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Peninsula Sports Premier League: Optimistic about Moudrek’s future, we just need to help him settle down.

"A lot of things are mental, not physical … If you play in this league, you are a good player, you know what I mean? You were not chosen to join this league because you are not a good player. Many of them are psychological: how do you deal with the loss, how do you deal with it when you don’t play as often as you did in the championship game, or how do you deal with it when you are out of shape ….. how do you deal with it? Anything I can do to help players, I will talk to them and give them some advice. If they accept it, everything will be fine.

"In the final analysis, I think this may sound stupid to many people, but I think the purpose of playing football is not just to play football for myself and do well. This is for others. I think I was put into this sport maybe to help others, because I mean, I have experienced a lot of s—, to put it mildly. I think maybe I have experience in this field and can help others … "

Roma fans will wave white handkerchiefs in this round of Serie A to protest Mourinho’s ban.

Live broadcast on March 12, Rome coach Jose Mourinho failed to appeal, was suspended for 2 games and fined 10 thousand euros. The Rome fan organization announced that it would support Mourinho in this round of Serie A home games.

At 1 am Beijing time on March 13th, in the 26th round of Serie A, Rome will play Sassuolo at home. AIRC, a Roman fan organization, announced: "After the Italian football management agency unfairly punished our team and our coach again, AIRC appealed to all Roman fans to express their anger in a civilized way in tomorrow’s game. Besides our love for Rome, we should bring a white handkerchief when we enter the stadium and wave it in the stands before the game. We are with Mourinho and with Rome. "

Marco Conidi, a famous Roman fan and singer, also said on social media: "It is important that everyone bring a white handkerchief into the stadium tomorrow and wave it at the beginning of the game to protest the absurd penalty of our beloved coach being suspended."

Pig: Degea once asked me if he was better than Neuer, and my answer made him sad.

According to the Daily Mirror, former Manchester United midfielder Schweinsteiger said in an interview: "When I first arrived at Manchester United, Degea asked me,’ Am I better than Neuer?’ I replied,’ No, you didn’t’. Degea was very sad at that time. "

"So every time I play a good game, he will ask me again, and I will still say that he has not reached that level."

ChatGPT is simpler than core-making? Zhou Hongyi: China can catch up with the United States in two or three years.

Because China’s science and technology started late, it is at a backward level in many scientific and technological fields, such as chips. However, western countries have already set up many technical barriers in the field of chips, so it is quite difficult to build a "Chinese core".

Of course, in addition to the chip field, the United States has also taken the lead in cutting-edge scientific and technological fields such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence and quantum computing, such as ChatGPT. With the global explosion of ChatGPT, technology companies all over the world are restless, and Google and Apple are scrambling to do it, and Chinese companies are no exception. So, in terms of ChatGPT, does China have a chance to catch up with the United States?

In response to this question, 360 Zhou Hongyi gave an unexpected answer. He believed that ChatGPT was easier than core-building. With the support of the state’s encouraging policies, China could catch up with the level of the United States in two or three years.

The reason why Zhou Hongyi can be so sure is because he knows enough about ChatGPT. As early as 202, when the first generation of ChatGPT came out, Zhou Hongyi had paid attention to it and conducted in-depth research. In his view, the success of ChatGPT has mainly done five things right, namely, open source, win-win cooperation, long-term persistence, ecology and user traffic.

First of all, when developing ChatGPT, OpenAI used a large number of open source algorithms and papers, and chose to cooperate with a large industrialized company like Microsoft, which saved itself a lot of trouble and solved the problems of computing power, data, business model, engineering and so on.

Secondly, from the very beginning, OpenAI was ready to fight a "protracted war", and like Apple, it worked hard to build an ecology and cultivated vertical applications based on ChatGPT. Thus attracting more users to use, and using user traffic can strengthen the learning and training of ChatGPT.

This is where China can learn. At present, if China wants to build its own ChatGPT, it can do it in terms of technology, strategy and language materials. Coupled with the advantages of open source technology and strong engineering and technology landing ability of China enterprises, it can already make ChatGPT-like products, so to some extent, making ChatGPT is easier than making cores.

However, after making a sample of ChatGPT, we need to spend more time on technological innovation, ecological construction and cooperation with Industry-University-Research, plus the support of the state’s encouraging policies. As Zhou Hongyi said, it will take two or three years for Chinese enterprises to catch up.

On the whole, ChatGPT is of great significance to the development of artificial intelligence in the future. Bill Gates describes ChatGPT as "as important as the Internet", Musk describes ChatGPT as "good and terrible", and Zhou Hongyi thinks that ChatGPT will bring a new round of information industry revolution. Technology bosses have high hopes for ChatGPT, and China version of ChatGPT can’t be left behind! Zhou Hongyi’s suggestion is worth pondering. What do you think? Welcome to comment!

Di livio: Support Mancini to go abroad to find a striker and solve the Italian national team’s front line problem

Live on March 12 th, Italian national team coach Mancini is going to look for a striker abroad to solve the problem of the national team’s front line. The Italian famous Sudilivio expressed support for this.

Mancini had previously publicly stated that there was a big problem in the Italian national team’s front line, but the media revealed that he might call up Compagno, who plays in Romanian league, and Retegie, who plays in Argentine league. Di livio said: "At present, he is in a delicate period. Obviously, the national team lacks strikers and needs to find a solution. I agree with Mancini that he went abroad to find players to solve this problem. We must find players in this position in the next few years and find excellent and young strikers, and they need to adapt quickly in a short time. "

Di livio went on to say: "When I played football, there were many excellent strikers who could not be selected for the Italian national team, because there were many candidates for this position, and the coach was even criticized for not selecting a striker. The problem now is that young players sometimes can’t take the final key step. They may get lost, but this is a big problem for Mancini. "

Asked by the media how the Serie A league and clubs should help the Italian national team, Di livio replied: "I think they are already trying to help Mancini. The club is signing many young players, something is happening, but maybe there is a lack of quality in the process of finding players. "

Let AI write its own importance.

With the continuous development of science and technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely used in various fields, and its application in enterprises has been paid more and more attention. AI technology can use big data, machine learning and natural language processing technology for intelligent analysis and decision-making, so as to improve production efficiency, reduce costs, shorten processing cycle and optimize management, and help enterprises better cope with market changes and competitive pressures. This article will discuss the importance of AI in the work from the following aspects.

In the traditional manufacturing industry, a large number of production tasks require the input of manpower and material resources. However, with the application of AI technology, intelligent equipment such as robots can replace manpower and complete a lot of repetitive, dangerous and tedious manual labor in the production process, which improves the production efficiency.

At the same time, AI technology can also optimize and manage the production process of enterprises, and improve the management level of production planning, logistics distribution and quality control of enterprises through big data analysis and intelligent decision-making.

For example, a chemical company under the German industrial manufacturer Siemens has created an intelligent factory by using AI technology, which can independently control and optimize its own production process, thus improving production efficiency and quality.

With the help of AI technology, enterprises can more accurately grasp the quantity and time of materials and accessories needed for production, thus realizing the optimization of supply chain and cost control. In addition, AI can also predict the time required for equipment failure and maintenance by analyzing data, so as to better schedule machine maintenance and replacement, thereby reducing operating costs and production downtime.

Tesla, an American automobile manufacturer, widely uses AI technology in the production process. Through fine scheduling and optimization of automation equipment, the processing cycle of its production workshop is greatly shortened, thus improving production efficiency and reducing production costs.

AI technology can create new business models and opportunities, thus helping enterprises to stay ahead and innovate in the market competition. For example, intelligent customer service based on AI technology, through speech recognition technology and natural language processing technology, can deal with a large number of user feedback and problems, improve customer satisfaction and user stickiness, and also create new service benefits and business opportunities for enterprises.

In addition, in the medical field, AI technology can also assist doctors in diagnosis and treatment, thus improving medical level and reducing medical costs. Shenzhen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall has developed a big data platform based on traditional Chinese medicine by using AI technology, which comprehensively absorbs the information of national traditional Chinese medicine medical records, prescriptions, experiences, modern science and technology, and helps doctors to diagnose and treat diseases through AI intelligent analysis.

AI technology can realize intelligent recommendation and search according to customers’ needs and feedback, and improve customer experience and service quality. Large-scale e-commerce enterprises using AI technology can provide personalized recommendations and offers to customers through information such as customer purchase history and behavior data, and improve customer shopping experience and loyalty.

In addition, AI technology can also help enterprises to identify and analyze customers’ voices, emotions and attitudes, so as to better understand customers’ needs and emotions and optimize customer service.

Through the integration of AI technology, enterprises can better cope with risks and security issues. For example, in the financial industry, AI technology can help enterprises reduce risks and losses through customer identification and fraud identification. In the field of production, enterprises can avoid production accidents and safety problems through intelligent sensing technology and autonomous control technology.

With the continuous progress of science and technology, AI technology is more and more widely used in enterprises, which can improve production efficiency, reduce costs, optimize management, create new business models and improve customer service quality. However, there are also many problems and risks to be considered in the application, such as data security, privacy protection, failure of artificial intelligence technology and so on. We need to fully realize the advantages and limitations of AI technology, so as to make better use of this technology and promote the development and innovation of enterprises.

Six core technologies, the small I robot has great commercial value potential.

The advantages of artificial intelligence small I robot are not only in corpus data, but also in its own hard technology.

Compared with other big manufacturers, cognitive intelligence is still in the stage of research and development. Small I robots have been put into practice for a long time, and on this basis, they have quietly established their own business empire.

Xiaoyi commercialized all his six core technologies, and formed nine product series including dialogue AI, knowledge fusion, intelligent voice, super automation, data intelligence, intelligent construction support, visual analysis, intelligent hardware support, and meta-universe. The market share of products in several vertical industries is in the forefront.

With outstanding technology, the small I robot has blossomed rapidly in intelligent services. At present, there are more than 800 million end users of the small I robot worldwide. Nearly a thousand large and medium-sized enterprises and governments, hundreds of thousands of small enterprises and developers are using the services and intelligent robot products provided by the small I robot, covering communications, finance, government affairs, legal affairs, medical care, manufacturing and other industries.

In the banking industry alone, more than 40 of the top 50 banks in China have adopted the small I intelligent customer service system. According to the official data of China Construction Bank, the workload of intelligent customer service is almost equivalent to 9000 employees, which can save a lot of astronomical figures only in labor costs.

A comprehensive interpretation of Amazon Cloud Technology: How to make students contact AI education with low threshold

"Provide relevant training for 100,000 China teenagers in the next three years to promote the development of artificial intelligence education for teenagers".

This is the core goal of Amazon Cloud Technology 2023 Amazon DeepRacer China series activities. To this end, Amazon Cloud Technology announced that it has reached a strategic cooperation with the Science and Technology Education Collaboration of China Education Association and the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Association. We will focus on Amazon DeepRacer artificial intelligence learning tools and invest resources in four aspects: curriculum development, teacher training, platform support and competition to promote learning.

It is understood that Amazon DeepRacer is a 1/18-scale fully-automatic racing car driven by reinforcement learning and 3D racing simulator launched by Amazon Cloud Technology in 2018.

Gu Fan, general manager of strategic business development department of Amazon Cloud Technology Greater China, said: "Although Amazon DeepRacer looks like a toy car, it is actually an effective artificial intelligence teaching tool. Teenagers who can’t program or mathematical modeling can easily get started, and the learning threshold is very low. The operator only needs to configure certain parameters to train the model, and then deploy it to the Amazon DeepRacer car. The camera on the car will judge the actual situation of the track and use the trained method to judge the driving direction and speed. "

We can reach 100,000 teenagers in three years.

It is reported that in 2023, Amazon Cloud Technology plans to hold the Amazon DeepRacer China League for developers and machine learning enthusiasts, various deep racer industry leagues, enterprise competitions and trainings for different industries and enterprises, and a series of activities for teenagers jointly organized with partners.

Gu Fan, general manager of the strategic business development department of Amazon Cloud Technology Greater China, said: "The core of our strategic cooperation with the Science and Technology Education Cooperative of China Education Association and the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Association is to reach 100,000 teenagers within three years and let them get in touch with artificial intelligence and machine learning. We hope that the three parties will cooperate with each other in four aspects: curriculum design, teacher training, digital education platform of Amazon DeepRacer, promoting learning through competition and organizing more activities for everyone to really participate in, so as to make the scale bigger and reach more students, so that everyone can get in touch with artificial intelligence at a lower threshold. "

Only with AI literacy can we adapt to the intelligent society.

Zhong Junhao, secretary-general of Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Association, said: "At present, the iteration speed of teaching materials and the updating speed of teachers’ skills are not enough to meet the needs of cultivating high-tech children facing the future. Nowadays, artificial intelligence empowers all industries. It changes the social order, working methods and the paradigm of scientific research. It is the future general education, not professional education. If a teenager is strong, China will be strong. We should start from the adolescent stage, cultivate their artificial intelligence literacy, look at the future development of the whole society with artificial intelligence thinking, and help them adapt to the future intelligent society. "

"Amazon DeepRacer has provided me with motivation to continue to study artificial intelligence related knowledge and related majors in depth." Zheng Haoyue, a student from Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Experimental School, said this. (Yuan Ning)