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The man died of heatstroke with a body temperature of 42℃. The doctor told you not to "carry hard" in sauna days, and be alert if you suddenly "have no sweat" after sweating.

Shencheng entered the "roasting" mode.

The hottest day of the year has come! In the past two days, most parts of the country were scorched by the scorching sun. In Shanghai, the temperature also went up all the way, from 33℃, 35℃ and all the way to 38℃, and the outdoor high-temperature barbecue mode was started. With the continuous high-temperature weather, the incidence of heatstroke also increased. Recently, a middle-aged man in Huizhou, Guangdong Province suffered from heatstroke and his body temperature approached 42℃, and he died after being rescued. In this regard, the doctor once again reminded:In high temperature environment, if you have sweating, thirst, chest tightness, dizziness, nausea, limb weakness and numbness, you must pay attention to it. You may have heatstroke, so don’t "carry it hard".

After sleeping, the topic of heatstroke has become one of the most concerned topics of the public, which is not only uncomfortable, but also may have fatal consequences. Recently, "the man died of heatstroke at a temperature of 42℃" directly boarded the hot search.

"The air humidity increases after falling into the air, coupled with continuous high temperature, which is very prone to heatstroke." Zhou Yong, chief physician of the Department of Internal Medicine of Shanghai Renai Hospital, explained that heatstroke is an acute disease with disorder of body temperature regulation, water electrolysis metabolism and dysfunction of nervous system and circulatory system in an environment with high temperature and high fever and no air circulation. Heatstroke is mainly related to high temperature, direct sunlight, high labor intensity, poor air circulation and other factors. In addition, weak personal constitution, poor nutritional status, excessive fatigue, lack of sleep and obesity are also factors that induce heatstroke.

How to judge whether it is heatstroke? Heatstroke can be divided into premonitory heatstroke, mild heatstroke and severe heatstroke. After heatstroke, there will be a series of disease symptoms from light to heavy. Among them, severe heatstroke can be divided into three types: heat spasm, heat exhaustion and heatstroke.Heat stroke is a particularly serious disease. The patient’s body temperature can be as high as 40℃, and he sweats a lot in the early stage, and then "no sweat", accompanied by different degrees of consciousness disorder, and some may even lead to shock, which can seriously cause coma, liver and kidney failure, and even multiple organ failure. The condition deteriorates rapidly and the mortality rate is extremely high.

So, what should I do if I get heatstroke? Dr. Zhou Yong suggested that,Once you feel heatstroke, you should stop your activities immediately, move to a cool and ventilated place, turn on the electric fan or air conditioner, take off your excess clothes and let your body dissipate heat quickly.; People around you can use cold water or alcohol to help patients wipe their bodies, or use wet towels and cold patches to cool them down.

During this period, patients can take summer medicine, drink more light salt water and mung bean soup to replenish lost body fluids, and closely observe the patient’s situation. If the patient is unconscious, or the symptoms are difficult to relieve or disappear, it may be severe heatstroke. At the same time as taking treatment measures, dial "120" in time to send the patient to the hospital for treatment.

How to prevent heatstroke in hot weather? Since the high temperature can’t be avoided, you should take precautions at ordinary times. Dr. Zhou Yong suggested:When the weather is hot, whether you are thirsty or not, you should drink more water, especially when you sweat a lot, you must replenish water in time; Usually eat more vegetables and fruits with high water content and keep enough sleep;Avoid going out at high temperature. If you can’t avoid it, you should prepare sunscreen and sunscreen, and prepare some medicines for heatstroke prevention and cooling.

Talking about how special people spend the midsummer safely, Director Song He of Shanghai Yuanda Cardiothoracic Hospital found that,Many patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have a misunderstanding. They always think that the blood pressure is the lowest in summer and the symptoms are relatively stable, so they stop taking drugs or change their own medicines without authorization. Actually, it is not. High temperature weather is also a high incidence of cardiovascular diseases, especially when the weather continues to be sultry, human metabolism and blood circulation are obviously accelerated, subcutaneous blood vessels are dilated, blood flow is increased by 3-5 times than usual, and the burden on the heart is aggravated.Secondly, the high temperature in summer makes people sweat a lot, and the body’s water evaporates with sweat in large quantities, causing blood viscosity, which is easy to lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular ischemia and even embolism.

In addition, hot weather makes people prone to emotional "heatstroke", irritability and irritability, coupled with factors such as long days and short nights and "discounted sleep quality".Patients are prone to angina pectoris, arrhythmia, cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, and even sudden death.

Therefore, high temperature weather will also bring challenges to patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Director Song He reminded us to replenish more water and have a light and balanced diet in the dog days. Patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and diabetes should have regular outpatient check-ups, take medicine strictly according to the doctor’s advice, and do not stop taking medicine without authorization. Cardiovascular patients should avoid overwork and spicy diet, and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. You should avoid activities at high temperature, pay attention to drinking a glass of water in the morning, reduce blood viscosity, keep proper exercise, and avoid great joy, great sorrow and great anger.

  Author: Tang Wenjia

  Editor: Wu Jinjiao

Editor in charge: Fan Liping

* The exclusive manuscript of Wenhui, please indicate the source.

In winter, let’s gradually mature.

Original title: Winter, let us slowly mature.

In winter, let’s gradually mature.

Author: Qingxi

When I said goodbye to autumn, I held a cup of warm tea in my hand, counting the little rays of sunlight leaking from the leaves … When I was leaving in winter, I gave my thoughts to the snow, hoping that the swirling snowflakes would cover the whole autumn world … In this way, autumn became a story and winter became a landscape.

"Cold" is a key word that cannot be avoided in winter. Perhaps, the meaning of cold is to remind us of some warm things! ——

When I was a child, in winter, I could see roasted sweet potatoes everywhere in the streets. An iron barrel with charcoal burning inside, and hot sweet potatoes roasting on the top of the iron barrel, the street is full of sweet smell … At that time, I always liked to buy a sweet potato that was neither too big nor too small to hold in my hand. Hands, warm; When eaten in the mouth, it is fragrant and sweet; Heart, warm …

When I was a child, popcorn was not like popping a bunch of popcorn at once in front of kindergartens and cinemas. Instead, I needed to find the popcorn with corn kernels and saccharin myself-put the corn and saccharin in a magical container, and then turn around and turn around. When the pressure arrives, the popcorn man will shout, "Open the pot!" " Then, boom, a big pot of popcorn comes out. Although I get a fright every time, I also enjoy it …

Ice window grilles have carried my childhood longings and dreams-there is enlightenment, which often inspires the truth of life and the light of loving nature; There is inspiration, short-lived dreamlike reverie and short-lived dream realization, which edifies my sentiment of fearing nature; ….. The life of ice window grilles is only so short from dawn to sunrise, but it leaves a beautiful picture on earth. It dedicates a colorful and perfect painting world with monotonous colors; It’s a world painted with a crystal thin posture, which is worth my time-consuming standing stupidly …

Although there will be cold wind, freezing rain and snow in winter, as long as there is love in my heart, my heart will not be cold. Life is not easy, you should know how to please yourself and look for some fun with your heart; Heaven and earth are dead, as long as you calm down, there are many touches in ordinary winter-

Look at the tassels of reeds. The white catkins are glittering and translucent by the sunshine of one meter, and they are lingering. The heads of the reeds that have been completely yellow are covered with clusters of silver-gray reeds. Time has brought the life of every reed to the final limit, showing a soft shape ―― fluffy, fluffy, as light as cicada’s wings, fluttering with the wind … After this winter, the reed will be reborn! The recurring laws of nature make us feel the time and life in loneliness and bleakness.

In the bleak, clusters of honeysuckle fruits hanging on the branches are very eye-catching. Honeysuckle, what a strong and poetic name. In winter, it has lost its pink and tender flowers and changed into a more red and colder posture, telling the beauty of life. Winter is irresistible, but if you can "endure", you will have glory and hope.

The sky is quiet and distant, the ground is cold and empty, and there will be pieces of residual leaves falling with the wind on the bare trees. Among the branches of the tree, there are bird’s nests quietly facing the wind. They are held high by the tree, just like a overlooking eye. Their eyes are full of loneliness and coldness, as well as the hope for spring …

Winter is a black-and-white sketch. The lines are simple, but they contain profound meaning of life. Winter is like an elegant classical music, quietly telling; Winter is like a little sunshine on the lake, and it is like a note hanging on the branches. In the quiet flow, the silence and purity of the bottom of my heart are precipitated …

Yes, the feeling that winter gives people always has different connotations because of different moods and different things. When the cold and bleak winter is always beautiful, and our soft hearts are finely covered with warm colors, we will also open all our moods outside our dreams …

The power of winter is everywhere, especially winter, which fills the shortcomings of the three seasons of life and keeps the four seasons charming forever! Silent in winter, like a philosopher. In winter, let’s gradually mature.

Brief introduction of the author

Tian Xiangru, pen name,clear stream, member of Tianjin Writers Association.

In my spare time, I write some words and leave every bit of my daily life in the memory space. I don’t want to ask for anything, I just want to fly my mood in the free sky … I like dancing with my fingertips, recording the joys and sorrows in my life, feeling my life with my heart, talking with my soul, and letting the space convey my true feelings and thoughts …

primary work

Editor in charge:

Zhu Huarong is extremely concerned about the research and development of the automobile industry chain and customer service.

It is quite surprising that Zhu Huarong is the chairman of a listed company with more than 70,000 employees and nearly 20 million car owners.
Of course, if you know that Zhu Huarong is still a big car V with 590,000 fans, and his personal social platform can be called another service hotline of Changan Automobile, everything will be answered.
As the most influential and energetic "Big V" in China’s automobile industry, Zhu Huarong receives a large number of messages from Changan automobile users every day. With this platform, Changan automobile owners can communicate directly with the top management of the enterprise.
This car company with a technical background is at the helm, and he is extremely concerned about both ends of the automobile industry chain (R&D and customer service).
He is an "old Chang ‘an" rooted in Chongqing. From the 1980s, Zhu Huarong served as the first director of the automobile development room of Jiangling Machinery Factory, and later served as the technical director of Changan Automobile, the chief engineer of the automobile factory, the president of the automobile engineering research institute, and then the president and chairman of Changan Automobile. He was one of the important founders of Changan’s R&D system and a witness and promoter of autonomous passenger cars from scratch.
In 2003, Changan started its second venture to enter the passenger car market, and it took ten years to become the brand leader of China automobile.
At that time, Chang ‘an executives had been keenly aware that under the impact of global electrification, the automobile industry might undergo subversive changes. The traditional model will no longer be effective, and the ecosystem around electric vehicles and smart interconnection will become a new course.
In October 2017, Zhu Huarong, then president of Changan Automobile, delivered a speech with the theme of "Deepening Reform, Starting a Third Business" at the fourth quarter meeting of middle-level cadres of Changan Automobile, which initiated the comprehensive reform and adjustment of Changan Automobile and began to transform from a traditional automobile manufacturing enterprise to an intelligent travel technology company.
After three years of pain and transition, Chang ‘an’s innovation and entrepreneurship gradually landed and got feedback.
In 2023, the sales volume of Changan Automobile Group exceeded 2.553 million vehicles, including the rapid expansion of new energy and overseas markets, the continuous doubling of new energy in three years, with a year-on-year increase of 69.2%, and the sales volume of overseas markets reached 358,000 vehicles, with a year-on-year increase of 43.9%. In terms of revenue, in 2023, the company achieved an operating income of 242.45 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.8%, and a year-on-year increase of 369.6% in cash flow. The company’s overall operating net cash flow reached a record high.
At the same time, Changan Automobile has established the development goal of the enterprise in 2024: in 2024, the sales volume of the group was 2.8 million vehicles, up by 9.7% year-on-year. Its main brands include 1.25 million vehicles of Changan Gravitation, 250,000 vehicles of Changan Qiyuan, 280,000 vehicles of Deep Blue, 90,000 vehicles of Aouita and 230,000 vehicles of Changan Kaicheng. The new energy sales target is 750,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 55.9%; The overseas market sold 480,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 33.2%.
By 2025, the Group will sell 3.5-4 million vehicles, including 2.8-3 million vehicles in the independent sector, 1.2 million vehicles in new energy and 700,000 vehicles overseas. By 2030, the company’s total sales will exceed 5 million vehicles, including 4 million vehicles sold by independent sectors, 3 million to 3.5 million vehicles sold by new energy sources and 1.2 million vehicles sold overseas. Changan Automobile will become a world-class automobile enterprise.
At present, China’s new energy automobile industry is in a period of rapid development. According to the data released by China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, China’s new energy vehicles maintained the development momentum of both production and sales. In 2023, both production and sales exceeded 9 million vehicles, ranking first in the world for nine consecutive years.
Zhu Huarong, Changan Automobile, said that Changan Automobile is facing many challenges, the price war is getting fiercer and the market environment is more complicated. Zhu Huarong not only improves its product technology, but also pays great attention to both ends of the automobile industry chain (R&D and customer service).
(Disclaimer: This article is reproduced and published for the purpose of spreading commercial information on this website, and does not represent the views and positions of this website. All rights and legal responsibilities of the texts, drawings, audio and video materials involved in this article belong to the material provider. This website does not make any guarantee or commitment to the authenticity of all the information such as words and pictures, nor does it constitute any suggestions for purchase or investment, so the operator bears his own risks. )

A number of ministers have repeatedly voiced their voices, looking for a job and buying a car!

  Beijing, August 11th (Reporter Li Jinlei) When something unusual happens, you should pay attention to the unusual signal behind it.

  These days, Ning Ji Zhe, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Liu Kun, Minister of Finance, Zhang Jinan, Minister of Human Resources and Social Security, Zhong Shan, Minister of Commerce, and Yi Gang, Governor of the Central Bank, have appeared in news broadcast one after another, and a series of heavy voices have revealed the future policy direction, which concerns many people’s jobs and wallets.

  Stabilizing employment: promoting the employment of key groups

  Employment is the biggest livelihood. Only when the rice bowl is stable can we increase our income and promote consumption. Therefore, the state puts employment in the first place of "six guarantees" and "six guarantees". However, affected by the epidemic, employment started in a downturn this year, but it is gradually stabilizing.

  Zhang Jinan announced a set of figures: the number of new jobs in cities and towns rose from 390 thousand in February to one million per month in the near future; According to the survey, the overall unemployment rate is about 6%, and it has dropped month by month since the second quarter. In May, the recruitment demand increased by 2% year-on-year, which turned from negative to positive for the first time since February, and continued to pick up in June.

  However, Zhang Jinan reminded that this year, affected by the epidemic, the market demand of college graduates declined, recruitment was postponed, job hunting was limited, and the level of youth unemployment rose. With college graduates entering the market in July and August, the employment of key groups will face new pressure.

  How to ensure the employment of key groups?

  Zhang Jinan said that in the second half of the year, registered unemployed people will be provided with basic public employment services free of charge, and policies such as rent reduction, tax incentives, and business guarantee loans will be actively implemented to help them find jobs and start businesses through multiple channels. For college graduates, we will continue to encourage expanding the scale of enterprise absorption, expanding the scale of grassroots employment, expanding the scale of further studies, and expanding the scale of training and internship. For migrant workers, employment services, vocational training and rights protection will be strengthened, and employment outside the home and in the local area will be promoted. In particular, the employment of poor laborers with established files will be done well.

  Yi Gang pointed out that in the second half of the year, the monetary policy should be more flexible, moderate and precise, and the policies that have been introduced to stabilize enterprises and ensure employment should be effectively implemented.

  Data Map: The scale of participating vehicles at Changchun Auto Show in 2020 reached a new high. Photo by Zhang Yao

  Promote consumption: relax the purchase restriction of new energy vehicles

  Expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption are essential for stabilizing economic growth.

  On July 30th, Politburo meeting of the Chinese Communist Party called for "firmly grasping the strategic base point of expanding domestic demand", continuously expanding domestic demand, overcoming the impact of the epidemic, expanding final consumption, and creating conditions for upgrading residents’ consumption.

  Regarding how to expand consumption, Ning Ji Zhe pointed out that to expand domestic demand, we should give full play to the basic role of consumption in economic growth. In the second half of the year, China will accelerate the high-quality development of new consumption such as smart retail and online education, promote the transformation and upgrading of automobile and household appliances consumption, encourage cities with restricted purchases to appropriately increase the purchase limit of automobiles, relax the purchase restriction of new energy vehicles, and give appropriate subsidies for the purchase of new energy vehicles.

  Ning Ji Zhe said that the development of consumption gathering areas in counties is the focus of expanding domestic demand this time, and it is also a place with great potential for consumption development. For example, the renovation of pedestrian streets in county towns should be supported by loans, and some corporate bonds can be issued to support this renovation, so that the consumption of China is not only in big cities, but also in medium cities and counties.

  "Work hard to promote consumption." Zhongshan said that to promote urban consumption, it is necessary to promote the transformation and upgrading of pedestrian streets and develop chain (convenience) stores. It is also necessary to expand rural consumption, promote e-commerce into rural areas, and promote industrial products to the countryside and agricultural products to the city.

  Xu Hongcai, deputy director of the Economic Policy Research Association of China Policy Science Research Association, told the reporter of Zhongxin.com that it is necessary to create a market environment conducive to promoting consumption, promote fair competition, crack down on counterfeiting, improve product quality, let consumers eat and use with confidence, and vigorously cultivate emerging consumption represented by online consumption, so that consumers can "consume, dare to consume and are willing to consume".

  Data Map: Visitors watch the 5G indoor router at close range. China News Service reporter Jiang Qiming photo

  Steady investment: promoting the construction of "two new and one heavy"

  To expand domestic demand, we must actively expand effective investment.

  Ning Ji Zhe pointed out that in terms of investment, we should focus on promoting the construction of new infrastructure, new urbanization, transportation and water conservancy and other major projects, increase efforts to make up for shortcomings in public health, emergency materials reserve, transportation and energy, implement urban renewal, and speed up the transformation of old urban communities.

  Private investment accounts for nearly 60% of the total social investment and is an important force to stabilize investment. Ning Ji Zhe said that in the second half of the year, China will further improve the environment for private investment, increase policy support, and support private capital to participate in the construction of short-board areas such as epidemic response, public health, warehousing and logistics, and emergency reserve. At the same time, it will guide banks to launch credit products suited to the characteristics of private enterprises and increase the scale and proportion of credit loans and medium-and long-term loans.

  Yi Gang has made it clear that the comprehensive use of various monetary policy tools will guide the growth rate of broad money supply and social financing scale to be significantly higher than last year, and at the same time pay attention to grasping the rhythm and optimizing the structure, so as to promote the reasonable growth of inclusive small and micro enterprise loans and medium-and long-term manufacturing loans.

  Liu Kun pointed out that in order to cope with the impact of the epidemic, the fiscal policy was "additive", and 1 trillion yuan of special anti-epidemic national debt was issued, focusing on supporting local infrastructure construction and epidemic prevention and control.

  The picture shows people watching the launch of the Long March 5 rocket at the seaside. Luo Yunfei

  Steady expectations: China’s economy is expected to achieve positive growth throughout the year.

  China’s economy rebounded deeply in the first half of the year, and its economy grew by 3.2% in the second quarter, which was obviously better than expected and achieved the first recovery in the world. Looking forward to the whole year, what is the macroeconomic trend of China?

  Ning Ji Zhe pointed out that the situation of China’s economic recovery is well-founded, conditional and sustainable, while the fundamentals of China’s economic stability and long-term improvement have not changed and are emerging.

  From the production point of view, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size has been increasing for three consecutive months since April; The service industry production index has achieved positive growth for two consecutive months. From the demand side, fixed asset investment achieved positive growth in the second quarter, and the decline in total retail sales of social consumer goods narrowed for four consecutive months. The gradual recovery of supply and demand cycle can be said to improve the sustainability of economic recovery.

  Yi Gang said that on the one hand, various industries have recovered rapidly; On the other hand, demand has gradually recovered, investment has rebounded significantly, consumption has continued to recover, and exports have obviously improved. While the economy is recovering, the price level has remained stable.

  "Overall, the characteristics of China’s great economic potential and sufficient resilience have not changed. China’s economic growth will continue to recover in the second half of the year, and it is expected to achieve positive growth throughout the year." Yi Gang judgment. (End)

Song Zude said that she was cheated by a sauna woman and woke up naked.

Song Zude blog

MISS ZHOU lived with Song Zude for five years and had a son.

Song Zude’s "father and son" photo provided by Zhou.

A photo of Song Zude and MISS ZHOU.

    On September 8th, New Express reported that it was accused of "abandoning his wife and children" to set up a scam to get back a property worth one million yuan. Yesterday, Song Zude published the article "I was cheated of a house worth 2.5 million yuan by a sauna girl" on his blog, as a response to the newspaper’s report on "Song Zude sued his cohabiting girlfriend for real estate" the day before yesterday. Song Zude insisted in his blog that the house was sold to MISS ZHOU at a low price, but MISS ZHOU kept on not paying back the money, and the children were MISS ZHOU’s chips to gain his sympathy.

    I was cheated out of a house worth 2.5 million by a sauna girl.

    Sauna room two people naked.

    One day at the end of 2002, Zude was tired for a day, and went to a sauna to relax in the evening. The woman surnamed Zhou gave me a massage in Guanjia Village, Wangcheng County, Hunan Province. As soon as she met me, she sweetly called my boss and asked me what service I needed. I said that a regular acupoint massage would do. ….. Zude was tired for a day, so he was too lazy to answer her and closed his eyes. He fell asleep after pressing it for about ten minutes. When Zude woke up, she was naked, and she was naked. I asked her what was going on, but she didn’t answer my question. She sat beside me and cried silently, wiping her tears with a paper towel and said to Zude, "Boss, I know you look down on our sauna woman.

    Zude, after all, is a poet. How can he bear to make a woman cry in front of Zude? Zude is also a poor child from the countryside. Although he is now a small boss, his grassroots feelings have never changed. Zude didn’t know how to comfort her, so he asked her to write me a mobile phone number. Unexpectedly, she cried again: "Boss, how can I afford a mobile phone? I will send all the money I earned home, or you can buy one for me. You can call me next time."

    Make excuses to borrow money from him many times

    About three months later, she called me and told me that she had changed to another sauna, asking me to clock her clock once anyway. Zude came back from a business trip in other provinces one day. She was so tired that she couldn’t stand Zhou’s constant pestering. Zude went there once. Unexpectedly, this time she cried even harder and her eyes were swollen. This time, she actually told Zude that she was pregnant and insisted that she was pregnant with Zude’s child.

    "I don’t want to do it here. You can lend me some money to open a beauty salon. I have your children, so help me!" MISS ZHOU said to the ground without looking up, Zude felt that she was lying, and she didn’t dare to look me in the eye. Considering that her sister-in-law needed money to study, Zude lent her hundreds of dollars and told her to turn over a new leaf and open a beauty salon. In March 2003, she called Zude again to make an appointment and said that the beauty salon had closed down. After that, she said that her father was seriously ill and urgently needed a sum of money for surgery, and asked me to lend her 200,000 yuan. Zude knew that she was lying, but she remitted 200,000 yuan to MISS ZHOU on March 17, 2003.

    Zhou cheated the property and didn’t give money.

    Half a year passed quickly, and on September 10, 2003, she called me again and said that she was in the hospital. Unexpectedly, this time she actually gave birth to a child, saying that I was the father of the child. On September 26, 2003, she called me again and said that she and her children had no place to live and asked me to sell her a house. I didn’t expect her to cheat me again. On the same day, I signed a sales contract with her in the real estate trading center, stipulating that she must give me the house payment after the household registration. For several years, I have been chasing after her, but she has been cheating.

    -Excerpt from blog (abridged)

    Ask the reporter to investigate the identity of MISS ZHOU

    The reporter interviewed Song Zude by telephone about the article on Song Zude’s blog. He said firmly on the phone: "The content on my blog is completely true!" According to him, MISS ZHOU’s first job was as a massage girl in the sauna of a hotel in Tianhe, not as the head of the foot massage department of Sanyu Hotel. Song Zude also carefully recalled the process of being cheated: at the end of 2002, he did a massage in the hotel sauna to relax and asked for regular acupoint massage. Later, I fell asleep because I was too tired. When I woke up, I found myself and MISS ZHOU both naked. A few months later, Zhou came to see him and said that he was pregnant with his child. Since then, MISS ZHOU often asked him for money on the grounds that his family was seriously ill and his family had an accident. Once she said that her father was seriously ill, she borrowed 200 thousand yuan from him as soon as she opened her mouth. In September 2003, after the baby was born, MISS ZHOU said that she had no place to live, and asked Song Zude to sell a house. She also said that she took a fancy to his house in Zhujiang New Town, saying that as long as Song transferred the house to her, she could buy it with 650,000 yuan. Unexpectedly, the house has been transferred, but the money has been kept.

    Song Zude explained in his blog why he kept in touch with MISS ZHOU. "After all, Zude is a poet, how can he bear to make a woman cry in front of Zude? Zude is also a poor child from the countryside. Although he is now a small boss, his grassroots feelings have never changed. Zude doesn’t know how to comfort her, so he asked her to write me a mobile phone number."

    Song Zude asked reporters to investigate Zhou’s true identity. However, when the reporter asked him to provide clues, Song Zude said that he did not want the media to intervene now, and "let the court judge who is right and wrong". Song Zude also claimed that the name of the hotel where MISS ZHOU used to work had been changed, and the owner of the sauna center might have changed. It is estimated that no one knows Zhou. "But I said in good conscience that she was a massage girl in a sauna, that is, she was engaged in pornography."

    Call Zhou Wei a malicious hype in the entertainment circle

    During the interview, Song Zude always stressed to reporters that MISS ZHOU took the opportunity to speculate, and said that Zhou "has never given up the idea of wanting to enter the entertainment circle in recent years". Song Zude also said that every time he made a movie, MISS ZHOU would call and ask for a role, but he refused. "Her image temperament is so poor, she has never studied acting, and her culture is low. How can she act in a movie?"

    As for the intimate photo of the two people traveling in Lijiang River, Song Zude explained that it was MISS ZHOU throwing herself at him. "You look carefully, she put her hand on my shoulder, I have a ride with her? This is her initiative to cater to me. According to the truth, if what she said is’ first love’, it should be a man who puts his hand on a woman. "

    It’s kind to give alimony every month?

    For the children born in MISS ZHOU, Song Zude firmly denied that they were his own flesh and blood. Regarding MISS ZHOU’s previous statement that paternity testing can be done, Song Zude responded that he didn’t want to be hyped all week, but also said that he would do it when necessary. When asked by a reporter, "Since it’s not your child, why do you pay back 3,000 yuan in alimony every month?" Song Zude indicated that it was his "kindness" because he saw that Zhou had no normal and stable income.

    In Song Zude’s eyes, MISS ZHOU is "a man who is crazy for money". According to Song Zude, Zhou once called one of his girlfriends and said that he wanted to sell the child to her for 800,000 yuan. Song Zude said that the house in Zhujiang New Town has now risen to 22,000 yuan per square meter, and the market price of the house is about 2.8 million yuan. "She tried to sell the house several times and leave, but fortunately the nearby intermediary tipped me off."

    According to Song Zude, what made him most angry was not MISS ZHOU’s behavior, but Zhou Jing often left a message on his Tencent blog, calling it his girlfriend, and asked "German fans" to look at photos on her blog.

    Woman’s response

    "Song Zude’s statement is false."

    The reporter interviewed the party MISS ZHOU about Song Zude’s response. After learning what Song Zude said, she was so angry that she couldn’t speak for a long time. After calming down, MISS ZHOU said that Song Zude’s statement was totally false. She firmly denied that she had ever worked in a hotel as Song Zude said, "My first job in Guangzhou was in Sanyu Hotel". Regarding Song Zude’s statement that the foot massage department only existed in Sanyu Hotel last year, MISS ZHOU also denied it, saying that the foot massage department already existed when she worked in 2002.

    The reporter interviewed the foot massage department of Sanyu Hotel. The front desk staff said that they were not sure when the foot massage department was established, but revealed that the work of the foot massage department had existed since 2004.

    According to MISS ZHOU, she recently applied for legal aid from Tianhe District Bureau of Justice.

    (This article Source: Golden Sheep Network-New Express Author: Gao Li)

Editor: Li Erqing

Doing "Five Great Articles" of Finance Well and Serving the Overall Situation of Chinese Modernization

CCTV News:The annual meeting of 2023 Financial Street Forum was held in Beijing today (November 8). At the annual meeting, China Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission said that risk prevention is the main goal of strengthening supervision, and strengthening supervision is an effective way to prevent risks, both of which are important guarantees for achieving high-quality development.

According to the development law of capital market and the supervision practice in recent years, China and Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission summarized the causes of capital market risks into five aspects: excessive leverage or even out of control, imbalance between innovation and supervision, fraud, breach of trust and absence of main responsibility. He pointed out that it is the first duty and statutory duty of the CSRC to strengthen the supervision of the capital market, safeguard the "three public" order of the market and the legitimate rights and interests of investors, and prevent and resolve financial risks.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission:We adhere to the regulatory philosophy of "respecting the market, respecting the rule of law, respecting the profession, respecting risks, and giving full play to the joint efforts of all parties", adhere to the main responsibility of supervision, and pay attention to the following principles: First, adhere to the principle of "managing only when you can see clearly" to promote innovation under the premise of prudent supervision. The second is to guard against excessive leverage and gradually reduce the scale and level of leveraged funds to a reasonable range. Third, "zero tolerance" has cracked down on all kinds of chaos and reversed the long-standing situation that the illegal cost of securities is too low. The fourth is to adhere to the blade inward and self-revolution.

The reform of the registration system is by no means deregulation.

Regarding the reform of the registration system, China Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission said that the reform of the registration system is by no means a relaxation of supervision, but a better combination of an effective market and a promising government.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission:After the implementation of the (registration system) reform, supervision has become stricter, and the most prominent performance is the improvement of transparency. This promotion comes from the openness of the whole process of audit and registration, accepting the supervision of the whole society, and from the supervision covering the whole chain before and after the event, which urges enterprises to fully disclose information and compact the responsibility of intermediary agencies as "gatekeepers". Through reform, the basic system of capital market is comprehensively strengthened, especially the level of rule of law is further improved.

Yi Huiman said that in the next step, we will continue to promote the stock issuance registration system.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission:Dynamically evaluate and optimize institutional arrangements such as pricing, reduction and refinancing. At the same time, we will vigorously promote the reform of the investment side, promote the implementation of various supporting policies for medium and long-term capital entering the market, accelerate the cultivation of "smart funds" in China, promote the strengthening of industry institutions, effectively enhance professional investment capabilities and market leadership, and take our own path.

Yi Huiman said that the healthy development of the real economy is the foundation for the smooth operation of the capital market. The CSRC will adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the real economy, and focus on doing the "five major articles" on technology and finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance, so as to give full play to the hub function of the capital market and serve the overall situation of Chinese modernization more effectively.

South China and other places still need to be alert to strong convective weather. On Sunday, the northern part of the country started warming up.

  Cctv newsAccording to the news of China Weather Network, today (March 25th), the heavy rainfall areas in the south of the Yangtze River and South China will be pressed to the south, and the heavy rain will be mainly concentrated in Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian, and the local area will still be accompanied by strong convective weather. In terms of temperature, this Sunday, the north will gradually enter the warming mode; However, due to the continuous rainy weather in South China, the temperature will be suppressed until the end of March.

  Heavy rainfall in South China continues to exert its strength. Guangdong, Fujian and other places need to be alert to secondary disasters.

  Yesterday, heavy rainfall continued in Jiangnan and South China, and the local area was still accompanied by strong convective weather. Monitoring shows that from 08: 00 on the 24th to 06: 00 on the 25th, heavy rains fell in parts of southeastern Hunan, southwestern Jiangxi, southern Fujian, north-central Guangdong and northeastern Guangxi, and heavy rains occurred in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, Longyan, Fujian and Shaoguan, Guangdong.

  Today, the heavy rainfall area will be pressed to the south, and the heavy rain will be mainly concentrated in Guangdong, southern Fujian and eastern Guangxi. From tomorrow, the precipitation in the south will be weakened, especially in the south of the Yangtze River and east of South China.

  The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of southern Xinjiang basin, northern and eastern Tibet, eastern Qinghai and central Gansu, and there will be medium snow in the local area. There are moderate to heavy rains in parts of southern Jiangnan and central and eastern South China, among which there are heavy rains or heavy rains in parts of southeastern Fujian and northern Guangdong.


  Tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of southern Xinjiang basin, northern and eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, southern Gansu and northern Sichuan Plateau, and there will be medium snow in the local area. Some areas in southeastern Tibet, eastern Northwest China, southwestern Shanxi, eastern Southwest China, south-central Jiangnan, southern China, Taiwan Province Island and Hainan Island have moderate to moderate rain and local heavy rain.


  Generally speaking, some areas in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian and other places will be hit by continuous heavy rainfall, and the accumulated rainfall is large, and the rain is urgent. Attention should be paid to preventing secondary disasters such as geology and mountain torrents that may be induced by rainfall. However, the recent rainfall is beneficial to alleviate the meteorological drought in South China. After this round of heavy rainfall, Guangdong may meet the flood season standards and start the first flood season in South China.

  The rainy weather in the south is frequently suppressed and warmed up, and the north is gradually warming up.

  Under the combined influence of cold air and rainy weather, the temperature in South China will continue to drop today. The cumulative cooling in Guangxi and Guangdong will exceed 10℃, and the highest temperature today will mostly drop to around 20℃. Moreover, due to the frequent subsequent rainfall, the temperature in South China will not improve much until the end of March.

  This Sunday, the temperature in most parts of the north will rise one after another, and the highest temperature on Sunday will generally return to a higher level than normal, and the warmer range will continue to increase at the beginning of next week. From the 27th, the highest temperature in most parts of Northeast China will return to above 15℃, and the cumulative temperature rise will generally exceed 10℃. The highest temperatures in North China and Huanghuai will gradually rise above 20℃, and the warmth will return.

  In big cities, the highest temperature in Shenyang was only about 9℃ yesterday, and then the temperature will rise all the way, reaching 18℃ on the 28th and 20℃ on the 30th, or it will set a new high this year.

  However, it should be noted that most of the north is still in the alternating period of winter and spring, and the temperature rises rapidly during the day, and it is still cold in the morning and evening, and the temperature difference will also widen. Around the 27th, the temperature difference between day and night in many places in the north will exceed 15℃, and even reach above 20℃ locally, reminding the public to pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm and avoid catching a cold.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony’s "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

Fast Technology reported on January 10th that Sony Pictures’ Marvel Comics new film "Mrs Spider: Super Awakening" released a brand-new Taiwanese poster, and all the leading members appeared.

Mrs Spider, played by Dakota Johnson, joined hands with three spider women to unveil the dressing style.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

The movie "Mrs Spider: Super Awakening" will be released in North America, China and Hongkong on February 14th, 2024, but the mainland has not yet set a file.

This is Sony’s first super-English film featuring women in Marvel Comics’s character universe, directed by S·J· Clarkson and written by Matt Sazama & Burk Sharpless.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

Dakota Johnson (fifty shades of grey), Sydney sweeney (Excitement), Isabella Merced (Transformers 5), celeste O ‘Connor (The Expendables), tahar rahim, Emma Roberts, adam scott, Zosia Mamet, etc.

The movie "Mrs Spider: Super Sensual Awakening" focuses on Dakota Johnson. Originally, she was a medical worker, and she unexpectedly awakened her super powers in a rescue operation, so she could predict the future.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

Later, I met three women in one crisis after another, and their fates were inextricably linked like cobwebs.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

All the beautiful women are super English films! The new poster of Sony's "Mrs Spider" was released: the shapes of four spider women were announced.

Meitan County, Zunyi, Guizhou Province: Small Tea Makes Great Achievements

In winter, when you look at the Chashan Mountain in Meitan County, tea gardens are laid out between Shan Ye, and the endless sea of tea is lush, and the tea fragrance is like a paradise.

In Longfeng Village, Xinglong Town, this county, a vast and continuous sea of tea spreads out, with warm mist, lush green and tea fragrance. Where the green waves meet the blue sky, the houses in northern Guizhou are dotted with them, just like a beautiful landscape painting.

Longfeng Village is located in the southeast of Xinglong Town, 12 kilometers away from the county seat. It is understood that before 2002, the per capita disposable income of Longfeng Village was less than that of 1000 yuan, and it was a third-class poverty-stricken village at the provincial level. Through industrial development, new rural construction, poverty alleviation and rural revitalization … In 2023, the per capita disposable income reached 21,900 yuan, and the family car ownership rate reached ninety-seven percent.

What makes the economy of this village develop so fast? The answer is: tea.

Not far away, the drone flew slowly in the air, spraying and protecting the tea trees in Manshan. "Not picking tea in winter is an important opportunity for tea garden management. Today, we arranged three drones to spray pesticides, which is expected to complete the spraying work of 1,000 mu of tea garden. " Du Yuanchao, a technician of Luohuatun Tea Professional Cooperative in Meitan County, said.

Longfeng Village, based on professional cooperatives, implemented unified prevention and control over tea gardens, which played a certain role in ensuring tea quality and further promoted the development of local economy.

"Since the development of the tea industry, the number of migrants in the village has increased. The village has opened a local product store, set up a homestay and set up a company … and swelled the villagers’ money bags." Wu Rongming, secretary of the General Party Branch of Longfeng Village, introduced.

"We are here for a few days. The scenery, farmhouse meals and hot springs here are all attractive to us." Tourist Mr. Zhou said.

By building hot springs, water parks and bonsai gardens, Longfeng Village has continuously improved tourism facilities, carried out research, training, tea experience and other activities, promoted the integration of tea and tourism, and created beautiful countryside with "seeing mountains, water and remembering homesickness".

Up to now, there are 826 residential buildings in northern Guizhou in Longfeng Village, with an area of 7,000 mu of tea gardens, 7.8 mu per household and 2.33 mu per capita, and 28 tea processing plants.

"Many foreign merchants come here to develop because they have taken a fancy to the quality of tea and the good ecological environment. Beautiful Tea Garden Company rented my house of about 800 square meters for the production of agricultural products such as tea and preserved eggs. In addition to the annual rental income of 20,000 yuan, I also have 10% of the company’s daily turnover. " Wu Rongming said that through the development of the tea industry, many merchants are attracted to come and effectively promote the local economic development.

Since 2015, Longfeng Village has introduced 11 enterprises including Qunfeng Tea House and Beautiful Tea Garden, with a total investment of more than 800 million yuan. In Xiong ‘an, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places, there are operation centers built by enterprises attracting investment from Longfeng Village, which will better promote tea culture, tea brands and tea ecology.

Talking about the future development, Wu Rongming pointed to the tourist reception center under construction, saying that it will continue to promote the development of rural tourism based on the tea industry, form a sustainable and diversified industry, make the countryside more livable and the industry more prosperous, and further promote the income of villagers.(Mou Shaoli, Chen Xinghui)

After studying more than 10 thousand data, we found these secrets of Beijing nightlife

In summer, there is no shortage of excitement, and there are endless business opportunities behind the excitement. Crayfish, barbecue, drinking beer … There is no shortage of sports events in this midsummer. Before the European Cup, the Olympic Games are in full swing. Sports fans all over the world have ushered in a summer carnival, and watching the games at night has further stimulated the night consumption of the city.
According to the data of a head take-out platform, since the beginning of the European Cup, the national night take-out orders have soared. Taking Beijing as an example, from June 12 to June 30, the order volume of supper increased by nearly 10% compared with the same period in May. Moreover, more than 5,000 businesses have extended their business hours for fans.
From June 12 to 30, barbecue, fried chicken and crayfish became the top three take-away categories in Beijing. Among them, the sales of crayfish increased by nearly 70% compared with the same period in May. At the same time, during the game, the sales of cold beer at night increased sharply, selling about 500 thousand bottles every day.
In addition to take-away consumption, many music restaurants and bars have also made great efforts to launch different types of special drinks for the European Cup and Olympic packages for fans and friends. While eating delicious food, watching the game, brothers drinking together and chatting about the ball game have become the standard posture for many fans to watch the ball.
Japanese steak, beer barbecue, Midnight Food Store … How to eat, how to see is the most interesting? What kind of midnight snack is the most popular in Beijing? Where are the snack bars most distributed? Where are the restaurants and bars with the strongest atmosphere and the highest cost performance?
Today, we will follow the data to explore.
Chaoyang bar number NO ·1
Haidian has the most snacks in the city.
During the European Cup, it is estimated that the owners of all kinds of midnight snacks and bars are more concerned about the events than the fans and friends. After all, a game is a business, the players play well, the fans are in a good mood and their appetite is wide open, and the sales of barbecue beer may be even more popular.
Midnight snack is a product derived from the continuous development of urban population. Nowadays, more and more people follow the "will" of their stomachs in the process of "brushing the night", looking for midnight snack, supplementing energy and relaxing during eating.
Although the data can’t cover all the number of midnight snacks and bars in Beijing, it can still reflect the general trend.
On the whole, both midnight snack and bar are characterized by dense in the east and sparse in the west. There are many business districts in Chaoyang and Dongcheng, and the density of snack and bars is high. However, from the distribution of shops, Haidian has a large number of midnight snack shops, mainly concentrated near Wudaokou.
(▲ Figure/Wudaokou subway station intersection. Intern Qi Jiyuan for the picture)
Haidian, with a large number of colleges and universities and many internet enterprises, has a unique cultural atmosphere and a large and diverse consumer group. Wudaokou is one of the most representative business districts in Haidian. The midnight snack here satisfies the stomachs of countless college students and late-night farmers.
Guijie in Dongcheng, Sanlitun in Chaoyang, and Wudaokou in Haidian are all business districts where midnight snack is concentrated, but when it comes to the specific number of shops, the midnight snack shops near Huilongguan really rank first.
Huilongguan not only has Tiantongyuan, which is known as the largest community in Asia, but also is a gathering place for employees of numerous large factories. In countless nights, a midnight snack may be the greatest comfort for thousands of young North drifters who pursue their dreams when they work overtime late at night.
Speaking of bars, Dongcheng, which owns Houhai Street, can only admit defeat in front of Chaoyang. Sanlitun, Gongti, Wangjing, and the number of bars in any business circle are very good.
A city is like a machine that works day and night. It is busy and prosperous during the day, and it will become full of vitality when night falls. Sanlitun and Gongti are the most vital representatives.
Judging from the number of bars, there are 113 bars near Sanlitun, which can be described as unique. There are many embassies from all over the world. On the one hand, there are large-scale businesses, on the other hand, there are exotic shops, and different types of bars attract countless young men and women to gather here. Whether watching football matches or drinking and chatting, you can always find the one that suits you, such as Qing Bar, livehouse and izakaya.
chafing dish
The largest number of snack types
The consumption environment is also quite different with different consumption prices. Whether it is a snack or a bar, the per capita consumption in Chaoyang is high.
It can be seen that the median per capita consumption of snack bars and bars in Chaoyang District is higher than that in other districts, and the density of scattered spots near 300 yuan is higher than that in other districts, which fully shows that there are many types of snack bars and bars in Chaoyang District, and the overall consumption price is relatively high. The span of consumption interval is high, which means more selectivity and high bar consumption elasticity.
In order to maintain the observability of the data map, we only keep the sample points with per capita consumption within 0-300 yuan. In fact, the per capita prices of bars and snack bars are far more than this range.
Taking midnight snack as an example, Haidian has the largest number, but Chaoyang has the highest average price, especially the midnight snack near Liangmaqiao, where the per capita consumption exceeds that of 300 yuan, making it the highest in the region. In this area, large business companies are dense, financial companies are developed, per capita consumption level is high, and high-income consumers pay more attention to the dining environment, so the per capita snack cost in this area will be high.
Why are there so many differences in the average midnight snack prices in different regions? It depends on what all regions like to eat at night.
Hot pot is really YYDS! Whether it is Chaoyang, Haidian, Fengtai, Changping and Dongxicheng, or Fangshan, Huairou, Pinggu and other distant areas, the number of hot pot shops is the largest. Compared with exquisite western food and elegant Japanese food, hot pot can be said to be an approachable catalyst in social interaction, which is extremely inclusive. In the snack shops in Haidian District, 99 hot pots have become the most in all districts.
Eat hot pot every festive season, if it cools down, friends will want to eat hot pot, if they are lovelorn, they will want to eat hot pot, and if they are in love, they will also want to eat hot pot … Just as the netizen quipped: Nothing can’t be solved by one hot pot meal, if there is, then two meals.
According to the Insight Report on Hot Pot Consumption Behavior of College Students in the North, Guangzhou and Shenzhen released by a consulting organization, 71.4% of college students eat hot pot at least once a week, which is highly loyal to the hot pot category. They love the delicacy of hot pot, and they also think that eating hot pot is an important way to pursue leisure and relax and cultivate the feelings of their peers, which can easily break the cognitive barriers caused by time and region.
(▲ source IC photo)
Although the number of hot pots is the largest in all regions, it is slightly different in detail. In Chaoyang, besides hot pot, the most popular thing is probably barbecue. In Dongcheng, where many old Beijingers gather, people prefer to rinse meat. In Shunyi and Pinggu, which are far away from the main city, besides hot pot, there are more likely to be midnight snacks with local characteristics such as farmer’s pot-stewed and reservoir fish.
According to the data of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics, in 2019, the income from the above-designated accommodation and catering industry in Chaoyang District was 25.1 billion yuan, the highest among all districts. According to the snack grabbed and the per capita consumption distribution of bars, among the TOP50 stores, 23 snack bars in Chaoyang District and 38 bars were shortlisted.
From the perspective of Beijing’s urban planning, business districts are scattered, with Zhongguancun and Wudaokou in Haidian, Huilongguan in the north and Nanluoguxiang and Shichahai in the middle … But as far as bars and midnight snacks are concerned, the per capita consumption of Wangjing, International Trade CBD, Sanlitun and Gongti is higher than that of other places.
By the way, friends in Haidian are really low-key. A cup of mojito may need 100 yuan in Sanlitun, but it may only need 35 yuan to win it in Wudaokou.
The consumption evaluation of workers’ sports bars is the most.
Whether you like it or not, a large number of bars and various types of work sports will be a must on the wish list of young people.
For Beijing, a city with its own literary flavor, Nanluoguxiang and Qianmen Dashilan are naturally the best windows to show its style. The bars in Nanluoguxiang/Gulou East Street are not dominant in number, but there are still many young artists who are willing to sit here and feel the Beijing culture, and feel the fireworks atmosphere of petty bourgeoisie and temperament with their friends.
After the renovation, Qianmen Dashilan, Guijie and Sanlitun together form a night economic gathering circle with Beijing characteristics, and the distinctive Hutong Bar has gradually become the punching place of online celebrity on many social platforms.
At present, urban development emphasizes night economy, whether it is a bar or a midnight snack, it is an important indicator to measure the level of urban nightlife. Behind food, lights, alcohol and music, there is a pile of vitality at night and the release of urban personality.
In summer nights, a group of people put down their fatigue after changing their suits and ties, or gathered in hot pot restaurants and barbecue stalls full of Jianghu atmosphere to berate Fang Qiu for chatting, or gathered in bars with strong atmosphere to pour out their hearts and drink heartily, which reflected the character of the city and made it more youthful.
Data capture intern Zhang Ziheng
Data analysis Chen Hualuo, intern Qi Jiyuan
New Media Design Xu Xiao
Dynamic effect design Li Yazhen
Proofread Zhai Yongjun