标签归档 西安耍耍

The domestic large aircraft C919 made its first flight today, and the overall localization rate reached over 50%.

  Guangming. com May 5 th (Reporter Zhan Wei)This afternoon, the domestic large passenger plane C919 will make its first flight at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. From 1970, when the project was initiated to develop "Yun 10", to 2007, it was decided to carry out the reform of aviation industry system, and the project was initiated to develop C919. The civil aviation industry in China experienced a difficult and bumpy development course. The moment of the first flight of C919 bears the struggles and dreams of several generations of China civil aircraft people. Let us have a more comprehensive understanding of C919.

The domestic large aircraft C919 made its first flight today, and the overall localization rate reached over 50%.

  On May 4th, in the hangar of Zhuqiao Base of China Commercial Aircraft Corporation Flight Test Center, the staff inspected and maintained the domestic large passenger plane C919. Xinhua news agency  

  Why is it named C919?

  According to Comac China, the full name of "C919" is "COMAC919".

  Among them, "COMAC" is the abbreviation of the English name of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of CHINA Ltd, which developed C919. The "C" in the abbreviation is the first letter of "COMAC" and the first letter of China’s English name "China".

  The first 9 means "everlasting", and the last two 19 means that the maximum capacity of C919 passenger plane is 190 passengers.

  Previously, the internationally renowned aircraft manufacturers were Air Bus and Boeing, and from A to B to C, they just lined up.

  What kind of research and development process has C919 experienced?

  According to official website of China Commercial Aircraft Corporation, C919 is a large jet civil aircraft developed by China in accordance with international civil aviation regulations and with independent intellectual property rights, with 158-174 seats and a range of 4,075-5,555 kilometers.

  It took 10 years from 2007, when the major scientific and technological special project of large aircraft development was formally approved, to 2015, when the first aircraft of C919 was assembled and rolled off the assembly line in China Commercial Aircraft Assembly and Manufacturing Center, and today, the domestic large aircraft will soon fly from blueprint to flying in the blue sky for the first time.

  During this period, researchers have planned 102 key technical problems for advanced pneumatic layout, structural materials and airborne systems. In preparation for the first flight, the C919 has completed 118 test projects and experienced 21 taxiing tests including low, medium and high taxiing, and passed the expert technical review in March 2017 and the release review in April.

  Why is the first flight important?

  The first flight of an airplane refers to the first flight of a newly manufactured airplane from the ground. Every plane has its first flight, but the first flight of a new model has its special significance. It is not only an important link in a series of work chains, such as changing ideas into drawings, drawings into objects, and objects can fly, but also an important milestone in the turning point of new models from static to moving and the birth of new models.

  According to the relevant person in charge of Comac, as long as the plane begins to taxi and leave the ground during the first flight, the most basic system functions will be preliminarily assessed. The test pilot will comment on the aircraft’s handling stability, take-off and landing performance, power plant and driving equipment for the first time. Generally, the first flight time of light aircraft does not exceed 30 to 40 minutes, and that of large aircraft is 1 to 2 hours. Generally, the first flight chooses a good weather, with visibility not less than 5 to 7km, and no low clouds and crosswinds. The flight weight of the first flight plane should be reduced as much as possible, so as to minimize the take-off speed from the ground and shorten the take-off taxi distance, thus improving driving conditions.

  How to fly on the first flight?

  The maximum altitude of the first flight of C919 is 10,000 feet, the maximum speed is 170 knots, and there are 15 test points. The whole process is divided into five stages, namely, ground inspection stage, climbing stage, level flight stage, simulated approach, landing and go-around stage and landing stage. Traditionally, the C919 did not retract the landing gear during the first flight, and kept the flaps down.

  In addition, when the C919 makes its first flight, a second plane will accompany it. The task of companion flight is to observe the first flight plane in real time in the air, record flight data, take photos and videos, and make every effort to ensure the safety of the plane during its first flight. In case of any problems, the crew of the accompanying plane will immediately warn the crew of the first flight, report to the ground control personnel and guide the first flight to land safely. In addition, the accompanying aircraft will also monitor the air environment of the first flight to ensure that no other aircraft will break into the flight route of the first flight and put an end to any hidden dangers of stealing secrets.

  How about the localization of C919?

  Zhou Guirong, deputy chief designer of C919 large passenger aircraft, said that at present, the overall localization rate of C919 aircraft can reach more than 50%, including domestic enterprises and joint ventures at home and abroad. The safety requirements of aviation products are very high. The development of the whole localization, whether at home or abroad, is in accordance with the same set of international standards and methods, and the trial is also in strict accordance with international standards and norms.

  China Commercial Aircraft Corporation insists on "main manufacturer — Supplier "development mode, maximize the gathering and utilization of domestic and foreign resources, and build a" life community "of the civil aircraft industry. There are 22 provinces and cities, more than 200 enterprises and 36 colleges and universities involved in the development of C919 large passenger aircraft. Sixteen material manufacturers and 54 standard parts manufacturers including Baosteel have become suppliers or potential suppliers of large passenger aircraft projects. China Comac also signed strategic cooperation agreements with six central enterprises, including aviation industry corporation of china, and established strategic cooperation relations with seven major domestic banks.

  In the development of C919 large passenger plane, researchers have planned 102 key technical problems, including integrated design of aircraft engine, control law design of fly-by-wire flight control system, active control technology, etc., aiming at advanced aerodynamic layout, structural materials and airborne system.

  Take most of the front fuselage of C919 as an example, which includes the front passenger cabin, the front cargo cabin and the recirculation fan cabin, and contains more than 1,600 parts, involving nearly 2,000 tooling. This section adopts the third generation aluminum alloy — — Al-Li alloy material, which is the first time in domestic civil aircraft application. Al-Li alloy material is considered as the most ideal material for aerospace at present. China Commercial Aircraft Corporation and AVIC Hongdu Aviation, a joint supplier, have completed 20 batches of material performance data tests under stable process conditions through the tests of 2,500 test pieces in recent three years. Around the establishment of material fatigue rating (DFR) data system, DFR fatigue tests of typical structural details in different processing and manufacturing States were carried out, with more than 3,000 test pieces. The processing technology of Al-Li alloy structure, such as chemical milling, machining, hole-making, hot-pressing subsidence, mirror milling and heat table treatment, has been fully verified. Through tackling key problems, the model material specification system and performance data system for design are gradually established.

  How did the C919 market react?

  Focusing on the most mainstream air transport market, C919 is a trunk aircraft developed in full compliance with international mainstream airworthiness standards and international mainstream market operation standards. At present, C919 large passenger aircraft has 23 domestic and foreign customers, including China International Airlines, with a total order of 570 aircraft, including international customers such as GECAS.

  What is the significance of C919 to China?

  Large aircraft is a high integration of modern high technology and is called "the jewel in the industrial crown". C919 means that China’s civil aviation will no longer rely on foreign imports, and China’s aircraft manufacturing has truly embarked on a road of independent development.

  Driven by the C919 large passenger aircraft project, a technological innovation system of civil aircraft has been formed, which is based on China Commercial Aircraft Corporation, market-oriented and combined with Industry-University-Research. China Commercial Aircraft Corporation (Comac) has built a technical responsibility system around the realization process of civil aircraft products and the technical requirements of full-life cycle service, and planned to promote the technical system construction with standards and specifications as the main carrier. Through scientific research and innovation research, model technology research and other ways, it has continuously formed new civil aircraft technical achievements and supplemented and improved the civil aircraft technical system.

  Millions of fine parts, covering high-end manufacturing of almost all industrial categories — — Domestic large aircraft soaring in the blue sky will undoubtedly drive China’s manufacturing industry to the "smile curve".

  From the upstream, the development of large passenger aircraft can drive the group breakthrough of key technologies in new materials, modern manufacturing, advanced power, electronic information, automatic control, computers and other fields, and can promote the development of many high-tech industries, with a technology diffusion rate as high as 60%. The technological upgrading of its industry will inevitably require great progress in many basic disciplines, including fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, computational mathematics, thermophysics, chemistry, information science, environmental science and so on. From the downstream, the commercial operation of large civil aircraft has a great impact on civil aviation transportation, aviation maintenance, aviation finance, tourism, logistics and other industries.

  For China, the breakthrough of large-scale aircraft technology will not only promote the development of a number of new industries, but also force the upgrading of China’s industrial standards by continuously expanding the industrial chain and introducing airworthiness certification in China, thus promoting the overall improvement of China’s industrial manufacturing capacity and level. Some experts said that in the 21st century, only a breakthrough in high-end large-scale equipment manufacturing such as large aircraft can support the foundation of China as an industrial power. At the same time, it also contributes to the transformation of China from a "manufacturing power" to a "manufacturing power".

  C919 memorabilia:

  In 2007

  On February 26th, the 170th executive meeting was held in the State Council, and the Report on Demonstration of Large Aircraft Scheme was adopted in principle, and the major scientific and technological projects for large aircraft development were formally approved in principle.

  On August 30th, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee held the 192nd Standing Committee, listened to and agreed to the Report of the Leading Group for Major Special Projects of Large Aircraft in the State Council, and decided to set up a preparatory group for large passenger aircraft projects.

  the year of 2008

  On May 11th, China Commercial Aircraft Corporation was established on the Huangpu River.

  On July 3rd, China Commercial Aircraft Corporation held a demonstration mobilization meeting for large passenger aircraft project in Shanghai.

  In 2009

  On January 6th, China Commercial Aircraft Corporation released the first single-channel conventional layout 150-seat large passenger aircraft model code "COMAC919", referred to as "C919".

  On September 8th, the Asia International Aviation Exhibition and Forum opened in Hong Kong, and the C919 large passenger aircraft model was exhibited for the first time.

  On December 16th, the basic overall technical scheme of C919 large passenger plane passed the expert review organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

  On December 21st, China Commercial Aircraft Corporation and CFM Company formally signed a letter of intent for strategic cooperation on the power plant of C919 large passenger aircraft, and selected the LEAP-1C engine developed by CFM Company as the only foreign startup power plant for C919 large passenger aircraft.

  On December 25th, the main structure of C919 large passenger aircraft nose engineering prototype was officially delivered in Shanghai.

  2010 years

  On November 15th, a 1:1 demonstration prototype of C919 large passenger plane was exhibited for the first time at Zhuhai Air Show, and 100 start-up orders were obtained.

  On December 24th, the Civil Aviation Administration of China officially accepted the application of C919 large passenger plane in type certificate.

  In 2011

  On April 18th, the first meeting of the Model Qualification Approval Committee of C919 large passenger aircraft was held in Shanghai, and the development of C919 aircraft entered the formal airworthiness review stage.

  On December 9th, the C919 large passenger aircraft project passed the national preliminary design review and moved to the detailed design stage.

  On December 19th, the first part of the C919 large passenger aircraft project — — The beam of the front boarding gate was started in Chengdu, and the manufacturing of the fuselage was fully rolled out.

  In 2012

  On July 31st, the Special Certification Plan for C919 Aircraft (PSCP) was signed in Shanghai.

  On December 4th, the static fatigue test project of strength research of composite rear fuselage section, one of the seven components of C919 aircraft, was completed.

  On December 13th, the Design & Research Department of Sexuality and Product Support of China COMAC received the model data review form fed back by the reviewer, and the reviewer officially approved the CP status of the C919 Aircraft System Safety Review Plan in the first stage.

  On December 29th, China Commercial Aircraft Flight Test Center organized a review meeting on the test modification scheme of 101 aircraft riveting area of C919 aircraft and a seminar on the construction scheme of C919 aircraft test system.

  In 2013

  From January 17th to 18th, the composite structural design evaluation meeting of C919 large passenger plane and the key design evaluation meeting of central wing structure were held in Shanghai. At the meeting, it was finally evaluated that the composite structural design of C919 large passenger aircraft can continue the next stage of work, and the key design of the central wing structure of C919 large passenger aircraft passed the review.

  On January 19th, the static test of the IPS suspension section of C919 aircraft was successfully completed 4.2g

  On November 28th, the FTB (Flight Test Platform) hanging test piece of C919 aircraft rolled off the assembly line in Shen Fei.

  On December 30th, the C919 aircraft iron bird test-bed was officially put into use in China Commercial Aircraft Shangfei Hospital, and the system verification of the C919 project was officially started.

  On December 31st, the first aircraft nose of C919 large passenger aircraft project was rolled off the assembly line of AVIC Chengfei civil aircraft.

  In 2014

  On May 15th, the front fuselage section of the first aircraft of C919 rolled off the assembly line in Hongdu, AVIC.

  In July, the central wing of the first aircraft of C919 completed the final assembly in AVIC Xifei.

  On July 23rd, the assembly of the flat tail parts of the first aircraft of C919 was officially started in Pudong base of the final assembly manufacturing center of China Commercial Aircraft Corporation.

  On August 21st, the middle and rear fuselage section of the first aircraft of C919 rolled off the assembly line in Hongdu large parts factory of AVIC.

  On August 29th, the mid-fuselage/center wing and aileron section of C919 aircraft passed the airworthiness inspection in AVIC Xifei and reached the delivery status.

  In September, C919 aircraft tire explosion hazard test was successfully completed.

  At 9: 19 on September 19th, the first aircraft of C919 began to dock at the newly-built assembly manufacturing center of Comac in China. This marks an important milestone in the development of the C919 large passenger aircraft project.

  On September 23rd, the prototype and test platform of C919 aircraft communication navigation monitoring system (CNS system) were delivered in Shanghai.

  On November 24th, the first wing of C919 aircraft arrived at Pudong base of China Commercial Aircraft Assembly Manufacturing Center.

  On October 30th, the front section of the rear fuselage of the first aircraft of C919 was delivered at AVIC Shenfei Civil Aircraft.

  In 2015

  On February 6 -8, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized a detailed design review meeting of the C919 large passenger aircraft project in Shanghai, and the expert review committee unanimously agreed that the C919 project passed the national detailed design review.

  On February 11th, the rear fuselage of the first aircraft of C919 was manufactured by China Aerospace Science and Technology Third Academy Aerospace Haiying (Zhenjiang) Special Materials Co., Ltd., passed the airworthiness review and was officially delivered to China Commercial Aircraft Corporation.

  In February, the C919 aircraft avionics comprehensive test-bed was delivered to China Commercial Aircraft by Ang Avionics and officially put into trial.

  On March 6th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held a review meeting on the transition of the C919 aircraft to the full-scale trial production stage in Beijing, and the C919 large passenger aircraft project was transferred from the detailed design stage to the full-scale trial production stage.

  On April 18th, the first cabin door of C919 aircraft arrived at Pudong base of China Commercial Aircraft Assembly Manufacturing Center.

  On July 22nd, Comac China and CFM International held a ceremony to celebrate the delivery of the first CFM LEAP-1C engine.

  On September 4th, 102 front fuselage and mid-rear fuselage of C919 project manufactured by AVIC Hongdu successfully passed the airworthiness manufacturing compliance inspection of China Civil Aviation Jiangxi Supervision Bureau, and successfully completed the signing.

  On November 2nd, the first aircraft of C919 rolled off the assembly line in China Commercial Aircraft Assembly and Manufacturing Center.

  the year of 2016

  On April 11th, the static test of C919 large passenger plane was officially launched.

  In June, the construction of C919 intelligent assembly line with horizontal tail was listed in the smart manufacturing project to be selected by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

  In November, China Eastern Airlines became the first user of C919 aircraft in the world.

  On December 25th, the first aircraft of C919 was delivered to the flight test center.

  the year 2017

  On April 18th, C919 large passenger plane passed the first flight release evaluation.

  On April 23rd, C919 large passenger plane completed the high-speed taxiing and front wheel lifting test.

  Plan, May 5, the first flight.

  (Comprehensive Guangming Daily, Xinhua News Agency, China News Service, Beijing Youth Daily)

Homework can’t be solved by search software? This phenomenon should be managed.

  With the search software, my mother no longer has to worry about my study?

  But in reality, there is such a problem. Students who make perfect exercise papers don’t score high in the exam. Usually, when you encounter homework problems, open the network search software to check, and the direct answer will come out, and the exercise paper will be completed well and quickly; But in the examination room, there is no "blessing" of the search software, and the same problem-solving ideas are full of mistakes.

  On the eve of the Eighth Young Pioneers Congress in Shanghai, many young pioneers, including Maree Lau from Shanghai No.54 Middle School and Tang Ying from Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, paid attention to this phenomenon and made investigations. At the same time, they submitted relevant proposals, suggesting that the number of times of searching questions by using search software should be limited, and the software should provide ideas for solving problems instead of giving answers.

  The exercise paper is perfect, but I guess it even in the exam.

  Maree Lau, a student from Shanghai No.54 Middle School, was very impressed by an exercise paper on the calculation of mathematical real numbers, and the steps of each calculation problem were impeccable. But in the math exam, the student who made the perfect exercise paper didn’t score high.

  Exploring the reasons behind it, Maree Lau found that many students around him did not think about how to solve the problem by themselves first, but habitually turned on the network search software to check the answer, and easily made a perfect score assignment through the function of tapping the question in seconds by some software. "Solving problems without thinking is useless for learning. They often expose many problems in exams." Maree Lau said.

  Tang Ying, a student from Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, also found that some students around her used the online search App and conducted "autonomous learning". The completion of homework achieved acceleration, but the learning attitude and independent thinking ability were greatly affected. I could only guess in the exam, and the error rate soared.

  How many students have tried to solve problems with search software? Maree Lau and Tang Ying conducted research in their schools respectively.

  The former found that the survey showed that 85% of the students would use the search software when they encountered problems, and more than 70% of the students chose "Yes" when answering "Do you have any excellent homework by software around you?".

  The latter found that more than 90% of the team members are familiar with homework search software or channels such as homework help and Little Ape Search, among which more than 50% of the team members have used this method for "autonomous learning" or homework completion, including those with excellent academic performance.

  Tang Ying said frankly: "Some of these players use the software to find ideas for solving problems and read excellent articles, while others copy the answers directly and just want to finish their homework as soon as possible."

  Maree Lau also noticed the feedback that "the software sometimes gives wrong answers". To this end, she used the software to carry out experiments and found that some questions will have correct answers and two or three wrong answers at the same time. "It is a difficult problem that can’t be solved, and then giving the wrong answer will not only solve the problem, but also mislead the questioner."

  Limit the number of times of use and only give ideas for solving problems.

  At Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, Gu Bei, a team counselor, also organized an in-depth discussion. As a result, I heard the voices from the players.

  "They said that they sometimes want to ask their parents about the questions they can’t do, but the other party is always busy looking at the mobile phone and letting the children go online to check the answers. Sometimes the other party will also look at the problems encountered by the children, but it turns out that they won’t do it either, and finally they will check it online." Gu Wei said.

  As a teacher, Gu Bei does not advocate the use of online search software, but she also noticed that "there is a demand behind this problem". The key is to let students understand what the "initial intention" of using software is, "is it to help them learn the problem-solving ideas or just to be lazy and have fun?"

  Maree Lau also said that when the search software becomes a "helper" to complete homework, students will be overly dependent and lose their independent thinking ability.

  Maree Lau suggested that the search software can be used as a platform to assist students in learning, but it is necessary to "limit" the number of questions per day. "I think it is better to limit the number of questions per day to less than 10 times, and then refer to it if it is not."

  In addition, she thinks it’s best to use the software in real-name registration system. A student can only apply for one number, and the software should also check the correctness of the answers to the questions regularly.

  Jiang Chenyue, a small representative from Shangmei Middle School in Qingpu District, Shanghai, suggested that the right to use the software can be "restricted". "For example, we don’t give the answers directly to the questions we check, but give the ideas for solving the problems, so that we can use our brains to solve them ourselves."

  Tang Ying suggested that if the team members want to reduce the use of search software, the subject teachers in the school can analyze and record the problems and upload them to the campus APP, so as to provide problem-solving ideas for the team members’ learning. By learning videos and punching in points, the team members can be encouraged to see more, think more and compare more.

  Tang Ying also suggested that a "study group" can be set up in the squadron, and a study group system can be set up to study together during recess and after school. "Parents should never save trouble, just throw us to mobile phones and computers, and you can watch online problem-solving ideas with us and solve problems together."

Water turns into ice, reflecting sunlight.

Recently, affected by the continuous cold air, many places in China have ushered in a wide range of snowfall. On the morning of February 25th, in the Evergreen Flower Community of Dongxihu Lake, the original accumulated water gradually froze in the cold, with different shapes, reflecting the rising sun.
With the continuous drop of temperature, the accumulated water in the community gradually freezes. Especially in some low-lying areas, the accumulated water forms a thin ice layer, which forms a beautiful picture with the surrounding buildings and trees under the sunlight.
While the continuous snowfall has brought beautiful scenery to the residents of the community, everyone should also pay attention to the weather changes and their own safety.(Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Bin photo report)
[Editor: sugar man]
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The time for the professional qualification examination for professional and technical personnel in 2024 has been set!

Vocational qualification examination is related to the professional development of every professional and technical personnel. On February 1st, the reporter learned from the people’s social department of our city that in order to assist the majority of candidates to successfully apply for the professional and technical qualification examination and provide better examination services, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security recently issued a notice to make arrangements for the registration time, professional and technical qualification examination process and related information inquiry methods of some professional and technical personnel in 2024 for the reference of testers.

Panda Flower Flower has a "holiday" on New Year’s Eve. Visitors can book tickets for nearly 7 days while stocks last.

On February 2nd, chengdu research base of giant panda released the Spring Festival holiday tourism announcement, introducing the opening and closing time of the park and other related information.

First, the opening and closing time of the park

Morning ticket admission time: 8: 00-12: 00; Admission time for afternoon tickets: 12:00-16:30. Closing time: 17:30

(panda valley clearing time: 18:00).

Second, the ticket purchase instructions

All tourists must make an online real-name reservation and bring the original valid ID card filled in at the time of reservation. Older people aged 60 and above can avoid making an appointment and brush their original ID card to enter the park. Real-name registration system (one person, one ticket and one certificate) is adopted for ticket purchase, and one ticket is limited for each ID number. (On New Year’s Eve, that is, February 9, 2024, the park will be closed for one day)

Third, current limiting measures

Tickets can be reserved for nearly 7 days, and the number is limited. Please book in advance while stocks last.

Panda base: the daily limit is 60,000 (including free visitors), 30,000 in the morning and 30,000 in the afternoon. When the instantaneous carrying capacity of the park is 30,000 people, the ticket checking will be suspended, and the ticket checking will be restarted after the number of tourists drops.

Panda Valley: The daily limit is 16,000 (including free visitors), with 8,000 in the morning and 8,000 in the afternoon. When the instantaneous carrying capacity of the park is 0.5 million people, the ticket checking will be suspended and restarted after the number of tourists drops; The instantaneous maximum carrying capacity of the red panda ecological stocking area is 450 people. When the instantaneous number of tourists reaches this limit, visitors will be suspended from entering the area, and they need to wait in line before entering the area.

Fourth, the ticket purchase channel

Panda Base and Panda Valley have not authorized any third party to act as ticket agents. In order to ensure your smooth visit to the park and avoid economic losses, please book tickets for Panda Base through official WeChat WeChat official account or WeChat applet "chengdu research base of giant panda" and Panda Valley through official WeChat WeChat official account. The scenic spot is not responsible for the problems of tickets purchased through unofficial channels, such as being unable to enter the park and being unable to refund tickets.

V. Admission requirements

(1) All tourists who have successfully booked must bring their original ID cards to the park; Those who carry household registration books, passports, Taiwan compatriots’ certificates and relevant certificates for Hong Kong and Macao to and from the Mainland must show their relevant certificates for verification before entering the park; Those who forget or lose the above documents must show their other identification materials or photo evidence, and can enter the park only after verification. The witness card does not match and you can’t enter the park.

(2) In order to avoid waiting for a long time, please arrange your itinerary reasonably and enter the venue on time according to the time period specified in the morning and afternoon tickets.

Sixth, the traffic route

Panda base (address: No.1375, Panda Avenue, chenghua district, Chengdu): During the Spring Festival, motor vehicles are scheduled to pass around the south gate of the Panda base. Vehicles without successful reservation are prohibited from entering the restricted section of the scenic spot. Please pay attention to "Rong E" WeChat official account through WeChat in advance, or click "Visit and Buy Tickets"-"Panda Base Purchase Tickets"-"My"-"Advance Pass" on the official WeChat public of the Panda base to complete the pass reservation according to the system prompts. Please pay attention to Weibo, WeChat and WeChat official account of Chengdu traffic police official, or call the 962122 traffic control service hotline to know the road traffic management measures of Panda Base scenic spot in time. In addition, there are a large number of tourists at the south gate, so it is suggested that tourists who travel by public transport go to the west gate of the panda base to enter the park, which can shorten the queuing time.

Panda Valley (Address: No.408, Huanshan Tourist Road, Yutang Town, Dujiangyan City, Chengdu): self-driving search navigation destination "Panda Valley".

Official website of the scenic spot: http://www.panda.org.cn/.

Tourist consultation telephone number of Panda Base: 028-83510033

Panda Valley tourist consultation telephone: 028-87296600

Reform of professional title system Foreign language examination is no longer a hard requirement for assessment.

  Core reading

  In January this year, the Central Office and the State Council issued the Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Professional Title System, which continued to promote the reform of the professional title system and proposed that there should be no unified requirements for the professional title foreign language examination, which attracted widespread attention. Professional title evaluation needs to pass the professional title foreign language examination, which has been implemented for many years. Why not make a unified requirement? How is the progress of all localities in canceling this rigid requirement? Does it mean that foreign languages are not important to evaluate professional titles?

  It is out of date to optimize the structure and level of the talent team, and "one size fits all"

  At the end of last year, Li Hua (a pseudonym), an old teacher in a research institute in Shandong, was finally awarded a senior title.

  "Don’t begin to understand" is Li Hua’s evaluation of personal foreign language learning. As a professional backbone of studying the history of China, he has a good knowledge of ancient Chinese characters, but he is not so "smart" in learning English. Every year, he buys the latest reference books, spends a lot of time learning English and even takes part in training. But after more than ten years of examination, I just failed to pass the foreign language title. In July 2016, the Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security issued a notice, which no longer made uniform and rigid requirements for the foreign language test for professional titles. "This has finally passed!" Li Hua said.

  The history of professional titles in foreign languages can be traced back to 1991. The Notice on Strictly Mastering Foreign Language Conditions in the Evaluation and Employment of Professional and Technical Positions issued by the former Ministry of Personnel made it clear that the evaluation and employment of professional and technical positions must strictly master foreign language conditions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trial Regulations on Professional and Technical Positions. In 1998, the Notice on the Unified Examination of Foreign Language Grades for Professional and Technical Personnel issued by the former Ministry of Personnel made it clear that professional and technical personnel who hold or promote the corresponding professional and technical titles must obtain a certificate of conformity in the unified examination of foreign languages for corresponding titles, and implement the unified examination of foreign language grades for professional and technical personnel nationwide.

  "It should be said that the professional title foreign language examination system played a historical role at that time. The foreign language examination for professional titles has played an important role in promoting Chinese professional and technical personnel to learn advanced international experience, and promoting Chinese talents to strengthen international exchanges. Therefore, we cannot hold a completely negative attitude towards the foreign language of professional titles. " Yu Jiadong, director of the Technical Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said.

  However, since the reform and opening up more than 30 years ago, English education in schools has been greatly developed, and the structure of talent teams has been more and more optimized. It is out of date for professional title evaluation to make unified requirements for professional title foreign languages. In the interview, the reporter found that some industries have little to do with foreign languages in actual work, but some staff members have spent a lot of energy learning foreign languages in order to evaluate their professional titles; There are also some professional and technical personnel who have obtained other foreign language level certificates before joining the job, and the foreign language examination for professional titles belongs to repeated identification and waste of resources for them; In addition, some industries need certain professional foreign language ability, and the professional title foreign language examination is only an entry level, which can not meet the professional requirements of these positions.

  Zhuan Zhan is engaged in accounting work in a real estate company in Zhengzhou. "Usually, English is used less. Even for H-share listed companies, Hong Kong’s financial statements are bilingual. " In his view, if you want to further integrate with international accounting, the current level of foreign language examination for professional titles is far from enough.

  As early as 2007, the former Ministry of Personnel issued the Notice on Improving the Foreign Language Test for Professional Titles. In order to prevent the foreign language test for professional titles from being "one size fits all", it made specific provisions on certain situations in which it was confirmed that the requirements for foreign language scores could be relaxed or the foreign language test for professional titles could not be taken. In November 2015, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Health and Family Planning Commission jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Reforming and Improving the Evaluation of Professional Titles of Primary Health Professionals", stipulating that foreign language scores of professional titles of primary health professionals can not be used as reporting conditions.

  At the same time, many places have already had corresponding practices. For example, the "Measures for the Identification of Senior Professional and Technical Qualifications of Special Talents (Trial)" issued by Chongqing proposes that those who meet the requirements, have genuine talents and outstanding abilities and achievements can be evaluated without being restricted by foreign languages and other conditions; In 2007, according to national requirements, Henan Province exempted 13 categories of people who have proved to have high foreign language ability, worked in grass-roots units or engaged in agriculture, forestry and water for a long time, engaged in clinical Chinese medicine with China characteristics and national traditions, and arranged ancient books, and simplified the examination and approval procedures for exemption.

  The abolition of foreign language hard requirements for professional titles has made different progress in various places.

  The Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Professional Title System issued in January this year clearly stipulates that if there is no uniform requirement for the professional title foreign language examination and it is really necessary to evaluate foreign languages, the employer or the evaluation institution shall independently determine the evaluation conditions; Professional and technical personnel working in hard and remote areas and at the grassroots level, as well as professional title series and posts with low requirements for foreign language level, are not required to have professional titles in foreign languages.

  At present, Guangdong, Shandong, Shaanxi, Guangxi, Anhui, Henan, Shanghai, Fujian, Beijing, Jiangsu, Yunnan and other provinces have made it clear that foreign languages for professional titles are not required uniformly or are not necessary for professional title evaluation.

  In July 2016, Shandong Province no longer made uniform and rigid requirements for the foreign language test for professional titles. When applying for intermediate or below titles, there is no requirement for foreign languages. When applying for senior professional titles, there is no uniform requirement for foreign languages; Need to evaluate the level of foreign language, professional title foreign language test and other government organizations or social recognition of various certificates can be used as a basis, the specific requirements are determined by the senior review committee. According to reports, the scores of CET-4 and CET-6 and TOEFL IELTS can prove their foreign language proficiency. In 2016, the number of people who participated in the evaluation of professional title declaration tripled compared with previous years.

  According to Zhang Shaohong, director of the Personnel Department of Shandong Academy of Social Sciences, foreign languages are no longer a necessary condition for the evaluation of professional titles in 2016. "This is to loosen the talent." Wang Yiping, a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of Shandong Academy of Social Sciences, said that in the social science field, those who are sent abroad and need to know the latest foreign trends, as a researcher, will definitely take the initiative to learn and master foreign languages, and need not be used as a hard lever to evaluate their professional titles.

  In August 2016, the Office of the Leading Group for Professional Title Reform of Henan Province issued the Notice on Adjusting the Foreign Language Policy for Professional and Technical Personnel in our province, stipulating that foreign language for professional titles is no longer a necessary condition for the evaluation of professional and technical positions. According to the characteristics of series, specialty and post, the employer can independently determine whether the foreign language with professional title is a condition for the appointment of professional and technical posts.

  The relevant person in charge of the Henan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security said that the Notice further highlighted the leading role of employers in talent evaluation and talent use, emphasized the talent evaluation orientation of having both ability and political integrity, and paid attention to evaluating talents based on ability, performance and contribution, stripped off the factors that are not closely related to the evaluation of professional titles, and "loosened" professional and technical personnel, so that professional titles returned to the talent evaluation standard recognized by the society in terms of professional and technical level, ability and performance.

  "Not only" does not mean "don’t", but also encourages learning foreign languages.

  The evaluation of professional titles no longer needs to go through the hard lever of foreign language examination. Does it mean that foreign languages are not important?

  "At present, we still have language shortcomings in international communication. The lack of uniform requirements for professional titles in foreign languages does not mean that everyone does not have to learn foreign languages. ‘ Not only ’ Not equal to ‘ Don’t ’ 。” Yu Jiadong said, "At the same time, as China plays an increasingly important role on the world stage, international exchanges are also increasing, whether it is ‘ Belt and Road ’ The implementation of national strategy, the internationalization of talents and the going abroad of China enterprises all require talents’ foreign language level. In addition, the proportion of our employees in international organizations is still relatively low, which also puts forward requirements for learning foreign languages. Therefore, in terms of orientation, we still encourage everyone to study foreign languages hard. "

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Professional and Technical Personnel Management Office of Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, foreign languages are an important tool for professional and technical personnel to learn and master advanced knowledge and technology and carry out academic and technical exchanges with foreign countries. With the rapid development of science and technology, economic globalization and the accelerating pace of China’s opening to the outside world, it is still a long-term task to improve the foreign language level of professional and technical personnel. According to the needs of professional technology, we should actively encourage and guide the vast number of professional and technical personnel to strengthen their study through various ways and means such as self-study, counseling and examination, highlight their advanced nature, practicality and effectiveness, and constantly improve their foreign language level to better meet the needs of scientific, technological, economic and social development.

  In addition, in order to further implement the requirements of the National Regulations on Continuing Education for Professional and Technical Personnel and promote the continuous improvement of professional and technical personnel’s ability and quality, Shandong encourages and guides foreign languages with professional titles as one of the contents of continuing education, and professional and technical personnel voluntarily choose to take the examination. Those who pass the examination can be converted into corresponding continuing education hours and registered with continuing education certificates.

  Our reporter Zhao Bing Pan Junqiang Ma Yuefeng

Attention! It’s about fireworks, and many people are detained!

The full text is 723 words in total | It takes about 3.5 minutes to finish reading.




Spring Festival approaching


The flavor of the year is getting stronger and stronger.


Is everyone busy preparing for the new year’s goods?


While preparing


There is one thing to pay special attention to.


That’s fireworks.


Since January 1, 2022,


Beijing will no longer set up fireworks retail outlets.


The city has implemented a global ban on fireworks and firecrackers.


But recently


There’s still someone else


Be stupid for "listening"


Take risks and buy fireworks and firecrackers from other places to Beijing




Receiving orders to transport fireworks and firecrackers






Xiaoxingxing will take you.


Look at these cases.




"Fireworks purchased outside Beijing


Can it be shipped back to Beijing for discharge? "



Not long ago, when the police inspected the vehicle at Fengheying checkpoint, they found five boxes of fireworks and firecrackers in Gao’s car, claiming that they were bought from outside Beijing and had to be brought back to Beijing to set them off … Illegal transportation of fireworks and firecrackers has violated the relevant provisions of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law. At present, Daxing police have imposed administrative detention on Gao for five days according to law.


Attention, attention, attention!


Don’t transport without a license!


No discharge in the forbidden area!



Recently, when the police patrolled the area, they found six boxes of fireworks and firecrackers in the trunk of a vehicle. Upon inquiry, it was learned that after the car owner Zhang attended a friend’s wedding outside Beijing, the other party gave him the remaining fireworks and firecrackers. Zhang intended to bring it back to his hometown in Shanxi before the Spring Festival, but he was seized by the police before he left. At present, Daxing police have imposed administrative detention on Zhang for 5 days for illegally transporting dangerous substances.


I was lucky enough to receive a "big order"


And got arrested …



Recently, the police found 26 boxes of fireworks and firecrackers in a car during their duty. Upon inquiry, they learned that the driver Su Mou took an order from a stranger and asked him to transport fireworks and firecrackers from other places to Beijing. Knowing the relevant laws and regulations, Su was still lucky enough to take orders for transportation, but he did not expect to be seized by the police just after entering Daxing District. At present, the driver Su Mou has been administratively detained by Daxing police for illegally transporting dangerous substances.


Police tips


Although the beauty of fireworks is romantic, it is illegal to produce, store, manage and transport fireworks and firecrackers without permission, and there are great security risks. At the same time, the general public and friends are reminded that from January 1, 2022, the city has implemented a global ban on fireworks and firecrackers, and no retail outlets for fireworks and firecrackers are set up. Please actively support the safety management of fireworks and firecrackers in Beijing, abide by the ban regulations, and do not set off fireworks and firecrackers (including cold fireworks and children’s toy fireworks) illegally, and consciously resist illegal fireworks and firecrackers.




Source: Daxing Public Security


Editor: Wang Jingsi


Audit: Zhao Liang Tu Ling.


Issued by: Wang Jiao


The man died of heatstroke with a body temperature of 42℃. The doctor told you not to "carry hard" in sauna days, and be alert if you suddenly "have no sweat" after sweating.

Shencheng entered the "roasting" mode.

The hottest day of the year has come! In the past two days, most parts of the country were scorched by the scorching sun. In Shanghai, the temperature also went up all the way, from 33℃, 35℃ and all the way to 38℃, and the outdoor high-temperature barbecue mode was started. With the continuous high-temperature weather, the incidence of heatstroke also increased. Recently, a middle-aged man in Huizhou, Guangdong Province suffered from heatstroke and his body temperature approached 42℃, and he died after being rescued. In this regard, the doctor once again reminded:In high temperature environment, if you have sweating, thirst, chest tightness, dizziness, nausea, limb weakness and numbness, you must pay attention to it. You may have heatstroke, so don’t "carry it hard".

After sleeping, the topic of heatstroke has become one of the most concerned topics of the public, which is not only uncomfortable, but also may have fatal consequences. Recently, "the man died of heatstroke at a temperature of 42℃" directly boarded the hot search.

"The air humidity increases after falling into the air, coupled with continuous high temperature, which is very prone to heatstroke." Zhou Yong, chief physician of the Department of Internal Medicine of Shanghai Renai Hospital, explained that heatstroke is an acute disease with disorder of body temperature regulation, water electrolysis metabolism and dysfunction of nervous system and circulatory system in an environment with high temperature and high fever and no air circulation. Heatstroke is mainly related to high temperature, direct sunlight, high labor intensity, poor air circulation and other factors. In addition, weak personal constitution, poor nutritional status, excessive fatigue, lack of sleep and obesity are also factors that induce heatstroke.

How to judge whether it is heatstroke? Heatstroke can be divided into premonitory heatstroke, mild heatstroke and severe heatstroke. After heatstroke, there will be a series of disease symptoms from light to heavy. Among them, severe heatstroke can be divided into three types: heat spasm, heat exhaustion and heatstroke.Heat stroke is a particularly serious disease. The patient’s body temperature can be as high as 40℃, and he sweats a lot in the early stage, and then "no sweat", accompanied by different degrees of consciousness disorder, and some may even lead to shock, which can seriously cause coma, liver and kidney failure, and even multiple organ failure. The condition deteriorates rapidly and the mortality rate is extremely high.

So, what should I do if I get heatstroke? Dr. Zhou Yong suggested that,Once you feel heatstroke, you should stop your activities immediately, move to a cool and ventilated place, turn on the electric fan or air conditioner, take off your excess clothes and let your body dissipate heat quickly.; People around you can use cold water or alcohol to help patients wipe their bodies, or use wet towels and cold patches to cool them down.

During this period, patients can take summer medicine, drink more light salt water and mung bean soup to replenish lost body fluids, and closely observe the patient’s situation. If the patient is unconscious, or the symptoms are difficult to relieve or disappear, it may be severe heatstroke. At the same time as taking treatment measures, dial "120" in time to send the patient to the hospital for treatment.

How to prevent heatstroke in hot weather? Since the high temperature can’t be avoided, you should take precautions at ordinary times. Dr. Zhou Yong suggested:When the weather is hot, whether you are thirsty or not, you should drink more water, especially when you sweat a lot, you must replenish water in time; Usually eat more vegetables and fruits with high water content and keep enough sleep;Avoid going out at high temperature. If you can’t avoid it, you should prepare sunscreen and sunscreen, and prepare some medicines for heatstroke prevention and cooling.

Talking about how special people spend the midsummer safely, Director Song He of Shanghai Yuanda Cardiothoracic Hospital found that,Many patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have a misunderstanding. They always think that the blood pressure is the lowest in summer and the symptoms are relatively stable, so they stop taking drugs or change their own medicines without authorization. Actually, it is not. High temperature weather is also a high incidence of cardiovascular diseases, especially when the weather continues to be sultry, human metabolism and blood circulation are obviously accelerated, subcutaneous blood vessels are dilated, blood flow is increased by 3-5 times than usual, and the burden on the heart is aggravated.Secondly, the high temperature in summer makes people sweat a lot, and the body’s water evaporates with sweat in large quantities, causing blood viscosity, which is easy to lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular ischemia and even embolism.

In addition, hot weather makes people prone to emotional "heatstroke", irritability and irritability, coupled with factors such as long days and short nights and "discounted sleep quality".Patients are prone to angina pectoris, arrhythmia, cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, and even sudden death.

Therefore, high temperature weather will also bring challenges to patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Director Song He reminded us to replenish more water and have a light and balanced diet in the dog days. Patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and diabetes should have regular outpatient check-ups, take medicine strictly according to the doctor’s advice, and do not stop taking medicine without authorization. Cardiovascular patients should avoid overwork and spicy diet, and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. You should avoid activities at high temperature, pay attention to drinking a glass of water in the morning, reduce blood viscosity, keep proper exercise, and avoid great joy, great sorrow and great anger.

  Author: Tang Wenjia

  Editor: Wu Jinjiao

Editor in charge: Fan Liping

* The exclusive manuscript of Wenhui, please indicate the source.

Song Zude said that she was cheated by a sauna woman and woke up naked.

Song Zude blog

MISS ZHOU lived with Song Zude for five years and had a son.

Song Zude’s "father and son" photo provided by Zhou.

A photo of Song Zude and MISS ZHOU.

    On September 8th, New Express reported that it was accused of "abandoning his wife and children" to set up a scam to get back a property worth one million yuan. Yesterday, Song Zude published the article "I was cheated of a house worth 2.5 million yuan by a sauna girl" on his blog, as a response to the newspaper’s report on "Song Zude sued his cohabiting girlfriend for real estate" the day before yesterday. Song Zude insisted in his blog that the house was sold to MISS ZHOU at a low price, but MISS ZHOU kept on not paying back the money, and the children were MISS ZHOU’s chips to gain his sympathy.

    I was cheated out of a house worth 2.5 million by a sauna girl.

    Sauna room two people naked.

    One day at the end of 2002, Zude was tired for a day, and went to a sauna to relax in the evening. The woman surnamed Zhou gave me a massage in Guanjia Village, Wangcheng County, Hunan Province. As soon as she met me, she sweetly called my boss and asked me what service I needed. I said that a regular acupoint massage would do. ….. Zude was tired for a day, so he was too lazy to answer her and closed his eyes. He fell asleep after pressing it for about ten minutes. When Zude woke up, she was naked, and she was naked. I asked her what was going on, but she didn’t answer my question. She sat beside me and cried silently, wiping her tears with a paper towel and said to Zude, "Boss, I know you look down on our sauna woman.

    Zude, after all, is a poet. How can he bear to make a woman cry in front of Zude? Zude is also a poor child from the countryside. Although he is now a small boss, his grassroots feelings have never changed. Zude didn’t know how to comfort her, so he asked her to write me a mobile phone number. Unexpectedly, she cried again: "Boss, how can I afford a mobile phone? I will send all the money I earned home, or you can buy one for me. You can call me next time."

    Make excuses to borrow money from him many times

    About three months later, she called me and told me that she had changed to another sauna, asking me to clock her clock once anyway. Zude came back from a business trip in other provinces one day. She was so tired that she couldn’t stand Zhou’s constant pestering. Zude went there once. Unexpectedly, this time she cried even harder and her eyes were swollen. This time, she actually told Zude that she was pregnant and insisted that she was pregnant with Zude’s child.

    "I don’t want to do it here. You can lend me some money to open a beauty salon. I have your children, so help me!" MISS ZHOU said to the ground without looking up, Zude felt that she was lying, and she didn’t dare to look me in the eye. Considering that her sister-in-law needed money to study, Zude lent her hundreds of dollars and told her to turn over a new leaf and open a beauty salon. In March 2003, she called Zude again to make an appointment and said that the beauty salon had closed down. After that, she said that her father was seriously ill and urgently needed a sum of money for surgery, and asked me to lend her 200,000 yuan. Zude knew that she was lying, but she remitted 200,000 yuan to MISS ZHOU on March 17, 2003.

    Zhou cheated the property and didn’t give money.

    Half a year passed quickly, and on September 10, 2003, she called me again and said that she was in the hospital. Unexpectedly, this time she actually gave birth to a child, saying that I was the father of the child. On September 26, 2003, she called me again and said that she and her children had no place to live and asked me to sell her a house. I didn’t expect her to cheat me again. On the same day, I signed a sales contract with her in the real estate trading center, stipulating that she must give me the house payment after the household registration. For several years, I have been chasing after her, but she has been cheating.

    -Excerpt from blog (abridged)

    Ask the reporter to investigate the identity of MISS ZHOU

    The reporter interviewed Song Zude by telephone about the article on Song Zude’s blog. He said firmly on the phone: "The content on my blog is completely true!" According to him, MISS ZHOU’s first job was as a massage girl in the sauna of a hotel in Tianhe, not as the head of the foot massage department of Sanyu Hotel. Song Zude also carefully recalled the process of being cheated: at the end of 2002, he did a massage in the hotel sauna to relax and asked for regular acupoint massage. Later, I fell asleep because I was too tired. When I woke up, I found myself and MISS ZHOU both naked. A few months later, Zhou came to see him and said that he was pregnant with his child. Since then, MISS ZHOU often asked him for money on the grounds that his family was seriously ill and his family had an accident. Once she said that her father was seriously ill, she borrowed 200 thousand yuan from him as soon as she opened her mouth. In September 2003, after the baby was born, MISS ZHOU said that she had no place to live, and asked Song Zude to sell a house. She also said that she took a fancy to his house in Zhujiang New Town, saying that as long as Song transferred the house to her, she could buy it with 650,000 yuan. Unexpectedly, the house has been transferred, but the money has been kept.

    Song Zude explained in his blog why he kept in touch with MISS ZHOU. "After all, Zude is a poet, how can he bear to make a woman cry in front of Zude? Zude is also a poor child from the countryside. Although he is now a small boss, his grassroots feelings have never changed. Zude doesn’t know how to comfort her, so he asked her to write me a mobile phone number."

    Song Zude asked reporters to investigate Zhou’s true identity. However, when the reporter asked him to provide clues, Song Zude said that he did not want the media to intervene now, and "let the court judge who is right and wrong". Song Zude also claimed that the name of the hotel where MISS ZHOU used to work had been changed, and the owner of the sauna center might have changed. It is estimated that no one knows Zhou. "But I said in good conscience that she was a massage girl in a sauna, that is, she was engaged in pornography."

    Call Zhou Wei a malicious hype in the entertainment circle

    During the interview, Song Zude always stressed to reporters that MISS ZHOU took the opportunity to speculate, and said that Zhou "has never given up the idea of wanting to enter the entertainment circle in recent years". Song Zude also said that every time he made a movie, MISS ZHOU would call and ask for a role, but he refused. "Her image temperament is so poor, she has never studied acting, and her culture is low. How can she act in a movie?"

    As for the intimate photo of the two people traveling in Lijiang River, Song Zude explained that it was MISS ZHOU throwing herself at him. "You look carefully, she put her hand on my shoulder, I have a ride with her? This is her initiative to cater to me. According to the truth, if what she said is’ first love’, it should be a man who puts his hand on a woman. "

    It’s kind to give alimony every month?

    For the children born in MISS ZHOU, Song Zude firmly denied that they were his own flesh and blood. Regarding MISS ZHOU’s previous statement that paternity testing can be done, Song Zude responded that he didn’t want to be hyped all week, but also said that he would do it when necessary. When asked by a reporter, "Since it’s not your child, why do you pay back 3,000 yuan in alimony every month?" Song Zude indicated that it was his "kindness" because he saw that Zhou had no normal and stable income.

    In Song Zude’s eyes, MISS ZHOU is "a man who is crazy for money". According to Song Zude, Zhou once called one of his girlfriends and said that he wanted to sell the child to her for 800,000 yuan. Song Zude said that the house in Zhujiang New Town has now risen to 22,000 yuan per square meter, and the market price of the house is about 2.8 million yuan. "She tried to sell the house several times and leave, but fortunately the nearby intermediary tipped me off."

    According to Song Zude, what made him most angry was not MISS ZHOU’s behavior, but Zhou Jing often left a message on his Tencent blog, calling it his girlfriend, and asked "German fans" to look at photos on her blog.

    Woman’s response

    "Song Zude’s statement is false."

    The reporter interviewed the party MISS ZHOU about Song Zude’s response. After learning what Song Zude said, she was so angry that she couldn’t speak for a long time. After calming down, MISS ZHOU said that Song Zude’s statement was totally false. She firmly denied that she had ever worked in a hotel as Song Zude said, "My first job in Guangzhou was in Sanyu Hotel". Regarding Song Zude’s statement that the foot massage department only existed in Sanyu Hotel last year, MISS ZHOU also denied it, saying that the foot massage department already existed when she worked in 2002.

    The reporter interviewed the foot massage department of Sanyu Hotel. The front desk staff said that they were not sure when the foot massage department was established, but revealed that the work of the foot massage department had existed since 2004.

    According to MISS ZHOU, she recently applied for legal aid from Tianhe District Bureau of Justice.

    (This article Source: Golden Sheep Network-New Express Author: Gao Li)

Editor: Li Erqing

"Go skiing to the west and welcome the New Year in Youlong" Inner Mongolia ushered in a wave of parent-child groups

On January 20th, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region opened the theme activity of "Going West to Ski and Welcome the New Year in Youlong". With the smooth arrival of 26 passengers from Guangzhou parent-child tour group at Hohhot Baita International Airport, a cheerful and dripping ice and snow experience tour began.

Punch in the old street

Taste "boiled sheep in ice"

According to reports, the parent-child group is organized by Guangzhou Guangzhi Travel Agency, and visitors will have a winter trip to Inner Mongolia in Hohhot, Baotou and Erdos. It is planned to visit Taiwei Ski Resort in Hohhot, Saishang Old Street, Inner Mongolia Museum, Xiangshawan Scenic Area in Erdos and other places, to see historical and cultural cities, taste special food, play winter ice and snow, and enjoy the wonders of desert ice and snow.

Li Li, head of Kaiser International Travel Service in Inner Mongolia, said that ice and snow are very attractive to southerners. The fun of ice and snow outlined by Inner Mongolia prairie, big desert, big ice and snow and unique culture is exactly what they want to let tourists experience during the 4-day and 3-night parent-child tour, so that more tourists can enter Inner Mongolia, fall in love with Inner Mongolia and feel the diversity of Inner Mongolia.

In order to make high-quality tourism in winter get together, get hot and live, this year, Inner Mongolia has given full play to the advantages of ice and snow tourism with the characteristics of "Northern Xinjiang Culture" and launched such formats as "ice and snow+annual customs", "ice and snow+intangible heritage", "ice and snow+health care" and "ice and snow+holiday" to promote the consumption upgrade of winter tourism industry. Inner Mongolia will take the "Fourteen Winter" as the starting point, create more ice and snow tourism products, release the charm of ice and snow, and attract more tourists to experience while creating an orderly market environment and providing quality services.(Prairie All Media Zhengbei Net reporter Ma Lixia)