标签归档 西安桑拿会所

Cross-country skiing: a cool sport known as "marathon" on snow.

[Historical Origin]
Cross-country skiing is a sport that glides in the mountains and snowfields with the help of skiing equipment, using basic techniques such as climbing, downhill, turning and sliding. Cross-country skiing originated in northern Europe, also known as Nordic skiing, and is one of the oldest sports in the world sports history. It was first included in the Winter Olympic Games in 1924.
The reason why cross-country skiing is called "snow marathon" is that the main competition is the endurance and physical strength of athletes. Cross-country skiing in the Winter Olympics has set a distance of 10 km, 15 km, 30 km, or even up to 50 km, which is equivalent to skiing a marathon. Because cross-country skiing is one of the events in nordic combined and Biathlon, it is also an important support for nordic combined and Biathlon.
As a routine of the Winter Olympics, the men’s 50 km and women’s 30 km cross-country skiing awards ceremony was held at the closing ceremony.
[Site facilities]
The cross-country skiing competition of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics will be held at the National Cross-country Skiing Center in Zhangjiakou Division, and a total of 12 gold medals will be produced.
Cross-country skiing uses two techniques, and snowboarding is the most important: freestyle board is relatively short, the tip of the board is relatively small, the bottom is smooth, and all the wax needs to be slipped.
The traditional board has obvious bow-shaped arc, the sliding part needs sliding wax, and the middle pedaling part needs anti-slip wax.
Traditional snowboard
[rules of the game]
Cross-country skiing competition involves two technical rules: traditional technology and free technology.
Traditional techniques include alternate sliding, double-stick sliding, eight-step without sliding stage, sliding down and turning. It is not allowed to push the ice with two feet or one foot. The snowboard must be placed in the pressed snow slot, and the two skis should be kept parallel to the sliding direction. The athletes can move forward by swinging their legs back and forth and using snowball fights. The athletes’ "stepping" forward is similar to walking, except that they use snowball fights to generate thrust when skiing, and they will slide for a certain distance every step. During sliding, they feel like sliding on a marble surface in smooth shoes. When overtaking the front athlete, you can jump out of the snow chute and slide in another direction, especially downhill and peaceful snow trail is the golden stage of overtaking your opponent. When the back athlete wants to overtake, he can step on the front athlete’s snowboard to remind him, and the front athlete must give way to the snow trail after being reminded, otherwise it will be considered a foul.
Free technique has no restrictions on technical movements, and athletes can adopt any technical movements.

South China and other places still need to be alert to strong convective weather. On Sunday, the northern part of the country started warming up.

  Cctv newsAccording to the news of China Weather Network, today (March 25th), the heavy rainfall areas in the south of the Yangtze River and South China will be pressed to the south, and the heavy rain will be mainly concentrated in Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian, and the local area will still be accompanied by strong convective weather. In terms of temperature, this Sunday, the north will gradually enter the warming mode; However, due to the continuous rainy weather in South China, the temperature will be suppressed until the end of March.

  Heavy rainfall in South China continues to exert its strength. Guangdong, Fujian and other places need to be alert to secondary disasters.

  Yesterday, heavy rainfall continued in Jiangnan and South China, and the local area was still accompanied by strong convective weather. Monitoring shows that from 08: 00 on the 24th to 06: 00 on the 25th, heavy rains fell in parts of southeastern Hunan, southwestern Jiangxi, southern Fujian, north-central Guangdong and northeastern Guangxi, and heavy rains occurred in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, Longyan, Fujian and Shaoguan, Guangdong.

  Today, the heavy rainfall area will be pressed to the south, and the heavy rain will be mainly concentrated in Guangdong, southern Fujian and eastern Guangxi. From tomorrow, the precipitation in the south will be weakened, especially in the south of the Yangtze River and east of South China.

  The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of southern Xinjiang basin, northern and eastern Tibet, eastern Qinghai and central Gansu, and there will be medium snow in the local area. There are moderate to heavy rains in parts of southern Jiangnan and central and eastern South China, among which there are heavy rains or heavy rains in parts of southeastern Fujian and northern Guangdong.


  Tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of southern Xinjiang basin, northern and eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, southern Gansu and northern Sichuan Plateau, and there will be medium snow in the local area. Some areas in southeastern Tibet, eastern Northwest China, southwestern Shanxi, eastern Southwest China, south-central Jiangnan, southern China, Taiwan Province Island and Hainan Island have moderate to moderate rain and local heavy rain.


  Generally speaking, some areas in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian and other places will be hit by continuous heavy rainfall, and the accumulated rainfall is large, and the rain is urgent. Attention should be paid to preventing secondary disasters such as geology and mountain torrents that may be induced by rainfall. However, the recent rainfall is beneficial to alleviate the meteorological drought in South China. After this round of heavy rainfall, Guangdong may meet the flood season standards and start the first flood season in South China.

  The rainy weather in the south is frequently suppressed and warmed up, and the north is gradually warming up.

  Under the combined influence of cold air and rainy weather, the temperature in South China will continue to drop today. The cumulative cooling in Guangxi and Guangdong will exceed 10℃, and the highest temperature today will mostly drop to around 20℃. Moreover, due to the frequent subsequent rainfall, the temperature in South China will not improve much until the end of March.

  This Sunday, the temperature in most parts of the north will rise one after another, and the highest temperature on Sunday will generally return to a higher level than normal, and the warmer range will continue to increase at the beginning of next week. From the 27th, the highest temperature in most parts of Northeast China will return to above 15℃, and the cumulative temperature rise will generally exceed 10℃. The highest temperatures in North China and Huanghuai will gradually rise above 20℃, and the warmth will return.

  In big cities, the highest temperature in Shenyang was only about 9℃ yesterday, and then the temperature will rise all the way, reaching 18℃ on the 28th and 20℃ on the 30th, or it will set a new high this year.

  However, it should be noted that most of the north is still in the alternating period of winter and spring, and the temperature rises rapidly during the day, and it is still cold in the morning and evening, and the temperature difference will also widen. Around the 27th, the temperature difference between day and night in many places in the north will exceed 15℃, and even reach above 20℃ locally, reminding the public to pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm and avoid catching a cold.

After studying more than 10 thousand data, we found these secrets of Beijing nightlife

In summer, there is no shortage of excitement, and there are endless business opportunities behind the excitement. Crayfish, barbecue, drinking beer … There is no shortage of sports events in this midsummer. Before the European Cup, the Olympic Games are in full swing. Sports fans all over the world have ushered in a summer carnival, and watching the games at night has further stimulated the night consumption of the city.
According to the data of a head take-out platform, since the beginning of the European Cup, the national night take-out orders have soared. Taking Beijing as an example, from June 12 to June 30, the order volume of supper increased by nearly 10% compared with the same period in May. Moreover, more than 5,000 businesses have extended their business hours for fans.
From June 12 to 30, barbecue, fried chicken and crayfish became the top three take-away categories in Beijing. Among them, the sales of crayfish increased by nearly 70% compared with the same period in May. At the same time, during the game, the sales of cold beer at night increased sharply, selling about 500 thousand bottles every day.
In addition to take-away consumption, many music restaurants and bars have also made great efforts to launch different types of special drinks for the European Cup and Olympic packages for fans and friends. While eating delicious food, watching the game, brothers drinking together and chatting about the ball game have become the standard posture for many fans to watch the ball.
Japanese steak, beer barbecue, Midnight Food Store … How to eat, how to see is the most interesting? What kind of midnight snack is the most popular in Beijing? Where are the snack bars most distributed? Where are the restaurants and bars with the strongest atmosphere and the highest cost performance?
Today, we will follow the data to explore.
Chaoyang bar number NO ·1
Haidian has the most snacks in the city.
During the European Cup, it is estimated that the owners of all kinds of midnight snacks and bars are more concerned about the events than the fans and friends. After all, a game is a business, the players play well, the fans are in a good mood and their appetite is wide open, and the sales of barbecue beer may be even more popular.
Midnight snack is a product derived from the continuous development of urban population. Nowadays, more and more people follow the "will" of their stomachs in the process of "brushing the night", looking for midnight snack, supplementing energy and relaxing during eating.
Although the data can’t cover all the number of midnight snacks and bars in Beijing, it can still reflect the general trend.
On the whole, both midnight snack and bar are characterized by dense in the east and sparse in the west. There are many business districts in Chaoyang and Dongcheng, and the density of snack and bars is high. However, from the distribution of shops, Haidian has a large number of midnight snack shops, mainly concentrated near Wudaokou.
(▲ Figure/Wudaokou subway station intersection. Intern Qi Jiyuan for the picture)
Haidian, with a large number of colleges and universities and many internet enterprises, has a unique cultural atmosphere and a large and diverse consumer group. Wudaokou is one of the most representative business districts in Haidian. The midnight snack here satisfies the stomachs of countless college students and late-night farmers.
Guijie in Dongcheng, Sanlitun in Chaoyang, and Wudaokou in Haidian are all business districts where midnight snack is concentrated, but when it comes to the specific number of shops, the midnight snack shops near Huilongguan really rank first.
Huilongguan not only has Tiantongyuan, which is known as the largest community in Asia, but also is a gathering place for employees of numerous large factories. In countless nights, a midnight snack may be the greatest comfort for thousands of young North drifters who pursue their dreams when they work overtime late at night.
Speaking of bars, Dongcheng, which owns Houhai Street, can only admit defeat in front of Chaoyang. Sanlitun, Gongti, Wangjing, and the number of bars in any business circle are very good.
A city is like a machine that works day and night. It is busy and prosperous during the day, and it will become full of vitality when night falls. Sanlitun and Gongti are the most vital representatives.
Judging from the number of bars, there are 113 bars near Sanlitun, which can be described as unique. There are many embassies from all over the world. On the one hand, there are large-scale businesses, on the other hand, there are exotic shops, and different types of bars attract countless young men and women to gather here. Whether watching football matches or drinking and chatting, you can always find the one that suits you, such as Qing Bar, livehouse and izakaya.
chafing dish
The largest number of snack types
The consumption environment is also quite different with different consumption prices. Whether it is a snack or a bar, the per capita consumption in Chaoyang is high.
It can be seen that the median per capita consumption of snack bars and bars in Chaoyang District is higher than that in other districts, and the density of scattered spots near 300 yuan is higher than that in other districts, which fully shows that there are many types of snack bars and bars in Chaoyang District, and the overall consumption price is relatively high. The span of consumption interval is high, which means more selectivity and high bar consumption elasticity.
In order to maintain the observability of the data map, we only keep the sample points with per capita consumption within 0-300 yuan. In fact, the per capita prices of bars and snack bars are far more than this range.
Taking midnight snack as an example, Haidian has the largest number, but Chaoyang has the highest average price, especially the midnight snack near Liangmaqiao, where the per capita consumption exceeds that of 300 yuan, making it the highest in the region. In this area, large business companies are dense, financial companies are developed, per capita consumption level is high, and high-income consumers pay more attention to the dining environment, so the per capita snack cost in this area will be high.
Why are there so many differences in the average midnight snack prices in different regions? It depends on what all regions like to eat at night.
Hot pot is really YYDS! Whether it is Chaoyang, Haidian, Fengtai, Changping and Dongxicheng, or Fangshan, Huairou, Pinggu and other distant areas, the number of hot pot shops is the largest. Compared with exquisite western food and elegant Japanese food, hot pot can be said to be an approachable catalyst in social interaction, which is extremely inclusive. In the snack shops in Haidian District, 99 hot pots have become the most in all districts.
Eat hot pot every festive season, if it cools down, friends will want to eat hot pot, if they are lovelorn, they will want to eat hot pot, and if they are in love, they will also want to eat hot pot … Just as the netizen quipped: Nothing can’t be solved by one hot pot meal, if there is, then two meals.
According to the Insight Report on Hot Pot Consumption Behavior of College Students in the North, Guangzhou and Shenzhen released by a consulting organization, 71.4% of college students eat hot pot at least once a week, which is highly loyal to the hot pot category. They love the delicacy of hot pot, and they also think that eating hot pot is an important way to pursue leisure and relax and cultivate the feelings of their peers, which can easily break the cognitive barriers caused by time and region.
(▲ source IC photo)
Although the number of hot pots is the largest in all regions, it is slightly different in detail. In Chaoyang, besides hot pot, the most popular thing is probably barbecue. In Dongcheng, where many old Beijingers gather, people prefer to rinse meat. In Shunyi and Pinggu, which are far away from the main city, besides hot pot, there are more likely to be midnight snacks with local characteristics such as farmer’s pot-stewed and reservoir fish.
According to the data of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics, in 2019, the income from the above-designated accommodation and catering industry in Chaoyang District was 25.1 billion yuan, the highest among all districts. According to the snack grabbed and the per capita consumption distribution of bars, among the TOP50 stores, 23 snack bars in Chaoyang District and 38 bars were shortlisted.
From the perspective of Beijing’s urban planning, business districts are scattered, with Zhongguancun and Wudaokou in Haidian, Huilongguan in the north and Nanluoguxiang and Shichahai in the middle … But as far as bars and midnight snacks are concerned, the per capita consumption of Wangjing, International Trade CBD, Sanlitun and Gongti is higher than that of other places.
By the way, friends in Haidian are really low-key. A cup of mojito may need 100 yuan in Sanlitun, but it may only need 35 yuan to win it in Wudaokou.
The consumption evaluation of workers’ sports bars is the most.
Whether you like it or not, a large number of bars and various types of work sports will be a must on the wish list of young people.
For Beijing, a city with its own literary flavor, Nanluoguxiang and Qianmen Dashilan are naturally the best windows to show its style. The bars in Nanluoguxiang/Gulou East Street are not dominant in number, but there are still many young artists who are willing to sit here and feel the Beijing culture, and feel the fireworks atmosphere of petty bourgeoisie and temperament with their friends.
After the renovation, Qianmen Dashilan, Guijie and Sanlitun together form a night economic gathering circle with Beijing characteristics, and the distinctive Hutong Bar has gradually become the punching place of online celebrity on many social platforms.
At present, urban development emphasizes night economy, whether it is a bar or a midnight snack, it is an important indicator to measure the level of urban nightlife. Behind food, lights, alcohol and music, there is a pile of vitality at night and the release of urban personality.
In summer nights, a group of people put down their fatigue after changing their suits and ties, or gathered in hot pot restaurants and barbecue stalls full of Jianghu atmosphere to berate Fang Qiu for chatting, or gathered in bars with strong atmosphere to pour out their hearts and drink heartily, which reflected the character of the city and made it more youthful.
Data capture intern Zhang Ziheng
Data analysis Chen Hualuo, intern Qi Jiyuan
New Media Design Xu Xiao
Dynamic effect design Li Yazhen
Proofread Zhai Yongjun

Xuancheng Intermediate People’s Court held an exchange meeting on research results.

On December 19th, Sun Kang, Party Secretary and Dean of Xuancheng Intermediate People’s Court, presided over an exchange meeting on the research results of the Municipal Intermediate People’s Court. Members of the leading group, leading cadres at or above the county level and relevant personnel of the theme education office of the Institute attended the meeting, and Rong Fengchao, a member of the second group contacted by the theme education office of the Municipal Party Committee, gave guidance.



审 核丨缪 翔 洪 骏

文 图丨张旭文

编 辑丨陈 梦



@ Everyone: The new rules are coming in March! These changes affect life, you know!

  Xinhuanet Beijing, February 27th (Reporter Lu Junyu) From March, a number of new laws and regulations will be formally implemented, which will affect our lives.

  New national regulations

  A 0.1% service charge will be charged if Alipay credit card repays more than 2,000 yuan.

  The feast of free credit card repayment is gradually shrinking. After the full payment of credit card repayment by WeChat, Alipay will also cancel the policy of free credit card repayment. On February 21st, Weibo, the official Alipay, issued an announcement on "Adjustment of Alipay Credit Card Repayment Service Rules". According to the announcement, starting from March 26, 2019, when individual users use the "credit card repayment" function of Alipay client, Alipay will charge 0.1% service fee for the part exceeding the free quota of 2,000 yuan.

  Perfecting the Patent Agency System, Optimizing the Business Environment and Implementing the New Patent Agency Regulations

  The revised Patent Agency Regulations will come into force on March 1, 2019. According to the spirit of "minimizing the government’s direct domination of market resources, minimizing the government’s direct intervention in market activities, and freeing micro-subjects", this revision canceled two administrative approvals, optimized two administrative approvals, and relaxed the access conditions for patent agents and agencies.

  — — Cancel the provincial preliminary examination of the establishment and approval of the agency; Relax the organizational form requirements of the agency; Simplify the examination registration conditions, cancel the requirements of applying for agency qualification, such as having work experience; Cancel unnecessary proof materials.

  — — The management department shall take random checks to inspect and supervise the practice activities of agencies and agents, and announce the inspection and handling results to the public; Support innovation and encourage agencies and agents to provide agency assistance services for small and micro enterprises and vulnerable groups; Improve the practice norms and require agencies to establish and improve the conflict of interest review system; Improve the legal responsibility of illegal acts of agencies and agents.

  — — The administrative department shall strengthen the release of public information on patent agency, and provide inquiry service for the public to understand the operation of the agency and the practice of the agent; The filing and approval of agents and agencies are all realized through one network.

  Reduce the burden on 20 million patientsThe first batch of 21 drugs with rare diseases will be subject to VAT at a reduced rate of 3%.

  On February 11th, the executive meeting of the State Council deployed measures to strengthen early diagnosis and treatment of cancer and ensure drug use, and decided to give value-added tax concessions to 21 drugs with rare diseases. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to ensure that more than 20 million patients with rare diseases use drugs. From March 1st, for the first batch of 21 medicines with rare diseases and 4 APIs, VAT will be levied at a reduced rate of 3% for the import link with reference to anticancer drugs, and at home, VAT can be levied at a simple rate of 3%.

  Measures for the administration of state-level cultural and ecological protection zones were promulgated.

  Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the Measures for the Administration of National Cultural and Ecological Protected Areas, which will be officially implemented on March 1, 2019.

  At present, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has approved the establishment of 21 national-level cultural and ecological protection experimental zones, and 146 provincial-level cultural and ecological protection zones with distinctive characteristics have also been established in various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities).

  The "Measures" stipulate that to declare a national-level cultural and ecological protection zone, it is necessary to have a good foundation for regional overall protection of cultural ecology, and it should be implemented in this province (autonomous region, city) for more than two years, with obvious results; After the establishment of the national cultural and ecological protection zone, the overall plan will no longer be approved and implemented by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, but will be reviewed by the provincial cultural authorities, submitted to the provincial people’s government for deliberation and approval, promulgated and implemented, and reported to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the record; Three years after the implementation of the master plan, the provincial cultural authorities may apply to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for organization and acceptance. Those who pass the acceptance will be officially announced as national cultural and ecological protection zones and awarded.  

  The Ministry of Civil Affairs has formulated the Measures for the Implementation of the "Tomorrow Plan for Orphans’ Medical Rehabilitation"  

  It is reported that in order to provide disabled orphans with better medical rehabilitation and other services, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has recently formulated the "Implementation Measures for the" Orphan Medical Rehabilitation Tomorrow Plan "project, which will be implemented on March 1, 2019. The "Measures" have expanded the scope of benefiting orphans and the scope of financial support.  

  Ministry of Transport: The minimum protective perimeter of the bus driving area is 1.6m.

  Recently, the Ministry of Transport issued the industry standard "Technical Requirements for Special Safety Facilities for Urban Public Steam Trams", which specifically stipulated the technical requirements for protective isolation facilities in the driving area of urban public steam trams. The standard will be officially implemented on March 1, 2019.

  This standard improves the technical level of physical defense by standardizing the technical requirements of protective isolation facilities in driving areas, and protects drivers from direct attacks by illegal passengers, who cannot directly touch the steering wheel. In addition to strengthening physical defense, it is necessary to improve passengers’ safety awareness, strengthen the protection of drivers’ laws and regulations, and improve drivers’ emergency response ability to protect urban bus and tram drivers from intrusion.

  New local regulations  

  Since March 1, female workers in Shandong have added these holiday benefits.

  The Measures for Labor Protection of Female Workers in Shandong Province shall come into force on March 1, 2019. It is reported that on the basis of the protection of pregnancy, childbirth and lactation stipulated by the state, the "Measures" creatively increased the protection measures for menstruation, pregnancy and perimenopausal period.

  From March 1st, Sichuan urban workers’ medical insurance funds can be shared with their families.

  The Sichuan Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Finance and the Sichuan Provincial Health and Wellness Committee jointly issued the Notice on Improving the Relevant Policies for the Use of Personal Accounts of Basic Medical Insurance for Urban Employees, and decided that the payment scope of personal accounts of basic medical insurance for urban employees will be expanded from March 1, which can be used to pay for a series of medical expenses for employees themselves, their spouses, parents and children of both husband and wife.

  It is understood that the adjustment includes two aspects. On the one hand, on the basis of the original payment scope, the personal account funds can be expanded to pay the following expenses for the employees themselves, their spouses, parents and children of both husband and wife:

  First, the medical service expenses that need to be borne by individuals, such as general outpatient service (including registration), outpatient special diseases (including designated pharmacies), hospitalization, health check-up, unplanned immunization, remote diagnosis and treatment, and family doctor contract service.

  The second is to buy drugs, medical devices, medical consumables, auxiliary devices and other expenses related to disease treatment and medical rehabilitation in designated retail pharmacies in the province.

  Third, in the overall planning area, pay the social insurance expenses related to medical security, such as basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents, basic medical insurance for employees with flexible employment, supplementary medical insurance, serious and serious illness insurance, long-term care insurance and so on.

  Zhejiang issued the special sign of "running at most once", which was officially implemented on March 1.

  From March 1st, Zhejiang will use the unified "run at most once" special signs in the whole province, ranging from background walls and information desks to employee badges and envelopes. The work specifications provide the basic graphics of the use places of the "run at most once" special signs, totaling 16 situations. The implementation of work norms will be conducive to the unified standardization of signs and their use, facilitate the people and enterprises to do things across regions, and further enhance the sense of reform of the people and enterprises.

"Training Shuai" is controversial. Where is the national football team going?

Reporter Han Bing reports With the national football team’s 1-1 draw with Australia, the top 12 matches ended in six rounds, which ushered in an interval of more than two months. With four rounds left, China is 11 points behind the top Saudi Arabia, 7 points behind the second Japanese and 6 points behind the third Australian, and the qualifying probability is basically zero. After the game, head coach Li Tie also held a 32-minute press conference, which was a comprehensive summary of the first six rounds. Unfortunately, Li Tie’s "personal summary", as before, has caused widespread controversy. The next day, Li Tie continued to publish pictures and texts on social networks, which once again set off a wave of public opinion.

Against the background that the Top 12 Competition has come to an end, facing the unspeakable outstanding achievements of the national football team and various controversies caused by the words and deeds of head coach Li Tie, the China Football Association must give an explanation to the national football team, the relevant parties in the league and the fans who love China football as soon as possible.

Earlier, the media said that the renewal of the contract between the Football Association and Li Tie was to "train handsome" for the 2026 World Cup qualifiers. After six games before the Top 12, from tactics to employing people, and then to the controversy that triggered off-court public opinion storm, it became a question whether it is necessary for Li Tie to continue to "practice". The probability of qualifying is almost zero. Under the background that the remaining four top 12 games next year are only meaningful for training, it is necessary to have a clear conclusion from whether the coach will stay or not, how to use the naturalized players, and whether the Chinese Super League will continue to make way for the top 12 games. After all, the national football team is about to prepare for the 2023 Asian Cup, followed by the 2026 World Cup qualifiers. It is not too late to make up for the coach’s choice. Now, the national football team will have at least three years to bring a new atmosphere to the new coach.

The World Cup qualifiers are the most important events of the national football team. It is hard to understand how to "train handsome" in such an important event. After all, even if the national football team originally had a low probability of qualifying for strength reasons, it is not the reason to "train handsome" with the most important events. What’s more, in terms of preparation, training, personnel selection, tactics and contingency, Li Tie has shown his incompetence as a national football coach, which has also caused more unnecessary disputes outside the stadium. If the national football team wants to make a breakthrough in the local Asian Cup in 2023 and the World Cup qualifiers in 2026, it should make a decision and make a choice early.

The great controversy caused by Li Tie’s use of naturalized players has proved that he misjudged the ability of naturalized players, which directly affected the national football team’s record and led to the complete disillusionment of the qualifying hope that there was still a chance. Regardless of foreign or local handsome, nationality is not an amulet, but whether it has the ability to make the national football performance go up a storey still higher is the key. It is an act of putting the cart before the horse to deprive the national football team of the most important growth opportunity just for the sake of "training handsome", and the China Football Association must root out the root cause.

If the coach’s ability is insufficient, we can still give Li Tie more time. However, Li Tie’s prejudice against naturalized players failed to maximize the strength of the national football team, which also directly affected the performance of the national football team. In the face of his mistakes in employing people, tactics and coping with emergencies, Li Tie failed to take the initiative in many statements. Instead, he blamed the poor performance of the national football team on many objective factors, such as losing the home court, long-term training, naturalized players’ physical condition and so on, without the sense of responsibility and overall situation that the national football coach should have.

What’s more, when the national football team almost lost the hope of qualifying because of his personal mistakes, and the public opinion and fans were extremely dissatisfied, Li Tie, as the coach of China national team, repeatedly posted inappropriate pictures and texts on social networks, causing even greater public controversy. Even when the outside world was generally dissatisfied with the performance of the national football team, advertisements were posted on the homepage of personal social networks, and pictures suspected of infringing on the rights and interests of national football sponsors were deleted after being pointed out by the media. Judging from the action of deleting pictures, Li Tie released Weibo, who was suspected of product placement, the day after the top 12 competition. It was definitely not approved by relevant parties, and the advertising behavior suspected of infringing the rights and interests of the official equipment sponsors of the China Football Association was even more unacceptable to public opinion and fans. Li Tie caused such a huge controversy inside and outside the stadium, with poor performance and shirking responsibility. Is he still suitable to continue as the coach?

China Football Association must also face more thorny problems caused by the Top 12 matches, including the resumption of the Super League, whether the Super League will continue to make way for the Top 12 matches next year, and how to deal with the messy wage crisis in the Super League. All these require the Football Association to take the attitude of being responsible for football in China, assess the situation, and come up with a solution that conforms to the objective laws of football as soon as possible and can minimize the negative impact on all parties concerned.

In a word, it is the eventful autumn of football in China, and more than two months have been reserved for the Football Association in the Top 12. For the future of football in China, it is time for the Football Association to make a decision. ???

Domestic beauty cosmetics go out of the "honeymoon period"

One glory may not be all glory, but one loss will certainly be all loss. Hua Xizi, who once deeply bound Li Jiaqi, probably didn’t expect this day, or that this day would come so early. On September 13th, Li Jiaqi’s public opinion events were still fermenting, and Hua Xizi was more like a victim, who was hung on the hot search list for three days. Investigate its reason, more is the fruit of Li Jiaqi’s deep binding of Hua Xizi in the past. As the head anchors roll over one by one, the traffic brought by deep bundling has become a double-edged sword, and many domestic beauty products have to face the problem of how to maintain sales and open the market after leaving the big anchor.

Bundled exchange flow

The relationship between Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi dates back to 2019. Hua Xizi, who has just been established for two years this year, is still groping, and the arrival of the live broadcast outlet has made Hua Xizi see hope.

The founder of Hua Xizi once said that in early 2018, Hua Xizi made great determination on the live broadcast after doing a lot of research and analysis. In the early days, Hua Xizi took some detours when exploring the live broadcast, and only regarded the live broadcast as a channel to bring goods, which did not achieve the expected results. At that moment, Li Jiaqi appeared. In 2018, US ONE Company reorganized its business and promoted the live delivery business to operate around the IP of "Li Jiaqi". In the second half of 2018, Li Jiaqi’s popularity soared because he completed the Guinness World Record challenge of "the largest number of people wearing lipstick in 30 seconds" and promoted to sell lipstick with Jack Ma on the same stage at the double 11.

Li Jiaqi, who burst into red, hit it off with Huaxizi, who wanted to be red. In March, 2019, Huaxizi air honey powder entered the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi. According to the research report of Guoyuan Securities, this new product became the first in the sales volume of "double 11" stores that year after it was first launched in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, and sold over 20,000 pieces. This result also strengthened Hua Xizi’s idea of holding a heavy position in Li Jiaqi.

Rumor has it that Hua Xizi’s rebate to Li Jiaqi is as high as 60%-80%, even more than 100%. Regarding the commission, Hua Xizi denied it, and said that "the cooperation rate between Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi belongs to the industry average".

There is no way to verify the exact number, but judging from the number of times Hua Xizi appeared in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, the relationship between the two is very deep. According to the statistics of Guoyuan Securities, in 2020, Hua Xizi entered the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi for 71 times. At the same time, Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi started a brand co-creation plan. It is understood that Li Jiaqi has participated in the co-creation of Huaxizi’s "Miao Impression" and "Dai Impression" series products.

The flow brought by Li Jiaqi to Huaxi is visible to the naked eye. In 2019, the sales of Huaxizi was 1 billion yuan; It exceeded 3 billion yuan in 2020. The Western Securities Research Report pointed out that in 2021, Huaxizi achieved sales of 5.4 billion yuan, which was more than 100 times higher than the sales of about 40 million yuan in 2018. According to the Shanghai Securities Research Report, the share of Huaxi City increased from 0.3% to 6.8% in 2017-2021.

Fei Man, co-founder of Hua Xizi, also admitted in an interview that the sales growth of Hua Xizi is inseparable from the cooperation with Li Jiaqi. There was a certain sales base before, but it was not as high as the follow-up.

The development of Hua Xizi was once called phenomenal, and it can also be said that the development model of Hua Xizi’s exchange of traffic for sales was a microcosm of the development of domestic beauty at that time. You can see the shadow of many domestic beauty brands from Hua Xizi. For example, Shuiyang Co., Ltd. once relied on the cooperation with Li Jiaqi, Viya and other head anchors, and its performance achieved substantial growth.

According to public data, in 2019, Shuiyang Co., Ltd. cooperated with Li Jiaqi Live 47 times, with a total viewing volume of over 40 million; In 2019, it cooperated with Viya Live for more than 30 times; In 2019, we cooperated with more than 1,500 online celebrity anchors such as kiki of Jie Chen and Lieer Baby, and the total number of live broadcasts exceeded 8,000. Shuiyang Co., Ltd. said that from January to September in 2018 and 2019, the sales amount of products involved in online celebrity anchor cooperation accounted for 0.99% and 4.02% of the company’s operating income, respectively, with a large increase.

According to statistics, Li Jiaqi returned 109 days after leaving the live broadcast room, and the number of viewers of the first live broadcast reached 6,247. During the "double 11" in 2021, Li Jiaqi’s sales amounted to 21.8 billion yuan. This is the traffic that Li Jiaqi, as the super-head anchor, carries. Even though it is rumoured that the percentage of beauty cosmetics with goods in the live broadcast is basically 30%-40%, there are still many beauty brands scrambling to enter the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, which is the function of traffic.

Jiang Han, a senior researcher at Pangu think tank, believes that the gradual increase of the right to speak of the head anchor brings benefits to the brand, but also carries certain challenges and risks. The brand should realize the importance and value of the head anchor, at the same time, strengthen its own brand construction and development, and reduce its dependence on the head anchor.

Urgent need for transformation

In the past, many cutting-edge brands started online, gained consumer recognition through private domain and planting grass, and then endorsed by big anchors to expand their product sales. However, with Viya’s tax evasion overturned, Sydney was also fined for tax issues, and now Li Jiaqi is facing the crisis of public opinion, domestic beauty cosmetics may have to consider the development after leaving the big anchor.

The brand side is also aware of this and consciously unties the big anchor. Take Hua Xizi as an example. In June, 2020, Hua Xizi went out of Taobao, set up brand matrix accounts in Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker platforms respectively, and conducted self-broadcasting in stores every day, and the monthly self-broadcasting number quickly exceeded 50. According to public data, in 2020, the GMV of Hua Xizi’s live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi accounted for 15.55% of all sales; In the first quarter of 2022, Hua Xizi’s chief product, Guan Shanglu, publicly stated that this figure dropped to only 5%.

At the same time, Hua Xizi started an article in research and development and offline. In March 2022, Hua Xizi announced that Li Huiliang was the chief scientist, and publicized it to the outside world. In the next five years, Hua Xizi will invest more than 1 billion yuan to spread out the layout in many fields of product innovation, basic research and applied basic research, and create a comprehensive and technologically advanced Oriental beauty makeup research and development system.

Not only Hua Xizi, but also many domestic beauty products are trying to transform and get out of the dilemma of exchanging traffic for sales. It is understood that Polaiya is building the sustainable development ability of enterprises through strategic strength, brand strength and product strength, and realizing "long-term doctrine", including R&D investment. In 2022, the R&D expenses of Polaiya increased by 67.15%. Similarly, in order to cope with the current new situation and increase investment in product development and innovation, in 2022, Betaine’s R&D expenses increased by 124.96%, and the R&D rate reached 5.08%.

Yixian e-commerce, the parent company of Perfect Diary, has also continuously increased its investment in research and development in the past few years. It is understood that in 2022, Yixian e-commerce invested 130 million yuan in R&D throughout the year, reaching 3.4% of revenue, and its expense rate ranked first among domestic beauty groups.

Betani also said that in the future, enterprises will pay more attention to product quality, technological innovation and brand building, which is very important for improving product competitiveness and brand influence. It is not only the response of enterprises to market and consumer demand, but also the adaptation to increasingly fierce competition in the industry.

Wu Daiqi, CEO of Shenzhen Siqisheng Company, believes that online celebrity brands such as Hua Xizi really benefited from Li Jiaqi’s appeal to fans and superior ability to bring goods before. However, there is still a long way to go before online celebrity brand can be transformed into a well-known brand and become an evergreen brand, mainly because it is very difficult to build offline channels, and the complexity of channels will also bring about an increase in various operation and management costs. Therefore, the early development of Hua Xizi certainly has its advantages and characteristics, but it still needs a set of measures.

Beijing business today reporter Guo Xiujuan Zhang Junhua

Sinan, Guizhou: Primary medical care improves quality and efficiency. The masses have good "medical support" at their doorstep.

"Reach up slowly, shake hands hard, and keep exercising like this, which will help you recover." Wu Yunfeng, a Chinese medicine acupuncturist, is giving rehabilitation guidance to patients in Shagou Branch of Yingwuxi Town Health Center in Sinan County. Here, there is an endless stream of patients who come to see a doctor and have an infusion check.

Shagou Branch of Parrot Creek Health Center newly put into use this year. Photo by Sun Lei

In recent years, Sinan County has taken "improving ability, providing excellent service, strengthening medical treatment and ensuring health" as the starting point, and built, reformed and upgraded many primary medical and health institutions by means of improving medical level, health education, complete infrastructure and policy implementation guarantee, continuously strengthened the construction of primary medical and health services, and made efforts to solve the problems of "it is difficult to see a doctor" for the masses, so that the people can get medical treatment at "home" with more security.

As a newly put into operation this year, Shagou Branch of Yingwuxi Town Health Center has provided great convenience to the surrounding people. Tian Weigao, a villager with chronic diseases in Taxi Village, used to go to Yingwu Town Health Center for treatment every few days. Because of his old age, he was physically and mentally exhausted from the commute.

"My hand is an old problem. It used to be troublesome to go to the town. It was a long journey and delayed time. It was not convenient to take a car when I was old. Now it’s okay. It’s convenient to come to Shagou, and it saves a lot of trouble. Doctors in hospitals are also familiar with it." Tian Weigao, who has just finished rehabilitation training, is very satisfied.

Experts from Sinan County People’s Hospital went to Tingziba Health Center to carry out technical training. Photo by Yang Yongfeng

After Shagou Branch was put into use, Yingwu Town Health Center sent a number of key doctors and nurses to the branch for consultation, and opened many departments such as outpatient service, hospitalization and traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy, which could meet the diverse needs of the masses.

It is understood that the Shagou area where Shagou Branch is located has a large permanent population and is relatively concentrated, and the local people have a great demand for medical treatment. In order to solve the problem of villagers’ medical treatment, this year, the health department of Sinan County, in combination with the actual situation, allocated medical resources and made great efforts to promote the Yingwuxi Town Health Center to open a branch to the village, which can achieve more than 15,000 people in 15 surrounding villages to seek medical treatment nearby. At the same time, in addition to routine treatment, Shagou Branch has also carried out physical therapy projects such as cupping, acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine, equipped with inspection equipment such as B-ultrasound machine and electrocardiogram machine. Through system networking, people can have an examination in the morning and get results in the afternoon, so that people can not only "have" but also "excellent" medical treatment at their doorstep.

The doctor of Tingziba Town Health Center diagnosed the patient’s condition. Photo by Yang Yongfeng

"For more than three months, the outpatient service of the branch has averaged about 30 person-times a day, and there are more than 90 inpatients. We have remote assistance, and the county hospital and our medical community can make referrals and can pass remote consultations. " Yu Yongke, president of the Yingwu Town Health Center, said that next, with the support of all levels, the health center will strive to improve the medical technology and service level, so that patients can enjoy better diagnosis and treatment services.

Tingziba Town Health Center in Sinan County covers an area of 2,200 square meters and is a demonstration site of municipal health management center. Since the beginning of this year, the hospital has deeply integrated basic medical care with basic public health. The hospital has upgraded and upgraded its health environment, medical management and health services, added medical facilities such as Chinese medicine decocting machine and C14 detection analyzer, strengthened the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, and invited experts to visit regularly, so that grassroots people can not only see the improvement of "face value", but also enjoy the service upgrade, and promote the transformation from "disease treatment as the center" to "health management as the center"

Doctors from Shagou Branch of Parrot Town Health Center are working. Photo by Sun Lei

In the hospital, there are all kinds of functional areas, such as outpatient service area, Chinese medicine hall and waiting area, and the clean, tidy, warm and comfortable medical environment is eye-catching. Speaking of today’s medical experience, the people on the scene gave thumbs up.

"It’s much better than before. Hygiene, equipment and atomization are all ok. Being hospitalized here is very comfortable and the environment is much more beautiful than before. I feel satisfied." Zhang Zhongdao, a patient who is hospitalized here, feels the most truly.

"This year, we have upgraded the environment and services of hospitals, from the overall transformation of hospitals to the re-planning of departments and wards. And actively organize business training such as free clinics and special lectures, and continuously strengthen the service ability of medical staff, so that the people’s medical environment and services have been greatly improved, and satisfaction and happiness have made a qualitative leap. " Zhang Yi, Dean of Tingziba Town Health Center, introduced.

The newly renovated Tingziba Town Health Center. Photo by Chen Min

It is the growing health demand of the masses to "see a doctor and be optimistic about the disease" at home. Sinan county keeps a close eye on the goal of high-quality development of health care, focusing on optimizing services, improving quality and increasing efficiency, with two tertiary hospitals, namely, County People’s Hospital and County Ethnic Chinese Medicine Hospital, two secondary general hospitals, namely, Tangtou Town Health Center and Xujiaba Town Health Center, as its wings, 26 township (street) hospitals (community health service centers) as its support, 16 private medical institutions as its supplement, and 499 village clinics as its bottom, to build 15 towns.

"We focus on two county-level hospitals, supplemented by two county-level regional medical sub-centers, and send high-quality medical experts to rural two-level hospitals regularly, so that rural people can enjoy high-quality medical services at their doorstep. At the same time, it also optimizes the internal and external environment of medical institutions and enhances the people’s sense of medical experience. With the goal of building’ hotel-style’ and’ garden-style’ hospitals, it constantly improves the county’s medical environment, optimizes medical services, and enhances our people’s sense of medical experience. " Li Zheng, deputy director of Sinan County Health and Wellness Bureau, introduced. (Chen Min, Sun Lei, Yang Yongfeng)

Gua Shuai responded whether he would leave Manchester City: Let’s talk about winning the treble.

Manchester City coach Guardiola was asked if he would leave Manchester City. He said that he would not return to this topic until Manchester City really won the treble.

Before the interview, Manchester City entered the sprint stage in the Premier League, FA Cup and UEFA Cup, and is expected to win the triple crown. The reporter asked whether Guardiola would retire after winning the treble in Manchester City. Gua Shuai responded: "The premise is that we win the treble. You can continue to ask me this question and I will tell you the answer."

On May 21st, Beijing time, due to Arsenal’s elimination from the title race, Manchester City won the Premier League title three rounds ahead of schedule. If they can win the FA Cup and the Champions League at the same time, they will become the second treble team in English history.

When talking about whether they have considered the treble, Gua Shuai said that it is natural. They need to take care of all fronts. Their opponents will not be easy, and Manchester United will cause them great trouble.

When talking about Inter Milan, the opponent in the Champions League final, Guardiola said that when this Serie A team feels that it is not a favorite to win the championship, the next thing is worth thinking about.

Guardiola said naughtily that all this would be told to reporters after they won the triple crown.

At 23:00 Beijing time on May 21st, in the 37th round of the Premier League, Manchester City will play Chelsea at home as the champion of the Premier League this season.

Manchester City still has five games to play this season, and the remaining three Premier League games are of little significance to them. The FA Cup final will be held at 22:00 on June 3rd, and the Champions League final will be held at 03:00 on June 11th.

Tucker on T- Harris: He played a great role in both offensive and defensive ends of the court.

Live on April 23rd, the first round of the NBA playoffs G4, 76ers beat the Nets 96-88 away, with a total score of 4-0. After the game, 76ers striker PJ Tucker was interviewed.

In the interview, Tucker praised the performance of teammate Tobias Harris: "No one can say enough about Harris. He has played a huge role in both ends of the court."

In this campaign, Harris scored 25 points, 12 rebounds, 1 assist and 1 blocked shot; Tucker scored 3 points, 4 rebounds, 1 assist and 2 steals.