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"Flower Thousand Bones" finale Zhao Liying Huo Jianhua’s vinegar kiss was reduced, high-energy kiss play inventory

"Flower Thousand Bones" finale Zhao Liying Huo Jianhua's vinegar kiss was reduced, high-energy kiss play inventory

????After more than three months of popularity, "Hua Qiangu" finally staged the finale last night. Zhao Liying’s demon god shape caused the Internet to go viral, and some kissing scenes were cut; Killing my sister suddenly opened her eyes, and the result was a dream; the East did not reincarnate, Sugar Treasure Eleven did not resurrect, Shuofeng did not resurrect, and Moyan died. These not only caused some dissatisfaction from fans of the original book, but also attracted countless netizens to complain. The "Vinegar Kiss" that was circulated on the Internet before was also missing.

????Kiss scenes have always been the magic weapon of hit dramas. The agreed kiss scenes are gone, so being reduced will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among netizens. Take a look at the high-energy photos of the kiss scenes and bed scenes of hit dramas.


Sales of 6,934 new energy vehicles in July fell by 47.83% year-on-year.

On August 1st, Sailis released its production and sales report for July, reporting that 6,934 new energy vehicles were sold in July (including but not limited to AITO), a decrease of 47.83% year-on-year, and 51,734 vehicles were sold this year, a decrease of 12.19% year-on-year.

A few days ago, Sailis Group joint stock company also issued a half-year performance pre-loss announcement in 2023, the first half of the net profit to the parent – 1.39 billion yuan to – 1.25 billion yuan, an improvement of 20% -28%, the same period last year – 1.727 billion yuan; non-net profit to the mother – 1.93 billion yuan to – 1.80 billion yuan, the same period last year – 1.714 billion yuan.

Sales of the M5, which is expected to improve in the second half with the launch of the M5 and other new models and increased overseas sales, fell short of expectations in the first half of the year as customer expectations that the M5 will be released in the second quarter had some impact on sales of existing models, the company said.

So far, some automakers have announced their July sales or deliveries. A brief summary of IT Home is as follows:

During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the takeaway market will account for 10%, and users will exceed 300 million this year

  "You have a takeaway!" Every day after 11 noon, Mr. Zhou, the owner of a Sichuan-style restaurant, keeps ringing with his mobile phone voice prompt. He takes care of the dine-in customers while notifying the back kitchen of the online order content, because soon, the takeaway brother will come to pick up the meal. Industry statistics show that the proportion of wireless Internet ordering takeout is growing rapidly. In 2015, our country’s catering takeout market accounted for 7.4% of the total catering market consumption. By 2016, it will rise to 10%. According to the forecast of the China Cuisine Association, by 2018, this figure is expected to reach 15%.

  According to Jin Million Catering executives said in a public meeting, Jin Million is one of the beneficiaries of this year’s takeaway wave. The takeaway contributed nearly 40% of the turnover to Jin Million, and the daily takeaway turnover was nearly 800,000 yuan. The catering industry executives pointed out that although the gross profit margin of the takeaway business is not high, the turnover rate is extremely high, so the return on investment is very high.

  According to statistics from the China Cuisine Association, the national food and beverage takeaway market exceeded 160 billion yuan in 2016, growing by 33%. In 2016, the scale of China’s online ordering users reached 256 million. The agency expects that online ordering users will exceed 300 million in 2017 and 2018. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the scale of food and beverage takeaway will reach about 10% of the total retail sales of the social catering industry. This means that by the 13th Five-Year Plan, China’s food and beverage online takeaway market will exceed 400 billion yuan. Jiang Junxian, president of the China Cuisine Association, pointed out that thanks to the online consumption and delivery capacity enhancement, the takeaway business has shown explosive growth and has increasingly become an important sales channel for catering enterprises.

  Even hotpot restaurants have taken up the takeaway business. Xiabu Xiabu revealed in the financial report that O2O dining, online and mobile food ordering and delivery platforms, WeChat, Customer relationship management systems and other modern information technologies allow customers to book, order, queue and pay through mobile devices or the Internet. This method has become a trend in the Chinese catering service market. Restaurant operators urgently need to improve their information system management capabilities. At present, Xiabu Xiabu is developing and promoting the "Xiabu Xiaoxian" takeaway business, which packs hot pot and delivers meals, hoping to increase sales density.

  It is understood that in response to the rapid development of new business formats in the catering industry, the government has accelerated the introduction of relevant standards. First, strengthen system construction, and formulate perfect online ordering systems and norms according to local actual conditions. Second, the regulatory authorities have taken various methods such as interviews and action guidance to strengthen supervision and inspection of food safety on third-party platforms for online ordering. Third, strengthen the investigation and punishment of unlicensed and unlicensed catering business activities, and deal with third-party online ordering platforms that are not licensed to access the network.

  By our reporter, Zhao Xinpei

Taking correspondence as the touchpoint, financial intelligence sharing brings new ideas for the transformation of audit ecology to digital intelligence

Data from China Academy of Information and Communications Technology shows that from 2012 to 2021, the scale of our country’s digital economy grew from 11 trillion yuan to 45.50 trillion yuan, accounting for 39.8% of GDP from 21.6%. How to make good use of the value of data elements in the explosive growth of information is not only an important issue in the construction of "Digital China", but also a major goal for various industries to achieve digital transformation. These changes also bring opportunities and requirements for change to industries closely related to data such as finance and auditing.

At present, audit has become a key tool of corporate governance, and "letter" as a powerful audit evidence is still mainly paper, and there are risks of tampering and loss in the process of exchange and preservation. The digital transformation of audit is imperative.

Based on security compliance, financial intelligence sharing builds audit ecosystem digital intelligence infrastructure

For Financial Institution Groups, Accounting Firms, Enterprises, and Certified Public Accountants, the core premise of digital auditing is standardization and standardization.

In order to promote the digital governance and high-quality development of the audit industry, the Ministry of Finance, the People’s Bank of China, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and the Securities Supervision Commission jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Digitalization of Letter Certificates of Accounting Firms in 2020, calling for steady progress in the digital construction of letter certificates of accounting firms and banks.

In 2021, the "14th Five-Year Plan for Accounting Reform and Development" clearly stated that it is necessary to accelerate the digital transformation of auditing from informatization to digital technology.

In August 2022, the "Implementation Plan for the Theme Activity of the" Digital Construction Year "of the Certified Public Accountant Industry" was officially released, and the plan proposed to support the construction of the correspondence information system. In accordance with the principles of "safety and control, public welfare attributes, standards and specifications, openness and compatibility", the China Certified Public Accountants Industry Association will concentrate resources to promote the digitization of correspondence certificates, and cooperate and support the construction of third-party correspondence information systems. The plan also proposes to explore the construction of a multi-disciplinary industry digitization construction organization system and coordination mechanism with the diverse participation and collaborative linkage of various entities such as regulatory departments, public interest associations, firms, and third-party service agencies.

Based on the understanding of relevant guidance and insight into industry pain points, Caizhi Sharing (Beijing) Technology Service Co., Ltd. (referred to as Caizhi Sharing) has always taken "security, compliance, intensive and efficient" as the top-level strategic guidance since its establishment in 2017, focusing on the development and application of blockchain, 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and other technologies, and has realized full-link digital empowerment in e-mail, logistics collection, talent training, RPA digital staff, finance and taxation consulting and other fields.

The digital solution of Caizhi Shared has improved the level of supervision and analysis capabilities, and has also produced many unexpected effects. For example, through the management structure of multi-role settings, Caizhi Shared can layer the responsible persons in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and different audit units and audit roles can log in on demand, and the whole process can be traced back; by merging multiple functions of RPA, it realizes function points such as picture character recognition, voice and text translation, and intelligent filling. It can also simulate workflow, automatically fill in accounting, reply letters, etc., and greatly improve the efficiency of letter reply work. Through customizable standardized electronic templates, batch letter making, automatic storage, and global universal use become a reality, making the audit process a closed loop.

In the past five years, Caizhi Shared has continuously increased its investment in technology research and development, especially with Professor Zheng Zhiming, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as the chief scientist, and the deep support of Hongchain Technology’s Internet of Things + full supply chain SaaS platform, Caizhi Shared’s technology applications in the fields of distributed trusted systems, blockchain, cryptography, privacy protection, etc. have been further strengthened, and it has more than 40 independent intellectual property rights. Effectively improve the efficiency of audit procedures, improve the quality of accounting information, reduce manual repetitive workload, and identify corruptive practices with digital capabilities.

In addition to the improvement of digital capabilities, the "independence" and "security" of the electronic confirmation letter platform have also been widely concerned by the China Certified Public Accountants Association and accounting firms. The i-letter platform provided by Caizhi Sharing is a third-party letter platform that is completely independent of the audited unit, the certified unit, and the accounting firm. The platform has obtained the "Ministry of Public Security Information System Security Level Protection 3.0 Certification", the only one in the domestic audit industry to obtain the Academy of Information and Communications Technology Trusted Cloud Enterprise SaaS Service Certification, and together with China Mobile, China UnionPay, JD.com, Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Cloud, Inspur Cloud, Kingsoft Cloud and other 17 domestic first-class enterprises have become the first to pass the Trusted Cloud as a Service security certification.

Taking the 5.0 version of i as the touchpoint, Caizhi shares the full link of deeply empowered audit ecology

Based on continuous technological development, Caizhi Shared has created a safe and reliable inter-industry recycling system for the audit ecosystem, and appeared at the 2022 China International Trade in Services Fair (referred to as the Service Trade Fair) as "the only information technology service provider participating in the audit industry".

At the launch of the results conference of the 2022 Service Trade Conference, under the joint verification of the China Certified Public Accountants Association, the Beijing Certified Public Accountants Association and many cooperative institutions, the "i-letter 5.0 version" made a big appearance. The product features of "paper-letter parallel use" are eye-catching. The advantages of high safety and reliability, zero cost in the center, and one-click manuscript can help the audit industry achieve a true "electronic letter, digital letter".

Taking the 5.0 version of i-letter as the touchpoint, Caizhi Sharing also showed the ability to support the entire chain of audit ecology empowered by the four major businesses of i-letter, i-excellent delivery, RPA digital employees, and iStudy training center in digital scenarios, attracting extensive attention and discussion in the industry.

Among them, i Letter is a third-party smart letter service cloud platform built and operated by Caizhi Sharing according to law, which can provide the audit industry with digital capabilities such as electronic, digital, and multi-identity registration and use of the whole process; i Excellent Send is a postal platform built by Caizhi Sharing based on efficient logistics services and support for enterprise role allocation. It realizes functions such as batch import, confidentiality authorization, and efficient settlement for units and individual users with high state-owned or confidentiality requirements and high-frequency sending of documents and items; RPA digital employees are based on RPA + AI technology, which can realize intelligent functions such as bill identification, intelligent reply, exchange rate entry, and efficient reconciliation, allowing salespeople to liberate from basic tedious work; i Study training center is authorized by ISACA (International Information System Audit Association), financial Through cooperation with internationally renowned professional institutions, institutions of higher learning, governments, and accounting firms, Smart Sharing cultivates a group of professionals who are not only proficient in financial accounting, auditing, and taxation, but also master the complex knowledge structure of information systems, network technology, and computer application technology.

The audit industry is not just a service, but also a high standard of trust. Through the strong alliance of strategic partners in multiple fields, Caizhi Sharing is creating Strategy and Development Ideas for the audit industry. At the conference of the results of the Service Trade Council, Ms. Zhang Liwen, the founder of Caizhi Sharing, held an on-site signing ceremony with more than ten industry high-quality associations and enterprises. Including Hainan Certified Public Accountants Association, Jilin Certified Public Accountants Association, ISACA International Information System Audit Association; Lixin, Rongcheng, Daxin, Zhongxing Caiguanghua, Zhongtianyun 5 well-known accounting firms, as well as China Building Materials Group Finance Co., Ltd., AVIC Plaza Industrial Group Finance Co., Ltd., China Post Express Logistics joint stock company, Jinwang (Beijing) E-commerce Co., Ltd. Well-known enterprises, including auditing, e-commerce, finance, logistics and other industries. Representatives of China Audit Zhonghuan, China Securities Tiantong, Zhongqin Wanxin, and Zhongtianheng Accounting Firm, which have signed cooperation with Caizhi Sharing, also attended the release of the 5.0 version of the i-letter.

Taking digital construction as a breakthrough point, financial intelligence sharing actively assumes corporate social responsibility

In terms of results, digital audit is of great significance for improving the value and utility of information and data. Accounting firms, enterprises, and Financial Institution Groups can not only use this to sort out the data information of previous years, but also carry out targeted cross-domain and cross-business correlation analysis and comprehensive comparison, thereby eliminating hidden risks and making more accurate judgments on enterprise operations.

Financial Intelligence Sharing takes this as the original intention of empowering the industry, and is committed to promoting the application of a new generation of information technology based on cloud computing, big data, picture recognition, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things in the audit ecosystem. Under the background of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the 2035 Vision Outline and "carbon neutrality", focusing on the paperless intelligent reply, comprehensive talent training, and green ecological creation of the audit industry, the ESG Strategy Committee was established to promote the audit industry to achieve green digital transformation and achieve high-quality development.

Wang Jin, chief operating officer of Caizhi Sharing, said that the "14th Five-Year Plan" is the starting point of a new journey to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and carbon neutrality is an inherent requirement for high-quality development. The digital transformation of the audit industry does not stop at the electronic form, but should be a series of changes in audit concepts, audit technologies and audit results. Caizhi Sharing will continue to enrich audit perspectives, improve audit efficiency, and promote the construction of "Digital China".

"In the face of sustainable development issues, we also need to think from a global perspective. For example, in the future, the measurement based on the" carbon footprint "of enterprises may appear in the financial statements. Will the audit industry add" carbon audit "? How to formulate relevant audit standards? These are the key directions of the Financial Intelligence Sharing Association. We also welcome relevant ecological enterprises to actively communicate with us to jointly promote the high-quality development of the audit industry in the context of" double carbon "."

Under the wave of digitalization, the audit industry is ushering in the transformation of production methods and governance methods. The digital intelligence platform represented by financial intelligence sharing continues to stimulate the vitality of various innovative elements, and empowers the audit industry with more inclusive, convenient, high-quality and efficient digital services. High-quality development.

The new machine welcomes the Dragon Boat Festival, Wuhan Feihong, and Huawei P7 is only sold for 2380 yuan.

  [Zhongguancun Wuhan Mobile Phone Market] HuaweiAscend P7It is a large-screen mobile phone that supports 4G mode.

  ZOL recommended dealer  Feihong Communication (door-to-door delivery) The offer is 2380 yuan!Contact: Wang Jing Merchant Tel: 15927276385 Store Address: No. A52, Basement 1st Floor, Lanpu Communication City, Saibo Digital Plaza, Guangbutun


Now in stock, Huawei P7 Amazon offers 2888 yuan.


Huawei Ascend P7Equipped with a 5.0-inch large screen design, the resolution is1920X1080 pixels, the display effect is excellent.In terms of photography, the 1300-pixel rear lens and8 million pixelsThe front-facing lens, as well as the flash, plus a variety of beauty features, especially in the selfie effect is very stunning.In terms of hardware, the machine uses Huawei’sHiSilicon Kirin 910T processor, and2GB RAM + 16GB ROM memory combination, the performance is very strong, and the machine also has2500mAh non-removable battery.



Now in stock, Huawei P7 Amazon offers 2888 yuan.
Pictured, Huawei Ascend P7

Now in stock, Huawei P7 Amazon offers 2888 yuan.  Now in stock, Huawei P7 Amazon offers 2888 yuan.
Pictured, Huawei Ascend P7


  Editor’s comment: Huawei Ascend P7 is a very good mobile phone newly released by Huawei, especially in terms of the camera function of the machine, the 13 million rear lens is also the current mainstream, and the front of the 8 million pixel is indeed rare, and supports ten-level beauty and panoramic selfie function, the camera effect is very good.


  [Friendly Tips] Dear customers: Please mention that the source of the market is Zhongguancun Online when contacting the merchant to buy, so that there will be better and better service, and you can buy the product according to the price quoted in the market. If you have any comments or suggestions, you can leave a message below, and the editor can help you give feedback to the merchant.

  Feihong Communication (door-to-door delivery) ZOl Mall: http://www.zol.com/shop_167973/

  Main business: mobile phones, tablets
Contact Person: Wang Jing
Business phone: 15927276385 QQ: 747848658
Store address: No. A52, Basement 1st Floor, Lanpu Communication City, Saibo Digital Plaza, Guangbutun


  [Zhongguancun Wuhan Mobile Phone Market] Huawei Ascend P7 is a large-screen mobile phone that supports 4G mode.
  ZOL recommended dealer, Feihong communication (door-to-door delivery) quotation 2380 yuan! Contact: Wang Jing, business phone: 15927276385, store address: Guangbutun Cyber Digital Plaza Lampe Communication City negative first floor A52

  Huawei Ascend…

The price reduction of Krypton 001 in Danzhou area is coming, with a reserve price of 269,000! limited in number

[car home Danzhou Preferential Promotion Channel] Good news! A special promotion is being carried out in Danzhou area, with a maximum discount of 37,000! Now the minimum starting price for purchasing Krypton 001 is only 269,000. If you want to know more about the discount, please click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount. Extreme Krypton 001 is a luxury electric car with technology, performance and comfort. With excellent endurance and intelligent driving assistance system, it is the best choice for you to travel. Come and seize this preferential opportunity and start your journey to Krypton 001!


The design of Krypton 001 is futuristic, with streamlined body lines and unique front face design. The air intake grille adopts a closed design, which shows the identity of its electric vehicle. The overall style is fashionable and dynamic, but also has a sense of science and technology. The front face of Krypton 001 adopts LED headlights and unique light group design to create sharp eyes and three-dimensional sense. The side lines of the car body are smooth, and the roof lines are tilted backwards, creating a dynamic atmosphere. The design of the rear of the car is also unique, with a penetrating LED taillight and a streamlined rear design, which is fashionable and exquisite. In a word, the design of Krypton 001 is full of sense of science and technology and futurity, which makes people unforgettable.


Krypton 001 is a model with excellent design, with a body length of 4977mm, a width of 1999mm, a height of 1533mm, a wheelbase of 3005mm, a front tread of 1703mm and a rear tread of 1716 mm. The body lines are smooth and the roof lines are inclined downward, showing a dynamic and elegant appearance. The side lines of the car are smooth, and the lines of the door are straight, which echoes the lines of the car body to form a harmonious whole. Tyre size is 255/55 R19, and the rim style is fashionable and atmospheric, which adds a sense of movement to the vehicle. Generally speaking, the design of Krypton 001 is impressive, and it is both sporty and elegant.


The interior design of Krypton 001 is exquisite, creating a high-end comfortable driving experience. The 15.05-inch central control screen is located in the central console, with voice recognition control system, which is convenient for drivers to control multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning functions. The leather steering wheel feels comfortable, and the design of electric up and down+front and rear adjustment makes it easy for drivers to find the driving posture that suits them best. The front and rear rows are equipped with Type-C interface and USB interface, which is convenient for drivers to charge and connect devices. The front row is also equipped with a mobile phone wireless charging function. The seat is made of leather, and the main driver and co-pilot are equipped with electric seat memory function. At the same time, the main driver seat also has heating, ventilation and massage functions to provide a more comfortable driving experience. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats can also be tilted in proportion, which increases the practicability of the vehicle.


The Krypton 001 is equipped with a powerful engine with a maximum power of 580 kW and a maximum torque of 810 N m. This enables it to provide excellent power performance during acceleration and driving, so that drivers can enjoy an exciting driving experience. Whether on urban roads or highways, Krypton 001 can easily cope with all kinds of driving situations, bringing excellent performance and handling feeling.

In the evaluation of the owner of car home, we can see that he spoke highly of the design of Krypton 001. He mentioned that the design of 001 made him feel like an advanced version of the Lexus, especially the two-story design of the front and the through taillights all showed its sporty temperament. In addition, he also likes the front face design of 001. Although some people say it looks like a toad, the LED running lights add another feeling to it, which makes people feel that it is full of claws.

For a car owner who has never driven a tram, he chose Krypton 001, which also gave him a deeper understanding of the tram. He said that in addition to the appearance, he was also very satisfied with the acceleration performance and noise control of 001, which surprised him very much. He even thought that 001′ s acceleration ability shocked him, which completely changed his impression of trams.

In short, it can be seen from the owner’s evaluation that he was deeply impressed by the design and performance of Krypton 001, which made him happy to mention the first dream hunting car on the special day of Children’s Day. We can also see that the performance of Krypton 001 in appearance and performance has been highly recognized by the owners, which is undoubtedly a very good choice for consumers.

Still very fierce to test the new BYD Tang DM 80 first.

Passive safety Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V Main/passenger seat airbag Main ●/Deputy ● Front/rear side airbag Front ●/Back- Front/rear head airbag (air curtain) Front ●/rear ● knee airbag – Passenger seat cushion airbag – Front middle airbag – Rear seat belt airbag – Rear seat anti-sliding airbag – Rear center airbag – Rear forward airbag – Rear windshield airbag – Passive pedestrian protection – Runflat tire – ISOFIX child seat interface ● ABS anti-lock braking ● Braking force distribution (EBD/CBC, etc.) ● Brake assist (EBA/BAS/BA, etc.) ● Traction control (ASR/TCS/TRC, etc.) ● Body stability control (ESC/ESP/DSC, etc.) ● Active safety Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V lane departure warning system ● Active braking/active safety system ● Fatigue driving tips – DOW opening warning – Forward collision warning – Rear collision warning – Moving object early warning system – Sentinel mode/clairvoyance – Low speed driving warning – Built-in driving recorder ● Road rescue call ● Driving control Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V Engine start-stop technology – Single pedal mode – Energy recovery system – Automatic parking ● hill start assist control ● Steep slope descent ● Air suspension – Electromagnetic induction suspension – Magic carpet intelligent suspension – Variable steering ratio – Four-wheel drive/cross country Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V Central differential locking function – Integral active steering system – Wading induction system – Low speed four-wheel drive – Creep mode – Tank turn – Driving hardware Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V Front/rear parking radar Front ●/rear ● Transparent chassis /540-degree image – Driving function Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V Reversing vehicle side early warning system zero satellite navigation system ● Navigation road information display ● AR real-life navigation – High precision map – Parallel auxiliary zero lane keeping assist system zero Lane centering – Road traffic sign recognition ● night vision system – park assist vision – Remote parking zero Memory parking – Automatic lane change assistance – Automatic exit (entry) of ramp – Signal lamp recognition – Track backwards – Remote summoning – Steering wheel off-hand detection – Appearance/theft prevention Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V Sports appearance kit – Electric spoiler – Automatic door opening and closing – Frameless design door – Magic induction door – Electric trunk ● Induction trunk ● Electric trunk position memory ● The tailgate glass opens independently. – Garage door remote control device – roof luggage rack ● Engine electronic anti-theft ● Central lock in car ● keyless start system ● Hidden electric door handle – Active closed air intake grille – Battery preheating ● External discharge – Vehicle wireless charging – Exterior lighting Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V LED daytime running lights ● Adaptive far and near light ● Automatic headlights ● Steering assist light ● Steering headlight – Headlight rain fog mode ● Headlight height is adjustable. ● Headlight cleaning device – Headlights are turned off with delay. ● Skylight/glass Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V Sky skylight – Front/rear power windows Front ●/rear ● Anti-pinch function of window ● Rear windshield sunshade – Rear privacy glass ● Rear wiper ● Heatable water spray nozzle – Screen/system Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V Rotating large screen ● Reversible central control screen – Central control LCD screen display – Bluetooth/car phone ● Gesture control – Face recognition – mobile TV – Rear row control multimedia – Intelligent configuration Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V Internet of Vehicles ● OTA upgrade ● Wi-Fi hotspot – V2X communication – In-vehicle biological monitoring system – Active noise reduction – Simulated sound wave – Vehicle-mounted KTV – Steering wheel/interior rearview mirror Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V Multifunction steering wheel ● Steering wheel shift – Steering wheel heating – Steering wheel memory ● Full LCD instrument panel ● HUD head-up digital display – AR-HUD augmented reality head-up display – Electric adjustable pedal – ETC device – In-vehicle charging Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V 220V/230V power supply ● Luggage compartment 12V power interface ● Seat configuration Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V Sports style seat – Electric adjustment of main/passenger seat Main ●/Deputy ● Head and neck heating system – Adjustable button in the back row of the co-pilot seat – Electric adjustment of the second row seat – Liftable front and rear compartment partition – Fuzhi seat – Back table board – Second row of independent seats – Electric adjustment of the third row seat – Rear seat electric recline – Front/rear center armrest Front ●/rear ● Rear cup holder ● Audio/interior lighting Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V Dolby Atmos – Touch reading lamp – Air conditioner/refrigerator Tang New Energy 2018 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Collar Type 7-seat Country V Heat pump air conditioning – Rear independent air conditioning ● Rear seat air outlet ● Temperature zone control ● car air purifier – In-vehicle PM2.5 filtering device ● negative ion generator – Interior fragrance device – Car refrigerator –

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Fenghuang net automobile real shot Huawei has already proved itself in the commercial market, and in recent years it has been rude in the civilian market. Only Huawei can compete with Apple in the high-end mobile phone market in China, and it can be considered as the first national mobile phone. In the automotive industry, Huawei’s AITO is also making efforts, surpassing the ideal in February this year. Huawei’s AITO is attacking the ideal L9 of China luxury large SUV.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

At present, the M9 has exceeded 60,000 sets, which is not easy for a large SUV that has just been on the market for about 2 months and the unit price exceeds 450,000 yuan.

Now, let’s go into the store to see the details of this China brand top large SUV product. How did it win many consumers who were originally BBA medium-sized SUVs?

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

There are six models on the market in the world, with the price range of 469,800-569,800 yuan. It can be said that there are four extended-range hybrid models and two pure electric models, which are more abundant than the ideal L9 power selection model.

Wenjie M9 adopts the brand’s latest design language, and its appearance is highly recognizable. The vehicle has smooth lines, huge size and a sense of strength. Wenjie M9 adopts a bold front face design, with a unique programmable LED headlight group and air intake grille, which is full of science and technology.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

The measurements (length, width and height) of the bound M9 reach 5230x1999x1800mm, and the wheelbase is 3110 mm. The size of the bound M9 has reached the level of a full-size large SUV, and compared with the Mercedes-Benz GLS, it is full of momentum. The line design of the whole car is horizontal, even and vertical, which is very consistent with the aesthetics of China people. The contrast color design of the car paint highlights a luxurious temperament.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

The taillight of Wenjie M9 not only adopts the through-going integrated design, but also adopts the elements of Chinese knot, which perfectly integrates traditional elements and technology.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Wenjie M9 has achieved full selection of auxiliary driving equipment, equipped with 1 overhead 192-line laser radar, 3 millimeter-wave radars, 11 high-definition visual perception cameras and 12 ultrasonic radars, which can realize full scene and all-weather perception of moving and static targets (including alien objects).

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

On the software level of assisted driving ability, there are not only three levels of assisted driving packages, but also an expansion package. It can realize LCC cruise assistance, NCA high-speed and urban navigation assistance, intelligent parking and parking sentry mode. In the future OTA update, M9 will gradually improve these functions.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

In terms of wheels, the M9 is also unambiguous. The basic configuration is a 21-inch wheel rim. For another 15,000 yuan, you can get a 22-inch wheel rim with Pirelli P ZERO tires with 265/285 mixed tire widths. Coupled with the red fixed calipers of the first 6 pistons, both the vision and the performance are excellent, which is very suitable for the tonality of the M9 high-end luxury SUV.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

When I came to the interior, the space was released without scruple with the equipment of the M9 big six seats. The most noteworthy thing is the true zero-gravity seat in the second row and the Queen’s co-driver. It is only possible for a full-size SUV like M9 to combine two seats that occupy a lot of space into one car.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

The zero-gravity seat in the second row supports one-button reclining. After reclining, the seat is like a bed, and passengers can be completely immersed in it, and the whole body can get extremely even support. It is definitely a weapon for long-distance riding.

Here in the Queen’s co-driver, the co-driver has a push and a foot pallet, and even in the co-driver, you can enjoy the ride experience like the back row of a luxury car.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

In addition to the comfortable riding experience in the first two rows, the third row of the M9 is spacious, reaching the point of long-distance riding, and it also supports electric adjustment of the front and back of the seat cushion and backrest pitch. It is also equipped with three-speed seat heating and 18W TYPE-C charging port, which is luxurious in the third row of seats. In addition, the third row of seats supports electric reclining, and there are buttons for seat fore-and-aft adjustment and reclining in the trunk. During the reclining process of the seat, the two adjustments can also be operated in linkage.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

When I came to the second row, there was no shortage of "big sofas for refrigerators and color TVs" in M9. I just talked about sofas, and now let’s talk about "color TVs". The M9 innovatively uses the projector to display the rear images. Compared with the LCD screen, it can make a larger display area without occupying too much overhead space. As long as there is no strong light, the display effect is actually good.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Not only is there a lot of space, but the storage design of the M9 in the world is also a must. The car refrigerator with a temperature of 5-50 degrees Celsius was designed in the second row of the M9, and a retractable cup holder was set at the armrest. When I came to the front row, the M9 set up openable storage boxes under the two sides of the center console, which effectively replaced the traditional glove box. On the center console, the M9 supports dual 50W wireless fast charging.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

There are almost no physical buttons on the entire center console, and the OneGlass triple screen design +HarmonyOS 4 system ensures the intelligent cabin experience of the vehicle.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

The screen display effect of the border M9 is very delicate, and the four corners are chamfered, which makes the vision friendly. HarmonyOS system has been installed on M7 and M5, and the optimization of user experience is very mature, logical, smooth and easy to use.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

The M9 not only has a traditional dashboard, but also has an AR-HUD display equivalent to 75 inches. The display effect is exquisite and the color gamut performance is good. You can even watch the video directly, which is very exaggerated!

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

In terms of power, the M9 has two versions: extended range and pure electricity. The peak power of the front and rear drive motors of the pure electric version is 160kW and 230kW respectively, and the acceleration of 100 km only takes 4.3s s.. The battery capacity is 100kWh and the cruising range is 630km.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

The extended-range hybrid version uses H15RT 1.5T engine with a maximum power of 112kW. It is matched with double motors, with the maximum power of 165kW and 200kW respectively, and the acceleration of 100 km is 4.9s s.. The battery capacity is 42kWh or 52kWh, and the pure battery life is 225km or 275km under CLTC conditions.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Conclusion:After M5 and M7 established their position in the new energy vehicle market, M9 took advantage of the situation and got a relatively smooth parking space. For the media, consumers now have brand awareness, the product strength of the model is very strong, and Huawei’s endorsement, the M9′ s hot sale seems to be logical.

China’s new forces, such as Wen Jie and Ideality, are rapidly subverting the BBA traditional SUV market of 400,000-500,000 with new energy vehicles blessed by China Science and Technology. In fact, from the product point of view, it seems that this trend is very clear. If you don’t reject this brand of new power, who will you choose when you are faced with the choice of medium-sized traditional SUV or full-size smart SUV with the same budget?

The BYD Han EV Champion Edition was officially launched after selling 209,800 copies.

  [car home new car listed] On March 16th, 2023 Chinese EV Champion Edition was officially listed.The new car has launched a total of five models.The price is 20.98-29.98 million yuan.The exterior and interior of the 2023 Chinese EV Champion Edition continue the design of the Chinese EV Genesis Edition, with the addition of glacier blue color matching and optimized configuration. The cruising range will be 506km, 605km, 610km and 715km. The official announced that car buyers can enjoy two worry-free car purchase policies, one worry-free car guarantee, five exclusive VIP services and five online services of Zhilian. Please see the following table for the detailed model price:

Guide price of 2023 BYD Han EV Champion Edition car make and model Price (ten thousand yuan) 506km predecessor distinguished type 20.98 605km predecessor distinguished type 22.98 715km predecessor honor type 25.98 715km precursor flagship type 27.98 610km four-wheel drive flagship type 29.98

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  Under the guidance of the national policy of expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption, based on the strategy of the same price of oil and electricity, BYD officially started the Han-Tang accelerated sprint of one million sales. With the listing of the Han-Tang Champion Edition, the Han DM-i and Han DM-p models on sale simultaneously started the "One Million Acceleration Chinese Heart-stopping Courtesy", and car buyers enjoyed a cash subsidy of 10,000 yuan for a limited time before April 30.

Home of the car

  In terms of appearance, the 2023 Han EV Champion Edition continues the design of the Han EV Genesis Edition, and the appearance has not changed. This time, the glacier blue color scheme is added, and the use of pearlescent coated aluminum powder makes the color appear metallic fluidity. The new car continues to use the front face of EV Dragon Face, blackened headlights and blackened side air intakes to show the sports elements.

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

  In terms of vehicle size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4995/1910/1495mm and the wheelbase is 2920mm, which belongs to medium and large cars. The sporty rims look sporty. At the rear of the vehicle, the taillights are combined with the elements of traditional Chinese knots, which show the beauty of art after lighting, and the rear enclosure echoes the front of the vehicle, with black decoration.

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

  As for the interior, it is also a continuation of the design of the EV Creation Edition. The classic central control system is equipped with DiLink 4.0(5G) intelligent network connection system, which can sing songs, brush Tik Tok, play small games, design a brand-new UI, customize the APP, and equip with 5G chips, with a speed increase of 10 times. At the same time, the customized version of Gaode Map can also deliver the map to the dashboard, and can choose three instrument navigation modes: small screen, simple and full screen.

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

  On the basis of the traditional straight-ahead vehicle display, the full LCD instrument panel adds the recognition of the front and rear vehicles in the left and right lanes and the recognition of the curved lane lines, supports the display of up to six targets and the recognition of four target types including pedestrians, two-wheelers, cars and trucks, and is imaged as a 3D model. At the same time, the new car is also equipped with a head-up display system, which has a larger imaging size, greater brightness and a larger imaging field of vision. The new car is also equipped with NFC digital keys (compatible with Apple and Android devices), which can be operated through BYD car App, Bluetooth key and NFC car key of mobile phone.

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive FlagshipBYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

  In terms of interior comfort, the new car is equipped with Nappa leather seats and Dynaudio audio. The whole car has 12 speakers, including treble, alto, bass, subwoofer and surround sound. At the same time, the car also offers three fragrance types to choose from, namely tea card (mineral fragrance), Tianshan Mountain (woody) and Chang ‘an (floral fragrance), creating a romantic atmosphere in different cars.

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

  In terms of configuration, the 2023 Han EV Champion Edition continues to provide two power versions: single-motor front drive and dual-motor four-wheel drive. The whole system comes standard with ambient light, heat pump air conditioner, 5G car and Apple NFC car key. Some configuration models are as follows: 2023 Han EV Champion 715km flagship model is expected to upgrade the steering wheel heating, and DiSus-C intelligent electronically controlled active suspension system can be optionally installed (optional price is 1000 yuan). The 2023 Han EV Champion Edition 605km distinguished model is expected to upgrade Dana Audio and BSD blind spot monitoring system. The 2023 Han EV Champion Edition 715km Honorable Model is expected to upgrade the BSD blind spot monitoring system.

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

BYD Han 2023 EV Champion Edition 610KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship

  In terms of power, the 2023 Chinese EV Champion Edition will have four cruising ranges of 506km, 605km, 610km and 715km, and the motor power is expected to continue the current models, including the maximum power of a single motor of 163 kW, a single motor of 180 kW and a dual motor of 380 kW. Support fast charging, charging to 80% takes only 30 minutes.

● Competitors:

Tesla China Model 3 2022 Rear Wheel Drive Edition

Tesla Model 3』

  The main competitor of Han EV is still Tesla Model 3. Comparatively speaking, the advantage of Han EV lies in space and comfort, which makes it more comfortable to ride, and the car system is more in line with the needs of consumers in China. Tesla Model 3 is better in driving control. At the same time, it also has certain advantages in intelligent driving assistance system, and its design also shows unique simplicity and beauty.

● Edit Comment:

Home of the car

  The 2023 Chinese EV Champion Edition further enhances the competitiveness of products and makes them more confident when competing with competitors. As a classic model of BYD, it will be combined with seals to give different choices to different consumers. Compared with seals, Han EV is more suitable for consumers who pursue space and comfort. (Text/car home Qin Chao)

Shanghai tiggo 8 big price cuts! The reserve price is 89,900 yuan, this time only.

On the car home-Shanghai Preferential Promotion Channel, we are pleased to announce that the most concerned models are undergoing preferential activities! As a popular SUV model, Tiggo 8 has brought unprecedented preferential margin to consumers in Shanghai in this promotion. The lowest starting price is only 89,900 yuan, and the highest discount can reach 20,000 yuan, so that you can enjoy more benefits when buying a car. If you want to know more about the discount details of Tiggo 8, click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form and strive for a higher discount!


Tiggo 8 is a medium-sized SUV with fashionable and dynamic appearance, and its front face design adopts the latest family-style design language, showing the unique design style of Tiggo brand. The air intake grille is designed in large size and decorated with chrome trim, which is very delicate. The body lines are smooth, and the overall style is tough and full of tension, showing the sporty atmosphere of Tiggo 8. In addition, the Tiggo 8 also uses LED headlights and fog lights to make the visual effect of the whole vehicle even better. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the Tiggo 8 are 4656mm*1840mm*1706mm, and the wheelbase is 2710 mm. The interior space is spacious and comfortable, which is very suitable for home use. In a word, the design of Tiggo 8 is fashionable and impressive.


Tiggo 8 is a medium-sized SUV with a body length, width and height of 4700*1860*1746mm and a wheelbase of 2710 mm. It has spacious interior space and excellent handling performance. The car’s side lines are smooth, simple and powerful, showing a stable and atmospheric style. The front tread is 1582mm, the rear tread is 1604mm, and the front and rear tyre size are both 235/55 R18. The tire width is moderate, which can provide stable driving performance and good handling feeling. The design of the side of the car body adopts a streamlined style, which makes the whole car look more dynamic and fashionable. In addition, the car is equipped with 18-inch rims, which are both beautiful and practical, adding a bright spot to the appearance of the vehicle. Overall, the Tiggo 8 is a medium-sized SUV with both comfort and handling, suitable for family travel and long-distance travel.


The interior design of Tiggo 8 is fashionable and atmospheric, with a leather steering wheel, which makes it feel comfortable. The central control screen has a size of 10.25 inches and supports USB/Type-C interface, which is convenient for users to charge and connect multimedia devices. The front seats are made of imitation leather. The front and rear seats can be adjusted, the backrest can be adjusted and the height can be adjusted (2-way). The front seats also support heating function. The backrest of the rear seat can be adjusted, and the seat is laid down in proportion, which is convenient for loading large items. Generally speaking, the interior design and configuration of Tiggo 8 are very practical and can meet the needs of users.


The Tiggo 8 is powered by a 1.5T 156 horsepower L4 engine, with a maximum power of 115 kW and a maximum torque of 230 N m.. This engine is matched with the 6-speed manual transmission, which can provide the driver with flexible control experience. In addition, this engine has high combustion efficiency and low fuel consumption, which brings better driving experience and economy to users. At the same time, it also has excellent dynamic response and acceleration performance, allowing users to feel strong power output and stable performance during driving.

In terms of design, the waistline of the Tiggo 8 is smooth and there are no redundant lines. From the side, the lines of the whole car are round and full, and the through taillights and high-position brake lights are highly recognizable, which makes it cool to drive at night. Car home car owners said that the overall feeling is not bad, and the design is beautiful. It is foreseeable that such a design will attract the attention of many consumers.