标签归档 西安耍耍

South China and other places still need to be alert to strong convective weather. On Sunday, the northern part of the country started warming up.

  Cctv newsAccording to the news of China Weather Network, today (March 25th), the heavy rainfall areas in the south of the Yangtze River and South China will be pressed to the south, and the heavy rain will be mainly concentrated in Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian, and the local area will still be accompanied by strong convective weather. In terms of temperature, this Sunday, the north will gradually enter the warming mode; However, due to the continuous rainy weather in South China, the temperature will be suppressed until the end of March.

  Heavy rainfall in South China continues to exert its strength. Guangdong, Fujian and other places need to be alert to secondary disasters.

  Yesterday, heavy rainfall continued in Jiangnan and South China, and the local area was still accompanied by strong convective weather. Monitoring shows that from 08: 00 on the 24th to 06: 00 on the 25th, heavy rains fell in parts of southeastern Hunan, southwestern Jiangxi, southern Fujian, north-central Guangdong and northeastern Guangxi, and heavy rains occurred in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, Longyan, Fujian and Shaoguan, Guangdong.

  Today, the heavy rainfall area will be pressed to the south, and the heavy rain will be mainly concentrated in Guangdong, southern Fujian and eastern Guangxi. From tomorrow, the precipitation in the south will be weakened, especially in the south of the Yangtze River and east of South China.

  The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of southern Xinjiang basin, northern and eastern Tibet, eastern Qinghai and central Gansu, and there will be medium snow in the local area. There are moderate to heavy rains in parts of southern Jiangnan and central and eastern South China, among which there are heavy rains or heavy rains in parts of southeastern Fujian and northern Guangdong.


  Tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of southern Xinjiang basin, northern and eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, southern Gansu and northern Sichuan Plateau, and there will be medium snow in the local area. Some areas in southeastern Tibet, eastern Northwest China, southwestern Shanxi, eastern Southwest China, south-central Jiangnan, southern China, Taiwan Province Island and Hainan Island have moderate to moderate rain and local heavy rain.


  Generally speaking, some areas in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian and other places will be hit by continuous heavy rainfall, and the accumulated rainfall is large, and the rain is urgent. Attention should be paid to preventing secondary disasters such as geology and mountain torrents that may be induced by rainfall. However, the recent rainfall is beneficial to alleviate the meteorological drought in South China. After this round of heavy rainfall, Guangdong may meet the flood season standards and start the first flood season in South China.

  The rainy weather in the south is frequently suppressed and warmed up, and the north is gradually warming up.

  Under the combined influence of cold air and rainy weather, the temperature in South China will continue to drop today. The cumulative cooling in Guangxi and Guangdong will exceed 10℃, and the highest temperature today will mostly drop to around 20℃. Moreover, due to the frequent subsequent rainfall, the temperature in South China will not improve much until the end of March.

  This Sunday, the temperature in most parts of the north will rise one after another, and the highest temperature on Sunday will generally return to a higher level than normal, and the warmer range will continue to increase at the beginning of next week. From the 27th, the highest temperature in most parts of Northeast China will return to above 15℃, and the cumulative temperature rise will generally exceed 10℃. The highest temperatures in North China and Huanghuai will gradually rise above 20℃, and the warmth will return.

  In big cities, the highest temperature in Shenyang was only about 9℃ yesterday, and then the temperature will rise all the way, reaching 18℃ on the 28th and 20℃ on the 30th, or it will set a new high this year.

  However, it should be noted that most of the north is still in the alternating period of winter and spring, and the temperature rises rapidly during the day, and it is still cold in the morning and evening, and the temperature difference will also widen. Around the 27th, the temperature difference between day and night in many places in the north will exceed 15℃, and even reach above 20℃ locally, reminding the public to pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm and avoid catching a cold.

A good film has an appointment | Watch "Last Christmas" by Long Ma and Yang Ziqiong, and it will be cool in a summer.

Last Christmas,

I gave you my heart.

But the next day,

You sent it away.

— — 《Last Christmas》

Special feature of 1905 film network This well-known English song "Last Christmas" was sung by Wei Meng Band and has been covered by many domestic and foreign singers since it came out in 1984. This week’s film "Last Christmas" was adapted from this song.

Last Christmas

Director:Paul Feig

playwrightEmma thompson/burini Cummings/greg wise

star; act the leading roleEmilia Clarke/Henry Golding/Yang Ziqiong/emma thompson/Rebecca Root


Producer country/regionBritain/America

First, from the cool and handsome "Dragon Mom" to the sweet Kate

In the film Last Christmas, Emilia Clarke, the heroine, dressed in an elf costume, changed her old image and sang "Jingle Bells" for the audience, making her sweet off the charts!

When he was three or four years old, Emilia Clarke came to the theater with his father by chance, and he was deeply fascinated by drama from then on. When she was ten years old, she had an interview with a film crew. Although she was unsuccessful, she failed to extinguish her enthusiasm for acting.

Emilia Clarke photos

When she auditioned for an American TV series, she amused the general manager with an impromptu dance and was lucky enough to get the qualification to participate in Game of Thrones. Emilia Clarke played the role of "Dragon Mom" in the film, and the cool and handsome image left a deep impression on the audience.

Game of Thrones

The wonderful performance in Game of Thrones made Emilia Clarke an instant hit and made her a popular actress. During the filming of Game of Thrones, I participated in many films, such as, and so on.

Second, from classic songs to a movie

Emma thompson, the initiator of the movie Last Christmas, decided to attach a new meaning to the lyrics "Last Christmas, I gave you my sincere heart".

Emma thompson photos

Because the original lyrics are about the story of lovelorn love, the first problem that emma thompson encountered was how to change from a lovelorn single to a movie that resonates with the public and has temperature.

Last Christmas

Emma thompson discovered that the original composer had worked in a homeless shelter anonymously when he was doing the data inversion. Moreover, george michael’s wham band donated all the royalties of this song to Ethiopia for famine relief.

Photo of Wittmann Band (george michael on the left)

George michael, the original composer, inspired emma thompson by these acts of kindness full of great love. She decided to express a great love that everyone is equal in this story, and skillfully attached a new meaning to the lyrics of "Last Christmas, I gave you my sincere heart".

Stills of Last Christmas

Third, from martial arts professionals to comedians

In creation, in order to express that people with different cultural backgrounds can celebrate the same festival, emma thompson created a very contrasting role — — Asian boss who runs a Christmas decoration shop. In emma thompson’s mind, Yang Ziqiong is the best person to play this role.

Stills of Last Christmas

Yang Ziqiong has left many dashing images on the screen, such as Yu Xiulian, her opponent in the movie, and bond girl, the representative of Hollywood.

Yang Ziqiong in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, 007: Empire of Tomorrow

In fact, when he first learned that he was going to star in a comedy, Yang Ziqiong refused. After all, he has always created a cool and handsome image in front of the audience for many years. But when she learned that the screenwriter of the film was her favorite actor emma thompson, she suddenly became interested in the film, because she believed that emma thompson could create a real and suitable role for her.

Stills of Last Christmas

This week’s "A Good Film with a Date" will take you into "Last Christmas" and start a wonderful love in a brisk song.

This program is live.

In this Saturday’s edition of CCTV-6 movie channel "A Good Movie with a Date", the presenter will take you into the movie "Last Christmas". In the Sunday Film Review, director Yang Chao and actors will continue to explain the success of this original film for you.

Film review site

Promotion version site

CCTV-6 movie channel "Good film has a date"

Sunday, July 10th

13:38 Last Christmas

15:12 Sunday Film Review Edition

China has become the world’s largest "lighthouse factory", covering industries and expanding regions.

Our reporter Tan Zhijuan reports from Beijing.

Recently, the World Economic Forum (WEF) announced the latest list of "lighthouse factories", adding 21 manufacturing "lighthouse factories". These new factories come from China, German, Indian, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey and the United States, and 12 of them are located in China, accounting for more than half.

In the industry’s view, "Lighthouse Factory" is called "the most advanced factory in the world" and represents the top intelligent manufacturing capability in the industrial field. "Lighthouse Factory" is to realize the full automation and accuracy of the production process by means of digitalization, networking and intelligence, and using advanced artificial intelligence large model technology.

According to the data, since 2018, WEF has published 11 batches of global "lighthouse factories" with a total of 153, including 62 "lighthouse factories" in China, which is the country with the largest number of "lighthouse factories" in the world.

In this regard, Liu Chen, a researcher at China Bank Research Institute, told the reporter of China Business News: "The digitalization of domestic manufacturing industry is accelerating, and the’ lighthouse factory’ covers industries and regions and continues to expand."

In Liu Chen’s view, "In the era of Industry 4.0, the manufacturing industry is accelerating towards high-end, intelligent and green, and new quality productivity is constantly cultivated and developed. The’ Lighthouse Factory’ comprehensively adopts new technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, such as industrial Internet, cloud computing, big data, 5G and digital twinning, and promotes all-round changes in product research and development, production process, quality control management, business model and after-sales service, which has become an important example of high-quality development of manufacturing industry. "

WEF also said that with the rapid development of technology, the escalation of geopolitical tensions and the acceleration of climate change, the weak links in the global supply chain have been exposed, and these enterprises hope to use advanced technologies and innovative methods to improve production efficiency and sustainable management.

Jiangsu has the largest number of "lighthouse factories"

Liu Chen introduced that, first of all, from the perspective of industry distribution, at present, domestic "lighthouse factories" are widely distributed in electronic manufacturing, household appliances, consumer goods, automobiles and other fields, involving traditional manufacturing and emerging industries. At the same time, with the continuous expansion of industry segmentation, the new direction of future development of manufacturing industry is constantly emerging.

In this regard, Liu Chen cited, for example, Longji Green Energy Jiaxing Factory became the first "lighthouse factory" in the global photovoltaic industry, and developed and implemented more than 30 digital use cases, which solved the problem of efficiency improvement in the photovoltaic industry under super-large scale.

Secondly, in terms of regional distribution, domestic "lighthouse factories" are distributed in 18 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), among which Jiangsu is the province with the largest number of "lighthouse factories", totaling 12, and Guangdong ranks second with 7.

Liu Chen pointed out that on the whole, "lighthouse factories" are still mainly concentrated in areas with high economic level and strong manufacturing base, and the pattern of "strong in the east and weak in the west" is more obvious. However, in this new list, China Resources Building Materials Technology in Guangxi and Johnson & Johnson Xi ‘an Factory in Shaanxi have become the first local "lighthouse factories", which indicates that the digital transformation of the industry is actively promoted and the high-end technology of foreign-funded enterprises is driven, which is expected to promote the accelerated development of relatively backward areas.

Finally, from the perspective of factory scale, Lighthouse Factory covers most large-scale manufacturing factories and value chains, and large, medium and small-scale enterprises can accelerate their breakthroughs through Industry 4.0 technology and realize high-end intelligence.

Leading the new trend of digital transformation of manufacturing industry to form continuously.

"As the representative of the highest level of intelligence and digitalization in the global manufacturing field,’ Lighthouse Factory’ leads the new trend of digital transformation of manufacturing industry." Liu Chen told reporters.

In Liu Chen’s view, the first is to accelerate the sustained release of new manufacturing capacity. "Lighthouse Factory" combines advanced digital tools with flexible production system, and realizes product quality improvement, production efficiency improvement, innovation mode change, and the toughness of industrial chain supply chain through the application of new technologies such as digital shift performance management system, automatic feeding system, machine vision-driven production cycle and line change optimization system, and digital twins combined with intelligent analysis.

According to McKinsey data, the productivity of "Lighthouse Factory" has increased by more than 2.5 times on average, the profit rate has increased by 8%-13%, and the operating indicators have increased by 50%-60%.

The second is to speed up the construction of an end-to-end user-oriented model. Of the five new "end-to-end lighthouses", three were selected in China.

According to reports, the "end-to-end lighthouse factory" refers to the realization of end-to-end digitalization and intelligence in the supply chain, products and services, connecting user needs with the entire intelligent manufacturing system, allowing users to participate in product design, research and development, manufacturing, logistics and distribution, iterative upgrading and other links, with "user-driven" as the core driving force for enterprises to provide product solutions.

The third is to accelerate the formation of a sustainable enterprise production model. In 2021, WEF added the selection of "Lighthouse for Sustainable Development", and screened out outstanding exemplary enterprises that can achieve efficient energy utilization and ecological sustainability. Through the intelligent energy management and control system to provide accurate real-time energy consumption optimization scheme, the energy consumption of "lighthouse factories" in various fields in China has generally decreased significantly. This time, two factories in China have been selected as "sustainable lighthouses" to achieve a good balance between business development and energy conservation and emission reduction.

Kiva Allgood, head of WEF Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chain Center, also said, "The global lighthouse network has proved the powerful power of digital transformation with practical actions. As pioneers, lighthouse enterprises are bringing unprecedented influence to global development. They use their huge community network to strategically explore and innovate, and create a new era of transformational change and lasting change while building a sustainable future. "

The Central Economic Work Conference held from December 11th to 12th pointed out that scientific and technological innovation should lead the construction of modern industrial system. We must vigorously promote new industrialization, develop the digital economy, and accelerate the development of artificial intelligence. Create a number of strategic emerging industries such as bio-manufacturing, commercial aerospace and low-altitude economy, open up new tracks for future industries such as quantum and life sciences, widely apply digital intelligence technology and green technology, and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

In this regard, Liu Chen believes that "more lighthouse-type leading enterprises should be cultivated in the future to accelerate the formation of new quality productivity in manufacturing."

"On the one hand, strengthen the demonstration and leading role of enterprises selected as’ Lighthouse Factory’, encourage’ Lighthouse Factory’ to export technology and help factories with foundation and willingness to carry out targeted transformation and upgrading; Introduce and cultivate the industry Internet platform, provide remote maintenance, fault prediction, performance optimization and other services for user enterprises in the industrial chain, and help the digital transformation of SMEs; On the other hand, based on the region’s own industrial advantages, strengthen the supporting capacity of digital infrastructure, carry out factory scene innovations such as digital design, intelligent production, green manufacturing and lean management, encourage deep integration of production and education, and promote enterprises and universities to jointly establish intelligent manufacturing application-oriented talent training bases to create a good ecology for cultivating’ lighthouse factories’ in various regions. " Liu Chen said.

(Editor: Meng Qingwei Proofreading: Zhai Jun)


China successfully developed the world’s first ultraviolet super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution.

China successfully developed the world's first ultraviolet super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution.

  Yong Yang (left), deputy chief designer of Super-resolution Lithography Equipment Project of Institute of Optoelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, introduces the successfully developed equipment. Sun zifa

  Zhongxin. com, Chengdu, November 29th (Reporter Sun Zifa) — — The super-resolution lithography equipment project passed the acceptance test in Chengdu on the 29th. As one of the important achievements of the project, China scientists have successfully developed the world’s first ultra-resolution ultraviolet (i.e. 22nm @ 365nm) lithography equipment with the highest resolution, and formed a brand-new nano-optical lithography process route with completely independent intellectual property rights.

  Researcher Luo Xiangang, director of the Institute of Optoelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and chief scientist of the super-resolution lithography equipment project, said that in 2012, the institute undertook the development task of super-resolution lithography equipment, a major national scientific research equipment project. After nearly seven years of hard work, without foreign mature experience to learn from, the project team broke through key technologies such as high uniformity lighting, super-resolution lithography lens, nano-resolution focusing and gap measurement, and ultra-precision, multi-degree-of-freedom stage and control. The development of the first UV super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution in the world is completed. It uses a light source with a wavelength of 365 nm, and the maximum line width resolution of a single exposure reaches 22 nm (about 1/17 exposure wavelength). On this basis, the project team also combined with the supporting processes such as high aspect ratio etching and multiple patterns developed by the super-resolution lithography equipment project to realize the processing of feature size patterns below 10 nanometers.

  The first ultra-violet super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution in this world is developed based on surface plasmon super-diffraction, which breaks the traditional route pattern that the resolution of traditional optical lithography is limited by the wavelength of light source and the numerical aperture of lens, and forms a brand-new technical route from principle, equipment to process, with completely independent intellectual property rights, and provides manufacturing tools for the leap-forward development of revolutionary strategic fields such as metamaterials/hypersurfaces, third-generation optical devices and generalized chips.

  Acceptance experts believe that all technical indicators of the super-resolution lithography equipment successfully developed by Zhongke Optoelectronics meet or exceed the assessment indicators specified in the implementation plan, and the key technical indicators have reached the international leading level in the field of super-resolution imaging lithography. In principle, the project breaks through the diffraction limit of resolution, establishes a new research and development route of high-resolution and large-area nano-lithography equipment, bypasses the technical intellectual property barrier of foreign high-resolution lithography equipment, realizes the innovation of China’s technological source, and develops super-resolution lithography equipment with independent intellectual property rights and controllable technology, which is also the first ultra-violet super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution in the world.

  At the same time, a series of nano-functional devices, including large-aperture thin film mirror, superconducting nanowire single photon detector, Cherenkov radiation device, biochemical sensor chip, super-surface imaging device, etc., have been prepared by using the successfully developed super-resolution lithography equipment, which verifies the processing ability of the nano-functional devices of the equipment and has reached the practical level.

  The super-resolution lithography equipment project of Zhongke Optoelectronics Institute has published 68 papers, and at present, it has been authorized 47 national invention patents and 4 international patents, and has trained a super-resolution lithography technology and equipment research and development team. Luo Xiangang said that the Institute of Optoelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences will further increase the research and development, popularization and application of functional diversification of super-resolution lithography equipment to promote the development of related fields in the country.

Folk Carnival Tells Cross-Strait Love —— Review of previous Straits Forum

A representative of Taiwan Province who attended the meeting held up the camera in his hand to record the scene of the Straits Workers' Forum. (data picture)

A representative of Taiwan Province who attended the meeting held up the camera in his hand to record the scene of the Straits Workers’ Forum. (data picture)

  Southeast Network June 15 (Fujian Daily reporter Quan Xingya) As the largest, widest and most influential non-governmental exchange event between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, the Straits Forum is about to debut in Fujian.

  This grand gathering of cross-strait people-to-people exchanges has entered its fifteenth spring and autumn. In the past 15 years, compatriots on both sides of the strait have used this platform, which is positioned as "folk, grassroots and extensive", to meet in Bamin, talk about their hometown, learn skills, discuss cooperation, continue to promote integrated development, and draw the largest "concentric circle" for compatriots on both sides of the strait.

  In 2009, the first Straits Forum was held in Xiamen, Fuzhou, Quanzhou and Putian, and more than 8,000 Taiwan Province folks gathered in Fujian, playing a colorful movement of cross-strait exchanges. The 18 main events were brilliant and opened a new pattern of cross-strait relations.

  The second Straits Forum set up a bigger stage. Sixty-two units across the Taiwan Strait participated in the grand event, and 25 themes and series of activities attracted more than 10,000 Taiwan compatriots, about 80% of whom came from the grassroots. There are 30 sectors involved, which is also 10 more than the first session.

  The third Straits Forum is full of local flavor and human touch. From Mazu’s belief in customs to the origin of "people" on both sides of the strait, from the night market with the most Taiwan Province characteristics to the twinning activity of villages and towns on both sides of the strait … … This year, personal travel to Taiwan was open; Twenty-two counties (cities) in Taiwan Province and tens of thousands of villagers participated in various activities, and the ethnic customs brought by Taiwan Province minority guests made the streets of Xiamen beautiful; The liveliness of Taiwan Province nightlife has also been brought to Xiamen people’s doorstep … …

  The 4th Straits Forum won many firsts. For the first time, representatives of hundreds of temples with different folk beliefs on both sides of the strait gathered together, setting a record for cross-strait folk cultural exchanges to participate in temples; The first launch of the "Strait Film and Television Season"; For the first time, the discussion on the topic of marriage and family between the two sides of the strait was launched; The first seminar on the development of farmers’ entrepreneurship in Taiwan Province was held; The first Common Home Forum was held in Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, Fujian & HELIP; …

  The theme of the 5th Straits Forum is "Focus on Family and Dream Together". Eight activities, such as the cross-strait public welfare forum, the trip to the villages and towns with the same name in Fujian and Taiwan, and the World Minnan Cultural Festival, have become fresh blood to highlight the continuation of homesickness and ancestral culture. The 31 policies for benefiting the people released this year have brought more tangible benefits to Taiwan Province compatriots.

  The Sixth Straits Forum has become an important platform for cross-strait youth to communicate face to face. This year, the Straits Forum was innovative and invited young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait to participate. Whether it is the Straits Youth Forum, the Cross-Strait Youth New Media Cultural and Creative Forum, or the Cross-Strait Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, smiling faces filled with youthful atmosphere can be seen everywhere.

  The Seventh Straits Forum continued to promote the implementation of a number of policies and measures to promote exchanges and cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan, bringing more benefits to people on both sides of the strait. In 2015, the mainland announced that Taiwan compatriots would be exempted from endorsement when travelling to and from the mainland, and a card-type Taiwanese certificate would be implemented in due course, thus making Taiwan compatriots’ wish to "just leave" a reality.

  With the theme of "expanding people-to-people exchanges and promoting integrated development", the Eighth Straits Forum highlighted the exchanges between youth and grassroots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, especially adding activities such as the Youth Pioneer Exchange, the Cross-Strait Think Tank Forum, and the large-scale photo exhibition of "Fujian and Taiwan Going to the Villages and Towns".

  In 2017, it coincides with the 30th anniversary of cross-strait exchanges. At the new historical node, the 9th Straits Forum highlighted two key words, namely "30th anniversary" and "integrated development", and the biggest highlights were the larger communication field, deeper experiential communication, and gradual integration of youth. This year, more than 8,000 people from all walks of life in Taiwan Province came by waves, and the mainland continued to release the "policy spree", offering more than 2,600 jobs, more than 600 trainee positions and more than 3,100 entrepreneurial seats for young people in Taiwan Province.

  The 10th Straits Forum specially added cultural exchange sections, such as "Ten Years on the Sea, Wonderful Stories from Both Sides", "Chinese Cultural Development Forum" and "Cross-Strait Academy Forum" to highlight the inheritance and value guidance of Chinese culture. At the same time, the first cross-strait grass-roots governance forum was held, which opened up a new way for the intersection, integration and mutual learning of cross-strait grass-roots governance theory and practice.

  The 11th Straits Forum continued to focus on and serve grassroots people and youth groups. Taiwan Province talents will be added to the First Home Forum, the "Family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, Heart to Heart" study and experience camp, and the cross-strait e-sports invitational tournament. More than 10,000 people from Taiwan Province signed up for the competition, of which 40% were "first-come people" and 50% were young people.

  Although the 12th Straits Forum was influenced by the COVID-19 epidemic, it was still brilliant. For the first time, it broke through the time and space constraints of the epidemic by combining online and offline, and added topics such as health and epidemic prevention, and incorporated the touching story of compatriots on both sides of the strait working together to fight the epidemic.

  The 13th Straits Forum not only focuses on people-to-people exchanges, but also highlights high-quality development, demonstrating the effectiveness of integrated development. This year, the Fujian-Taiwan Science and Technology Education Integration Development Activities, Cross-Strait New Media Development Exchange Forum and Fujian-Taiwan Youth Business Forum were newly held, and the "cloud communication" methods such as "Taiwan Youth Broadcasting Taiwan Goods", short video interaction, online and offline sitcoms and online games were used for the first time to continuously promote the deep integration of Fujian-Taiwan youth.

  The 14th Straits Forum continues to take the theme of "expanding non-governmental exchanges and deepening integrated development". This year marks the 35th anniversary of the opening of cross-strait exchanges. The forum has newly held activities such as "35 Years of Heart-to-Heart" cross-strait exchange chronicle, "Cycling Angel" first home riding tour, and young Hakka speech contest, which aroused the resonance of "a family on both sides of the strait".

  After 15 years, the Straits Forum has achieved fruitful results. From grassroots governance to youth entrepreneurial exchanges, from economic and trade cooperation to cultural exchanges, the Straits Forum has built one platform after another, witnessed one warm scene after another, and painted one blueprint for cooperation after another. Through the Straits Forum, compatriots on both sides of the strait have joined hands to share family ties, talk about people’s livelihood and well-being, promote Chinese culture, share the dream stage, and set up a "heart-to-heart bridge" across the two sides.

@ Everyone: The new rules are coming in March! These changes affect life, you know!

  Xinhuanet Beijing, February 27th (Reporter Lu Junyu) From March, a number of new laws and regulations will be formally implemented, which will affect our lives.

  New national regulations

  A 0.1% service charge will be charged if Alipay credit card repays more than 2,000 yuan.

  The feast of free credit card repayment is gradually shrinking. After the full payment of credit card repayment by WeChat, Alipay will also cancel the policy of free credit card repayment. On February 21st, Weibo, the official Alipay, issued an announcement on "Adjustment of Alipay Credit Card Repayment Service Rules". According to the announcement, starting from March 26, 2019, when individual users use the "credit card repayment" function of Alipay client, Alipay will charge 0.1% service fee for the part exceeding the free quota of 2,000 yuan.

  Perfecting the Patent Agency System, Optimizing the Business Environment and Implementing the New Patent Agency Regulations

  The revised Patent Agency Regulations will come into force on March 1, 2019. According to the spirit of "minimizing the government’s direct domination of market resources, minimizing the government’s direct intervention in market activities, and freeing micro-subjects", this revision canceled two administrative approvals, optimized two administrative approvals, and relaxed the access conditions for patent agents and agencies.

  — — Cancel the provincial preliminary examination of the establishment and approval of the agency; Relax the organizational form requirements of the agency; Simplify the examination registration conditions, cancel the requirements of applying for agency qualification, such as having work experience; Cancel unnecessary proof materials.

  — — The management department shall take random checks to inspect and supervise the practice activities of agencies and agents, and announce the inspection and handling results to the public; Support innovation and encourage agencies and agents to provide agency assistance services for small and micro enterprises and vulnerable groups; Improve the practice norms and require agencies to establish and improve the conflict of interest review system; Improve the legal responsibility of illegal acts of agencies and agents.

  — — The administrative department shall strengthen the release of public information on patent agency, and provide inquiry service for the public to understand the operation of the agency and the practice of the agent; The filing and approval of agents and agencies are all realized through one network.

  Reduce the burden on 20 million patientsThe first batch of 21 drugs with rare diseases will be subject to VAT at a reduced rate of 3%.

  On February 11th, the executive meeting of the State Council deployed measures to strengthen early diagnosis and treatment of cancer and ensure drug use, and decided to give value-added tax concessions to 21 drugs with rare diseases. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to ensure that more than 20 million patients with rare diseases use drugs. From March 1st, for the first batch of 21 medicines with rare diseases and 4 APIs, VAT will be levied at a reduced rate of 3% for the import link with reference to anticancer drugs, and at home, VAT can be levied at a simple rate of 3%.

  Measures for the administration of state-level cultural and ecological protection zones were promulgated.

  Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the Measures for the Administration of National Cultural and Ecological Protected Areas, which will be officially implemented on March 1, 2019.

  At present, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has approved the establishment of 21 national-level cultural and ecological protection experimental zones, and 146 provincial-level cultural and ecological protection zones with distinctive characteristics have also been established in various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities).

  The "Measures" stipulate that to declare a national-level cultural and ecological protection zone, it is necessary to have a good foundation for regional overall protection of cultural ecology, and it should be implemented in this province (autonomous region, city) for more than two years, with obvious results; After the establishment of the national cultural and ecological protection zone, the overall plan will no longer be approved and implemented by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, but will be reviewed by the provincial cultural authorities, submitted to the provincial people’s government for deliberation and approval, promulgated and implemented, and reported to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the record; Three years after the implementation of the master plan, the provincial cultural authorities may apply to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for organization and acceptance. Those who pass the acceptance will be officially announced as national cultural and ecological protection zones and awarded.  

  The Ministry of Civil Affairs has formulated the Measures for the Implementation of the "Tomorrow Plan for Orphans’ Medical Rehabilitation"  

  It is reported that in order to provide disabled orphans with better medical rehabilitation and other services, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has recently formulated the "Implementation Measures for the" Orphan Medical Rehabilitation Tomorrow Plan "project, which will be implemented on March 1, 2019. The "Measures" have expanded the scope of benefiting orphans and the scope of financial support.  

  Ministry of Transport: The minimum protective perimeter of the bus driving area is 1.6m.

  Recently, the Ministry of Transport issued the industry standard "Technical Requirements for Special Safety Facilities for Urban Public Steam Trams", which specifically stipulated the technical requirements for protective isolation facilities in the driving area of urban public steam trams. The standard will be officially implemented on March 1, 2019.

  This standard improves the technical level of physical defense by standardizing the technical requirements of protective isolation facilities in driving areas, and protects drivers from direct attacks by illegal passengers, who cannot directly touch the steering wheel. In addition to strengthening physical defense, it is necessary to improve passengers’ safety awareness, strengthen the protection of drivers’ laws and regulations, and improve drivers’ emergency response ability to protect urban bus and tram drivers from intrusion.

  New local regulations  

  Since March 1, female workers in Shandong have added these holiday benefits.

  The Measures for Labor Protection of Female Workers in Shandong Province shall come into force on March 1, 2019. It is reported that on the basis of the protection of pregnancy, childbirth and lactation stipulated by the state, the "Measures" creatively increased the protection measures for menstruation, pregnancy and perimenopausal period.

  From March 1st, Sichuan urban workers’ medical insurance funds can be shared with their families.

  The Sichuan Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Finance and the Sichuan Provincial Health and Wellness Committee jointly issued the Notice on Improving the Relevant Policies for the Use of Personal Accounts of Basic Medical Insurance for Urban Employees, and decided that the payment scope of personal accounts of basic medical insurance for urban employees will be expanded from March 1, which can be used to pay for a series of medical expenses for employees themselves, their spouses, parents and children of both husband and wife.

  It is understood that the adjustment includes two aspects. On the one hand, on the basis of the original payment scope, the personal account funds can be expanded to pay the following expenses for the employees themselves, their spouses, parents and children of both husband and wife:

  First, the medical service expenses that need to be borne by individuals, such as general outpatient service (including registration), outpatient special diseases (including designated pharmacies), hospitalization, health check-up, unplanned immunization, remote diagnosis and treatment, and family doctor contract service.

  The second is to buy drugs, medical devices, medical consumables, auxiliary devices and other expenses related to disease treatment and medical rehabilitation in designated retail pharmacies in the province.

  Third, in the overall planning area, pay the social insurance expenses related to medical security, such as basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents, basic medical insurance for employees with flexible employment, supplementary medical insurance, serious and serious illness insurance, long-term care insurance and so on.

  Zhejiang issued the special sign of "running at most once", which was officially implemented on March 1.

  From March 1st, Zhejiang will use the unified "run at most once" special signs in the whole province, ranging from background walls and information desks to employee badges and envelopes. The work specifications provide the basic graphics of the use places of the "run at most once" special signs, totaling 16 situations. The implementation of work norms will be conducive to the unified standardization of signs and their use, facilitate the people and enterprises to do things across regions, and further enhance the sense of reform of the people and enterprises.

"Training Shuai" is controversial. Where is the national football team going?

Reporter Han Bing reports With the national football team’s 1-1 draw with Australia, the top 12 matches ended in six rounds, which ushered in an interval of more than two months. With four rounds left, China is 11 points behind the top Saudi Arabia, 7 points behind the second Japanese and 6 points behind the third Australian, and the qualifying probability is basically zero. After the game, head coach Li Tie also held a 32-minute press conference, which was a comprehensive summary of the first six rounds. Unfortunately, Li Tie’s "personal summary", as before, has caused widespread controversy. The next day, Li Tie continued to publish pictures and texts on social networks, which once again set off a wave of public opinion.

Against the background that the Top 12 Competition has come to an end, facing the unspeakable outstanding achievements of the national football team and various controversies caused by the words and deeds of head coach Li Tie, the China Football Association must give an explanation to the national football team, the relevant parties in the league and the fans who love China football as soon as possible.

Earlier, the media said that the renewal of the contract between the Football Association and Li Tie was to "train handsome" for the 2026 World Cup qualifiers. After six games before the Top 12, from tactics to employing people, and then to the controversy that triggered off-court public opinion storm, it became a question whether it is necessary for Li Tie to continue to "practice". The probability of qualifying is almost zero. Under the background that the remaining four top 12 games next year are only meaningful for training, it is necessary to have a clear conclusion from whether the coach will stay or not, how to use the naturalized players, and whether the Chinese Super League will continue to make way for the top 12 games. After all, the national football team is about to prepare for the 2023 Asian Cup, followed by the 2026 World Cup qualifiers. It is not too late to make up for the coach’s choice. Now, the national football team will have at least three years to bring a new atmosphere to the new coach.

The World Cup qualifiers are the most important events of the national football team. It is hard to understand how to "train handsome" in such an important event. After all, even if the national football team originally had a low probability of qualifying for strength reasons, it is not the reason to "train handsome" with the most important events. What’s more, in terms of preparation, training, personnel selection, tactics and contingency, Li Tie has shown his incompetence as a national football coach, which has also caused more unnecessary disputes outside the stadium. If the national football team wants to make a breakthrough in the local Asian Cup in 2023 and the World Cup qualifiers in 2026, it should make a decision and make a choice early.

The great controversy caused by Li Tie’s use of naturalized players has proved that he misjudged the ability of naturalized players, which directly affected the national football team’s record and led to the complete disillusionment of the qualifying hope that there was still a chance. Regardless of foreign or local handsome, nationality is not an amulet, but whether it has the ability to make the national football performance go up a storey still higher is the key. It is an act of putting the cart before the horse to deprive the national football team of the most important growth opportunity just for the sake of "training handsome", and the China Football Association must root out the root cause.

If the coach’s ability is insufficient, we can still give Li Tie more time. However, Li Tie’s prejudice against naturalized players failed to maximize the strength of the national football team, which also directly affected the performance of the national football team. In the face of his mistakes in employing people, tactics and coping with emergencies, Li Tie failed to take the initiative in many statements. Instead, he blamed the poor performance of the national football team on many objective factors, such as losing the home court, long-term training, naturalized players’ physical condition and so on, without the sense of responsibility and overall situation that the national football coach should have.

What’s more, when the national football team almost lost the hope of qualifying because of his personal mistakes, and the public opinion and fans were extremely dissatisfied, Li Tie, as the coach of China national team, repeatedly posted inappropriate pictures and texts on social networks, causing even greater public controversy. Even when the outside world was generally dissatisfied with the performance of the national football team, advertisements were posted on the homepage of personal social networks, and pictures suspected of infringing on the rights and interests of national football sponsors were deleted after being pointed out by the media. Judging from the action of deleting pictures, Li Tie released Weibo, who was suspected of product placement, the day after the top 12 competition. It was definitely not approved by relevant parties, and the advertising behavior suspected of infringing the rights and interests of the official equipment sponsors of the China Football Association was even more unacceptable to public opinion and fans. Li Tie caused such a huge controversy inside and outside the stadium, with poor performance and shirking responsibility. Is he still suitable to continue as the coach?

China Football Association must also face more thorny problems caused by the Top 12 matches, including the resumption of the Super League, whether the Super League will continue to make way for the Top 12 matches next year, and how to deal with the messy wage crisis in the Super League. All these require the Football Association to take the attitude of being responsible for football in China, assess the situation, and come up with a solution that conforms to the objective laws of football as soon as possible and can minimize the negative impact on all parties concerned.

In a word, it is the eventful autumn of football in China, and more than two months have been reserved for the Football Association in the Top 12. For the future of football in China, it is time for the Football Association to make a decision. ???

The lifetime childless rate of women has risen rapidly, and less than 70% of women under 35 want to have children.

Cultivate the most interesting and practical psychology every day.

Fertility is an inevitable stage that most people have to face in their lives. We can understand it this way: for a person, he is just an individual, and no matter what lifestyle he chooses, he can make decisions according to his own ideas and environment.

Once an individual has left family of origin and established a new family,This means that they are no longer just a single individual. From an ethical point of view, it is also a kind of social pressure exerted by "being a parent" on the identity of individuals in our daily life.

Of course, in addition to some ethical and moral influences, there are some more realistic factors that will make people unwilling to accept the social identity of "parents". One of the most direct factors is economic factors.

In fact, it is well understood that the premise of childbirth is based on social factors: that is, finding a suitable partner and establishing a family with yourself. But fertility is also inseparable from economic factors.

Especially in today’s rapid social and economic development, it takes huge economic expenditure to bring up a child from birth to adulthood. This has led many young people to be unwilling to get married.Unwilling to have children.

No matter looking at the world or focusing on China, in recent years, the population growth trend is in a relatively slow state, and even most countries and regions have experienced negative population growth.

The same is true in China. In the past few years, when the COVID-19 epidemic broke out, in fact, we have suffered an obvious blow from the increase in population. From 2021 to 2022, China’s population has almost infinitely approached negative growth, but it is not obvious because of the relatively large population base accumulated previously.

When the time comes to 2023, relevant data show that the population of China has experienced the first negative population growth in the past 61 years, with a net decrease of 850,000 people.

On the one hand, this obvious change shows the overall population change trend in the world today, on the other hand, it reminds us that perhaps the population problem that we were least worried about is imminent.

In view of the low population growth rate and some secondary problems, the most direct solution is naturally to increase the fertility rate and increase the new population.

However, it is obviously not enough to change the status quo by relying on macro-level means such as policies and systems, because the idea of "unwilling to have children" has already penetrated into the hearts of this generation, especially young women.

According to a recent survey, among women under the age of 35 in China,只有不到七成的人才认为生育是“不得不做”的事情,换言之,有30%左右的女性已经开始对生孩子持“无所谓”甚至是抵触态度了。








For the simplest example, most families have family precepts, family rules, and a value system that all family members agree with. These are their spiritual wealth.

Therefore, giving birth to children is naturally a fine cultural inheritance, which can also make individuals in the family gain spiritual improvement.

However, with the development of modern society, the traditional ideas that are not contrary to each other seem to be put on the "backward" level relative to "modern". The traditional advantages brought by childbearing mentioned above can no longer be favored by young people, and the high cost of childcare is even more prohibitive.

Many aspects should be taken into account to solve the fertility problem.

– The End –

Author | Tommy

Edit | Pan-fried bun

A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

References: Bruk, A., Scholl, S.G., & Bless, H. (2018). Beautiful mess effect: self-other differences in evaluation of showing vulnerability. Journal of personality and social psychology, 115 (2), 192-205.

Wechat WeChat official account: the first psychology

2024 annual strategy report of automobile industry: "Intelligent control, electric future" accelerates development.

Source: China Merchants Securities

Outline catalogue

1. Investment Summary

2. Independent brands performed strongly, and automobile exports performed brilliantly.

3. Intelligent driving ushered in an inflection point, and the intelligent cockpit continued to upgrade.

4. Parts: New elements drive changes, and the growth of subdivided tracks is expected.

5. Tesla: Intelligent driving leads, creating revolution and subverting innovation.

6. Huawei Auto: the offensive, the smart car is broken.

7. Humanoid robot: the extension of smart car, the best carrier of body intelligence.

The report consists of 97 pages.

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Head domestic beauty big PK, who is stronger?

The momentum of international big names has not diminished. What can the head of domestic products spell from the 2022 financial report?

Since last year, the trend of head domestic beauty cosmetics and international big names "positive" has surfaced.

According to the financial report, in 2022, international beauty companies such as L ‘Oreal, Beiersdorf, Coty and LVMH achieved more than 15% revenue growth, and the growth momentum in the China market continued unabated.

At the same time, the domestic beauty cosmetics represented by Polaiya, Winona, Run Baiyan and Quardy are also constantly advancing with their product strength and scientific and technological strength, and the ranking rate in double 11 and other big promotion lists continues to increase, and the market competition between international brands and domestic beauty cosmetics is becoming increasingly fierce.

Recently, the 2022 performance of head listed companies such as Polaiya, Huaxi Bio, Betani and shanghai jahwa has been fully announced. According to the financial report, the revenues of Polaiya, Huaxi Bio and Betani have increased by more than 20%, which is better than the market.

According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, last year, the total retail sales of cosmetics above designated size in China’s consumer goods was about 393.5 billion yuan, down about 2.25% year-on-year. In the fierce market competition, the differentiation period of beauty companies has arrived. Under the market trend of changing from flow bonus to quality bonus, high-quality development has become an important direction for major brands and companies to adjust their strategies.

According to the observation of Cosmetics Daily, at present, Polaiya, Huaxi Bio, Betani and shanghai jahwa are all in different stages of multi-brand matrix building for the sake of improving their anti-risk ability or seeking the second growth curve.

At present, in addition to the main brand Polaiya, Polaiya has also cultivated several sub-brands, such as Caitang, Yuefu, Off&Relax, which are respectively positioned as professional makeup, oily skin care and high-end care for new national makeup artists.

Since entering the C-end in 2018, Huaxi Bio’s multi-brand operation ability has been verified, and it has run out of two billion-level brands, Runbaiyan and Quady. In 2022, there were nearly 10 single products with sales exceeding 100 million yuan. At present, Huaxi Bio’s four functional skin care brands, Runbaiyan, Kwadi, BM Muscle Activity and Mibel, have entered the stage of large-scale development and formed a differentiated technical route.

Among them, Runbaiyan inherited the highest technical level and latest research results of Huaxi Bio in the field of hyaluronic acid, upgraded its brand positioning, and put forward the concept of "hyaluronic acid technology repair aesthetics" with "repair" as its core effect; Quadi focuses on the anti-aging track; Mibel aimed at sensitive muscles; BM muscle activity locates people with oily skin.

This year, under the brand matrix strategy of "focusing on the main brand Winona and expanding the sub-brands", Betani is also gradually improving the market position of Winona Baby, Kewan and Bevertin, and looking for the second growth curve.

Shanghai jahwa, which owns brands such as herborist, Yuze, Liushen, Diancui, Meijiajing, Gough, etc., has also formed stable and differentiated brand assets, and continues to focus on the upgrading iteration of main brands such as herborist, Yuze and Gough.

With the evolution of consumers’ cognition of cosmetics and the continuous improvement of cosmetics laws and regulations, the era of producing products in the workshop and selling hope in the market has become history. Since the implementation of "Evaluation Standard for Cosmetic Efficacy Claims" in May 2021, China cosmetics have ushered in the first year of efficacy, and the whole beauty industry has entered a critical moment of "technical competition".

In 2022, the research and development expenses of head beauty companies continued to climb. Huaxi Bio is a biotechnology and biomaterial company, and its R&D investment in the domestic beauty industry is far ahead, reaching 388 million yuan in 2022, up 36.52% year-on-year; Betaine’s R&D expenditure was 255 million yuan, up 124.96% year-on-year; Polaiya invested 128 million yuan in R&D, a year-on-year increase of 67.15%.

Last year, in the field of beauty research and development, the world’s leading technology synthetic organisms became an important landing tool for domestic and foreign brands to seize the beach. "Synthetic biology is the most basic discipline leading to future technology, and it even surpasses chips in the dimension of global competition." Zhao Yan, chairman and general manager of Huaxi Bio, once said.

In recent years, domestic and foreign beauty companies have continued to overweight synthetic biology. In August last year, Shiseido accelerated the layout of synthetic biology by investing in Chuangjian Medical. In July last year, L ‘Oré al joint investment institutions and Blue Crystal Microbes jointly launched the Tiangong Kaiwu Bio-economic Industry Acceleration Platform, which is also an exploration of synthetic biology.

It is worth noting that Huaxi Bio was one step ahead and laid out synthetic biology as early as 2018. At the beginning of many beauty companies, Huaxi Bio has now completed all the links of "platform-talent-technology-transformation" needed by synthetic biology. Last year, Huaxi Bio-International Innovation Industrial Base of Synthetic Biotechnology settled in Daxing, Beijing, and put it into use, and comprehensively laid out the industrial system of bioactive substances around six categories of substances: functional sugar, amino acid, protein, polypeptide, nucleotide and natural active compounds.

According to the financial report, by the end of last year, the R&D team of Huaxi Bio-Beijing International Innovation R&D Center for Synthetic Biology had introduced more than 50 researchers from Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Cornell University in the United States and Chalmers Institute of Technology in Sweden, and set up five synthetic biology R&D studios, a fermentation optimization platform, an application R&D studio and platform management to provide intellectual support and technical support for the synthetic biology industry.

In terms of product strategy, creating a large single product with long life cycle and high repurchase is becoming the common choice of head beauty companies such as Polaiya, Huaxi Bio and Betani.

"In addition to enhancing brand awareness, the significance of big items for beauty companies lies in the optimization of production costs and the reduction of brand communication costs." Fan Yuan, vice president of Huaxi Bio-business, told Cosmetics News at the 2022 financial report communication meeting.

Last year, shanghai jahwa’s herborist brand solved the problem of product series dispersion, and created four series of product lines by continuously simplifying the focus, among which the cumulative sales of the new Taiji line’s single product of water mark exceeded 100 million yuan.

In 2022, Polaiya also continued to deepen the "big single product strategy", expanded and upgraded the product categories and efficacy of the three family series of Double Antibody, Ruby and Yuanli, and introduced new products such as Yuanli Cream and Yuanli Mask, and upgraded the nightlight Eye Cream, Ruby Cream and Yuanli Essence, and successively launched version 2.0.

According to the financial report, last year, all major brands of Huaxi Bio completed the creation of one or more large single products or series of large single products. Among them, a product of BM muscle active brown rice water reached a revenue of over 400 million yuan in 2022. This year, Runbaiyan deepened the strategy of large single product, and under the idea of "layered repair and precise targeting", the products were sorted into three series: light damage repair series, barrier repair series and repair time series.

For beauty brands, it is not easy to create large items, which requires strong scientific and technological support and targeted R&D layout. For example, around the development of Winona special cream and other products, Betani has completed clinical research and effect observation of dermatology in 63 hospitals; Behind BM muscle-activated brown rice water is Huaxi’s innovative experience in the field of biological fermentation for more than 20 years. Runbaiyan’s hyaluronic acid secondary polishing essence series products have been iterated to version 3.0. In addition to the innovative application of medical technology, the world-leading hyaluronic acid technology is indispensable.

In the supply chain construction, domestic head beauty companies are improving their own production capacity, reducing the dependence on entrusted processing mode, and accelerating into the intelligent manufacturing stage.

At the end of 2022, Polaiya cooperated with Hangzhou Unicom to deploy 5G SA (Independent Networking) room subsystem for the AGV operation area of Polaiya factory, so as to realize the full coverage of 5G signals in the AGV operation area of the factory. In March this year, Betani invested nearly 500 million yuan, and the new central factory, which took nearly three years to build, was officially completed and put into operation, with an annual output value of 5 billion yuan.

As a platform enterprise of the whole industrial chain, from bioactive raw materials to medicines and health consumer goods, Huaxi Bio has always stressed that it is necessary to control the whole industrial chain in its own hands, covering key links such as technology and raw materials, pilot transformation and terminal market transformation, and the safety, stability and high efficiency of the industrial chain provide a strong backing for the production of skin care products. Since 2018, Huaxi Bio has been planning and starting Industry 4.0. At present, its production lines in Jinan, Chaohu, Tianjin, Haikou and other places have all been commissioned and used.


With the younger generation of consumers’ recognition of domestic products with high cost performance and high quality, domestic beauty brands have ushered in a window of rapid growth. In the future, in the more fierce competition with international brands, if we want to maintain and enhance the market competitiveness, domestic beauty products should be forged by more scientific and technological strength besides products.

Based on the summary of the business strategies of domestic head beauty companies such as Polaiya, Huaxi Bio, Betani and shanghai jahwa, Cosmetics News believes that domestic brands need to have the following five abilities to achieve high-quality growth and resilient development.

1. Accurate and differentiated brand positioning.

2. Strengthen the insight into the real consumer demand and improve the agile product development system of "insight-R&D-verification".

3. Focus on innovation at the bottom, build large single products with long life cycle and build brand power from scientific and technological strength.

4. Pay attention to frontier technical fields such as synthetic biology, and build up competition barriers through independent raw material development.

5. Move towards intelligent manufacturing, improve its own production capacity, and reduce the dependence on entrusted processing mode.