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6 days, 500 million, is Jason Wu’s monster blockbuster hard enough?

Special feature of 1905 film network What kind of sparks will collide when they meet? The answer lies in the new film.

It has been five years since the first film was released, and the upgrade is coming, trying to bring a brand-new experience to the audience from many angles. In the words of the director, there are new roles, new creatures, new equipment and new tasks.

What remains unchanged is that Jonas Taylor, the leading actor played by Jason Statham, still shows great force and can do anything. Jason Wu, the "new partner", plays a scientist, Zhang Jiuyue, who can engage in scientific research, but can hack planes with his bare hands.

In an exclusive interview with 1905 Film Network, director Ben Wheatley also praised two Chinese and foreign actors: they are very professional and dedicated, and they have a harmonious cooperation.

At present, it has been shown in Meg 2 for six days, and the box office is close to 500 million. The 1905 film network also interviewed director Ben Wheatley before the release, revealing the behind-the-scenes creation of the transnational linkage of the crew and "going to heaven and going to sea".

PART 1"Jason Wu always does it himself."

"I have seen Jason Wu, and I am very excited to work with him." Before the formal cooperation, director Ben Wheatley was already a "fan" of Jason Wu.

He bluntly said that Jason Wu’s role this time is different from his previous tough guy. "Zhang Jiuying is a scientist, and he uses his brain more than his fist to solve problems."

Jason Wu has always maintained a high mental state at the scene, and his full creative enthusiasm left a deep impression on Ben Wheatley. "His working style is first to devote himself wholeheartedly, and secondly, he will bring a lot of ideas, thinking about how to make the role better all the time, and constantly adding some different role details, jokes or action designs."

For example, the character’s name, Zhang Jiuyao, was taken from Song Lian, a scholar of the Ming Dynasty, who wrote "Up to the Lonely Man, Down to the Candle for Nine Seasons", and there were many Chinese lines that were skillfully integrated, all of which came from improvisation in Jason Wu.

Ben Wheatley also recognized the effect of these Chinese lines. "Because the Ocean Research Center where they are located is originally a very international organization, these lines are very natural and will not be inconsistent, which is also very helpful for shaping characters."

In the film, the breathtaking scene of Jason Wu hanging from the helicopter with one hand left a deep impression on many viewers. He leaned out of the hovering helicopter and climbed neatly to the landing gear. When the helicopter was flying, he squatted on the hatch with only one hand, and his face was deformed by the strong wind. All this was done by Jason Wu at high altitude.

In the behind-the-scenes tidbits, overseas teams suggested that Jason Wu use stuntmen to complete this action, but Jason Wu replied with a smile: "Sir, making money can’t be that easy", so he went into battle without saying anything. This process is still fresh in the memory of director Ben Wheatley.

"Jason Wu is very willing to do it himself for action drama. I was actually scared when I saw him doing those actions, but when I saw the shooting results on the monitor, everything was worth it. "

PART 2 The combination of "Xijiejing" is a strong alliance.

"Jason’s position in western action movies is similar to that of Jason Wu, and they are a powerful alliance." Director Ben Wheatley made no secret of his excitement to cooperate with two Chinese and foreign actors at the same time.

He revealed that although the language between them is not completely the same, they have a tacit understanding in action design, and many bridges are the result of communication and collision between them. The two roles are also full of skills and complementary. "They are very professional and experienced, and they have a deep understanding of action movies."

If Jason Wu’s highlight is "flying to the sky", then Statham’s highlight is "making waves" by driving a motorboat.

Ben Wheatley recalled that Statham also chose to play in person, not only soaring to 135-145 kilometers per hour, but also completing a 360-degree rotation at the same time. After a lap, the audience applauded and cheered.

Perhaps the biggest challenge for the strongest combination of "heaven and sea" is diving. In order to pursue the real texture, many scenes choose underwater shooting, which is extremely difficult.

"Because the actors can’t communicate with the staff immediately, there is a certain risk, and many security personnel are needed, and the actors should be willing to do it. Both Jason Wu and Jason held their breath under 6 meters of water and completed many performances, taking oxygen every 3 or 4 minutes. As a director, I admire them very much. "

Especially in an underwater fighting scene, while Jason Wu held her breath for a long time, she was dragged back and forth by Weiya around her waist, keeping her eyes open all the time. The continuous shooting for 10 hours also made his eyes bloodshot, but he still insisted on finishing the shooting, which made the crew sit up and take notice. Jason Wu simply responded: "All actors in China do this."

Ben Wheatley was deeply impressed by this dedication: "Jason Wu can always cheer up the whole crew. He seems to be the kind of person who will say that I am fine when my leg is broken."

PART 3 "I am very excited to talk to the audience in China."

"Megalodon 2: Abyss, as a co-production, is not only about telling an international story, but also about cultural exchange."

Looking back on the creative process, what impressed Ben Wheatley most was the process of repeated communication between Chinese and foreign producers. The Chinese team would make suggestions from the perspective of China audience and China culture, while the foreign side would provide feedback from the perspective of international audience. Finally, the creative team found a balance among them. "The voice of a Chinese-foreign co-produced film should be international, not limited to a certain market."

In Ben Wheatley’s view, Meg 2 is not a superhero, but a story about how ordinary people take responsibility in times of crisis and tide over difficulties. This sense of reality is what attracts him most, and it is also the universality of this story.

Like many action movie lovers, Ben Wheatley is also a big fan of movies. This cooperation with Jason Wu and the Chinese team has made him feel the working attitude of China filmmakers more deeply.

Ben Wheatley said frankly that he had no idea about Chinese scenes at first, and he was worried that knowing nothing about Chinese would affect his judgment on the performance. However, in the actual shooting process, Jason Wu’s investment in performing with Chinese lines made director Ben Wheatley feel that even though the language was different, "when he saw Jason Wu’s expression and movements, he could feel the emotions revealed in him".

Not to mention, Jason Wu turned into the "China Cultural Promotion Ambassador" from the first day of joining the group, and jiaozi, roast duck, hot pot, milk tea and Zibo barbecue were all arranged, which made the director feast his eyes and at the same time, he also had the desire to make a film in China.

"China is so big that it is impossible to experience it all in a few days, but I want to know more. Maybe I will challenge to come here and make a movie in all Chinese! "

How to eat Lantern Festival healthily? Listen to what the experts say … …

Sichuan online reporter Shi Xiaohong

This year’s Lantern Festival is coming soon. On this day, every family will eat Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, which means "reunion and beauty". But what problems should we pay attention to when eating Yuanxiao or Tangyuan? How to eat it correctly? In this regard, we asked Liang Qingyue, a nutritionist from the Seventh People’s Hospital of Chengdu, to answer the questions.


When getting up early, the gastrointestinal function is weak, and eating Yuanxiao for breakfast is prone to indigestion, acid reflux and heartburn. Eating Yuanxiao before meals will stimulate insulin secretion, causing blood sugar instability in the body. Eating after meals will lead to excessive total calories. Eating Yuanxiao in the meal can avoid these two situations.

Appropriate amount:

Tangyuan is a high-sugar and high-fat food, and its skin is mostly sticky glutinous rice flour, which is not easy to digest and will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, which may cause indigestion such as abdominal distension and abdominal pain, and it is easy to form gastroliths and fecal stones, which may lead to intestinal obstruction. There are many kinds of fillings, such as sesame, peanut, jam, chocolate, etc., but in order to pursue better taste and more delicious, they often contain more sugar and fat. Therefore, children and the elderly with weak gastrointestinal function should pay attention when eating and eat as little as possible. It should be based on moderate consumption. While eating Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, it is not recommended to eat other foods with high sugar content, and at the same time, the intake of other staple foods should be reduced accordingly. Generally speaking, if you eat three, you will have to subtract one or two staple foods (half a bowl of rice) of the day.

Beware of the word "sugar-free" for diabetics;

In recent years, sugar-free food has become popular, and sugar-free dumplings have emerged. Although there is no sucrose, in fact, sugar-free dumplings do not mean low calories, and sugar-free dumplings also contain starch and oil. Sweeteners used to improve the taste, such as saccharin, xylitol, aspartame, etc., are also easy to give people the illusion, which will make people think that although the taste is sweet, it is not sugar, so they can take off their guard and eat with confidence. Although these "sugar-free" Yuanxiao and Tangyuan do not contain sucrose, the starch substances they contain will still be converted into glucose in the human body. At this time, the purpose of controlling blood sugar can not be achieved, and at the same time, the risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease may be increased by affecting the imbalance of intestinal flora and the dysfunction of brain feeding center.

Comparison of calories of several kinds of glutinous rice balls. Photo courtesy of Chengdu No.7 Hospital

People with hyperlipidemia eat less:

In order to make the taste of Yuanxiao and Tangyuan more delicate, in addition to the skin, the producer will also add a lot of oil to the stuffing for modulation, so under normal circumstances, the fat content of Yuanxiao stuffing will be higher. If you suddenly eat a lot, it will easily lead to an increase in blood lipids, which will lead to pancreatitis. Therefore, people with high blood lipids should pay more attention when eating Yuanxiao.

How to buy Lantern Festival?

First of all, look at the label information on the packaging bag. Pay attention to carefully check the food label information on the packaging bag when buying Yuanxiao in the supermarket. Including: food name, ingredient list, net content and specifications, name, address and contact information of producers and/or distributors, production date and shelf life, storage conditions, food production license number, product standard code and other items that need to be marked. If the food label on the packaging bag is incomplete, you should buy it carefully.

Secondly, it depends on the order of ingredients in the ingredient list. National food safety standards require that any substance used in food processing should be marked, and if there are ingredients with an addition of more than 2%, they should be arranged from high to low when making or processing food. Therefore, when we buy Yuanxiao, we should remember to understand the ingredients list first, and know what ingredients are used in the production process of Yuanxiao, especially for people with allergies, to see if there are any ingredients that cause allergies, and to find out the usage of the ingredients of the products before deciding which products to buy.

The third depends on the storage conditions. At present, most of the products sold in supermarkets are quick-frozen dumplings. Frozen food should be sold under frozen conditions, but don’t buy products with frost or ice ballast. Frost or ice ballast indicates that the storage temperature of the products is unstable, and the products are prone to rancidity and deterioration, which has a great impact on product quality. In addition, good Yuanxiao and Tangyuan are uniform in color, basically round in shape, basically the same in size, with uniform thickness of cortex, no stuffing, no cracks, no visible impurities and no mildew spots.

Homework can’t be solved by search software? This phenomenon should be managed.

  With the search software, my mother no longer has to worry about my study?

  But in reality, there is such a problem. Students who make perfect exercise papers don’t score high in the exam. Usually, when you encounter homework problems, open the network search software to check, and the direct answer will come out, and the exercise paper will be completed well and quickly; But in the examination room, there is no "blessing" of the search software, and the same problem-solving ideas are full of mistakes.

  On the eve of the Eighth Young Pioneers Congress in Shanghai, many young pioneers, including Maree Lau from Shanghai No.54 Middle School and Tang Ying from Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, paid attention to this phenomenon and made investigations. At the same time, they submitted relevant proposals, suggesting that the number of times of searching questions by using search software should be limited, and the software should provide ideas for solving problems instead of giving answers.

  The exercise paper is perfect, but I guess it even in the exam.

  Maree Lau, a student from Shanghai No.54 Middle School, was very impressed by an exercise paper on the calculation of mathematical real numbers, and the steps of each calculation problem were impeccable. But in the math exam, the student who made the perfect exercise paper didn’t score high.

  Exploring the reasons behind it, Maree Lau found that many students around him did not think about how to solve the problem by themselves first, but habitually turned on the network search software to check the answer, and easily made a perfect score assignment through the function of tapping the question in seconds by some software. "Solving problems without thinking is useless for learning. They often expose many problems in exams." Maree Lau said.

  Tang Ying, a student from Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, also found that some students around her used the online search App and conducted "autonomous learning". The completion of homework achieved acceleration, but the learning attitude and independent thinking ability were greatly affected. I could only guess in the exam, and the error rate soared.

  How many students have tried to solve problems with search software? Maree Lau and Tang Ying conducted research in their schools respectively.

  The former found that the survey showed that 85% of the students would use the search software when they encountered problems, and more than 70% of the students chose "Yes" when answering "Do you have any excellent homework by software around you?".

  The latter found that more than 90% of the team members are familiar with homework search software or channels such as homework help and Little Ape Search, among which more than 50% of the team members have used this method for "autonomous learning" or homework completion, including those with excellent academic performance.

  Tang Ying said frankly: "Some of these players use the software to find ideas for solving problems and read excellent articles, while others copy the answers directly and just want to finish their homework as soon as possible."

  Maree Lau also noticed the feedback that "the software sometimes gives wrong answers". To this end, she used the software to carry out experiments and found that some questions will have correct answers and two or three wrong answers at the same time. "It is a difficult problem that can’t be solved, and then giving the wrong answer will not only solve the problem, but also mislead the questioner."

  Limit the number of times of use and only give ideas for solving problems.

  At Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, Gu Bei, a team counselor, also organized an in-depth discussion. As a result, I heard the voices from the players.

  "They said that they sometimes want to ask their parents about the questions they can’t do, but the other party is always busy looking at the mobile phone and letting the children go online to check the answers. Sometimes the other party will also look at the problems encountered by the children, but it turns out that they won’t do it either, and finally they will check it online." Gu Wei said.

  As a teacher, Gu Bei does not advocate the use of online search software, but she also noticed that "there is a demand behind this problem". The key is to let students understand what the "initial intention" of using software is, "is it to help them learn the problem-solving ideas or just to be lazy and have fun?"

  Maree Lau also said that when the search software becomes a "helper" to complete homework, students will be overly dependent and lose their independent thinking ability.

  Maree Lau suggested that the search software can be used as a platform to assist students in learning, but it is necessary to "limit" the number of questions per day. "I think it is better to limit the number of questions per day to less than 10 times, and then refer to it if it is not."

  In addition, she thinks it’s best to use the software in real-name registration system. A student can only apply for one number, and the software should also check the correctness of the answers to the questions regularly.

  Jiang Chenyue, a small representative from Shangmei Middle School in Qingpu District, Shanghai, suggested that the right to use the software can be "restricted". "For example, we don’t give the answers directly to the questions we check, but give the ideas for solving the problems, so that we can use our brains to solve them ourselves."

  Tang Ying suggested that if the team members want to reduce the use of search software, the subject teachers in the school can analyze and record the problems and upload them to the campus APP, so as to provide problem-solving ideas for the team members’ learning. By learning videos and punching in points, the team members can be encouraged to see more, think more and compare more.

  Tang Ying also suggested that a "study group" can be set up in the squadron, and a study group system can be set up to study together during recess and after school. "Parents should never save trouble, just throw us to mobile phones and computers, and you can watch online problem-solving ideas with us and solve problems together."

Night reading: autumn flavor

  In autumn, count the sunlight that leaks between the leaves of Sophora japonica.

  Autumn, close to an ancient city with a little osmanthus fragrance.

  Autumn comforts the lost geese and flowers covered with frost.

  In autumn, enjoy the leaves on the moon, eat crabs around the stove, read books and write letters.

  Autumn, thinning day, missing heart, live well.

  The autumnal equinox has arrived, and the National Day holiday is just around the corner. Follow famous artists and taste autumn all over again.

  ▽ Drink tea and count the sunlight leaking between autumn leaves.

  Even if you don’t go out in Beiping, you can rent a dilapidated house to live in the sea of people in the imperial city. When you get up in the morning, make a bowl of strong tea and sit in the yard, you can see the high green sky and hear the flying of pigeons in the blue sky. From the bottom of Sophora japonica leaves, counting a trace of leaked sunlight to the east, or in the broken waist, facing the blue flower of morning glory like a trumpet, you can naturally feel very autumn. — — Yu Dafu’s Autumn in the Old Capital

  ▽ Look at the mountains all over the place, and the layers of forest are all dyed.

   When the leaves are gradually sparse, Lin Qiu shows their elegance, which is free and easy without any embellishment and aloof from worldly prosperity. 

  The most touching thing is that the setting sun is reflected in Lin Qiu. It was so drunk that it set off the deepening dusk in the sky. The evening breeze is clear and cool, and it is a very beautiful and sad beauty with the twilight. It makes you want to shed a few lines of tears of life experience, but you are intimidated by the fading drunken red, and you are willing to condense your unrestrained emotions. — — Roland’s Ode to Autumn

  ▽ Close to a poetic ancient city.

  In autumn, water is as cool as the blue sky. There are some white clouds in the sky and some waves on the water. Between Tianshui and Tianshui, it is all clear and warm air, with a little sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance. The mountain shadow is also more real. Autumn mountains and autumn waters kissed vainly. When the mountain is still, the water is quiet. The medieval old city, with autumn colors and autumn sounds, is Jinan and a poem. — — Lao She’s Autumn in Jinan 

  Leaning under the ginkgo tree in front of the door, listening to the late cicada.

   Looking at the sky by the door, the sky is pale purple and dark yellow. Looking around, the straw piles in villages everywhere were plated with gold in the dusk setting sun. After the smoke rises, it falls again, dragging it into a white curtain to the slope. In the distance, in the empty field where the grain has been cut, the roots of the grain are white, such as drawing countless dots on a piece of paper. All the scenes are like poems, unspeakable harmony and untold beauty. 

  In this situation, Wuming and Ahei are leaning under the ginkgo tree in front of the door to listen to the cicada in the evening. I wonder if there are tears and other things in the world. — — Shen Congwen’s Autumn 

  ▽ Comfort the little flowers covered with frost:

   Autumn and winter are followed by spring. 

  In my backyard, you can see two trees outside the wall, one is jujube, and the other is jujube. The night sky above is strange and high. I have never seen such a strange and high sky in my life. He seems to be leaving the world, so that people will no longer see him on their backs. However, now it is very blue, blinking with dozens of stars, coldly. He smiled at his quarrel, as if he thought he had great meaning, and sprinkled numerous frost on the wild flowers and plants in my garden.

  I don’t know what the real names of those flowers and plants are and what people call them. I remember a tiny pink flower, which is still blooming, but it is even smaller. In the cold night air, she timidly dreamed of the arrival of spring and autumn. She dreamed that the thin poet wiped tears on her last petal and told her that although autumn came, winter came, and then it was spring, butterflies flew around and bees sang spring words. She then smiled, although the color was red with cold, she still cringed. — — Lu Xun’s Autumn Night

  ▽ Ride the rain and net the whole autumn world.

  Rain, like silver-gray sticky spider silk, weaves into a soft net and nets the whole autumn world. The sky is dark, too, like the roof of an old house covered with spider webs. That pile of gray clouds in the sky is like white powder peeling off the roof. Under the cover of this old roof, everything is extremely dull.

  The green mulberry trees and vines in the garden only represent the prosperity of the past summer, but now they have become the remains of ancient Roman architecture, shivering in the rustling rain and recalling the glorious past. The grass color has turned into a melancholy yellow, and no fresh flowers can be found underground; The delicate daffodils planted outside the dormitory wall hung their heads with tears in their eyes, sighing their poor luck there, only after two days of beautiful days and such a musty rainy day.

  Only the sweet-scented osmanthus in the corner, the branches have been decorated with several tender buds as precious as gold, carefully hidden under the green oval leaves, revealing a little hope of new life germination. — — Zhang Ailing’s Autumn Rain

  ▽ Enjoy osmanthus and eat crabs.

  The day before yesterday, my aunt also said that she would invite the old lady to enjoy osmanthus flowers and eat crabs in the garden, because something has not been invited yet. Don’t mention the poetry club now, just ask for it. When they are separated, how many poems will we have to write? My brother and I told him to bring a few baskets of extremely fat crabs, take a few jars of good wine from the shop, and prepare four or five tables of fruit plates, which would not save trouble and make everyone lively. — — Cao Xueqin’s Dream of Red Mansions


  I only feel that my mood is very harmonious in autumn. Instead of that kind of ecstasy and anxiety, I was often attracted by autumn wind, autumn rain, autumn scenery and Qiu Guang and melted in the autumn, temporarily losing my place.

  It is necessary to enter autumn, when the sun shows all its might and gradually retreats, the skin soaked with sweat gradually shrinks, and it seems that you are going to have a cold shiver when you wear a light coat, but when you feel comfortable when you touch the flannel with your hands, then knowledge such as cooking, hugging and bathing days can be gradually integrated into the experience world and turned into a sense of body. — — Feng Zikai’s Autumn

  ▽ Dusk, sitting alone, empty.

  At dusk in autumn, sitting alone on the sofa, smoking, watching the red light under the white ash of cigarette butts, slightly revealing the heating, my heart’s mood will follow the blue smoke, just as relaxed and free. In an instant, the smoke turns into wisps and slowly disappears, but at that moment, the mood in my heart is also depressed in the world … … — — Lin Yutang’s "The Taste of Autumn"

  ▽ Savor autumn in the trivial.

  Autumn also comes from the color of the soles of feet and the luster of nails. Let me go barefoot before summer. Hide your bare feet before autumn comes. Trim your nails in summer. Is it warmer to leave some dirty nails in early autumn? In autumn, the elbow is tanned because the elbow is bent as a pillow. If you don’t have a strong appetite in autumn, you will be a little empty. People with too thick earwax don’t know autumn. — — Kawabata Yasunari’s Four Scenes in Early Autumn

  ▽ Reading, writing long letters, wandering … …

   Whoever doesn’t have a house at this time doesn’t have to build it.

   Whoever is lonely at this time will always be lonely,

   Just wake up, read, write long letters,

   Keep wandering and falling leaves on the tree-lined road. — — Rilke’s Autumn Day

  ▽ Purify body and mind with autumn music.

  I put my cheek on the window glass, which was quite cold. I looked out of the window with the desire to enjoy, and the nature in autumn unfolded a brilliant scene.

  The sun shines like the bright timbre of the piano on this harvested field, and the whole earth is like a mother who has given birth to a baby, happily stretching under the open clear sky, lying down with a plump and flexible body! The thick reddish brown exposed from the stubble is the strong skin color of Mother Earth. All the Woods have inflated their energy to the end in the hot summer competition, and now they are freely stretching their beautiful branches; All the golden leaves are its fruits, and the autumn wind turns, boasting brilliantly the richness of autumn … … — — Feng Jicai’s Music in Autumn

  ▽ Memory.

   I remember what you looked like last autumn, with a gray beret and a calm heart. The flames of the sunset glow fight in your eyes. Leaves are falling on the surface of your soul. You are like a vine wrapped around my arms, and the leaves collect your slow and calm voice. A bonfire of amazement burning with my longing. … … The sky of the ship, the buildings of the mountains: your memory is composed of light, smoke and calm ponds! There are thousands of sunsets burning in the depths of your eyes. The dead leaves of autumn revolve around your soul. — — Nie Luda’s I Remember You Last Autumn.


  It was autumn again, and my sister pushed me to Beihai to see chrysanthemums. The yellow flowers are elegant, the white flowers are noble, and the purple flowers are warm and deep, splashing, and the autumn wind is blooming brilliantly. I know what my mother left unfinished. So does my sister. We are together, so we should live well … … — — Shi Tiesheng’s Missing in Autumn

  Put it down.

  Autumn has rubbed off the old leaves. Do you want to hear a new story? The quiet river opened its eyes and said with a smile: there are always people who go home and there are always offshore boats. — — Jian Zheng’s Upright 

Water turns into ice, reflecting sunlight.

Recently, affected by the continuous cold air, many places in China have ushered in a wide range of snowfall. On the morning of February 25th, in the Evergreen Flower Community of Dongxihu Lake, the original accumulated water gradually froze in the cold, with different shapes, reflecting the rising sun.
With the continuous drop of temperature, the accumulated water in the community gradually freezes. Especially in some low-lying areas, the accumulated water forms a thin ice layer, which forms a beautiful picture with the surrounding buildings and trees under the sunlight.
While the continuous snowfall has brought beautiful scenery to the residents of the community, everyone should also pay attention to the weather changes and their own safety.(Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Bin photo report)
[Editor: sugar man]
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The time for the professional qualification examination for professional and technical personnel in 2024 has been set!

Vocational qualification examination is related to the professional development of every professional and technical personnel. On February 1st, the reporter learned from the people’s social department of our city that in order to assist the majority of candidates to successfully apply for the professional and technical qualification examination and provide better examination services, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security recently issued a notice to make arrangements for the registration time, professional and technical qualification examination process and related information inquiry methods of some professional and technical personnel in 2024 for the reference of testers.

Xi ‘an, Shaanxi: New Year’s Eve fireworks show welcomes the ancient city of New Year Yao.

Jin Hu retired from the old year and Yutu welcomed the new year. On New Year’s Eve, in order to let citizens and tourists spend a festive and lively Spring Festival, Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province has carefully prepared grand theme fireworks display activities in six areas of the city to celebrate the Happy Year of China.

On January 21st, New Year’s Eve, in Xixian New Area, Xi ‘an, Kunming and Chi Pan, a grand fireworks show attracted many people. Fireworks ignite the city fireworks, conveying the joy and happiness of the Year of the Rabbit and the New Year. At 8 o’clock that night, fireworks of various shapes were like blooming flowers, blooming in the night sky. Under the fireworks, smiling faces were full of happiness and joy. Everyone raised their mobile phones and cameras to record beautiful moments and looked forward to the arrival of the New Year in the colorful fireworks.

Colorful and colorful fireworks not only presented a wonderful visual feast for citizens and tourists, but also showed the prosperity of the rapid recovery of tourism in the ancient city of Xi’ an. Appreciate the splendor of thousands of trees blooming in the east wind at night, and the flowers of fire trees and silver flowers blooming all night. In the dazzling fireworks show, everyone wishes the great motherland prosperity and the people a happy and healthy life.

Gorgeous fireworks carry people’s good wishes for the new year. During the Spring Festival this year, Xi ‘an will also hold a number of colorful Spring Festival cultural tours.

(Reporter Yan Xingguang, Yan Xiaobin, Zhao Zhenkai)

MTR: Local trains will operate all night on New Year’s Eve.

  The Hong Kong SAR Government has previously announced that the Shenzhen Bay Port will operate 24 hours a day from New Year’s Eve to the fourth day (February 9-13); The opening of Luohu Port was extended to 2 am on New Year’s Eve and the second day of the second day (February 9 and 11). The MTR Corporation announced that on New Year’s Eve, all seven MTR local railway lines (except Airport Express and Disney Line) and light rail lines will run overnight, while three MTR bus routes will extend their service hours. In addition, the cross-boundary train service between east rail line and lo wu station will be extended on New Year’s Eve (9th) and the second day of junior high school (11th) to tie in with the customs clearance time at Luohu Port, but there is no extended service at Lok Ma Chau Station. During the Spring Festival, the MTR is expected to add about 1,850 buses to serve passengers.

  According to the MTR, the last train from east rail line to Lo Wu will leave admiralty station at 12: 56 midnight and arrive in lo wu station at about 1: 46 am, about 14 minutes before the port is closed. Passengers should pay attention to the closing time of the port and seize the time to pass the customs. The last east rail line-Admiralty train from lo wu station will depart at 2: 30am (about half an hour after the port is closed) and arrive in admiralty station at about 3: 20am.

  MTR reminded that other local railway lines did not extend their services on the evening of the second day (11th), and the normal last bus time will be maintained. The Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point will be closed at 10: 30 pm as usual, and there will be no extended service at Lok Ma Chau Station in east rail line. Train service to and from Lok Ma Chau Station will be maintained, and the last train to Lok Ma Chau Station will leave from admiralty station at 9: 29 pm.

  According to the MTR, after discussion with the mainland railway authorities, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed rail service will increase 11 pairs (22 shifts) of high-speed trains between Hong Kong West Kowloon Station and Futian Station every day from the second day to the fourth day (11th-13th), and the daily train frequency will increase to 105 pairs. Tickets for new train shifts will be put on sale from now on (3rd). The relevant tickets can be changed on the same day by using Fukuda "Flexible Travel", making it more convenient and flexible for passengers to travel on holidays.

  MTR appeals to passengers to use their mobile phones to use MTR Mobile or MTR website to check the last bus information of each railway line, plan their trips in advance and reserve sufficient time for their trips. During the Spring Festival, the MTR will strengthen information dissemination, station instructions and broadcasting to help passengers understand the relevant arrangements.

  GDToday reporter chenchen is from Hongkong.

Where can I buy textbooks for self-study exams?

The regulations of self-taught provinces are different, and the provincial policies shall prevail. Including the time, process, policy and entrance of registration are different, but the examination is unified throughout the country, and the academic qualifications are also available on the Internet. Where can I buy textbooks for self-study exams?On this issue, Xiaobian, the online self-study platform of China Education, will simply tell you about it.

Click to enter:If you have questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the examiner’s college and major, and don’t know the local policy of the self-study exam, click to learn now.

Candidates first go to the website of the examiner’s school to find out what course materials are needed. Then, according to the catalogue, candidates can buy textbooks and real questions from the local large bookstores or book cities. Candidates can also choose to buy them online. Online shopping is more convenient.

First of all, it is the most common and convenient way to buy self-taught textbooks online.

Through the Internet, students can easily search and purchase undergraduate teaching materials for self-taught examinations on major e-commerce platforms. Those well-known e-commerce platforms have sales channels for self-taught undergraduate teaching materials, and students can search for the corresponding teaching materials on the platform according to their own needs and place an order for purchase. Online shopping is not only convenient and fast, but also can enjoy some promotional discounts and preferential activities, saving the purchase cost.

Secondly, students can choose to go to the library to buy self-taught undergraduate textbooks or borrow related textbooks.

Many universities and public libraries have small-scale sales areas for students to buy self-taught textbooks. These textbooks are often screened and recommended, and the quality is guaranteed. In addition, students can choose to borrow textbooks for self-taught undergraduate courses in the library, which can effectively reduce the learning cost and improve the efficiency of self-study by using the learning environment of the library.

In addition, students can also choose to buy self-taught undergraduate textbooks from some large bookstores.

Large bookstores often have a relatively complete range of teaching materials and inventories, which can meet the needs of students with different professional contents. In addition, you can consult professional salespeople to get more study suggestions and recommended books when buying textbooks in bookstores, which is a good learning resource for self-taught students.

The above is related to the adult self-study exam, and candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates want to get more information about the self-taught examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge, related news, etc. Please pay attention to the online self-taught examination channel of China Education.

Popular recommendation:

If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main examination institution and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

Recommended reading:

In April, 2024, all provinces registered for self-study exams in official website.

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of Self-taught Exams in April 2024 by Provinces

Trapped in the hotel elevator for 40 minutes, six college entrance examination students missed the English exam.

On June 12th, the only elevator in the City 118 Hotel in Liangshan County was posted with the notice "Please take the escalator for elevator maintenance".

  An application submitted by Xiao Zhang, a candidate who stayed in the hotel, for "no longer arranging accommodation with the school". Qilu Evening News Qilu point reporter Sun Fenghui photo 

  Seeing that the college entrance examination time is coming, the candidates are trapped in the hotel elevator. This worrying scene happened in a hotel in Liangshan County, Jining City. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon of June 8, six college entrance examination candidates in Liangshan County were trapped for more than 40 minutes while taking the elevator in the City 118 Hotel, so they missed the English exam. How did it happen? How did the incident affect the candidates? What did the education department say? How did the hotel negotiate with the parents of the candidates? How did the hotel respond? Qilu Evening News A reporter from Qilu started an interview.

  Qilu Evening News Qilu Yidian reporter Chu Siyu

  11 minutes beyond the entry time.

  6. Candidates are rejected.

  Candidates told reporters that because their families live far away, on June 6, they checked in at the City 118 Hotel (Phoenix City Store in Liangshan County), which is about 800 meters away from the test center. Unexpectedly, before the last English test, they encountered an elevator failure. "On the afternoon of the 8th, due to the need to enter the venue 15 minutes in advance for the English exam, we took the hotel elevator downstairs at 14: 15, but we didn’t get out of the elevator until 14: 55. Because during this period, the elevator did not open after arriving at the first floor. " Less than that, at that time, in addition to their six candidates, there was also a takeaway from the US Mission.

  Suddenly, the takeaway immediately pressed the emergency call button in the elevator, and the administrator in charge of hotel engineering maintenance still failed to open the elevator door within 10 minutes. Candidate Xiao Zhang said: "We also applied to the staff to dial 119, but the staff said it could be opened within 10 minutes, but it didn’t open within 10 minutes. Later, it was delayed until the exam began, and the elevator door was still not opened. When I got out of the elevator, the college entrance examination time was delayed. "

  "At about 14: 20, Fang Tangping, the class teacher of Class 6, Grade 3, Liangshan Modern High School, saw the video uploaded by the candidate Xiao Zhang in the class QQ group, saying that six candidates were trapped in the elevator. The situation was urgent, so I asked Fang Tangping and two policemen to rush to the hotel involved." Huang Xiangyu, vice president of Liangshan Modern High School, said that there were four candidates staying in the hotel, and the remaining two candidates set out from home to take the English test together at the hotel.

  After waiting anxiously for a long time, at 14: 27, the candidate Xiao Zhang called 110, hoping to open a green channel and escort the candidate to the test center in time.

  At 14: 34, two policemen on duty and Fang Tangping from Liangshan County Public Security Bureau arrived at the hotel. At 14: 37, Huang Xiangyu, who was in the test center of Liangshan No.1 Middle School, called 119 for help. Thirteen minutes later, rescuers from Liangshan County Fire Brigade arrived at the hotel. At 14: 55, six trapped students were rescued from the elevator. One minute later, the examinee arrived at the test center by police car.

  While the candidates were rescued, the staff of Liangshan County Recruitment Committee Office reported to the Municipal Recruitment Committee for the first time. Reply from the Municipal Recruitment Committee: Strictly implement the provisions of the college entrance examination, and six candidates are not allowed to enter the examination room after the prescribed entry time of 14: 45.

  Six candidates were turned away because they exceeded the entrance time of the exam by 11 minutes, and accompanied by the team leader, they returned to the hotel to wait for the results.

  If the candidate agrees to repeat the exam

  The school will reduce some fees.

  The reporter learned that among the six candidates who were trapped in the elevator, five were art candidates who studied broadcasting hosting or choreography, and one was a general culture candidate. Four of the art candidates have passed the professional course exam.

  On June 9, accompanied by parents and teachers, six candidates went to Liangshan County Education and Sports Bureau and were told that they could not make up the exam. Candidates are less than saying, "professional courses have passed the score line, and you can go to the undergraduate course after taking an English test. You have worked hard for so long, so you missed it. What worries us more is whether the college entrance examination reform next year can be admitted to the university or not. " "At that time, my mood was very collapsed. Some students were crying at the entrance of the test center, and my heart was very uncomfortable." Candidate Xiao Zhang said.

  Candidate Xiao Li said: "I feel that this may be a turning point that changes our lives. It turned out to be an upward turning point, and now it feels like being destroyed."

  "My children have been studying for more than ten years, just for this exam. Because of the elevator failure, my child’s life has been delayed, and the hotel must give us an explanation. " Mr. Zhang, the parent of the candidate, said.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, as early as May 29th, four candidates who stayed in the City 118 Hotel submitted an application to Liangshan Modern Senior High School that they would no longer arrange accommodation with the school. With the consent of the class teacher and the school, they stayed in the City 118 Hotel on their own under the arrangement of their parents. Regarding the experience of six candidates, Huang Xiangyu said that if the candidates agree to repeat one year, the school will reduce some fees according to the results of the college entrance examination. If you choose to continue to apply for the exam, the school can arrange experienced teachers to give one-on-one application guidance, and strive to let the children be admitted to the corresponding schools.

  The hotel offered to pay 20 thousand each.

  The two sides failed to reach an agreement.

  On the afternoon of the 12th, the reporter rushed to the hotel and found that the only elevator had been posted with the notice of "Please take the escalator for elevator maintenance".

  "On the afternoon of the 8th, we shut down the elevator and cut off the power supply. At present, the hotel has also stayed in many candidates, and the elevator will not run until the cause of the failure is determined. " Fang Yameng, the legal representative of City 118 Hotel (Phoenix City Store in Liangshan County), said that six candidates had an accident at the hotel, and they will definitely not escape the responsibility. They are currently mediating with the parents of six candidates.

  "According to the cost of the candidates’ re-reading in school and the art test, we proposed a compensation of 20,000 yuan per person, but it was rejected. The appeal made by parents is 200,000 compensation per person, which is really unreasonable for us. " Fang Yameng said that the hotel will do its best to meet the financial compensation reasonably demanded by parents. If the two sides can’t reach a settlement, he prefers to solve the problem through judicial channels.

  Regarding the problem that the elevator broke down and the car door could not be opened, the county market supervision bureau immediately ordered the hotel elevator to stop using, and investigated and collected evidence from the manufacturer, installation unit and maintenance. "After investigation, the elevator manufacturer is Lida Boshi (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., and the elevator installation company is Heze Bojie Elevator Co., Ltd. The elevator installation date is September 12, 2018, and it has passed the inspection of Jining Branch of the Provincial Special Inspection Institute." Sun Yinliang, deputy director of Liangshan County Market Supervision Administration, told the reporter that during the normal maintenance period, the latest maintenance of the elevator was June 1, 2019. In order to find out the cause of elevator failure, elevator manufacturers and professional testing institutions have been coordinated to come to the hotel for testing.

  "This elevator failure was accidental. After the incident, we ran the test again and found no problems. Due to the narrow elevator space, it was initially suspected that the passenger accidentally touched the elevator door lock sensor. After the door lock was disconnected, the elevator brake guarantee started and the elevator stopped. " Jin Feng, manager of Shandong Heze Bojie Elevator Co., Ltd. said that the specific cause of the elevator failure needs further testing by the factory staff. The reporter learned that on the morning of the 13th, elevator manufacturers and professional elevator inspection agencies will arrive at the hotel involved.