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Jay Chou’s "Thorn Mausoleum" is playing through again

  According to our newspaper, Jay Chou is determined to take on the adventure action blockbuster "Thorn Mausoleum" next year. It is rumored that the salary is 20 million yuan. Wu Dun, the boss of the production company and Changhong Company, said: "I will not say the price number, because Jay’s talent and affection are priceless."

  Time travel love triangle

  In an interview yesterday, Wu Dun confirmed that he had signed a contract with Jay Chou, and that he would not play the previously popular "Kung Fu Slam Dunk 2", but the newly created "Thorn Ling" by him and director Zhu Yanping. Wu Dun said: "We have already filmed the basketball and kung fu scenes in’Kung Fu Slam Dunk ‘. The movie is most afraid of repetition and has no freshness, so we have re-created’Thorn Ling’, which is a masterpiece of emotion, action and adventure."

  Zhu Yanping said that "Stinger’s Tomb" is a story he has conceived for many years, and the plot cannot be revealed too much, but the outline will be a modern couple who accidentally fall into the time and space tunnel to the tomb of Genghis Khan, start a treasure fight with a mysterious man, and have a triangular love affair that travels through time and space. In fact, Jay Chou has already traveled through time and space in his own "Unspeakable Secret".

  Lock in the Korean diva actress

  Zhu Yanping knows that Wu Dun and Jay Chou both attach great importance to the script, and has asked the famous screenwriter of "Sweet Honey" An Xi to carefully design the emotional rivalry of the characters in the film. The team of "Thorn Ling" includes martial arts director Cheng Xiaodong, art designer Xi Zhongwen and other strong teams of "Kung Fu Slam Dunk", and the cost is as high as 100 million yuan. The heroine is locked in a diva actress who has acted in the Korean drama "Love in Harvard".

  Reverse the market and raise the salary to 20 million yuan

  It is rumored that Jay Chou’s salary has also increased from 10 million yuan in "Kung Fu Slam Dunk" to 20 million yuan. Wu Dun said that the exact figure cannot be disclosed, but it must have increased, because Jay can direct and act, has market charm in all Asia, and is a real big star. Jay Chou’s "Jewell" company also confirmed the day before yesterday that Jay Chou did sign a contract with Changhong Company to continue to cooperate with the film. As for any compensation figures, the company has never responded. It is reported that the film is planned to be shot in January next year, and filming will start in March. It will be released in the 2010 lunar year. (He Bien)

Editor in charge: Zhang Renhe

The Rise and Fall of Beijing’s "Yupai Express Village": From Moving to Driving Online

  The pervasive Sichuan sound and the aroma of prickly ash and chili peppers wafting from every household enter Houchang Village in Haidian District, Beijing, which always gives people the illusion of accidentally entering a Sichuan-Chongqing town. Houchang Village, outside the Northwest Fifth Ring Road, used to be famous for "moving". A few years ago, Chongqing residents who lived here occupied almost half of the entire Beijing moving market, which can be said to be a veritable "moving village".

  Over the past few years, Houchang Village’s Chongqing people have come and gone, basically maintaining the scale of 1,000 people. After the rise of online car-hailing, the Chongqing fellow who "first ate cake" on June 7, 2015 made money, and the place gradually changed from "moving village" to "express village". As the "premium" system of online car-hailing platforms gradually tightened and the incentive subsidy was reduced, by November 12, 2016, most of the express drivers in Houchang Village changed careers again. For 524 days, the tea house in the hutong was neglected because drivers were busy making money. Now the sound of mahjong here is louder and longer than before.

  "Chongqing Forest" in Houchang Village, Haidian

  Ding Chaoquan, a 40-year-old Chongqing native, is an express driver in Houchang Village. After a hurried dinner before 5 p.m., Ding Chao dressed in black cotton-padded clothes, carried a pack of cigarettes, and carried a pot of tea. As usual, he grabbed the car keys and turned them out of the hutong in Houchang Village, ready to leave.

  Ding Chaoquan’s car was parked on the south-facing side of the road that turned out to be Northwest Wang 2nd Street. On both sides of the road, there were also dozens of cars of Yu and Jing brands parked. Ding Chaoquan said that these cars are basically online hailing cars.

  At the end of October, according to the latest data from the Institute of Transportation System Science and Engineering at Beijing Jiaotong University, the total number of registered drivers of "Didi Chuxing" in Beijing has exceeded 1.50 million, and Ding Chaoquan and his fellow Chongqing villagers are part of this 1.50 million army.

  In a 24-hour cycle, the amount of orders settled by the express platform showed that Ding Chaoquan earned 547 yuan, excluding 245 yuan of oil money. On this day, Ding Chaoquan earned 302 yuan. But Ding Chaoquan still shook his head: "Compared with last year’s Heat, this number is two or three times worse."

  Ding Chaoquan registered as an express driver in June 2015. Before that, he drove a black car for six years. Earlier, he, like many fellow villagers, did a moving business in Houchang Village.

  In Ding’s memory, since 1993, villagers in Xintian Town, Pengshui County, Chongqing, have been flocking to Beijing’s moving market under the leadership of "pathfinders". In the early 1990s, a group of villagers traveled to Beijing far from their hometown to work as movers. Local bosses had the resources to send cars, and villagers paid for labor. Over time, the first batch of movers who amassed connections and markets became bosses: buy a few trucks and hire a group of Chongqing villagers as workers.

  In the years since then, relying on their hometown relationship, the villagers of Pengshui County, Chongqing have gradually moved out of Sichuan and Chongqing towns and gradually occupied half of the Beijing moving market. And Houchang Village has gradually become the gathering point of Chongqing fellow villagers in Beijing, becoming a veritable "moving village".

  According to the villagers’ own statistics, there are at least 1,000 people in Pengshui County, Chongqing, who are renting in the "moving village" to engage in moving work, and at one point more than 500 trucks and vans were used for moving.

  The first express driver of "Moving Village"

  As more and more Chongqing people flocked to Beijing, the "cake" of the moving market was not enough. Ding Chaoquan intuitively felt that there was a watershed in the moving industry around 2008. Some people made 900,000 in a few months, settled in Beijing, and some people could not get a good job or pay workers. Ding Chaoquan said he belonged to the latter group. Around 2009, seeing the business slump, Ding Chaoquan was forced to start the first "transformation": he sold a minivan for moving, bought a second-hand Buick, and drove a black car full-time.

  "Worry about fear" accompanied Ding Chaoquan for a long time after that. "From the time the passenger got on the bus to the time he got off, the whole process was tense, and he had to be careful to be caught." Ding Chaoquan said that being caught meant being fined. At most, he was fined 6,000 yuan and detained from the car.

  "It was very difficult, and I was afraid of punishment. I hesitated several times whether to continue driving black cars." In 2015, the peers who drove black cars in Beijing had no time to pay attention to Ding Chaoquan’s torn. In May of that year, "Didi Express" went online, which immediately added a new firewood to the increasingly popular online car-hailing industry.

  Data show that since the launch of Didi Express in May 2015, in two months, the order volume of "Didi Express" in Beijing has reached a local peak and the daily average 400,000 orders. At the same time, the number of registered drivers has approached 700,000.

  Ding Chaoquan, who was suffering from fear, seized this "opportunity".

  On a sultry afternoon in June, Ding Chaoquan registered as an express driver under the advice of his buddies. After two days, he decided to stop driving black cars and become an express driver on time.

  "I clearly remember that it was June 7th, and I could really make money." After Ding Chaoquan became an express driver, his income was mainly composed of three parts: the commission income for each order, the reward for completing the order, and the double premium during peak hours. Ding Chaoquan did not deny that most of the income came from the latter two. For each order, the platform charges a 21.77% commission, and the rest of the fare belongs to the driver. " "Order Completion Reward" was also known as the "Charging Reward", which was formulated by the platform to retain drivers who could provide services for a long time. "At the beginning, the reward for running 10 orders a day was 100 yuan, and the reward for running 20 orders was 200 yuan," while the "Premium" reward was calculated for drivers in different periods of time.

  Driving for 10 hours a day and earning more than 1,000 yuan was the norm for express drivers at that time. The news that Ding Chaoquan became an express driver "made a lot of money" quickly spread in the small teahouse in the hutong of Houchang Village. At most, seven or eight fellow villagers came to him to "learn from" a day. People kept asking him: how much money can I earn a day, how many subsidies and rewards can I get, how to join, and which area is easy to run in?

  Yu brand "fast team" that hugs together for heating

  Dou Ming followed Ding Chaoquan’s footsteps closely and rented a car to join the express team of the "Moving Village". Every morning at 6 or 7 o’clock, he would collect the car at night. Dou Ming could earn more than 10,000 yuan every month when the express train "just got popular." But renting a car was also a small expense. "After deducting the car rental fee and gas money, you can earn six or seven thousand yuan at the bottom."

  Ren Chuan rented a house opposite Ding Chaoquan, belonging to the first wave ** fellow villagers who "learned from" Ding Chaoquan. Unlike Douming, Ren Chuan was cautious about the "express", but also eager. After waiting for half a year, after the ****** Festival, he persuaded his parents to take out their savings and buy a new car in the early 100,000. Since there was no ******* license plate, Ren Chuan applied for a license plate for his hometown in Chongqing.

  Buying a new car has almost become the "standard" for young people in the "moving village" to join the express team. Ren Chuan calculated that if he did not buy a car, renting a car would cost 150 yuan a day. "You can run for 13 to 14 hours a day, receive more than 20 orders, and earn 400 yuan. After deducting the money for renting a car and gas, there are only a few dozen yuan left."

  Outside Houchang Village, Northwest Wang 2nd Street, where moving trucks and vans were originally parked, was gradually occupied by the team of cars joining the express train. Here, the number of Chongqing brand cars is the most, followed by the Beijing brand run by Chongqing villagers in the early years.

  From the end of 2015 to the first half of 2016, Mr. Ding and Mr. Ren recalled, "counting the West Second Banner, Software Park and Houchang Village, there were four or five hundred express drivers." In the three alleys near where Mr. Ding lived alone, there were 60 or 70 express drivers he knew.

  The "fast fleet" derived from the "moving village" is still growing rapidly in a group to keep warm.

  According to different regions, the express drivers have formed different "gangs" and divided different areas. Ding Chaoquan and Ren Chuan belong to "Chongqing", and in addition, there are online ride-hailing drivers from Henan and Hebei, all of which have their own WeChat groups. During the morning and evening rush hour, Baidu, Lenovo and Software Park near Houchang Village are "must-fight" for express drivers.

  "Before leaving the car, we will make an appointment. Chongqing will go to Gate 7 of the Software Park and wait. Hebei or Henan will not come over." Ren Chuan said.

  Once a monthly income of 10,000 was "basic"

  After booking a car online, Ren Chuan also added a WeChat group of express drivers with more than 150 people. "The group is full of fellow villagers, and there are often people who post’record ‘." Ren Chuan remembered that someone once posted a "large order" of "35 kilometers, 175 yuan" in the group, "175 yuan, including the 2.6 times reward given by the platform at that time, a tip of 30 yuan, and a high-speed fee of 15 yuan. Excluding the fuel fee, a single order netted 120 yuan."

  This is when, in their eyes, Express is at its "most prosperous", earning 10,000 yuan a month is "basic", and there are fellow villagers around them who "earn more than 30,000 yuan a month". But behind the appearance of this "prosperity" and "prosperity" is the "prosperity" that Didi, Uber and Yidao and other online car-hailing platforms "burn out" with money to occupy the market. Data show that in 2015, China’s entire online car-hailing market "burned" about 20 billion yuan due to the subsidy war.

  "Burning money" will certainly not be the norm, but few online ride-hailing drivers who are immersed in the imagination of "making big money" are aware. Ding Chaoquan has worked "very hard", even registering on multiple platforms at the same time and taking orders at the same time. The reward policies of online ride-hailing platforms have also begun to change quietly.

  After April this year, the reward for Didi Express doubling throughout the day was lowered, "the previous reward of 2.5 times the peak and 5 times the peak was gone, but now it is 1.2 times the peak and 2 times the peak", and the threshold for "rushing orders" has also been raised: "If you receive more than 20 orders a day, you will be rewarded 100 yuan, and if you receive more than 25 orders, you will be rewarded 200 yuan."

  Ding Chaoquan’s idea at the time was that even if the reward was lowered, it would still be no problem to earn three or four hundred yuan after spending fourteen or five hours a day. Compared with the random income of moving, compared with the fear of driving a black car, Ding Chaoquan felt that the "express train" was more like a "career" to ensure the income of drought and waterlogging. And Ren Chuan considered that he could save a "wife book" by working for two years.

  Mahjong sound into the industry "barometer"

  There is no business of moving on weekdays, and groups of Chongqing villagers flocked to the teahouse. In a moment, the sound of mahjong hitting the table rose one after another.

  After the "express convoy" appeared, a group of people left the car around 6 am and came back in the early morning, and another group of people left the car around 5 pm and came back the next morning.

  During the rest of the time, they went home to sleep, eat, and prepare to leave the car again. The business of the teahouse had been neglected a lot.

  "The company is burning money, but what it earns is the driver, and what benefits are the passengers." Ding Chaoquan had an account in his heart, and he slowly realized that the days of "getting rewards and getting soft hands" may not be too long.

  Soon after, the news broke that Didi and Uber China had "reached a strategic cooperation". After upgrading to the "Didi-Uber" platform, Ding Chaoquan obviously felt that "the money received is two or three thousand less per month".

  Since then, the "premium" system familiar to Ding Dynasty has gradually tightened. "It is considered a good order to receive 1.2 times in the morning and evening peaks," but the income is far from the 2.6 times or 3 times the premium before the merger. At the same time, the star reward has become a scoring system, "only rewards above 80 points". A bad review by a passenger will directly affect the overall score, and then affect the driver’s "bonus".

  "When I got out of the car, I always encountered passengers who were’picky ‘, and now the company doesn’t like it either. The two ends are splinted, and the work is boring." On November 3, after a few days of hesitation, Ren Chuan withdrew from the group.

  In just ten days, the "express convoy" in Houchang Village has undergone a "bloodbath". On Nov. 12, Ding Chaoquan said that he counted 60 or 70 express drivers he knew well, and "now there are only a dozen or so people left."

  Those who quit, some return to the old business of moving, and some return to the ranks of black cars.

  The nearly brand-new cars in the hands of many people were parked on the roadside of Northwest Wang 2nd Street, collecting dust, and the sound of mahjong in the hutong teahouse sounded earlier and longer than before.

  The persisting express driver

  In Ren Chuan’s opinion, there are only two types of people who still insist on driving fast: one is "idle and bored", and when they are not alive, they use online car-hailing as a part-time job and go out to earn gas money during peak hours; the other is "helpless" and handles other business and spends money to buy a car.

  Ding Chaoquan is "forced to be helpless". Because he used to drive used cars, Ding Chaoquan was often "given bad reviews" by customers. In September this year, he took out a loan to buy a Dongfeng sedan with a little 100,000. The money for the car "has not been earned back", and then the online car-hailing fell into a low ebb.

  This is Ding Chaoquan, a 40-year-old from Chongqing, in his 14th year in Beijing. For the first 13 years, Ding Chao went around in circles, moved houses, drove black cars, and only became "practical" after driving a fast car. Over the past year, what impressed his wife most was that Ding Chaoquan "didn’t even touch mahjong".

  At the door, there was a refrigerator, a chopping board, and pots and pans on the table. After the stove turned around, there was a square table, and next to the table, two beds were staggered. On the briquettes stove next to one of the beds, the iron kettle was sizzling. This was a bungalow rented by Ding Chao’s family of four in Houchang Village, with an area of less than 20 square meters.

  Two years ago, the monthly rent for the house rose from 420 yuan to 620 yuan now. "Including the electricity and water bills, it will be more than 10,000 in a year." A son and a daughter are studying at a nearby private elementary school. "The tuition fee for a year alone is nearly 20,000 yuan."

  Ding Chaoquan has not returned to his hometown in Pengshui County, Chongqing for the Chinese New Year for three years, and he is preparing to return home for the Spring Festival. "The old father is over 70, and his health is not good, so he has to go back and have a look." Going home means "spending money". "Thousands of dollars to honor the elderly on both sides are indispensable, and relatives have to carry fruit, cigarettes and alcohol during the Chinese New Year. 10,000 yuan can’t stop it."

  Tuition fees, rent, daily expenses at home… Ding Chaoquan set a small goal for himself: not to mention tens of thousands per month, but to earn at least 8,000 yuan. "Take into account all the expenses and living expenses of the family, so that you can save half of the money every month."

  This "goal" was "very easy" last year, but now, Ding Chao has to travel 17 or 8 hours a day, and the only time he can meet the children every day is at the dinner table in the afternoon.

  After taking out a loan to buy a car, his younger brother in his hometown once persuaded Ding Chaoquan to go home and work with him on decoration, but Ding Chaoquan refused, "I stayed in Beijing as soon as I came out in my 20s, and what can I do when I go back, ‘I can’t do your decoration,’ that’s what I told him."

  At 5 PM, carrying his wife’s hot tea, Ding Chaoquan opened a pack of cigarettes, lit one, and walked to the side of the road where he parked.

  "I don’t want to leave a smell in the car." He stood by the door and smoked, moved his waist a little, then got into the car and opened his mobile phone to receive orders until the next morning. This article/This newspaper reporter, Zhang Ya, Zhang Fan

  Photographer/Reporter, Yuan Yi

The new Lynk & Co 03 configuration is exposed, the whole series comes standard with 2.0T, and the price is about 150,000

A few days ago, the car workshop obtained the configuration information of the new Lynk 03, the new car will be listed on September 23, the estimated price is consistent with the current sale, about 150,000 yuan.

The interior of the new Lynk & Co 03 will be upgraded, starting with a 12.3-inch LCD dashboard + 12.8-inch central control screen, and equipped with a Qualcomm 8155 chip, making the car smoother and more responsive.

In addition, the new Lynk & Co 03 PLUS is equipped with keyless start, dual temperature zone automatic air conditioning + rear discharge trend, 6-way adjustment of the main driver’s electric seat, 8 high fidelity speakers, 360 panoramic images and 17-inch aluminum alloy wheels.

The Pro version will add a leather steering wheel, stepless streamer ambient light, front seat heating, and adaptive cruise on top of the PLUS.

Compared to the Jinxing Pro, the Halo adds an automatic parking assist system, a digital key, LED star matrix headlights, and an AR-HUD head-up display system.

At the same time, the new Lynk & Co 03 + also has a wind-powered version, equipped with a steering wheel performance keypad, track driving mode, sports exhaust system, driver’s seat ventilation, memory function, and central control sliding screen.

Compared with the wind version, the performance package version adds a full carbon pneumatic package, 19-inch forged wheels, front cabin aluminum lateral stability reinforcement rods, and automatic parking assist systems.

Compared with the wind version, the Cyan version adds high-performance four-piston fixed calipers, damping adjustable shock absorbers, high-performance track tires, and the co-pilot eliminates the electric seat and heating functions.

In terms of power, the new fuel version will come standard with a 2.0T engine and be divided into low/medium versions, matching a 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission. The 03 + and 03 + Cyan versions will be equipped with a 2.0T high-power version, matching an 8-speed automatic transmission, and equipped with the sixth-generation BorgWarner four-wheel drive system.

In addition, the new Lynk & Co 03 also has a hybrid version, which will be equipped with a dedicated 1.5T three-cylinder engine, matched with a 3-speed hybrid electric drive DHT Pro + gearbox.

Overall, there are still many places where the new Lynk & Co 03 has been upgraded. It can be said that it has been fully upgraded from the inside out. There are still a few days before the new Lynk & Co 03 is listed. Interested friends should not miss it.

The material comes from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact the author to delete it.

EditorShu Alu

Technology last night this morning 0426: Lei Jun responded to netizens wanting small size mobile phones, Blizzard responded to being sued by NetEase for a refund of 300 million, Hengda suspended produ

"Technology Last Night This Morning" is a newly launched content format that brings together major and important events in the technology industry for everyone. Today is Wednesday, April 26, 2023. Good morning everyone, and the following broadcast starts:

WeCom recently announced the "external contact size related adjustment" policy, if more than this size, enterprises can continue to use according to the needs of the purchase of a larger scale, 5000 need 500 yuan per year, 20,000 need 2000 yuan per year, and so on, equivalent to every 10 people need 1 yuan per year. > > View Details

From April 25th, Tesla in mainland China will open the charging network to other non-Tesla new energy vehicle pilots. The first batch of pilots will open 10 Tesla super charging stations for 37 non-Tesla models. > > View Details

In response to NetEase’s previous lawsuit seeking a refund of 300 million, Blizzard said, "Blizzard has not received the relevant complaint at this time, but we believe we have not violated any license agreement. The contract terms suspected of dissatisfaction with NetEase involve standard industry practices and have been mutually beneficial to both parties over the years." > > View Details

Recently, some netizens left a message to Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, that he wanted a smaller phone. In response, Lei Jun said: "The consumer group of mobile phones with smaller screens is too small, and the sales volume cannot support the research and development cost of the flagship." > > View Details

Evergrande recently said that after 900 units of its Hengda Automobile were delivered, the Tianjin factory suspended production of Hengchi 5 due to lack of funds. Previously, Hengda Automobile suspended other factories and concentrated resources on production at the Tianjin factory. The suspension of production at the Tianjin factory means that Hengchi has stopped production. However, the official said that production is planned to resume in May 2023. > > View Details

ERNIE Bot has launched a dedicated independent app for closed beta, which is currently only available. Users can type questions through the keyboard or enter questions by voice. ERNIE Bot can also answer questions by voice. > > View Details

On April 25, Academician Wu Weiren, chief designer of the lunar exploration project and director of the deep space exploration laboratory, interpreted the construction plan of the international lunar research station, and completed a complete type by 2040 to carry out the exploration of the sun, earth and moon space environment and scientific experiments, and built the magpie bridge communication and remote comprehensive constellation to serve manned moon landings and deep space exploration of Mars and Venus. After that, an applied lunar research station will be built. > > View Details

On April 25, DJI released the three-camera flagship drone DJI Mavic 3 Pro, which is equipped with a Hasselblad main camera and a bifocal telephoto camera:

Positioning city + hardcore SUV, dark blue G318 priced from 175,900 yuan

  Shell Financial News (Reporter Bai Haotian) On June 13, the dark blue G318 was officially launched, with a total of six models, priced from 175,900 yuan to 318,000 yuan. Its two-wheel drive empty suspension version is equipped with air suspension + CDC + double fork arms, priced at less than 200,000 yuan. According to the official, the order channel opened for 60 minutes, and the G318 order has exceeded 3,000 units.

  Dark Blue G318 Picture/Enterprise Official Website

  According to the official introduction of Deep Blue Automobile, the Deep Blue G318 is positioned as an urban SUV with hardcore off-road capabilities and is a dual-attribute product. Its body length, width and height are 5010 × 1985 × 1960 mm, and the wheelbase is 2880 mm. The vehicle is also equipped with an electric stepless differential lock and a rear axle electric drive differential lock, as well as an ET all-terrain mode.

  In terms of power, the vehicle has a 1.5T engine with a range extender, and the power can reach 110 kW. The rear motor power is 185 kW, and the combined power of the 4-wheel drive version is 316 kW. The dark blue G318 is equipped with a lithium iron phosphate battery pack with a capacity of 35.07 kWh. The vehicle has a pure electric battery life of about 140 kilometers, and the fuel consumption for 100 kilometers of feed is less than 7 liters.

  Editor and Proofreader, Yang Xuli

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Five departments jointly interviewed 11 online car-hailing platform companies

  CCTV NewsAccording to the Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China, on the morning of September 1, 2021, the Ministry of Transport, together with the Central Cyberspace Administration of China, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, and the State Regulation for Market Regulation and other member units of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on Coordinated Supervision of New Business Forms of Transportation, conducted a joint interview with 11 online car-hailing platform companies, including T3 Travel, Meituan Travel, Cao Cao Travel, Autonavi, Didi Chuxing, Shouqi Car-hailing, Didi Chuxing, Shengdao Travel, such as Qi Travel, Sunshine Travel, and Wanshun Car-hailing.

  The interview pointed out that recently, some platform companies have used a variety of marketing methods to engage in vicious competition, recruit or induce unlicensed drivers and vehicles to "bring cars to join", carry out illegal operations, disrupt the fair competition market order, affect the safety and stability of the industry, and damage the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and passengers.

  The interview requires that all platform companies should review their own problems, immediately rectify non-compliant behaviors, jointly maintain a fair competition market order, and jointly create a good environment for the standardized and healthy development of the online car-hailing industry. First, adhere to the bottom line of legal compliance. All platform companies should strictly implement the "three licenses" for platforms, vehicles and drivers, so that "the platform is licensed to operate, the vehicle is licensed to carry passengers, and the driver is licensed to work". It is necessary to immediately stop recruiting non-compliant vehicles and drivers. When the driver is newly registered, those who cannot provide permits will not be registered. It is necessary to speed up the removal of existing non-compliant vehicles and drivers on the platform, and require qualified drivers and vehicles to apply for corresponding permits for online car-hailing as soon as possible. The second is to maintain fair competition market order. All platform companies should strengthen the awareness of fair competition, respect market rules, further standardize business behavior, and must not use capital for vicious competition or disorderly expansion, must not exclude and restrict competition, and must not disrupt the normal market order. In particular, they cannot use false propaganda to induce drivers to join, let alone transfer business risks to drivers. They should focus on improving service quality and safe operation level, and rely on providing safe and high-quality travel services for the public to win the market. The third is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and passengers. All platform companies should play an active role in promoting scientific and technological progress, flourishing the market economy, facilitating people’s lives, and increasing social employment. It is necessary to scientifically formulate platform order dispatch rules to ensure that drivers receive reasonable labor compensation and rest time; it is necessary to standardize pricing behavior, reduce the proportion of the draw, and take the initiative to announce the pricing rules and the proportion to the society, so as to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and passengers. The fourth is to implement the main responsibility of safety and stability. All platform companies should earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of the enterprise, and comprehensively investigate and rectify the business behavior that may cause instability risks. It is necessary to smooth the channels for drivers to express their demands and avoid the intensification of contradictions and the spread of the situation. It is necessary to further strengthen safety work, strengthen driver background verification and safety education, and effectively ensure the safety of passenger travel. Fifth, ensure the security of user information and data. All platform companies must strictly implement relevant laws and regulations on user information and data security, earnestly fulfill their responsibilities for personal information protection, and shall not provide user personal information to third parties without the user’s consent.All platform companies shall establish relevant data security management systems in accordance with the law and take necessary security technologies and management measures in the collection, transmission, storage, and processing of user data.

  The interview stressed that all platform companies should investigate their own problems and rectify immediately. To accelerate compliance, formulate a practical online car-hailing compliance work plan, clarify the timetable, goals and work measures, especially to propose specific goals for vehicle and driver compliance work by the end of this year.

  The platform companies said that in accordance with the requirements of the interview, a comprehensive search for existing problems and security and stability risks, solid rectification work, maintain a fair competition market environment, and immediately stop the new non-compliant vehicles and drivers, accelerate the existing vehicles and driver compliance process, legal compliance to carry out business, promote the network about the car industry norms healthy and sustainable development.

Demystifying China’s Satellite "Big Butler": More than 10 Heaven and Earth Rescue Patrols in 50 Years

Xi'an Satellite Measurement and Control Center Command Hall

Xi’an Satellite Measurement and Control Center Command Hall

  CCTV News(Reporter, Wang Jiazhu) On June 19, more than a month ago, our country’s "Zhongxing 9A" radio and television live broadcast satellite failed to enter the predetermined orbit due to an abnormality in the launch process. However, after 16 days of full rescue, the satellite was successfully located in the predetermined orbit. The biggest credit behind this 16-day full rescue is the establishment of the earliest, largest and most functional spacecraft measurement and control center in China – Xi’an Satellite Measurement and Control Center.

  From the "Dongfanghong No. 1" satellite flying into space, to the return of the first return satellite to survey the sky; from the "Shenzhou" spacecraft manned to ask the sky, to the "Chang’e" "Jade Rabbit" ten thousand miles to explore the moon; and then to rendezvous and docking to establish a space laboratory… In the past 50 years since its establishment, Xi’an Satellite Measurement and Control Center has successfully completed more than 300 major scientific research and test missions and successfully rescued more than 10 major malfunctioning satellites.

  The center not only undertakes the real-time measurement and control of satellite launches, but also undertakes the long-term management of all spacecraft in orbit in our country. It is a veritable "big housekeeper" of Chinese satellites.

  Fine management makes "China Star" live longer

  On September 9, 2009, a special birthday party was held in a computer room of the Xi’an Satellite Measurement and Control Center: dozens of staff sat around a creative cake of "Satellite Guard the Motherland" and were celebrating the fifth birthday of the "Practice No. 6 A/B Double Star". The two "birthday stars" were soaring freely in the sky at that time.

  The twin satellites were originally designed to have a lifespan of only two years, but under the careful management and care of scientific and technical personnel, they have been operating safely and stably. By 2009, they had been in service for five years.

  Engineer Li Fangzheng was the B-star model supervisor. One day in 2005, after the satellite entered the country, he suddenly found that the satellite’s attitude was seriously out of order. If it was not solved in time, the satellite would lose its function forever. The satellite transit only lasted for ten minutes. In this short ten minutes, Li Fangzheng quickly performed power-saving maintenance on the satellite, organized "expert consultation", and formulated a treatment plan. After days and nights of hard work, the satellite’s condition finally returned to normal.

  By 2017, the twin satellites had been working for 13 years and overdue for 11 years, making them a veritable "birthday star". Overdue service of a satellite was equivalent to a satellite doing the work of multiple satellites. Due to the high cost of satellite manufacturing and launch, the precise measurement and control of the monitoring and control personnel was equivalent to saving the country hundreds of millions of yuan.

  According to reports, under the careful management of the Xi’an Satellite Measurement and Control Center, half of the satellites are currently in overdue service.

  Remote diagnosis allows "China Star" to fly safely

  Satellite in-orbit diagnosis and maintenance technology is the key and foundation of satellite health management, and has always been a key area of research for aerospace powers. It is very difficult for "people on the ground" to diagnose "stars in the sky". Without the support of big data, satellite diagnosis and maintenance can only be a castle in the air and passive water.

  Therefore, the Xi’an Satellite Measurement and Control Center has focused on key research and made every effort to obtain the "medical qualification certificate" for satellite diagnosis and maintenance.

  "In 2009, we managed more than 80 satellites, and the satellite failure rate was 2.7 times per day; in 2017, the number of satellites increased significantly, but the failure rate doubled. The improvement of fault diagnosis and maintenance level has eliminated many faults in the bud…" In February 2017, at the National Science and Technology Progress Award in Beijing, Fan Henghai, the chief engineer of the long-term management department of the center’s spacecraft, won the approval of the judges with a set of numbers.

  In early April this year, the center organized a full-satellite health inspection of the Beidou second-generation navigation satellite. Relying on the independently developed service system, scientists and technicians completed the inspection process that originally took 10 hours in just 5 minutes. The data access speed was increased by 2 orders of magnitude, and the efficiency of satellite data analytics was significantly improved.

  "We have collected and sorted out more than 1,800 fault cases at home and abroad, established more than 100,000 diagnostic knowledge, and independently developed this spacecraft fault diagnosis expert system." Li Weiping, a senior engineer, said that since the system was in operation, they have found and solved more than 800 satellite faults.

  The technician said confidently: "With these new systems, we have the ability to’check the pulse number ‘, and we can better escort the satellite."

  Heaven and earth rescue brings "China Star" back to life

  Over the years, the Xi’an Satellite Measurement and Control Center has successfully completed more than 200 real-time satellite launch measurement and control missions and 11 Shenzhou spacecraft measurement and control missions. What makes the measurement and control people most proud is the "Heaven and Earth Rescue" that came back to life and turned the tide when the satellite malfunctioned.

  In June 2002, the software system of the overdue China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite malfunctioned suddenly, and the attitude was out of control. After 15 days and nights of fierce fighting and hundreds of laps of uninterrupted tracking, the center restored the satellite to its normal attitude. Experts from the Brazilian Space Research Institute marveled: This is a miracle! China’s space measurement and control technology is amazing!

  In the center, as long as the famous "double-star rescue" is mentioned, everyone knows it. In the middle of the night on October 23, 2006, senior engineer Han Zhongmin’s phone suddenly rang: a satellite in orbit suddenly failed, the attitude was out of control, the satellite downlink signal was sometimes absent, the remote control command sent by the ground was basically not executed, and the satellite function was lost.

  In the following two months, Han Zhongmin and colleagues repeatedly deliberated and carefully designed more than 20 emergency remote control operations, and sent 4,216 remote control commands successively. Many technicians lamented that more remote control commands were issued during the rescue period than others in their lifetime.

  On December 30, 2006, according to the calculations of the satellite measurement and control center, the Yuanwang survey ship captured the satellite over the southern hemisphere and successfully injected remote control commands. After a 69-day battle, the satellite was finally brought back to life.

  On February 3, 2007, a Beidou satellite that had just been launched lost contact with the ground and could not receive a downlink signal for 17 consecutive days. At that time, many people in the industry felt very pessimistic, believing that the star had completely lost control and the possibility of coming back to life was slim.

  During the 60-day rescue period, more than 1,000 engineers and technicians from the central measurement and control system participated in the rescue work and sent more than 100,000 remote control instructions to the satellite, which finally brought the satellite back to life and made the rescue work a complete success.

  In September 2010, the helium gas of the "Xinnuo VI" satellite leaked. If it was not disposed of in time, the satellite would be completely disabled. In the following seven days, the center went through a series of orbit changes and capture controls to successfully locate the satellite and return it to normal.

  In August 2011, shortly after the "Ocean 2" satellite was launched into orbit, it mischievously tumbled and continued to tumble. The ground commands were sent again and again, but the satellite still did not listen to the commands, and as the rotation accelerated, it was in danger of disintegrating at any time.

  "As long as the satellite still has a glimmer of hope for successful rescue, we can’t give up!" Fan Henghai, who was the leader of the flight control team at the time, was ordered in danger. Finally, after 45 consecutive days and nights of hard work, the satellite came back to life, recovered major losses for the country, and gave birth to a large number of important research results, which were highly praised by the State Oceanic Administration, aerospace science and technology group companies and other units.

  So far, the Xi’an Satellite Measurement and Control Center has successfully rescued more than 10 major malfunctioning satellites, saving billions of dollars in economic losses for the country.

Can the power bank be used forever? Beware! It can’t be used like this.

First, look at the identification information

Pay attention to check the product identification information and the information on the product manual, and after August 1, 2024, power banks that have not obtained the CCC certification certificate and marked the certification mark shall not be allowed to leave the factory, sold, imported or used in other business activities.

Second, look at the rated capacity

In order to display the large capacity of the power bank, merchants usually mark the rechargeable battery capacity (such as 1000mA · h) in a conspicuous place, but during normal charging, the power bank’s output capacity cannot actually reach the battery capacity due to energy loss such as voltage conversion and heat generation.

The rated capacity is the effective discharge capacity of the power bank calibrated by the manufacturer. The higher the rated capacity, the more power the power bank can charge for the mobile phone!

III. See if the fast charging protocol matches

PD protocol refers to the USB-PD protocol. It is a fast charging protocol proposed by the USB-IF organization, which aims to provide high power transmission and faster charging speed. The fast charging protocol can be understood as a password between the mobile phone and the power bank. If both the mobile phone and the power bank support the PD protocol, it can be charged faster.

Fourth, pay attention to the rated capacity when taking the plane

According to the relevant regulations of the Civil Aviation Administration, the rated capacity of personal power banks does not exceed 100Wh, and the rated capacity exceeds 100Wh but does not exceed 160Wh. They can only be carried after being approved by the airline.

Back in the day | CCTV version of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng": Daming’s handsome detective

Editor’s note: This is a nostalgic theater.

On July 1, Deng Yancheng, the famous director and master of martial arts films, died in Hong Kong. Deng Yancheng had directed many film and television works in mainland China, mainly the "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" series, the "Escort in the World" series, and the "The Wire of Fire" series. Among these works, the most talked about by martial arts fans is the TV movie "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" produced by the program production center of CCTV Film Channel. It is considered to be the most classic and closest to the essence of the original work of Gu Long. Lu Xiaofeng’s film and television works.

CCTV version of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" CD

In 1972, Jin Yong invited Gu Long to serialize a martial arts novel in Ming Pao after finishing the serialization of "The Deer’s Cauldron". After Gu Long received the letter, he carefully conceived and created a famous detective of the Ming Dynasty, Lu Xiaofeng. Among martial arts novelists, Gu Long himself is a skilled craftsman who weaves stories. There are endless suspense and unexpected endings. He learned the writing techniques of Western detective novels and consciously introduced elements of mystery novels into martial arts novels, which increased the reasoning of the novel and enhanced the readability of the novel.

There are a total of 7 stories of Lu Xiaofeng in the original work of Gu Long, namely "The Great Golden Roc King" (originally known as "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng"), "The Embroidery Thief", "Before and After the Decisive Battle", "Silver Hook Gambling House", "Ghost Villa", "Phoenix Dance Nine Days" and "Sword God Laughs". The movie channel added 3 works that were not in the original work, "Lu Xiaofeng Prequel", "Iron Shoe Legend" and "The Mystery of Blood Clothes", which were expanded to 10.

The story and plot of film and television dramas are to be expressed through actors, and casting is an important job, which is the basis for the success of the work. Several starring characters are very in line with the temperament of the main characters in the original novel. Lu Xiaofeng is a seemingly bohemian, but in fact he is a chivalrous with excellent intelligence and excellent martial arts. Zhang Zhilin portrays this character vividly. Hua Manlou is the most elegant man in the ancient dragon novels. He smiles forever, and even if he faces the bad guys, he still does not lose his demeanor. Zhang Zhiyao, a beautiful man in ancient costumes, is the most suitable actor for this role. As an aside, the two starring characters have similar names, and many fans mistake them for brothers. He Rundong’s coldness is in line with the characteristics of Ximen Chuixue. The thief Sikong is good at picking stars, so the director chose Zhang Daming, who is thin and not tall.

While preserving the essence of the original work of Gu Long, this series highlights the suspense and enriches the character settings. The original book does not tell how Lu Xiaofeng met Huamanlou, who was at the intersection of life and death, nor does it mention how Lu Xiaofeng became famous. The director added two stories, "Lu Xiaofeng’s Prequel" and "The Legend of Iron Shoes", just before "The Great Golden Roc King".

Lu Xiaofeng used to be unknown

Detective Lu Xiaofeng

In order to highlight Lu Xiaofeng’s intelligence, the character of "Prequel to Lu Xiaofeng" is slightly different from the original book. In the original book, Zhu Ding and Lu Xiaofeng, an expert in the mechanism known as the "wonderful hand boss", have known each other since childhood. Here, because Lu Xiaofeng cracked Zhu Ding’s mechanism, he was asked by Zhu Ding to help solve the case. Zhu Ding was also the producer of the printing plate of the official Ming Dynasty banknote, the Daming Pass Treasure Banknote, and there were a large number of counterfeit banknotes circulating in the market. He became the biggest suspect. The setting of the movie also conforms to the historical background of the story. The Daming Treasure Banknote is really the only official banknote issued by the Ming Dynasty. The banknote lasted for more than 270 years in the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Ting believes that only Lu Xiaofeng can help him

Daming Pass Treasure Banknotes

Zhu Ting believed that Lu Xiaofeng had the ability to escape from his trap, so he naturally had the ability to help him find the real culprit of the counterfeit money case, and told Lu Xiaofeng that his senior brother Yue Qing might be the maker of the fake printing plate. Therefore, this Daming fancy young man Lu Xiaofeng, who had a case wherever he went, relied on his unique glib and coquettish manner to take the position, and also successfully attracted the attention of the picturesque rich second generation and another shareholder of Daming Tongbao Banknote, the seventh young master of Jiangnan Hua Family.

The story progresses layer by layer, which makes people shoot. The ending surprises the audience. The daughter of Yue Qing that Lu Xiaofeng tried so hard to find is actually a fake. Instead, the black hand fell into Lu Xiaofeng’s scheme and turned his lie into a real one. The black hand of the counterfeit money is not Yue Qing, the smiling face of the owner of the Bliss building, nor is it Boss Qian, the mole of the Hua family and the shopkeeper of the bank, but an ordinary police officer of the government, Loma.

Trap the suspect

Kind of like Detective Conan

"The Legend of the Iron Shoe" is another original story that supplements the life of the second male and explains the cause of Huamanlou’s eye disease. The plot is about the more common murder in the secret room and touching the face in the dark room to identify the murderer. Lu Xiaofeng asked Huamanlou to plaster dust on his hands and touch everyone’s faces because he decided that the Iron Shoe Thief was afraid of exposing his identity and did not dare to let Huamanlou touch his face. The genius doctor Song Wencao’s face was not gray, so he was the murderer, the Iron Shoe Thief. The follow-up stories such as "The Embroidery Thief" and "Before and After the Showdown" were also confusing, gradually stripping away the cocoon until the truth

Song Wencao exposed himself as an iron shoe thief

The plot of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" is mainly based on reasoning, and martial arts are secondary, but the special effects of martial arts are also very particular. In the opening scene of the first episode of "Lu Xiaofeng Prequel", "Beijing City Pursuit", in order to achieve a strong visual impact, the director asked to light up the roof of the Qingming Shanghetu Scenic Area in Hengdian Base. The climax paragraph of "Before and After the Final Battle", "The Top of the Forbidden Forbidden Battle", the special effects have been published for no less than 10 drafts, and the special effects company has worked hard for more than 70 days.

Battle to the Top of Forbidden

The plot of the movie has not been completely adapted according to the original book. In the original book of "Great Golden Roc King", Huo Xiu is Huo Xiu, not Shangguan Jin. Huo Xiu and Shangguan Feiyan are male and female relationships, and they are hostile to Lu Xiaofeng; in the movie, Huo Xiu becomes Lu Xiaofeng’s friend. Good people need to be rewarded, and some adaptations make the ending more perfect. In the original book "The Embroidery Thief", Xue Bing was killed by Jin Jiuling, who appeared to be a headhunter but was actually an embroidery thief, which made Lu Xiaofeng’s heart ache. In this version, Xue Bing merged with Aunt Gongsun, who was Xue Bing’s other identity after being disguised, and was not killed. Lu Xiaofeng also "used his way and his body" to defeat Jin Jiuling with embroidery needles. Of course, in order to reflect the perfect image of the protagonist, Lu Xiaofeng did not kill the bad guys in the movie, but only subdued them by injuring and maiming them. Jin Jiuling liked to use needles to harm people’s eyes, and in the end, he was unhappy and suffered from it. This adaptation reflects the cycle of cause and effect.

Xue Bing merged with Aunt Gongsun

Lu Xiaofeng subdued Jin Jiuling with a needle

Bad guys have bad news, and the adaptation of "Ghost Villa" makes the ending of "Skynet is magnificent, but not leaking" even more impressive. Fifteen years ago, the wooden Taoist coveted the position of head of Wudang for a long time and refused to give up his status and wife and daughter at the same time. Therefore, he entrusted his wife Shen Sanniang and daughter Ye Xue to Ye Lingfeng, a layman disciple, and let Ye Lingfeng fake marry Shen Sanniang. Who would have thought that Ye Lingfeng and Shen Sanniang would fake it and give birth to Ye Ling. Later, the wooden Taoist knocked Ye Lingfeng off the cliff to vent his personal anger. The wooden Taoist created the Ghost Villa as an "old knife handle". He single-handedly planned the Tianlei operation, and the conspiracy succeeded. He finally ascended the throne of the Wudang head, and killed one of his subordinates disguised as the old knife handle as a scapegoat.

The ending of Ye Lingfeng was not explained in the book, but the movie gave a different answer. Although Lu Xiaofeng solved the case, it was already a step too late. Ye Lingfeng died after being severely injured by the old knife handle to save his daughter Ye Ling. Before that, Ye Lingfeng told his adopted daughter Ye Xue that she was actually the daughter of the old knife handle, and guided Ye Xue to kill the wooden daoist. The wooden daoist finally died in the hands of his own daughter, and he finally believed in retribution before he died. Lu Xiaofeng also finally understood what Ye Lingfeng said to him before he died, "The old knife handle can’t win me". This ending is even more thought-provoking.

A more thought-provoking ending

In Jin Yong’s Eagle Projection trilogy, there is a famous saying, "The great hero is for the country and the people". Although the ancient dragon novel did not directly mention it, Lu Xiaofeng in "Before and After the Decisive Battle" is already a hero who crushed the coup and saved the country in danger. The last episode "The Mystery of Blood Clothes" also sublimated the theme of the hero’s style. Lu Xiaofeng and his friends once again favored the coup and saved the emperor who was misunderstood by the county king. The emperor personally explained the reasons why several previous county kings chose Chengren back then, and opened up to the granddaughters of the county kings who participated in the coup, reflecting the tolerance of benevolent monarch. Only benevolent monarch is worthy of Lu Xiaofeng’s rescue.

The "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" series not only combines martial arts and reasoning very well, but friendship is also a highlight of the play. Ximen Chuixue and Sikong Qixing always appear at critical moments to help Lu Xiaofeng. Zhang Zhilin’s Lu Xiaofeng and Zhang Zhiyao’s Huamanlou drink together, ride horses together, and even sleep together, and there are rare plots of flirting with each other. Many plots make female audiences feel a little rotten.

Hua Manlou and Lu Xiaofeng flirt with each other

Zhang Zhilin’s handsome detective is unparalleled, and Zhang Zhiyao’s son is like jade, which has really captured the hearts of thousands of girls. Shuangzhang is considered to be the closest to the original Lu Xiaofeng and Huamanlou. A few years later, the TV series "Lu Xiaofeng and Huamanlou" was broadcast, but Weibo had a hot search of "After Shuangzhang, there will be no more Lu Hua", which shows the influence of the CCTV version of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng".

China Release | 2021 World Internet Leading Scientific and Technological Achievements Release, Huawei Hongmeng Operating System and other 14 finalists

China Net Wuzhen, September 26 (Reporter, Dong Xiaodi) The 2021 World Internet Leading Scientific and Technological Achievements Release Event was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang on the 26th. Huawei HarmonyOS Hongmeng operating system and other 14 leading domestic and foreign representative scientific and technological achievements were announced at the meeting.

The "World Internet Leading Scientific and Technological Achievements Release Event" aims to showcase the latest scientific and technological achievements in the global Internet field and build a comprehensive innovation exchange platform. This year is the sixth time the event has been held.

On September 26, 2021, the world’s leading Internet scientific and technological achievements were released in Wuzhen, Zhejiang. Photo by Dong Xiaodi, a reporter from China Net

It is reported that after the announcement of the solicitation notice in early May this year, it received extensive attention and positive responses from the global Internet-related industries, and a total of more than 300 applications from China, the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden, New Zealand and other countries and regions were collected.

The application results focus on five application fields: industrial empowerment and collaborative development, smart society and public governance, social life and public services, social responsibility and digital public welfare, and high-perception smart life, covering 5G, quantum computing, high-end chips, high-performance computing machines, network architecture, basic operating systems, satellite Internet applications, industrial Internet and intelligent manufacturing.

In addition to 14 leading scientific and technological achievements, the achievements of Microsoft, Zhongke Longxin, Lingxi Technology, Kirin Software, and Tianshu Zhixin were shortlisted for the 2021 World Internet Leading Scientific and Technological Achievements Nomination Project.

2021 World Internet Leading Scientific and Technological Achievements List

1. HarmonyOS Hongmeng operating system

– Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

2. Intelligent Computing Chip Industry Innovation: The World’s First Open Source NPU Instruction Set Architecture

– Anmou Technology (China) Co., Ltd.

3. New artificial intelligence-driven dynamic profiling of major diseases and remote and efficient prevention and control systems

– Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

4.5G independent networking (SA) end-to-end system solution, international standards and networking technology

– China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd.

5. Key technologies and system applications of ultra-high-resolution video codec

Peking University

6. Beidou Global Navigation Satellite System Construction and Application

– China Satellite Navigation System Management Office

7. "Tiantong-1" satellite mobile communication application system

– China Telecom Group Co., Ltd. 

World’s First 5G Modem-to-Antenna Solution Supporting 10Gbps 5G Transmission Rates and First 3GPP Release 16 Compliance

Qualcomm Wireless Communication Technology (China) Co., Ltd.

Research and development of 9.800G ultra-high-speed optical transceiver chip and engine technology

– Zhijiang Laboratory

10. Intelligent sensing end point based on multispectral

– Hangzhou Hikvision digital technology joint stock company

11. Cloud operating system ecosystem construction based on hierarchical API specifications

– Tsinghua University

12. GeaGraph, a large-scale graph computing system

– Ant Technology Group joint stock company

13. Alibaba Cloud Pangu: A Large-scale Distributed Storage System for Cloud Computing

– Alibaba Cloud Computing Co., Ltd

14. Safe, reliable and controllable next-generation artificial intelligence platform

– Beijing Ruilai Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

List of Nominated Projects for World Internet Leading Scientific and Technological Achievements in 2021

1. Loongson autonomous command system architecture

—Loongson Zhongke Technology joint stock company

2. Kydroid Operating System V10

– Qilin Software Co., Ltd.

3. Microsoft’s low-code development language Power Fx

Microsoft Corporation.

4. Brain-like chip ? KA200

– Beijing Lingxi Technology Co., Ltd.

5. Cloud 7nm GPGPU chip product BI

– Shanghai Tianshu Zhixin Semiconductor Co., Ltd.