Zhiji LS6. However, compared with Zhiji LS6, Extreme Yue 01 has more free home-filled piles or two-year free charging, lifetime warranty for the whole vehicle and three electric appliances, brand-new 8295 chip from Qualcomm +2 pieces of Orin X from NVIDIA, four electric doors, fatigue detection, and a 35.6-inch 6K integrated screen without splicing. The value of these configurations is enough to cover three 5,000 yuan.

More than 1,000 yuan is more than 10,000 yuan+high configuration. Why is Extreme Yue 01 more sincere than Zhiji LS6 _fororder_image017

  Imagine how much money can be saved when the vehicle is used for 3-5 years. When selling an old car for a new one, how much can the whole car and the three-power lifetime warranty increase the value of the car?

  Talking about Qualcomm 8295 chip, this fast chip uses dual NPU, and the AI computing power is 8 times that of Qualcomm 8155, and 2 times that of the current flagship mobile phone Qualcomm 8GEN2 chip. This performance is enough to guarantee life-long use without card. Let’s look at the current mainstream 8155. Many cars have frequent interactive experiences when they are in a new car state. Referring to the problem that the Android system uses more cards, the model with 8155 will only use more cards later.

  In the future, when you want to sell a deadly smart car, how much is its value? Cars are bulky items with low replacement frequency, so whether the long-term value of smart cars should be reasonably evaluated.

  Finally, discuss the difference between extreme wisdom and wisdom.

  First of all, the ultra-high-level intelligent driving is richer in function than the intelligent driving, and there are more AVP parking service and voice parking outside the car.

  Secondly, the ultra-high-level intelligent driving is out of the box, and it can be used directly without waiting, which belongs to "buy early and enjoy early". The intelligent driving of Zhiji LS6 needs to wait for opening, which belongs to "buy early and wait early". As for when it will be opened, it depends on the official rhythm. Now that the wisdom is on fire, whether to choose to use it out of the box or wait for futures is a question that needs careful consideration.

More than 1,000 yuan is more than 10,000 yuan+high configuration. Why is Extreme Yue 01 more sincere than Zhiji LS6 _fororder_image019

  To put it simply, if you want to experience the sense of science and technology of the intelligent cockpit and the more advanced interactive experience, Extreme Yue 01 not only gives the Qualcomm 8295 chip, but also gives the 35.6-inch ultra-clear 6K real integrated screen, as well as more scientific and technological configuration and two-year free charging, which promotes the experience of the intelligent cockpit to a higher dimension. If you want to experience intelligent driving, Extreme Yue 01 can give an out-of-the-box intelligent driving experience. As for Zhiji LS6, although intelligent driving is standard, it needs to wait. (Photo: provided by Jiyue Automobile)

What if there are only three readers left in online celebrity Bookstore?

  On July 6th, 2022, Beijing Youth Daily reported that online celebrity Bookstore withdrew from Beijing and left in a daze. Nearly ten months have passed, but the complaints that there is no way to spend stored-value cards after saying a few words and withdrawing from the store have intensified. Up to now, there are 6,986 matching results on the black cat complaint platform with "saying a few words" as the key word.

  On April 12, the reporter of Beiqing Daily found that more than 500,000 rents and property fees owed to Haidian Wukesong Huaxi LIVE Commercial Complex were still in an unresolved state. Regarding the complaints of member customers’ stored-value cards, Yanji’s customer service hotline in Chengdu Headquarters replied to the reporter of Beiqing Daily, saying, "Yanji’s personal mobile phone number is registered and recharged, and the member stored-value cards need customers to apply for card refund and refund to Yanji’s platform. After waiting for the scheduled processing, it is expected that the refund will be completed within 180 working days. The refund is handled by our company’s finance, and the refund will eventually be returned to the customer. Don’t worry about this. "

  Long term arrears

  Ten months after defaulting on more than 500,000 rental property fees, it is still on hold.

  According to public information, in 2006, the predecessor of the word — — Today’s reading bookstore was founded in Chengdu. Since 2008, today’s reading has entered the commercial center and expanded to Beijing, Shanghai, Kunming and other cities. Yanjiyou is positioned as an integrated store of urban innovation and cultural life, which mainly provides comprehensive cultural services for urban youth groups aged 18 to 40, and on this basis, provides new lifestyle products led by brand-new design for a new generation of young people, such as new food, new ornaments, new homes, new hanging ornaments, new animation products, new sex toys, etc., and is committed to creating an urban cultural space covering bookstores, cafes, art galleries, cultural and creative life halls and creative incubators. According to the "Enterprise Check" information, Sichuan Yanjiyou Culture Communication Co., Ltd. was established in October 2014, and has completed four rounds of financing. The investors include JD.COM Science and Technology, Xinghan Capital and other well-known institutions, with a total financing amount of about 240 million yuan.

  In 2014, Yanji opened its first store in Beijing — — The "Reading Today" store opened, located in Chuangye Street, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, and opened its first flagship store in Daxing in 2016. By the end of 2018, Yanji had opened eight more stores in Beijing, achieving full coverage of major urban areas such as Dongcheng, Xicheng, Haidian, Chaoyang, Daxing and Changping. In the first half of 2022, Yanji was in the last few stores in Beijing — — Liangmaqiao Guanshe Store, Wukesong Store and Financial Street Store closed one after another. At this point, Yan Ji withdrew from Beijing across the board.

  As early as June 25th, 2022, the reporter of Beiqing Daily saw that the door of "Yanjiyou Reading Today" bookstore was locked during the on-site visit to Huaxi LIVE· Wukesong Commercial Complex in Haidian District, and the notice letter of termination of lease contract from Beijing Wukesong Cultural and Sports Center Co., Ltd. to Beijing Yanjiyou Cultural Service Co., Ltd. was posted at the door. According to the letter of notification, there have been long-term defaults such as arrears. As of June 14, 2022, the rent and property fees were owed more than 548,000 yuan.

  Now that nearly ten months have passed, when the reporter of Beiqing Daily made a telephone call back to the property owner of Huaxi LIVE in Wukesong, the property owner said, "We have sent several lawyers’ letters here, and the debts are still being recovered. Up to now, it is in a state of shelving and unresolved. Although Yanji has withdrawn from Beijing, its corporate headquarters is still there. As a lessee, our shopping mall property company has received many complaints from customers that the stored value card can’t continue to consume after several words and withdrawal. We have all connected these complaints to the headquarters of Yanjiu, and they will handle the complaints in a unified manner. "

  Expansion result

  Nearly 60 stores in the country have been closed, leaving only 3 companies listed as untrustworthy by the Supreme Law.

  At its peak, Yanji once opened nearly 60 stores in big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Xiamen and Xi ‘an. Today, only three stores in Chengdu base camp are still open, including Youfang Shopping Center in High-tech Zone and Joy City in Wuhou District.

  According to "Tianyancha", Beijing Yanjiyou Cultural Service Co., Ltd. has entered the list of dishonesty, which is 100% owned by Shanghai Yanjiyou Brand Management Co., Ltd., which is a untrustworthy company publicized by the Supreme People’s Court and listed by the court as a high-consumption enterprise for many times. In April, the company added three pieces of information about the person being executed, with a total execution target of more than 64 million yuan.

  Duiji went from the online celebrity Bookstore with infinite scenery to the sudden departure, and finally shouldered huge debts, which became the mess of the untrustworthy company. He Qicong, an associate professor at the Institute of Cultural Innovation and Communication of Beijing Normal University, who has long been engaged in the study of the format of physical bookstores, said that Duiji took the mode of opening a store quickly with capital — — It is said that the founder of Yanji once said that he would "quickly open 100 stores in 16 cities across the country". The common way of this rapidly expanding consumer brand is to quickly lay offline consumer terminals in the core cities of the country, so as to quickly expand the total asset plate and seek more financing or even listing. It has been reported that most of them rely on external funds to "supply blood", and when investors can’t get a return, they lose the patience to continue investing. The break of the capital chain is estimated to be the direct cause of the large-scale closure of the store.

  The aftermath of closing the store

  It takes 180 working days for the member’s stored-value card to be refunded if the after-sales phone number of several stores is cancelled.

  A few words and a large-scale closure of stores have also made the complaints of members’ customers who have no way to spend stored-value cards worse and worse. A large number of consumers who have no way to defend their rights have gathered in the message area of the store of the consumer comment website, and the amount of stored-value cards of members to be refunded in their hands is between 100 yuan and 1,500 yuan. On the black cat complaint platform, "Yan Ji You" was used as the key word to search, and a total of 6986 matching results appeared.

  In this regard, the reporter of Beiqing Daily, as a member consumer, called the headquarters of Huaxi LIVE Store in Haidian District to handle two after-sales calls, all of which were unable to answer. After many twists and turns, the reporter of Beiqing Daily got through the phone number left in Beijing Guanshe Store. The operator said that because many stores had been closed for a long time, the phone number left was naturally cancelled.

  Regarding the complaint that the member customers’ stored-value cards can’t be refunded after the store is closed, the operator said, "There are two kinds of cards that are sent to customers after a few words: one is a gift card used as a group purchase, and the money in this card can’t be refunded. Customers who hold this card can search for ‘ in the WeChat applet after we go online. Say a few words again ’ Bind gift cards for consumption. The other kind of card is the stored value card of Yanji Member, which is recharged by registering the customer’s personal mobile phone number. After the customer applies to our platform for card refund, it is expected that the refund will be completed within 180 working days … …”

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily asked, "Why wait 180 working days for such a long time?" After a few words, the customer service operator responded, "Because after a few words, there are only three stores in Chengdu, and there are too many customers who go through the formalities of returning cards and fees, all of which are concentrated in Chengdu headquarters for unified handling, so it is necessary to schedule … Throw away the holidays in a year, so that you can get a refund after almost one year. The refund is handled by our company’s finance according to the normal process, and the refund will eventually be returned to the customer. Don’t worry about this. "

  Text/reporter Zhang Enjie

  Coordinator/Liu Jianghua

Foolish operation Tik Tok rose 160,000 yuan in a single month and realized 200,000 yuan.

Hello, I’m Guo Yaotian, also known as Guo Shao.

After sending the children to class in the morning, I went out to visit a few bosses. One is WeChat official account Entertainment Account, which is currently 100,000+.He said that there are actually only 800,000 fans, and this account can be realized about 10 million a year. I always thought that entertainment fans didn’t make much money, which opened my eyes. We talked a lot, gave me a lot of ideas, and it was really ok to play. Later, I will share some with you publicly.

In addition, I also visited two local bosses in Tik Tok, both of whom are awesome in exploring shops in the same city. Millions of local fans have good income. If you are interested in studying exploring shops in the same city, I can introduce it to you. It’s really ok to play. Let’s start today’s theme, which is how to operate Tik Tok like a fool and how to realize it quickly.

Speaking of short video live broadcast, I started doing it in 18 years. At that time, Tik Tok was not very popular, so I started to make short videos, invested hundreds of thousands, bought equipment, and found someone to do it. I didn’t expect that nothing was done after a few months. After I got it, I was a little disgusted with short video live broadcast. I knew it was the current trend, but I was afraid. However, I was told a few cases by WeChat official account’s eldest brother today, which really stimulated me, and I can make money so quickly. It can be said that as long as I can speak normally, I can make money by stupid operation.

His gameplay is to use the live broadcast to pay for knowledge, sell courses and sell books. I said, can’t fans do it? He said that there is no need for fans at all, and 0 fans can start broadcasting. He said that the current recommendation mechanism in Tik Tok, as long as you insist on live broadcast and pay some fees, will soon be able to set up an account. He showed me an operation case, that is, they prepared a set of live broadcasts and repeated this content every day. At present, the result is a monthly increase of 160,000.

He said that the video of this account is also relatively simple. The video does not need to be shown by real people. Just print out the phonetic symbols and 26 letters, read them out and record them. He said that the current account has just started selling courses for about a week, and the effect is still relatively good. At present, the order has come down to more than 100,000, and it will soon be 200,000.

He said that there wasn’t a set of words that could be copied before, but now it can be copied to others in batches. As long as it takes about two hours to broadcast live every day, you can quickly attract fans. All you need to do is repeat the same words every day, just do it like a fool. He said that I remembered a case that I studied in Guizhou at that time and said Tik Tok dry goods. I went in for a week in a row and repeated the same content.

What he sells is some live documents, live books, and live stands. There are tens of thousands of income every day. I didn’t expect this game to play many places in batches, mainly because there are many people in the live broadcast room every day. If someone wants to drain, he will be rewarded, so the reward money every day is a lot of money in Tik Tok.

It’s a case of a live broadcast of the same speech. I didn’t expect that some people would copy and operate this mode in batches now, so some industries can do this. This big brother suggested that I set up business-related accounts in batches, prepare good words, broadcast live in batches, and drain the traffic to WeChat official account. There is also my current content to be distributed all over the network, and convert the text into video and audio.

Later, it really takes time to do this thing, and there are many dry goods to share later.

This article first appeared on WeChat WeChat official account: Guo Yaotian. The content of the article belongs to the author’s personal opinion and does not represent Hexun.com’s position. Investors should operate accordingly, at their own risk.

(Editor: Wang Zhiqiang HF013)

Power battery scrapping tide is coming, recycling must be traced back to the source.

  In order to avoid the "small workshop" of recycling with crude technology and backward technology from affecting the overall healthy development of the industry, the newly revised "Industrial Standard Conditions for Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Power Batteries of New Energy Vehicles" upgraded the environmental protection requirements. For example, the on-line monitoring devices for wastewater, waste gas and industrial solid waste generated in the process of comprehensive utilization have been changed from "encouraging installation" to "should have".

  The production and sales of new energy vehicles in China have ranked first in the world. According to the data released by China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, 1-mdash in 2019; In August, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China was 793,000, maintaining a year-on-year growth rate of 32%. With the large-scale popularization and application of new energy vehicles, the comprehensive utilization of waste power batteries is particularly urgent.

  Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has recently revised and officially solicited opinions from the public on the industrial standard conditions for the comprehensive utilization of waste power batteries in new energy vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the standard conditions) and the Interim Measures for the Administration of the industrial standard announcement for the comprehensive utilization of waste power batteries in new energy vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the Measures) issued in 2016, which put forward requirements for the comprehensive utilization of power batteries to be more perfect, safer, more energy-saving and environmentally friendly.

  Recycling is still in its infancy.

  According to the calculation of China Automotive Technology and Research Center, combined with the factors such as automobile scrapping years and battery life, in 2018 — In 2020, the total number of scrapped power batteries in China will reach 120,000 — 200,000 tons, reaching the scale of 350,000 tons in 2025. It can be said that the wave of large-scale scrapping of power batteries for new energy vehicles is coming.

  "The service life of power batteries is generally 5-mdash; 8 years, the effective life is 4-mdash; In 6 years, this means that the first batch of new energy vehicle power batteries put into the market are basically at the critical point of elimination. " Zhang Tianren, Chairman of Tianneng Group’s Board of Directors, told the Science and Technology Daily reporter that when the capacity of power storage battery decays below 80%, it will not fully meet the power demand of automobiles and can be used in other fields step by step.

  The "Investigation Report on Recycling and Utilization of Power Batteries in New Energy Vehicles (Introduction)" issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that most of the current cascade utilization of power batteries is in the experimental demonstration stage, mainly in the fields of power preparation and energy storage. In 2018, China Tower Company stopped purchasing lead-acid batteries, and vigorously promoted the step-by-step utilization of lithium batteries. The application of step-by-step utilization of batteries for power preparation has been carried out in about 120,000 base stations in 31 provinces and cities, and business development has been strengthened in the application scenarios of power preparation, energy storage and external power generation. State Grid has built a 1 MW-hour energy storage system demonstration project using lithium iron phosphate batteries in steps to accept renewable energy for power generation and frequency modulation.

  Zhang Tianren said that at present, there are two main destinations for retired power batteries of new energy vehicles, one is step-by-step utilization, and the other is recycling. After dismantling the scrapped batteries, the heavy metals in them will be refined and reused. "From the perspective of the whole life cycle, the batteries used in the cascade need to be recycled after they are finally scrapped." The state attaches great importance to the recycling of power batteries. In 2018, the ministries and commissions of industry, information technology, environmental protection and other countries jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Management of Recycling of Power Batteries for New Energy Vehicles and other regulations to strengthen the recycling management of power batteries, standardize the development of the industry and promote the comprehensive utilization of resources. However, the recycling of power batteries is still a new field, and it is still in its infancy, facing many difficulties and deficiencies. It is particularly critical and important to revise the Specifications and Measures in time.

  Establish a perfect and mature comprehensive utilization database

  The newly released revised draft of the Specification Conditions and the revised draft of the Measures are revised and improved on the basis of relevant documents in 2016, especially reflecting the technology and technology-driven, making the traceability and utilization of power batteries more perfect and safer.

  In the recycling of used batteries, traceability is considered to be a key link. The Interim Provisions on the Traceability Management of Power Battery Recycling in New Energy Vehicles proposes that a comprehensive traceability management platform will be established to collect information on the whole process of production, sales, use, scrapping, recycling and utilization of new energy power lithium batteries, and to test the fulfillment of recycling responsibilities by all link subjects.

  Zhang Tianren said that at present, China’s battery recycling system is not perfect, and there is no effective cooperation mechanism among automobile manufacturers, battery manufacturers, recycling enterprises and recycling enterprises, and the rights and responsibilities are not clear enough. These institutional measures have played a positive role in strengthening the efficient utilization of scrapped batteries. The further improvement of the traceability management of power batteries is highlighted in the revised draft of the Specification.

  For example, in the general requirements of "technology, equipment and technology", the revised draft of "Specifications and Conditions" added a new item, "It should meet the relevant requirements of traceability management of recycling and utilization of power batteries for new energy vehicles, and have the ability of information traceability, such as traceability information system and auxiliary facilities and equipment such as code identification." When it comes to the inability to dispose of "electronic components, metals, graphite, plastics, rubber, diaphragms, electrolytes and other parts and materials produced in the process of comprehensive utilization", it requires enterprises to "hand over relevant qualified enterprises for centralized treatment according to relevant national requirements" and "do a good job in tracking management"; In the article "Product Quality and Vocational Education", recycling enterprises are required to upgrade from "establishing a complete traceability system" to "establishing a complete information production process management system", which is also conducive to establishing a more complete and mature comprehensive utilization database of used power batteries.

  Safety is the foundation of the development of power batteries. Similarly, the revised version of Specification and Conditions puts forward higher requirements for the safety of power batteries in the process of recycling. Among them, in the "Environmental Protection Requirements" clause, more detailed treatment requirements are added for "gas" separately, "the residues that are flammable and explosive at normal temperature and pressure and discharge toxic gases generated in the process of comprehensive utilization must be pretreated to make them stable before storage, otherwise they will be stored as flammable and explosive dangerous goods"; In the clause of "Safety in production, personal health and social responsibility", a new requirement for transportation is added: "The transportation of waste power batteries should meet the requirements of relevant national laws, regulations and standards, and the battery structure should be ensured as far as possible. Before transportation, the waste power batteries should be classified according to their safety characteristics, and the corresponding transportation plan should be adopted according to relevant standards, with safety guarantee measures such as fire prevention, waterproof, explosion prevention, insulation and heat insulation, and emergency plans should be formulated."

  Key common technologies need to be broken through urgently.

  China’s lithium resources are about 7 million tons, ranking fourth in the world. However, due to the poor grade, difficult purification and high cost of lithium ore, it is necessary to import a large number of lithium ore every year, and its dependence on foreign countries exceeds 85%. "China demand" has also promoted the skyrocketing price of battery-grade lithium carbonate, from less than 50,000 yuan/ton at the beginning of 2015 to 180,000 yuan/ton at the end of 2017, an increase of nearly three times, which is not conducive to the development of new energy automobile industry and poses a serious challenge to China’s resource security.

  Zhang Tianren said that waste power batteries are precious "urban mines", and the metal content is much higher than that of ores. Recovering and recycling valuable metals such as lithium, cobalt and nickel in them can improve resource utilization efficiency and reduce external dependence. Waste power batteries will do great harm to the ecological environment if they are improperly treated and discarded at will. "Heavy metal elements such as cobalt and nickel in cathode materials, organic substances in electrolyte and carbon materials in cathode will cause serious pollution to water and soil, especially once heavy metals penetrate into soil, it will be difficult to recover for decades."

  Therefore, in the aspect of energy conservation and environmental protection, the revised draft of the Specifications and Conditions puts forward a specification for the recovery rate of lithium for the first time, that is, it is not less than 85%, and the material recovery rate should be not less than 90% if the material repair process is adopted. In order to avoid the "small workshop" of recycling with crude technology and backward technology from affecting the overall healthy development of the industry, the revised draft of "Specifications and Conditions" upgraded the environmental protection requirements. New construction, renovation and expansion of comprehensive utilization enterprises should strictly implement the environmental assessment system, and be included in the construction projects listed in the classified management list of pollutant discharge permits of fixed pollution sources, and apply for pollutant discharge permits in accordance with the relevant management regulations of the state on pollutant discharge permits; On-line monitoring devices such as wastewater, waste gas and industrial solid waste generated in the process of comprehensive utilization have changed from "encouraging installation" to "should have".

  The revised version of the Specification emphasizes that "production equipment and facilities with high production automation efficiency, advanced energy consumption indicators, environmental protection standards and high comprehensive utilization rate of resources should be selected, and new technologies and processes that are energy-saving, environmental protection, clean, efficient and intelligent should be adopted." Zhang Tianren said that at present, the recycling technology is not mature, the level of automation is low and the cost remains high. "In view of the weak links in the recycling of waste power batteries, Industry-University-Research should be organized to jointly tackle key problems, continuously improve the level of process equipment, metal refining technology, energy saving and consumption reduction, break through key common technologies, effectively reduce production costs, and gradually cultivate mature industrial systems." (Reporter Li He)