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New progress in financial opening-up: the second overseas bank card clearing institution was approved for opening.

  The financial industry has made progress in opening up to the outside world, and the second overseas bank card clearing institution has entered the domestic market.

  On November 19th, official website, the central bank, reported that the People’s Bank of China, together with the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, examined and approved the application for opening a bank card clearing institution submitted by "Everything Network Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd." (hereinafter referred to as "Everything Network Company") in accordance with the the State Council Decision on Implementing Access Management of Bank Card Clearing Institutions and the Measures for the Administration of Bank Card Clearing Institutions. On November 17th, 2023, the People’s Bank of China issued a bank card clearing business license to Wanshiwanglian Company.

  Wanshi Netlink Company is a joint venture established by MasterCard and Netlink Clearing Co., Ltd. in China. After obtaining the administrative license, Wanshiwanglian Company can authorize its member institutions to issue and accept RMB bank cards of MasterCard brand in China.

  It is worth noting that this is the third bank card clearing institution in China after China UnionPay and China Unicom, and it is also the second Sino-foreign joint venture bank card clearing institution (China Unicom is a joint venture between American Express and China).

  All things network obtained administrative permission.

  According to public information, as the main body of MasterCard and Netlink Technology Co., Ltd.’ s bank card clearing institution preparation application, Wanshi Netlink Company is a joint venture company initiated by MasterCard Company in China, and as the market main body, it applies for preparing bank card clearing institution and operating MasterCard brand.

  According to Tianyancha, Wanshiwanglian Company was incorporated on March 6, 2019 with a registered capital of 1 billion yuan. MasterCard Asia/Pacific PTE. Ltd. (MasterCard Asia Pacific), Netlink Technology Co., Ltd. and MasterCard International Incorporated jointly contributed 500 million yuan, 490 million yuan and 100 million yuan respectively, accounting for 50%, 49% and 1% of the registered capital respectively.

  The legal representative and chairman of Everything Network Company are Ling Hai, who is the co-president of MasterCard Asia Pacific; Dong Junfeng, the director and vice chairman of Everything Network, is currently the president of Network Clearing Co., Ltd.

  Industry experts told reporters that MasterCard is the second largest bank card clearing institution in the United States, and approving its entry into China’s market is a concrete measure to implement the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting high-level opening up, which fully demonstrates China’s determination to expand opening up. So far, China has approved American Express and MasterCard, two overseas bank card clearing institutions, to enter the domestic market, which is conducive to building an effective competitive, reasonable and stable bank card clearing market structure, deepening the supply-side structural reform of the payment industry, and better serving the real economy and people’s livelihood.

  The bank card clearing business involves the calculation of creditor’s rights and debts and the arrangement of fund settlement among the subjects of the bank card business, which is related to the rights and interests of the public, enterprises and institutions.

  The reporter learned that the People’s Bank of China is further improving the relevant management system of bank card clearing institutions, strengthening the whole process supervision and penetrating supervision, and maintaining the safe and stable operation of China’s payment system.

  The central bank said that in the next step, the People’s Bank of China will continue to follow the principles of openness, fairness and justice, promote the market access of bank card clearing in an orderly manner according to law, make overall plans for development and safety, continuously improve the supervision mechanism of bank card clearing institutions, and promote the high-quality development of the payment industry.

  Steadily promote the access of foreign bank card clearing institutions

  In 1980s, foreign bank card clearing institutions began to provide foreign currency bank card related services to domestic entities, such as authorizing domestic commercial banks to issue foreign currency bank cards.

  In 2015, the State Council issued the Decision on Implementing Access Management of Bank Card Clearing Institutions (Guo Fa [2015] No.22), which clearly stated that China’s bank card clearing market should be opened, and foreign bank card clearing institutions can provide RMB bank card related services by setting up commercial entities in China with the approval of the People’s Bank of China and the former CBRC.

  In 2016, the People’s Bank of China, together with the former China Banking Regulatory Commission, issued the Measures for the Administration of Bank Card Clearing Institutions (Order No.2 of the China Banking Regulatory Commission of the People’s Bank of China [2016]), which set the same standards for foreign and domestic bank card clearing institutions in terms of establishment conditions, procedures and business management, fully embodying the principles of opening wider to the outside world and maintaining fair competition in the market.

  Subsequently, in order to promote the standardization, standardization and convenience of administrative licensing of bank card clearing institutions and improve the transparency of administrative licensing, in 2017, the People’s Bank of China studied, formulated and publicly released the Service Guide for the Approval of Bank Card Clearing Institutions, which detailed the application materials requirements for administrative licensing matters such as the preparation, opening and major changes of bank card clearing institutions, and clarified the specific procedures for bank card clearing institutions to apply for licenses.

  After that, the People’s Bank of China closely followed the new situation and situation of the opening of the bank card clearing market, and based on the regulatory practice and market demand, revised and updated the Service Guide for the Entry and Approval of Bank Card Clearing Institutions in 2020, streamlined the requirements of application materials, optimized the entry and approval process, and better facilitated the bank card clearing institutions to handle administrative licensing matters.

  In recent years, the People’s Bank of China has resolutely implemented the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and steadily promoted the access of foreign bank card clearing institutions.

  In June 2020, the People’s Bank of China and the former China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission approved the application for opening a bank card clearing institution submitted by Unicom (Hangzhou) Technical Service Co., Ltd. (a joint venture company established by American Express in China), and issued a bank card clearing business license to it. In August 2020, Connectivity Company officially opened.

  According to the central bank, China is committed to high-level opening-up, and MasterCard’s exhibition in China market is a new progress in China’s financial opening-up. China will continue to optimize the business environment and provide greater convenience for foreign financial institutions to develop their businesses in China. American-funded financial institutions are welcome to expand their business presence in China, share the fruits of China’s economic development and make contributions to deepening Sino-US financial cooperation.

Shandong Experimental Kindergarten: Celebrating New Year’s Day and Visiting the Garden.

On the occasion of New Year’s Day, Shandong Experimental Kindergarten held a garden activity in 2024, "Longteng brings forth new ideas, and’ Temple’ is unspeakable".
Amid the children’s laughter and songs, the lively and prosperous garden activities are on fire. Turn to "dumplings" to meet love, fish jump in the dragon gate, sprout dragons and break through the customs, as well as fantasy magic show, scented tea DIY… delicious and fun.
With expectation and joy, the children happily visited temple fairs and celebrated the New Year together, feeling the charm of traditional culture and the happiness of growing up in a warm festive atmosphere.
Public news client Zhao Guolu correspondent Sun Yu

China successfully developed the world’s first ultraviolet super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution.

China successfully developed the world's first ultraviolet super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution.

  Yong Yang (left), deputy chief designer of Super-resolution Lithography Equipment Project of Institute of Optoelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, introduces the successfully developed equipment. Sun zifa

  Zhongxin. com, Chengdu, November 29th (Reporter Sun Zifa) — — The super-resolution lithography equipment project passed the acceptance test in Chengdu on the 29th. As one of the important achievements of the project, China scientists have successfully developed the world’s first ultra-resolution ultraviolet (i.e. 22nm @ 365nm) lithography equipment with the highest resolution, and formed a brand-new nano-optical lithography process route with completely independent intellectual property rights.

  Researcher Luo Xiangang, director of the Institute of Optoelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and chief scientist of the super-resolution lithography equipment project, said that in 2012, the institute undertook the development task of super-resolution lithography equipment, a major national scientific research equipment project. After nearly seven years of hard work, without foreign mature experience to learn from, the project team broke through key technologies such as high uniformity lighting, super-resolution lithography lens, nano-resolution focusing and gap measurement, and ultra-precision, multi-degree-of-freedom stage and control. The development of the first UV super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution in the world is completed. It uses a light source with a wavelength of 365 nm, and the maximum line width resolution of a single exposure reaches 22 nm (about 1/17 exposure wavelength). On this basis, the project team also combined with the supporting processes such as high aspect ratio etching and multiple patterns developed by the super-resolution lithography equipment project to realize the processing of feature size patterns below 10 nanometers.

  The first ultra-violet super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution in this world is developed based on surface plasmon super-diffraction, which breaks the traditional route pattern that the resolution of traditional optical lithography is limited by the wavelength of light source and the numerical aperture of lens, and forms a brand-new technical route from principle, equipment to process, with completely independent intellectual property rights, and provides manufacturing tools for the leap-forward development of revolutionary strategic fields such as metamaterials/hypersurfaces, third-generation optical devices and generalized chips.

  Acceptance experts believe that all technical indicators of the super-resolution lithography equipment successfully developed by Zhongke Optoelectronics meet or exceed the assessment indicators specified in the implementation plan, and the key technical indicators have reached the international leading level in the field of super-resolution imaging lithography. In principle, the project breaks through the diffraction limit of resolution, establishes a new research and development route of high-resolution and large-area nano-lithography equipment, bypasses the technical intellectual property barrier of foreign high-resolution lithography equipment, realizes the innovation of China’s technological source, and develops super-resolution lithography equipment with independent intellectual property rights and controllable technology, which is also the first ultra-violet super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution in the world.

  At the same time, a series of nano-functional devices, including large-aperture thin film mirror, superconducting nanowire single photon detector, Cherenkov radiation device, biochemical sensor chip, super-surface imaging device, etc., have been prepared by using the successfully developed super-resolution lithography equipment, which verifies the processing ability of the nano-functional devices of the equipment and has reached the practical level.

  The super-resolution lithography equipment project of Zhongke Optoelectronics Institute has published 68 papers, and at present, it has been authorized 47 national invention patents and 4 international patents, and has trained a super-resolution lithography technology and equipment research and development team. Luo Xiangang said that the Institute of Optoelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences will further increase the research and development, popularization and application of functional diversification of super-resolution lithography equipment to promote the development of related fields in the country.

"Ordinary" Andy Lau, unconsciously red all his life.

After a lapse of 26 years, Andy Lau once again plays Detective Mayor in Chasing the Dragon, still very chock. /stills of the movie "Chasing the Dragon"
In the era of rampant traffic, he has never been angry.
"I really can’t sing, sorry! The doctor told me not to sing any more, so I will stop the concert after singing this song. "
In December, 2018, it is planned to hold the "My Love" concert in Andy Lau for 20 consecutive sessions, and stop the third song in the 14th session.
The 57-year-old Andy Lau stood on the stage, and his sudden loss of voice forced him to cancel the concert. He cried in pain and kept bowing to the audience to apologize.
Andy Lau’s confused and guilty appearance on the stage makes people feel distressed.
I think, if he can sing, he will hold on, no matter how painful.
Andy Lau is such a hard worker.
In January 2020, the promised "My Love" concert arrived as scheduled, and all three concerts in three stations in the mainland were spiked, as usual. Unconsciously, Andy Lau is nearly sixty years old, and its market appeal is still amazing.
Since his debut at the age of 17, he has been popular for more than forty years.
When I was young, Andy Lau was also a delicate and charming little fresh meat.
Handsome depends on nature,
Handsome life depends on hard work
When participating in the "Let’s Talk" program, Sa Beining introduced Andy Lau’s appearance like this: "I am not afraid that others are more handsome than you, and I am not afraid that others are better than you. I am afraid that others are more handsome than you, better than you, and get up earlier than you."
Hard work is the strongest label on Andy Lau.
Andy Lau used to be an out-and-out "idol"-only the kind of face value.
At the age of 17, he entered the wireless actor training class. At the age of 20, he took part in the film "Colorful Clouds". Only bit part attracted many audiences with his handsome appearance. At the age of 22, he starred in the martial arts drama "The Condor Heroes", which set a 62-point viewing record in Hong Kong.
At that time, Stephen Chow, Tony Leung Chiu Wai and many other future movie stars were just walk-on in the play.
In 1982, Andy Lau, who had just entered the entertainment circle, starred in the first film "Colorful Clouds". /stills of the movie "Colorful Clouds"
How handsome is Andy Lau? For a long time, "Andy Lau" was an adjective.
When you see a handsome guy, you won’t say "He looks so handsome", but "He looks like Andy Lau".
If you ridicule others, you will say, "Look in the mirror. Do you think you are Andy Lau?"
However, when Fazai is upgraded to Fage, when Xingzai becomes Xingye, Huazai can be Huazai all his life.
"Huazai" is a title similar to "Xiao Liu". At first, it was a banter for young people with no status. Now, it has become a praise for Andy Lau’s handsome and energetic for decades.
Did Liu Tianwang lose the photo with the popular idol Lu Han?
Handsome when you are young may be born, but to be handsome all your life, you absolutely need persistent persistence and hard work.
And this kind of effort has been internalized into the daily life of his life, and even he himself is unaware of it.
A light diet and persistent exercise are the secrets for Andy Lau to keep fit. No matter how late filming is, always insist on getting up early to practice; Breakfast is the same yogurt and cereal for decades. When not working, lunch is simply hot coffee and toast, and even the staff "pity" him.
However, he was indifferent: "I think it’s delicious." This is probably the highest level of self-discipline.
Andy Lau’s weight keeps around 65kg all the year round, and she often shows off her figure in concerts.
Be a doll all your life,
Don’t be an idol all your life
However, only handsome, it is impossible to make Andy Lau popular all his life.
God gave Andy Lau a handsome face, but he didn’t have the talent to sing and act.
Andy Lau spent five years from "the voice of a drake" to the Golden Melody Award.
Andy Lau’s voice condition is not good, and some people even say it is "drake’s voice". In 1985, the record company wanted to take advantage of the popularity of Andy Lau’s movies and TV series to make some money from his records. But the fans in those days were much more rational than today, and the record sales were average.
Fans who don’t krypton gold can become the driving force for idol progress.
So, he found Dai Sicong, the godfather of Hong Kong music, to study, and kept practicing during filming. After George Lam’s guidance, he found his own unique characteristics of vibrato and singing.
After five years of hard work, Andy Lau won the first top ten Chinese golden songs with "Can". Andy Lau’s singing skills have gradually been affirmed by more people, and golden songs are frequently sung all over the streets: Practice, Ice Rain, Love You for Ten Thousand Years, Forgetting Water …
Compared with singing skills, the emotion conveyed in Andy Lau’s songs may be the reason why he became a king, as if listening to his own life instead of Andy Lau’s songs.
Before and after the return of Hong Kong in 1997, the feeling of national unity was strong, and Andy Lau launched "China People" to inspire the national spirit; Men with great social pressure need to unload their burdens, and Andy Lau sang "It is not a crime for men to cry" for them; "Stupid Child" is integrated with Andy Lau’s own experience, inspiring the public. As long as they work hard, everyone can get what they want.
In Andy Lau’s songs, there are stories of each of us.
Later, it took Andy Lau 20 years to switch to film, from idol to strength.
Play everything like yourself, which is the shackles of all idols. It was not until he met Wong Kar-wai in as tears go by that Andy Lau got his first classic role-Ahua, and was nominated for the best actor in the Hong Kong Film Awards for the first time.
However, for a long time, Andy Lau’s role in the film was very similar to that of "Hua", a handsome and affectionate punk, which led to the voice of questioning his acting skills again.
Therefore, Andy Lau threw caution to the wind in Dark War, put down the idol burden, and played the villain role for the first time-a perverted murderer. In addition to playing the old man, he also disguised as a woman, and he switched roles freely. Finally, Andy Lau won the Best Actor Award, which was nominated for three times, for "Dark War".
At that time, in addition to Andy Lau, Ceng Zhiwei, Huang Qiusheng, Wu Zhenyu, and Liu Qingyun competed for the best actor in the Academy Awards. Andy Lau won the prize by no means by luck.
One look is enough to prove Andy Lau’s acting skills.
Behind the efforts,
Is not to admit defeat
In 1984, Andy Lau was acclaimed by the wireless TV station for his role in Yang Guo in The Condor Heroes, and was honored as the "Five Tiger Generals of Wireless" with Felix Wong Yat Wa, Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Michael Miu and Tang Zhenye.
However, Andy Lau was not satisfied with the brilliance of the small screen, refused to renew the contract of the wireless TV station for five years, and was buried in the snow, just to be free to choose the movie he wanted to shoot. Later, Andy Lau began to develop vigorously into the music and film circles.
When Andy Lau entered the music scene, Alan Tam, the "principal", felt that his voice had no characteristics and his singing method was single, and advised Andy Lau not to sing and quit the music scene.
But Andy Lau didn’t give up. He kept practicing, singing better from album to album, and gradually became the most popular "Four Kings" in music.
Hong Kong’s "Four Kings" in those days.
In 2004, when Zhang Yimou was promoting "House of Flying Daggers", he said: "Like Andy Lau and Takeshi Kaneshiro, if they can play anything, they can’t play farmers."
I don’t know if Takeshi Kaneshiro heard this sentence, but Andy Lau listened to it. Ten years later, he became a ragged and unkempt farmer in Lonely.
Faced with all kinds of doubts and accusations, Andy Lau gave an answer with practical actions: 130 films, more than 100 albums, more than 500 songs and more than 500 awards, and he was the most award-winning artist in Hong Kong, and also won the Guinness World Record.
However, even with such brilliant achievements, Andy Lau’s strength is still in doubt.
Of course, singing is better than Jacky Cheung, dancing is better than Aaron Kwok, and acting is better than Tony Leung Chiu Wai. "Other people’s children" are so powerful, who can say without thinking that Andy Lau is good at singing and acting?
In Infernal Affairs, the acting skills of Andy Lau and Tony Leung Chiu Wai are neck and neck.
Andy Lau said: "I am stupid, and I don’t know which one is good, which one is not good, which one will be hot and which one won’t, so I have to pick up more." Besides working hard, what can Andy Lau, a "stupid kid", do?
And Andy Lau efforts today, dare not say better, at least also can share?
This is the power of "stupid children". From an ordinary young man who was born in a "slum" in Hong Kong to one of the four famous kings overseas today, Andy Lau’s efforts over the past decades have made people admire and convinced others of his achievements today.
People can be popular,
True feelings last forever.
There is a saying in Hong Kong that you may not know the Chief Executive, but you must never know Andy Lau.
Andy Lau’s name is definitely a key word in the 1990s.
Why is Andy Lau so popular?
Andy Lau is a person who pursues truth very much. In many interviews, he often emphasizes: "I will be angry, too."
It seems that he doesn’t want others to think that he is a perfect idol without shortcomings, but rather hopes that his true self can be known by more people.
People can make artists become popular overnight, but they have to be popular all their lives, only the truth.
The wrinkles on Andy Lau’s face only add to his charm.
Andy Lau once said: "Even if I am not in the entertainment industry, I still have my works."
Everyone who has worked with Andy Lau pays tribute to him.
Lan Jieying said: "There are not many trustworthy people in this world. I only trust Andy Lau." When Lan Jieying suffered a great blow and suffered from mental problems, all her friends avoided her. Only Andy Lau still regarded her as a friend and helped her improve her life.
Andy Lau’s professionalism is also well-known in the circle. He rehearses carefully in person, is punctual and trustworthy, remembers his lines before filming, and tries his best to play in action scenes no matter how dangerous or hard it is.
For these praises, Andy Lau is very indifferent: "This is just what I learned in the training class before. Maybe today’s standards are different."
Being a fan of Andy Lau is a very happy thing, because he always takes care of his fans as his family.
He once gave a concert in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia for a fan. He said at the concert: "If you can make money by filming and advertising, why bother to hold a concert?"? If I hadn’t held a concert and met hundreds of thousands of people, I wouldn’t have been able to say thank you personally. "
Talking about Andy Lau now, many young people will feel "out of breath". But every New Year, I still feel very appropriate when I hear Andy Lau’s "Congratulations on Getting Rich" in the supermarket; When your mother invites you to a concert in Andy Lau, you will only actively grab tickets.
Hua Zai, who is nearly 60 years old, has proved with his diligence and lasting popularity that an artist can be an idol for generations. We should be thankful that in this era when so-called idols are rapidly becoming popular and forgotten, Andy Lau’s name is different.
Alan Tam is 25 years old forever, and Andy Lau is 17 years old forever. He is always curious, always hardworking and always energetic, just like the Hua Zai when we first met.
Andy Lau said that artists will not be popular one day. Except Andy Lau.
Author | Jia Hui
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The damaged transmission lines in Yuanqu, Shanxi Province have been rushed through, and the production and living electricity of residents has all been restored.

After every AI news, the reporter learned from the State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company that at 18: 50 on December 19, the power supply of 56 transmission lines in Yuanqu Power Grid and the power supply of emergency power vehicles were all switched, and the production and living electricity consumption of residents in Yuanqu County was all restored. The 133 emergency power vehicles mobilized by the State Grid from Hebei, Sichuan, Anhui and other places will all return on the morning of the 20th. (CCTV News)

Original today’s football: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga

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Original today’s football: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga

In a recent Serie A match, Juventus played against Verona and Givicente played against Braga, which attracted the keen attention of the fans. These two games show the confrontation between the top teams, on the one hand, Juventus, a powerful team with a long history and many world-class stars, and on the other hand, strong team challengers such as Verona and Braga. Next, let’s learn more about these two wonderful games!

First, let’s take a look at the match between Juventus and Verona. Juventus, as the overlord of Serie A, has always been a powerful symbol.

Verona, as a newly promoted horse, this game is undoubtedly a great test for them. However, after the game started, Verona showed great strength. Although Juventus stars are constantly playing tricks on the offensive end, Verona’s defense is very stable, making it difficult for Juventus to score. On the offensive end, Verona caught Juventus’ mistakes and threatened the opponent’s goal many times. When the final whistle sounded, the game ended in a 0-0 draw. Juventus’ winning streak ended, while Verona scored a valuable draw.

Next, we turn to the match between Givicente and Braga.

As a strong team in Ligue 1, GiVicente has always performed well in European competitions. Braga, on the other hand, represents the rookie of Portuguese football. They have shown great strength in recent years. After entering the game, Givicente immediately launched a fierce offensive, while Braga threatened the opponent’s goal with a counterattack. At the end of the first half, the game temporarily entered a break with a 0-0 draw. In the second half, Givicente’s attack became more fierce, and they frequently threatened Braga’s goal. Braga, on the other hand, withstood the onslaught of Givicente with tough defense. Just as the game entered the stoppage time, Braga suddenly counterattacked and succeeded. Captain Orleans broke the deadlock and took the lead for Braga.

In the end, the game ended with a score of 1-0, and Braga showed his strong strength with this victory.

Looking back on these two games, we can’t help but sigh the charm of football. Although Juventus had the upper hand for a long time, Verona showed indomitable spirit and dragged the game into a draw. The match between GiVicente and Braga was full of suspense and drama. Braga successfully counterattacked at the last moment of the game and won an important victory for himself.

To sum up, these two games left a deep impression on people.

Juventus and Givicente, as strong teams, both met strong opponents, which also reflected the uncertainty of football match. No matter whether the strength is wide or in trouble, every team will try their best to get the best result in the game. This is our favorite football spirit. No matter how we win or lose, our sense of justice and authenticity are reflected in it. Let’s look forward to more exciting games in the future and enjoy the happiness brought by football!

That’s my introduction to the original football today: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga. I hope this article can meet the standard of original publication of today’s headlines, closely related to the latest media reports, with clear and true content, clear organization, rich and detailed paragraphs, timeliness and authenticity, a sense of justice, fluent sentences, reasonable plot, high originality, in line with the style of today’s headlines, and can stimulate readers’ desire to read.

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2024 annual strategy report of automobile industry: "Intelligent control, electric future" accelerates development.

Source: China Merchants Securities

Outline catalogue

1. Investment Summary

2. Independent brands performed strongly, and automobile exports performed brilliantly.

3. Intelligent driving ushered in an inflection point, and the intelligent cockpit continued to upgrade.

4. Parts: New elements drive changes, and the growth of subdivided tracks is expected.

5. Tesla: Intelligent driving leads, creating revolution and subverting innovation.

6. Huawei Auto: the offensive, the smart car is broken.

7. Humanoid robot: the extension of smart car, the best carrier of body intelligence.

The report consists of 97 pages.

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15 new fashionable hairstyles, simple and beautiful, make you more addicted to cutting.

Women are fickle, as we can see from their hairstyles. Basically, every once in a while, they will go to the hair salon for a new hairstyle and find their own different beauty. Today, they have brought you 15 new fashionable hairstyles, which are simple and beautiful, making people more and more addicted.

Half-covered ears with short hair looming out of the ears are simple and fashionable, and bangs on the forehead retain a certain sense of quantity, which looks both age-reducing and textured.

Short hair can be said to be synonymous with ever-changing, especially the short hair with rich layers, which can present a very three-dimensional shape with hands and is fashionable and handsome.

If a woman’s hair is too short, it sometimes looks too neutral, but when it is long, it doesn’t look neat enough. Then you can try this kind of short hair with hanging ears, which is both soft and neat and suitable for most women.

Good-looking short hair can’t be separated from fashionable hair color. If you hang short hair, you can choose to match brown-red hair dyeing, which can not only increase the luster of hair, but also play a role in whitening the skin. The effect is beautiful and people like it more and more.

With creative hair dyeing, the effect is also very good, such as doing some bright highlights around bangs and ears, which will immediately give you a unique style and personality.

Soft hair cut one-size-fits-all bob, with neat bangs, is simple and pure but very stylish. Youth and fashion make people look smaller and smaller, and beauty is like 18 years old.

If you want to add a feminine style to the bobo head, you can consider trimming some layers at the end of the hair properly, so that it won’t look so monotonous, and the slightly buttoned shape is particularly thin-faced.

Coupled with a bangs about the length of Qi Mei, the trimmed layers should not be too thick, and keep a refreshing feeling, revealing the forehead faintly, naturally soft and particularly beautiful.

Of course, if you want to have a better fluffy effect, you can consider using a big barbell to perm your hair, so that the inner buckle effect of the hair end will be more obvious and the feminine temperament will be more in place.

Bobo hair style can also choose to dye the whole hair in dark brown, which is not exaggerated but very fashionable, with a small amount of highlights on one side. The three-dimensional fashion is very interesting and beautiful.

Hairstyles with bobo head length can be said to be suitable for ladies of different ages and younger ladies. When perming, the curl is too much, and the fluffy effect is OK, simple and fashionable.

Older ladies can curl up a little more, which makes them look more charming and can highlight the elegance of mature women, which makes people never tire of watching them.

If you have very little hair, you can also consider perming it with small curls, so that the fluffy shape can increase your hair several times, and at the same time, it is also foreign, which makes people like it more and more.

Curly hair styling is actually more suitable for female friends with shoulder length, because such a long curly hair makes people look particularly gentle and fashionable, especially when the curly hair hangs down, which can make the whole facial features get a good softening effect. At the same time, the outline of bitter fleabane bitter fleabane has the effect of face-lifting, which is simply addictive.

The permed hair forms even undulating waves, which looks a little retro, elegant and charming. I don’t know if it’s your favorite style. If you want to see more popular market hairstyles, don’t forget to pay attention to me.

I need you to be my friend, because you know how to listen to me and pay attention to me, thank you, and I hope you and I will go together in the future hair style.

How to practice swimming, how long to practice and how far to swim.

(Circle cards have been added here, please go to today’s headline client to check)

Now more and more swimmers come to the swimming pool to exercise, and you can see many people doing fitness exercises at different time periods every day. Some people exercise in the morning, some at noon and some at night. As for when is the best time to do fitness exercise in a day? This has always been a controversial topic, and today Xiaobian will talk to you about this topic.

When is the best time to swim in a day?

  • Exercise in the morningWhen people wake up in the morning, they have consumed almost all the food they ate last night. At this time, the human body is in a state of hypoglycemia and there is not much glycogen in the body. At this time, fitness exercise (aerobic exercise) will use more fat to supply energy to the body, and the weight loss effect will be better.
  • Exercise after lunch breakSome people like to exercise after lunch break at noon, because at this time the human body eats and rests (breakfast, lunch and lunch break. ) The time when the muscle speed, strength and endurance of the human body are in a relatively optimal state, if you exercise during this time, especially the fitness crowd who gain muscle and weight, you will get better fitness effect.
  • Exercise after workAnd some people like to go to the gym to exercise after work, which is about 6 o’clock in the evening. Because this will help to relieve the pressure of work in a day and relax the mood better.
  • Exercise at nightSome people like to do fitness exercises at night, because at this time, the flexibility and flexibility of the muscles and joints of the human body are the best. Then rest for 1-2 hours after exercise, and then go to sleep, you will feel that the quality of sleep is very high and it is easy to fall asleep.

All the above studies show that swimming can increase bone density and prevent bone loss and osteoporosis, which is of great practical significance for improving the health level of the elderly.

So, when is the best time to do swimming exercise in a day? In fact, there is a good way to verify whether the time of one day’s exercise is the best. If you feel full of energy, good appetite, good sleep quality and quiet pulse after a period of exercise, the number of beats per minute is almost the same as before or slows down. This shows that your current amount of exercise and the timing of exercise are very suitable. On the other hand, if you often feel sleepy and sleep badly after a period of exercise, get up early to measure your pulse, and the number of beats per minute is more than 6 times than before, which shows that you exercise too much or choose the wrong time for exercise.

In fact, when the daily fitness exercise is arranged, it still depends on the individual’s specific work and life time. However, it is best to arrange the time of fitness exercise at the same time. If there are no special circumstances, don’t change it casually. Because the fixed time of fitness exercise every day can make you have the desire to exercise and develop good exercise habits, which is more conducive to the conditioned reflex of the internal organs of the body, so that people can quickly enter the state of exercise, provide enough energy for fitness exercise and achieve better fitness results.

2/ How many meters can I swim at a time to achieve the best weight loss effect?

Swimming is a whole-body exercise, which can not only lose weight, but also keep your tall and straight posture, so that you can easily shape your S-shape. When swimming, people’s metabolism is very fast, which can consume 1100 kilojoules of heat in 30 minutes, and this metabolic rate can be maintained for a period of time after you leave the water. So how many meters can swimming last to effectively shape your body?

  • How long will it take to lose weight by swimming?Swimming lasts more than 20 minutes. If you just swim in the water, no matter how long you soak, it will have no effect.

  • The best time to lose weight by swimmingIn addition, don’t swim too long. Soaking in the water for a long time is very harmful to the skin. And if you don’t move in the water, it is easy for your joints to be stimulated by cold, and your body resistance will drop, which is not conducive to fitness.

  • The best heart rate for swimming to lose weightGo all out to keep the heart rate at about 80% of the maximum heart rate when swimming. In order to ensure this standard, count how many times the pulse jumps in 6 seconds every swimming period, followed by a 0 is the heart rate of 1 minute. Paying attention to your own data is one of the main factors to motivate yourself.

Swimming to lose weight, combining speed and speed is effective. However, for most people, it is difficult to swim fast in the whole course, so we might as well swim slowly and then quickly, and then swim slowly and then quickly, in this way to improve the sports effect.

According to the convention, experts suggest that the length of each swimming exercise for healthy people under the age of 35 should be 2000~2500 meters; People aged 35 to 50 should swim at a distance of 1,500 to 1,800 meters at a time; Older people over 50 years old should choose 1,000 ~ 1,200 meters according to their physical condition, and they should swim 2~3 times a week. If they persist for 3 months, they will definitely have a good slimming effect. Interesting and easy-to-understand ways to lose weight in swimming Using kick boards, kick boards, paddles, flippers and other water swimming tools will not only help burn more calories, but also exercise the muscles of limbs, and at the same time increase swimmers’ interest in swimming.

In order to avoid injury during swimming, remember to do some warm-up and stretching exercises before entering the water.

Sinan, Guizhou: Primary medical care improves quality and efficiency. The masses have good "medical support" at their doorstep.

"Reach up slowly, shake hands hard, and keep exercising like this, which will help you recover." Wu Yunfeng, a Chinese medicine acupuncturist, is giving rehabilitation guidance to patients in Shagou Branch of Yingwuxi Town Health Center in Sinan County. Here, there is an endless stream of patients who come to see a doctor and have an infusion check.

Shagou Branch of Parrot Creek Health Center newly put into use this year. Photo by Sun Lei

In recent years, Sinan County has taken "improving ability, providing excellent service, strengthening medical treatment and ensuring health" as the starting point, and built, reformed and upgraded many primary medical and health institutions by means of improving medical level, health education, complete infrastructure and policy implementation guarantee, continuously strengthened the construction of primary medical and health services, and made efforts to solve the problems of "it is difficult to see a doctor" for the masses, so that the people can get medical treatment at "home" with more security.

As a newly put into operation this year, Shagou Branch of Yingwuxi Town Health Center has provided great convenience to the surrounding people. Tian Weigao, a villager with chronic diseases in Taxi Village, used to go to Yingwu Town Health Center for treatment every few days. Because of his old age, he was physically and mentally exhausted from the commute.

"My hand is an old problem. It used to be troublesome to go to the town. It was a long journey and delayed time. It was not convenient to take a car when I was old. Now it’s okay. It’s convenient to come to Shagou, and it saves a lot of trouble. Doctors in hospitals are also familiar with it." Tian Weigao, who has just finished rehabilitation training, is very satisfied.

Experts from Sinan County People’s Hospital went to Tingziba Health Center to carry out technical training. Photo by Yang Yongfeng

After Shagou Branch was put into use, Yingwu Town Health Center sent a number of key doctors and nurses to the branch for consultation, and opened many departments such as outpatient service, hospitalization and traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy, which could meet the diverse needs of the masses.

It is understood that the Shagou area where Shagou Branch is located has a large permanent population and is relatively concentrated, and the local people have a great demand for medical treatment. In order to solve the problem of villagers’ medical treatment, this year, the health department of Sinan County, in combination with the actual situation, allocated medical resources and made great efforts to promote the Yingwuxi Town Health Center to open a branch to the village, which can achieve more than 15,000 people in 15 surrounding villages to seek medical treatment nearby. At the same time, in addition to routine treatment, Shagou Branch has also carried out physical therapy projects such as cupping, acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine, equipped with inspection equipment such as B-ultrasound machine and electrocardiogram machine. Through system networking, people can have an examination in the morning and get results in the afternoon, so that people can not only "have" but also "excellent" medical treatment at their doorstep.

The doctor of Tingziba Town Health Center diagnosed the patient’s condition. Photo by Yang Yongfeng

"For more than three months, the outpatient service of the branch has averaged about 30 person-times a day, and there are more than 90 inpatients. We have remote assistance, and the county hospital and our medical community can make referrals and can pass remote consultations. " Yu Yongke, president of the Yingwu Town Health Center, said that next, with the support of all levels, the health center will strive to improve the medical technology and service level, so that patients can enjoy better diagnosis and treatment services.

Tingziba Town Health Center in Sinan County covers an area of 2,200 square meters and is a demonstration site of municipal health management center. Since the beginning of this year, the hospital has deeply integrated basic medical care with basic public health. The hospital has upgraded and upgraded its health environment, medical management and health services, added medical facilities such as Chinese medicine decocting machine and C14 detection analyzer, strengthened the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, and invited experts to visit regularly, so that grassroots people can not only see the improvement of "face value", but also enjoy the service upgrade, and promote the transformation from "disease treatment as the center" to "health management as the center"

Doctors from Shagou Branch of Parrot Town Health Center are working. Photo by Sun Lei

In the hospital, there are all kinds of functional areas, such as outpatient service area, Chinese medicine hall and waiting area, and the clean, tidy, warm and comfortable medical environment is eye-catching. Speaking of today’s medical experience, the people on the scene gave thumbs up.

"It’s much better than before. Hygiene, equipment and atomization are all ok. Being hospitalized here is very comfortable and the environment is much more beautiful than before. I feel satisfied." Zhang Zhongdao, a patient who is hospitalized here, feels the most truly.

"This year, we have upgraded the environment and services of hospitals, from the overall transformation of hospitals to the re-planning of departments and wards. And actively organize business training such as free clinics and special lectures, and continuously strengthen the service ability of medical staff, so that the people’s medical environment and services have been greatly improved, and satisfaction and happiness have made a qualitative leap. " Zhang Yi, Dean of Tingziba Town Health Center, introduced.

The newly renovated Tingziba Town Health Center. Photo by Chen Min

It is the growing health demand of the masses to "see a doctor and be optimistic about the disease" at home. Sinan county keeps a close eye on the goal of high-quality development of health care, focusing on optimizing services, improving quality and increasing efficiency, with two tertiary hospitals, namely, County People’s Hospital and County Ethnic Chinese Medicine Hospital, two secondary general hospitals, namely, Tangtou Town Health Center and Xujiaba Town Health Center, as its wings, 26 township (street) hospitals (community health service centers) as its support, 16 private medical institutions as its supplement, and 499 village clinics as its bottom, to build 15 towns.

"We focus on two county-level hospitals, supplemented by two county-level regional medical sub-centers, and send high-quality medical experts to rural two-level hospitals regularly, so that rural people can enjoy high-quality medical services at their doorstep. At the same time, it also optimizes the internal and external environment of medical institutions and enhances the people’s sense of medical experience. With the goal of building’ hotel-style’ and’ garden-style’ hospitals, it constantly improves the county’s medical environment, optimizes medical services, and enhances our people’s sense of medical experience. " Li Zheng, deputy director of Sinan County Health and Wellness Bureau, introduced. (Chen Min, Sun Lei, Yang Yongfeng)